Distinct objects for predicate dcterms:title sorted by frequency

"Access external web-resources"1
"Accurator annotation system."1
"Add Prolog interaction to ClioPatria"1
"Adverse Event Mining"1
"Amalgame concept alignment toolkit"1
"CPACK package repository manager"1
"Command line interface"1
"Configurable RDF annotation webservice"1
"Configurable autocompletion webservice"1
"Create RDF from Adverse Event Database from the FDA"1
"DCMI Namespace for metadata terms in the http://purl.org/dc/terms/ namespace"@en-US1
"FOAF profiles for accounts"1
"Frontend for cluster search"1
"Gather statistical information"1
"Heuristics for spotting problems in RDF data"1
"Interactive search"1
"JQuery resources"1
"Library of OWL based predicates"1
"Library to find RDF resources by a textual query"1
"Management of user-generated metadata for Waisda video labeling game"1
"Named RDF graphs with versioning"1
"Piracy demo"1
"RDF Semantics Implementation"1
"SKOS schema and libraries"1
"SKOS vocabulary browser"1
"Schema and viz. supporting the Open Provenance Model"1
"Schema supporting the W3C PROV vocabulary"1
"Service to cache media resources and create thumbnails"1
"TRILL on SWISH on Cliopatria"1
"The FOAF OWL schema"1
"The Vocabulary of Interlinked Datasets (VoID) schema"1
"Video annotation prototype"1
"View Europeana Data Model"1
"View RDA Group 2 Elements"1
"Visualize loaded datacloud"1
"Web interface to view who does what in the annotation_service module"1
"Web service to semantically match two tags"1
"Web-based user interface for image annotation applications, with configurable search fields"1
"XML to RDF conversion"1
"YAHOO User Interface library version 3"1
"Your Annotation Zone"1
"package to style our EuropeanaConnect amalgame demo"1
"search based on clustering paths in the graph"1