Table for the 65 triples for predicate rdfs:comment in graph

cpack:API"An API serves data as JSON and/or XML"
cpack:CPACK mirror repository"Our mirror of the repository"
cpack:ClioPatria Prolog file"Prolog source file from the ClioPatria library"
cpack:GIT Repository"Repository hosted by GIT"
cpack:GIT URL"URL to clone the repository using git"
cpack:Ignore file"File holding patterns of files to be ignored by xref"
cpack:Prolog file"Prolog source file"
cpack:Prolog module"Prolog module defined in the file"
cpack:Prolog system file"Prolog source file from the Prolog system library"
cpack:SCM URL"URL to download/clone the repository"
cpack:URL template"Template URL holding a @VAR@ string"
cpack:application"An application generates a web-page for user-interaction"
cpack:author"Author of the package"
cpack:author"Default author for new packages"
cpack:base"Name of the file without path or extension"
cpack:branch"Branch in the repository"
cpack:browse repository URL"URL to examine the repository with a browser"
cpack:component"A component generates part of an HTML page"
cpack:conflicts"Cannot work together with token"
cpack:description"Short description of the package"
cpack:exported predicate"Predicate indicator of an exported predicate"
cpack:fetch repository template"This template is used to setup the default primary repository of a package. The string @CPACK@ is replaced by the name of the package being created"
cpack:file"File in a package"
cpack:file reference"Symbolic file reference as found in Prolog source files"
cpack:foaf data"Location from which to collect FOAF data"
cpack:hash"World-wide unique identifier of a version"
cpack:home"URL of the project home page"
cpack:ignored"File must be excluded from cross-referencing"
cpack:in pack"Places a file inside a package"
cpack:last modified"Last modification stamp"
cpack:library"A library returns results as Prolog terms"
cpack:maintainer"Official maintainer of the package"
cpack:name"Name of a package or file"
cpack:name"Official identifier name of the package"
cpack:original repository"Repository from which we cloned"
cpack:package"A ClioPatria installable package"
cpack:path"Full path of a file in a package"
cpack:primary repository"Main repository for the software"
cpack:profile"Profile for installing and creating CPACKs"
cpack:provides"Token(s) provided by this package"
cpack:public predicate"Predicate indicator of a public predicate"
cpack:push repository template"This template is used to setup an origin for a created pack"
cpack:repository"Repository where software can be found"
cpack:requires"Inferred package dependency"
cpack:requires"Required token"
cpack:requires (file)"File import/export based package dependency"
cpack:requires (token)"Token-based package dependency"
cpack:requires predicate"Predicate indicator of non-local predicate"
cpack:resolves"File can be located through FileRef"
cpack:resolves as"FileRef can be resolved by the given File"
cpack:schema"Set of RDF/OWL files, often with Prolog prefixes"
cpack:screen shot"URL holding a screenshot"
cpack:servers"List of servers from which to fetch packages"
cpack:size"Size of the file in bytes"
cpack:skin"Define (page) layout"
cpack:submitted"submitted package"
cpack:submitted at"Data of submission"
cpack:submitted by"Person that submitted a pack"
cpack:submitter"Submitter of a CPACK"
cpack:suggests"Packages that are often used together"
cpack:tag"Tag (label) in the repository"
cpack:uses file"Reference to a file used by this file"
cpack:uses package file"Reference to a used file from a package"
cpack:uses prolog file"Reference to a used ClioPatria file"
cpack:uses prolog file"Reference to a used Prolog system file"