
Extended image and thumbnail code to cater for local hosted files.

authorChris Dijkshoorn
Sun Dec 21 13:57:15 2014 +0100
committerChris Dijkshoorn
Sun Dec 21 13:57:15 2014 +0100
Diff style: patch stat
diff --git a/lib/cluster_search_ui/ b/lib/cluster_search_ui/
index 82f3c9a..4710e7e 100644
--- a/lib/cluster_search_ui/
+++ b/lib/cluster_search_ui/
@@ -86,29 +86,54 @@ enrich_item(Uri, EnrichedItem) :-
     debug(enrich_item, 'Uri: ~p ThumbnailUrl: ~p Link: ~p Title: ~p',
-%%	thumbnail_url(+Uri, -ImageUrl)
+%%	thumbnail_url(+Uri, -ThumbUrl)
 %	* Check if image is present, if so, return request url.
 %	* If the image is not present, check if present at url.
 %       * If not present in cache, database and at url, send image stub.
-thumbnail_url(Uri, ImageUrl) :-
-    rdf(Aggregation, edm:aggregatedCHO, Uri),
-    rdf(Aggregation, edm:isShownBy, Image),
-    url_cached(Image, file(_)),
-    !,
-    concat('cache/fit?uri=', Image, RequestUrl),
-    http_absolute_location(root(RequestUrl), ImageUrl, []).
+thumbnail_url(Uri, ThumbUrl) :-
+    check_cache_shown(Uri, Image), !,
+	thumb_link(Image, ThumbUrl).
+thumbnail_url(Uri, ThumbUrl) :-
+    check_server_shown(Uri, Image), !,
+	thumb_link(Image, ThumbUrl).
+thumbnail_url(Uri, ThumbUrl) :-
+    check_cache_view(Uri, Image), !,
+	thumb_link(Image, ThumbUrl).
+thumbnail_url(Uri, ThumbUrl) :-
+    check_server_view(Uri, Image), !,
+	thumb_link(Image, ThumbUrl).
+thumbnail_url(_, Stub) :- http_absolute_location(img('stub.png'), Stub, []).
-thumbnail_url(Uri, ImageUrl) :-
-    rdf(Aggregation, edm:aggregatedCHO, Uri),
+check_cache_shown(Uri, Image) :-
+	rdf(Aggregation, edm:aggregatedCHO, Uri),
+	rdf(Aggregation, edm:isShownBy, Image),
+	url_cached(Image, file(_)).
+check_cache_view(Uri, Image) :-
+	rdf(Aggregation, edm:aggregatedCHO, Uri),
+	rdf(Aggregation, edm:hasView, Image0),
+	check_if_local(Image0, Image),
+	url_cached(Image, file(_)).
+check_server_shown(Uri, Image) :-
+	rdf(Aggregation, edm:aggregatedCHO, Uri),
     rdf(Aggregation, edm:isShownBy, Image),
     https_header_response(Image, Status),
-    Status == 200,
-    !,
-    concat('cache/fit?uri=', Image, RequestUrl),
-    http_absolute_location(root(RequestUrl), ImageUrl, []).
+    Status == 200.
+check_server_view(Uri, Image) :-
+	rdf(Aggregation, edm:aggregatedCHO, Uri),
+    rdf(Aggregation, edm:hasView, Image0),
+	check_if_local(Image0, Image),
+    https_header_response(Image, Status),
+    Status == 200.
-thumbnail_url(_, Stub) :- http_absolute_location(img('stub.png'), Stub, []).
+thumb_link(Image, ThumbUrl) :-
+	concat('cache/fit?uri=', Image, RequestUrl),
+    http_absolute_location(root(RequestUrl), ThumbUrl, []).
+check_if_local(Image, ImageUrl) :-
+	not(concat('http', _, Image)),
+	http_absolute_uri(img(Image), ImageUrl).
+check_if_local(ImageUrl, ImageUrl).
 %%	https_header_response(+URL, -Status)
diff --git a/lib/cluster_search_ui/ b/lib/cluster_search_ui/
index 07d895d..165fb22 100644
--- a/lib/cluster_search_ui/
+++ b/lib/cluster_search_ui/
@@ -101,26 +101,51 @@ get_carousel_items(CarouselItems) :-
 %	* Check if image is present, if so, return request url.
 %	* If the image is not present, check if present at url.
 %	isShownBy triple.
-%       * If not present in cache, database and at
+%	* If not present in cache, database and at
 %	server, send image stub.
 image_url(Uri, ImageUrl) :-
-    rdf(Aggregation, edm:aggregatedCHO, Uri),
-    rdf(Aggregation, edm:isShownBy, Image),
-    url_cached(Image, file(_)),
-    !,
-    concat('cache/original?uri=', Image, RequestUrl),
-    http_absolute_location(root(RequestUrl), ImageUrl, []).
+	check_cache_shown(Uri, Image), !,
+    image_link(Image, ImageUrl).
+image_url(Uri, ImageUrl) :-
+	check_server_shown(Uri, Image), !,
+    image_link(Image, ImageUrl).
 image_url(Uri, ImageUrl) :-
-    rdf(Aggregation, edm:aggregatedCHO, Uri),
+	check_cache_view(Uri, Image), !,
+    image_link(Image, ImageUrl).
+image_url(Uri, ImageUrl) :-
+	check_server_view(Uri, Image), !,
+    image_link(Image, ImageUrl).
+image_url(_, Stub) :- http_absolute_location(img('stub_vertical.png'), Stub, []).
+check_cache_shown(Uri, Image) :-
+	rdf(Aggregation, edm:aggregatedCHO, Uri),
+	rdf(Aggregation, edm:isShownBy, Image),
+	url_cached(Image, file(_)).
+check_cache_view(Uri, Image) :-
+	rdf(Aggregation, edm:aggregatedCHO, Uri),
+	rdf(Aggregation, edm:hasView, Image0),
+	check_if_local(Image0, Image),
+	url_cached(Image, file(_)).
+check_server_shown(Uri, Image) :-
+	rdf(Aggregation, edm:aggregatedCHO, Uri),
     rdf(Aggregation, edm:isShownBy, Image),
     https_header_response(Image, Status),
-    Status == 200,
-    !,
-    concat('cache/original?uri=', Image, RequestUrl),
-    http_absolute_location(root(RequestUrl), ImageUrl, []).
+    Status == 200.
+check_server_view(Uri, Image) :-
+	rdf(Aggregation, edm:aggregatedCHO, Uri),
+    rdf(Aggregation, edm:hasView, Image0),
+	check_if_local(Image0, Image),
+    https_header_response(Image, Status),
+    Status == 200.
+image_link(Image, ThumbUrl) :-
+	concat('cache/original?uri=', Image, RequestUrl),
+    http_absolute_location(root(RequestUrl), ThumbUrl, []).
-image_url(_, Stub) :- http_absolute_location(img('stub.png'), Stub, []).
+check_if_local(Image, ImageUrl) :-
+	not(concat('http', _, Image)),
+	http_absolute_uri(img(Image), ImageUrl).
+check_if_local(ImageUrl, ImageUrl).
 %%	https_header_response(+URL, -Status)