
Cleaned settings file.

authorChris Dijkshoorn
Sat Dec 13 14:47:06 2014 +0100
committerChris Dijkshoorn
Sat Dec 13 14:47:06 2014 +0100
Diff style: patch stat
diff --git a/lib/cluster_search_ui/ b/lib/cluster_search_ui/
index 25a10c3..701d351 100644
--- a/lib/cluster_search_ui/
+++ b/lib/cluster_search_ui/
@@ -3,35 +3,10 @@
 :- use_module(library(settings)).
-* Cluster search settings
+* Cluster Search UI settings
-:- setting(search:basic_search_target, uri, '',
-	   'Default Target for search').
-:- setting(search:threshold, float, 0.05,
-           'Graph-search threshold').
-:- setting(search:literal_threshold, float, 0.05,
-	   'Literal-search threshold').
-:- setting(search:literal_score, boolean, true,
-	   'Use score of string match in threshold of graph search').
-:- setting(search:steps, nonneg, 1000,
-           'Maximum number of steps in the graph search (0 is unbound)').
-:- setting(search:edge_limit, nonneg, 0,
-	   'Limit extension of Node with a maximum number of edges \c
-	   (0 is unbound)').
-:- setting(search:max,   nonneg, 100,
-           'Maximum number of results shown in the output').
-:- setting(search:cluster, oneof([concept, path, spath, role]), spath,
-           'Create clusters by graph path or schema path').
-:- setting(search:search_path, oneof([best, breadth]), best,
-           'Create clusters on best or shortest path').
-:- setting(search:sort, oneof([score, path_length, false]), score,
-           'Sort the results by').
-:- setting(search:prune, boolean, true,
-	   'Prune the search Graph').
-:- setting(search:search_type, oneof([literal,concept,backward]), backward,
-	   'Method to traverse the graph').
-% frontend settings
 :- setting(search:strategy, atom, cluster,
 	   'The strategy used for searching.').
 :- setting(search:image_filter, atom, only_images,
@@ -40,7 +15,7 @@
 	   'Setting indicating the level of enrichment of results.').
 :- setting(search:ui, uri, rui:rijksmuseumUI,
 	   'Default URI defining the UI for search').
-:- setting(search:graphSearchCache, boolean, false,
+:- setting(search:graphSearchCache, boolean, true,
 	   'Cache graph search results').
 :- setting(search:graphSearchCacheSize, nonneg, 50,
 	   'Maximum searches kept in cache (0 is unbound)').