
more moving of predicates to better suited locations

authorJacco van Ossenbruggen
Fri Aug 1 22:34:44 2014 +0200
committerJacco van Ossenbruggen
Fri Aug 1 22:34:44 2014 +0200
Diff style: patch stat
diff --git a/api/ b/api/
index 8da6fe0..77a39e6 100644
--- a/api/
+++ b/api/
@@ -3,20 +3,14 @@
 :- use_module(library(lists)).
-:- use_module(library(option)).
 :- use_module(library(http/http_dispatch)).
 :- use_module(library(http/http_parameters)).
 :- use_module(library(http/html_write)).
 :- use_module(library(semweb/rdf_db)).
-:- use_module(library(semweb/rdf_label)).
-:- use_module(components(label)).
-:- use_module(components(graphviz)).
-:- use_module(library(skos/util)).
 :- use_module(library(amalgame/map)).
 :- use_module(library(amalgame/expand_graph)).
-:- use_module(library(amalgame/util)).
+:- use_module(components(amalgame/correspondence)).
 % http handlers
@@ -24,7 +18,10 @@
 %%	http_correspondence(+Request)
-%	Returns	HTML with the Context in which the resource occurs
+%	Returns HTML with the dynamic part of the correspondence detail
+%	overlay widget.
+%	This is used in both the builder and the evaluater.
 http_correspondence(Request) :-
@@ -84,336 +81,3 @@ find_correspondences(Mapping, Strategy, Source, Target, AllSource, AllTarget, Cs
 	    findall(A, member(A, Ms), Cs)
-html_correspondences([], _) --> !.
-html_correspondences([A|As], Options) -->
-        html_correspondence(A, Options),
-        html_correspondences(As, Options).
-html_correspondence(align(Source, Target, Evidence), Options) -->
-        { length(Evidence, EvLength),
-	  option(relations(Relations), Options),
-	  (   option(mode('fill-in'), Options)
-	  ->  member(Method, Evidence),
-	      member(relation(Relation), Method),
-	      member(comment(Comment), Method)
-	  ;   Comment = '', Relation = undefined
-	  )
-        },
-	html([div(class('yui3-g'),
-		  [ div(class('yui3-u-1-2'),
-			\html_resource_context(Source, Evidence)),
-		    div(class('yui3-u-1-2'),
-			\html_resource_context(Target, Evidence))
-                  ]),
-	      div(class([manualfixes, 'yui3-g']),
-		  [ div([class([sourcediv, 'yui3-u-1-5'])],
-			[div([class(sourceuri)], Source),
-			 input([type(hidden), class(original), value(Source)]),
-			 input([type(text), class([skos_ac_field]), name(source)])
-			]),
-		    div([class([relations, 'yui3-u-3-5'])],
-                        \html_relations(Relations, Relation)),
-                    div([class([targetdiv, 'yui3-u-1-5'])],
-                        [div([class(targeturi)], Target),
-                         input([type(hidden), class(original), value(Target)]),
-                         input([type(text), class([skos_ac_field]), name(target)])
-                        ]),
-                    div(class([comment, 'yui3-u-1']),
-                        ['because: ', input([type(text), name(comment), value(Comment)])
-                        ])
-                  ]),
-              div(class(evcount),
-                  [ '~w individual motivations: '-(EvLength)]),
-              div(class(evidences),
-                  \html_evidences(Evidence, Source, Target))
-             ]).
-html_evidences([],_,_) --> !.
-html_evidences([E|Es],Source,Target) -->
-	{ option(method(Method), E, ''),
-	  option(graph(Graph), E, []),
-	  (   option(match(Match), E)
-	  ->  format(atom(MatchAtom), ' (~2f)' , [Match]),
-	      Mt = span([class(match)], MatchAtom)
-	  ;   Mt = ''
-	  ),
-	  (   option(date(Date), E)
-	  ->  At = span([class(date)], [' at: ', Date])
-	  ;   At = ''
-	  ),
-	  (   option(source(MSource), E)
-	  ->  format(atom(SrcAtom), ' (on: ~p' , [MSource]),
-	      Src =  span([class(source)], SrcAtom)
-	  ;   Src = ''
-	  ),
-	  (   option(target(MTarget), E)
-	  ->  format(atom(TrgAtom), '/~p)' , [MTarget]),
-	      Trg =  span([class(target)], TrgAtom)
-	  ;   Trg = ''
-	  ),
-	  (   option(source_stem(SourceStem), E)
-	  ->  format(atom(SStemAtom), ' (source stem: ~w)' , [SourceStem]),
-	      Ss = span([class(source_stem)], SStemAtom)
-	  ;   Ss = ''
-	  ),
-	  (   option(target_stem(TargetStem), E)
-	  ->  format(atom(TStemAtom), ' (target stem: ~w)' , [TargetStem]),
-	      Ts = span([class(target_stem)], TStemAtom)
-	  ;   Ts = ''
-	  ),
-	  (   option(score(Score), E)
-	  ->  format(atom(ScsAtom), ' (score: ~w)', [Score]),
-	      Scs = span([class(score)], ScsAtom)
-	  ;   Scs = ''
-	  ),
-	  (   option(user(User), E)
-	  ->  By = span([class(who)], [' by: ', \rdf_link(User)])
-	  ;   By = ''
-	  ),
-	  (   option(comment(Comment), E)
-	  ->  Cm = span([class(comment)], [' with comment: ', Comment])
-	  ;   Cm = ''
-	  )
-	},
-	html(div(class(evidence),
-		 [ div(class(method), ['match: ', Method, By, At, Mt, Src, Trg, Ss, Ts, Scs, Cm]),
-		   div(class('graph yui3-g'),
-		       [ div(class('source yui3-u-1-2'),
-			     \html_evidence_graph(Graph, Source, 'LR')),
-			 div(class('target yui3-u-1-2'),
-			     \html_evidence_graph(Graph, Target, 'RL'))
-		       ])
-		 ])),
-	html_evidences(Es,Source,Target).
-html_evidence_graph([],_,_) --> !.
-html_evidence_graph(Graph,Node,Layout) -->
-	graphviz_graph(evidence_graph(Graph,Node),
-		       [shape_hook(ag_api_correspondence:evidence_shape),
-			label_hook(ag_api_correspondence:evidence_label),
-			graph_attributes([rankdir(Layout)])]).
-evidence_graph(Graph, Node, NodeTriples) :-
-	findall(rdf(S,P,O),
-		(   member(rdf(S,P,O), Graph),
-		    (	S == Node ; O == Node)
-		),
-		NodeTriples).
-html_resource_context('',_) --> !.
-html_resource_context(URI, _Prov) -->
-	{ rdf_display_label(URI, Label),
-	  skos_all_labels(URI, Alt0),
-	  select(Label, Alt0, Alt),
-	  resource_tree(URI, Tree),
-	  skos_related_concepts(URI, Related),
-	  image_examples(URI, Examples)
-	},
-	html(div(class('resource-info'),
-		 [div(class(label), a([alt(URI), href(URI)], Label)),
-		  div(class(alt), \html_alt_labels(Alt)),
-		  \html_definition(URI),
-		  \html_scope(URI),
-		  \html_resource_tree(Tree),
-		  \html_related_list(Related),
-		  \html_image_examples(Examples)
-		 ])).
-html_relations([], _) --> !.
-html_relations([Rel-Label|Rs], Active) -->
-	{ (   Rel == Active
-	  ->  Checked = checked
-	  ;   Checked = ''
-	  )
-	},
-	html(span(class(relation),
-		 [input([type(radio), name(relation), value(Rel), Checked]),
-		  ' ',
-		  label(Label)
-		 ])),
-	html_relations(Rs, Active).
-html_image_examples([]) --> !.
-html_image_examples([E|Tail]) -->
-	{
-	 http_link_to_id(http_thumbnail, [uri(E)], Src)
-	},
-	html(div([class(example)],
-		 [img([src(Src),height(150)])]
-		)),
-	html_image_examples(Tail).
-image_examples(R, Es) :-
-	% hack: assume non-literal examples to be image urls ...
-	findall(E, ( rdf(R, skos:example, E),
-		     \+ E =.. [literal|_]
-		   ),
-		List),
-	sort(List, Es).
-%%	resource_tree(+Resource, -Tree)
-%	Tree contains the ancesestors and children from Resource.
-resource_tree(R, Tree) :-
-	Node = node(R, [hit], Children),
-	rdf_equal(skos:broader, Rel),
-	ancestor_tree(Node, Rel, Tree, []),
-        children(R, Rel, Children, []).
-ancestor_tree(Node, Rel, Tree, Options) :-
-        Node = node(URI,_,_),
-        rdf_has(URI, Rel, Parent),
-        URI \== Parent,
-        (   select_option(sibblings(true), Options, Options1)
-        ->  ancestor_tree(node(Parent, [], [Node|Siblings]), Rel, Tree, Options1),
-            children(Parent, Rel, Children, Options),
-            select(node(URI,_,_), Children, Siblings)
-        ;   ancestor_tree(node(Parent, [], [Node]), Rel, Tree, Options)
-        ).
-ancestor_tree(Tree, _Rel, Tree, _).
-children(R, Rel, Children, _Options) :-
-        findall(node(Child, [], HasChild),
-		(   rdf_has(Child, Rel, R),
-		    has_child(Child, Rel, HasChild)
-		),
-		Children).
-has_child(R, Rel, true) :-
-        rdf_has(_, Rel, R),
-        !.
-has_child(_, _, false).
-html_alt_labels([]) --> !.
-html_alt_labels(Alt) -->
-        html_label_list(Alt).
-html_label_list([L]) -->
-	html_label(L).
-html_label_list([L|Ls]) -->
-	html_label(L),
-	html([', ']),
-	html_label_list(Ls).
-html_label(L) -->
-	html(L).
-html_definition(URI) -->
-	{ rdf_lang(URI, skos:definition, Txt)
-	},
-	!,
-	html_item(definition, Txt).
-html_definition(_) --> !.
-html_scope(URI) -->
-	{ rdf_lang(URI, skos:scopeNote, Txt)
-	},
-	!,
-	html_item(scope, Txt).
-html_scope(_) --> !.
-html_related_list([]) --> !.
-html_related_list(Rs) -->
-	html_item(related,
-		  \html_resource_list(Rs, 3)).
-html_item(Type, Body) -->
-	html(div(class(Type),
-		 [ div(class(hd), Type),
-		   div(class(bd), Body)
-		 ])).
-%%	html_resource_list(+Resources, +Max)
-%	Emit HTML with a list of resources.
-html_resource_list(Rs, Max) -->
-	{ length(Rs, N),
-	  (   N > Max+2
-	  ->  list_limit(Rs, Max, Visible, Rest)
-	  ;   Visible = Rs,
-	      Rest = []
-	  )
-	},
-	html([ul(\html_resource_list(Visible)),
-	      \html_more_list(Rest)
-	     ]).
-html_resource_list([]) --> !.
-html_resource_list([R|Rs]) -->
-	html(li(\html_resource(R))),
-	html_resource_list(Rs).
-html_more_list([]) --> !.
-html_more_list(Rs) -->
-	html(div([div(class(moretoggle), more),
-		  div(class('morelist hidden'),
-		      ul(\html_resource_list(Rs))),
-		  div(class('moretoggle hidden'), less)
-		 ])).
-html_resource(node(R,_,_)) --> !,
-	rdf_link(R, [resource_format(label)]).
-html_resource(R) -->
-	rdf_link(R, [resource_format(label)]).
-%%	html_resource_tree(+Tree:node(uri,attr,children))
-%       Tree to HTML.
-html_resource_tree(node(_,_,[])) --> !.
-html_resource_tree(Tree) -->
-	html([div(class(hd), hierarchy),
-	      div(class(bd),
-		  ul(\html_tree(Tree)))
-	     ]).
-html_tree(node(R,[hit],Children)) -->
-	html([li(class(hit), \html_resource(R)),
-	      ul(\html_resource_list(Children, 3))
-	     ]).
- html_tree(node(R,_,Children)) -->
-	html([li(\html_resource(R)),
-	      ul(\html_tree_children(Children))
-	     ]).
-html_tree_children([]) --> !.
-html_tree_children([C|Cs]) -->
-	html_tree(C),
-	html_tree_children(Cs).
-%%	evidence_shape(+Resource, -Shape)
-%	Defines graph node shape for different types of evidence
-%	resources.
-	       [shape(box),
-		style(filled),
-		fontsize(10)]) :-
-	!.
-	       [fontsize(10)]).
-%%	evidence_label(+Resource, +Lang, +MaxLen, -Label) is det.
-%	Defines graph node label for different types of evidence
-%	resources.
-evidence_label(Resource, Lang, MaxLen, Label) :-
-       rdf_display_label(Resource, Lang, Text),
-       truncate_atom(Text, MaxLen, Label0),
-       (   rdf_global_id(NS:_Local, Resource)
-       ->  atomic_list_concat([NS, ':', Label0], Label)
-       ;   Label = Label0
-       ).
diff --git a/components/amalgame/ b/components/amalgame/
index ae2e420..f0b1bc5 100644
--- a/components/amalgame/
+++ b/components/amalgame/
@@ -1,8 +1,19 @@
 :- module(ag_component_correspondence,
-	  [ html_correspondence_overlay//0
+	  [ html_correspondence_overlay//0,% correspondence detail view, static part
+	    html_correspondences//2	   % idem, dynamic part
+:- use_module(library(option)).
+:- use_module(library(lists)).
 :- use_module(library(http/html_write)).
+:- use_module(library(http/http_dispatch)).
+:- use_module(library(semweb/rdf_db)).
+:- use_module(library(semweb/rdf_label)).
+:- use_module(components(label)).
+:- use_module(components(graphviz)).
+:- use_module(library(skos/util)).
+:- use_module(library(amalgame/util)).
 html_correspondence_options -->
 	html([ 'include all correspondences with the same: ',
@@ -33,3 +44,341 @@ html_correspondence_overlay -->
+%%	html_correspondences(+Correspondences, +Options)// is det.
+%	Correspondences is a List align/3 terms, Options can be
+html_correspondences([], _) --> !.
+html_correspondences([A|As], Options) -->
+        html_correspondence(A, Options),
+        html_correspondences(As, Options).
+html_correspondence(align(Source, Target, Evidence), Options) -->
+        { length(Evidence, EvLength),
+	  option(relations(Relations), Options, []),
+	  (   option(mode('fill-in'), Options)
+	  ->  member(Method, Evidence),
+	      member(relation(Relation), Method),
+	      member(comment(Comment), Method)
+	  ;   Comment = '', Relation = undefined
+	  )
+        },
+	html([div(class('yui3-g'),
+		  [ div(class('yui3-u-1-2'),
+			\html_resource_context(Source, Evidence)),
+		    div(class('yui3-u-1-2'),
+			\html_resource_context(Target, Evidence))
+                  ]),
+	      div(class([manualfixes, 'yui3-g']),
+		  [ div([class([sourcediv, 'yui3-u-1-5'])],
+			[div([class(sourceuri)], Source),
+			 input([type(hidden), class(original), value(Source)]),
+			 input([type(text), class([skos_ac_field]), name(source)])
+			]),
+		    div([class([relations, 'yui3-u-3-5'])],
+                        \html_relations(Relations, Relation)),
+                    div([class([targetdiv, 'yui3-u-1-5'])],
+                        [div([class(targeturi)], Target),
+                         input([type(hidden), class(original), value(Target)]),
+                         input([type(text), class([skos_ac_field]), name(target)])
+                        ]),
+                    div(class([comment, 'yui3-u-1']),
+                        ['because: ', input([type(text), name(comment), value(Comment)])
+                        ])
+                  ]),
+              div(class(evcount),
+                  [ '~w individual motivations: '-(EvLength)]),
+              div(class(evidences),
+                  \html_evidences(Evidence, Source, Target))
+             ]).
+html_evidences([],_,_) --> !.
+html_evidences([E|Es],Source,Target) -->
+	{ option(method(Method), E, ''),
+	  option(graph(Graph), E, []),
+	  (   option(match(Match), E)
+	  ->  format(atom(MatchAtom), ' (~2f)' , [Match]),
+	      Mt = span([class(match)], MatchAtom)
+	  ;   Mt = ''
+	  ),
+	  (   option(date(Date), E)
+	  ->  At = span([class(date)], [' at: ', Date])
+	  ;   At = ''
+	  ),
+	  (   option(source(MSource), E)
+	  ->  format(atom(SrcAtom), ' (on: ~p' , [MSource]),
+	      Src =  span([class(source)], SrcAtom)
+	  ;   Src = ''
+	  ),
+	  (   option(target(MTarget), E)
+	  ->  format(atom(TrgAtom), '/~p)' , [MTarget]),
+	      Trg =  span([class(target)], TrgAtom)
+	  ;   Trg = ''
+	  ),
+	  (   option(source_stem(SourceStem), E)
+	  ->  format(atom(SStemAtom), ' (source stem: ~w)' , [SourceStem]),
+	      Ss = span([class(source_stem)], SStemAtom)
+	  ;   Ss = ''
+	  ),
+	  (   option(target_stem(TargetStem), E)
+	  ->  format(atom(TStemAtom), ' (target stem: ~w)' , [TargetStem]),
+	      Ts = span([class(target_stem)], TStemAtom)
+	  ;   Ts = ''
+	  ),
+	  (   option(score(Score), E)
+	  ->  format(atom(ScsAtom), ' (score: ~w)', [Score]),
+	      Scs = span([class(score)], ScsAtom)
+	  ;   Scs = ''
+	  ),
+	  (   option(user(User), E)
+	  ->  By = span([class(who)], [' by: ', \rdf_link(User)])
+	  ;   By = ''
+	  ),
+	  (   option(comment(Comment), E)
+	  ->  Cm = span([class(comment)], [' with comment: ', Comment])
+	  ;   Cm = ''
+	  )
+	},
+	html(div(class(evidence),
+		 [ div(class(method), ['match: ', Method, By, At, Mt, Src, Trg, Ss, Ts, Scs, Cm]),
+		   div(class('graph yui3-g'),
+		       [ div(class('source yui3-u-1-2'),
+			     \html_evidence_graph(Graph, Source, 'LR')),
+			 div(class('target yui3-u-1-2'),
+			     \html_evidence_graph(Graph, Target, 'RL'))
+		       ])
+		 ])),
+	html_evidences(Es,Source,Target).
+html_evidence_graph([],_,_) --> !.
+html_evidence_graph(Graph,Node,Layout) -->
+	graphviz_graph(evidence_graph(Graph,Node),
+		       [shape_hook(ag_api_correspondence:evidence_shape),
+			label_hook(ag_api_correspondence:evidence_label),
+			graph_attributes([rankdir(Layout)])]).
+evidence_graph(Graph, Node, NodeTriples) :-
+	findall(rdf(S,P,O),
+		(   member(rdf(S,P,O), Graph),
+		    (	S == Node ; O == Node)
+		),
+		NodeTriples).
+html_resource_context('',_) --> !.
+html_resource_context(URI, _Prov) -->
+	{ rdf_display_label(URI, Label),
+	  skos_all_labels(URI, Alt0),
+	  select(Label, Alt0, Alt),
+	  resource_tree(URI, Tree),
+	  skos_related_concepts(URI, Related),
+	  image_examples(URI, Examples)
+	},
+	html(div(class('resource-info'),
+		 [div(class(label), a([alt(URI), href(URI)], Label)),
+		  div(class(alt), \html_alt_labels(Alt)),
+		  \html_definition(URI),
+		  \html_scope(URI),
+		  \html_resource_tree(Tree),
+		  \html_related_list(Related),
+		  \html_image_examples(Examples)
+		 ])).
+html_relations([], _) --> !.
+html_relations([Rel-Label|Rs], Active) -->
+	{ (   Rel == Active
+	  ->  Checked = checked
+	  ;   Checked = ''
+	  )
+	},
+	html(span(class(relation),
+		 [input([type(radio), name(relation), value(Rel), Checked]),
+		  ' ',
+		  label(Label)
+		 ])),
+	html_relations(Rs, Active).
+html_image_examples([]) --> !.
+html_image_examples([E|Tail]) -->
+	{
+	 http_link_to_id(http_thumbnail, [uri(E)], Src)
+	},
+	html(div([class(example)],
+		 [img([src(Src),height(150)])]
+		)),
+	html_image_examples(Tail).
+image_examples(R, Es) :-
+	% hack: assume non-literal examples to be image urls ...
+	findall(E, ( rdf(R, skos:example, E),
+		     \+ E =.. [literal|_]
+		   ),
+		List),
+	sort(List, Es).
+%%	resource_tree(+Resource, -Tree)
+%	Tree contains the ancesestors and children from Resource.
+resource_tree(R, Tree) :-
+	Node = node(R, [hit], Children),
+	rdf_equal(skos:broader, Rel),
+	ancestor_tree(Node, Rel, Tree, []),
+        children(R, Rel, Children, []).
+ancestor_tree(Node, Rel, Tree, Options) :-
+        Node = node(URI,_,_),
+        rdf_has(URI, Rel, Parent),
+        URI \== Parent,
+        (   select_option(sibblings(true), Options, Options1)
+        ->  ancestor_tree(node(Parent, [], [Node|Siblings]), Rel, Tree, Options1),
+            children(Parent, Rel, Children, Options),
+            select(node(URI,_,_), Children, Siblings)
+        ;   ancestor_tree(node(Parent, [], [Node]), Rel, Tree, Options)
+        ).
+ancestor_tree(Tree, _Rel, Tree, _).
+children(R, Rel, Children, _Options) :-
+        findall(node(Child, [], HasChild),
+		(   rdf_has(Child, Rel, R),
+		    has_child(Child, Rel, HasChild)
+		),
+		Children).
+has_child(R, Rel, true) :-
+        rdf_has(_, Rel, R),
+        !.
+has_child(_, _, false).
+html_alt_labels([]) --> !.
+html_alt_labels(Alt) -->
+        html_label_list(Alt).
+html_label_list([L]) -->
+	html_label(L).
+html_label_list([L|Ls]) -->
+	html_label(L),
+	html([', ']),
+	html_label_list(Ls).
+html_label(L) -->
+	html(L).
+html_definition(URI) -->
+	{ rdf_lang(URI, skos:definition, Txt)
+	},
+	!,
+	html_item(definition, Txt).
+html_definition(_) --> !.
+html_scope(URI) -->
+	{ rdf_lang(URI, skos:scopeNote, Txt)
+	},
+	!,
+	html_item(scope, Txt).
+html_scope(_) --> !.
+html_related_list([]) --> !.
+html_related_list(Rs) -->
+	html_item(related,
+		  \html_resource_list(Rs, 3)).
+html_item(Type, Body) -->
+	html(div(class(Type),
+		 [ div(class(hd), Type),
+		   div(class(bd), Body)
+		 ])).
+%%	html_resource_list(+Resources, +Max)
+%	Emit HTML with a list of resources.
+html_resource_list(Rs, Max) -->
+	{ length(Rs, N),
+	  (   N > Max+2
+	  ->  list_limit(Rs, Max, Visible, Rest)
+	  ;   Visible = Rs,
+	      Rest = []
+	  )
+	},
+	html([ul(\html_resource_list(Visible)),
+	      \html_more_list(Rest)
+	     ]).
+html_resource_list([]) --> !.
+html_resource_list([R|Rs]) -->
+	html(li(\html_resource(R))),
+	html_resource_list(Rs).
+html_more_list([]) --> !.
+html_more_list(Rs) -->
+	html(div([div(class(moretoggle), more),
+		  div(class('morelist hidden'),
+		      ul(\html_resource_list(Rs))),
+		  div(class('moretoggle hidden'), less)
+		 ])).
+html_resource(node(R,_,_)) --> !,
+	rdf_link(R, [resource_format(label)]).
+html_resource(R) -->
+	rdf_link(R, [resource_format(label)]).
+%%	html_resource_tree(+Tree:node(uri,attr,children))
+%       Tree to HTML.
+html_resource_tree(node(_,_,[])) --> !.
+html_resource_tree(Tree) -->
+	html([div(class(hd), hierarchy),
+	      div(class(bd),
+		  ul(\html_tree(Tree)))
+	     ]).
+html_tree(node(R,[hit],Children)) -->
+	html([li(class(hit), \html_resource(R)),
+	      ul(\html_resource_list(Children, 3))
+	     ]).
+ html_tree(node(R,_,Children)) -->
+	html([li(\html_resource(R)),
+	      ul(\html_tree_children(Children))
+	     ]).
+html_tree_children([]) --> !.
+html_tree_children([C|Cs]) -->
+	html_tree(C),
+	html_tree_children(Cs).
+%%	evidence_shape(+Resource, -Shape)
+%	Defines graph node shape for different types of evidence
+%	resources.
+	       [shape(box),
+		style(filled),
+		fontsize(10)]) :-
+	!.
+	       [fontsize(10)]).
+%%	evidence_label(+Resource, +Lang, +MaxLen, -Label) is det.
+%	Defines graph node label for different types of evidence
+%	resources.
+evidence_label(Resource, Lang, MaxLen, Label) :-
+       rdf_display_label(Resource, Lang, Text),
+       truncate_atom(Text, MaxLen, Label0),
+       (   rdf_global_id(NS:_Local, Resource)
+       ->  atomic_list_concat([NS, ':', Label0], Label)
+       ;   Label = Label0
+       ).