
Provide routine find_resource_by_name/3

authorMichiel Hildebrand
Sat Jan 22 17:59:54 2011 +0100
committerMichiel Hildebrand
Sat Jan 22 17:59:54 2011 +0100
Diff style: patch stat
diff --git a/config-available/ b/config-available/
index af090a1..1719cba 100644
--- a/config-available/
+++ b/config-available/
@@ -1,5 +1,287 @@
-:- module(conf_find_resource, []).
+:- module(conf_find_resource,
+	  [ find_resource_by_name/3    % +Name, -Hits, +Options
+	  ]).
 /** <module> Library to find RDF resources by a textual query
+:- use_module(library(semweb/rdf_db)).
+:- use_module(library(semweb/rdfs)).
+:- use_module(library(semweb/rdf_litindex)).
+%%	find_resource_by_name(+Name:atom, +Attributes:list(P-D),
+%%             -Hit:hit(Distance:nonneg,Hit:atom,Prop:atom,Label:atom),
+%%             +Options)  is nondet.
+%	Find a resource based on a Name.
+%       Options
+%       * Match
+%	one of case, stem, prefix. Method to match the Name
+%	against the literal index. Default is case
+%	* Distance
+%	Boolean, compute literal distance if true. Default is true. The
+%	distance is based on two figures:
+%		* Mismatch of the label
+%		* Handicap of the attribute
+%	* Attribute
+%	List of the form Resource-Distance. Smaller
+%	distance is better, so rdfs:label typically is 0.
+%	If multiple attributes match, we take the best.
+find_resource_by_name(Name, Hits, Options) :-
+	rdf_equal(rdfs:label, P),
+	option(match(Match), Options, case),
+	option(distance(Distance), Options, true),
+	option(attributes(Attributes), Options, [P-0]),
+	catch(findall(D-Label, find_literal_distance(Distance, Name, Match, Label, D), Pairs),
+	      no_stem(_),
+	      fail),
+ 	findall(Hit, uri_with_label_in(Pairs, Attributes, Hit), Hits1),
+	sort(Hits1, Hits2),			% sort by URI
+	remove_dup_uris(Hits2, Hits3),	        % take lowest on URI
+	sort(Hits3, Hits).			% sort by distance
+remove_dup_uris([], []).
+remove_dup_uris([hit(URI,D,P,L)|T0], [hit(D,URI,P,L)|T]) :-
+	remove_same_uri(URI, T0, T1),
+	remove_dup_uris(T1, T).
+remove_same_uri(URI, [hit(URI,_,_,_)|T0], T) :- !,
+	remove_same_uri(URI, T0, T).
+remove_same_uri(_, L, L).
+uri_with_label_in(LabelPairs, Attributes, hit(URI, Distance, P, Label)) :-
+	member(D-Label, LabelPairs),
+	rdf(URI, P, literal(Label)),
+	(   member(P-F, Attributes)
+	->  true
+	;   member(AS-F, Attributes),
+	    rdfs_subproperty_of(P, AS)
+	),
+	Distance is D+F.
+		 /*******************************
+		 *	  find literals  	*
+		 *******************************/
+find_literal_distance(true, Tokens, MatchType, Label, Distance) :-
+	!,
+	find_literal(Tokens, MatchType, Label),
+	literal_distance(Tokens, Label, Distance).
+find_literal_distance(_, Tokens, MatchType, Label, 0) :-
+	find_literal(Tokens, MatchType, Label).
+%%	find_literal(+TextOrTokens, +MatchType, -Literal)
+%	Find literal values that contain all Text where the
+%       matching is determined by MatchType.
+%	Text is either an atom or a list of tokens as produced by
+%	rdf_tokenize_literal/2.
+%	MatchType is one of case, stem or prefix.
+find_literal(Text, MatchType, Literal) :-
+	tokens(Text, Tokens),
+	list_to_and(Tokens, MatchType, And),
+	rdf_find_literals(And, Literals),
+	member(Literal, Literals).
+%%	list_to_and(+TextOrTokens, +MatchType, -AndTerm)
+%	AndTerm is a conjunction of terms constructed from
+%	MatchType and Token.
+%	For performance reasons a conjunction of prefix items
+%	is not made. Instead only the last conjunct gets a prefix.
+list_to_and([], _, true).
+list_to_and([One], MatchType, Match) :- !,
+	mkmatch(MatchType, One, Match).
+list_to_and([H|T], prefix, and(Match, And)) :- !,
+        mkmatch(stem, H, Match),
+        list_to_and(T, prefix, And).
+list_to_and([H|T], MatchType, and(Match, And)) :-
+	mkmatch(MatchType, H, Match),
+	list_to_and(T, MatchType, And).
+mkmatch(_, Number, Number) :-
+	number(Number), !.
+mkmatch(stem, Token, stem(Token)).
+mkmatch(prefix, Token, prefix(Token)).
+mkmatch(case, Token, case(Token)).
+		 /*******************************
+		 *	       DISTANCE		*
+		 *******************************/
+goal_expansion(forall(C0, A0), \+ (C, \+ A)) :-
+	expand_goal(C0, C),
+	expand_goal(A0, A).
+%%	literal_distance(+Lit1, +Lit2, -Distance)
+%	Compute the distance between two   literals. Distance values are
+%	>= 0, where 0  means  perfect   match.  Handicaps  are  given to
+%	inserted, deleted, moved and modified tokens.  See the above URL
+%	for a description of the best edit-sequence comparing strings.
+literal_distance(L1, L2, Distance) :-
+	tokens(L1, TL1),
+	tokens(L2, TL2),
+	length(TL1, N1),
+	length(TL2, N2),
+	abs(N1-N2) =< min(N1, N2),	% too much difference in length
+	cheapest_edit_path(TL1, TL2, EditCost, _Path),
+	Distance is EditCost/max(N1,N2).
+tokens(Tokens, Tokens) :-
+	is_list(Tokens), !.
+tokens(Spec, Tokens) :-
+	atom(Spec), !,
+	rdf_tokenize_literal(Spec, Tokens).
+tokens(Number, [Number]) :-
+	number(Number).
+%%	cheapest_edit_path(+List1, +List2, -Distance, -Path)
+%	Compute the cheapest edit path. As edit operations are weighted,
+%	this is not necessarily the shorted   one,  but the algorithm is
+%	basically the same.
+%	@see
+cheapest_edit_path(Toks1, Toks2, Distance, Path) :-
+%	DelCost   = 10,			% Delete token
+%	InsCost	  = 8,			% Insert token
+	MatchCost = 0,			% Matched token
+	CaseCost  = 1,			% Different case
+	DWIMCost  = 3,			% Spelling error
+	StemCost  = 5,			% Tokens have same stem
+	SubstCost = 10,			% Replaced token
+	MovCost   = 2,			% Token is moved
+	T1 =.. [string|Toks1],
+	T2 =.. [string|Toks2],
+	functor(T1, _, M),
+	functor(T2, _, N),
+	X is M + 1,
+	Y is N + 1,
+	M1 is M - 1,
+	N1 is N - 1,
+	new_array(X, Y, Array),
+	nb_set_array(Array, 0, 0, c(0, [])),
+	forall(between(0, M1, I),
+	       (   get_array(Array, I, 0, c(V0, P0)),
+		   I1 is I+1,
+		   arg(I1, T1, D),
+		   del_cost(D, DC),
+		   V is V0 + DC,
+		   nb_link_array(Array, I1, 0, c(V, [del(D)|P0]))
+	       )),
+	forall(between(0, N1, J),
+	       (   get_array(Array, 0, J, c(V0, P0)),
+		   J1 is J+1,
+		   arg(J1, T2, I),
+		   ins_cost(I, IC),
+		   V is V0 + IC,
+		   nb_link_array(Array, 0, J1, c(V, [ins(I)|P0]))
+	       )),
+	forall(between(0, M1, I),
+	       forall(between(0, N1, J),
+		      (   I1 is I + 1,
+			  J1 is J + 1,
+		          arg(I1, T1, V1),
+			  arg(J1, T2, V2),
+			  (   V1 == V2
+			  ->  Subst = MatchCost
+			  ;   downcase_atom(V1, L),
+			      downcase_atom(V2, L)
+			  ->  Subst = CaseCost
+			  ;   dwim_match(V1, V2)
+			  ->  Subst = DWIMCost
+			  ;   same_stem(V1, V2)
+			  ->  Subst = StemCost
+			  ;   Subst = SubstCost
+			  ),
+			  get_array(Array, I,  J, c(C1, P1)),
+			  get_array(Array, I1, J, c(C2, P2)),
+			  get_array(Array, I, J1, c(C3, P3)),
+			  SubstC is C1 + Subst,
+			  (   memberchk(del(V2), P2)
+			  ->  del_cost(V2, DC2),
+			      InsC is C2 - DC2 + MovCost
+			  ;   ins_cost(V2, InsCost),
+			      InsC is C2 + InsCost
+			  ),
+			  (   memberchk(ins(V1), P3)
+			  ->  ins_cost(V1, IC1),
+			      DelC is C3 - IC1 + MovCost
+			  ;   del_cost(V1, DelCost),
+			      DelC is C3 + DelCost
+			  ),
+			  (   SubstC < InsC
+			  ->  (   SubstC < DelC
+			      ->  nb_link_array(Array, I1, J1,
+						c(SubstC, [subst(V1, V2)|P1]))
+			      ;   nb_link_array(Array, I1, J1,
+						c(DelC, [del(V1)|P3]))
+			      )
+			  ;   (   DelC < InsC
+			      ->  nb_link_array(Array, I1, J1,
+						c(DelC, [del(V1)|P3]))
+			      ;   nb_link_array(Array, I1, J1,
+						c(InsC, [ins(V2)|P2]))
+			      )
+			  )))),
+%	pp_array(Array),
+	get_array(Array, M, N, c(Distance, Path0)),
+	reverse(Path0, Path).
+ins_cost((,), 1) :- !.
+ins_cost(_, 8).
+del_cost((,), 1) :- !.
+del_cost(_, 10).
+same_stem(T1, T2) :-
+	atom(T1), atom(T2), !,
+	porter_stem(T1, Stem),
+	porter_stem(T2, Stem).
+		 /*******************************
+		 *******************************/
+new_array(X, Y, Array) :-
+	Size is X * Y + 3,
+	functor(Array, array, Size),
+	arg(1, Array, 2),		% dimensions
+	arg(2, Array, X),		% columns
+	arg(3, Array, Y).		% rows
+get_array(Array, X, Y, Val) :-
+	arg(2, Array, Cols),
+	Pos is X + Y*Cols + 4,
+	arg(Pos, Array, Val).
+nb_set_array(Array, X, Y, Val) :-
+	arg(2, Array, Cols),
+	Pos is X + Y*Cols + 4,
+	nb_setarg(Pos, Array, Val).
+nb_link_array(Array, X, Y, Val) :-
+	arg(2, Array, Cols),
+	Pos is X + Y*Cols + 4,
+	nb_linkarg(Pos, Array, Val).
diff --git a/lib/ b/lib/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f3532c5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+:- module(find_resource, []).
diff --git a/rdf/cpack/find_resource.ttl b/rdf/cpack/find_resource.ttl
index afe63eb..36aa0c0 100644
--- a/rdf/cpack/find_resource.ttl
+++ b/rdf/cpack/find_resource.ttl
@@ -14,10 +14,7 @@
 <> a cpack:Library ;
 	cpack:packageName "find_resource" ;
 	dcterms:title "Library to find RDF resources by a textual query" ;
-	cpack:author [ a foaf:Person ;
-		       foaf:name "@FOAFNAME@" ;
-		       foaf:mbox "@FOAFMBOX@" ;
-		     ] ;
+	cpack:author <>  ;
 	    [ a cpack:GitRepository ;
 	      cpack:gitURL <git://>