
Added utils file with subset selection and saving to csv.

authorChris Dijkshoorn
Fri Apr 18 17:52:21 2014 +0200
committerChris Dijkshoorn
Fri Apr 18 17:52:21 2014 +0200
Diff style: patch stat
diff --git a/config-available/ b/config-available/
index aa5a2d8..adbe748 100644
--- a/config-available/
+++ b/config-available/
@@ -9,4 +9,8 @@
 :- rdf_attach_library(cluster_search(rdf)).
 :- rdf_load_library('cluster-search-ui-schema').
+% Load utils
+:- ['cpack/cluster_search/lib/cluster_search/log_analysis'].
+:- ['cpack/cluster_search/lib/cluster_search/utils'].
 :- use_module(api(cluster_search)).
diff --git a/lib/cluster_search/ b/lib/cluster_search/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ea296ae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/cluster_search/
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+:- module(log, [analyse_csv_log/2]).
+/** <module> Log analysis
+This module is for log analysis. The input is an api url or a csv file.
+A command to annalyse a csv file can be given in the following manner:
+CSV files should be formatted according to the Google Analytics output
+with the following columns:
+   * Query
+   * Total unique searches
+   * Results on page/search
+   * % Exit point
+   * % Query refinement
+   * Time after search
+   * Search depth
+Example row:
+The term after reading the csv:
+The filtered term:
+query(Q, [number(Number)])
+:- use_module(library(csv)).
+%%	analyse_csv_log(+InputCSVPath, -OutputCSV)
+%	Reads csv file, analysis it and outputs a csv file. Doesnt
+%	convert the csv values to numbers, enabling better matching.
+analyse_csv_log(File, OutputFilePath) :-
+    csv_read_file(File, Queries, [functor(query), convert(false)]),
+    format('Read ~p~n',[File]),
+    maplist(filter_analytics, Queries, FilteredQueries),
+    debug(analyse_data, 'Filtered ~p',[FilteredQueries]),
+    query_analysis(FilteredQueries, QueryAnalysisResults),
+    debug(analyse_data, 'Analyzed ~p',[QueryAnalysisResults]),
+    meta_analysis(QueryAnalysisResults),
+    write_output(csv, OutputFilePath, QueryAnalysisResults).
+filter_analytics(query(Query,Atom,_Pa,_E,_R,_T,_D), results{query:Query,number:Number}) :-
+    atom_number(Atom, Number).
+%%	query_analysis(+Queries, QueryAnalysisResults)
+%	Constructs a list of analysis topics and the results of the
+%	analysis
+%       * Direct match
+%       * Number of direct matches
+query_analysis(Queries, QueryAnalysisResults) :-
+    maplist(match_literal, Queries, Queries1),
+    maplist(match_number_literal, Queries1, Queries2),
+    maplist(match_literal_iconclass, Queries2, QueryAnalysisResults).
+%%	match_literal(+Query, -Result)
+%	Direct match query with literals.
+match_literal(Dic, Dic.put(direct_match, Match)) :-
+    Query = Dic.query,
+    (	rdf(_S,_P,literal(Query))
+    ->  Match = true,
+	debug(match, 'Matched ~p found match: ~p', [Query, Match])
+    ;	Match = false
+    ).
+%%	match_literal_iconclass(+Query, -Result)
+%	Direct match query with literals.
+match_literal_iconclass(Dic, Dic.put(direct_match_ic, Match)) :-
+    Query = Dic.query,
+    (	rdf(S,_P,literal(Query),'file:///Users/rasvaan/search/rdf/vocs/iconclass/iconclass.20121019.ttl')
+    ->  Match = true,
+	debug(match_ic, 'Matched ~p on ~p found match: ~p', [S, Query, Match])
+    ;	Match = false
+    ).
+match_number_literal(Dic, Dic.put(number_matches, NumberMatches)) :-
+    Query = Dic.query,
+    %TODO: are we counting the correct thing?
+    findall(Subject, rdf(Subject,_P,literal(Query)), MatchedSubjects),
+    length(MatchedSubjects, NumberMatches),
+    debug(match, 'Matched ~p found matches: ~p', [Query, MatchedSubjects]).
+% presence_in_vocabularies(query(Query,Searches,_P,_E,_R,_T,_D), query(Query, Searches, Literals)) :-
+%    find_literals(Query, Literals, []).
+% presence_in_vocabularies(query(Query,Searches,_P,_E,_R,_T,_D), query(Query, Searches, Literals)) :-
+%    find_literals(Query, Literals, []).
+%%	count_queries(+QueryList, -TotalQueries)
+%	Analyse the query logs on a meta level.
+%	* Count total number of times the website got queried
+%	* Count the number of distinct queries used
+meta_analysis(Queries) :-
+    count_queries(Queries, TotalQueries),
+    count_matches(Queries, TotalMatches),
+    count_matches_ic(Queries, TotalMatchesIC),
+    length(Queries, DistinctQueries),
+    format('Meta info
+    distinct queries: ~q
+    number of times used: ~q
+    number of matches: ~q
+    number of matches ic: ~q~n',[DistinctQueries, TotalQueries, TotalMatches, TotalMatchesIC]).
+%%	count_queries(+QueryList, -TotalQueries)
+count_queries([], 0).
+count_queries([Dic|Dics], SumQueries) :-
+    count_queries(Dics, OldSum),
+    Number = Dic.number,
+    SumQueries is OldSum + Number.
+%%	count_queries(+QueryList, -TotalQueries)
+count_matches([], 0).
+count_matches([Dic|Dics], NewMatchCount) :-
+    Match = Dic.direct_match,
+    count_matches(Dics, OldMatchCount),
+    add_if_match(Match, OldMatchCount, NewMatchCount).
+%%	count_queries(+QueryList, -TotalQueries)
+count_matches_ic([], 0).
+count_matches_ic([Dic|Dics], NewMatchCount) :-
+    Match = Dic.direct_match_ic,
+    count_matches_ic(Dics, OldMatchCount),
+    add_if_match(Match, OldMatchCount, NewMatchCount).
+add_if_match(true, Old, New) :-
+    New is Old + 1.
+add_if_match(false, Old, Old).
+%%	write_output(+Type, +OutputFilePath, -QueryAnalysisResults)
+%	Write the results to a specific output. Type of outputs:
+%	* csv
+write_output(csv, OutputFilePath, QueryAnalysisResults) :-
+    topics(QueryAnalysisResults, Topics),
+    Header =.. [header|Topics],
+    debug(csv_output, 'Header: ~q', [Header]),
+    maplist(flatten_dict(Topics), QueryAnalysisResults, ValueList),
+    csv_write_file(OutputFilePath, [Header|ValueList]),
+    format('Wrote output to ~q~n',[OutputFilePath]).
+%%	topics(+AnalysisResults, -Header)
+%	Retrieve all topics from the dict.
+topics([Dic|_T], Topics) :-
+    findall(Topic, Dic.Topic, Topics).
+%%	flatten_list(+AnalysisResults, -Term)
+%	Construct terms appropriate for the csv write.
+flatten_dict(Topics, Dic, Term) :-
+    result_values(Topics, Dic, Values),
+    Term =.. [result|Values].
+result_values([Topic|Topics], Dic, [Value|Values]) :-
+    Value = Dic.Topic,
+    result_values(Topics, Dic, Values).
+/* partition(+KeywordList, +TotalQueries, +SelectionAmount, -HighList, -MediumList, -LowList),
+partition(KeywordList, _TotalQueries, SelectionAmount, _HighList, _MediumList, _LowList) :-
+    partition(high, SelectionAmount, KeywordList),
+    debug(partition, 'Partition High: ~q', [SelectionAmount]).
+%Why do we need a cut here?
+partition(high, 0, _KeywordList) :- !.
+partition(high, SelectionAmount, KeywordList) :-
+    debug(partition, 'Test ~q',[SelectionAmount]),
+    NewSelectionAmount is SelectionAmount -1,
+    partition(high, NewSelectionAmount, KeywordList).
+%partition(_, 0, []).
+%partition([Query|KeywordList], SelectionAmount, [Query|HighList]) :-
+%    SelectionAmountNew is SelectionAmount - 1,
+%    partition(KeywordList, SelectionAmountNew, HighList).
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cd25987
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/cluster_search/
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+:- module(utils, [create_ic_csv/3, make_rma_people_cs/0]).
+:- use_module(library(semweb/rdf_db)).	% RDF storage and querying
+:- use_module(library(csv)).
+:- use_module(library(http/http_dispatch)).     % to define handlers
+:- use_module(library(http/http_parameters)).   % to get parameters from url
+:- use_module(library(http/http_json)).         % for replying json
+:- use_module(library(semweb/rdf_litindex)).
+:- use_module(library(http/url_cache)). % checking images in cache
+:- use_module(library(http/http_open)). % checking images on server
+:- setting(default_output, any, 'json', 'Default output language.').
+:- rdf_register_ns(rma, '').
+:- rdf_register_ns(ico, '').
+:- http_handler(cliopatria(utils), utils, []).
+:- rdf_meta util(+,-,t).
+%%	utils(+Request)
+%	Main clause, retrieving type of request, the parameters, execute
+%	code and replies output.
+utils(Request) :-
+    get_parameters(Request, Options),
+    option(util(Util), Options),
+    util(Util, Result, Options),
+    option(output(Output), Options),
+    reply(Output, Result).
+%%	create_ic_csv(+ICCode, +FilePath)
+%	creates a csv file based on given ICCode:
+%	create_ic_csv('','../out/birds.csv',
+%	enriched).
+%	create_ic_csv('','../out/birds.csv',
+%	images).
+create_ic_csv(ICCode, FilePath, enriched) :-
+    findall(Uri, iconclass_resource(ICCode, Uri), UriList),
+    enrich_list(UriList, EnrichedList),
+    write_csv(EnrichedList, FilePath),
+    debug(output, 'EnrichedList: ~q',[EnrichedList]).
+create_ic_csv(ICCode, FilePath, images) :-
+    findall(Uri, iconclass_resource(ICCode, Uri), UriList),
+    filter_uris(only_images, UriList, FilteredList),
+    enrich_list(FilteredList, EnrichedList),
+    write_csv(EnrichedList, FilePath),
+    debug(output, 'FilteredList: ~q',[EnrichedList]).
+%%	get_parameters(+Request, -Parameters)
+%	Retrieves an option object of parameters from the url.
+get_parameters(Request, Options) :-
+    setting(default_output, DefaultOutput),
+    http_parameters(Request,
+        [output(Output, [default(DefaultOutput), oneof([json,turtle,rdfxml,html,files])]),
+         util(Utils, [optional(true), oneof([subset,predicates,list,images])]),
+         field(Field, [optional(true)]),
+	 value(Value, [optional(true)]),
+	 filter(Filter, [default(all), oneof([all, only_images])]),
+	 enrichment(Enrichment, [default(normal), oneof([normal, rich])]),
+	 operation(Operation, [optional(true),
+			       oneof([literal_contains,
+				      literal_exact,
+				      ic_exact,
+				      ic_subtree])])
+        ]),
+    Options = [output(Output),
+               util(Utils),
+               field(Field),
+	       value(Value),
+	       filter(Filter),
+	       operation(Operation),
+	       enrichment(Enrichment)].
+%%	utils(+Utils, -Result, +Options)
+%	Do the thing you need to do:
+%	* subset: retrieve a json subset based on ic codes
+%	* predicates: get a list of all the predicates
+%       * images: download the images to a folder
+util(subset, Result, Options) :-
+    option(value(Value), Options),
+    option(field(Field), Options),
+    option(operation(Operation), Options),
+    option(enrichment(Enrichment), Options),
+    option(filter(Filter), Options),
+    debug(enrich, 'Options: ~p', [Options]),
+    get_uris(Operation, Field, Value, Uris),
+    debug(subset, 'Uris: ~p', [Uris]),
+    filter_uris(Filter, Uris, FilteredUris),
+    length(FilteredUris, NumberFiltered),
+    debug(subset, 'NumberFiltered: ~p FilteredUris: ~p', [NumberFiltered, FilteredUris]),
+    generate_json_subset(Enrichment, FilteredUris, Result).
+util(predicates, Result, _Options) :-
+    findall(Predicate, (rdf_current_predicate(Predicate), once(rdf(_, Predicate, _))), PredicateList),
+    length(PredicateList, Length),
+    Result = json([nritems(Length),predicates(PredicateList)]).
+util(images, Result, Options) :-
+    option(value(Value), Options),
+    option(field(Field), Options),
+    debug(images, 'Download images with field: ~p Code: ~p', [Field, Value]),
+    findall(ImageUrl,
+	    (iconclass_resource(Value, Uri),
+	     has_image(Uri, true),
+	     rdf(Uri, rma:imageURL, ImageUrl)),
+	    Result),
+    debug(images, 'Found the following Urls: ~p', [Result]).
+get_uris(ic_exact, Field, Value, Uris) :-
+    findall(Uri, rdf(Uri, Field, Value), Uris),
+    debug(enrich, 'findall Field: ~p Value: ~p', [Field, Value]).
+get_uris(ic_subtree, _Field, Value, Uris) :-
+    findall(Uri, iconclass_resource(Value, Uri), Uris).
+get_uris(literal_contains, Field, Value, Uris) :-
+    rdf_find_literals(case(Value), ListOfLiterals),
+    get_uris_literals(ListOfLiterals, Field, Uris).
+get_uris(literal_exact, Field, Value, Uris) :-
+    findall(Uri, rdf(Uri, Field, literal(Value)), Uris).
+get_uris_literals([], _Field, []).
+get_uris_literals([Literal|Literals], Field, Results) :-
+    findall(Uri, rdf(Uri, Field, literal(Literal)), Uris),
+    append(Uris, TempResults, Results),
+    get_uris_literals(Literals, Field, TempResults).
+generate_json_subset(Enrichment, UriList, Result) :-
+    length(UriList, Length),
+    enrich_list_subset(Enrichment, UriList, EnrichedList),
+    Result = json([nritems(Length),items(EnrichedList)]).
+%%	iconclass_resource(+ICCode, -Uri)
+%	Returns a Uri with ICCode or can reach ICCode.
+iconclass_resource(ICCode, Uri) :-
+    rdf(Uri, rma:contentClassification, IC),
+    rdf_reachable(IC, skos:broader, ICCode).
+%%	enrich_list_subset(+UriList, -EnrichedList)
+%	loops through a list of Uris and enriches those objects
+enrich_list_subset(_Enrichment, [],[]).
+enrich_list_subset(Enrichment, [Uri|Tail], [EnrichedUri|EnrichedList]) :-
+    enrich_subset_uri(Enrichment, Uri,EnrichedUri),
+    enrich_list_subset(Enrichment, Tail, EnrichedList).
+%%	enrich_subset(+TypeEnrichment, +Uri, -EnrichedItem)
+%	queries for more information based on: Uri,
+%	description(Description), maker(Makers), date(Date),
+%	technique(Technique), material(Material), image(HttpsImage),
+%	ic(ICCodes)
+enrich_subset_uri(normal, Uri, json([uri(Uri), title(Title), image(HttpsImage), ic(ICCodes)])) :-
+    findall(IC, get_ic(Uri, IC), ICCodes),
+    rdf(Uri, rma:imageURL, Image),
+    atom_concat(http, MinHttp, Image),
+    atom_concat(https, MinHttp, HttpsImage),
+    rdf(Uri, dcterms:title, literal(Title)),
+    debug(enrich, 'Normal Title ~q',[Title]).
+enrich_subset_uri(rich, Uri, json([uri(Uri), title(Title), description(Description),
+				   maker(Makers), date(Date), technique(Technique),
+				   image(HttpsImage), material(Material), ic(ICCodes)])) :-
+    get_title(Uri, Title),
+    get_description(Uri, Description),
+    findall(Maker, get_maker(Uri, Maker), Makers),
+    get_date(Uri, Date),
+    get_image(Uri, HttpsImage),
+    get_technique(Uri, Technique),
+    get_material(Uri, Material),
+    findall(IC, get_ic(Uri, IC), ICCodes),
+    debug(enrich, 'Rich MAkers ~q',[Title]).
+get_title(Uri, Title) :-
+    (rdf(Uri, dcterms:title, literal(Title))
+    -> true;
+     Title = 'null').
+get_description(Uri, Description) :-
+    (rdf(Uri, dcterms:description, literal(lang(nl,Description)))
+    -> true;
+     Description = 'null').
+get_maker(Uri, json([maker(Maker), role(Role)])) :-
+    rdf(Uri, rma:maker, Maker0),
+    rdf(Maker0, rdf:value, Maker1),
+    rdf(Maker1, rma:name, literal(Maker)),
+    get_maker_role(Maker0, Role).
+get_maker_role(Maker, Role) :-
+    (rdf(Maker, rma:makerRole, Role0),
+     rdf(Role0, skos:prefLabel, literal(Role))
+    -> true;
+     Role = 'null').
+get_image(Uri, HttpsImage) :-
+    (rdf(Uri, rma:imageURL, Image)
+    -> atom_concat(http, MinHttp, Image),
+       atom_concat(https, MinHttp, HttpsImage);
+     HttpsImage = 'null').
+get_technique(Uri, Technique) :-
+    (rdf(Uri, rma:technique, Technique0),
+     rdf(Technique0, rdf:value, Technique1),
+     rdf(Technique1, skos:prefLabel, literal(Technique)),
+     debug(locale, 'Technique: ~p', [Technique])
+    -> true;
+     Technique = 'null').
+get_material(Uri, Material) :-
+    (rdf(Uri, rma:material, Material0),
+     rdf(Material0, rdf:value, Material1),
+     rdf(Material1, skos:prefLabel, literal(Material))
+    -> true;
+     Material = 'null').
+get_date(Uri, Date) :-
+    (rdf(Uri, rma:dating, Date0),
+     rdf(Date0, rdfs:label, literal(Date))
+    -> true;
+     Date = 'null').
+    %, label(Label), broader(BroaderICs), narrower(NarrowerICs)
+get_ic(Uri, json([notation(Notation), label(Label), broader(BroaderICs), narrower(NarrowerICs)])) :-   rdf(Uri, rma:contentClassification, ICUri),
+    rdf(ICUri, skos:notation, literal(Notation)),
+    findall(BroaderIC, get_broader_ic(ICUri, BroaderIC), BroaderICs),
+    findall(NarrowerIC, get_narrower_ic(ICUri, NarrowerIC), NarrowerICs),
+    get_label(ICUri, Label).
+get_label(Uri, Label) :-
+    (rdf(Uri, skos:prefLabel, literal(lang(en, Label)))
+    -> true;
+     Label = 'null').
+get_broader_ic(Uri, SuperIC) :-
+    rdf(Uri, skos:broader, IC0),
+    rdf(IC0, skos:notation, literal(SuperIC)).
+get_narrower_ic(Uri, NarrowerIC) :-
+    rdf(Uri, skos:narrower, IC0),
+    rdf(IC0, skos:notation, literal(NarrowerIC)).
+%%	filter_uris(+Filter, +UriList, -FilteredList
+%	Filters a list of uris, based on the specified filter. Filters:
+%	* only_images: checks whether images are present on server.
+filter_uris(only_images, [],[]).
+filter_uris(only_images, [Uri|Uris], [Uri|UrisWithImage]) :-
+    has_image(Uri, true), !,
+    debug(loop, 'Filter Uris1 LOOP', []),
+    filter_uris(only_images, Uris, UrisWithImage).
+filter_uris(only_images, [_|Uris], UrisWithImage) :-
+    debug(loop, 'Filter Uris2 LOOP', []),
+    filter_uris(only_images, Uris, UrisWithImage).
+filter_uris(all, Uris, Uris).
+%%	has_image(+Uri, -Boolean)
+%	Returns true/false depending on whether an image is available.
+has_image(Uri, true) :-
+    rdf(Uri, rma:imageURL, Image),
+    url_cached(Image, file(_)),
+    debug(has_image, 'Has image in cache: true', []),
+    !.
+has_image(Uri, true) :-
+    rdf(Uri, rma:imageURL, Image),
+    http_response(Image, Status),
+    Status == 200,
+    debug(has_image, 'Has image on server: true', []),
+    !.
+has_image(_, false):-
+    debug(has_image, 'Has image in cache: FALSE', []).
+http_response(URL, Status) :-
+    http_open(URL, In,
+	  [method(head),
+	   status_code(Status),
+	   cert_verify_hook(ssl_verify)
+	  ]),
+    close(In).
+:- public ssl_verify/5.
+%%	ssl_verify(+SSL, +ProblemCert, +AllCerts, +FirstCert, +Error)
+%	Currently we accept  all  certificates.
+	   _ProblemCertificate, _AllCertificates, _FirstCertificate,
+	   _Error).
+%%	enrich_list(+UriList, -EnrichedList)
+%	loops through a list of Uris and enriches those objects
+enrich_list([Uri|Tail], [EnrichedUri|EnrichedList]) :-
+    enrich(Uri,EnrichedUri),
+    enrich_list(Tail, EnrichedList).
+%%	enrich(+Uri, -EnrichedItem)
+%	queries for more information based on Uri
+enrich(Uri,EnrichedUri) :-
+    rdf(Uri, rma:objectNumber, literal(ObjectNumber)),
+    rdf(Uri, dcterms:title, literal(Title)),
+    rdf(Uri, rma:imageURL, ImageUrl),
+    %atom_concat('', ObjectNumber, SearchString),
+    %debug(enrich, 'Searchstring ~q',[SearchString]),
+    EnrichedUri = artwork(Uri,ObjectNumber,ImageUrl,Title),
+    debug(enrich, 'Nice and shiny URI: ~q',[EnrichedUri]).
+%%	write_csv(+ObjectList, +FilePath)
+%	Write list of objects to specified file path.
+write_csv(ObjectList, FilePath) :-
+    debug(csv, 'ObjectList: ~q',[ObjectList]),
+    csv_write_file(FilePath, ObjectList).
+%%	make_rma_people_cs
+%	Load triples to make the rma_people thesaurus a SKOS vocabulary
+make_rma_people_cs :-
+%	rdf_assert('/', rdfs:subClassOf, skos:'Concept'), dat is al ok in de bijgeladen rma-people-skos definities?
+    CS = '',
+    rdf_assert(CS, rdf:type, skos:'ConceptScheme', rma_people_cs),
+    rdf_assert(CS, rdfs:label, literal('Rijksmuseum People'), rma_people_cs),
+    (   rdf(C, rdf:type, ''),
+	rdf_assert(C, skos:inScheme, CS, rma_people_cs),
+	fail
+    ;   true
+    ).
+%%	reply(+Result, +Output)
+%	Returns the result according to a specified output method.
+reply(json, PrologOut) :-
+    debug(output, 'PrologOut: ~q',[PrologOut]),
+    reply_json(PrologOut).
+reply(files, []).
+reply(files, [Url|UrlList]) :-
+    Folder = '../data/images/',
+    concat('', Name, Url),
+    concat(Name, '.jpg', FileName),
+    concat(Folder, FileName, FilePath),
+    fetch_url_raw(Url, FilePath,_,_),
+    reply(files, UrlList).
+%%	fetch_url_raw(+URL:atom, +Path:atom, -MimeType:atom, -Modified) is det.
+%	Fetch data from URL and put it   into the file Path. MimeType is
+%	unified  with  the  MIME-type  as  reported  by  the  server  or
+%	text/plain if the server did not provide a MIME-Type.
+%	@error	existence_error(url, URL)
+fetch_url_raw(URL, File, MimeType, Modified) :-
+	debug(images, 'Downloading ~w ...', [URL]),
+	atom_concat(File, '.tmp', TmpFile),
+	(   catch(fetch_to_file(URL, TmpFile, Code, Header), E, true)
+	->  true
+	;   E = predicate_failed(http_get/3)
+	),
+	(   var(E)
+	->  true
+	;   (   debugging(url_cache)
+	    ->	print_message(error, E)
+	    ;	true
+	    ),
+	    catch(delete_file(TmpFile), _, true),
+	    (	debugging(url_cache)
+	    ->	message_to_string(E, Msg),
+		debug(images, 'Download failed: ~w', [Msg])
+	    ;	true
+	    ),
+	    throw(E)
+	),
+	(   Code == 200
+	->  rename_file(TmpFile, File)
+	;   catch(delete_file(TmpFile), _, true),
+	    throw(error(existence_error(url, URL), _))
+	),
+	(   memberchk(content_type(MimeType0), Header)
+	->  true
+	;   MimeType0 = 'text/plain'
+	),
+	ignore(memberchk(last_modified(Modified), Header)),
+	debug(images, 'Downloaded ~w, mime-type: ~w',
+	      [URL, MimeType0]),
+	MimeType = MimeType0.
+fetch_to_file(Url, File, Code,  [content_type(ContentType), last_modified(LastModified)]) :-
+	setup_call_cleanup(
+	    open(File, write, Out, [ type(binary) ]),
+	    setup_call_cleanup(
+		http_open(Url, In,
+			  [ header(content_type, ContentType),
+			    header(last_modified, LastModified),
+			    status_code(Code),
+			    cert_verify_hook(ssl_verify)
+			  ]),
+		copy_stream_data(In, Out),
+		close(In)),
+	    close(Out)).