@prefix afasui: . @prefix auis: . @prefix rdf: . @prefix rdfs: . @prefix dcterms: . @prefix skos: . afasui:fashionUI a auis:AnnotationUI ; dcterms:title "Fashion annotation UI"@en ; auis:wholeFields ( afasui:Period ) ; auis:fragmentFields ( afasui:Type afasui:Material afasui:Technique afasui:Color ) . afasui:Period a auis:DropdownField ; rdfs:label "Style period"@en ; rdfs:label "Stijlperiode"@nl ; dcterms:comment "add the related style period"@en ; dcterms:comment "voeg de stijlperiode toe"@nl ; auis:source afasui:PeriodSource . afasui:PeriodSource a auis:AlternativesSource ; auis:api "/api/autocomplete/all" ; auis:filterScheme "http://aat.org/Period" . afasui:Type a auis:DropdownField ; rdfs:label "Object type"@en ; rdfs:label "Type object"@nl ; dcterms:comment "add the type of object"@en ; dcterms:comment "voeg het object type toe"@nl ; auis:source afasui:GarmentSource . afasui:GarmentSource a auis:AlternativesSource ; auis:api "/api/autocomplete/all" ; auis:filterScheme "http://thesaurus.europeanafashion.eu/thesaurus/Type" . afasui:Material a auis:DropdownField ; rdfs:label "Material"@en ; rdfs:label "Materiaal"@nl ; dcterms:comment "add the material"@en ; dcterms:comment "voeg het materiaal toe"@nl ; auis:source afasui:MaterialSource . afasui:MaterialSource a auis:AlternativesSource ; auis:api "/api/autocomplete/all" ; auis:filterScheme "http://thesaurus.europeanafashion.eu/thesaurus/Materials" . afasui:Technique a auis:DropdownField ; rdfs:label "Technique"@en ; rdfs:label "Techniek"@nl ; dcterms:comment "add technique"@en ; dcterms:comment "voeg de techniek toe"@nl ; auis:source afasui:TechniqueSource . afasui:TechniqueSource a auis:AlternativesSource ; auis:api "/api/autocomplete/all" ; auis:filterScheme "http://thesaurus.europeanafashion.eu/thesaurus/Techniques" . afasui:Color a auis:DropdownField ; rdfs:label "Color"@en ; rdfs:label "Kleur"@nl ; dcterms:comment "add the color"@en ; dcterms:comment "voeg de kleur toe"@nl ; auis:source afasui:ColorSource . afasui:ColorSource a auis:AlternativesSource ; auis:api "/api/autocomplete/all" ; auis:filterScheme "http://thesaurus.europeanafashion.eu/thesaurus/Colours" .