:- module(compound_label_selecter, []). :- public amalgame_module/1. :- public selecter/5. :- public parameter/4. :- use_module(library(amalgame/ag_strategy)). :- use_module(library(semweb/rdf11)). :- use_module(library(amalgame/vocabulary)). :- use_module(label_selecter). :- use_module(compound_label_match). :- use_module(string_match_util). parameter(type, oneof([source,target, all]), all, 'Select all exact label matches or pick best source/target to disambiguate'). parameter(sourcelabel, oneof(LabelProps), Default, '(Super)Property to get label of the source by') :- rdf_equal(Default, amalgame:label), label_list(LabelProps). parameter(targetlabel, oneof(LabelProps), Default, '(Super)Property to get the label of the target by') :- rdf_equal(Default, amalgame:label), label_list(LabelProps). parameter(source_language, oneof(['any'|L]), 'any', 'Language of source label') :- amalgame_vocabulary_languages(L). parameter(matchacross_lang, boolean, true, 'Allow labels from different language to be matched'). parameter(matchacross_type, boolean, true, 'Allow labels from different types to be matched'). parameter(case_sensitive, boolean, false, 'When true the case of labels must be equal'). parameter(match_qualified_only, boolean, false, 'Match only on the fully qualified label'). amalgame_module(amalgame:'CompoundLabelSelecter'). selecter(In, Sel, Dis, Und, Options) :- label_selecter(compound_label_match, In, Sel, Dis, Und, Options).