/* Part of ClioPatria SeRQL and SPARQL server Author: Victor de Boer WWW: http://www.few.vu.nl/~vbr240/ Copyright (C): VU University Amsterdam This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA As a special exception, if you link this library with other files, compiled with a Free Software compiler, to produce an executable, this library does not by itself cause the resulting executable to be covered by the GNU General Public License. This exception does not however invalidate any other reasons why the executable file might be covered by the GNU General Public License. */ :- module(datacloud, [ write_cloud_graph/2, % +Out, +Options datacloud_link/4 % ?SourceSet, ?TargetSet, -Triple, +Opts ]). :- use_module(library(semweb/rdf_library)). :- use_module(library(semweb/rdf_db)). :- use_module(library(semweb/rdf_db)). :- use_module(library(debug)). :- thread_local mg/1, graphset/2, linkcounter/4. /** Create a data-cloud image Generates a datacloud based on the Manifest's information in DOT, to be visualized in graphviz. A cloud node is defined as an entry in the manifest files as used by library(semweb/rdf_library) that is labeled using the type =|lib:CloudNode|= and consists of all the graphs that are loaded (indirectly) through this entry. */ %% make_cloud_graph(+Out, +Options) % % Generates a dot atom for loaded manifest files. Options include % % * min_size(Float) % * max_size(Float) % Bounds for the node-sizes. Defaults are 0.5 and 5. % * unload_manifests(Boolean) % If =true=, unload the Manifest files from the RDF store % after processing. write_cloud_graph(Out, Options):- make_manifests_graph, get_all_cn(CNList), get_sizes(CNList,CNSizeList,Options), debug(cloud, 'Collecting links ...', []), get_links(CNSizeList,Links,Options), debug(cloud, 'Create graph ...', []), format(Out, 'graph DataCloud {~n', []), make_dot(Out, CNSizeList,Links), format(Out, '}~n', []), clean_manifests_graph(Options). make_dot(Out, CNSizeList,Links):- maplist(dot_node(Out), CNSizeList), maplist(dot_link(Out), Links). dot_node(Out, cn(Short,Title,Triples,Size,_LOG)):- write_id(Out, Short), format(atom(ToolTip), '~w (~D triples)', [Title,Triples]), FontSize is 10+8*Size, write_attributes([ height(Size), width(Size), tooltip(ToolTip), fontname('Helvetica-Bold'), fontsize(FontSize) ], Out), format(Out, ';~n', []). dot_link(Out, cl(S,T,Size)):- format(atom(ToolTip), '~D links', [Size]), write_id(Out, S), write(Out, ' -- '), write_id(Out, T), write_attributes([edgetooltip(ToolTip)], Out), format(Out, ';~n', []). % For each cloudnode, find the links to other cloudnodes. A link is % cl(Source, Target, Strength) % get_links(CNSizeList,Out,_Options):- call_cleanup(( assert_graph_lookup(CNSizeList), loop_over_triples, findall(cl(A,B,C),linkcounter(_,A,B,C),Out) ), clean_links). assert_graph_lookup([]). assert_graph_lookup([cn(Short,_,_,_,LOG)|CNSizeList]):- forall(member(Graph,LOG),assert(graphset(Graph,Short))), assert_graph_lookup(CNSizeList). loop_over_triples:- forall(cloud_link(GSS, GTS, _), update_counter(GSS, GTS)). %% cloud_link(?SourceSet, ?TargetSet, -Triple) is nondet. % % True if Triple relates SourceSet to TargetSet. Defining what % constitutes a link is far from trivial. Currently this is % defined as a link between two resources that are defned in % different graphsets, where `defined in' implies that there is a % type property registered in the graphset. Also, bnodes can never % link two graphs because you cannot point to them from the % outside. cloud_link(GSS, GTS, rdf(S,P,T)) :- rdf(S, P, T), atom(T), \+ rdf_is_bnode(S), \+ rdf_is_bnode(T), rdf(S, rdf:type, _ST, GS:_), rdf(T, rdf:type, TT, GT:_), GS \== GT, \+ (rdf(T, rdf:type, TT, GU:_), % Hack to deal with VP loaded in graphset(GU, GSS)), graphset(GS, GSS), % multiple getty vocabularies graphset(GT, GTS), GSS \== GTS. update_counter(Short1,Short2):- term_hash(Short1+Short2, Key), ( retract(linkcounter(Key,Short1,Short2,N)) -> M is N+1 ; M = 1 ), assert(linkcounter(Key,Short1,Short2,M)). clean_links:- retractall(linkcounter(_,_,_,_)), retractall(graphset(_,_)). % For each cloudnode, retrieve the size of the dot node. The Max and Min % of a node size are given in the options through max_size/1 and % min_size/1. get_sizes(CNList,CNSizeList,Options):- option(max_size(MaxSize),Options, 3), option(min_size(MinSize),Options, 0.5), get_max_triples(CNList,MaxTriples), SizeFactor is sqrt(MaxTriples)/(MaxSize-MinSize), findall(cn(Short,Title,Triples,Size,LOG), (member(cn(Short,Title,Triples,LOG),CNList), get_size(Triples, SizeFactor, MinSize, Size)), CNSizeList). get_size(_, 0.0, MinSize, MinSize) :- !. get_size(Triples, SizeFactor, MinSize, Size) :- Size is sqrt(Triples)/SizeFactor + MinSize. get_max_triples(CNList,MaxTriples):- findall(X,member(cn(_,_,X,_LOG),CNList),TriplesList), max_list(TriplesList,MaxTriples). get_all_cn(CNList):- findall(cn(Short,Title,Triples,ListOfGraphs), get_cloudnode(Short, Title, _Lib, ListOfGraphs, Triples), CNList), CNList \== [], !. get_all_cn(_) :- existence_error(graph, 'lib:CloudNode'). % Make a graph of all the manifests that are loaded. make_manifests_graph:- findall(Manifest,rdf_library_index(_ID,manifest(Manifest)),Manifests), sort(Manifests,SManifests), forall(member(OneMani,SManifests), ( rdf_load(OneMani,[graph(ManifestGraph)]), assert(mg(ManifestGraph)) )). clean_manifests_graph(Options) :- option(unload_manifests(true), Options), forall(retract(mg(MG)), rdf_unload(MG)). clean_manifests_graph(_). get_cloudnode(Short, Title, Lib, ListOfGraphs, Triples):- rdf(Lib, rdf:type, lib:'CloudNode'), rdf(Lib, dcterms:title, literal(TitleLit)), plain_text(TitleLit, Title), rdf_library_index(Short, source(Lib)), findall(G, library_graph(Short, G), ListOfGraphs), get_notriples(ListOfGraphs, Triples), debug(cloud, 'Cloud ~w (~w) ~D triples', [Short, Title, Triples]). library_graph(Id, Graph) :- rdf_library_source(Id, Source), rdf_source(Graph, GraphSource), source_matches(GraphSource, Source). source_matches(Source, Source) :- !. source_matches(Plain, PlainGZ) :- file_name_extension(Plain, gz, PlainGZ). plain_text(lang(_,Text), Text) :- !. plain_text(Text, Text). get_notriples(List, Size):- findall(Size1, ( member(G, List), rdf_graph_property(G, triples(Size1)) ), NumList),!, sumlist(NumList, Size). /******************************* * DEBUG * *******************************/ %% datacloud_link(?SourceSet, ?TargetSet, -Triple, +Options) is nondet. % % True if Triple relates SourceSet to TargetSet. datacloud_link(GSS, GTS, Triple, Options) :- make_manifests_graph, get_all_cn(CNList), get_sizes(CNList, CNSizeList, Options), setup_call_cleanup( assert_graph_lookup(CNSizeList), cloud_link(GSS, GTS, Triple), retractall(graphset(_,_))). /******************************* * GRAPHVIZ UTIL * *******************************/ %% write_id(+Id) is det. % % Write a graphviz ID write_id(Out, Id) :- sub_atom(Id, _, 1, _, C), \+ char_type(C, csym), !, c_escape(Id, String), format(Out, '"~s"', [String]). write_id(Out, Id) :- write(Out, Id). %% write_attributes(+Attributes:list, +Out:stream) is det. % % Write attribute values. We define some special attributes: % % * html(HTML) % Emit as label= write_attributes([], Out) :- !, format(Out, ' []'). write_attributes(List, Out) :- !, format(Out, ' [', []), write_attributes_2(List, Out), format(Out, ']', []). write_attributes_2([], _). write_attributes_2([H|T], Out) :- ( string_attribute(H) -> H =.. [Att, Value], c_escape(Value, String), format(Out, ' ~w="~s"', [Att, String]) ; html_attribute(H, Att) -> arg(1, H, Value), format(Out, ' ~w=<~s>', [Att, Value]) ; H =.. [Name, Value], format(Out, ' ~w=~w', [Name, Value]) ), write_attributes_2(T, Out). string_attribute(label(_)). string_attribute(url(_)). string_attribute(href(_)). string_attribute('URL'(_)). string_attribute(fillcolor(_)). string_attribute(style(_)). string_attribute(tooltip(_)). string_attribute(fontname(_)). string_attribute(fontnames(_)). string_attribute(edgetooltip(_)). html_attribute(html(_), label). c_escape(Atom, String) :- atom_codes(Atom, Codes), phrase(cstring(Codes), String). %% cstring(+Codes)// % % Create a C-string. Normally =dot= appears to be using UTF-8 % encoding. Would there be a safer way to transport non-ascii % characters, such as \uXXXX? cstring([]) --> []. cstring([H|T]) --> ( cchar(H) -> [] ; [H] ), cstring(T). cchar(0'") --> "\\\"". cchar(0'\n) --> "\\n". cchar(0'\t) --> "\\t". cchar(0'\b) --> "\\b".