/* * Annotation class represents a single annotation field. * More complex interfaces can be built by combining multiple fields. * */ YUI.add('annotation', function(Y) { function Annotation(config) { Annotation.superclass.constructor.apply(this, arguments); } Annotation.NAME = "aclist"; // use same name as Y.Plugin.AutoComplete to inherit css Annotation.NS = "annotation"; Annotation.ATTRS = { target: { value: null }, // URI of target to be annotated targetImage: { value: null }, // URI of target's image to be annotated field: { value: null }, // URI identifying annotation field store: { value: null }, // URIs of web services to CRUD http annotation api startTyping: { value: null }, // timestamp when users start typing myMetaTags: { value: {} }, // myMetaTags dictionary uiLabels: { value: [] }, // dictionary with ui labels in the prefered language of the user fieldsId: { value: null }, // id of the corresponding fields container imageId: { value: null }, // id of the corresponding img element next: { value: null }, // id of next element to tab to in the tabindex user: { value: "anonymous" }, lazy: { value: false }, // delay server requests for tags // configuration options: tagStyle: { value: "overlay" }, // show tag details inline, on overlay, or simple (none) deleteEnabled: { value: "mine" }, // when delete icon is shown each tag commentEnabled: { value: "always" }, // when comment icon is shown for each tag unsureEnabled: { value: "always" }, // when "I'm not sure" checkboxes will be shown for each tag agreeEnabled: { value: "yours" }, // when "I agree" checkboxes will be shown for each tag disagreeEnabled: { value: "yours" }, // when "I disagree" checkboxes will be shown for each tag deleteCommentEnabled: { value: "always" }, // when comment overlay is shown for deletions on this field showTag: { value: "mine" }, // which tags to show, other values make sense only for admin users }; Annotation.MOTIVATION = { tagging: 'http://www.w3.org/ns/oa#tagging', commenting: 'http://www.w3.org/ns/oa#commenting', moderating: 'http://www.w3.org/ns/oa#moderating', }; Annotation.LIST_CLASS = 'taglist'; Annotation.LIST_TEMPLATE = ''; Y.extend(Annotation, Y.Plugin.AutoComplete, { initializer: function(args) { var next = this.get("next"); var parentNode = this.DEF_PARENT_NODE; this._anno = null; if (typeof(anno) != "undefined") { this._anno = anno; // hack var fieldsId = this.get('fieldsId'); var imageId = this.get('imageId'); if (! anno.fields) anno.fields = {}; if (! anno.fields[imageId]) anno.fields[imageId] = {}; var fields = anno.fields[imageId][fieldsId]; if (fields) { fields.push(this); } else { anno.fields[imageId][fieldsId] = [this]; } } // handler to call when item selected from autocompletion suggestions: this.on("select", this.onItemSelect, this, null); // handler to call when hitting return after string input (no autocomplete): this.get("inputNode").on("key", this.onTextSubmit, "enter", this, next); this.get("inputNode").on("key", this.onTextSubmit, "tab", this, next); // create tags recordset (tag model in mvc), bind events to auto-update the tagList node (tag view in mvc): this.tags = new Y.Recordset({records:{}}); this.tags.on("add", this.addTags, this); this.tags.on("update", this.updateTags, this); this.tags.on("remove", this.removeTags, this); // this.on('myMetaTagsChange', function(ev) {Y.log('myMetaTagsChange'); Y.log(ev);}); // create tagList node (tag view in mvc) this.tagList = Y.Node.create(Annotation.LIST_TEMPLATE); this.tagList.addClass(this.get('tagStyle')); parentNode.append(this.tagList); // infoNode is the overlay with tooltips when hovering over suggested terms // this.infoNode = new Y.Overlay({}).render(parentNode); // this.on("activeItemChange", this.onSuggestionHover, this); // this.on("hoveredItemChange", this.onSuggestionHover, this); // create overlays for comments on delete and add actions: this.createCommentNode(parentNode); if (this.enabled('deleteCommentEnabled', null)) { Y.delegate("click", this.onTagRemoveClick, this.tagList, 'li .tagremove.enabled', this); this.createDeleteNode(parentNode); } else { Y.delegate("click", this.onDelete, this.tagList, 'li .tagremove.enabled', this); } Y.delegate("click", this.onMetaRemoveClick, this.tagList, '.metaremove a', this); // setup handlers to record typing time: var firstkey = true; this.setKeyInputHandler(firstkey); if (!this.get('lazy')) { var oSelf = this; Y.on("load", function(e) { oSelf.getTags(); }); } }, findTarget : function(tag) { result = this.findSpecificTarget(tag); if (result) return result; else return this.findGenericTarget(tag) }, findGenericTarget : function(tag) { var targets = tag.hasTarget; var target = undefined; if (!targets) return null; if (targets['@id']) return targets; for (var t in targets) { target = targets[t]; if (target['@id']) return target; } return null }, findSpecificTarget : function(tag) { var targets = tag.hasTarget; var target = undefined; if (!targets) return null; if (targets.hasSelector) return targets; for (var t in targets) { target = targets[t]; if (target.hasSelector) return target; } return null; }, addTagFragment : function(tag, update) { var target = this.findSpecificTarget(tag); if (! this._anno || !target) return; var label = tag.title; var x = target.hasSelector.x; var y = target.hasSelector.y; var w = target.hasSelector.w; var h = target.hasSelector.h; var torious = { src: Y.one('img#'+this.get('imageId')).get('src'), text: label, targetId: target['@id'], fieldsId: this.get('fieldsId'), annotationId: tag.annotation, shapes: [{ type:'rect', geometry: { x:x,y:y,width:w,height:h } }] }; this._anno._deniche.addAnnotation(torious, update); }, removeTagFragment : function(tag) { var target = this.findSpecificTarget(tag); if (!target) return; this._anno._deniche.removeAnnotation(tag.title, target['@id']); }, // handlers for adding additions, updates or removals in the tag Recordset: addTags : function(o) { this.renderTags(o.added, o.index); }, updateTags : function(o) { this.renderTags(o.updated, o.index); }, removeTags : function(o) { var tagNodes = this.tagList.all("li"); for (var i=o.index; i < o.index+o.range; i++) { var node = tagNodes.item(i); node.one('.taglabel').detach('hover'); node.remove(); } }, renderTags : function(tags, index) { var tagList = this.tagList; var tagStyle = this.get('tagStyle'); var tagNodes = this.tagList.all("li"); if (index < tagNodes.size()) { this.removeTags({index:index, range:tags.length}); } // format the tags for(var i=0; i < tags.length; i++) { var tag=tags[i].getValue(); var target = this.findTarget(tag); var node = Y.Node.create('
  • '+this.formatTag(tags[i], tagStyle)+'
  • '); node.setAttribute('targetId', target['@id']); node.all('.judgeButton').addClass(tagStyle); tagList.insert(node, index+i); if (tagStyle == 'overlay') node.one('.taglabel').on('hover', this.onTagHover, this.onTagHover, this, tags[i]); else if (tagStyle == 'inline') { this.rebindButtons(node, tags[i]); } }; }, enabled : function(option, tag) { var when = this.get(option); var user = this.get("user"); if (when == "always") return true; else if (when == "never") return false; var tag_author = tag.annotatedBy?tag.annotatedBy:"no_tag_author!"; if (when == "mine") return (user == tag_author); else if (when == "yours") return (user != tag_author); else if (when == "user") { // hack for roles experiment: var tag_user = tag.user?tag.user:tag_author; return (user == tag_user); } else { Y.log(option + ' not implemented in enabled()'); return false; } }, formatTag : function(tagrecord, tagStyle) { var html = ""; var label = tagrecord.getValue("title"); if (this.enabled('deleteEnabled', tagrecord.getValue())) { html += '
    '; } else { html += '
    '; } if (tagStyle == "overlay") html += "
    " + label + "
    "; else if (tagStyle == "simple") html += "
    " + label + "
    "; else if (tagStyle == "inline") { var judgement_buttons = this.formatJudgmentButtons(tagrecord.getValue()); var buttons = '
    ' + judgement_buttons + '
    '; html += buttons; html += "" + label + ""; } if (tagStyle != "overlay") { var user = this.get("user"); var annotatedBy = tagrecord.getValue("annotatedBy"); if (user != annotatedBy) { var screenName = tagrecord.getValue("screenName"); var credit = this.get('uiLabels').tagCreditLabel; html += "" if (credit) html += "" + credit + ""; html += screenName + ""; } } return html; }, formatTagOverlay : function(tag) { var label = tag.title; var link = tag.display_link; var annot = tag.annotation; var mymeta = this.get('myMetaTags')[annot]; var screenName = tag.screenName; var judgement_buttons = this.formatJudgmentButtons(tag); var buttons = '
    ' + judgement_buttons + '
    '; var html = '
    '; html += '
    '; if (link == '') html += label; else html += ''+label+''; html += '
    '; // end label div html += '
    '; html += '
    '; // end tagCreation div if (mymeta && mymeta[Annotation.MOTIVATION.commenting]) { var comment = mymeta[Annotation.MOTIVATION.commenting]; html += '
    '; // html += '' + comment.screenName + ""; if (this.enabled('deleteEnabled', comment)) { html += 'x'; } html += '' + comment.title + ""; html += '
    '; } html += buttons; return html; }, formatJudgmentButtons : function(tag) { var my_rating_label = ''; var my_rating = null; var annot = tag.annotation; var mymeta = this.get('myMetaTags')[annot]; var judgement_buttons = ''; if (this.enabled('commentEnabled', tag)) { var commentLabel = this.get('uiLabels').commentLabel; judgement_buttons += ""; judgement_buttons += ""; } if (this.enabled('unsureEnabled', tag)) { var unsureLabel = this.get('uiLabels').unsureLabel; var unsure_value = undefined; if (mymeta && mymeta.unsure) unsure_value = mymeta.unsure.hasBody['@value']; var checked = 'unchecked'; if (unsure_value != undefined){ checked = 'checked'; my_rating_label = unsureLabel; my_rating = mymeta.unsure; } judgement_buttons += ""; judgement_buttons += ""; judgement_buttons += ""; } if (this.enabled('disagreeEnabled', tag)) { var disagreeLabel = this.get('uiLabels').disagreeLabel; var disagree_value = undefined; if (mymeta && mymeta.disagree) disagree_value = mymeta.disagree.hasBody['@value']; var checked = 'unchecked'; if (disagree_value != undefined){ checked = 'checked'; my_rating_label = disagreeLabel; my_rating = mymeta.disagree; } judgement_buttons += ""; judgement_buttons += ""; judgement_buttons += ""; } if (this.enabled('agreeEnabled', tag)) { var agreeLabel = this.get('uiLabels').agreeLabel; var agree_value = undefined; if (mymeta && mymeta.agree) agree_value = mymeta.agree.hasBody['@value']; var checked = 'unchecked'; if (agree_value != undefined) { checked = 'checked'; my_rating_label = agreeLabel; my_rating = mymeta.agree; } judgement_buttons += ""; judgement_buttons += ""; judgement_buttons += ""; } if (my_rating) { judgement_buttons += '
    '; if (this.enabled('deleteEnabled', my_rating)) { judgement_buttons += 'x'; } judgement_buttons += '' + my_rating_label + ''; judgement_buttons += '
    '; } return judgement_buttons; }, onTagHover: function(ev, tagrecord) { // Y.log('onTagHover'); var overlay = tagrecord.overlay; if (overlay) { overlay.destroy(); } if (ev.phase == 'over') { var ovBody = this.formatTagOverlay(tagrecord.getValue()); overlay = new Y.Overlay({bodyContent: ovBody}); overlay.set('active', false); overlay.set('width','25em'); overlay.render(ev.target); tagrecord.overlay = overlay; var node = overlay.get('srcNode'); this.rebindButtons(node, tagrecord); node.all('.judgeButton').addClass("overlay"); overlay.show(); if (ev.pageX/window.innerWidth < 0.4) overlay.set("align", {node:ev.target, points:[Y.WidgetPositionAlign.LC, Y.WidgetPositionAlign.TL]}); else overlay.set("align", {node:ev.target, points:[Y.WidgetPositionAlign.CC, Y.WidgetPositionAlign.TL]}); } }, rebindButtons: function(node, tagrecord) { node.all('.judgeButton').detach('click'); node.one('.commentButton').on( 'click', this.onCommentAnnotation, this, tagrecord); node.all('.unsureButton.unchecked').on( 'click', this.onJudgeAnnotation, this, 'add', 'unsure', tagrecord); node.all('.agreeButton.unchecked').on( 'click', this.onJudgeAnnotation, this, 'add', 'agree', tagrecord); node.all('.disagreeButton.unchecked').on('click', this.onJudgeAnnotation, this, 'add', 'disagree', tagrecord); node.all('.unsureButton.checked').on( 'click', this.onJudgeAnnotation, this, 'rm', 'unsure', tagrecord); node.all('.agreeButton.checked').on( 'click', this.onJudgeAnnotation, this, 'rm', 'agree', tagrecord); node.all('.disagreeButton.checked').on( 'click', this.onJudgeAnnotation, this, 'rm', ' disagree', tagrecord); }, onTagRemoveClick : function(e) { var index = this.tagList.all("li").indexOf(e.currentTarget.get("parentNode")), tags = this.tags, record = tags.getRecordByIndex(index), annotation = record.getValue("annotation"), labels = this.get("uiLabels"), tag = record.getValue("title"), ov = this.deleteOverlay, n = ov.get('srcNode'); ov.set("headerContent", "

    "+ labels.deleteLabel + " " + tag +"

    "); n.one('.delete-comment-input').detach(); n.one('#confirm-delete').detach(); n.one('#cancel-delete').detach(); n.one('.delete-comment-input').on("key", this.onDelete, "enter", this, annotation, index); n.one('#confirm-delete').on("click", this.onDelete, this, annotation, index); n.one('#cancel-delete').on("click", this.onCancelDelete, this); ov.show(); n.one('.delete-comment-input').focus(); }, onCommentAnnotation : function(e, tagrecord) { if (tagrecord.overlay) tagrecord.overlay.set('active', true); var tags = this.tags; var labels = this.get("uiLabels"); var annotation = tagrecord.getValue("annotation"); var target = this.findGenericTarget(tagrecord.getValue())['@id']; var title = tagrecord.getValue("title"); var ov = this.commentOverlay; var n = ov.get('srcNode'); ov.set("headerContent", "

    "+ labels.commentLabel + " " + title +"

    "); n.one('.tag-comment-input').detach(); n.one('#confirm-tag-comment').detach(); n.one('#cancel-tag-comment').detach(); n.one('.tag-comment-input').on("key", this.onSubmitComment, "enter", this, annotation, target); n.one('#confirm-tag-comment').on("click", this.onSubmitComment, this, annotation, target); n.one('#cancel-tag-comment').on("click", this.onCancelComment, this); ov.show(); n.one('.tag-comment-input').focus(); }, onCancelDelete : function(ev) { if (ev.preventDefault) ev.preventDefault(); Y.one('.delete-comment-input').detach("key", this.onDelete, "enter"); Y.one('.delete-comment-input').set("value", ""); Y.one('#confirm-delete').detach("click", this.onDelete); Y.one('#cancel-delete').detach("click", this.onCancelDelete); this.deleteOverlay.hide(); }, onCancelComment : function(ev) { if (ev.preventDefault) ev.preventDefault(); Y.one('.tag-comment-input').detach("key", this.onSubmitComment, "enter"); Y.one('.tag-comment-input').set("value", ""); Y.one('#confirm-tag-comment').detach("click", this.onSubmitComment); Y.one('#cancel-tag-comment').detach("click", this.onCancelComment); this.commentOverlay.hide(); }, onDelete : function (ev, annotation, index) { if (ev.preventDefault) ev.preventDefault(); var ov = this.deleteOverlay; if (ov && index >= 0) { var n = ov.get('srcNode'); var commentNode = n.one('.delete-comment-input'); var comment = commentNode.get("value"); commentNode.set("value", ""); n.one('.delete-comment-input').detach("key", this.onDelete, "enter"); n.one('#confirm-delete').detach("click", this.onDelete); n.one('#cancel-delete').detach("click", this.onCancelDelete); ov.hide(); } else { var tags = this.tags; var comment = ''; var index = this.tagList.all("li").indexOf(e.currentTarget.get("parentNode")); var record = tags.getRecordByIndex(index); var annotation = record.getValue("annotation"); } this.deleteAnnotation(annotation, index, comment); }, deleteAnnotation : function(annotation, index, comment) { var oSelf = this; Y.log('remove annotation '+annotation+' with comment: '+comment); Y.io(this.get("store.remove"), { method: 'DELETE', data:{ annotation:annotation, comment:comment }, on:{success: function(e) { delete oSelf.get("myMetaTags")[annotation]; var tag = oSelf.tags.getRecordByIndex(index).getValue(); oSelf.removeTagFragment(tag); oSelf.tags.remove(index); } } }); }, deleteMetaAnnotation : function(tagindex, metaindex, annotation, target, comment) { var oSelf = this; Y.log('remove meta annotation '+annotation+ ' on target ' + target +' with comment: '+comment); Y.io(this.get("store.remove"), { method: 'DELETE', data:{ annotation:annotation, comment:comment }, on:{success: function(e) { delete oSelf.get("myMetaTags")[target][metaindex]; var record = oSelf.tags.getRecordByIndex(tagindex); oSelf.renderTags([record], tagindex); Y.log("deleted " + metaindex + " for " + target); } } }); }, onMetaRemoveClick : function(ev) { var annotation = ev.currentTarget.getAttribute('alt'); var tag = this.findMetaTagByAnnotation(annotation); var target = tag.hasTarget['@id']; var record = this.findRecordByAnnotation(target); var tagindex = this.tags.indexOf(record); var metaindex = tag.motivatedBy==Annotation.MOTIVATION.commenting?tag.motivatedBy:tag.hasBody['@value']; this.deleteMetaAnnotation(tagindex, metaindex, annotation, target, "deleted by user"); }, findMetaTagByAnnotation : function(an) { var mymeta = this.get('myMetaTags'); for (var target in mymeta) { tlist = mymeta[target]; for (var type in tlist) { a = tlist[type]; if (a.annotation == an) return a; } } return null; // not found }, findRecordByAnnotation : function(an) { Y.log('findTagByTarget: ' + an); for (var i=0; i< this.tags.size(); i++) { var record = this.tags.getRecordByIndex(i); if (record.getValue('annotation') == an) return record; } return null; }, getTags : function(ev, oSelf) { Y.detach("load"); var targetURI = this.get('target'); var field = this.get('field'); var oSelf = this; Y.io(this.get("store.get"), { method: 'GET', data: { hasTarget: targetURI, field: field }, on: { success: function(e,o) { var r = Y.JSON.parse(o.responseText); if (r && r[field] && r[field].annotations) { var ans = r[field].annotations; var len = ans.length; var user = oSelf.get('user'); var myMetaTags = oSelf.get('myMetaTags'); for (var i=0; i"; } // if (defin && defin.en) { body += "
    "; } // if (img) { body += ""; } // for (var i=0; i" ; // } // } // if(body) { // var ratio = ev.newVal.getX()/window.innerWidth; // if (ratio < 0.4) { // make suggestions appear on the left or the right: // infoNode.set("align", {node:active, points:[Y.WidgetPositionAlign.TL, Y.WidgetPositionAlign.TR]}); // } else { // infoNode.set("align", {node:active, points:[Y.WidgetPositionAlign.TR, Y.WidgetPositionAlign.TL]}); // } // infoNode.set("bodyContent", body); // infoNode.show(); // } else { // infoNode.hide(); // } // }, onItemSelect : function(ev, next) { // Y.log('onItemSelect'); if (ev.preventDefault) ev.preventDefault(); var motiv = Annotation.MOTIVATION.tagging; var item = ev.details[0].result.raw; this.setKeyInputHandler(true); var now = new Date(); var delta = now - this.get("startTyping"); var target = this.get('target'); if (item.uri && item.label) { this.submitAnnotation(motiv, target, {'@id':item.uri }, item.label, delta, next, target); } else { this.submitAnnotation(motiv, target, {'@value': item}, item, delta, next, target); }; this.get("inputNode").set("value", ""); }, onTextSubmit : function(ev, next) { // Y.log('onTextSubmit'); if (ev.preventDefault) ev.preventDefault(); this.setKeyInputHandler(true); if(!this.get("activeItem")) { var value = this.getTag(); if (!value) return this.refocus(next); var motiv = Annotation.MOTIVATION.tagging; var now = new Date(); var delta = now - this.get("startTyping"); var target = this.get('target'); this.submitAnnotation(motiv, target, {'@value':value}, value, delta, next, target); } }, getTag: function() { var value = this.get("inputNode").get("value"); this.get("inputNode").set("value", ""); return value?value:''; }, onJudgeAnnotation : function (ev, action, value, record) { if (ev.preventDefault) ev.preventDefault(); if (record.overlay) record.overlay.set('active', false); var index = this.tags.indexOf(record); var target = record.getValue("annotation"); var motiv = Annotation.MOTIVATION.moderating; var meta = this.get('myMetaTags')[target]; for (var prop in meta) { if (meta[prop].motivatedBy == Annotation.MOTIVATION.moderating) { var old_annotation = meta[prop].annotation; this.deleteMetaAnnotation(index, prop, old_annotation, target, "overruled by new "+value+" judgement"); } } graph = this.findGenericTarget(record.getValue())['@id']; if (action == 'add') this.submitAnnotation(motiv, target, {'@value': value}, value, -1, null, graph); }, onSubmitComment : function(ev, ann, graph) { var ov = this.commentOverlay; if (!ov) return; if (ev.preventDefault) ev.preventDefault(); ov.hide(); var motiv = Annotation.MOTIVATION.commenting; var n = ov.get('srcNode'); var commentNode = n.one('.tag-comment-input'); var comment = commentNode.get("value"); commentNode.set("value", ""); n.one('.tag-comment-input').detach("key", this.onCommentAnnotation, "enter"); n.one('#confirm-tag-comment').detach("click", this.onCommentAnnotation); n.one('#cancel-tag-comment').detach("click", this.onCancelComment); this.submitAnnotation(motiv, ann, {'@value':comment}, comment, -1, null, graph); }, refocus : function(next) { if (next) { Y.one('#' + next).focus(); } else { this.get("inputNode").focus(); } }, submitAnnotation : function(motiv, target, body, label, timing, next, graph) { this.refocus(next); if (!target) return; if (!body) return; if (!label && body['@value']) label = body['@value']; if (!timing) timing = -1; if (!motiv) motiv = motiv = Annotation.MOTIVATION.tagging; if (!graph) graph = target; var bodyString = Y.JSON.stringify(body); var targetObject = null; if (this._anno && this._anno._deniche.currentShape) { var shape = this._anno._deniche.currentShape.geometry; var targetImage = this.get('targetImage'); if (targetImage && target != targetImage) { // another annotation on selector with existing id (target id is the selector, not the image) targetObject = [ { hasSource: targetImage, hasSelector: { value:shape}}, { '@id':target } ]; } else { // annotation on new selector, id will be generated server-side targetObject = [ { hasSource: target, hasSelector: { value:shape}} ]; } } else { // annotation without fragment, on entire target image targetObject = [{'@id':target}]; } var targetString = Y.JSON.stringify(targetObject); var tags = this.tags; var myMetaTags = this.get("myMetaTags"); var oSelf = this; var context = ""; var index = parseInt(localStorage.getItem("itemIndex")); var clusterId = parseInt(localStorage.getItem("clusterId")); if(typeof domainSettings == 'undefined') { context = "unknown"; } else if(query === "expertise values") { context = "recommendation, " + index + ", " + clusterId; } else if (query !== "") { context = "search, " + query + ", " + index + ", " + clusterId; } else { context = "unknown"; } Y.io(this.get("store.add"), { method: "POST", data:{ field:this.get("field"), hasTarget:targetString, hasBody:bodyString, label:label, typing_time: timing, reached_object_with: context, motivatedBy: motiv, graph: graph }, on:{success: function(e,o) { var response = Y.JSON.parse(o.responseText); var r = response.annotation; if (motiv == Annotation.MOTIVATION.tagging) { tags.add(r); oSelf.addTagFragment(r, false); // add but do not update open editor } else { var values = tags.getValuesByKey('annotation'); var index = values.indexOf(target); if (!myMetaTags[target]) myMetaTags[target] = {} if (motiv == Annotation.MOTIVATION.moderating) { myMetaTags[target][label] = r; } else if (motiv == Annotation.MOTIVATION.commenting) { myMetaTags[target][motiv] = r; } oSelf.set('myMetaTags', myMetaTags); var record = tags.getRecordByIndex(index); tags.update(record, index); } } } }); }, createDeleteNode : function(parentNode) { var Node = new Y.Overlay({}).render(parentNode); Node.hide(); var labels = this.get('uiLabels'); var head = ""; var body = "
    "; body += "

    " + labels.commentLabel + "

    "; body += "