2010-06-06 2010-09-12 Common Specialisations for OPMV Common Specialisations for OPMV The download of a file. The location that the file was downloaded from can be indicated through a common:downloadUri or (in more detail) a common:connection. The time at which the download occurred should be indicated through opmv:wasPerformedAt. Download The zipping of a collection of files. The files that are zipped should be indicated through common:usedData. Zip The unzipping of an archive. Unzip The editing of a resource by a person. Edit A computer program that performs some action (and is therefore an opmv:Agent), is controlled by someone and is an instantiation of some piece of software. Program An online service. Service The data that was used in the execution of the process. Used Data The script that was used to drive the process. Used Script This indicates that the resource is a cached copy of the result of a download from some location at a particular time. Cached Result Of This indicates the resource that this is a cached copy of. Use opmv:wasGeneratedAt to indicate the time at which the copy was made. Cached Copy Of The agent (usually but not always a foaf:Agent) that operates a program. Operator A change set that describes the changes that were applied to an RDF graph through the process. ChangeSet This property can be used as a simple way of providing the URI of the resource that has been downloaded. In the case of an HTTP download, it will be the Content-Location of the resource. Download URI This property can be used to describe in more detail an HTTP connection that was used to download a file. HTTP Connection The software that was used to execute the program. Software