:- module(qa, [ rdf_warning/2, % ?ErrorClass, ?URI rdf_qa_ok/2, % ?ErrorClass, ?URI class_label//1 % +ErrorClass ]). /** RDF QA hooks This module declares the _hooks_ an application may define to extend or modify some of ClioPatria's RDF QA behaviour. Hooks are =multifile= defined predicates that may have no default definition. */ :- multifile rdf_warning/2, rdf_qa_ok/2, class_label//1. :- use_module(library(semweb/rdf_db)). % for rdf_meta :- rdf_meta rdf_warning(o,r). %% rdf_warning(?ErrorClass, ?URI) is nondet. % % True if URI contains an error in class ErrorClass. % Note: qa:rdf_warning is multifile so you can define your own % error classes. If you do, you also need to add class_label//1 % for your new class. %% rdf_qa_ok(?ErrorClass, ?URI) is nondet. % % True if URI should never be reported as being in class % ErrorClass. This multifile predicate allows you to suppress % warnings for certain URIs, for example for URIs that are known % to contain errors that you cannot fix. %% class_label(+ErrorClass)// is det. % % Writes the error message associated with ErrorClass to HTML.