:- module(conf_swish, []). :- use_module(cliopatria(hooks)). /** Add Prolog interaction to ClioPatria */ :- multifile user:file_search_path/2, swish_config:config/2. % tell SWISH where to find its parts. The last clause allows adding an % =examples= directory in the main directory holding application % specific examples. user:file_search_path(swish_web, web(.)). user:file_search_path(example, cpacks(trill_on_swish/examples)). user:file_search_path(example, examples). % Load swish. You need this. :- use_module(applications(trill_on_swish)). % Load the authentication hook. When loaded, ClioPatria users with admin % rights can use SWISH without sandboxing security :- use_module(library(trill_on_swish/cp_authenticate)). % Enable logging of SWISH queries and sources if HTTP logging is enabled :- use_module(library(trill_on_swish/logging)). % Make side-effect-free RDF predicates safe :- if(exists_source(library(semweb/rdf_sandbox))). :- use_module(library(semweb/rdf_sandbox)). :- endif. % Allows users to extend the Examples menu by ticking the Example % checkbox. swish_config:config(community_examples, true). %% cliopatria:menu_item(-Item, -Label) is nondet. % % Add TRILL on SWISH to the Query menu. cliopatria:menu_item(300=query/swish, 'TRILL on SWISH Prolog shell').