:-module(gv_hash_uri, [ gv_hash_uri/2 ]). :- use_module(library(semweb/rdf_db)). %% gv_hash_uri(?Hash, ?URI) is det. % % URI is a uri constructed by concatenating the % Hash with some additional prefix to make it a % legal URI. % % This provides a basic one to one mapping between % git's SHA1 hash ids and the URIs used in RDF. gv_hash_uri(Hash, URI) :- nonvar(Hash), Hash \= null, !, atom_concat(x, Hash, Local), rdf_global_id(hash:Local, URI). gv_hash_uri(Hash, URI) :- nonvar(URI),!, rdf_global_id(hash:Local, URI), atom_concat(x, Hash, Local).