YUI.add('tag-player', function(Y) { var Lang = Y.Lang, Widget = Y.Widget, Node = Y.Node; var NS = Y.namespace('mazzle'); NS.TagPlayer = TagPlayer; /* TagPlayer class constructor */ function TagPlayer(config) { TagPlayer.superclass.constructor.apply(this, arguments); } /* * Required NAME static field, to identify the Widget class and * used as an event prefix, to generate class names etc. (set to the * class name in camel case). */ TagPlayer.NAME = "tag-player"; /* * The attribute configuration for the TagPlayer widget. Attributes can be * defined with default values, get/set functions and validator functions * as with any other class extending Base. */ TagPlayer.ATTRS = { tags: { value: [] }, active: { value: true }, topIndent: { value: true }, edit: { value: false } }; /* Static constants used to define the markup templates used to create TagPlayer DOM elements */ TagPlayer.LIST_CLASS = 'tag-list'; TagPlayer.LIST_TEMPLATE = ''; /* TagPlayer extends the base Widget class */ Y.extend(TagPlayer, Widget, { initializer: function() { }, destructor : function() { }, renderUI : function() { var content = this.get("contentBox"), height = this.get("height"); // tag list content.setStyle("position", "relative"); if(this.get("topIndent")) { content.setStyle("top", height/2+"px"); } this.listNode = content.appendChild(Node.create(TagPlayer.LIST_TEMPLATE)); }, bindUI : function() { this.after("tagsChange", this.syncUI); Y.delegate("click", this._itemSelect, this.listNode, "li .label", this); Y.delegate("mouseover", this._itemHover, this.listNode, "li", this); this._scrollAnim = new Y.Anim({ node: this.get("boundingBox"), duration: 1, easing: Y.Easing.easeOut }); }, syncUI : function() { this._renderItems(); }, _renderItems : function() { var tags = this.get("tags"), timeIndex = {}; this.listNode.setContent(""); // format the items and store in the time index for(var i=0; i < tags.length; i++) { this.listNode.append('
  • '+this.formatItem(tags[i])+'
  • '); var time = Math.round(tags[i].startTime/1000); //TBD make this hookable timeIndex[time] = i; } this._timeIndex = timeIndex; }, formatItem : function(item) { var tag = item.tag, label = tag.label ? tag.label : tag.value, score = item.score; html = '
    '; if(score) { html += '
    '; } else { html += ''; } if(item.uri) { return ''+html+''; } else { return html; } }, _itemSelect : function(e) { // item click var node = e.currentTarget.get("parentNode"), index = e.container.all("li").indexOf(node), item = this.get("tags")[index], arg = {li:node, index:index, tag:item}; if(!node.one('input')) { Y.log('clicked tag '+item.tag.value+' at index '+index); this._highlight(index); this.fire("itemSelect", arg); } }, _itemHover : function(e) { var node = e.currentTarget, index = e.container.all("li").indexOf(node), item = this.get("tags")[index], arg = {li:node, index:index, tag:item}; this.fire("itemHover", arg); }, focusTag : function(tag) { this.focusIndex(this.tagIndex(tag)); }, focusNode : function(node) { var index = this.listNode.all("li").indexOf(node); this.focusIndex(index); }, focusTime : function(time) { var timeIndex = this._timeIndex, index = timeIndex[time]; if(index>=0) { Y.log('tagged '+this.get("tags")[index].tag); this.focusIndex(index); } }, focusIndex : function(index) { if(this.get("active")) { this._scrollTo(index); this._highlight(index); } }, scoreIndex : function(index, score, id, action) { var item = this.listNode.all("li").item(index), el; if(id) { this.scores[id] = item; } if(type=='edit'&&score>0) { el = '.edit'; } else if(type=='confirm') { el = '.confirm'; } if(el) { item.addClass('scored '+action); item.one(el).addClass("hidden"); if(score>0) { item.one('.score') .setContent(score) .removeClass("hidden"); } } }, tagIndex : function(tag) { var tags = this.get("tags"); var i = 0; for (i; i < tags.length; i++) { if(tags[i].tag === tag) { return i; } } }, _scrollTo : function(index) { var node = this.get("boundingBox"), items = this.listNode.all("li"), anim = this._scrollAnim, scrollTo = Math.abs(this.listNode.getY() - items.item(index).getY()); Y.log('scroll from '+node.get('scrollTop')+' to '+scrollTo); anim.set('to', { scroll: [node.get('scrollTop'), scrollTo] }); anim.run(); }, _highlight : function(index) { var items = this.listNode.all("li"); // removeFocus from other items items.removeClass('focus'); // add focus class to current item items.item(index).addClass('focus'); } }); }, 'gallery-2010.03.02-18' ,{requires:['node','anim','widget']});