#!/usr/bin/swipl :- initialization(cp_server, main). /* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - This file provides a skeleton startup file. It can be localized by running % ./configure (Unix) % Double-clicking win-config.exe (Windows) After that, the system may be customized by copying or linking customization files from config-available to config-enabled. See config-enabled/README.txt for details. To run the system, do one of the following: * Running for development Run ./run.pl (Unix) or open run.pl by double clicking it (Windows) * Running as Unix daemon (service) See daemon.pl - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */ % Setup search path for cliopatria. We add both a relative and absolute % path. The absolute path allow us to start in any directory, while the % relative one ensures that the system remains working when installed on % a device that may be mounted on a different location. add_relative_search_path(Alias, Abs) :- is_absolute_file_name(Abs), !, prolog_load_context(file, Here), relative_file_name(Abs, Here, Rel), assertz(user:file_search_path(Alias, Rel)). add_relative_search_path(Alias, Rel) :- assertz(user:file_search_path(Alias, Rel)). file_search_path(cliopatria, '/srv/ClioPatria'). :- add_relative_search_path(cliopatria, '/srv/ClioPatria'). /******************************* * LOAD CODE * *******************************/ % Use the ClioPatria help system. May be commented to disable online % help on the source-code. :- use_module(cliopatria('applications/help/load')). % Load ClioPatria itself. Better keep this line. :- use_module(cliopatria(cliopatria)).