/* Part of SWI-Prolog Author: Jan Wielemaker E-mail: J.Wielemaker@vu.nl WWW: http://www.swi-prolog.org Copyright (c) 2002-2023, University of Amsterdam, VU University Amsterdam SWI-Prolog Solutions b.v. All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ :- module(http_client, [ http_get/3, % +URL, -Reply, +Options http_delete/3, % +URL, -Reply, +Options http_post/4, % +URL, +In, -Reply, +Options http_put/4, % +URL, +In, -Reply, +Options http_patch/4, % +URL, +In, -Reply, +Options http_read_data/3, % +Header, -Data, :Options http_disconnect/1 % +What ]). :- autoload(http_header,[http_post_data/3]). :- autoload(http_stream,[http_chunked_open/3,stream_range_open/3]). :- autoload(library(error),[must_be/2]). :- autoload(library(lists),[delete/3,select/3]). :- autoload(library(memfile), [ new_memory_file/1, open_memory_file/4, free_memory_file/1, memory_file_to_atom/3, memory_file_to_string/3, memory_file_to_codes/3, open_memory_file/3 ]). :- autoload(library(option), [option/3,option/2,meta_options/3,select_option/3]). :- autoload(library(uri),[uri_query_components/2]). :- autoload(library(http/http_open), [http_open/3,http_close_keep_alive/1]). :- meta_predicate http_read_data(+, -, :). :- multifile http_convert_data/4, % http_read_data plugin-hook http:post_data_hook/3. :- predicate_options(http_get/3, 3, [ pass_to(http_open:http_open/3, 3), pass_to(http_open:http_read_data/3, 3), pass_to(http_json:http_read_json/3, 3) ]). :- predicate_options(http_delete/3, 3, [pass_to(http_get/3, 3)]). :- predicate_options(http_post/4, 4, [pass_to(http_get/3, 3)]). :- predicate_options(http_put/4, 4, [pass_to(http_post/4, 4)]). :- predicate_options(http_read_data/3, 3, [ to(any), content_type(any), form_data(oneof([form,mime])), input_encoding(encoding), % multipart messages on_filename(callable), module(atom), % x-prolog data variable_names(-list) ]). /** HTTP client library This library provides the four basic HTTP client actions: =GET=, =DELETE=, =POST= and =PUT=. In addition, it provides http_read_data/3, which is used by library(http/http_parameters) to decode =POST= data in server applications. This library is based on http_open/3, which opens a URL as a Prolog stream. The reply is processed by http_read_data/3. The following content-types are supported. Options passed to http_get/3 and friends are passed to http_read_data/3, which in turn passes them to the conversion predicates. Support for additional content types can be added by extending the multifile predicate http_client:http_convert_data/4. - 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' Built in. Converts form-data into a list of `Name=Value` terms. - 'application/x-prolog' Built in. Reads a single Prolog term. - 'multipart/form-data' Processed if library(http/http_multipart_plugin) is loaded. This format should be used to handle web forms that upload a file. - 'text/html' | 'text/xml' Processed if library(http/http_sgml_plugin) is loaded. See load_html/3 for details and load_xml/3 for details. The output is often processed using xpath/3. - 'application/json' | 'application/jsonrequest' Processed if library(http/http_json) is loaded. The option json_object(As) can be used to return a term json(Attributes) (`As` is `term`) or a dict (`As` is `dict`). */ /******************************* * GET * *******************************/ %! http_get(+URL, -Data, +Options) is det. % % Get data from a URL server and convert it to a suitable Prolog % representation based on the =|Content-Type|= header and plugins. % This predicate is the common implementation of the HTTP client % operations. The predicates http_delete/3, http_post/4 and % http_put/4 call this predicate with an appropriate % method(+Method) option and ---for http_post/4 and http_put/4--- % a post(+Data) option. % % Options are passed to http_open/3 and http_read_data/3. Other % options: % % - reply_header(-Fields) % Synonym for headers(Fields) from http_open/3. Provided for % backward compatibility. Note that http_version(Major-Minor) % is missing in the new version. http_get(URL, Data, Options) :- headers_option(Options, Options1, Headers), option(reply_header(Headers), Options, _), http_open(URL, In, Options1), delete(Headers, transfer_encoding(_), Headers1), call_cleanup( http_read_data(In, Headers1, Data, Options), close(In)). headers_option(Options, Options1, Headers) :- option(headers(Headers), Options), !, Options1 = Options. headers_option(Options, [headers(Headers)|Options], Headers). %! http_delete(+URL, -Data, +Options) is det. % % Execute a =DELETE= method on the server. Arguments are the same % as for http_get/3. Typically one should pass the option % status_code(-Code) to assess and evaluate the returned status % code. Without, codes other than 200 are interpreted as an error. % % @tbd Properly map the 201, 202 and 204 replies. % @see Implemented on top of http_get/3. http_delete(URL, Data, Options) :- http_get(URL, Data, [method(delete)|Options]). %! http_post(+URL, +Data, -Reply, +Options) is det. % % Issue an HTTP =POST= request. Data is posted using % http_post_data/3. The HTTP server reply is returned in Reply, % using the same rules as for http_get/3. % % @see Implemented on top of http_get/3. http_post(URL, Data, Reply, Options) :- http_get(URL, Reply, [ post(Data) | Options ]). %! http_put(+URL, +Data, -Reply, +Options) % % Issue an HTTP =PUT= request. Arguments are the same as for % http_post/4. % % @see Implemented on top of http_post/4. http_put(URL, In, Out, Options) :- http_post(URL, In, Out, [method(put)|Options]). %! http_patch(+URL, +Data, -Reply, +Options) % % Issue an HTTP =PATCH= request. Arguments are the same as for % http_post/4. % % @see Implemented on top of http_post/4. http_patch(URL, In, Out, Options) :- http_post(URL, In, Out, [method(patch)|Options]). %! http_read_data(+Request, -Data, +Options) is det. % % Read data from an HTTP connection and convert it according to % the supplied to(Format) option or based on the =|Content-type|= % in the Request. The following options are supported: % % * to(Format) % Convert data into Format. Values are: % - stream(+WriteStream)) % Append the content of the message to Stream % - atom % Return the reply as an atom % - string % Return the reply as a string % - codes % Return the reply as a list of codes % * form_data(AsForm) % * input_encoding(+Encoding) % * on_filename(:CallBack) % These options are implemented by the plugin % library(http/http_multipart_plugin) and apply to processing % =|multipart/form-data|= content. % * content_type(+Type) % Overrule the content-type that is part of Request as a % work-around for wrongly configured servers. % % Without plugins, this predicate handles % % * 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' % Converts form-data into a list of `Name=Value` terms. % * 'application/x-prolog' % Converts data into a Prolog term. % % @param Request is a parsed HTTP request as returned by % http_read_request/2 or available from the HTTP server's request % dispatcher. Request must contain a term input(In) that provides % the input stream from the HTTP server. http_read_data(Fields, Data, QOptions) :- meta_options(is_meta, QOptions, Options), memberchk(input(In), Fields), ( catch(http_read_data(In, Fields, Data, Options), error(Formal,_), throw(error(Formal, context(_, in_http_request)))) -> true ; throw(error(failed(http_read_data), _)) ). is_meta(on_filename). http_read_data(_In, Fields, Data, _Options) :- option(status_code(Code), Fields), no_content_status(Code), \+ ( option(content_length(Len), Fields), Len > 0 ), !, Data = ''. http_read_data(In, Fields, Data, Options) :- % Transfer-encoding: chunked select(transfer_encoding(chunked), Fields, RestFields), !, setup_call_cleanup( http_chunked_open(In, DataStream, []), http_read_data(DataStream, RestFields, Data, Options), close(DataStream)). http_read_data(In, Fields, Data, Options) :- option(to(X), Options), !, ( X = stream(Stream) -> ( memberchk(content_length(Bytes), Fields) -> copy_stream_data(In, Stream, Bytes) ; copy_stream_data(In, Stream) ) ; must_be(oneof([atom,string,codes]), X), setup_call_cleanup( new_memory_file(MemFile), ( setup_call_cleanup( open_memory_file(MemFile, write, Stream, [encoding(octet)]), ( memberchk(content_length(Bytes), Fields) -> copy_stream_data(In, Stream, Bytes) ; copy_stream_data(In, Stream) ), close(Stream)), encoding(Fields, Encoding, Options), memory_file_to(X, MemFile, Encoding, Data0) ), free_memory_file(MemFile)), Data = Data0 ). http_read_data(In, Fields, Data, _) :- option(content_type(ContentType), Fields), is_content_type(ContentType, 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'), !, http_read_data(In, Fields, Codes, [to(string)]), uri_query_components(Codes, Data). http_read_data(In, Fields, Data, Options) :- % call hook ( select_option(content_type(Type), Options, Options1) -> delete(Fields, content_type(_), Fields1), http_convert_data(In, [content_type(Type)|Fields1], Data, Options1) ; http_convert_data(In, Fields, Data, Options) ), !. http_read_data(In, Fields, Data, Options) :- http_read_data(In, Fields, Data, [to(atom)|Options]). memory_file_to(atom, MemFile, Encoding, Data) :- memory_file_to_atom(MemFile, Data, Encoding). memory_file_to(string, MemFile, Encoding, Data) :- memory_file_to_string(MemFile, Data, Encoding). memory_file_to(codes, MemFile, Encoding, Data) :- memory_file_to_codes(MemFile, Data, Encoding). encoding(_Fields, Encoding, Options) :- option(input_encoding(Encoding), Options), !. encoding(Fields, utf8, _) :- memberchk(content_type(Type), Fields), ( sub_atom(Type, _, _, _, 'UTF-8') -> true ; sub_atom(Type, _, _, _, 'utf-8') ), !. encoding(_, octet, _). is_content_type(ContentType, Check) :- sub_atom(ContentType, 0, Len, After, Check), ( After == 0 -> true ; sub_atom(ContentType, Len, 1, _, ';') ). %! no_content_status(+Code) is semidet. % % True when Code is an HTTP status code that carries no content. % % @see Issue#157 no_content_status(Code) :- between(100, 199, Code), !. no_content_status(204). %! http_convert_data(+In, +Fields, -Data, +Options) is semidet. % % Multi-file hook to convert a HTTP payload according to the % _Content-Type_ header. The default implementation deals with % application/x-prolog. The HTTP framework provides % implementations for JSON (library(http/http_json)), HTML/XML % (library(http/http_sgml_plugin)) http_convert_data(In, Fields, Data, Options) :- memberchk(content_type(Type), Fields), is_content_type(Type, 'application/x-prolog'), !, ( memberchk(content_length(Bytes), Fields) -> setup_call_cleanup( ( stream_range_open(In, Range, [size(Bytes)]), set_stream(Range, encoding(utf8)), set_stream(Range, file_name('HTTP:DATA')) ), read_term(Range, Data, Options), close(Range)) ; set_stream(In, encoding(utf8)), read_term(In, Data, Options) ). %! http_disconnect(+Connections) is det. % % Close down some connections. Currently Connections must have the % value =all=, closing all connections. % % @deprecated New code should use http_close_keep_alive/1 from % library(http/http_open). http_disconnect(all) :- http_close_keep_alive(_). %! http:post_data_hook(+Term, +Out, +Options) is semidet. % % Hook to extend the datatypes supported by the post(Data) option % of http_open/3. The default implementation supports % prolog(Term), sending a Prolog term as =|application/x-prolog|=. http:post_data_hook(prolog(Term), Out, HdrExtra) :- setup_call_cleanup( ( new_memory_file(MemFile), open_memory_file(MemFile, write, Handle) ), ( format(Handle, 'Content-Type: application/x-prolog; charset=UTF-8~n~n', []), write_term(Handle, Term, [ quoted(true), ignore_ops(true), fullstop(true), nl(true) ]) ), close(Handle)), setup_call_cleanup( open_memory_file(MemFile, read, RdHandle, [ free_on_close(true) ]), http_post_data(cgi_stream(RdHandle), Out, HdrExtra), close(RdHandle)).