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    1/*  Part of SWI-Prolog
    3    Author:        Jan Wielemaker
    4    E-mail:
    5    WWW: 
    6    Copyright (c)  2003-2023, University of Amsterdam
    7                              VU University Amsterdam
    8                              CWI, Amsterdam
    9                              SWI-Prolog Solutions b.v.
   10    All rights reserved.
   12    Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
   13    modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
   14    are met:
   16    1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
   17       notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
   19    2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
   20       notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in
   21       the documentation and/or other materials provided with the
   22       distribution.
   38:- module(rdf_db,
   39          [ rdf_version/1,              % -Version
   41            rdf/3,                      % ?Subject, ?Predicate, ?Object
   42            rdf/4,                      % ?Subject, ?Predicate, ?Object, ?DB
   43            rdf_has/3,                  % ?Subject, +Pred, ?Obj
   44            rdf_has/4,                  % ?Subject, +Pred, ?Obj, -RealPred
   45            rdf_reachable/3,            % ?Subject, +Pred, ?Object
   46            rdf_reachable/5,            % ?Subject, +Pred, ?Object, +MaxD, ?D
   47            rdf_resource/1,             % ?Resource
   48            rdf_subject/1,              % ?Subject
   50            rdf_member_property/2,      % ?Property, ?Index
   52            rdf_assert/3,               % +Subject, +Predicate, +Object
   53            rdf_assert/4,               % +Subject, +Predicate, +Object, +DB
   54            rdf_retractall/3,           % ?Subject, ?Predicate, ?Object
   55            rdf_retractall/4,           % ?Subject, ?Predicate, ?Object, +DB
   56            rdf_update/4,               % +Subject, +Predicate, +Object, +Act
   57            rdf_update/5,               % +Subject, +Predicate, +Object, +Src, +Act
   58            rdf_set_predicate/2,        % +Predicate, +Property
   59            rdf_predicate_property/2,   % +Predicate, ?Property
   60            rdf_current_predicate/1,    % -Predicate
   61            rdf_current_literal/1,      % -Literal
   62            rdf_transaction/1,          % :Goal
   63            rdf_transaction/2,          % :Goal, +Id
   64            rdf_transaction/3,          % :Goal, +Id, +Options
   65            rdf_active_transaction/1,   % ?Id
   67            rdf_monitor/2,              % :Goal, +Options
   69            rdf_save_db/1,              % +File
   70            rdf_save_db/2,              % +File, +DB
   71            rdf_load_db/1,              % +File
   72            rdf_reset_db/0,
   74            rdf_node/1,                 % -Id
   75            rdf_bnode/1,                % -Id
   76            rdf_is_bnode/1,             % +Id
   78            rdf_is_resource/1,          % +Term
   79            rdf_is_literal/1,           % +Term
   80            rdf_literal_value/2,        % +Term, -Value
   82            rdf_load/1,                 % +File
   83            rdf_load/2,                 % +File, +Options
   84            rdf_save/1,                 % +File
   85            rdf_save/2,                 % +File, +Options
   86            rdf_unload/1,               % +File
   87            rdf_unload_graph/1,         % +Graph
   89            rdf_md5/2,                  % +DB, -MD5
   90            rdf_atom_md5/3,             % +Text, +Times, -MD5
   92            rdf_create_graph/1,         % ?Graph
   93            rdf_graph_property/2,       % ?Graph, ?Property
   94            rdf_set_graph/2,            % +Graph, +Property
   95            rdf_graph/1,                % ?Graph
   96            rdf_source/1,               % ?File
   97            rdf_source/2,               % ?DB, ?SourceURL
   98            rdf_make/0,                 % Reload modified databases
   99            rdf_gc/0,                   % Garbage collection
  101            rdf_source_location/2,      % +Subject, -Source
  102            rdf_statistics/1,           % -Key
  103            rdf_set/1,                  % +Term
  104            rdf_generation/1,           % -Generation
  105            rdf_snapshot/1,             % -Snapshot
  106            rdf_delete_snapshot/1,      % +Snapshot
  107            rdf_current_snapshot/1,     % +Snapshot
  108            rdf_estimate_complexity/4,  % +S,+P,+O,-Count
  110            rdf_save_subject/3,         % +Stream, +Subject, +DB
  111            rdf_save_header/2,          % +Out, +Options
  112            rdf_save_footer/1,          % +Out
  114            rdf_equal/2,                % ?Resource, ?Resource
  115            lang_equal/2,               % +Lang1, +Lang2
  116            lang_matches/2,             % +Lang, +Pattern
  118            rdf_prefix/2,               % :Alias, +URI
  119            rdf_current_prefix/2,       % :Alias, ?URI
  120            rdf_register_prefix/2,      % +Alias, +URI
  121            rdf_register_prefix/3,      % +Alias, +URI, +Options
  122            rdf_unregister_prefix/1,    % +Alias
  123            rdf_current_ns/2,           % :Alias, ?URI
  124            rdf_register_ns/2,          % +Alias, +URI
  125            rdf_register_ns/3,          % +Alias, +URI, +Options
  126            rdf_global_id/2,            % ?NS:Name, :Global
  127            rdf_global_object/2,        % +Object, :NSExpandedObject
  128            rdf_global_term/2,          % +Term, :WithExpandedNS
  130            rdf_compare/3,              % -Dif, +Object1, +Object2
  131            rdf_match_label/3,          % +How, +String, +Label
  132            rdf_split_url/3,            % ?Base, ?Local, ?URL
  133            rdf_url_namespace/2,        % +URL, ?Base
  135            rdf_warm_indexes/0,
  136            rdf_warm_indexes/1,         % +Indexed
  137            rdf_update_duplicates/0,
  139            rdf_debug/1,                % Set verbosity
  141            rdf_new_literal_map/1,      % -Handle
  142            rdf_destroy_literal_map/1,  % +Handle
  143            rdf_reset_literal_map/1,    % +Handle
  144            rdf_insert_literal_map/3,   % +Handle, +Key, +Literal
  145            rdf_insert_literal_map/4,   % +Handle, +Key, +Literal, -NewKeys
  146            rdf_delete_literal_map/3,   % +Handle, +Key, +Literal
  147            rdf_delete_literal_map/2,   % +Handle, +Key
  148            rdf_find_literal_map/3,     % +Handle, +KeyList, -Literals
  149            rdf_keys_in_literal_map/3,  % +Handle, +Spec, -Keys
  150            rdf_statistics_literal_map/2, % +Handle, +Name(-Arg...)
  152            rdf_graph_prefixes/2,       % ?Graph, -Prefixes
  153            rdf_graph_prefixes/3,       % ?Graph, -Prefixes, :Filter
  155            (rdf_meta)/1,               % +Heads
  156            op(1150, fx, (rdf_meta))
  157          ]).  158:- use_module(library(semweb/rdf_prefixes),
  159              [ (rdf_meta)/1,
  160                register_file_prefixes/1,
  161                rdf_global_id/2,
  162                rdf_register_ns/2,
  163                                        % re-exported predicates
  164                rdf_global_object/2,
  165                rdf_current_ns/2,
  166                rdf_prefix/2,
  167                rdf_global_term/2,
  168                rdf_register_ns/3,
  169                rdf_register_prefix/3,
  170                rdf_register_prefix/2,
  171                rdf_current_prefix/2,
  172                rdf_unregister_prefix/1
  173              ]).  174
  175:- autoload(library(apply),[maplist/2,maplist/3]).  176:- use_module(library(debug),[debug/3,assertion/1]).  177:- autoload(library(error),[must_be/2,existence_error/2]).  178:- autoload(library(gensym),[gensym/2,reset_gensym/1]).  179:- autoload(library(lists),
  180	    [member/2,flatten/2,list_to_set/2,append/3,select/3]).  181:- autoload(library(memfile),
  182	    [atom_to_memory_file/2,open_memory_file/4]).  183:- autoload(library(option),
  184	    [option/2,option/3,merge_options/3,meta_options/3]).  185:- autoload(library(rdf),[process_rdf/3]).  186:- autoload(library(sgml),
  187	    [ load_structure/3,
  188	      xml_quote_attribute/3,
  189	      xml_name/1,
  190	      xml_quote_cdata/3,
  191	      xml_is_dom/1,
  192	      iri_xml_namespace/3,
  193	      iri_xml_namespace/2
  194	    ]).  195:- autoload(library(sgml_write),[xml_write/3]).  196:- autoload(library(uri),
  197	    [ uri_file_name/2,
  198	      uri_is_global/1,
  199	      uri_normalized/2,
  200	      uri_components/2,
  201	      uri_data/3,
  202	      uri_data/4
  203	    ]).  204:- autoload(library(xsdp_types),[xsdp_numeric_uri/2]).  205:- autoload(library(semweb/rdf_cache),[rdf_cache_file/3]).  206
  207:- if(exists_source(library(thread))).  208:- autoload(library(thread), [concurrent/3]).  209:- endif.  210
  211:- use_foreign_library(foreign(rdf_db)).  212:- public rdf_print_predicate_cloud/2.  % print matrix of reachable predicates
  214:- meta_predicate
  215    rdf_transaction(0),
  216    rdf_transaction(0, +),
  217    rdf_transaction(0, +, +),
  218    rdf_monitor(1, +),
  219    rdf_save(+, :),
  220    rdf_load(+, :).  221
  222:- predicate_options(rdf_graph_prefixes/3, 3,
  223                     [ expand(callable+4),
  224                       filter(callable+3),
  225                       get_prefix(callable+2),
  226                       min_count(nonneg)
  227                     ]).  228:- predicate_options(rdf_load/2, 2,
  229                     [ base_uri(atom),
  230                       blank_nodes(oneof([share,noshare])),
  231                       cache(boolean),
  232                       concurrent(positive_integer),
  233                       db(atom),
  234                       format(oneof([xml,triples,turtle,trig,nquads,ntriples])),
  235                       graph(atom),
  236                       multifile(boolean),
  237                       if(oneof([true,changed,not_loaded])),
  238                       modified(-float),
  239                       prefixes(-list),
  240                       silent(boolean),
  241                       register_namespaces(boolean)
  242                     ]).  243:- predicate_options(rdf_save/2, 2,
  244                     [ graph(atom),
  245                       db(atom),
  246                       anon(boolean),
  247                       base_uri(atom),
  248                       write_xml_base(boolean),
  249                       convert_typed_literal(callable),
  250                       encoding(encoding),
  251                       document_language(atom),
  252                       namespaces(list(atom)),
  253                       xml_attributes(boolean),
  254                       inline(boolean)
  255                     ]).  256:- predicate_options(rdf_save_header/2, 2,
  257                     [ graph(atom),
  258                       db(atom),
  259                       namespaces(list(atom))
  260                     ]).  261:- predicate_options(rdf_save_subject/3, 3,
  262                     [ graph(atom),
  263                       base_uri(atom),
  264                       convert_typed_literal(callable),
  265                       document_language(atom)
  266                     ]).  267:- predicate_options(rdf_transaction/3, 3,
  268                     [ snapshot(any)
  269                     ]).  270
  271:- discontiguous
  272    term_expansion/2.

Core RDF database

The file library(semweb/rdf_db) provides the core of the SWI-Prolog RDF store.

New applications should use library(semweb/rdf11), which provides a much more intuitive API to the RDF store, notably for handling literals. The library(semweb/rdf11) runs currently on top of this library and both can run side-by-side in the same application. Terms retrieved from the database however have a different shape and can not be exchanged without precautions. */
  288		 /*******************************
  289		 *            PREFIXES		*
  290		 *******************************/
  292% the ns/2 predicate is historically defined  in this module. We'll keep
  293% that for compatibility reasons.
  295:- multifile ns/2.  296:- dynamic   ns/2.                      % ID, URL
  298:- multifile
  299    rdf_prefixes:rdf_empty_prefix_cache/2.  300
  301rdf_prefixes:rdf_empty_prefix_cache(_Prefix, _IRI) :-
  302    rdf_empty_prefix_cache.
  304:- rdf_meta
  305    rdf(r,r,o),
  306    rdf_has(r,r,o,r),
  307    rdf_has(r,r,o),
  308    rdf_assert(r,r,o),
  309    rdf_retractall(r,r,o),
  310    rdf(r,r,o,?),
  311    rdf_assert(r,r,o,+),
  312    rdf_retractall(r,r,o,?),
  313    rdf_reachable(r,r,o),
  314    rdf_reachable(r,r,o,+,?),
  315    rdf_update(r,r,o,t),
  316    rdf_update(r,r,o,+,t),
  317    rdf_equal(o,o),
  318    rdf_source_location(r,-),
  319    rdf_resource(r),
  320    rdf_subject(r),
  321    rdf_create_graph(r),
  322    rdf_graph(r),
  323    rdf_graph_property(r,?),
  324    rdf_set_graph(r,+),
  325    rdf_unload_graph(r),
  326    rdf_set_predicate(r, t),
  327    rdf_predicate_property(r, -),
  328    rdf_estimate_complexity(r,r,r,-),
  329    rdf_print_predicate_cloud(r,+).
 rdf_equal(?Resource1, ?Resource2)
Simple equality test to exploit goal-expansion.
  335rdf_equal(Resource, Resource).
 lang_equal(+Lang1, +Lang2) is semidet
True if two RFC language specifiers denote the same language
See also
- lang_matches/2.
  343lang_equal(Lang, Lang) :- !.
  344lang_equal(Lang1, Lang2) :-
  345    downcase_atom(Lang1, LangCannon),
  346    downcase_atom(Lang2, LangCannon).
 lang_matches(+Lang, +Pattern) is semidet
True if Lang matches Pattern. This implements XML language matching conform RFC 4647. Both Lang and Pattern are dash-separated strings of identifiers or (for Pattern) the wildcard *. Identifiers are matched case-insensitive and a * matches any number of identifiers. A short pattern is the same as *.
  358                 /*******************************
  359                 *     BASIC TRIPLE QUERIES     *
  360                 *******************************/
 rdf(?Subject, ?Predicate, ?Object) is nondet
Elementary query for triples. Subject and Predicate are atoms representing the fully qualified URL of the resource. Object is either an atom representing a resource or literal(Value) if the object is a literal value. If a value of the form NameSpaceID:LocalName is provided it is expanded to a ground atom using expand_goal/2. This implies you can use this construct in compiled code without paying a performance penalty. Literal values take one of the following forms:
If the value is a simple atom it is the textual representation of a string literal without explicit type or language qualifier.
lang(LangID, Atom)
Atom represents the text of a string literal qualified with the given language.
type(TypeID, Value)
Used for attributes qualified using the rdf:datatype TypeID. The Value is either the textual representation or a natural Prolog representation. See the option convert_typed_literal(:Convertor) of the parser. The storage layer provides efficient handling of atoms, integers (64-bit) and floats (native C-doubles). All other data is represented as a Prolog record.

For literal querying purposes, Object can be of the form literal(+Query, -Value), where Query is one of the terms below. If the Query takes a literal argument and the value has a numeric type numerical comparison is performed.

Perform exact match and demand the language or type qualifiers to match. This query is fully indexed.
Perform a full but case-insensitive match. This query is fully indexed.
Same as icase(Text). Backward compatibility.
Match any literal that contains Text as a case-insensitive substring. The query is not indexed on Object.
Match any literal that contains Text delimited by a non alpha-numeric character, the start or end of the string. The query is not indexed on Object.
Match any literal that starts with Text. This call is intended for completion. The query is indexed using the skip list of literals.
Match any literal that is equal or larger than Literal in the ordered set of literals.
Match any literal that is larger than Literal in the ordered set of literals.
Match any literal that is equal to Literal in the ordered set of literals.
Match any literal that is equal or smaller than Literal in the ordered set of literals.
Match any literal that is smaller than Literal in the ordered set of literals.
between(+Literal1, +Literal2)
Match any literal that is between Literal1 and Literal2 in the ordered set of literals. This may include both Literal1 and Literal2.
Match any literal that matches Pattern case insensitively, where the `*' character in Pattern matches zero or more characters.

Backtracking never returns duplicate triples. Duplicates can be retrieved using rdf/4. The predicate rdf/3 raises a type-error if called with improper arguments. If rdf/3 is called with a term literal(_) as Subject or Predicate object it fails silently. This allows for graph matching goals like rdf(S,P,O),rdf(O,P2,O2) to proceed without errors.

 rdf(?Subject, ?Predicate, ?Object, ?Source) is nondet
As rdf/3 but in addition query the graph to which the triple belongs. Unlike rdf/3, this predicate does not remove duplicates from the result set.
Source- is a term Graph:Line. If Source is instatiated, passing an atom is the same as passing Atom:_.
 rdf_has(?Subject, +Predicate, ?Object) is nondet
Succeeds if the triple rdf(Subject, Predicate, Object) is true exploiting the rdfs:subPropertyOf predicate as well as inverse predicates declared using rdf_set_predicate/2 with the inverse_of property.
 rdf_has(?Subject, +Predicate, ?Object, -RealPredicate) is nondet
Same as rdf_has/3, but RealPredicate is unified to the actual predicate that makes this relation true. RealPredicate must be Predicate or an rdfs:subPropertyOf Predicate. If an inverse match is found, RealPredicate is the term inverse_of(Pred).
 rdf_reachable(?Subject, +Predicate, ?Object) is nondet
Is true if Object can be reached from Subject following the transitive predicate Predicate or a sub-property thereof, while repecting the symetric(true) or inverse_of(P2) properties.

If used with either Subject or Object unbound, it first returns the origin, followed by the reachable nodes in breadth-first search-order. The implementation internally looks one solution ahead and succeeds deterministically on the last solution. This predicate never generates the same node twice and is robust against cycles in the transitive relation.

With all arguments instantiated, it succeeds deterministically if a path can be found from Subject to Object. Searching starts at Subject, assuming the branching factor is normally lower. A call with both Subject and Object unbound raises an instantiation error. The following example generates all subclasses of rdfs:Resource:

?- rdf_reachable(X, rdfs:subClassOf, rdfs:'Resource').
X = '' ;
X = '' ;
X = '' ;
 rdf_reachable(?Subject, +Predicate, ?Object, +MaxD, -D) is nondet
Same as rdf_reachable/3, but in addition, MaxD limits the number of edges expanded and D is unified with the `distance' between Subject and Object. Distance 0 means Subject and Object are the same resource. MaxD can be the constant infinite to impose no distance-limit.
 rdf_subject(?Resource) is nondet
True if Resource appears as a subject. This query respects the visibility rules implied by the logical update view.
See also
- rdf_resource/1.
  526rdf_subject(Resource) :-
  527    rdf_resource(Resource),
  528    ( rdf(Resource, _, _) -> true ).
 rdf_resource(?Resource) is nondet
True when Resource is a resource used as a subject or object in a triple.

This predicate is primarily intended as a way to process all resources without processing resources twice. The user must be aware that some of the returned resources may not appear in any visible triple.

  541                 /*******************************
  542                 *     TRIPLE MODIFICATIONS     *
  543                 *******************************/
 rdf_assert(+Subject, +Predicate, +Object) is det
Assert a new triple into the database. This is equivalent to rdf_assert/4 using Graph user. Subject and Predicate are resources. Object is either a resource or a term literal(Value). See rdf/3 for an explanation of Value for typed and language qualified literals. All arguments are subject to name-space expansion. Complete duplicates (including the same graph and `line' and with a compatible `lifespan') are not added to the database.
 rdf_assert(+Subject, +Predicate, +Object, +Graph) is det
As rdf_assert/3, adding the predicate to the indicated named graph.
Graph- is either the name of a graph (an atom) or a term Graph:Line, where Line is an integer that denotes a line number.
 rdf_retractall(?Subject, ?Predicate, ?Object) is det
Remove all matching triples from the database. As rdf_retractall/4 using an unbound graph.
 rdf_retractall(?Subject, ?Predicate, ?Object, ?Graph) is det
As rdf_retractall/3, also matching Graph. This is particulary useful to remove all triples coming from a loaded file. See also rdf_unload/1.
 rdf_update(+Subject, +Predicate, +Object, ++Action) is det
 rdf_update(+Subject, +Predicate, +Object, +Graph, ++Action) is det
Replaces one of the three (four) fields on the matching triples depending on Action:
Changes the first field of the triple.
Changes the second field of the triple.
Changes the last field of the triple to the given resource or literal(Value).
Moves the triple from its current named graph to Graph. This only works with rdf_update/5 and throws an error when used with rdf_update/4.
  594                 /*******************************
  595                 *          COLLECTIONS         *
  596                 *******************************/
 rdf_member_property(?Prop, ?Index)
Deal with the rdf:_1, ... properties.
  603               member_prefix(Prefix)) :-
  604    rdf_db:ns(rdf, NS),
  605    atom_concat(NS, '_', Prefix).
  608rdf_member_property(P, N) :-
  609    integer(N),
  610    !,
  611    member_prefix(Prefix),
  612    atom_concat(Prefix, N, P).
  613rdf_member_property(P, N) :-
  614    member_prefix(Prefix),
  615    atom_concat(Prefix, Sub, P),
  616    atom_number(Sub, N).
  619                 /*******************************
  620                 *      ANONYMOUS SUBJECTS      *
  621                 *******************************/
Generate a unique blank node identifier for a subject.
- New code should use rdf_bnode/1.
  629rdf_node(Resource) :-
  630    rdf_bnode(Resource).
Generate a unique anonymous identifier for a subject.
  636rdf_bnode(Value) :-
  637    repeat,
  638    gensym('_:genid', Value),
  639    \+ rdf(Value, _, _),
  640    \+ rdf(_, _, Value),
  641    \+ rdf(_, Value, _),
  642    !.
  646                 /*******************************
  647                 *             TYPES            *
  648                 *******************************/
Tests if a resource is a blank node (i.e. is an anonymous resource). A blank node is represented as an atom that starts with _:. For backward compatibility reason, __ is also considered to be a blank node.
See also
- rdf_bnode/1.
 rdf_is_resource(@Term) is semidet
True if Term is an RDF resource. Note that this is merely a type-test; it does not mean this resource is involved in any triple. Blank nodes are also considered resources.
See also
- rdf_is_bnode/1
  667rdf_is_resource(Term) :-
  668    atom(Term).
 rdf_is_literal(@Term) is semidet
True if Term is an RDF literal object. Currently only checks for groundness and the literal functor.
  675rdf_is_literal(literal(Value)) :-
  676    ground(Value).
  678                 /*******************************
  679                 *             LITERALS         *
  680                 *******************************/
 rdf_current_literal(-Literal) is nondet
True when Literal is a currently known literal. Enumerates each unique literal exactly once. Note that it is possible that the literal only appears in already deleted triples. Deleted triples may be locked due to active queries, transactions or snapshots or may not yet be reclaimed by the garbage collector.
 rdf_literal_value(+Literal, -Value) is semidet
True when value is the appropriate Prolog representation of Literal in the RDF value space. Current mapping:
Plain literalsAtom
Language tagged literalAtom holding plain text
rdf:XMLLiteralXML DOM Tree
Numeric XSD typeNumber
To be done
- Well, this is the long-term idea.
- Add mode (-,+)
  705:- rdf_meta
  706    rdf_literal_value(o, -),
  707    typed_value(r, +, -),
  708    numeric_value(r, +, -).  709
  710rdf_literal_value(literal(String), Value) :-
  711    atom(String),
  712    !,
  713    Value = String.
  714rdf_literal_value(literal(lang(_Lang, String)), String).
  715rdf_literal_value(literal(type(Type, String)), Value) :-
  716    typed_value(Type, String, Value).
  718typed_value(Numeric, String, Value) :-
  719    xsdp_numeric_uri(Numeric, NumType),
  720    !,
  721    numeric_value(NumType, String, Value).
  722typed_value(xsd:string, String, String).
  723typed_value(rdf:'XMLLiteral', Value, DOM) :-
  724    (   atom(Value)
  725    ->  setup_call_cleanup(
  726            ( atom_to_memory_file(Value, MF),
  727              open_memory_file(MF, read, In, [free_on_close(true)])
  728            ),
  729            load_structure(stream(In), DOM, [dialect(xml)]),
  730            close(In))
  731    ;   DOM = Value
  732    ).
  734numeric_value(xsd:integer, String, Value) :-
  735    atom_number(String, Value),
  736    integer(Value).
  737numeric_value(xsd:float, String, Value) :-
  738    atom_number(String, Number),
  739    Value is float(Number).
  740numeric_value(xsd:double, String, Value) :-
  741    atom_number(String, Number),
  742    Value is float(Number).
  743numeric_value(xsd:decimal, String, Value) :-
  744    atom_number(String, Value).
  747                 /*******************************
  748                 *            SOURCE            *
  749                 *******************************/
 rdf_source_location(+Subject, -Location) is nondet
True when triples for Subject are loaded from Location.
Location- is a term File:Line.
  757rdf_source_location(Subject, Source) :-
  758    findall(Source, rdf(Subject, _, _, Source), Sources),
  759    sort(Sources, Unique),
  760    member(Source, Unique).
  763                 /*******************************
  764                 *       GARBAGE COLLECT        *
  765                 *******************************/
Create the garbage collection thread.
  771:- public
  772    rdf_create_gc_thread/0.  773
  774rdf_create_gc_thread :-
  775    thread_create(rdf_gc_loop, _,
  776                  [ alias('__rdf_GC')
  777                  ]).
Take care of running the RDF garbage collection. This predicate is called from a thread started by creating the RDF DB.
  784rdf_gc_loop :-
  785    catch(rdf_gc_loop(0), E, recover_gc(E)).
  787recover_gc('$aborted') :-
  788    !,
  789    thread_self(Me),
  790    thread_detach(Me).
  791recover_gc(Error) :-
  792    print_message(error, Error),
  793    rdf_gc_loop.
  795rdf_gc_loop(CPU) :-
  796    repeat,
  797    (   consider_gc(CPU)
  798    ->  rdf_gc(CPU1),
  799        sleep(CPU1)
  800    ;   sleep(0.1)
  801    ),
  802    fail.
 rdf_gc(-CPU) is det
Run RDF GC one time. CPU is the amount of CPU time spent. We update this in Prolog because portable access to thread specific CPU is really hard in C.
  810rdf_gc(CPU) :-
  811    statistics(cputime, CPU0),
  812    (   rdf_gc_
  813    ->  statistics(cputime, CPU1),
  814        CPU is CPU1-CPU0,
  815        rdf_add_gc_time(CPU)
  816    ;   CPU = 0.0
  817    ).
 rdf_gc is det
Run the RDF-DB garbage collector until no garbage is left and all tables are fully optimized. Under normal operation a separate thread with identifier __rdf_GC performs garbage collection as long as it is considered `useful'.

Using rdf_gc/0 should only be needed to ensure a fully clean database for analysis purposes such as leak detection.

  829rdf_gc :-
  830    has_garbage,
  831    !,
  832    rdf_gc(_),
  833    rdf_gc.
 has_garbage is semidet
True if there is something to gain using GC.
  840has_garbage :-
  841    rdf_gc_info_(Info),
  842    has_garbage(Info),
  843    !.
  845has_garbage(Info) :- arg(2, Info, Garbage),     Garbage > 0.
  846has_garbage(Info) :- arg(3, Info, Reindexed),   Reindexed > 0.
  847has_garbage(Info) :- arg(4, Info, Optimizable), Optimizable > 0.
 consider_gc(+CPU) is semidet
CPU- is the amount of CPU time spent in the most recent GC.
  854consider_gc(_CPU) :-
  855    (   rdf_gc_info_(gc_info(Triples,       % Total #triples in DB
  856                             Garbage,       % Garbage triples in DB
  857                             Reindexed,     % Reindexed & not reclaimed
  858                             Optimizable,   % Non-optimized tables
  859                             _KeepGen,      % Oldest active generation
  860                             _LastGCGen,    % Oldest active gen at last GC
  861                             _ReindexGen,
  862                             _LastGCReindexGen))
  863    ->  (   (Garbage+Reindexed) * 5 > Triples
  864        ;   Optimizable > 4
  865        )
  866    ;   print_message(error, rdf(invalid_gc_info)),
  867        sleep(10)
  868    ),
  869    !.
  872                 /*******************************
  873                 *           STATISTICS         *
  874                 *******************************/
 rdf_statistics(?KeyValue) is nondet
Obtain statistics on the RDF database. Defined statistics are:
Number of named graphs.
Total number of triples in the database. This is the number of asserted triples minus the number of retracted ones. The number of visible triples in a particular context may be different due to visibility rules defined by the logical update view and transaction isolation.
Number of resources that appear as subject or object in a triple. See rdf_resource/1.
Number of current predicates. See rdf_current_predicate/1.
Number of current literals. See rdf_current_literal/1.
gc(GCCount, ReclaimedTriples, ReindexedTriples, Time)
Information about the garbage collector.
Number of nodes expanded by rdf_reachable/3 and rdf_reachable/5.
Number of queries that have been performed for this particular instantiation pattern. Each of S,P,O,G is either + or -. Fails in case the number of performed queries is zero.
Statistics on the index for this pattern. Indices are created lazily on the first relevant query.
triples_by_graph(Graph, Count)
This statistics is produced for each named graph. See triples for the interpretation of this value.
  920rdf_statistics(graphs(Count)) :-
  921    rdf_statistics_(graphs(Count)).
  922rdf_statistics(triples(Count)) :-
  923    rdf_statistics_(triples(Count)).
  924rdf_statistics(duplicates(Count)) :-
  925    rdf_statistics_(duplicates(Count)).
  926rdf_statistics(lingering(Count)) :-
  927    rdf_statistics_(lingering(Count)).
  928rdf_statistics(resources(Count)) :-
  929    rdf_statistics_(resources(Count)).
  930rdf_statistics(properties(Count)) :-
  931    rdf_statistics_(predicates(Count)).
  932rdf_statistics(literals(Count)) :-
  933    rdf_statistics_(literals(Count)).
  934rdf_statistics(gc(Count, Reclaimed, Reindexed, Time)) :-
  935    rdf_statistics_(gc(Count, Reclaimed, Reindexed, Time)).
  936rdf_statistics(searched_nodes(Count)) :-
  937    rdf_statistics_(searched_nodes(Count)).
  938rdf_statistics(lookup(Index, Count)) :-
  939    functor(Indexed, indexed, 16),
  940    rdf_statistics_(Indexed),
  941    index(Index, I),
  942    Arg is I + 1,
  943    arg(Arg, Indexed, Count),
  944    Count \== 0.
  945rdf_statistics(hash_quality(Index, Size, Quality,Optimize)) :-
  946    rdf_statistics_(hash_quality(List)),
  947    member(hash(Place,Size,Quality,Optimize), List),
  948    index(Index, Place).
  949rdf_statistics(triples_by_graph(Graph, Count)) :-
  950    rdf_graph_(Graph, Count).
  952index(rdf(-,-,-,-), 0).
  953index(rdf(+,-,-,-), 1).
  954index(rdf(-,+,-,-), 2).
  955index(rdf(+,+,-,-), 3).
  956index(rdf(-,-,+,-), 4).
  957index(rdf(+,-,+,-), 5).
  958index(rdf(-,+,+,-), 6).
  959index(rdf(+,+,+,-), 7).
  961index(rdf(-,-,-,+), 8).
  962index(rdf(+,-,-,+), 9).
  963index(rdf(-,+,-,+), 10).
  964index(rdf(+,+,-,+), 11).
  965index(rdf(-,-,+,+), 12).
  966index(rdf(+,-,+,+), 13).
  967index(rdf(-,+,+,+), 14).
  968index(rdf(+,+,+,+), 15).
  971                 /*******************************
  972                 *           PREDICATES         *
  973                 *******************************/
 rdf_current_predicate(?Predicate) is nondet
True when Predicate is a currently known predicate. Predicates are created if a triples is created that uses this predicate or a property of the predicate is set using rdf_set_predicate/2. The predicate may (no longer) have triples associated with it.

Note that resources that have rdf:type rdf:Property are not automatically included in the result-set of this predicate, while all resources that appear as the second argument of a triple are included.

See also
- rdf_predicate_property/2.
  989rdf_current_predicate(P, DB) :-
  990    rdf_current_predicate(P),
  991    (   rdf(_,P,_,DB)
  992    ->  true
  993    ).
 rdf_predicate_property(?Predicate, ?Property)
Query properties of a defined predicate. Currently defined properties are given below.
True if the predicate is defined to be symetric. I.e., {A} P {B} implies {B} P {A}. Setting symmetric is equivalent to inverse_of(Self).
True if this predicate is the inverse of Inverse. This property is used by rdf_has/3, rdf_has/4, rdf_reachable/3 and rdf_reachable/5.
True if this predicate is transitive. This predicate is currently not used. It might be used to make rdf_has/3 imply rdf_reachable/3 for transitive predicates.
Unify Triples with the number of existing triples using this predicate as second argument. Reporting the number of triples is intended to support query optimization.
Unify Float with the average number of triples associated with each unique value for the subject-side of this relation. If there are no triples the value 0.0 is returned. This value is cached with the predicate and recomputed only after substantial changes to the triple set associated to this relation. This property is intended for path optimalisation when solving conjunctions of rdf/3 goals.
Unify Float with the average number of triples associated with each unique value for the object-side of this relation. In addition to the comments with the rdf_subject_branch_factor property, uniqueness of the object value is computed from the hash key rather than the actual values.
Same as rdf_subject_branch_factor, but also considering triples of `subPropertyOf' this relation. See also rdf_has/3.
Same as rdf_object_branch_factor, but also considering triples of `subPropertyOf' this relation. See also rdf_has/3.
See also
- rdf_set_predicate/2.
 1046rdf_predicate_property(P, Prop) :-
 1047    var(P),
 1048    !,
 1049    rdf_current_predicate(P),
 1050    rdf_predicate_property_(P, Prop).
 1051rdf_predicate_property(P, Prop) :-
 1052    rdf_predicate_property_(P, Prop).
 rdf_set_predicate(+Predicate, +Property) is det
Define a property of the predicate. This predicate currently supports the following properties:
Set/unset the predicate as being symmetric. Using symmetric(true) is the same as inverse_of(Predicate), i.e., creating a predicate that is the inverse of itself.
Sets the transitive property.
Define Predicate as the inverse of Predicate2. An inverse relation is deleted using inverse_of([]).

The transitive property is currently not used. The symmetric and inverse_of properties are considered by rdf_has/3,4 and rdf_reachable/3.

To be done
- Maintain these properties based on OWL triples.
 1077                 /*******************************
 1078                 *            SNAPSHOTS         *
 1079                 *******************************/
 rdf_snapshot(-Snapshot) is det
Take a snapshot of the current state of the RDF store. Later, goals may be executed in the context of the database at this moment using rdf_transaction/3 with the snapshot option. A snapshot created outside a transaction exists until it is deleted. Snapshots taken inside a transaction can only be used inside this transaction.
 rdf_delete_snapshot(+Snapshot) is det
Delete a snapshot as obtained from rdf_snapshot/1. After this call, resources used for maintaining the snapshot become subject to garbage collection.
 rdf_current_snapshot(?Term) is nondet
True when Term is a currently known snapshot.
- Enumeration of snapshots is slow.
 1102rdf_current_snapshot(Term) :-
 1103    current_blob(Term, rdf_snapshot).
 1106                 /*******************************
 1107                 *          TRANSACTION         *
 1108                 *******************************/
 rdf_transaction(:Goal) is semidet
Same as rdf_transaction(Goal, user, []). See rdf_transaction/3.
 rdf_transaction(:Goal, +Id) is semidet
Same as rdf_transaction(Goal, Id, []). See rdf_transaction/3.
 rdf_transaction(:Goal, +Id, +Options) is semidet
Run Goal in an RDF transaction. Compared to the ACID model, RDF transactions have the following properties:
  1. Modifications inside the transactions become all atomically visible to the outside world if Goal succeeds or remain invisible if Goal fails or throws an exception. I.e., the atomicy property is fully supported.
  2. Consistency is not guaranteed. Later versions may implement consistency constraints that will be checked serialized just before the actual commit of a transaction.
  3. Concurrently executing transactions do not infuence each other. I.e., the isolation property is fully supported.
  4. Durability can be activated by loading library(semweb/rdf_persistency).

Processed options are:

Execute Goal using the state of the RDF store as stored in Snapshot. See rdf_snapshot/1. Snapshot can also be the atom true, which implies that an anonymous snapshot is created at the current state of the store. Modifications due to executing Goal are only visible to Goal.
 1144rdf_transaction(Goal) :-
 1145    rdf_transaction(Goal, user, []).
 1146rdf_transaction(Goal, Id) :-
 1147    rdf_transaction(Goal, Id, []).
 rdf_active_transaction(?Id) is nondet
True if Id is the identifier of a transaction in the context of which this call is executed. If Id is not instantiated, backtracking yields transaction identifiers starting with the innermost nested transaction. Transaction identifier terms are not copied, need not be ground and can be instantiated during the transaction.
 1158rdf_active_transaction(Id) :-
 1159    rdf_active_transactions_(List),
 1160    member(Id, List).
 rdf_monitor(:Goal, +Options)
Call Goal if specified actions occur on the database.
 1166rdf_monitor(Goal, Options) :-
 1167    monitor_mask(Options, 0xffff, Mask),
 1168    rdf_monitor_(Goal, Mask).
 1170monitor_mask([], Mask, Mask).
 1171monitor_mask([H|T], Mask0, Mask) :-
 1172    update_mask(H, Mask0, Mask1),
 1173    monitor_mask(T, Mask1, Mask).
 1175update_mask(-X, Mask0, Mask) :-
 1176    !,
 1177    monitor_mask(X, M),
 1178    Mask is Mask0 /\ \M.
 1179update_mask(+X, Mask0, Mask) :-
 1180    !,
 1181    monitor_mask(X, M),
 1182    Mask is Mask0 \/ M.
 1183update_mask(X, Mask0, Mask) :-
 1184    monitor_mask(X, M),
 1185    Mask is Mask0 \/ M.
 monitor_mask(Name, Mask)
Mask bit for the monitor events. Note that this must be kept consistent with the enum broadcast_id defined in rdf_db.c
 1192                                        % C-defined broadcasts
 1193monitor_mask(assert,       0x0001).
 1194monitor_mask(assert(load), 0x0002).
 1195monitor_mask(retract,      0x0004).
 1196monitor_mask(update,       0x0008).
 1197monitor_mask(new_literal,  0x0010).
 1198monitor_mask(old_literal,  0x0020).
 1199monitor_mask(transaction,  0x0040).
 1200monitor_mask(load,         0x0080).
 1201monitor_mask(create_graph, 0x0100).
 1202monitor_mask(reset,        0x0200).
 1203                                        % prolog defined broadcasts
 1204monitor_mask(parse,        0x1000).
 1205monitor_mask(unload,       0x1000).     % FIXME: Duplicate
 1206                                        % mask for all
 1207monitor_mask(all,          0xffff).
 1209%rdf_broadcast(Term, MaskName) :-
 1210%%      monitor_mask(MaskName, Mask),
 1211%%      rdf_broadcast_(Term, Mask).
 1214                 /*******************************
 1215                 *            WARM              *
 1216                 *******************************/
Warm all indexes. See rdf_warm_indexes/1.
 1222rdf_warm_indexes :-
 1223    findall(Index, rdf_index(Index), Indexes),
 1224    rdf_warm_indexes(Indexes).
 rdf_warm_indexes(+Indexes) is det
Create the named indexes. Normally, the RDF database creates indexes on lazily the first time they are needed. This predicate serves two purposes: it provides an explicit way to make sure that the required indexes are present and creating multiple indexes at the same time is more efficient.
 1246                 /*******************************
 1247                 *          DUPLICATES          *
 1248                 *******************************/
 rdf_update_duplicates is det
Update the duplicate administration of the RDF store. This marks every triple that is potentionally a duplicate of another as duplicate. Being potentially a duplicate means that subject, predicate and object are equivalent and the life-times of the two triples overlap.

The duplicates marks are used to reduce the administrative load of avoiding duplicate answers. Normally, the duplicates are marked using a background thread that is started on the first query that produces a substantial amount of duplicates.

 1263:- public
 1264    rdf_update_duplicates_thread/0.
Start a thread to initialize the duplicate administration.
 1270rdf_update_duplicates_thread :-
 1271    thread_create(rdf_update_duplicates, _,
 1272                  [ detached(true),
 1273                    alias('__rdf_duplicate_detecter')
 1274                  ]).
 rdf_update_duplicates is det
Update the duplicate administration. If this adminstration is up-to-date, each triples that may have a duplicate is flagged. The predicate rdf/3 uses this administration to speedup checking for duplicate answers.

This predicate is normally executed from a background thread named =__rdf_duplicate_detecter= which is created when a query discovers that checking for duplicates becomes too expensive.

 1288                 /*******************************
 1289                 *    QUICK BINARY LOAD/SAVE    *
 1290                 *******************************/
 rdf_save_db(+File) is det
 rdf_save_db(+File, +Graph) is det
Save triples into File in a quick-to-load binary format. If Graph is supplied only triples flagged to originate from that database are added. Files created this way can be loaded using rdf_load_db/1.
 1300:- create_prolog_flag(rdf_triple_format, 3, [type(integer)]). 1301
 1302rdf_save_db(File) :-
 1303    current_prolog_flag(rdf_triple_format, Version),
 1304    setup_call_cleanup(
 1305        open(File, write, Out, [type(binary)]),
 1306        ( set_stream(Out, record_position(false)),
 1307          rdf_save_db_(Out, _, Version)
 1308        ),
 1309        close(Out)).
 1312rdf_save_db(File, Graph) :-
 1313    current_prolog_flag(rdf_triple_format, Version),
 1314    setup_call_cleanup(
 1315        open(File, write, Out, [type(binary)]),
 1316        ( set_stream(Out, record_position(false)),
 1317          rdf_save_db_(Out, Graph, Version)
 1318        ),
 1319        close(Out)).
 rdf_load_db_no_admin(+File, +Id, -Graphs) is det
Load triples from a .trp file without updating the source administration. Id is handled to monitor action. Graphs is a list of graph-names encountered in File.
 1328rdf_load_db_no_admin(File, Id, Graphs) :-
 1329    open(File, read, In, [type(binary)]),
 1330    set_stream(In, record_position(false)),
 1331    call_cleanup(rdf_load_db_(In, Id, Graphs), close(In)).
 check_loaded_cache(+Graph, +Graphs, +Modified) is det
Verify the loaded cache file and optionally fix the modification time (new versions save this along with the snapshot).
To be done
- What to do if there is a cache mismatch? Delete the loaded graphs and fail?
 1342check_loaded_cache(DB, [DB], _Modified) :- !.
 1343check_loaded_cache(DB, Graphs, _) :-
 1344    print_message(warning, rdf(inconsistent_cache(DB, Graphs))).
 rdf_load_db(+File) is det
Load triples from a file created using rdf_save_db/2.
 1351rdf_load_db(File) :-
 1352    uri_file_name(URL, File),
 1353    rdf_load_db_no_admin(File, URL, _Graphs).
 1356                 /*******************************
 1357                 *          LOADING RDF         *
 1358                 *******************************/
 1360:- multifile
 1361    rdf_open_hook/8,
 1362    rdf_open_decode/4,              % +Encoding, +File, -Stream, -Cleanup
 1363    rdf_load_stream/3,              % +Format, +Stream, +Options
 1364    rdf_file_type/2,                % ?Extension, ?Format
 1365    rdf_storage_encoding/2,         % ?Extension, ?Encoding
 1366    url_protocol/1.                 % ?Protocol
 rdf_load(+FileOrList) is det
Same as rdf_load(FileOrList, []). See rdf_load/2.
 rdf_load(+FileOrList, :Options) is det
Load RDF data. Options provides additional processing options. Defined options are:
How to handle equivalent blank nodes. If share (default), equivalent blank nodes are shared in the same resource.
URI that is used for rdf:about="" and other RDF constructs that are relative to the base uri. Default is the source URL.
If FileOrList is a list of files, process the input files using Jobs threads concurrently. Default is the mininum of the number of cores and the number of inputs. Higher values can be useful when loading inputs from (slow) network connections. Using 1 (one) does not use separate worker threads.
Specify the source format explicitly. Normally this is deduced from the filename extension or the mime-type. The core library understands the formats xml (RDF/XML) and triples (internal quick load and cache format). Plugins, such as library(semweb/turtle) extend the set of recognised extensions.
Named graph in which to load the data. It is not allowed to load two sources into the same named graph. If Graph is unbound, it is unified to the graph into which the data is loaded. The default graph is a file:// URL when loading a file or, if the specification is a URL, its normalized version without the optional #fragment.
When to load the file. One of true, changed (default) or not_loaded.
Unify Modified with one of not_modified, cached(File), last_modified(Stamp) or unknown.
If false, do not use or create a cache file.
If true (default false), register xmlns namespace declarations or Turtle @prefix prefixes using rdf_register_prefix/3 if there is no conflict.
If true, the message reporting completion is printed using level silent. Otherwise the level is informational. See also print_message/2.
Returns the prefixes defined in the source data file as a list of pairs.
multifile +Boolean
Indicate that the addressed graph may be populated with triples from multiple sources. This disables caching and avoids that an rdf_load/2 call affecting the specified graph cleans the graph.

Other options are forwarded to process_rdf/3. By default, rdf_load/2 only loads RDF/XML from files. It can be extended to load data from other formats and locations using plugins. The full set of plugins relevant to support different formats and locations is below:

:- use_module(library(semweb/turtle)).        % Turtle and TriG
:- use_module(library(semweb/rdf_ntriples)).
:- use_module(library(semweb/rdf_zlib_plugin)).
:- use_module(library(semweb/rdf_http_plugin)).
:- use_module(library(http/http_ssl_plugin)).
See also
- rdf_open_hook/3, library(semweb/rdf_persistency) and library(semweb/rdf_cache)
 1458:- dynamic
 1459    rdf_loading/3.                          % Graph, Queue, Thread
 1461rdf_load(Spec) :-
 1462    rdf_load(Spec, []).
 1464:- if(\+current_predicate(concurrent/3)). 1465concurrent(_, Goals, _) :-
 1466    forall(member(G, Goals), call(G)).
 1467:- endif. 1468
 1469% Note that we kill atom garbage collection.  This improves performance
 1470% with about 15% loading the LUBM Univ_50 benchmark.
 1472rdf_load(Spec, M:Options) :-
 1473    must_be(list, Options),
 1474    current_prolog_flag(agc_margin, Old),
 1475    setup_call_cleanup(
 1476        set_prolog_flag(agc_margin, 0),
 1477        rdf_load_noagc(Spec, M, Options),
 1478        set_prolog_flag(agc_margin, Old)).
 1480rdf_load_noagc(List, M, Options) :-
 1481    is_list(List),
 1482    !,
 1483    flatten(List, Inputs),          % Compatibility: allow nested lists
 1484    maplist(must_be(ground), Inputs),
 1485    length(Inputs, Count),
 1486    load_jobs(Count, Jobs, Options),
 1487    (   Jobs =:= 1
 1488    ->  forall(member(Spec, Inputs),
 1489               rdf_load_one(Spec, M, Options))
 1490    ;   maplist(load_goal(Options, M), Inputs, Goals),
 1491        concurrent(Jobs, Goals, [])
 1492    ).
 1493rdf_load_noagc(One, M, Options) :-
 1494    must_be(ground, One),
 1495    rdf_load_one(One, M, Options).
 1497load_goal(Options, M, Spec, rdf_load_one(Spec, M, Options)).
 1499load_jobs(_, Jobs, Options) :-
 1500    option(concurrent(Jobs), Options),
 1501    !,
 1502    must_be(positive_integer, Jobs).
 1503load_jobs(Count, Jobs, _) :-
 1504    current_prolog_flag(cpu_count, CPUs),
 1505    CPUs > 0,
 1506    !,
 1507    Jobs is max(1, min(CPUs, Count)).
 1508load_jobs(_, 1, _).
 1511rdf_load_one(Spec, M, Options) :-
 1512    source_url(Spec, Protocol, SourceURL),
 1513    load_graph(SourceURL, Graph, Options),
 1514    setup_call_cleanup(
 1515        with_mutex(rdf_load_file,
 1516                   rdf_start_load(SourceURL, Loading)),
 1517        rdf_load_file(Loading, Spec, SourceURL, Protocol,
 1518                      Graph, M, Options),
 1519        rdf_end_load(Loading)).
 rdf_start_load(+SourceURL, -WhatToDo) is det
 rdf_end_load(+WhatToDo) is det
 rdf_load_file(+WhatToDo, +Spec, +SourceURL, +Protocol, +Graph, +Module, +Options) is det
Of these three predicates, rdf_load_file/7 does the real work. The others deal with the possibility that the graph is being loaded by another thread. In that case, we wait for the other thread to complete the work.
See also
- Code is modelled closely after how concurrent loading is handled in SWI-Prolog's boot/
To be done
- What if both threads disagree on what is loaded into the graph?
 1536rdf_start_load(SourceURL, queue(Queue)) :-
 1537    rdf_loading(SourceURL, Queue, LoadThread),
 1538    \+ thread_self(LoadThread),
 1539    !,
 1540    debug(rdf(load), '~p is being loaded by thread ~w; waiting ...',
 1541          [ SourceURL, LoadThread]).
 1542rdf_start_load(SourceURL, Ref) :-
 1543    thread_self(Me),
 1544    message_queue_create(Queue),
 1545    assertz(rdf_loading(SourceURL, Queue, Me), Ref).
 1547rdf_end_load(queue(_)) :- !.
 1548rdf_end_load(Ref) :-
 1549    clause(rdf_loading(_, Queue, _), _, Ref),
 1550    erase(Ref),
 1551    thread_send_message(Queue, done),
 1552    message_queue_destroy(Queue).
 1554rdf_load_file(queue(Queue), _Spec, _SourceURL, _Protocol, _Graph, _M, _Options) :-
 1555    !,
 1556    catch(thread_get_message(Queue, _), _, true).
 1557rdf_load_file(_Ref, _Spec, SourceURL, Protocol, Graph, M, Options) :-
 1558    debug(rdf(load), 'RDF: Loading ~q into ~q', [SourceURL, Graph]),
 1559    statistics(cputime, T0),
 1560    rdf_open_input(SourceURL, Protocol, Graph,
 1561                   In, Cleanup, Modified, Format, Options),
 1562    supported_format(Format, Cleanup),
 1563    return_modified(Modified, Options),
 1564    (   Modified == not_modified
 1565    ->  Action = none
 1566    ;   Modified = cached(CacheFile)
 1567    ->  do_unload(Graph),
 1568        catch(rdf_load_db_no_admin(CacheFile, cache(Graph), Graphs), _, fail),
 1569        check_loaded_cache(Graph, Graphs, Modified),
 1570        Action = load
 1571    ;   option(base_uri(BaseURI), Options, Graph),
 1572        (   var(BaseURI)
 1573        ->  BaseURI = SourceURL
 1574        ;   true
 1575        ),
 1576        once(phrase(derived_options(Options, NSList), Extra)),
 1577        merge_options([ base_uri(BaseURI),
 1578                        graph(Graph),
 1579                        format(Format)
 1580                      | Extra
 1581                      ], Options, RDFOptions),
 1582        (   option(multifile(true), Options)
 1583        ->  true
 1584        ;   do_unload(Graph)
 1585        ),
 1586        graph_modified(Modified, ModifiedStamp),
 1587        rdf_set_graph_source(Graph, SourceURL, ModifiedStamp),
 1588        call_cleanup(rdf_load_stream(Format, In, M:RDFOptions),
 1589                     Cleanup),
 1590        save_cache(Graph, SourceURL, Options),
 1591        register_file_prefixes(NSList),
 1592        format_action(Format, Action)
 1593    ),
 1594    rdf_statistics_(triples(Graph, Triples)),
 1595    report_loaded(Action, SourceURL, Graph, Triples, T0, Options).
 1597supported_format(Format, _Cleanup) :-
 1598    rdf_file_type(_, Format),
 1599    !.
 1600supported_format(Format, Cleanup) :-
 1601    call(Cleanup),
 1602    existence_error(rdf_format_plugin, Format).
 1604format_action(triples, load) :- !.
 1605format_action(_, parsed).
 1607save_cache(Graph, SourceURL, Options) :-
 1608    option(cache(true), Options, true),
 1609    rdf_cache_file(SourceURL, write, CacheFile),
 1610    !,
 1611    catch(save_cache(Graph, CacheFile), E,
 1612          print_message(warning, E)).
 1613save_cache(_, _, _).
 1615derived_options([], _) -->
 1616    [].
 1617derived_options([H|T], NSList) -->
 1618    (   {   H == register_namespaces(true)
 1619        ;   H == (register_namespaces = true)
 1620        }
 1621    ->  [ namespaces(NSList) ]
 1622    ;   []
 1623    ),
 1624    derived_options(T, NSList).
 1626graph_modified(last_modified(Stamp), Stamp).
 1627graph_modified(unknown, Stamp) :-
 1628    get_time(Stamp).
 1630return_modified(Modified, Options) :-
 1631    option(modified(M0), Options),
 1632    !,
 1633    M0 = Modified.
 1634return_modified(_, _).
 1637                 /*******************************
 1638                 *        INPUT HANDLING        *
 1639                 *******************************/
 1641/* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
 1642This section deals with pluggable input sources.  The task of the input
 1643layer is
 1645    * Decide on the graph-name
 1646    * Decide on the source-location
 1647    * Decide whether loading is needed (if-modified)
 1648    * Decide on the serialization in the input
 1650The protocol must ensure minimal  overhead,   in  particular for network
 1651protocols. E.g. for HTTP we want to make a single call on the server and
 1652use If-modified-since to verify that we need not reloading this file.
 1653- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
 rdf_open_input(+SourceURL, +Protocol, +Graph, -Stream, -Cleanup, -Modified, -Format, +Options)
Open an input source.

Options processed:

Modified- is one of not_modified, last_modified(Time), cached(CacheFile) or unknown
 1671rdf_open_input(SourceURL, Protocol, Graph,
 1672               Stream, Cleanup, Modified, Format, Options) :-
 1673    (   option(multifile(true), Options)
 1674    ->  true
 1675    ;   option(if(If), Options, changed),
 1676        (   If == true
 1677        ->  true
 1678        ;   rdf_graph_source_(Graph, SourceURL, HaveModified)
 1679        ->  true
 1680        ;   option(cache(true), Options, true),
 1681            rdf_cache_file(SourceURL, read, CacheFile)
 1682        ->  time_file(CacheFile, HaveModified)
 1683        ;   true
 1684        )
 1685    ),
 1686    option(format(Format), Options, _),
 1687    open_input_if_modified(Protocol, SourceURL, HaveModified,
 1688                           Stream, Cleanup, Modified0, Format, Options),
 1689    (   Modified0 == not_modified
 1690    ->  (   nonvar(CacheFile)
 1691        ->  Modified = cached(CacheFile)
 1692        ;   Modified = not_modified
 1693        )
 1694    ;   Modified = Modified0
 1695    ).
 source_url(+Spec, -Class, -SourceURL) is det
Determine class and url of the source. Class is one of
 1706source_url(stream(In), stream(In), SourceURL) :-
 1707    !,
 1708    (   stream_property(In, file_name(File))
 1709    ->  to_url(File, SourceURL)
 1710    ;   gensym('stream://', SourceURL)
 1711    ).
 1712source_url(Stream, Class, SourceURL) :-
 1713    is_stream(Stream),
 1714    !,
 1715    source_url(stream(Stream), Class, SourceURL).
 1716source_url(Spec, Protocol, SourceURL) :-
 1717    compound(Spec),
 1718    !,
 1719    source_file(Spec, Protocol, SourceURL).
 1720source_url(FileURL, Protocol, SourceURL) :-             % or return FileURL?
 1721    uri_file_name(FileURL, File),
 1722    !,
 1723    source_file(File, Protocol, SourceURL).
 1724source_url(SourceURL0, Protocol, SourceURL) :-
 1725    is_url(SourceURL0, Protocol, SourceURL),
 1726    !.
 1727source_url(File, Protocol, SourceURL) :-
 1728    source_file(File, Protocol, SourceURL).
 1730source_file(Spec, file(SExt), SourceURL) :-
 1731    findall(Ext, valid_extension(Ext), Exts),
 1732    absolute_file_name(Spec, File, [access(read), extensions([''|Exts])]),
 1733    storage_extension(_Plain, SExt, File),
 1734    uri_file_name(SourceURL, File).
 1736to_url(URL, URL) :-
 1737    uri_is_global(URL),
 1738    !.
 1739to_url(File, URL) :-
 1740    absolute_file_name(File, Path),
 1741    uri_file_name(URL, Path).
 1743storage_extension(Plain, SExt, File) :-
 1744    file_name_extension(Plain, SExt, File),
 1745    SExt \== '',
 1746    rdf_storage_encoding(SExt, _),
 1747    !.
 1748storage_extension(File, '', File).
 load_graph(+SourceURL, -Graph, +Options) is det
Graph is the graph into which we load the data. Tries these options:
  1. The graph(Graph) option
  2. The db(Graph) option (backward compatibility)
  3. The base_uri(BaseURI) option
  4. The source URL
 1760load_graph(_Source, Graph, Options) :-
 1761    option(multifile(true), Options),
 1762    !,
 1763    (   (   option(graph(Graph), Options)
 1764        ->  true
 1765        ;   option(db(Graph), Options)
 1766        ),
 1767        ground(Graph)
 1768    ->  true
 1769    ;   throw(error(existence_error(option, graph),
 1770                    context(_, "rdf_load/2: using multifile requires graph")))
 1771    ).
 1772load_graph(Source, Graph, Options) :-
 1773    (   option(graph(Graph), Options)
 1774    ;   option(db(Graph), Options)
 1775    ),
 1776    !,
 1777    load_graph2(Source, Graph, Options).
 1778load_graph(Source, Graph, Options) :-
 1779    load_graph2(Source, Graph, Options).
 1781load_graph2(_, Graph, _) :-
 1782    ground(Graph),
 1783    !.
 1784load_graph2(_Source, Graph, Options) :-
 1785    option(base_uri(Graph), Options),
 1786    Graph \== [],
 1787    ground(Graph),
 1788    !.
 1789load_graph2(Source, Graph, _) :-
 1790    load_graph(Source, Graph).
 1792load_graph(SourceURL, BaseURI) :-
 1793    file_name_extension(BaseURI, Ext, SourceURL),
 1794    rdf_storage_encoding(Ext, _),
 1795    !.
 1796load_graph(SourceURL, SourceURL).
 1799open_input_if_modified(stream(In), SourceURL, _, In, true,
 1800                       unknown, Format, _) :-
 1801    !,
 1802    (   var(Format)
 1803    ->  guess_format(SourceURL, Format)
 1804    ;   true
 1805    ).
 1806open_input_if_modified(file(SExt), SourceURL, HaveModified, Stream, Cleanup,
 1807                       Modified, Format, _) :-
 1808    !,
 1809    uri_file_name(SourceURL, File),
 1810    (   SExt == '' -> Plain = File; file_name_extension(Plain, SExt, File)),
 1811    time_file(File, LastModified),
 1812    (   nonvar(HaveModified),
 1813        HaveModified >= LastModified
 1814    ->  Modified = not_modified,
 1815        Cleanup = true
 1816    ;   storage_open(SExt, File, Stream, Cleanup),
 1817        Modified = last_modified(LastModified),
 1818        (   var(Format)
 1819        ->  guess_format(Plain, Format)
 1820        ;   true
 1821        )
 1822    ).
 1823open_input_if_modified(file, SourceURL, HaveModified, Stream, Cleanup,
 1824                       Modified, Format, Options) :-
 1825    !,
 1826    open_input_if_modified(file(''), SourceURL, HaveModified,
 1827                           Stream, Cleanup,
 1828                           Modified, Format, Options).
 1829open_input_if_modified(Protocol, SourceURL, HaveModified, Stream, Cleanup,
 1830                       Modified, Format, Options) :-
 1831    rdf_open_hook(Protocol, SourceURL, HaveModified, Stream, Cleanup,
 1832                  Modified, Format, Options).
 1834guess_format(File, Format) :-
 1835    file_name_extension(_, Ext, File),
 1836    (   rdf_file_type(Ext, Format)
 1837    ->  true
 1838    ;   Format = xml,
 1839        print_message(warning, rdf(guess_format(Ext)))
 1840    ).
 storage_open(+Extension, +File, -Stream, -Cleanup)
Open the low-level storage. Note that the file is opened as binary. This is the same as for HTTP resources. The correct encoding will be set by the XML parser or the Turtle parser.
 1848storage_open('', File, Stream, close(Stream)) :-
 1849    !,
 1850    open(File, read, Stream, [type(binary)]).
 1851storage_open(Ext, File, Stream, Cleanup) :-
 1852    rdf_storage_encoding(Ext, Encoding),
 1853    rdf_open_decode(Encoding, File, Stream, Cleanup).
 1855valid_extension(Ext) :-
 1856    rdf_file_type(Ext, _).
 1857valid_extension(Ext) :-
 1858    rdf_storage_encoding(Ext, _).
 is_url(@Term, -Scheme, -URL) is semidet
True if Term is an atom denoting URL of the given Scheme. URL is normalized (see uri_normalized/2) and a possible fragment identifier (#fragment) is removed. This predicate only succeeds if the scheme is registered using the multifile hook url_protocol/1.
 1868is_url(URL, Scheme, FetchURL) :-
 1869    atom(URL),
 1870    uri_is_global(URL),
 1871    uri_normalized(URL, URL1),              % case normalization
 1872    uri_components(URL1, Components),
 1873    uri_data(scheme, Components, Scheme0),
 1874    url_protocol(Scheme0),
 1875    !,
 1876    Scheme = Scheme0,
 1877    uri_data(fragment, Components, _, Components1),
 1878    uri_components(FetchURL, Components1).
 1880url_protocol(file).                     % built-in
 rdf_file_type(+Extension, -Format) is semidet
True if Format is the format belonging to the given file extension. This predicate is multifile and can thus be extended by plugins.
 1888rdf_file_type(xml,   xml).
 1889rdf_file_type(rdf,   xml).
 1890rdf_file_type(rdfs,  xml).
 1891rdf_file_type(owl,   xml).
 1892rdf_file_type(htm,   xhtml).
 1893rdf_file_type(html,  xhtml).
 1894rdf_file_type(xhtml, xhtml).
 1895rdf_file_type(trp,   triples).
 rdf_file_encoding(+Extension, -Format) is semidet
True if Format describes the storage encoding of file.
 1902rdf_storage_encoding('', plain).
 rdf_load_stream(+Format, +Stream, :Options)
Load RDF data from Stream.
To be done
- Handle mime-types?
 1911rdf_load_stream(xml, Stream, Options) :-
 1912    !,
 1913    graph(Options, Graph),
 1914    rdf_transaction(load_stream(Stream, Options),
 1915                    parse(Graph)).
 1916rdf_load_stream(xhtml, Stream, M:Options) :-
 1917    !,
 1918    graph(Options, Graph),
 1919    rdf_transaction(load_stream(Stream, M:[embedded(true)|Options]),
 1920                    parse(Graph)).
 1921rdf_load_stream(triples, Stream, Options) :-
 1922    !,
 1923    graph(Options, Graph),
 1924    rdf_load_db_(Stream, Graph, _Graphs).
 1926load_stream(Stream, M:Options) :-
 1927    process_rdf(Stream, assert_triples, M:Options),
 1928    option(graph(Graph), Options),
 1929    rdf_graph_clear_modified_(Graph).
 report_loaded(+Action, +Source, +DB, +Triples, +StartCPU, +Options)
 1934report_loaded(none, _, _, _, _, _) :- !.
 1935report_loaded(Action, Source, DB, Triples, T0, Options) :-
 1936    statistics(cputime, T1),
 1937    Time is T1 - T0,
 1938    (   option(silent(true), Options)
 1939    ->  Level = silent
 1940    ;   Level = informational
 1941    ),
 1942    print_message(Level,
 1943                  rdf(loaded(Action, Source, DB, Triples, Time))).
 rdf_unload(+Source) is det
Identify the graph loaded from Source and use rdf_unload_graph/1 to erase this graph.
- For compatibility, this predicate also accepts a graph name instead of a source specification. Please update your code to use rdf_unload_graph/1.
 1956rdf_unload(Spec) :-
 1957    source_url(Spec, _Protocol, SourceURL),
 1958    rdf_graph_source_(Graph, SourceURL, _),
 1959    !,
 1960    rdf_unload_graph(Graph).
 1961rdf_unload(Graph) :-
 1962    atom(Graph),
 1963    rdf_graph(Graph),
 1964    !,
 1965    warn_deprecated_unload(Graph),
 1966    rdf_unload_graph(Graph).
 1969:- dynamic
 1970    warned/0. 1971
 1972warn_deprecated_unload(_) :-
 1973    warned,
 1974    !.
 1975warn_deprecated_unload(Graph) :-
 1976    assertz(warned),
 1977    print_message(warning, rdf(deprecated(rdf_unload(Graph)))).
 rdf_unload_graph(+Graph) is det
Remove Graph from the RDF store. Succeeds silently if the named graph does not exist.
 1985rdf_unload_graph(Graph) :-
 1986    must_be(atom, Graph),
 1987    (   rdf_graph(Graph)
 1988    ->  rdf_transaction(do_unload(Graph), unload(Graph))
 1989    ;   true
 1990    ).
 1992do_unload(Graph) :-
 1993    (   rdf_graph_(Graph, Triples),
 1994        Triples > 0
 1995    ->  rdf_retractall(_,_,_,Graph)
 1996    ;   true
 1997    ),
 1998    rdf_destroy_graph(Graph).
 2000                 /*******************************
 2001                 *         GRAPH QUERIES        *
 2002                 *******************************/
 rdf_create_graph(+Graph) is det
Create an RDF graph without triples. Succeeds silently if the graph already exists.
 rdf_graph(?Graph) is nondet
True when Graph is an existing graph.
 2014rdf_graph(Graph) :-
 2015    rdf_graph_(Graph, _Triples).
 rdf_source(?Graph, ?SourceURL) is nondet
True if named Graph is loaded from SourceURL.
- Use rdf_graph_property(Graph, source(SourceURL)).
 2023rdf_source(Graph, SourceURL) :-
 2024    rdf_graph(Graph),
 2025    rdf_graph_source_(Graph, SourceURL, _Modified).
True if Source is a loaded source.
- Use rdf_graph/1 or rdf_source/2.
 2033rdf_source(SourceURL) :-
 2034    rdf_source(_Graph, SourceURL).
Reload all loaded files that have been modified since the last time they were loaded.
 2041rdf_make :-
 2042    findall(Source-Graph, modified_graph(Source, Graph), Modified),
 2043    forall(member(Source-Graph, Modified),
 2044           catch(rdf_load(Source, [graph(Graph), if(changed)]), E,
 2045                 print_message(error, E))).
 2047modified_graph(SourceURL, Graph) :-
 2048    rdf_graph(Graph),
 2049    rdf_graph_source_(Graph, SourceURL, Modified),
 2050    \+ sub_atom(SourceURL, 0, _, _, 'stream://'),
 2051    Modified > 0.
 rdf_graph_property(?Graph, ?Property) is nondet
True when Property is a property of Graph. Defined properties are:
Hash is the (MD5-)hash for the content of Graph.
True if the graph is modified since it was loaded or rdf_set_graph/2 was called with modified(false).
The graph is loaded from the Source (a URL)
Time is the last-modified timestamp of Source at the moment the graph was loaded from Source.
True when Count is the number of triples in Graph.

Additional graph properties can be added by defining rules for the multifile predicate property_of_graph/2. Currently, the following extensions are defined:

 2079rdf_graph_property(Graph, Property) :-
 2080    rdf_graph(Graph),
 2081    property_of_graph(Property, Graph).
 2083:- multifile
 2084    property_of_graph/2. 2085
 2086property_of_graph(hash(Hash), Graph) :-
 2087    rdf_md5(Graph, Hash).
 2088property_of_graph(modified(Boolean), Graph) :-
 2089    rdf_graph_modified_(Graph, Boolean, _).
 2090property_of_graph(source(URL), Graph) :-
 2091    rdf_graph_source_(Graph, URL, _).
 2092property_of_graph(source_last_modified(Time), Graph) :-
 2093    rdf_graph_source_(Graph, _, Time),
 2094    Time > 0.0.
 2095property_of_graph(triples(Count), Graph) :-
 2096    rdf_graph_(Graph, Count).
 rdf_set_graph(+Graph, +Property) is det
Set properties of Graph. Defined properties are:
Set the modified state of Graph to false.
 2105rdf_set_graph(Graph, modified(Modified)) :-
 2106    must_be(oneof([false]), Modified),
 2107    rdf_graph_clear_modified_(Graph).
 save_cache(+DB, +Cache) is det
Save triples belonging to DB in the file Cache.
 2114save_cache(DB, Cache) :-
 2115    current_prolog_flag(rdf_triple_format, Version),
 2116    setup_call_cleanup(
 2117        catch(open(Cache, write, CacheStream, [type(binary)]), _, fail),
 2118        rdf_save_db_(CacheStream, DB, Version),
 2119        close(CacheStream)).
 assert_triples(+Triples, +Source)
Assert a list of triples into the database. Foir security reasons we check we aren't inserting anything but nice RDF triples.
 2127assert_triples([], _).
 2128assert_triples([rdf(S,P,O)|T], DB) :-
 2129    !,
 2130    rdf_assert(S, P, O, DB),
 2131    assert_triples(T, DB).
 2132assert_triples([H|_], _) :-
 2133    throw(error(type_error(rdf_triple, H), _)).
 2136                 /*******************************
 2137                 *             RESET            *
 2138                 *******************************/
Remove all triples from the RDF database and reset all its statistics.
- This predicate checks for active queries, but this check is not properly synchronized and therefore the use of this predicate is unsafe in multi-threaded contexts. It is mainly used to run functionality tests that need to start with an empty database.
 2151rdf_reset_db :-
 2152    reset_gensym('_:genid'),
 2153    rdf_reset_db_.
 2156                 /*******************************
 2157                 *           SAVE RDF           *
 2158                 *******************************/
 rdf_save(+Out) is det
Same as rdf_save(Out, []). See rdf_save/2 for details.
 rdf_save(+Out, :Options) is det
Write RDF data as RDF/XML. Options is a list of one or more of the following options:
Save only triples associated to the given named Graph.
If false (default true) do not save blank nodes that do not appear (indirectly) as object of a named resource.
BaseURI used. If present, all URIs that can be represented relative to this base are written using their shorthand. See also write_xml_base option.
Call Convertor(-Type, -Content, +RDFObject), providing the opposite for the convert_typed_literal option of the RDF parser.
Initial xml:lang saved with rdf:RDF element.
Encoding for the output. Either utf8 or iso_latin_1.
If true (default false), inline resources when encountered for the first time. Normally, only bnodes are handled this way.
Explicitly specify saved namespace declarations. See rdf_save_header/2 option namespaces for details.
If true (default false), emit subjects sorted on the full URI. Useful to make file comparison easier.
If false, do not include the xml:base declaration that is written normally when using the base_uri option.
If false (default true), never use xml attributes to save plain literal attributes, i.e., always used an XML element as in <name>Joe</name>.
Out- Location to save the data. This can also be a file-url (file://path) or a stream wrapped in a term stream(Out).
See also
- rdf_save_db/1
 2220:- thread_local
 2221    named_anon/2,                   % +Resource, -Id
 2222    inlined/1.                      % +Resource
 2224rdf_save(File) :-
 2225    rdf_save2(File, []).
 2227rdf_save(Spec, M:Options0) :-
 2228    is_list(Options0),
 2229    !,
 2230    meta_options(save_meta_option, M:Options0, Options),
 2231    to_file(Spec, File),
 2232    rdf_save2(File, Options).
 2233rdf_save(Spec, _:DB) :-
 2234    atom(DB),                      % backward compatibility
 2235    !,
 2236    to_file(Spec, File),
 2237    rdf_save2(File, [graph(DB)]).
 2241to_file(URL, File) :-
 2242    atom(URL),
 2243    uri_file_name(URL, File),
 2244    !.
 2245to_file(File, File).
 2247rdf_save2(File, Options) :-
 2248    option(encoding(Encoding), Options, utf8),
 2249    valid_encoding(Encoding),
 2250    open_output(File, Encoding, Out, Close),
 2251    flag(rdf_db_saved_subjects, OSavedSubjects, 0),
 2252    flag(rdf_db_saved_triples, OSavedTriples, 0),
 2253    call_cleanup(rdf_do_save(Out, Options),
 2254                 Reason,
 2255                 cleanup_save(Reason,
 2256                              File,
 2257                              OSavedSubjects,
 2258                              OSavedTriples,
 2259                              Close)).
 2261open_output(stream(Out), Encoding, Out, Cleanup) :-
 2262    !,
 2263    stream_property(Out, encoding(Old)),
 2264    (   (   Old == Encoding
 2265        ;   Old == wchar_t          % Internal encoding
 2266        )
 2267    ->  Cleanup = true
 2268    ;   set_stream(Out, encoding(Encoding)),
 2269        Cleanup = set_stream(Out, encoding(Old))
 2270    ).
 2271open_output(File, Encoding, Out,
 2272            close(Out)) :-
 2273    open(File, write, Out, [encoding(Encoding)]).
 2275valid_encoding(Enc) :-
 2276    (   xml_encoding_name(Enc, _)
 2277    ->  true
 2278    ;   throw(error(domain_error(encoding, Enc), _))
 2279    ).
 2283             File,
 2284             OSavedSubjects,
 2285             OSavedTriples,
 2286             Close) :-
 2287    call(Close),
 2288    flag(rdf_db_saved_subjects, SavedSubjects, OSavedSubjects),
 2289    flag(rdf_db_saved_triples, SavedTriples, OSavedTriples),
 2290    retractall(named_anon(_, _)),
 2291    retractall(inlined(_)),
 2292    (   Reason == exit
 2293    ->  print_message(informational,
 2294                      rdf(saved(File, SavedSubjects, SavedTriples)))
 2295    ;   format(user_error, 'Reason = ~w~n', [Reason])
 2296    ).
 2298rdf_do_save(Out, Options0) :-
 2299    rdf_save_header(Out, Options0, Options),
 2300    graph(Options, DB),
 2301    (   option(sorted(true), Options, false)
 2302    ->  (   var(DB)
 2303        ->  setof(Subject, rdf_subject(Subject), Subjects)
 2304        ;   findall(Subject, rdf(Subject, _, _, DB:_), SubjectList),
 2305            sort(SubjectList, Subjects)
 2306        ),
 2307        forall(member(Subject, Subjects),
 2308               rdf_save_non_anon_subject(Out, Subject, Options))
 2309    ;   forall(rdf_subject_in_graph(Subject, DB),
 2310               rdf_save_non_anon_subject(Out, Subject, Options))
 2311    ),
 2312    rdf_save_footer(Out),
 2313    !.                                  % dubious cut; without the
 2314                                        % cleanup handlers isn't called!?
 rdf_subject_in_graph(-Subject, ?DB) is nondet
True when Subject is a subject in the graph DB. If DB is unbound, all subjects are enumerated. Otherwise we have two options: enumerate all subjects and filter by graph or collect all triples of the graph and get the unique subjects. The first is attractive if the graph is big compared to the DB, also because it does not require memory, the second if the graph is small compared to the DB.
 2325rdf_subject_in_graph(Subject, DB) :-
 2326    var(DB),
 2327    !,
 2328    rdf_subject(Subject).
 2329rdf_subject_in_graph(Subject, DB) :-
 2330    rdf_statistics(triples(AllTriples)),
 2331    rdf_graph_property(DB, triples(DBTriples)),
 2332    DBTriples > AllTriples // 10,
 2333    !,
 2334    rdf_resource(Subject),
 2335    (   rdf(Subject, _, _, DB:_)
 2336    ->  true
 2337    ).
 2338rdf_subject_in_graph(Subject, DB) :-
 2339    findall(Subject, rdf(Subject, _, _, DB:_), SubjectList),
 2340    list_to_set(SubjectList, Subjects),
 2341    member(Subject, Subjects).
 2344graph(Options0, DB) :-
 2345    strip_module(Options0, _, Options),
 2346    (   memberchk(graph(DB0), Options)
 2347    ->  DB = DB0
 2348    ;   memberchk(db(DB0), Options)
 2349    ->  DB = DB0
 2350    ;   true                            % leave unbound
 2351    ).
 rdf_save_header(+Fd, +Options)
Save XML document header, doctype and open the RDF environment. This predicate also sets up the namespace notation.

Save an RDF header, with the XML header, DOCTYPE, ENTITY and opening the rdf:RDF element with appropriate namespace declarations. It uses the primitives from section 3.5 to generate the required namespaces and desired short-name. Options is one of:

Only search for namespaces used in triples that belong to the given named graph.
Where List is a list of namespace abbreviations. With this option, the expensive search for all namespaces that may be used by your data is omitted. The namespaces rdf and rdfs are added to the provided List. If a namespace is not declared, the resource is emitted in non-abreviated form.
 2376rdf_save_header(Out, Options) :-
 2377    rdf_save_header(Out, Options, _).
 2379rdf_save_header(Out, Options, OptionsOut) :-
 2380    is_list(Options),
 2381    !,
 2382    option(encoding(Enc), Options, utf8),
 2383    xml_encoding(Enc, Encoding),
 2384    format(Out, '<?xml version=\'1.0\' encoding=\'~w\'?>~n', [Encoding]),
 2385    format(Out, '<!DOCTYPE rdf:RDF [', []),
 2386    header_namespaces(Options, NSIdList),
 2387    nsmap(NSIdList, NsMap),
 2388    append(Options, [nsmap(NsMap)], OptionsOut),
 2389    forall(member(Id=URI, NsMap),
 2390           (   xml_quote_attribute(URI, NSText0, Enc),
 2391               xml_escape_parameter_entity(NSText0, NSText),
 2392               format(Out, '~N    <!ENTITY ~w \'~w\'>', [Id, NSText])
 2393           )),
 2394    format(Out, '~N]>~n~n', []),
 2395    format(Out, '<rdf:RDF', []),
 2396    (   member(Id, NSIdList),
 2397        format(Out, '~N    xmlns:~w="&~w;"~n', [Id, Id]),
 2398        fail
 2399    ;   true
 2400    ),
 2401    (   option(base_uri(Base), Options),
 2402        option(write_xml_base(true), Options, true)
 2403    ->  xml_quote_attribute(Base, BaseText, Enc),
 2404        format(Out, '~N    xml:base="~w"~n', [BaseText])
 2405    ;   true
 2406    ),
 2407    (   memberchk(document_language(Lang), Options)
 2408    ->  format(Out, '~N    xml:lang="~w"', [Lang])
 2409    ;   true
 2410    ),
 2411    format(Out, '>~n', []).
 2412rdf_save_header(Out, FileRef, OptionsOut) :-    % compatibility
 2413    atom(FileRef),
 2414    rdf_save_header(Out, [graph(FileRef)], OptionsOut).
 2416xml_encoding(Enc, Encoding) :-
 2417    (   xml_encoding_name(Enc, Encoding)
 2418    ->  true
 2419    ;   throw(error(domain_error(rdf_encoding, Enc), _))
 2420    ).
 2422xml_encoding_name(ascii,       'US-ASCII').
 2423xml_encoding_name(iso_latin_1, 'ISO-8859-1').
 2424xml_encoding_name(utf8,        'UTF-8').
 nsmap(+NSIds, -Map:list(id=uri)) is det
Create a namespace-map that is compatible to xml_write/2 for dealing with XML-Literals
 2431nsmap([], []).
 2432nsmap([Id|T0], [Id=URI|T]) :-
 2433    ns(Id, URI),
 2434    nsmap(T0, T).
 xml_escape_parameter_entity(+In, -Out) is det
Escape % as &#37; for entity declarations.
 2440xml_escape_parameter_entity(In, Out) :-
 2441    sub_atom(In, _, _, _, '%'),
 2442    !,
 2443    atom_codes(In, Codes),
 2444    phrase(escape_parent(Codes), OutCodes),
 2445    atom_codes(Out, OutCodes).
 2446xml_escape_parameter_entity(In, In).
 2448escape_parent([]) --> [].
 2449escape_parent([H|T]) -->
 2450    (   { H == 37 }
 2451    ->  "&#37;"
 2452    ;   [H]
 2453    ),
 2454    escape_parent(T).
 header_namespaces(Options, -List)
Get namespaces we will define as entities
 2461header_namespaces(Options, List) :-
 2462    memberchk(namespaces(NSL0), Options),
 2463    !,
 2464    sort([rdf,rdfs|NSL0], List).
 2465header_namespaces(Options, List) :-
 2466    graph(Options, DB),
 2467    used_namespace_entities(List, DB).
 rdf_graph_prefixes(?Graph, -List:ord_set) is det
 rdf_graph_prefixes(?Graph, -List:ord_set, :Options) is det
List is a sorted list of prefixes (namepaces) in Graph. Options defined are:
optional Filter argument is used to filter the results. It is called with 3 additional arguments:
call(Filter, Where, Prefix, URI)

The Where argument gives the location of the prefix ans is one of subject, predicate, object or type. The Prefix argument is the potentionally new prefix and URI is the full URI that is being processed.

Hook to generate the graph. Called using
Only include prefixes that appear at least N times. Default is 1. Declared prefixes are always returned if found at least one time.
Predicate to extract the candidate prefix from an IRI. Default is iri_xml_namespace/2.
 2505:- thread_local
 2506    graph_prefix/3. 2507:- meta_predicate
 2508    rdf_graph_prefixes(?, -, :). 2509
 2510rdf_graph_prefixes(Graph, List) :-
 2511    rdf_graph_prefixes(Graph, List, []).
 2513rdf_graph_prefixes(Graph, List, M:QOptions) :-
 2514    is_list(QOptions),
 2515    !,
 2516    meta_options(is_meta, M:QOptions, Options),
 2517    option(filter(Filter), Options, true),
 2518    option(expand(Expand), Options, rdf_db),
 2519    option(min_count(MinCount), Options, 1),
 2520    option(get_prefix(GetPrefix), Options, iri_xml_namespace),
 2521    call_cleanup(prefixes(Expand, Graph, Prefixes, Filter, MinCount, GetPrefix),
 2522                 retractall(graph_prefix(_,_,_))),
 2523    sort(Prefixes, List).
 2524rdf_graph_prefixes(Graph, List, M:Filter) :-
 2525    rdf_graph_prefixes(Graph, List, M:[filter(Filter)]).
 2532prefixes(Expand, Graph, Prefixes, Filter, MinCount, GetPrefix) :-
 2533    (   call(Expand, S, P, O, Graph),
 2534        add_ns(subject, GetPrefix, Filter, S, MinCount, s(S)),
 2535        add_ns(predicate, GetPrefix, Filter, P, MinCount, sp(S,P)),
 2536        add_ns_obj(GetPrefix, Filter, O, MinCount, spo(S,P,O)),
 2537        fail
 2538    ;   true
 2539    ),
 2540    findall(Prefix, graph_prefix(Prefix, MinCount, _), Prefixes).
 2542add_ns(Where, GetPrefix, Filter, S, MinCount, Context) :-
 2543    \+ rdf_is_bnode(S),
 2544    call(GetPrefix, S, Full),
 2545    Full \== '',
 2546    !,
 2547    (   graph_prefix(Full, MinCount, _)
 2548    ->  true
 2549    ;   Filter == true
 2550    ->  add_ns(Full, Context)
 2551    ;   call(Filter, Where, Full, S)
 2552    ->  add_ns(Full, Context)
 2553    ;   true
 2554    ).
 2555add_ns(_, _, _, _, _, _).
 2557add_ns(Full, Context) :-
 2558    graph_prefix(Full, _, Contexts),
 2559    memberchk(Context, Contexts),
 2560    !.
 2561add_ns(Full, Context) :-
 2562    retract(graph_prefix(Full, C0, Contexts)),
 2563    !,
 2564    C1 is C0+1,
 2565    asserta(graph_prefix(Full, C1, [Context|Contexts])).
 2566add_ns(Full, _) :-
 2567    ns(_, Full),
 2568    !,
 2569    asserta(graph_prefix(Full, _, _)).
 2570add_ns(Full, Context) :-
 2571    asserta(graph_prefix(Full, 1, [Context])).
 2574add_ns_obj(GetPrefix, Filter, O, MinCount, Context) :-
 2575    atom(O),
 2576    !,
 2577    add_ns(object, GetPrefix, Filter, O, MinCount, Context).
 2578add_ns_obj(GetPrefix, Filter, literal(type(Type, _)), MinCount, _) :-
 2579    atom(Type),
 2580    !,
 2581    add_ns(type, GetPrefix, Filter, Type, MinCount, t(Type)).
 2582add_ns_obj(_, _, _, _, _).
 used_namespace_entities(-List, ?Graph) is det
Return the namespace aliases that are actually used in Graph. In addition, this predicate creates ns<N> aliases for namespaces used in predicates because RDF/XML cannot write predicates other than as an XML name.
 2592used_namespace_entities(List, Graph) :-
 2593    decl_used_predicate_ns(Graph),
 2594    used_namespaces(List, Graph).
 2596used_namespaces(List, DB) :-
 2597    rdf_graph_prefixes(DB, FullList),
 2598    ns_abbreviations(FullList, List0),
 2599    sort([rdf|List0], List).
 2601ns_abbreviations([], []).
 2602ns_abbreviations([H0|T0], [H|T]) :-
 2603    ns(H, H0),
 2604    !,
 2605    ns_abbreviations(T0, T).
 2606ns_abbreviations([_|T0], T) :-
 2607    ns_abbreviations(T0, T).
 2610/* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
 2611For every URL used as a predicate  we   *MUST*  define a namespace as we
 2612cannot use names holding /, :, etc. as XML identifiers.
 2613- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
 2615:- thread_local
 2616    predicate_ns/2. 2617
 2618decl_used_predicate_ns(DB) :-
 2619    retractall(predicate_ns(_,_)),
 2620    (   rdf_current_predicate(P, DB),
 2621        decl_predicate_ns(P),
 2622        fail
 2623    ;   true
 2624    ).
 2626decl_predicate_ns(Pred) :-
 2627    predicate_ns(Pred, _),
 2628    !.
 2629decl_predicate_ns(Pred) :-
 2630    rdf_global_id(NS:Local, Pred),
 2631    xml_name(Local),
 2632    !,
 2633    assert(predicate_ns(Pred, NS)).
 2634decl_predicate_ns(Pred) :-
 2635    atom_codes(Pred, Codes),
 2636    append(NSCodes, LocalCodes, Codes),
 2637    xml_codes(LocalCodes),
 2638    !,
 2639    (   NSCodes \== []
 2640    ->  atom_codes(NS, NSCodes),
 2641        (   ns(Id, NS)
 2642        ->  assert(predicate_ns(Pred, Id))
 2643        ;   between(1, infinite, N),
 2644            atom_concat(ns, N, Id),
 2645            \+ ns(Id, _)
 2646        ->  rdf_register_ns(Id, NS),
 2647            print_message(informational,
 2648                          rdf(using_namespace(Id, NS)))
 2649        ),
 2650        assert(predicate_ns(Pred, Id))
 2651    ;   assert(predicate_ns(Pred, -)) % no namespace used
 2652    ).
 2655xml_codes([H|T]) :-
 2656    xml_code(H),
 2657    xml_codes(T).
 2659xml_code(X) :-
 2660    code_type(X, csym),
 2661    !.
 2662xml_code(0'-).                          % Match 0'-
 rdf_save_footer(Out:stream) is det
Finish XML generation and write the document footer.
See also
- rdf_save_header/2, rdf_save_subject/3.
 2671rdf_save_footer(Out) :-
 2672    retractall(named_anon(_, _)),
 2673    retractall(inlined(_)),
 2674    format(Out, '</rdf:RDF>~n', []).
 rdf_save_non_anon_subject(+Out, +Subject, +Options)
Save an object. Anonymous objects not saved if anon(false) is present in the Options list.
 2681rdf_save_non_anon_subject(_Out, Subject, Options) :-
 2682    rdf_is_bnode(Subject),
 2683    (   memberchk(anon(false), Options)
 2684    ;   graph(Options, DB),
 2685        rdf_db(_, _, Subject, DB)
 2686    ),
 2687    !.
 2688rdf_save_non_anon_subject(Out, Subject, Options) :-
 2689    rdf_save_subject(Out, Subject, Options),
 2690    flag(rdf_db_saved_subjects, X, X+1).
 rdf_save_subject(+Out, +Subject:resource, +Options) is det
Save the triples associated to Subject to Out. Options:
Only save properties from Graph.
See also
- rdf_save/2 for a description of these options.
 2705rdf_save_subject(Out, Subject, Options) :-
 2706    is_list(Options),
 2707    !,
 2708    option(base_uri(BaseURI), Options, '-'),
 2709    (   rdf_save_subject(Out, Subject, BaseURI, 0, Options)
 2710    ->  format(Out, '~n', [])
 2711    ;   throw(error(rdf_save_failed(Subject), 'Internal error'))
 2712    ).
 2713rdf_save_subject(Out, Subject, DB) :-
 2714    (   var(DB)
 2715    ->  rdf_save_subject(Out, Subject, [])
 2716    ;   rdf_save_subject(Out, Subject, [graph(DB)])
 2717    ).
 rdf_save_subject(+Out:stream, +Subject:resource, +BaseURI, +Indent:int, +Options) is det
Save properties of Subject.
Indent- Current indentation
 2727rdf_save_subject(_, Subject, _, _, _) :-
 2728    inlined(Subject),
 2729    !.
 2730rdf_save_subject(Out, Subject, BaseURI, Indent, Options) :-
 2731    do_save_subject(Out, Subject, BaseURI, Indent, Options).
 2733do_save_subject(Out, Subject, BaseURI, Indent, Options) :-
 2734    graph(Options, DB),
 2735    findall(Pred=Object, rdf_db(Subject, Pred, Object, DB), Atts0),
 2736    sort(Atts0, Atts),              % remove duplicates
 2737    length(Atts, L),
 2738    (   length(Atts0, L0),
 2739        Del is L0-L,
 2740        Del > 0
 2741    ->  print_message(informational,
 2742                      rdf(save_removed_duplicates(Del, Subject)))
 2743    ;   true
 2744    ),
 2745    rdf_save_subject(Out, Subject, BaseURI, Atts, Indent, Options),
 2746    flag(rdf_db_saved_triples, X, X+L).
 2748rdf_db(Subject, Pred, Object, DB) :-
 2749    var(DB),
 2750    !,
 2751    rdf(Subject, Pred, Object).
 2752rdf_db(Subject, Pred, Object, DB) :-
 2753    rdf(Subject, Pred, Object, DB:_).
 rdf_save_subject(+Out:stream, +Subject:resource, +BaseURI, +Atts:list(Pred=Obj), +Indent:int, +Options) is det
Save triples defined by Atts on Subject.
 2760rdf_save_subject(Out, Subject, BaseURI, Atts, Indent, Options) :-
 2761    rdf_equal(rdf:type, RdfType),
 2762    select(RdfType=Type, Atts, Atts1),
 2763    \+ rdf_is_bnode(Type),
 2764    rdf_id(Type, BaseURI, TypeId),
 2765    xml_is_name(TypeId),
 2766    !,
 2767    format(Out, '~*|<', [Indent]),
 2768    rdf_write_id(Out, TypeId),
 2769    save_about(Out, BaseURI, Subject, Options),
 2770    save_attributes(Atts1, BaseURI, Out, TypeId, Indent, Options).
 2771rdf_save_subject(Out, Subject, BaseURI, Atts, Indent, Options) :-
 2772    format(Out, '~*|<rdf:Description', [Indent]),
 2773    save_about(Out, BaseURI, Subject, Options),
 2774    save_attributes(Atts, BaseURI, Out, rdf:'Description', Indent, Options).
 2776xml_is_name(_NS:Atom) :-
 2777    !,
 2778    xml_name(Atom).
 2779xml_is_name(Atom) :-
 2780    xml_name(Atom).
 save_about(+Out, +BaseURI, +Subject, +Options) is det
Save the rdf:about. If Subject is a blank node, save the nodeID if any.
 2787save_about(Out, _BaseURI, Subject, _Options) :-
 2788    rdf_is_bnode(Subject),
 2789    !,
 2790    (   named_anon(Subject, NodeID)
 2791    ->  format(Out, ' rdf:nodeID="~w"', [NodeID])
 2792    ;   true
 2793    ).
 2794save_about(Out, BaseURI, Subject, Options) :-
 2795    option(encoding(Encoding), Options, utf8),
 2796    rdf_value(Subject, BaseURI, QSubject, Encoding),
 2797    format(Out, ' rdf:about="~w"', [QSubject]).
 save_attributes(+List, +BaseURI, +Stream, +Element, +Indent, +Options)
Save the attributes. Short literal attributes are saved in the tag. Others as the content of the description element. The begin tag has already been filled.
 2805save_attributes(Atts, BaseURI, Out, Element, Indent, Options) :-
 2806    split_attributes(Atts, InTag, InBody, Options),
 2807    SubIndent is Indent + 2,
 2808    save_attributes2(InTag, BaseURI, tag, Out, SubIndent, Options),
 2809    (   InBody == []
 2810    ->  format(Out, '/>~n', [])
 2811    ;   format(Out, '>~n', []),
 2812        save_attributes2(InBody, BaseURI, body, Out, SubIndent, Options),
 2813        format(Out, '~N~*|</', [Indent]),
 2814        rdf_write_id(Out, Element),
 2815        format(Out, '>~n', [])
 2816    ).
 split_attributes(+Attributes, -HeadAttrs, -BodyAttr, Options)
Split attribute (Name=Value) list into attributes for the head and body. Attributes can only be in the head if they are literal and appear only one time in the attribute list.
 2824split_attributes(Atts, [], Atts, Options) :-
 2825    option(xml_attributes(false), Options),
 2826    !.
 2827split_attributes(Atts, HeadAttr, BodyAttr, _) :-
 2828    duplicate_attributes(Atts, Dupls, Singles),
 2829    simple_literal_attributes(Singles, HeadAttr, Rest),
 2830    append(Dupls, Rest, BodyAttr).
 duplicate_attributes(+Attrs, -Duplicates, -Singles)
Extract attributes that appear more than onces as we cannot dublicate an attribute in the head according to the XML rules.
 2837duplicate_attributes([], [], []).
 2838duplicate_attributes([H|T], Dupls, Singles) :-
 2839    H = (Name=_),
 2840    named_attributes(Name, T, D, R),
 2841    D \== [],
 2842    append([H|D], Dupls2, Dupls),
 2843    !,
 2844    duplicate_attributes(R, Dupls2, Singles).
 2845duplicate_attributes([H|T], Dupls2, [H|Singles]) :-
 2846    duplicate_attributes(T, Dupls2, Singles).
 2848named_attributes(_, [], [], []) :- !.
 2849named_attributes(Name, [H|T], D, R) :-
 2850    (   H = (Name=_)
 2851    ->  D = [H|DT],
 2852        named_attributes(Name, T, DT, R)
 2853    ;   R = [H|RT],
 2854        named_attributes(Name, T, D, RT)
 2855    ).
 simple_literal_attributes(+Attributes, -Inline, -Body)
Split attributes for (literal) attributes to be used in the begin-tag and ones that have to go into the body of the description.
 2862simple_literal_attributes([], [], []).
 2863simple_literal_attributes([H|TA], [H|TI], B) :-
 2864    in_tag_attribute(H),
 2865    !,
 2866    simple_literal_attributes(TA, TI, B).
 2867simple_literal_attributes([H|TA], I, [H|TB]) :-
 2868    simple_literal_attributes(TA, I, TB).
 2870in_tag_attribute(_=literal(Text)) :-
 2871    atom(Text),                     % may not have lang qualifier
 2872    atom_length(Text, Len),
 2873    Len < 60.
 save_attributes2(+List, +BaseURI, +TagOrBody, +Stream, +Indent, +Options)
Save a list of attributes.
 2879save_attributes2([], _, _, _, _, _).
 2880save_attributes2([H|T], BaseURI, Where, Out, Indent, Options) :-
 2881    save_attribute(Where, H, BaseURI, Out, Indent, Options),
 2882    save_attributes2(T, BaseURI, Where, Out, Indent, Options).
 2884save_attribute(tag, Name=literal(Value), BaseURI, Out, Indent, Options) :-
 2885    AttIndent is Indent + 2,
 2886    rdf_id(Name, BaseURI, NameText),
 2887    option(encoding(Encoding), Options, utf8),
 2888    xml_quote_attribute(Value, QVal, Encoding),
 2889    format(Out, '~N~*|', [AttIndent]),
 2890    rdf_write_id(Out, NameText),
 2891    format(Out, '="~w"', [QVal]).
 2892save_attribute(body, Name=literal(Literal0), BaseURI, Out, Indent, Options) :-
 2893    !,
 2894    rdf_id(Name, BaseURI, NameText),
 2895    (   memberchk(convert_typed_literal(Converter), Options),
 2896        call(Converter, Type, Content, Literal0)
 2897    ->  Literal = type(Type, Content)
 2898    ;   Literal = Literal0
 2899    ),
 2900    save_body_literal(Literal, NameText, BaseURI, Out, Indent, Options).
 2901save_attribute(body, Name=Value, BaseURI, Out, Indent, Options) :-
 2902    rdf_is_bnode(Value),
 2903    !,
 2904    rdf_id(Name, BaseURI, NameText),
 2905    format(Out, '~N~*|<', [Indent]),
 2906    rdf_write_id(Out, NameText),
 2907    (   named_anon(Value, NodeID)
 2908    ->  format(Out, ' rdf:nodeID="~w"/>', [NodeID])
 2909    ;   (   rdf(S1, Name, Value),
 2910            rdf(S2, P2, Value),
 2911            (S1 \== S2 ; Name \== P2)
 2912        ->  predicate_property(named_anon(_,_), number_of_clauses(N)),
 2913            atom_concat('bn', N, NodeID),
 2914            assertz(named_anon(Value, NodeID))
 2915        ;   true
 2916        ),
 2917        SubIndent is Indent + 2,
 2918        (   rdf_collection(Value)
 2919        ->  save_about(Out, BaseURI, Value, Options),
 2920            format(Out, ' rdf:parseType="Collection">~n', []),
 2921            rdf_save_list(Out, Value, BaseURI, SubIndent, Options)
 2922        ;   format(Out, '>~n', []),
 2923            rdf_save_subject(Out, Value, BaseURI, SubIndent, Options)
 2924        ),
 2925        format(Out, '~N~*|</', [Indent]),
 2926        rdf_write_id(Out, NameText),
 2927        format(Out, '>~n', [])
 2928    ).
 2929save_attribute(body, Name=Value, BaseURI, Out, Indent, Options) :-
 2930    option(inline(true), Options),
 2931    has_attributes(Value, Options),
 2932    \+ inlined(Value),
 2933    !,
 2934    assertz(inlined(Value)),
 2935    rdf_id(Name, BaseURI, NameText),
 2936    format(Out, '~N~*|<', [Indent]),
 2937    rdf_write_id(Out, NameText),
 2938    SubIndent is Indent + 2,
 2939    (   rdf_collection(Value)
 2940    ->  save_about(Out, BaseURI, Value, Options),
 2941        format(Out, ' rdf:parseType="Collection">~n', []),
 2942        rdf_save_list(Out, Value, BaseURI, SubIndent, Options)
 2943    ;   format(Out, '>~n', []),
 2944        do_save_subject(Out, Value, BaseURI, SubIndent, Options)
 2945    ),
 2946    format(Out, '~N~*|</', [Indent]),
 2947    rdf_write_id(Out, NameText),
 2948    format(Out, '>~n', []).
 2949save_attribute(body, Name=Value, BaseURI, Out, Indent, Options) :-
 2950    option(encoding(Encoding), Options, utf8),
 2951    rdf_value(Value, BaseURI, QVal, Encoding),
 2952    rdf_id(Name, BaseURI, NameText),
 2953    format(Out, '~N~*|<', [Indent]),
 2954    rdf_write_id(Out, NameText),
 2955    format(Out, ' rdf:resource="~w"/>', [QVal]).
 2957has_attributes(URI, Options) :-
 2958    graph(Options, DB),
 2959    rdf_db(URI, _, _, DB),
 2960    !.
 save_body_literal(+Literal, +NameText, +BaseURI, +Out, +Indent, +Options)
 2965save_body_literal(lang(Lang, Value),
 2966                  NameText, BaseURI, Out, Indent, Options) :-
 2967    !,
 2968    format(Out, '~N~*|<', [Indent]),
 2969    rdf_write_id(Out, NameText),
 2970    (   memberchk(document_language(Lang), Options)
 2971    ->  write(Out, '>')
 2972    ;   rdf_id(Lang, BaseURI, LangText),
 2973        format(Out, ' xml:lang="~w">', [LangText])
 2974    ),
 2975    save_attribute_value(Value, Out, Options),
 2976    write(Out, '</'), rdf_write_id(Out, NameText), write(Out, '>').
 2977save_body_literal(type(Type, DOM),
 2978                  NameText, _BaseURI, Out, Indent, Options) :-
 2979    rdf_equal(Type, rdf:'XMLLiteral'),
 2980    !,
 2981    (   atom(DOM)
 2982    ->  format(Out, '~N~*|<', [Indent]),
 2983        rdf_write_id(Out, NameText),
 2984        format(Out, ' rdf:parseType="Literal">~w</', [DOM]),
 2985        rdf_write_id(Out, NameText), write(Out, '>')
 2986    ;   save_xml_literal(DOM, NameText, Out, Indent, Options)
 2987    ).
 2988save_body_literal(type(Type, Value),
 2989                  NameText, BaseURI, Out, Indent, Options) :-
 2990    !,
 2991    format(Out, '~N~*|<', [Indent]),
 2992    rdf_write_id(Out, NameText),
 2993    option(encoding(Encoding), Options, utf8),
 2994    rdf_value(Type, BaseURI, QVal, Encoding),
 2995    format(Out, ' rdf:datatype="~w">', [QVal]),
 2996    save_attribute_value(Value, Out, Options),
 2997    write(Out, '</'), rdf_write_id(Out, NameText), write(Out, '>').
 2999                  NameText, _, Out, Indent, Options) :-
 3000    atomic(Literal),
 3001    !,
 3002    format(Out, '~N~*|<', [Indent]),
 3003    rdf_write_id(Out, NameText),
 3004    write(Out, '>'),
 3005    save_attribute_value(Literal, Out, Options),
 3006    write(Out, '</'), rdf_write_id(Out, NameText), write(Out, '>').
 3008                  NameText, BaseURI, Out, Indent, Options) :-
 3009    rdf_equal(Type, rdf:'XMLLiteral'),
 3010    save_body_literal(type(Type, DOM),
 3011                      NameText, BaseURI, Out, Indent, Options).
 3013save_attribute_value(Value, Out, Options) :-  % strings
 3014    (	atom(Value)
 3015    ;	string(Value)
 3016    ),
 3017    !,
 3018    option(encoding(Encoding), Options, utf8),
 3019    xml_quote_cdata(Value, QVal, Encoding),
 3020    write(Out, QVal).
 3021save_attribute_value(Value, Out, _Options) :-  % numbers
 3022    number(Value),
 3023    !,
 3024    writeq(Out, Value).             % quoted: preserve floats
 3025save_attribute_value(Value, _Out, _Options) :-
 3026    throw(error(save_attribute_value(Value), _)).
 save_xml_literal(+DOM, +Attr, +Out, +Indent, +Options) is det
Save an XMLLiteral value. We already emitted
<prop parseType="literal"

but not the terminating >. We need to establish the namespaces used in the DOM. The namespaces in the rdf document are in the nsmap-option of Options.

 3040save_xml_literal(DOM, Attr, Out, Indent, Options) :-
 3041    xml_is_dom(DOM),
 3042    !,
 3043    memberchk(nsmap(NsMap), Options),
 3044    id_to_atom(Attr, Atom),
 3045    xml_write(Out,
 3046              element(Atom, ['rdf:parseType'='Literal'], DOM),
 3047              [ header(false),
 3048                indent(Indent),
 3049                nsmap(NsMap)
 3050              ]).
 3051save_xml_literal(NoDOM, _, _, _, _) :-
 3052    must_be(xml_dom, NoDOM).
 3054id_to_atom(NS:Local, Atom) :-
 3055    !,
 3056    atomic_list_concat([NS,Local], :, Atom).
 3057id_to_atom(ID, ID).
 rdf_collection(+URI) is semidet
True if URI represents an RDF list that fits the RDF parseType=collection syntax. This means it is a linked list of bnode-cells with a rdf:first that is a resource, optionally a rdf:type that is an rdf:list and the list ends in an rdf:nil.
 3067:- rdf_meta
 3068    rdf_collection(r),
 3069    collection_p(r,r). 3070
 3071rdf_collection(rdf:nil) :- !.
 3072rdf_collection(Cell) :-
 3073    rdf_is_bnode(Cell),
 3074    findall(F, rdf(Cell, rdf:first, F), [_]),
 3075    findall(F, rdf(Cell, rdf:rest, F), [Rest]),
 3076    forall(rdf(Cell, P, V),
 3077           collection_p(P, V)),
 3078    rdf_collection(Rest).
 3080collection_p(rdf:first, V) :- atom(V).
 3081collection_p(rdf:rest, _).
 3082collection_p(rdf:type, rdf:'List').
 rdf_save_list(+Out, +List, +BaseURI, +Indent, +Options)
 3087rdf_save_list(_, List, _, _, _) :-
 3088    rdf_equal(List, rdf:nil),
 3089    !.
 3090rdf_save_list(Out, List, BaseURI, Indent, Options) :-
 3091    rdf_has(List, rdf:first, First),
 3092    (   rdf_is_bnode(First)
 3093    ->  nl(Out),
 3094        rdf_save_subject(Out, First, BaseURI, Indent, Options)
 3095    ;   option(encoding(Encoding), Options, utf8),
 3096        rdf_value(First, BaseURI, QVal, Encoding),
 3097        format(Out, '~N~*|<rdf:Description rdf:about="~w"/>',
 3098               [Indent, QVal])
 3099    ),
 3100    flag(rdf_db_saved_triples, X, X+3),
 3101    (   rdf_has(List, rdf:rest, List2),
 3102        \+ rdf_equal(List2, rdf:nil)
 3103    ->  rdf_save_list(Out, List2, BaseURI, Indent, Options)
 3104    ;   true
 3105    ).
 rdf_id(+Resource, +BaseURI, -NSLocal)
Generate a NS:Local name for Resource given the indicated default namespace. This call is used for elements.
 3113rdf_id(Id, BaseURI, Local) :-
 3114    assertion(atom(BaseURI)),
 3115    atom_concat(BaseURI, Local, Id),
 3116    sub_atom(Local, 0, 1, _, #),
 3117    !.
 3118rdf_id(Id, _, NS:Local) :-
 3119    iri_xml_namespace(Id, Full, Local),
 3120    ns(NS, Full),
 3121    !.
 3122rdf_id(Id, _, NS:Local) :-
 3123    ns(NS, Full),
 3124    Full \== '',
 3125    atom_concat(Full, Local, Id),
 3126    !.
 3127rdf_id(Id, _, Id).
 rdf_write_id(+Out, +NSLocal) is det
Write an identifier. We cannot use native write on it as both NS and Local can be operators.
 3135rdf_write_id(Out, NS:Local) :-
 3136    !,
 3137    format(Out, '~w:~w', [NS, Local]).
 3138rdf_write_id(Out, Atom) :-
 3139    write(Out, Atom).
 rdf_value(+Resource, +BaseURI, -Text, +Encoding)
According to "6.4 RDF URI References" of the RDF Syntax specification, a URI reference is UNICODE string not containing control sequences, represented as UTF-8 and then as escaped US-ASCII.
 3148rdf_value(Base, Base, '', _) :- !.
 3149rdf_value(V, Base, Text, Encoding) :-
 3150    atom_concat(Base, Local, V),
 3151    sub_atom(Local, 0, _, _, #),
 3152    !,
 3153    xml_quote_attribute(Local, Text, Encoding).
 3154rdf_value(V, _, Text, Encoding) :-
 3155    ns(NS, Full),
 3156    atom_concat(Full, Local, V),
 3157    xml_is_name(Local),
 3158    !,
 3159    xml_quote_attribute(Local, QLocal, Encoding),
 3160    atomic_list_concat(['&', NS, (';'), QLocal], Text).
 3161rdf_value(V, _, Q, Encoding) :-
 3162    xml_quote_attribute(V, Q, Encoding).
 3165                 /*******************************
 3166                 *       MATCH AND COMPARE      *
 3167                 *******************************/
 rdf_compare(-Dif, +Object1, +Object2) is det
Compare two object terms. Where SPARQL defines a partial ordering, we define a complete ordering of terms. The ordering is defines as:
 rdf_match_label(+How, +Pattern, +Label) is semidet
True if Label matches Pattern according to How. How is one of icase, substring, word, prefix or like. For backward compatibility, exact is a synonym for icase.
 3190                 /*******************************
 3191                 *      DEPRECATED MATERIAL     *
 3192                 *******************************/
 rdf_split_url(+Prefix, +Local, -URL) is det
rdf_split_url(-Prefix, -Local, +URL) is det
Split/join a URL. This functionality is moved to library(sgml).
- Use iri_xml_namespace/3. Note that the argument order is iri_xml_namespace(+IRI, -Namespace, -Localname).
 3202rdf_split_url(Prefix, Local, URL) :-
 3203    atomic(URL),
 3204    !,
 3205    iri_xml_namespace(URL, Prefix, Local).
 3206rdf_split_url(Prefix, Local, URL) :-
 3207    atom_concat(Prefix, Local, URL).
 rdf_url_namespace(+URL, -Namespace)
Namespace is the namespace of URL.
- Use iri_xml_namespace/2
 3215rdf_url_namespace(URL, Prefix) :-
 3216    iri_xml_namespace(URL, Prefix).
 3219                 /*******************************
 3220                 *            LITERALS          *
 3221                 *******************************/
 rdf_new_literal_map(-Map) is det
Create a new literal map, returning an opaque handle.
 rdf_destroy_literal_map(+Map) is det
Destroy a literal map. After this call, further use of the Map handle is illegal. Additional synchronisation is needed if maps that are shared between threads are destroyed to guarantee the handle is no longer used. In some scenarios rdf_reset_literal_map/1 provides a safe alternative.
 rdf_reset_literal_map(+Map) is det
Delete all content from the literal map.
 rdf_insert_literal_map(+Map, +Key, +Value) is det
Add a relation between Key and Value to the map. If this relation already exists no action is performed.
 rdf_insert_literal_map(+Map, +Key, +Value, -KeyCount) is det
As rdf_insert_literal_map/3. In addition, if Key is a new key in Map, unify KeyCount with the number of keys in Map. This serves two purposes. Derived maps, such as the stem and metaphone maps need to know about new keys and it avoids additional foreign calls for doing the progress in
 rdf_delete_literal_map(+Map, +Key) is det
Delete Key and all associated values from the map.
 rdf_delete_literal_map(+Map, +Key, +Value) is det
Delete the association between Key and Value from the map.
 rdf_find_literal_map(+Map, +KeyList, -ValueList) is det
Unify ValueList with an ordered set of values associated to all keys from KeyList. Each key in KeyList is either an atom, an integer or a term not(Key). If not-terms are provided, there must be at least one positive keywords. The negations are tested after establishing the positive matches.
 rdf_keys_in_literal_map(+Map, +Spec, -Answer) is det
Realises various queries on the key-set:
 rdf_statistics_literal_map(+Map, -KeyValue)
Query some statistics of the map. Provides KeyValue are:
size(-Keys, -Relations)
Unify Keys with the total key-count of the index and Relation with the total Key-Value count.
 3309                 /*******************************
 3310                 *             MISC             *
 3311                 *******************************/
 rdf_version(-Version) is det
True when Version is the numerical version-id of this library. The version is computed as
Major*10000 + Minor*100 + Patch.
 rdf_set(+Term) is det
Set properties of the RDF store. Currently defines:
hash(+Hash, +Parameter, +Value)
Set properties for a triple index. Hash is one of s, p, sp, o, po, spo, g, sg or pg. Parameter is one of:
Value defines the number of entries in the hash-table. Value is rounded down to a power of 2. After setting the size explicitly, auto-sizing for this table is disabled. Setting the size smaller than the current size results in a permission_error exception.
Set maximum average collision number for the hash.
Related to resizing hash-tables. If 0, all triples are moved to the new size by the garbage collector. If more then zero, those of the last Value resize steps remain at their current location. Leaving cells at their current location reduces memory fragmentation and slows down access.
 rdf_md5(+Graph, -MD5) is det
True when MD5 is the MD5 hash for all triples in graph. The MD5 digest itself is represented as an atom holding a 32-character hexadecimal string. The library maintains the digest incrementally on rdf_load/[1,2], rdf_load_db/1, rdf_assert/[3,4] and rdf_retractall/[3,4]. Checking whether the digest has changed since the last rdf_load/[1,2] call provides a practical means for checking whether the file needs to be saved.
- New code should use rdf_graph_property(Graph, hash(Hash)).
 rdf_generation(-Generation) is det
True when Generation is the current generation of the database. Each modification to the database increments the generation. It can be used to check the validity of cached results deduced from the database. Committing a non-empty transaction increments the generation by one.

When inside a transaction, Generation is unified to a term TransactionStartGen + InsideTransactionGen. E.g., 4+3 means that the transaction was started at generation 4 of the global database and we have created 3 new generations inside the transaction. Note that this choice of representation allows for comparing generations using Prolog arithmetic. Comparing a generation in one transaction with a generation in another transaction is meaningless.

 rdf_estimate_complexity(?Subject, ?Predicate, ?Object, -Complexity)
Return the number of alternatives as indicated by the database internal hashed indexing. This is a rough measure for the number of alternatives we can expect for an rdf_has/3 call using the given three arguments. When called with three variables, the total number of triples is returned. This estimate is used in query optimisation. See also rdf_predicate_property/2 and rdf_statistics/1 for additional information to help optimizers.
 rdf_debug(+Level) is det
Set debugging to Level. Level is an integer 0..9. Default is 0 no debugging.
 rdf_atom_md5(+Text, +Times, -MD5) is det
Computes the MD5 hash from Text, which is an atom, string or list of character codes. Times is an integer >= 1. When > 0, the MD5 algorithm is repeated Times times on the generated hash. This can be used for password encryption algorithms to make generate-and-test loops slow.
- Obviously, password hash primitives do not belong in this library. The library(crypto) from the \const{ssl} package provides extensive support for hashes. The \const{clib} package provides library(crypt) to access the OS (Unix) password hash implementation as well as lightweight implementations of several popular hashes.
 3408                 /*******************************
 3409                 *             MESSAGES         *
 3410                 *******************************/
 3412:- multifile
 3413    prolog:message//1. 3414
 3415prolog:message(rdf(Term)) -->
 3416    message(Term).
 3418message(loaded(How, What, BaseURI, Triples, Time)) -->
 3419    how(How),
 3420    source(What),
 3421    into(What, BaseURI),
 3422    in_time(Triples, Time).
 3423message(save_removed_duplicates(N, Subject)) -->
 3424    [ 'Removed ~d duplicate triples about "~p"'-[N,Subject] ].
 3425message(saved(File, SavedSubjects, SavedTriples)) -->
 3426    [ 'Saved ~D triples about ~D subjects into ~p'-
 3427      [SavedTriples, SavedSubjects, File]
 3428    ].
 3429message(using_namespace(Id, NS)) -->
 3430    [ 'Using namespace id ~w for ~w'-[Id, NS] ].
 3431message(inconsistent_cache(DB, Graphs)) -->
 3432    [ 'RDF cache file for ~w contains the following graphs'-[DB], nl,
 3433      '~t~8|~p'-[Graphs]
 3434    ].
 3435message(guess_format(Ext)) -->
 3436    [ 'Unknown file-extension: ~w.  Assuming RDF/XML'-[Ext] ].
 3437message(meta(not_expanded(G))) -->
 3438    [ 'rdf_meta/1: ~p is not expanded'-[G] ].
 3439message(deprecated(rdf_unload(Graph))) -->
 3440    [ 'rdf_unload/1: Use ~q'-[rdf_unload_graph(Graph)] ].
 3443how(load)   --> [ 'Loaded' ].
 3444how(parsed) --> [ 'Parsed' ].
 3446source(SourceURL) -->
 3447    { uri_file_name(SourceURL, File),
 3448      !,
 3449      file_base_name(File, Base)    % TBD: relative file?
 3450    },
 3451    [ ' "~w"'-[Base] ].
 3452source(SourceURL) -->
 3453    [ ' "~w"'-[SourceURL] ].
 3455into(_, _) --> [].                      % TBD
 3457in_time(Triples, ParseTime) -->
 3458    [ ' in ~2f sec; ~D triples'-[ParseTime, Triples]
 3459    ]