@prefix rdfs: . @prefix rdf: . @prefix skos: . @prefix amalgame: . ######## Candidate correspondence generator components: amalgame:AncestorMatcher amalgame:need_secondary_inputs true ; rdfs:label "structure/ancestor"@en ; skos:definition "Generate new candidates by looking for 1 or more ancestors that have already been mapped."@en ; rdfs:subClassOf amalgame:CandidateGenerator . amalgame:CompoundMatcher rdfs:label "label/splitted source"@en ; skos:definition "A label matcher matching after compound splitting the label(s) of the source concepts. Source labels are splitted using rdf_tokenize_literal/2. Warning: source label tokens are matched against complete target labels! "@en ; rdfs:subClassOf amalgame:CandidateGenerator . amalgame:DescendentMatcher amalgame:need_secondary_inputs true ; rdfs:label "structure/descendent"@en ; skos:definition "Generate new candidates by looking for 1 or more descendents that have already been mapped."@en ; rdfs:subClassOf amalgame:CandidateGenerator . amalgame:ExactLabelMatcher rdfs:label "label/exact"@en ; skos:definition "Generate new candidates based on exact matching labels of source and target concepts."@en ; rdfs:subClassOf amalgame:CandidateGenerator . amalgame:IsubMatcher rdfs:label "label/similarity"@en ; skos:definition "Generate new candidates based on similar labels. The matcher is based on the 'isub' metric introduced in 'A string metric for ontology alignment' by Giorgos Stoilos, 2005."@en ; rdfs:subClassOf amalgame:CandidateGenerator . amalgame:NumericDifferenceMatcher rdfs:label "numeric/difference"@en ; skos:definition "Generate new candidates based on similar numeric literals. The score is the absolute difference of the two numeric literals compared, or infinite if these are not numbers."@en ; rdfs:subClassOf amalgame:CandidateGenerator . amalgame:SelectPreLoaded rdfs:label "import/preloaded"@en ; skos:definition "Match mappings from preloaded named graph against concepts in source and target vocabularies"@en ; rdfs:subClassOf amalgame:CandidateGenerator . amalgame:RelatedMatcher amalgame:need_secondary_inputs true ; rdfs:label "structure/related"@en ; skos:definition "Generate new candidates by looking for 1 or more related concepts that have already been mapped."@en ; rdfs:subClassOf amalgame:CandidateGenerator . amalgame:SnowballMatcher rdfs:label "label/stemmed"@en ; skos:definition "Generate new candidates based on label matching after (snowball) stemming."@en ; rdfs:subClassOf amalgame:CandidateGenerator . ######## Mapping producing partitioners, based on the generators above: amalgame:AncestorSelecter amalgame:need_secondary_inputs true ; rdfs:label "structure/ancestor"@en ; skos:definition "Select mappings with the most mapped ancestors, discard others for the same source/target. If type=all, all correspondences with one or more ancestors are selected."@en ; rdfs:subClassOf amalgame:MappingPartitioner . amalgame:CompoundLabelSelecter rdfs:label "label/compound source"@en ; skos:definition "Select mappings with the most matching labels, discard others for the same source/target. If type=all, all candidates with matching labels are selected. All matching is done after compound splitting the label(s) of the source concepts. Source labels are splitted using rdf_tokenize_literal/2. Warning: source label tokens are matched against complete target labels!"@en ; rdfs:subClassOf amalgame:MappingPartitioner . amalgame:DescendentSelecter amalgame:need_secondary_inputs true ; rdfs:label "structure/descendent"@en ; skos:definition "Select mappings with the most mapped descendents, discard others for the same source/target. If type=all, all correspondences with one or more descendents are selected."@en ; rdfs:subClassOf amalgame:MappingPartitioner . amalgame:ExactLabelSelecter rdfs:label "label/exact"@en ; skos:definition "Select mappings with the most matching labels, discard others for the same source/target. If type=all, all candidates with matching labels are selected."@en ; rdfs:subClassOf amalgame:MappingPartitioner . amalgame:IsubSelecter rdfs:label "label/similarity"@en ; skos:definition "Select mappings with the most similar labels, discard others for the same source/target. If type=all, all candidates with sufficiently similar labels are selected. The matcher is based on the 'isub' metric introduced in 'A string metric for ontology alignment' by Giorgos Stoilos, 2005."@en ; rdfs:subClassOf amalgame:MappingPartitioner . amalgame:NumericDifferenceSelecter rdfs:label "numeric/difference"@en ; skos:definition "Select mappings with similar numeric literals. If type=all, all candidates with sufficiently similar numbers are selected. The score is the absolute difference of the two numeric literals compared, or infinite if these are not numbers."@en ; rdfs:subClassOf amalgame:MappingPartitioner . amalgame:SelectPreLoadedSelecter rdfs:label "import/preloaded"@en ; skos:definition "Select mappings with corresponding mappings in the preloaded mapping, discard others with the same source/target."@en ; rdfs:subClassOf amalgame:MappingPartitioner . amalgame:RelatedSelecter amalgame:need_secondary_inputs true ; rdfs:label "structure/related"@en ; skos:definition "Select mappings with the most mapped related concepts, discard others for the same source/target. If type=all, all correspondences with one or more related concepts are selected."@en ; rdfs:subClassOf amalgame:MappingPartitioner . amalgame:SnowballLabelSelecter rdfs:label "label/stemmed"@en ; skos:definition "Select mappings with the most matching labels after (snowball) stemming, discard others for the same source/target. If type=all, all candidates with matching labels are selected."@en ; rdfs:subClassOf amalgame:MappingPartitioner . ######## Other mapping producing partitioners: amalgame:AritySelect rdfs:label "ambiguity/remove"@en ; skos:definition "Select correspondences with a unique source, target or both, discard others"@en; rdfs:subClassOf amalgame:MappingPartitioner . amalgame:Sampler rdfs:label "sampler"@en ; amalgame:materialize amalgame:always ; skos:definition "Component that randomly samples correspondences to create a new mapping."@en ; rdfs:comment "Samples are always materialized to guarantee replicability of the workflow."@en ; rdfs:subClassOf amalgame:MappingPartitioner . amalgame:BestNumeric rdfs:label "best numeric score"@en ; skos:definition "Select correspondences that have the best score considering some numerical ranking, discard others."@en ; rdfs:subClassOf amalgame:MappingPartitioner . amalgame:MostGeneric rdfs:label "most generic"@en ; skos:definition "Select the most generic concepts among alternatives for the same source/target, discard others."@en ; rdfs:subClassOf amalgame:MappingPartitioner . amalgame:MostLabels rdfs:label "most labels"@en ; skos:definition "Select correspondences that already have the most matching labels (according to their evidence data.)"@en ; rdfs:subClassOf amalgame:MappingPartitioner . amalgame:MostMethods rdfs:label "most methods"@en ; skos:definition "Select correspondences that have been selected by the most other methods (according to their evidence data.)"@en ; rdfs:subClassOf amalgame:MappingPartitioner . amalgame:SiblingSelecter rdfs:label "sibling selecter"@en ; skos:definition "Select the siblings (if any) among alternatives for the same source/target. This is used, for example, when a single source with two labels matches on two distinct but very similar targets and both mappings need to be preserved. "@en ; rdfs:subClassOf amalgame:MappingPartitioner . ######## Vocabulary partitioner classes: amalgame:VocExclude amalgame:need_secondary_inputs true ; rdfs:label "partition mapped/unmapped"@en ; skos:definition "Partition a vocabulary based on the concepts having already been mapped, or not."@en ; rdfs:subClassOf amalgame:VirtualVocabPartitioner . amalgame:TypeSelect rdfs:label "partition facet on type"@en ; skos:definition "Partition a vocabulary based on the concepts being of a specific type, or not."@en ; rdfs:subClassOf amalgame:VirtualVocabPartitioner . amalgame:PropertyValueSelect rdfs:label "partion facet on property/value"@en ; skos:definition "Partition a vocabulary based on the concepts having a specific property/value, or not."@en ; rdfs:subClassOf amalgame:VirtualVocabPartitioner . amalgame:SubtreeSelect rdfs:label "partition facet by subtree"@en ; skos:definition "Partition a vocabulary based on the concepts being in the sub-tree below (using BT/NT) a common parent concept, or not."@en ; rdfs:subClassOf amalgame:VirtualVocabPartitioner . amalgame:UniqLabelVocSelect rdfs:label "partition on unique labels"@en ; skos:definition "Partition a vocabulary based on the concepts being uniquely labeled, or not."@en ; rdfs:subClassOf amalgame:VirtualVocabPartitioner . #################### amalgame:EvaluationProcess rdfs:label "Manual evaluation"@en ; skos:definition "A process class representing manual evaluation processes "@en ; rdfs:subClassOf amalgame:Process . amalgame:MapMerger amalgame:need_secondary_inputs true ; rdfs:label "mapping merger"@en ; skos:definition "Merge two or more mappings into one new mapping. For example, to collect the good mappings made by different processes."@en ; rdfs:subClassOf amalgame:SetOperator . amalgame:OverlapComponent amalgame:need_secondary_inputs true ; rdfs:label "overlap"@en ; skos:definition "Component that analyzes a set of mappings by creating intersections and differences sets"@en ; rdfs:subClassOf amalgame:SetOperator . amalgame:Evaluater rdfs:label "evaluater"@en ; skos:definition "Component that analyzes correspondences in a mappings by manual evaluation"@en ; rdfs:subClassOf amalgame:Analyzer .