/* this widget lists the available mapping nodes to choose from. * Not to be confused with the mapping table, * which lists the correspondences for a single mapping node. */ YUI.add('mappinglist', function(Y) { function MappingList(config) { MappingList.superclass.constructor.apply(this, arguments); } MappingList.NAME = "mappinglist"; MappingList.ATTRS = { mappings: { value:{} }, selected: { value: null } }; Y.extend(MappingList, Y.Widget, { initializer: function(config) { this._history = new Y.History({ initialState: { selected:this.get("selected") } }); }, destructor : function() {}, renderUI : function() { this.listNode = this.get("contentBox").appendChild(Y.Node.create("")); }, bindUI : function() { this._history.on('selectedChange', this._onSelectChange, this); Y.delegate("click", this._onMappingSelect, this.listNode, "tr.row", this) this.after("mappingsChange", this.syncUI, this); }, syncUI : function() { this._setMappings(); this._toggleSelection(); }, // on selection of a mapping // - we only update the selected value in the history manager // - we also update the url of the page _onMappingSelect : function(e) { var uri = e.currentTarget.get("title"); var params = Y.QueryString.parse(window.location.search.substr(1)); params.focus = uri; this._history.addValue("selected", uri, { url: window.location.pathname+'?'+Y.QueryString.stringify(params) }); }, _onSelectChange : function(e) { var uri = e.newVal; Y.log('mappinglist :: select '+uri); this.set("selected", uri); var isReference = this._toggleSelection(); this.fire("mappingSelect", {uri:uri, isReference:isReference}); }, _setMappings : function() { var listNode = this.listNode; listNode.empty(); listNode.addClass('mappinglist'); listNode.append(""+ ""+ ""+ ""+ ""+ ""); var mappings = this.get("mappings"); for (var uri in mappings) { var m = mappings[uri]; if (!m.stats.totalCount > 0) continue; listNode.append(""+ ""+ ""+ ""+ ""+ ""); } }, _toggleSelection : function() { var isReference = false; var nodes = this.listNode.all("tr.row"); nodes.removeClass("selected"); var sel = this.get("selected"); if(sel) { var selRow = this.listNode.one('tr[title='+sel+']') if (selRow) { selRow.addClass("selected"); isReference = selRow.hasClass("reference"); } } return isReference; }, }); Y.MappingList = MappingList; }, '0.0.1', { requires: ['node','event','widget','history','querystring']});
Mapping# sources# targets# mappings