---+ Thoughts and issues ---++ Port * Avoid the need for links by creating a file that loads the real file: :- module(win_link_, []). :- reexport() * Signing. Also make servers sign versions * Allow users to trust each other and/or allow them to give other users the right to update a repository. ---++ Git versioning issues Currently, the cpack-mirror is a _mirror_ repo from the author's repository. This means that a 'git fetch' in the cpack server updates all heads forcefully to the author's version. There are a number of scenarios that require attention: ---+++ The author submitted a broken version One possible solution is to add a tag after we do a pull. This would allow us to step back using: == git branch -f master == An alternative is to have a branch =cpack=, which is updated to the desired branch or tag after the author analysed the consistency of the target point. ---+++ Dealing with local changes for users Current approach does == git fetch git merge origin/master == ---++ Long term: * Rating system * Trust model - By reputation - By code analysis