{ "comment": "This file populates the example menu of SWISH. The 'menu' list defines the groups inside the menu and their order. Each group is separated with a divider. The 'files' section describes the example files and their properties. Only files that are assigned a group appear in the menu. ", "menu": [ { "group": "examples", "rank": 10000 }, { "group": "tutorials", "rank": 20000 }, { "group": "admin", "rank": 100000 } ], "files": [ { "file":"examples.swinb", "title":"Example programs", "group":"examples" }, { "file":"rdf_examples.swinb", "title":"Accessing RDF from Prolog", "group":"examples" }, { "file":"prolog_tutorials.swinb", "title":"Prolog tutorials", "group":"tutorials" }, { "file":"swish_tutorials.swinb", "title":"SWISH tutorials", "group":"tutorials" }, { "file":"stats.swinb", "title":"Usage statistics", "group":"admin" }, "Files that do not appear in the menu", "# Tutorials", { "file":"rendering.swinb", "title":"Rendering answers __graphically__ (graphs, charts, mathjax, etc.)", "group":"tutorial" }, { "file":"data_source.swinb", "title":"Accessing __external data__ (CSV, SPARQL, etc.)", "group":"tutorial" }, { "file":"Rserve.swinb", "title":"Embedding __R__ (graphs, statistics and machine learning)", "group":"tutorial", "requires":"plugin(r_serve)" }, { "file":"htmlcell.swinb", "title":"Adding __HTML cells__ to notebooks", "group":"tutorial" }, { "file":"slider.swinb", "title":"Adding __widgets__ to notebook HTML cells", "group":"tutorial" }, { "file":"chat80.swinb", "title":"CHAT80: demo __hiding__ all SWISH UI elements", "group":"tutorial" }, { "file":"jquery.swinb", "title":"Control and access the SWISH interface from Prolog", "group":"tutorial" }, "## R tutorials", { "file":"Rdataframe.swinb", "title":"Exchanging R data frames", "group":"R", "requires":"plugin(r_serve)" } ] }