# The codes render plugin #### Synopsis :- use_rendering(codes). :- use_rendering(codes, Options). #### Options supported - min_length(+Integer) Codes must be a list of at least Integer length. Default is `3`. - ellipsis(+Integer) Write list as `bla bla ... bla` if longer than Integer. Default is 30. - partial(+Boolean) It `true` (default), allow a partial list (ending in a variable). - charset(+Charset) Set of characters to accept. Currently allows for - ascii Allow 32..126 - iso_latin_1 Allow 32..126 and 160..255 #### Reconised terms A list (or partial) list of likely character codes is rendered as a string.
## Examples List of character codes are by default rendered as a Prolog list of integers, which is rather hard to interpret:
A = `hello world`.
Using the `codes` renderer, Prolog heuristically decides that the integers list is likely to be a string and renders it accordingly.
:- use_rendering(codes).
A = `hello world`.