1/* Part of SWISH 2 3 Author: Jan Wielemaker 4 E-mail: J.Wielemaker@cs.vu.nl 5 WWW: http://www.swi-prolog.org 6 Copyright (C): 2017, VU University Amsterdam 7 CWI Amsterdam 8 All rights reserved. 9 10 Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without 11 modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions 12 are met: 13 14 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright 15 notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 16 17 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright 18 notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in 19 the documentation and/or other materials provided with the 20 distribution. 21 22 THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS 23 "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT 24 LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS 25 FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE 26 COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, 27 INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, 28 BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; 29 LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER 30 CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT 31 LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN 32 ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE 33 POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. 34*/ 35 36:- module(swish_dashboard, 37 [ parameters/1 % +Parameters 38 ]). 39:- use_module(library(pengines)). 40:- use_module(library(apply)). 41:- use_module(library(error)). 42:- use_module(library(debug)). 43:- use_module(library(option)). 44:- use_module(library(lists)). 45:- use_module(library(http/html_write)). 46 47:- use_module(bootstrap). 48:- use_module(form).
Var: Option ("+" Option)*
Defined options are:
wrapper.71parameters(List) :- 72 include(not_filled, List, ToFill), 73 debug(dashboard(param), 'ToFill: ~p', [ToFill]), 74 fill(ToFill). 75 76not_filled(Var:_) :- 77 var(Var). 78 79fill([]) :- 80 !. 81fill(NotFilled) :- 82 maplist(input, NotFilled, FieldWidgets), 83 !, 84 buttons(Buttons), 85 append(FieldWidgets, Buttons, Widgets), 86 html_string(\bt_form(Widgets, 87 [ class('form-horizontal'), 88 label_columns(sm-3) 89 ]), HTML), 90 Prompt = _{ type: form, 91 html: HTML 92 }, 93 pengine_input(Prompt, Reply), 94 bind_form_reply(NotFilled, Reply). 95 97 [ button_group( 98 [ button(run, submit, 99 [ type(primary), 100 data([action(run)]) 101 ]), 102 button(cancel, button, 103 [ type(danger), 104 data([action(cancel)]) 105 ]) 106 ], 107 []) 108 ]) ( . 109 110 111bind_form_reply(_NotFilled, cancel) :- 112 !, 113 fail. 114bind_form_reply(NotFilled, Reply) :- 115 maplist(form_field, NotFilled, Fields), 116 validate_form(Reply, Fields). 117 118form_field(Var:Opts, field(Name, Var, [Type|Extra])) :- 119 opt_list(Opts, Options), 120 option(name(Name), Options), 121 option(type(Type), Options), 122 ( option(default(Default), Options) 123 -> Extra = [default(Default)] 124 ; Extra = [] 125 ).
132input(_Var:Opts, Input) :- 133 opt_list(Opts, Options), 134 select_option(type(Type), Options, Options1), 135 select_option(name(Name), Options1, Options2), 136 input(Type, Name, Options2, Input). 137 138input(Type, Name, Options, 139 input(Name, text, 140 [ data('search-in'=Set), 141 class(typeahead) 142 | Options 143 ])) :- 144 typeahead(Type, Set), 145 !. 146input(string, Name, Options, 147 textarea(Name, Options)) :- 148 option(rows(_Rows), Options), 149 !. 150input(_, Name, Options, 151 input(Name, text, Options)).
158typeahead(user, users). 159 160:- multifile error:has_type/2. 161 162errorhas_type(user, _Dict) :- 163 true. 164 165 166 /******************************* 167 * INSPECT VARIABLE NAMES * 168 *******************************/ 169 170:- multifile 171 swish:goal_expansion/2. 172 173swishgoal_expansion(parameters(Params0), parameters(Params)) :- 174 add_var_names(Params0, 1, Params), 175 Params0 \== Params. 176 177add_var_names([], _, []). 178add_var_names([H0|T0], N0, [H|T]) :- 179 add_var_name(H0, N0, H), 180 N is N0 + 1, 181 add_var_names(T0, N, T). 182 183 184add_var_name(Var:Options, _, Var:Options) :- 185 opt(name(_), Options), 186 !. 187add_var_name(Var:Options, N, Var:name(Name)+Options) :- 188 ( var_property(Var, name(Name)) 189 -> true 190 ; atom_concat('Param', N, Name) 191 ). 192 193 194 /******************************* 195 * BASICS * 196 *******************************/ 197 198opt_list(Opts, List) :- 199 phrase(opts(Opts), List0), 200 add_type(List0, List). 201 202opts(OptA+OptB) --> 203 !, 204 opts(OptA), 205 opts(OptB). 206opts(Opt) --> 207 [Opt]. 208 209add_type(Options, Options) :- 210 option(type(_), Options), !. 211add_type(List, Options) :- 212 select(Type, List, Options1), 213 current_type(Type, _, _), 214 !, 215 Options = [type(Type)|Options1]. 216add_type(Options, [type(term)|Options]).
223opt(Opt, Opts) :- 224 \+ functor(Opts, +, 2), !, 225 Opt = Opts. 226opt(Opt, Opt+_). 227opt(Opt, _+Opts) :- 228 opt(Opt, Opts). 229 230html_string(HTML, String) :- 231 phrase(html(HTML), Tokens), 232 !, 233 delete(Tokens, nl(_), SingleLine), 234 with_output_to(string(String), print_html(SingleLine)). 235 236 237 /******************************* 238 * SANDBOX * 239 *******************************/ 240 241:- multifile sandbox:safe_primitive/1. 242 243sandbox:safe_primitive(swish_dashboard:parameters(_))
Provide non-programmer query execution