/* Part of SWISH Author: Jan Wielemaker E-mail: J.Wielemaker@vu.nl WWW: http://www.swi-prolog.org Copyright (c) 2014-2018, VU University Amsterdam CWI, Amsterdam All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ :- module(swish_examples, []). :- use_module(library(http/http_dispatch)). :- use_module(library(http/http_json)). :- use_module(library(http/json)). :- use_module(library(http/http_path)). :- use_module(library(filesex)). :- use_module(library(apply)). :- use_module(library(option)). :- use_module(library(lists)). :- if(exists_source(library(atom))). :- use_module(library(atom)). :- endif. :- use_module(storage). :- use_module(md_eval). /** Serve example files Locate and serve files for the _Examples_ menu as well as examples included from overview notebooks. The examples come from two sources: - Prolog files in the file search path `examples`. Such files are distributed with SWISH. - Gitty files marked as `example`. Such files can be created by the users. This module also makes the known examples available through swish_provides/1 for supporting conditional statements on example overview notebooks. */ :- multifile user:file_search_path/2, swish_config:config/2, swish_config:source_alias/2. % make example(File) find the example data user:file_search_path(example, swish(examples)). % make SWISH serve /example/File as example(File). swish_config:source_alias(example, [access(read), search('*.{pl,swinb}')]). :- http_handler(swish(list_examples), list_examples, [id(swish_examples)]). %% list_examples(+Request) % % Get a list of registered example code. Examples are described in % a file swish_examples('index.json'). list_examples(_Request) :- examples(AllExamples, [community(true)]), example_menu(AllExamples, Menu), reply_json(Menu). example_menu(AllExamples, Menu) :- include(pos_ranked, AllExamples, ForMenu), insert_group_dividers(ForMenu, Menu). pos_ranked(Ex) :- Rank = Ex.get(grank), Rank > 0. insert_group_dividers([], []). insert_group_dividers([H1,H2|T], List) :- !, ( H1.grank // 10000 =\= H2.grank // 10000 -> List = [H1, json{type:divider}|Rest] ; List = [H1|Rest] ), insert_group_dividers([H2|T], Rest). insert_group_dividers([H], [H]). %% examples(JSON:list, +Options) is det. % % JSON is a list of JSON dicts containing the keys below. The list % is composed from all *.pl files in the search path `example`. % % - file:File % - href:URL % - title:String % - requires:Term % - group:String examples(AllExamples, Options) :- swish_examples(SWISHExamples), ( option(community(true), Options) -> community_examples(CommunityEx) ; CommunityEx = json{} ), join_examples([CommunityEx|SWISHExamples], AllExamples). :- dynamic swish_example_cache/2. swish_examples(SWISHExamples) :- swish_example_cache(SWISHExamples, Time), get_time(Now), Now - Time < 60, !. swish_examples(SWISHExamples) :- swish_examples_no_cache(SWISHExamples), get_time(Now), retractall(swish_example_cache(_,_)), assertz(swish_example_cache(SWISHExamples, Now)). swish_examples_no_cache(SWISHExamples) :- http_absolute_location(swish(example), HREF, []), findall(Index, absolute_file_name(example(.), Index, [ access(read), file_type(directory), file_errors(fail), solutions(all) ]), ExDirs), maplist(index_json(HREF), ExDirs, SWISHExamples). join_examples(PerDir, Files) :- menu_groups(PerDir, Groups), maplist(get_or(files, []), PerDir, FilesPerDir), append(FilesPerDir, Files0), maplist(add_grank(Groups), Files0, Files1), sort(grank, =<, Files1, Files). add_grank(Groups, File0, File) :- get_or(rank, 500, File0, FRank), GroupName = File0.get(group), member(Group, Groups), Group.get(group) == GroupName, GRank is FRank + Group.get(rank), !, File = File0.put(grank, GRank). add_grank(_, File0, File) :- File = File0.put(grank, -1). menu_groups(PerDir, Groups) :- maplist(get_or(menu, []), PerDir, GroupsPerDir), append(GroupsPerDir, Groups0), sort(group, @>, Groups0, Groups1), sort(rank, =<, Groups1, Groups). get_or(Key, Default, Dict, Value) :- ( is_dict(Dict), Value = Dict.get(Key) -> true ; Value = Default ). %! index_json(+BaseHREF, +Directory, -JSON) % % Produce a JSON description for the examples in the directory % Dir. This deals with two scenarios: if a file `index.json` is % provided, use this file and add the not-described files as % examples that are not included in the menu. If no `index.json` % is present, all files are added as example files. index_json(HREF, Dir, JSON) :- directory_file_path(Dir, 'index.json', File), access_file(File, read), !, read_file_to_json(File, JSON0), add_examples_href(HREF, JSON0, JSON1), add_other_files(HREF, Dir, JSON1, JSON). index_json(HREF, Dir, json{menu:[json{group:examples, rank:10000}], files:Files}) :- example_files(HREF, Dir, Files0), maplist(add_group(examples), Files0, Files). example_files(HREF, Dir, JSON) :- string_concat(Dir, "/*.{pl,swinb}", Pattern), expand_file_name(Pattern, Files), maplist(ex_file_json(HREF), Files, JSON). read_file_to_json(File, JSON) :- setup_call_cleanup( open(File, read, In, [encoding(utf8)]), json_read_dict(In, JSON, [default_tag(json)]), close(In)). %! add_examples_href(+HREF, +JSON0, -JSON) is det. % % Add a `href` key pointing at the example. Also removes all items % that are not dicts or have no `file` key. add_examples_href(HREF, JSON0, JSON) :- Files0 = JSON0.get(files), !, convlist(add_href(HREF), Files0, Files), JSON = JSON0.put(files, Files). add_examples_href(_, JSON, JSON). add_href(HREF0, Dict, Dict2) :- is_dict(Dict), directory_file_path(HREF0, Dict.get(file), HREF), Dict2 = Dict.put(href, HREF). add_group(Group, Dict0, Dict) :- is_dict(Dict0), !, Dict = Dict0.put(group, Group). add_group(_, Dict, Dict). add_other_files(HREF, Dir, JSON0, JSON) :- example_files(HREF, Dir, Files), get_or(files, [], JSON0, Files0), exclude(in_ex_list(Files0), Files, New), append(Files0, New, AllFiles), JSON = JSON0.put(files, AllFiles). in_ex_list(Examples, Ex) :- File = Ex.file, member(Ex2, Examples), is_dict(Ex2), File = Ex2.get(file), !. %% ex_file_json(+ExampleBase, +Path, -JSON) is det. % % Create a JSON representation for the given example file. ex_file_json(HREF0, Path, json{file:File, href:HREF, title:Title}) :- file_base_name(Path, File), file_name_extension(Base, _, File), file_name_to_title(Base, Title), directory_file_path(HREF0, File, HREF). :- if(current_predicate(restyle_identifier/3)). file_name_to_title(Base, Title) :- restyle_identifier(style(true,false,' '), Base, Title). :- else. file_name_to_title(Base, Base). :- endif. %! md_eval:provides(?Term) is nondet. % % Make examples available through swish_provides/1. Can be used in % dynamic cells as, e.g.,: % % ``` % :- if(swish_provides(example('chat80.pl',_,_))). % ... % :- endif. % ``` :- multifile md_eval:provides/1. md_eval:provides(example(Name, Group, Example)) :- examples(Examples, []), ( var(Name) -> member(Example0, Examples), atom_string(Name, Example0.get(file)) ; member(Example0, Examples), atom_string(Name, Example0.get(file)) -> true ), atom_string(Group, Example0.get(group)), active_example(Example0, Example). active_example(Example0, Example) :- term_string(Cond, Example0.get(requires)), \+ swish_provides(Cond), ( cond_reason(Cond, Fmt, Args) -> format(string(Reason), Fmt, Args) ; format(string(Reason), 'missing requirement: ~q', [Cond]) ), Example = Example0.put(blocked, Reason). active_example(Example, Example). cond_reason(plugin(Name), 'missing plugin: ~w', [Name]). /******************************* * STORAGE * *******************************/ %% community_examples(-Dict) is det. % % Extract examples from the gitty store. community_examples(json{menu:[json{group:community, rank:50000}], files:Files}) :- swish_config:config(community_examples, true), !, findall(Ex, community_example(Ex), Files). community_examples(json{}). community_example(json{title:Title, file:File, group:community, type:store}) :- storage_file(File), storage_meta_data(File, Meta), Meta.get(example) == true, ( Title = Meta.get(title), Title \== "" -> true ; file_name_extension(Base, _, File), file_name_to_title(Base, Title) ).