/* Part of SWISH Author: Jan Wielemaker E-mail: J.Wielemaker@vu.nl WWW: http://www.swi-prolog.org Copyright (c) 2014-2018, VU University Amsterdam CWI, Amsterdam All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ :- module(swish_template_hint, [ visible_predicate/3, % ?PI, +Module, +Options predicate_template/2, % +PI, -TemplateDict visible_predicate_templates/3 % +Module, +Options, -Templates ]). :- use_module(library(apply)). :- use_module(library(pldoc), []). :- use_module(library(pldoc/doc_man)). :- use_module(library(pldoc/doc_process)). :- use_module(library(pldoc/doc_wiki)). :- use_module(library(pldoc/doc_modes)). :- use_module(library(doc_http)). :- use_module(library(http/html_write)). :- use_module(library(memfile)). :- use_module(library(sgml)). :- use_module(library(lists)). :- use_module(library(pairs)). :- use_module(library(xpath)). :- use_module(library(sandbox)). :- use_module(library(option)). :- use_module(library(filesex)). :- use_module(library(error)). :- use_module(render). :- use_module(highlight). /** Generate template hints for CondeMirror Provide templates for the Prolog template-hinting functionality of the SWISH editor. @tbd For which predicates should we generate templates? Should we provide templates on demand? @tbd What about safely? @tbd Dedicated template for the rendering support? */ :- if(current_predicate(doc_enable/1)). :- initialization(doc_enable(true)). :- endif. %% visible_predicate_templates(+Module, +Options, -Templates) is det. % % True when Templates is a JSON dict holding autocompletion % templates for Module. :- dynamic cached_templates/3. % Module, Options, Templates visible_predicate_templates(Module, Templates, Options) :- cached_templates(Module, Options, Templates), !. visible_predicate_templates(Module, Templates, Options) :- with_mutex(swish_template_hint, visible_predicate_templates_sync(Module, Templates, Options)). visible_predicate_templates_sync(Module, Templates, Options) :- cached_templates(Module, Options, Templates), !. visible_predicate_templates_sync(Module, Templates, Options) :- findall(Templ, ( visible_predicate(PI, Module, Options), predicate_template(PI, Templ) ), Templates0), assertz(cached_templates(Module, Options, Templates0)), Templates0 = Templates. clean_template_cache :- retractall(cached_templates(_,_,_)). :- initialization clean_template_cache. %% visible_predicate(?PI, +Module, +Options) is nondet. % % True when PI is a plain predicate indicator for a predicate that % can be called in Module. Additional options: % % - safe(+Boolean) % If =true=, filter out unsafe predicates. % - autoload(+Boolean) % Load autoloadable predicates. visible_predicate(PI, Module, Options) :- option(from(FromList), Options), !, must_be(list, FromList), member(From, FromList), must_be(ground, From), visible_from(From, PI, Module, Options), \+ no_template(PI). visible_predicate(PI, Module, Options) :- PI = Name/Arity, predicate_property(Module:Head, visible), autoload(Module:Head, Options), safe(Module:Head, Options), functor(Head, Name, Arity), \+ no_template(PI). no_template(use_module/1). no_template(use_module/2). no_template(use_rendering/1). no_template(use_rendering/2). %% visible_from(+Spec, -PI, +Module, +Options) is nondet. % % Provide complates from a selected specification. Defined % specifications are =built_in= or the specification of a file, % e.g., library(lists). visible_from(built_in, Name/Arity, _Module, Options) :- !, predicate_property(system:Head, built_in), functor(Head, Name, Arity), \+ sub_atom(Name, 0, _, _, $), safe(system:Head, Options). visible_from(Spec, Name/Arity, _Module, _Options) :- compound(Spec), functor(Spec, _, 1), exists_source(Spec), xref_public_list(Spec, -, [ exports(Exports) ]), member(Name/Arity, Exports). autoload(Pred, Options) :- option(autoload(false), Options, false), !, Pred = M:Head, functor(Head, Name, Arity), ( current_predicate(M:Name/Arity) -> \+ ( predicate_property(M:Head, imported_from(LoadModule)), no_autocomplete_module(LoadModule) ) ; '$find_library'(M, Name, Arity, LoadModule, _Library), \+ no_autocomplete_module(LoadModule), current_predicate(LoadModule:Name/Arity) ). autoload(_, _). no_autocomplete_module(pce). no_autocomplete_module(pce_principal). no_autocomplete_module(pce_class_template). no_autocomplete_module(pce_dispatch). no_autocomplete_module(pce_expansion). no_autocomplete_module(pce_error). no_autocomplete_module(pce_compatibility_layer). no_autocomplete_module(backward_compatibility). no_autocomplete_module(settings). no_autocomplete_module(quintus). no_autocomplete_module(toplevel_variables). no_autocomplete_module('$qlf'). no_autocomplete_module(pldoc). no_autocomplete_module(quasi_quotations). no_autocomplete_module(ssl). no_autocomplete_module(oset). no_autocomplete_module(prolog_colour). no_autocomplete_module(pengines_io). no_autocomplete_module(broadcast). no_autocomplete_module(sgml). no_autocomplete_module(swi_system_utilities). no_autocomplete_module(prolog_metainference). no_autocomplete_module(thread_pool). %% safe(+Goal, +Options) is semidet. % % True if Goal is sometimes safe. Note that meta-predicates are % never immediately safe. safe(Goal, Options) :- option(safe(true), Options, true), !, ( predicate_property(Goal, meta_predicate(_)) -> true ; catch(safe_goal(Goal), _, fail) ). safe(_, _). %% predicate_template(:PI, -Template:json) is semidet. % % @arg Template is a dict holding the keys below. Only =mode= is % guaranteed to be present. % % - mode % String holding the mode-line. Always present. % - summary % Summary description. % - iso % =true= if the predicate is an ISO predicate. % - determinism % Determinism indicator (if known) % @tbd Deal with locally redefined predicates, etc. predicate_template(PI, Dict) :- findall(Pair, predicate_info(PI, Pair), Pairs), Pairs \== [], dict_pairs(Dict, json, Pairs). predicate_info(PI, Pair) :- ( man_predicate_info(PI, Pair) *-> true ; pldoc_predicate_info(PI, Pair) ). %% man_predicate_info(+PI, -Pair) is nondet. % % Extract the mode line from the SWI-Prolog manual. man_predicate_info(PI, Name-Value) :- pi_head(PI, Head), strip_module(Head, _, PHead), functor(PHead, PName, Arity), phrase(man_page(PName/Arity, [ no_manual(fail), links(false), navtree(false) ]), HTML), setup_call_cleanup( new_memory_file(MF), ( setup_call_cleanup( open_memory_file(MF, write, Out), print_html(Out, HTML), close(Out)), setup_call_cleanup( open_memory_file(MF, read, In), load_html(stream(In), DOM, [syntax_errors(quiet)]), close(In)) ), free_memory_file(MF)), xpath_chk(DOM, //dt(@class=pubdef), DT), xpath_chk(DT, a(text), ModeLine0), normalize_space(string(ModeLine), ModeLine0), ( atom_string(PName, PString), Name-Value = name-PString ; Name-Value = arity-Arity ; Name-Value = (mode)-ModeLine ; once(man_predicate_summary(PName/Arity, Summary)), Name-Value = summary-Summary ; predicate_property(system:PHead, iso), Name-Value = iso-true ; predicate_property(system:PHead, built_in), Name-Value = type-built_in ). %% pldoc_predicate_info(+PI, -ModeLine) is semidet. pldoc_predicate_info(PI, Name-Value) :- pi_head(PI, Head), strip_module(Head, _, PHead), functor(PHead, PName, Arity), implementation_module(Head, Module), doc_comment(PI, Pos, Summary, Comment), !, is_structured_comment(Comment, Prefixes), string_codes(Comment, CommentCodes), indented_lines(CommentCodes, Prefixes, Lines), process_modes(Lines, Module, Pos, Modes, _VarNames, _RestLines), member(mode(Mode,Vars), Modes), mode_head_det(Mode, ModeHead, Det), m_same_name_arity(ModeHead, Head), maplist(bind_var, Vars), term_string(ModeHead, ModeLine, [ quoted(true), module(pldoc_modes), numbervars(true), spacing(next_argument) ]), ( atom_string(PName, PString), Name-Value = name-PString ; Name-Value = arity-Arity ; Name-Value = (mode)-ModeLine ; Name-Value = summary-Summary ; Det \== unknown, Name-Value = determinism-Det ). bind_var(Name=Var) :- Var = '$VAR'(Name). mode_head_det(Head is Det, Head, Det) :- !. mode_head_det(Head, Head, unknown). pi_head(Var, _) :- var(Var), !, instantiation_error(Var). pi_head(M0:T0, M:T) :- !, strip_module(M0:T0, M, T1), pi_head(T1, T). pi_head(Name/Arity, Head) :- !, functor(Head, Name, Arity). pi_head(Name//DCGArity, Head) :- Arity is DCGArity+2, functor(Head, Name, Arity). implementation_module(Head, M) :- predicate_property(Head, imported_from(M0)), !, M = M0. implementation_module(Head, M) :- strip_module(user:Head, M, _). m_same_name_arity(H1, H2) :- strip_module(H1, _, P1), strip_module(H2, _, P2), functor(P1, Name, Arity), functor(P2, Name, Arity). /******************************* * RENDERING * *******************************/ %% rendering_template(-Template) % % Create a template for the SWISH rendering modules. rendering_template([ json{displayText: "use_rendering(+Renderer).", type: "directive", template: "use_rendering(${Renderer}).", varTemplates: json{'Renderer': Template}}, json{displayText: "use_rendering(+Renderer, +Options).", type: "directive", template: "use_rendering(${Renderer}).", varTemplates: json{'Renderer': Template}} ]) :- findall(json{displayText: Comment, text: Name}, current_renderer(Name, Comment), Template). /******************************* * LIBRARY * *******************************/ %% library_template(-Template, +Options) is det. % % Produce a template for selecting libraries. By default, this % enumerates all Prolog files under the file alias =library=. If % Options includes from(FromList), this is interpreted similar to % visible_predicate/3. library_template(json{displayText: "use_module(library(...))", type: "directive", template: "use_module(library(${Library})).", varTemplates: json{'Library': Template}}, Options) :- ( option(from(From), Options) -> library_template_from(From, Template) ; library_template(library, '.', Template) ). :- dynamic library_template_cache/3. library_template(Alias, SubDir, Values) :- library_template_cache(Alias, SubDir, Values), !. library_template(Alias, SubDir, Values) :- with_mutex(swish_template_hint, ( library_template_cache(Alias, SubDir, Values) -> true ; library_template_no_cache(Alias, SubDir, Values), asserta(library_template_cache(Alias, SubDir, Values)) )). library_template_no_cache(Alias, SubDir, Values) :- library_files(Alias, SubDir, Files, Dirs), maplist(library_sub_template(Alias, SubDir), Dirs, DirTemplates), maplist(plain_file, Files, PlainFiles), flatten([DirTemplates, PlainFiles], Values). library_sub_template(Alias, Dir0, Dir, json{displayText: DirSlash, template: DirTemplate, varTemplates: VarTemplates }) :- directory_file_path(Dir0, Dir, Dir1), library_template(Alias, Dir1, Templates), Templates \== [], !, string_concat(Dir, "/", DirSlash), string_upper(Dir, UDir), atom_concat(UDir, lib, TemplateVar), format(string(DirTemplate), "~w/${~w}", [Dir, TemplateVar]), VarTemplates = json{}.put(TemplateVar, Templates). library_sub_template(_,_,_,[]). plain_file(File, Plain) :- file_name_extension(Plain, _Ext, File). %% library_files(+Alias, +SubDir, -Files, -Dirs) % % True when Files is a list of files that can be loaded from % Alias(SubDir) and Dirs is a list of sub directories of Files. library_files(Alias, SubDir, Files, Dirs) :- findall(Type-Name, directory_entry(Alias, SubDir, Type, Name), Pairs), keysort(Pairs, Sorted), group_pairs_by_key(Sorted, Grouped), group(directory, Grouped, Dirs), group(prolog, Grouped, Files). group(Key, Grouped, List) :- ( memberchk(Key-List0, Grouped) -> sort(List0, List) ; List = [] ). directory_entry(Alias, SubDir, Type, Name) :- Spec =.. [Alias, SubDir], absolute_file_name(Spec, Dir, [ file_type(directory), file_errors(fail), solutions(all), access(exist) ]), directory_files(Dir, All), member(Name, All), \+ sub_atom(Name, 0, _, _, '.'), directory_file_path(Dir, Name, Path), file_type(Path, Name, Type). file_type(_, 'INDEX.pl', _) :- !, fail. file_type(Path, _, Type) :- exists_directory(Path), !, Type = directory. file_type(_, Name, Type) :- file_name_extension(_, Ext, Name), user:prolog_file_type(Ext, prolog), \+ user:prolog_file_type(Ext, qlf), Type = prolog. %% library_template_from(+From:list, -Template) is det. % % As library_template/1, but build the completion list from a % given set of libraries. library_template_from(From, Template) :- libs_from(From, Libs), lib_template_from(Libs, Template). lib_template_from(Libs, Template) :- dirs_plain(Libs, Dirs, Plain), keysort(Dirs, Sorted), group_pairs_by_key(Sorted, Grouped), maplist(library_sub_template_from, Grouped, DirTemplates), flatten([DirTemplates, Plain], Template). dirs_plain([], [], []). dirs_plain([[Plain]|T0], Dirs, [Plain|T]) :- !, dirs_plain(T0, Dirs, T). dirs_plain([[Dir|Sub]|T0], [Dir-Sub|T], Plain) :- dirs_plain(T0, T, Plain). libs_from([], []). libs_from([library(Lib)|T0], [Segments|T]) :- !, phrase(segments(Lib), Segments), libs_from(T0, T). libs_from([_|T0], T) :- libs_from(T0, T). segments(A/B) --> !, segments(A), segments(B). segments(A) --> [A]. segments_to_slash([One], One). segments_to_slash(List, Term/Last) :- append(Prefix, [Last], List), !, segments_to_slash(Prefix, Term). library_sub_template_from(Dir-Members, json{displayText: DirSlash, template: DirTemplate, varTemplates: VarTemplates }) :- lib_template_from(Members, Templates), string_concat(Dir, "/", DirSlash), string_upper(Dir, UDir), atom_concat(UDir, lib, TemplateVar), format(string(DirTemplate), "~w/${~w}", [Dir, TemplateVar]), VarTemplates = json{}.put(TemplateVar, Templates). %% imported_library(+Module, -Library) is nondet. % % True when Library is imported into Module. imported_library(Module, Library) :- setof(FromModule, imported_from(Module, FromModule), FromModules), member(FromModule, FromModules), module_property(FromModule, file(File)), source_file_property(File, load_context(Module, _Pos, _Opts)), file_name_on_path(File, Library). imported_from(Module, FromModule) :- current_predicate(Module:Name/Arity), functor(Head, Name, Arity), predicate_property(Module:Head, imported_from(FromModule)). /******************************* * COLLECT TEMPLATES * *******************************/ swish_templates(Template) :- setof(From, visible_lib(swish, From), FromList), swish_templates(Template, [from(FromList)]). swish_templates(Template, Options) :- library_template(Template, Options). swish_templates(Template, _Options) :- rendering_template(Template). swish_templates(Templates, Options) :- visible_predicate_templates(swish, Templates, Options). %% visible_lib(+Module, -Lib) is nondet. % % Enumerate modules imported into Module and generally useful % modules. visible_lib(Module, Library) :- imported_library(Module, Lib), ( Lib = library(Name) -> \+ no_autocomplete_module(Name), atomic_list_concat(Segments, /, Name), segments_to_slash(Segments, Path), Library = library(Path) ; Library = Lib ). visible_lib(_, Lib) :- visible_lib(Lib). visible_lib(built_in). visible_lib(library(apply)). visible_lib(library(aggregate)). visible_lib(library(assoc)). visible_lib(library(base32)). visible_lib(library(base64)). visible_lib(library(charsio)). visible_lib(library(clpb)). visible_lib(library(clpfd)). visible_lib(library(codesio)). visible_lib(library(coinduction)). visible_lib(library(date)). visible_lib(library(debug)). visible_lib(library(error)). visible_lib(library(dif)). visible_lib(library(gensym)). visible_lib(library(heaps)). visible_lib(library(lists)). visible_lib(library(occurs)). visible_lib(library(option)). visible_lib(library(ordsets)). visible_lib(library(pairs)). visible_lib(library(random)). visible_lib(library(rbtrees)). visible_lib(library(statistics)). visible_lib(library(sort)). visible_lib(library(terms)). visible_lib(library(ugraph)). visible_lib(library(utf8)). visible_lib(library(varnumbers)). visible_lib(library(when)). %visible_lib(library(semweb/rdf_db)). %visible_lib(library(semweb/rdfs)). /******************************* * SWISH CONFIG * *******************************/ %% swish_config:config(-Name, -Styles) is det. % % Provides the object `config.swish.templates`, a JSON object that % provides the templates for hinting in CodeMirror. swish_config:config(templates, Templates) :- findall(Templ, swish_templates(Templ), Templates0), flatten(Templates0, Templates).