/* Part of ClioPatria SeRQL and SPARQL server Author: Michiel Hildebrand and Jan Wielemaker E-mail: michielh@few.vu.nl WWW: http://www.swi-prolog.org Copyright (c) 2010-2018, VU University Amsterdam All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ :- module(api_lod, [ lod_api/2 % +Request ]). :- use_module(library(http/http_dispatch)). :- use_module(library(http/http_json)). :- use_module(library(http/http_host)). :- use_module(library(http/http_request_value)). :- use_module(library(http/http_cors)). :- use_module(library(semweb/rdf_db)). :- use_module(library(semweb/rdf_json)). :- use_module(library(semweb/rdf_describe)). :- use_module(library(settings)). :- use_module(library(option)). :- use_module(library(rdf_write)). :- use_module(library(semweb/rdf_turtle_write)). :- use_module(library(uri)). :- use_module(library(debug)). :- use_module(library(apply)). :- use_module(library(dcg/basics)). :- use_module(library(base64)). :- use_module(library(utf8)). /** LOD - Linked Open Data server Linked (Open) Data turns RDF URIs (indentifiers) into URLs (locators). Requesting the data behind the URL returns a description of the resource. So, if we see a resource http://example.com/employe/bill, we get do an HTTP GET request and expect to receive a description of _bill_. This module adds LOD facilities to ClioPatria. ---++ Running the LOD server There are several ways to run the LOD server. 1. The simplest way to realise LOD is to run ClioPatria there where the authority component of the URL points to (see uri_components/2 for decomposing URIs). This implies you must be able to create a DNS binding for the host and be able to run ClioPatria there. 2. Sometimes the above does not work, because the port is already assigned to another machine, you are not allowed to run ClioPatria on the target host, the target is behind a firewall, etc. In that case, notable if the host runs Apache, you can exploit the Apache module =mod_proxy= and proxy the connections to a location where ClioPatria runs. If you ensure that the path on Apache is the same as the path on ClioPatria, the following Apache configuration rule solves the problem: == ProxyPass /rdf/ http://cliopatria-host:3020/rdf/ == 3. Both above methods require no further configuration. Unfortunately, they require a registered domain control over DNS and administrative rights over certain machines. A solution that doesn't require this is to use www.purl.org. This allows you to redirect URLs within the purl domain to any location you control. The redirection method can be defined with purl. In the semantic web community, we typically use *|See other|* (303). The catch is that if the address arrives at ClioPatria, we no longer know where it came from. This is not a problem in (1), as there was no redirect. It is also not a problem in (2), because Apache adds a header =|x-forwarded-host|=. Unfortunately, there is no way to tell you are activated through a redirect, let alone where the redirect came from. To deal with this situation, we use the redirected_from option of lod_api/2. For example, if http://www.purl.org/vocabularies/myvoc/ is redirected to /myvoc/ on ClioPatria, we use: == :- http_handler('/myvoc/', lod_api([ redirected_from('http://www.purl.org/vocabularies/myvoc/') ]), [ prefix ]). == By default, there is no HTTP handler pointing to lod_api/2. The example above describes how to deal with redirected URIs. The cases (1) and (2) must also be implemented by registering a handler. This can be as blunt as registering a handler for the root of the server, but typically one would use one or more handlers that deal with sub-trees that act as Linked Data repositories. Handler declarations should use absolute addresses to guarantee a match with the RDF URIs, even if the server is relocated by means of the http:prefix setting. For example: == :- http_handler('/rdf/', lod_api([]), [prefix]). == @see http://linkeddata.org/ */ :- setting(lod:redirect, boolean, false, 'If true, redirect from accept-header to extension'). %! lod_api(+Options, +Request) % % Reply to a Linked Data request. The handler is capable of three % output formats. It decides on the desired format based on the % HTTP =Accept= header-field. If no acceptable format is found, it % replies with a human-readable description of the resource using % ClioPatria RDF browser-page as defined by list_resource//2. % % Options: % % * redirected_from(+URL) % This option must be provided when using a purl.org or % similar redirect. See overall documentation of this % library. % % * bounded_description(+Type) % Description style to use. See rdf_bounded_description/4. % The default is =cbd= (Concise Bounded Description) lod_api(_Options, Request) :- \+ memberchk(path_info(_), Request), !, accepts(Request, AcceptList), preferred_format(AcceptList, Format), ( Format == html -> http_link_to_id(home, [], Redirect) ; http_link_to_id(well_known_void, [], Redirect) ), http_redirect(see_other, Redirect, Request). lod_api(_Options, Request) :- memberchk(path_info('/.well-known/void'), Request), !, http_link_to_id(well_known_void, [], Redirect), http_redirect(see_other, Redirect, Request). lod_api(Options, Request) :- lod_uri(Request, URI, Options), debug(lod, 'LOD URI: ~q', [URI]), accepts(Request, AcceptList), triple_filter(Request, Filter), cors_enable, lod_request(URI, AcceptList, Request, Filter, Options). accepts(Request, AcceptList) :- ( memberchk(accept(AcceptHeader), Request) -> ( atom(AcceptHeader) % compatibility -> http_parse_header_value(accept, AcceptHeader, AcceptList) ; AcceptList = AcceptHeader ) ; AcceptList = [] ). %! triple_filter(+Request, -Filter) is det. % % Extract Triple-Filter from Request. Ignores the filter if it % is invalid. triple_filter(Request, Filter) :- catch(phrase(triple_filter(Request), Filter), E, (print_message(warning, E),fail)), !. triple_filter(_, []). %! triple_filter(+Text)// % % Translate an RDF triple pattern into a list of rdf(S,P,O) terms. triple_filter([]) --> []. triple_filter([triple_filter(Filter)|T]) --> !, one_triple_filter(Filter), triple_filter(T). triple_filter([_|T]) --> triple_filter(T). one_triple_filter(Encoded) --> { string_codes(Encoded, EncCodes), phrase(base64(UTF8Bytes), EncCodes), phrase(utf8_codes(PlainCodes), UTF8Bytes), string_codes(Filter, PlainCodes), split_string(Filter, "\r\n", "\r\n", Filters), maplist(map_triple_filter, Filters, Triples) }, string(Triples). map_triple_filter(String, rdf(S,P,O)) :- split_string(String, "\s\t", "\s\t", [SS,SP,SO]), triple_term(SS, S), triple_term(SP, P), triple_term(SO, O). triple_term("?", _) :- !. triple_term(S, N) :- string_codes(S, Codes), phrase(sparql_grammar:graph_term(N), Codes). %! lod_request(+URI, +AcceptList, +Request, +Filter, +Options) % % Handle an LOD request. lod_request(URI, AcceptList, Request, Filter, Options) :- lod_resource(URI), !, preferred_format(AcceptList, Format), debug(lod, 'LOD Format: ~q', [Format]), ( cliopatria:redirect_uri(Format, URI, SeeOther) -> http_redirect(see_other, SeeOther, Request) ; setting(lod:redirect, true), redirect(URI, AcceptList, SeeOther) -> http_redirect(see_other, SeeOther, Request) ; lod_describe(Format, URI, Request, Filter, Options) ). lod_request(URL, _AcceptList, Request, Filter, Options) :- format_request(URL, URI, Format), !, lod_describe(Format, URI, Request, Filter, Options). lod_request(URI, _AcceptList, _Request, _Filter, _) :- throw(http_reply(not_found(URI))). %! lod_uri(+Request, -URI, +Options) % % URI is the originally requested URI. This predicate deals with % redirections if the HTTP handler was registered using the option % redirected_from(URL). Otherwise it resolves the correct global % URI using http_current_host/4. lod_uri(Request, URI, Options) :- memberchk(redirected_from(Org), Options), memberchk(request_uri(ReqURI), Request), handler_location(Request, Location), atom_concat(Location, Rest, ReqURI), atom_concat(Org, Rest, URI). lod_uri(Request, URI, _) :- memberchk(request_uri(ReqURI), Request), http_current_host(Request, Host, Port, [ global(true) ]), ( Port == 80 -> atomic_list_concat(['http://', Host, ReqURI], URI) ; atomic_list_concat(['http://', Host, :, Port, ReqURI], URI) ). %! handler_location(+Request, -Location) is det. % % Location is the requested location on the server. This includes % the handler location, normally concatenated with the path_info. handler_location(Request, Location) :- memberchk(path(Path), Request), ( memberchk(path_info(Rest), Request), atom_concat(Location, Rest, Path) -> true ; Location = Path ). %! redirect(+URI, +AcceptList, -RedirectURL) % % Succeeds if URI is in the store and a RedirectURL is found for % it. redirect(URI, AcceptList, To) :- lod_resource(URI), preferred_format(AcceptList, Format), ( cliopatria:redirect_uri(Format, URI, To) -> true ; uri_components(URI, URIComponents), uri_data(path, URIComponents, Path0), format_suffix(Format, Suffix), file_name_extension(Path0, Suffix, Path), uri_data(path, URIComponents, Path, ToComponents), uri_components(To, ToComponents) ). %! preferred_format(+AcceptList, -Format) is det. % % Format is the highest ranked mimetype found in the Acceptlist of % the request and that we can support. Expects an AcceptList % sorted by rank. preferred_format(AcceptList, Format) :- member(media(MimeType,_,_,_), AcceptList), ground(MimeType), mimetype_format(MimeType, Format), !. preferred_format(_, html). %! format_request(+URL, -URI, -Format) is semidet. % % True if URL contains a suffix that corresponds to a supported % output format, and the global URI occurs in the database. format_request(URL, URI, Format) :- uri_components(URL, URLComponents), uri_data(path, URLComponents, Path), file_name_extension(Base, Ext, Path), ( format_suffix(Format, Ext), mimetype_format(_, Format) -> true ), uri_data(path, URLComponents, Base, PlainComponents), uri_components(URI, PlainComponents), lod_resource(URI). %! lod_describe(+Format, +URI, +Request, +Filter, +Options) is det. % % Write an HTTP document describing URI to in Format to the % current output. Format is defined by mimetype_format/2. lod_describe(html, URI, Request, _, _) :- !, ( rdf_graph(URI) -> http_link_to_id(list_graph, [graph=URI], Redirect) ; http_link_to_id(list_resource, [r=URI], Redirect) ), http_redirect(see_other, Redirect, Request). lod_describe(Format, URI, _Request, Filter, Options) :- lod_description(URI, RDF, Filter, Options), send_graph(Format, RDF). send_graph(xmlrdf, RDF) :- format('Content-type: application/rdf+xml; charset=UTF-8~n~n'), rdf_write_xml(current_output, RDF). send_graph(json, RDF) :- graph_json(RDF, JSON), reply_json(JSON). send_graph(turtle, RDF) :- format('Content-type: text/turtle; charset=UTF-8~n~n'), rdf_save_turtle(stream(current_output), [ expand(triple_in(RDF)), only_known_prefixes(true), silent(true) ]). %! triple_in(+RDF, ?S,?P,?O, ?G) is nondet. % % Lookup a triple in the graph RDF, represented as a list of % rdf(S,P,O). % % @tbd Describe required indexing from rdf_save_turtle/2 and % implement that if the graph is big. :- public triple_in/5. % called from send_graph/2. triple_in(RDF, S,P,O,_G) :- member(rdf(S,P,O), RDF). %! lod_description(+URI, -RDF, +Filter, +Options) is det. % % RDF is a graph represented as a list of rdf(S,P,O) that % describes URI. % % This predicate is hooked by cliopatria:lod_description/2. The % default is implemented by resource_CBD/3. % % @see SPARQL DESCRIBE lod_description(URI, RDF, _, _) :- cliopatria:lod_description(URI, RDF), !. lod_description(URI, RDF, Filter, Options) :- option(bounded_description(Type), Options, cbd), echo_filter(Filter), rdf_bounded_description(rdf, Type, Filter, URI, RDF). echo_filter([]) :- !. echo_filter(Filters) :- copy_term(Filters, Filters1), term_variables(Filters1, Vars), maplist(=(?), Vars), filters_to_ntriples(Filters1, NTriples), split_string(NTriples, "\n", "\n.\s", Strings0), maplist(insert_q, Strings0, Strings), atomics_to_string(Strings, "\n", String), base64(String, Encoded), format('Triple-Filter: ~w\r\n', [Encoded]). insert_q(String, QString) :- split_string(String, " ", "", [S,P,O|M]), map_q(S, QS), map_q(P, QP), map_q(O, QO), atomics_to_string([QS,QP,QO|M], " ", QString). map_q("", "?") :- !. map_q(S, S). filters_to_ntriples(Filters, String) :- with_output_to( string(String), rdf_save_ntriples(stream(current_output), [ expand(api_lod:triple_in(Filters))])). %! mimetype_format(?MimeType, ?Format) is nondet. % % Conversion between mimetypes and formats. mimetype_format(application/'rdf+xml', xmlrdf). mimetype_format(application/json, json). mimetype_format(application/'x-turtle', turtle). mimetype_format(text/turtle, turtle). mimetype_format(text/html, html). %! format_suffix(?Format, ?Suffix) is nondet. % % Suffix is the file name extension used for Format. format_suffix(xmlrdf, rdf). format_suffix(json, json). format_suffix(html, html). format_suffix(turtle, ttl). %! lod_resource(+Resource) is semidet. % % True if Resource is an existing resource for the LOD server. % Typically, this means it appears as a subject, but when % considering symmetric bounded descriptions, it should certainly % also hold for resources that only appear as object. lod_resource(Resource) :- ( rdf(Resource, _, _) ; rdf(_, Resource, _) ; rdf(_, _, Resource) ; rdf_graph(Resource) ), !. /******************************* * HOOKS * *******************************/ :- multifile cliopatria:redirect_uri/3, cliopatria:lod_description/2. %! cliopatria:redirect_uri(+Format, +URI, -RedirectURL) % % Compose a RedirectionURL based on the output Format and the URI % that is in our RDF database. For example, this could map the URI % http://example.com/employe/bill into Bill's homepage at % http://example.com/~bill if Format is =html=. The default is to % a format-specific extension to the path component of URI, % returning e.g., http://example.com/employe/bill.rdf if the % requested format is RDF. % % @see This hook is used by redirect/3. % @param Format is one of =xmlrdf=, =turtle, =json= or =html=. %! cliopatria:lod_description(+URI, -RDF:list(rdf(s,p,o))) % % RDF is list of triples describing URI. The default is to use the % Concise Bounded Description as implemented by resource_CBD/3. % % @see This hook is used by lod_description/2 % @see library(semweb/rdf_describe) provides several definitions % of bounded descriptions.