/* Part of ClioPatria SeRQL and SPARQL server Author: Jan Wielemaker E-mail: J.Wielemaker@vu.nl WWW: http://www.swi-prolog.org Copyright (c) 2010-2018, University of Amsterdam, VU University Amsterdam All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ :- module(cpa_admin, [ change_password_form//1 ]). :- use_module(user(user_db)). :- use_module(library(http/http_parameters)). :- use_module(library(http/http_session)). :- use_module(library(http/html_write)). :- use_module(library(http/html_head)). :- use_module(library(http/mimetype)). :- use_module(library(http/http_dispatch)). :- use_module(library(url)). :- use_module(library(debug)). :- use_module(library(lists)). :- use_module(library(option)). :- use_module(library(http_settings)). /** ClioPatria administrative interface This module provides HTTP services to perform administrative actions. @tbd Ideally, this module should be split into an api-part, a component-part and the actual pages. This also implies that the current `action'-operations must (optionally) return machine-friendly results. */ :- http_handler(cliopatria('admin/listUsers'), list_users, []). :- http_handler(cliopatria('admin/form/createAdmin'), create_admin, []). :- http_handler(cliopatria('admin/form/addUser'), add_user_form, []). :- http_handler(cliopatria('admin/form/addOpenIDServer'), add_openid_server_form, []). :- http_handler(cliopatria('admin/addUser'), add_user, []). :- http_handler(cliopatria('admin/selfRegister'), self_register, []). :- http_handler(cliopatria('admin/addOpenIDServer'), add_openid_server, []). :- http_handler(cliopatria('admin/form/editUser'), edit_user_form, []). :- http_handler(cliopatria('admin/editUser'), edit_user, []). :- http_handler(cliopatria('admin/delUser'), del_user, []). :- http_handler(cliopatria('admin/form/editOpenIDServer'), edit_openid_server_form, []). :- http_handler(cliopatria('admin/editOpenIDServer'), edit_openid_server, []). :- http_handler(cliopatria('admin/delOpenIDServer'), del_openid_server, []). :- http_handler(cliopatria('admin/form/changePassword'), change_password_form, []). :- http_handler(cliopatria('admin/changePassword'), change_password, []). :- http_handler(cliopatria('user/form/login'), login_form, []). :- http_handler(cliopatria('user/login'), user_login, []). :- http_handler(cliopatria('user/logout'), user_logout, []). :- http_handler(cliopatria('admin/settings'), settings, []). :- http_handler(cliopatria('admin/save_settings'), save_settings, []). %! list_users(+Request) % % HTTP Handler listing registered users. list_users(_Request) :- authorized(admin(list_users)), if_allowed(admin(user(edit)), [edit(true)], UserOptions), if_allowed(admin(openid(edit)), [edit(true)], OpenIDOptions), reply_html_page(cliopatria(default), title('Users'), [ h1('Users'), \user_table(UserOptions), p(\action(location_by_id(add_user_form), 'Add user')), h1('OpenID servers'), \openid_server_table(OpenIDOptions), p(\action(location_by_id(add_openid_server_form), 'Add OpenID server')) ]). if_allowed(Token, Options, Options) :- logged_on(User, anonymous), catch(check_permission(User, Token), _, fail), !. if_allowed(_, _, []). %! user_table(+Options)// % % HTML component generating a table of registered users. user_table(Options) --> { setof(U, current_user(U), Users) }, html([ table([ class(block) ], [ tr([ th('UserID'), th('RealName'), th('On since'), th('Idle') ]) | \list_users(Users, Options) ]) ]). list_users([], _) --> []. list_users([User|T], Options) --> { user_property(User, realname(Name)), findall(Idle-Login, user_property(User, connection(Login, Idle)), Pairs0), keysort(Pairs0, Pairs), ( Pairs == [] -> OnLine = (-) ; length(Pairs, N), Pairs = [Idle-Login|_], OnLine = online(Login, Idle, N) ) }, html(tr([ td(User), td(Name), td(\on_since(OnLine)), td(\idle(OnLine)), \edit_user_button(User, Options) ])), list_users(T, Options). edit_user_button(User, Options) --> { option(edit(true), Options) }, !, html(td(a(href(location_by_id(edit_user_form)+'?user='+encode(User)), 'Edit'))). edit_user_button(_, _) --> []. on_since(online(Login, _Idle, _Connections)) --> !, { format_time(string(Date), '%+', Login) }, html(Date). on_since(_) --> html(-). idle(online(_Login, Idle, _Connections)) --> { mmss_duration(Idle, String) }, html(String). idle(_) --> html(-). mmss_duration(Time, String) :- % Time in seconds Secs is round(Time), Hour is Secs // 3600, Min is (Secs // 60) mod 60, Sec is Secs mod 60, format(string(String), '~`0t~d~2|:~`0t~d~5|:~`0t~d~8|', [Hour, Min, Sec]). /******************************* * ADD USERS * *******************************/ %! create_admin(+Request) % % Create the administrator login. create_admin(_Request) :- ( current_user(_) -> throw(error(permission_error(create, user, admin), context(_, 'Already initialized'))) ; true ), reply_html_page(cliopatria(default), title('Create administrator'), [ h1(align(center), 'Create administrator'), p('No accounts are available on this server. \c This form allows for creation of an administrative \c account that can subsequently be used to create \c new users.'), \new_user_form([ user(admin), real_name('Administrator') ]) ]). %! add_user_form(+Request) % % Form to register a user. add_user_form(_Request) :- authorized(admin(add_user)), reply_html_page(cliopatria(default), title('Add new user'), [ \new_user_form([]) ]). new_user_form(Options) --> { ( option(user(User), Options) -> UserOptions = [value(User)], PermUser = User ; UserOptions = [], PermUser = (-) ) }, html([ h1('Add new user'), form([ action(location_by_id(add_user)), method('POST') ], table([ class((form)) ], [ \realname(Options), \input(user, 'Login', UserOptions), \input(pwd1, 'Password', [type(password)]), \input(pwd2, 'Retype', [type(password)]), \permissions(PermUser), tr(class(buttons), td([ colspan(2), align(right) ], input([ type(submit), value('Create') ]))) ])) ]). input(Name, Label, Options) --> html(tr([ th(align(right), Label), td(input([name(Name),size(40)|Options])) ])). % Only provide a realname field if this is not already given. This % is because firefox determines the login user from the text field % immediately above the password entry. Other browsers may do it % different, so only having one text-field is probably the savest % solution. realname(Options) --> { option(real_name(RealName), Options) }, !, hidden(realname, RealName). realname(_Options) --> input(realname, 'Realname', []). %! add_user(+Request) % % API to register a new user. The current user must have % administrative rights or the user-database must be empty. add_user(Request) :- ( \+ current_user(_) -> FirstUser = true ; authorized(admin(add_user)) ), http_parameters(Request, [ user(User), realname(RealName), pwd1(Password), pwd2(Retype), read(Read), write(Write), admin(Admin) ], [ attribute_declarations(attribute_decl) ]), ( current_user(User) -> throw(error(permission_error(create, user, User), context(_, 'Already present'))) ; true ), ( Password == Retype -> true ; throw(password_mismatch) ), password_hash(Password, Hash), phrase(allow(Read, Write, Admin), Allow), user_add(User, [ realname(RealName), password(Hash), allow(Allow) ]), ( FirstUser == true -> user_add(anonymous, [ realname('Define rights for not-logged in users'), allow([read(_,_)]) ]), reply_login([user(User), password(Password)]) ; list_users(Request) ). %! self_register(Request) % % Self-register and login a new user if % cliopatria:enable_self_register is set to true. % Users are registered with full read % and limited (annotate-only) write access. % % Returns a HTTP 403 forbidden error if: % - cliopatria:enable_self_register is set to false % - the user already exists self_register(Request) :- http_location_by_id(self_register, MyUrl), ( \+ setting(cliopatria:enable_self_register, true) -> throw(http_reply(forbidden(MyUrl))) ; true ), http_parameters(Request, [ user(User), realname(RealName), password(Password) ], [ attribute_declarations(attribute_decl) ]), ( current_user(User) -> throw(http_reply(forbidden(MyUrl))) ; true ), password_hash(Password, Hash), Allow = [ read(_,_), write(_,annotate) ], user_add(User, [realname(RealName), password(Hash), allow(Allow)]), reply_login([user(User), password(Password)]). %! edit_user_form(+Request) % % Form to edit user properties edit_user_form(Request) :- authorized(admin(user(edit))), http_parameters(Request, [ user(User) ], [ attribute_declarations(attribute_decl) ]), reply_html_page(cliopatria(default), title('Edit user'), \edit_user_form(User)). %! edit_user_form(+User)// % % HTML component to edit the properties of User. edit_user_form(User) --> { user_property(User, realname(RealName)) }, html([ h1(['Edit user ', User, ' (', RealName, ')']), form([ action(location_by_id(edit_user)), method('POST') ], [ \hidden(user, User), table([ class((form)) ], [ \user_property(User, realname, 'Real name', []), \permissions(User), tr(class(buttons), td([ colspan(2), align(right) ], input([ type(submit), value('Modify') ]))) ]) ]), p(\action(location_by_id(del_user)+'?user='+encode(User), [ 'Delete user ', b(User), ' (', i(RealName), ')' ])) ]). user_property(User, Name, Label, Options) --> { Term =.. [Name, Value], user_property(User, Term) -> O2 = [value(Value)|Options] ; O2 = Options }, html(tr([ th(class(p_name), Label), td(input([name(Name),size(40)|O2])) ])). permissions(User) --> html(tr([ th(class(p_name), 'Permissions'), td([ \permission_checkbox(User, read, 'Read'), \permission_checkbox(User, write, 'Write'), \permission_checkbox(User, admin, 'Admin') ]) ])). permission_checkbox(User, Name, Label) --> { ( User \== (-), ( user_property(User, allow(Actions)) -> true ; openid_server_property(User, allow(Actions)) ), pterm(Name, Action), memberchk(Action, Actions) -> Opts = [checked] ; def_user_permissions(User, DefPermissions), memberchk(Name, DefPermissions) -> Opts = [checked] ; Opts = [] ) }, html([ input([ type(checkbox), name(Name) | Opts ]), Label ]). def_user_permissions(-, [read]). def_user_permissions(admin, [read, write, admin]). %! edit_user(Request) % % Handle reply from edit user form. edit_user(Request) :- authorized(admin(user(edit))), http_parameters(Request, [ user(User), realname(RealName, [ optional(true), length > 2, description('Comment on user identifier-name') ]), read(Read), write(Write), admin(Admin) ], [ attribute_declarations(attribute_decl) ]), modify_user(User, realname(RealName)), modify_permissions(User, Read, Write, Admin), list_users(Request). modify_user(User, Property) :- Property =.. [_Name|Value], ( ( var(Value) ; Value == '' ) -> true ; set_user_property(User, Property) ). modify_permissions(User, Read, Write, Admin) :- phrase(allow(Read, Write, Admin), Allow), set_user_property(User, allow(Allow)). allow(Read, Write, Admin) --> allow(read, Read), allow(write, Write), allow(admin, Admin). allow(Access, on) --> { pterm(Access, Allow) }, !, [ Allow ]. allow(_Access, off) --> !, []. pterm(read, read(_Repositiory, _Action)). pterm(write, write(_Repositiory, _Action)). pterm(admin, admin(_Action)). %! del_user(+Request) % % Delete a user del_user(Request) :- !, authorized(admin(del_user)), http_parameters(Request, [ user(User) ], [ attribute_declarations(attribute_decl) ]), ( User == admin -> throw(error(permission_error(delete, user, User), _)) ; true ), user_del(User), list_users(Request). %! change_password_form(+Request) % % Allow user to change the password change_password_form(_Request) :- logged_on(User), !, user_property(User, realname(RealName)), reply_html_page(cliopatria(default), title('Change password'), [ h1(['Change password for ', User, ' (', RealName, ')']), \change_password_form(User) ]). change_password_form(_Request) :- throw(error(context_error(not_logged_in), _)). %! change_password_form(+UserID)// % % HTML component that shows a form for changing the password for % UserID. change_password_form(User) --> html(form([ action(location_by_id(change_password)), method('POST') ], [ table([ id('change-password-form'), class(form) ], [ \user_or_old(User), \input(pwd1, 'New Password', [type(password)]), \input(pwd2, 'Retype', [type(password)]), tr(class(buttons), td([ align(right), colspan(2) ], input([ type(submit), value('Change password') ]))) ]) ])). user_or_old(admin) --> !, input(user, 'User', []). user_or_old(_) --> input(pwd0, 'Old password', [type(password)]). %! change_password(+Request) % % HTTP handler to change the password. The user must be logged on. change_password(Request) :- logged_on(Login), !, http_parameters(Request, [ user(User, [ optional(true), description('User identifier-name') ]), pwd0(Password, [ optional(true), description('Current password') ]), pwd1(New), pwd2(Retype) ], [ attribute_declarations(attribute_decl) ]), ( Login == admin -> ( current_user(User) -> true ; throw(error(existence_error(user, User), _)) ) ; Login = User, validate_password(User, Password) ), ( New == Retype -> true ; throw(password_mismatch) ), password_hash(New, Hash), set_user_property(User, password(Hash)), reply_html_page(cliopatria(default), 'Password changed', [ h1(align(center), 'Password changed'), p([ 'Your password has been changed successfully' ]) ]). change_password(_Request) :- throw(error(context_error(not_logged_in), _)). /******************************* * LOGIN * *******************************/ %! login_form(+Request) % % HTTP handler that presents a form to login. login_form(_Request) :- reply_html_page(cliopatria(default), 'Login', [ h1(align(center), 'Login'), form([ action(location_by_id(user_login)), method('POST') ], table([ tr([ th(align(right), 'User:'), td(input([ name(user), size(40) ])) ]), tr([ th(align(right), 'Password:'), td(input([ type(password), name(password), size(40) ])) ]), tr([ td([ align(right), colspan(2) ], input([ type(submit), value('Login') ])) ]) ]) ) ]). %! user_login(+Request) % % Handle =user= and =password=. If there is a parameter % =return_to= or =|openid.return_to|=, reply using a redirect to % the given URL. Otherwise display a welcome page. user_login(Request) :- !, http_parameters(Request, [ user(User), password(Password), 'openid.return_to'(ReturnTo, [optional(true)]), 'return_to'(ReturnTo, [optional(true)]) ], [ attribute_declarations(attribute_decl) ]), ( var(ReturnTo) -> Extra = [] ; uri_normalized(/, ReturnTo, PublicHost), Extra = [ return_to(ReturnTo), public_host(PublicHost) ] ), reply_login([ user(User), password(Password) | Extra ]). reply_login(Options) :- option(user(User), Options), option(password(Password), Options), validate_password(User, Password), !, login(User, Options), ( option(return_to(ReturnTo), Options) -> throw(http_reply(moved_temporary(ReturnTo))) ; reply_html_page(cliopatria(default), title('Login ok'), h1(align(center), ['Welcome ', User])) ). reply_login(_) :- reply_html_page(cliopatria(default), title('Login failed'), [ h1('Login failed'), p(['Password incorrect']) ]). %! user_logout(+Request) % % Logout the current user user_logout(_Request) :- logged_on(User), !, logout(User), reply_html_page(cliopatria(default), title('Logout'), h1(align(center), ['Logged out ', User])). user_logout(_Request) :- reply_html_page(cliopatria(default), title('Logout'), [ h1(align(center), ['Not logged on']), p(['Possibly you are logged out because the session ', 'has timed out.']) ]). %! attribute_decl(+Param, -DeclObtions) is semidet. % % Provide reusable parameter declarations for calls to % http_parameters/3. attribute_decl(user, [ description('User identifier-name'), length > 1 ]). attribute_decl(realname, [ description('Comment on user identifier-name') ]). attribute_decl(description, [ optional(true), description('Descriptive text') ]). attribute_decl(password, [ description('Password') ]). attribute_decl(pwd1, [ length > 5, description('Password') ]). attribute_decl(pwd2, [ length > 5, description('Re-typed password') ]). attribute_decl(openid_server, [ description('URL of an OpenID server') ]). attribute_decl(read, [ description('Provide read-only access to the RDF store') | Options]) :- bool(off, Options). attribute_decl(write, [ description('Provide write access to the RDF store') | Options]) :- bool(off, Options). attribute_decl(admin, [ description('Provide administrative rights') | Options]) :- bool(off, Options). bool(Def, [ default(Def), oneof([on, off]) ]). /******************************* * OPENID ADMIN * *******************************/ %! add_openid_server_form(+Request) % % Return an HTML page to add a new OpenID server. add_openid_server_form(_Request) :- authorized(admin(add_openid_server)), reply_html_page(cliopatria(default), title('Add OpenID server'), [ \new_openid_form ]). %! new_openid_form// is det. % % Present form to add a new OpenID provider. new_openid_form --> html([ h1('Add new OpenID server'), form([ action(location_by_id(add_openid_server)), method('GET') ], table([ id('add-openid-server'), class(form) ], [ \input(openid_server, 'Server homepage', []), \input(openid_description, 'Server description', []), \permissions(-), tr(class(buttons), td([ colspan(2), align(right) ], input([ type(submit), value('Create') ]))) ])), p([ 'Use this form to define access rights for users of an ', a(href('http://www.openid.net'), 'OpenID'), ' server. ', 'The special server ', code(*), ' specifies access for all OpenID servers. ', 'Here are some examples of servers:' ]), ul([ li(code('http://myopenid.com')) ]) ]). %! add_openid_server(+Request) % % Allow access from an OpenID server add_openid_server(Request) :- authorized(admin(add_openid_server)), http_parameters(Request, [ openid_server(Server0, [ description('URL of the server to allow')]), openid_description(Description, [ optional(true), description('Description of the server') ]), read(Read), write(Write) ], [ attribute_declarations(attribute_decl) ]), phrase(allow(Read, Write, off), Allow), canonical_url(Server0, Server), Options = [ description(Description), allow(Allow) ], remove_optional(Options, Properties), openid_add_server(Server, Properties), list_users(Request). remove_optional([], []). remove_optional([H|T0], [H|T]) :- arg(1, H, A), nonvar(A), !, remove_optional(T0, T). remove_optional([_|T0], T) :- remove_optional(T0, T). canonical_url(Var, Var) :- var(Var), !. canonical_url(*, *) :- !. canonical_url(URL0, URL) :- parse_url(URL0, Parts), parse_url(URL, Parts). %! edit_openid_server_form(+Request) % % Form to edit user properties edit_openid_server_form(Request) :- authorized(admin(openid(edit))), http_parameters(Request, [ openid_server(Server) ], [ attribute_declarations(attribute_decl) ]), reply_html_page(cliopatria(default), title('Edit OpenID server'), \edit_openid_server_form(Server)). edit_openid_server_form(Server) --> html([ h1(['Edit OpenID server ', Server]), form([ action(location_by_id(edit_openid_server)), method('GET') ], [ \hidden(openid_server, Server), table([ class(form) ], [ \openid_property(Server, description, 'Description', []), \permissions(Server), tr(class(buttons), td([ colspan(2), align(right) ], input([ type(submit), value('Modify') ]))) ]) ]), p(\action(location_by_id(del_openid_server) + '?openid_server=' + encode(Server), [ 'Delete ', b(Server) ])) ]). openid_property(Server, Name, Label, Options) --> { Term =.. [Name, Value], openid_server_property(Server, Term) -> O2 = [value(Value)|Options] ; O2 = Options }, html(tr([ th(align(right), Label), td(input([name(Name),size(40)|O2])) ])). %! openid_server_table(+Options)// % % List registered openid servers openid_server_table(Options) --> { setof(S, openid_current_server(S), Servers), ! }, html([ table([ class(block) ], [ tr([ th('Server'), th('Description') ]) | \openid_list_servers(Servers, Options) ]) ]). openid_server_table(_) --> []. openid_list_servers([], _) --> []. openid_list_servers([H|T], Options) --> openid_list_server(H, Options), openid_list_servers(T, Options). openid_list_server(Server, Options) --> html(tr([td(\openid_server(Server)), td(\openid_field(Server, description)), \edit_openid_button(Server, Options) ])). edit_openid_button(Server, Options) --> { option(edit(true), Options) }, !, html(td(a(href(location_by_id(edit_openid_server_form) + '?openid_server='+encode(Server) ), 'Edit'))). edit_openid_button(_, _) --> []. openid_server(*) --> !, html(*). openid_server(Server) --> html(a(href(Server), Server)). openid_field(Server, Field) --> { Term =.. [Field, Value], openid_server_property(Server, Term) }, !, html(Value). openid_field(_, _) --> []. %! edit_openid_server(Request) % % Handle reply from OpenID server form. edit_openid_server(Request) :- authorized(admin(openid(edit))), http_parameters(Request, [ openid_server(Server), description(Description), read(Read), write(Write), admin(Admin) ], [ attribute_declarations(attribute_decl) ]), modify_openid(Server, description(Description)), openid_modify_permissions(Server, Read, Write, Admin), list_users(Request). modify_openid(User, Property) :- Property =.. [_Name|Value], ( ( var(Value) ; Value == '' ) -> true ; openid_set_property(User, Property) ). openid_modify_permissions(Server, Read, Write, Admin) :- phrase(allow(Read, Write, Admin), Allow), openid_set_property(Server, allow(Allow)). %! del_openid_server(+Request) % % Delete an OpenID Server del_openid_server(Request) :- !, authorized(admin(openid(delete))), http_parameters(Request, [ openid_server(Server) ], [ attribute_declarations(attribute_decl) ]), openid_del_server(Server), list_users(Request). /******************************* * SETTINGS * *******************************/ %! settings(+Request) % % Show current settings. If user has administrative rights, allow % editing the settings. settings(_Request) :- ( catch(authorized(admin(edit_settings)), _, fail) -> Edit = true ; authorized(admin(read_settings)), Edit = false ), reply_html_page(cliopatria(default), title('Settings'), [ h1('Application settings'), \http_show_settings([ edit(Edit), hide_module(false), action('save_settings') ]), \warn_no_edit(Edit) ]). warn_no_edit(true) --> !. warn_no_edit(_) --> html(p(id(settings_no_edit), [ a(href(location_by_id(login_form)), 'Login'), ' as ', code(admin), ' to edit the settings.' ])). %! save_settings(+Request) % % Save modified settings. save_settings(Request) :- authorized(admin(edit_settings)), reply_html_page(cliopatria(default), title('Save settings'), \http_apply_settings(Request, [save(true)])). /******************************* * EMIT * *******************************/ %! hidden(+Name, +Value) % % Create a hidden input field with given name and value hidden(Name, Value) --> html(input([ type(hidden), name(Name), value(Value) ])). action(URL, Label) --> html([a([href(URL)], Label), br([])]).