/* Part of SWI-Prolog Author: Jan Wielemaker E-mail: J.Wielemaker@vu.nl WWW: http://www.swi-prolog.org Copyright (c) 2010-2018, University of Amsterdam VU University Amsterdam All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ :- module(rdf_optimise, [ rdf_optimise/1, % :Query rdf_optimise/2, % +Query, -Optimised rdf_optimise/4, % +Query, -Optimised, -Space, -Time rdf_complexity/3, % :Goal, -SpaceEstimate, -TimeEstimate serql_select_bind_null/2 % +Goal, -WithBind ]). :- use_module(library(semweb/rdf_db)). :- use_module(library(debug)). :- use_module(library(lists)). :- use_module(library(pairs)). :- use_module(library(ordsets)). :- use_module(library(ugraphs)). :- meta_predicate rdf_optimise(0). /* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Queries as returned by serql_compile_path/2 consists of a path expression which is compiled to a conjunction of calls to rdf/3 and the translation of the WHERE clause acting as an additional filter. Optimisation of a query basically means moving conditions into the rdf/3 calls where possible, moving other conditions as early as possibly in the graph-matching and reordering graph matching calls (rdf/3) to reduce non-determinism. Reordering ---------- Reordering of graph expressions is required to reduce backtracking. Roughly I see three approaches: * Learning Create permutations of the query and make them run under time constraints. Try to learn patterns that work (fast). * Use statistics Given the number of solutions on a certain partially instantiated rdf/3 call (and the required execution time), reorganise them to minimalise the cost. * Use constraint solving Instead of trying to solve an rdf/3 call, create a constraint from it and only try to solve it if there is more information. This is especially attractive if some form of high-level reasoning from the language entailment rules can be applied or set-theory is a possibility. After experiments with using constraint solving, this module now uses planning based on statistical information provided by the rdf_db module. This algorithm reaches optimal performance under quite reasonable assumptions while the planning overhead is very reasonable. The algorithm is described in "An optimised Semantic Web query language implementation in Prolog", available from http://www.swi-prolog.org/download/publications/ICLP05-SeRQL.pdf NOTES: * SeRQL LIKE works on resources *and* literals. Do we want this? See http://rdf4j.org/forum/mvnforum/viewthread?thread=275 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */ :- multifile user:goal_expansion/2. user:goal_expansion(rdf_complexity(G0, C), rdf_complexity(G, C)) :- expand_goal(G0, G). user:goal_expansion(rdf_optimise(G0, O), rdf_optimise(G, O)) :- expand_goal(G0, G). user:goal_expansion(rdf_optimise(G0, O, C, E), rdf_optimise(G, O, C, E)) :- expand_goal(G0, G). /* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Plan (conjunctions) * Generate permutations and costs. Select cheapest * The above moves tests right after the RDF call filling its input argument. As a last optimisation some of these searches may be integrated in the rdf/3 call to help using indexing of the RDF database. complexity/2 needs to update the order of clauses inside meta calls (notably optional path expressions). - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */ %! rdf_optimise(:Goal) is nondet. % % Optimise Goal and execute the result. Semantically equivalent to % call/1. % % @tbd Module handling is not correct. rdf_optimise(Module:Goal) :- rdf_optimise(Goal, Optimised), call(Module:Optimised). %! rdf_optimise(+Goal, -Optimized) is det. % % Goal is a Prolog control-structure with calls to the rdf_db.pl % and SeRQL runtime predicates. Optimized is a semantically % equivalent goal, obtained by re-ordering conjunctions in Goal % and processing sub-queries that do not share variables % independently. rdf_optimise(Conj, Optimised) :- rdf_optimise(Conj, Optimised, _, _). rdf_optimise(Conj, Optimised, Space, Time) :- debug(rdf_optimise, '*** OPTIMIZING ***~n', []), dbg_portray_body(Conj), term_variables(Conj, Vars), rdf_complexity(Conj, Conj, S0, E0), State = state(Vars-Conj, S0, E0, 1), debug(rdf_optimise, 'C0 = ~w~n', [E0]), ( reorder(Conj, Perm), ( debugging(rdf_optimise(all)) -> dbg_portray_body(Perm) ; true ), rdf_complexity(Perm, Perm1, S, C), debug(rdf_optimise(all), '--> space=~w, time=~w~n', [S, C]), arg(4, State, N), N2 is N + 1, nb_setarg(4, State, N2), ( arg(3, State, C0), C < C0 -> debug(rdf_optimise, 'BETTER ONE [~D]: --> space=~w, time=~w~n', [N, S, C]), dbg_portray_body(Perm1), nb_setarg(3, State, C), nb_setarg(2, State, S), nb_setarg(1, State, Vars-Perm1) ; true ), fail ; arg(1, State, Vars-Optimised), arg(2, State, Space), arg(3, State, Time), debug(rdf_optimise, ' --> optimised: s/t = ~w/~w --> ~w/~w~n', [S0, E0, Space, Time]), dbg_portray_body(Optimised) ), !. optimise_order(Conj, Conj, -1, -1) :- debug(rdf_optimise, 'Failed to optimise:~n', []), dbg_portray_body(Conj). /******************************* * REORDERING * *******************************/ %! reorder(Goal, Reordered) % % Assuming Goal is a conjunction, create permutations of its % order. Instead of blindly generating permutations however, we % get an arbitrary element of the conjunction to the front and % compute subgraphs of goals connected through variables _after_ % executing the first goal. reorder(Goal, Reordered) :- State = bindings([]), conj_to_list(Goal, Conj0), reorder_conj(Conj0, State, Conj1), list_to_conj(Conj1, Reordered), arg(1, State, Bindings), unbind(Bindings). reorder_conj([One], _, [One]) :- !. reorder_conj(List, State, Perm) :- group_by_cut(List, Before, Cut, After), !, reorder_conj(Before, State, PermBefore), bind_args(Before, State), % this part is done reorder_conj(After, State, PermAfter), append(PermBefore, [Cut|PermAfter], Perm). reorder_conj(List, State, Perm) :- group_by_optional(List, Normal, Optional), !, reorder_conj(Normal, State, PermNormal), bind_args(Normal, State), % this part is done reorder_conj(Optional, State, PermOptional), append(PermNormal, PermOptional, Perm). reorder_conj(List, State, [goal(_,independent(SubPerms),_)]) :- make_subgraphs(List, SubGraphs), SubGraphs \= [_], !, reorder_subgraph_conjs(SubGraphs, State, SubPerms). reorder_conj(List, State, [Prefix|Perm]) :- select(Prefix, List, Rest), bind_args(Prefix, State), make_subgraphs(Rest, SubGraphs), ( SubGraphs = [SubGraph] -> reorder_conj2(SubGraph, State, Perm) ; Perm = [goal(_,independent(SubPerms),_)], reorder_subgraph_conjs(SubGraphs, State, SubPerms) ). %! reorder_subgraph_conjs(SubGraphs, -ReorderedSubGraphs) % % Reorder the individual subgraphs. As we know these are % independent there is no need to order the subgraphs themselves. % we also know they are fully connected, and no longer contain % cuts, so we use the simplified version of reorder_conj/2 called % reorder_conj2/2. reorder_subgraph_conjs([], _, []). reorder_subgraph_conjs([H0|T0], State, [H|T]) :- reorder_conj2(H0, State, H1), list_to_conj(H1, H), reorder_subgraph_conjs(T0, State, T). reorder_conj2([One], _, [One]) :- !. reorder_conj2(List, State, [Prefix|Perm]) :- select(Prefix, List, Rest), bind_args(Prefix, State), make_subgraphs(Rest, SubGraphs), ( SubGraphs = [SubGraph] -> reorder_conj2(SubGraph, State, Perm) ; Perm = [goal(_,independent(SubPerms),_)], reorder_subgraph_conjs(SubGraphs, State, SubPerms) ). %! group_by_cut(+List, -BeforeCut, -Cut, -AfterCut) % % Split the conjunction over a cut (!) as we cannot guarantee % proper behaviour when moving goals to the other side of a cut. group_by_cut(Goals, Before, Cut, After) :- Cut = goal(_, !, _), append(Before, [Cut|After], Goals), !. %! group_by_optional(+List, -NotOptional, -Optional) % % Split the conjunction in optional and non-optional part as we % always want the optional part to happen last. group_by_optional(List, Normal, Optional) :- split_optional(List, Normal, Optional), Normal \== [], Optional \== []. split_optional([], [], []). split_optional([H|T0], Normal, Optional) :- ( optional(H) -> Optional = [H|T], split_optional(T0, Normal, T) ; Normal = [H|T], split_optional(T0, T, Optional) ). optional(G) :- goal(G, (_*->_;_)). %! bind_args(Goal, !State) % % Bind all arguments in Goal or list of goals. Assumes that % executing a goal grounds all its arguments. Only the goal A = % literal(B), generated by optimising where constraints is handled % special. % % State is a term bindings(List) that is destructively maintained % by instantiate/4. bind_args([], _) :- !. bind_args([H|T], State) :- !, bind_args(H, State), bind_args(T, State). bind_args(H, State) :- goal(H, A=literal(B)), var(A), var(B), !, ( instantiated(A, I), I \== (-) -> instantiate(B, _, I, State) ; instantiated(B, I), I \== (-) -> instantiate(A, _, I, State) ; true ). bind_args(Goal, State) :- vars(Goal, Vars), ground_vars(Vars, State). ground_vars([], _). ground_vars([H|T], State) :- instantiate(H, _, r, State), ground_vars(T, State). %! make_subgraphs(+Goals, -SubGraphs) % % Create a list of connected subgraphs from Goals, assuming the % variables in the assoc Grounded have been bound. % % @param Goals is a list goal(Id, Goal, Vars). make_subgraphs([Goal], [[Goal]]) :- !. make_subgraphs([G1,G2], Graphs) :- !, unbound_vars(G1, V1), unbound_vars(G2, V2), ( ord_intersect(V1, V2) -> Graphs = [[G1,G2]] ; Graphs = [[G1],[G2]] ). make_subgraphs(Goals, SubGraphs) :- map_list_to_pairs(unbound_vars, Goals, UnBoundKeyed), connected_pairs(UnBoundKeyed, Edges), vertices_edges_to_ugraph(Goals, Edges, UGraph), connected_vertices(UGraph, SubGraphs). connected_pairs([], []). connected_pairs([H|T], Edges) :- connected_pairs(T, H, Edges, EdgeTail), connected_pairs(T, EdgeTail). connected_pairs([], _, Edges, Edges). connected_pairs([H|T], To, Edges, EdgeTail) :- ( connected(H, To, GH, GT) -> Edges = [GH-GT,GT-GH|Edges1], connected_pairs(T, To, Edges1, EdgeTail) ; connected_pairs(T, To, Edges, EdgeTail) ). connected(V1-G1, V2-G2, G1, G2) :- ord_intersect(V1, V2). connected_vertices([], []) :- !. connected_vertices(UGraph, [Set1|Sets]) :- UGraph = [V1-_|_], reachable(V1, UGraph, Set1), del_vertices(UGraph, Set1, UGraph2), connected_vertices(UGraph2, Sets). %! unbound_vars(+Goal, -Vars) is det. % % True when Vars is an ordered set of unbound variables in Goal. unbound_vars(Goal, Vars) :- vars(Goal, AllVars), unbound(AllVars, Vars0), sort(Vars0, Vars). unbound([], []). unbound([H|T0], [H|T]) :- instantiated(H, -), !, unbound(T0, T). unbound([_|T0], T) :- unbound(T0, T). %! conj_to_list(+Conj, -List) % % Translate a conjunction into a list of elements of the format % %! goal(Id, Goal, Vars) % % Where Id is a goal identifier, Goal is the goal itself and Vars % is a list of variables inside the Goal. Variables are sorted to % the standard order of terms. conj_to_list(Conj, List) :- phrase(conj_to_list(Conj, 1, _), List). conj_to_list((A,B), N0, N) --> !, conj_to_list(A, N0, N1), conj_to_list(B, N1, N). conj_to_list(true, N, N) --> !, []. conj_to_list(G, N0, N) --> { term_variables(G, Vars0), sort(Vars0, Vars), N is N0 + 1 }, [ goal(N0, G, Vars) ]. %! list_to_conj(+List, -Conj) list_to_conj([], true). list_to_conj([goal(_,G,_)], G) :- !. list_to_conj([goal(_,G,_)|T0], (G,T)) :- list_to_conj(T0, T). %! id(G, Id) is det. %! goal(G, Goal) is det. %! vars(G, Vars) is det. % % Extract fields from the goal structure. %id(goal(Id, _, _), Id). goal(goal(_, Goal, _), Goal). vars(goal(_, _, Vars), Vars). /******************************* * BINDING * *******************************/ /* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Keep track of binding status of a variable. There are basically three ways. One is to use a seperate (assoc) table. Alternatively we can use attributed variables and delete the attributes at the end, and finally we can use normal variables and recreate the original goal by unbinding them again. Using assocs requires us to pass these things around and involves a log(N) complexity lookup. Using real terms has the disadvantage that to unbind we have to copy the term, thus loosing bindings it may have with the environment. Using attributes suffers neither of these problems and its only drawback is relying on non-standard Prolog features. Note that the remainder of the algorithm uses sets organised to the standard order of terms. As putting attributes does not change the identity of global stack variables and goals are global stack terms this is guaranteed. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */ %! instantiate_obj(+Arg, -Old, +New, !Bindings) is det. % % Called to change the state of an RDF object after running some % goal. Old is the current instantiation. After executing the RDF % Goal the new instantiation is New (typically =b=). Bindings is a % term bindings(List), which is updated using destructive % assignment. List is the list of all variables to which we added % attributes. instantiate_obj(Arg, Old, New, Bindings) :- ( var(Arg) ; ground(Arg) ), !, instantiate(Arg, Old, New, Bindings). instantiate_obj(literal(Pattern, Var), +(Pattern), New, Bindings) :- instantiate(Var, _, New, Bindings). instantiate(Var, Old, New, Bindings) :- instantiated(Var, Old), ( Old == (-) -> put_attr(Var, instantiated, New), arg(1, Bindings, B0), setarg(1, Bindings, [Var|B0]) ; true ). instantiated(Term, How) :- ( nonvar(Term) -> How = +(+) ; get_attr(Term, instantiated, H) -> How = +(H) ; How = - ). uninstantiate(Term, How) :- ( get_attr(Term, instantiated, How) -> del_attr(Term, instantiated) ; true ). %! instantiate_unify(A, B, State) is det. % % We encounter a plain unification. Ideally, we determine the most % specific binding and propagate this and execute the unification. % The latter however must be undone if we evaluate a disjunction. % For now, the code is somewhat simplified and we merely decide % that if one side is instantiated, the other will be too, % disregarding the actual value we might know. instantiate_unify(A, B, State) :- instantiated(B, +(_)), !, instantiate(A, _, b, State). instantiate_unify(A, B, State) :- instantiated(A, +(_)), !, instantiate(B, _, b, State). instantiate_unify(_, _, _). %! attr_unify_hook(+Attribute, +Value) % % For now, the attribute unify hook only allows unifying with a % variable with the same attribute. This deals with the % unification that takes place in rdf_optimise/3 for the variables % of the saved copy. instantiated:attr_unify_hook(Attr, Value) :- get_attr(Value, instantiated, Attr). instantiated:attr_portray_hook(Value, _Var) :- write(+(Value)). %! instantiate_term(+Term) % % Instantiate all unbound variables instantiate_term(Term, How) :- compound(Term), !, functor(Term, _, Arity), instantiate_args(Arity, Term, How). instantiate_term(Term, How) :- ( var(Term), \+ get_attr(Term, instantiated, _) -> put_attr(Term, instantiated, How) ; true ). instantiate_args(0, _, _) :- !. instantiate_args(N, Term, How) :- arg(N, Term, A), instantiate_term(A, How), N2 is N - 1, instantiate_args(N2, Term, How). %! uninstantiate_term(+Term, +How) % % Remove all skolem instantiations from Term. uninstantiate_term(Term, How) :- compound(Term), !, functor(Term, _, Arity), uninstantiate_args(Arity, Term, How). uninstantiate_term(Term, How) :- uninstantiate(Term, How). uninstantiate_args(0, _, _) :- !. uninstantiate_args(N, Term, How) :- arg(N, Term, A), uninstantiate_term(A, How), N2 is N - 1, uninstantiate_args(N2, Term, How). %! delete_instantiated(+List, -Unbound) % % Delete all elements of List that are not instantiated (i.e. var % and without an instantiated attribute). delete_instantiated([], []). delete_instantiated([H|T0], L) :- ( instantiated(H, -) -> L = [H|T], delete_instantiated(T0, T) ; delete_instantiated(T0, L) ). /******************************* * COMPLEXITY * *******************************/ %! rdf_complexity(+GoalIn, -GoalOut, -SpaceEstimate, -TimeEstimate) % % Provide an estimate for the size of the search space for % executing Goal. For this we estimate the branching factor of % each subgoal in the conjunction. If the branching factors are % B0, B1, ... then the total complexity estimate is % % E = 1 + B0 + B0*B1 + B0*B1*B2, ... % % Non-RDF calls are supposed to be boolean tests that can be % executed at the first opportunity all arguments are bound by RDF % calls. They have a probability of failure, reducing the search % space. Using the above formula, any number lower than 1 moves % the test as far as possible to the head of the conjunction. % % If GoalIn and GoalOut are the same the system will not try to % optimize local conjunctions. % % ISSUES: control structures ;, if-then-else, etc. rdf_complexity(Goal, SpaceEstimate, TimeEstimate) :- rdf_complexity(Goal, Goal, SpaceEstimate, TimeEstimate). rdf_complexity(Goal0, Goal, Space, Time) :- State = bindings([]), complexity(Goal0, Goal, State, 1, Space, 0, Time), arg(1, State, Bindings), unbind(Bindings). unbind([]). unbind([H|T]) :- del_attr(H, instantiated), unbind(T). % complexity(:GoalIn, -GoalOut, % +State, % +SpaceIn, -SpaceOut, % +CountIn, -CountOut) % % Compute the complexity of Goal. Vars is an assoc holding the % variables bound earlier in the conjunction. Space keeps the size % of the search space and Count is the cummulative count of the % costs for exploring the search space espressed in the number of % nodes that will be visited. % % The (G*->_=true;_=false) clause deals with the code generated % from optional graph specs as provided by SeRQL. complexity((A0,B0), (A,B), State, Sz0, Sz, C0, C) :- !, complexity(A0, A, State, Sz0, Sz1, C0, C1), complexity(B0, B, State, Sz1, Sz, C1, C). complexity((G0*->True;False), ( G*->True;False), State, Sz0, Sz, C0, C) :- !, ( var(G) -> optimise_order(G0, G, Sz1, C1), Sz is Sz0 * Sz1, C is C0+Sz0*C1 ; complexity(G, G, State, Sz0, Sz, C0, C) ). complexity((If0->Then0;Else0), % dubious ( If->Then; Else), State, Sz0, Sz, C0, C) :- !, ( var(If) -> optimise_order(If0, If, Sz1, C1), optimise_order(Then0, Then, Sz2, C2), optimise_order(Else0, Else, Sz3, C3), Sz is max(Sz0 * Sz1 * Sz2, Sz0 * Sz3), C is C0 + max(Sz0*C1+Sz0*Sz1*C2, Sz0*C1+Sz0*Sz1*C3) ; complexity(If, If, State, Sz0, Sz1, C0, C1), complexity(Then, Then, State, Sz1, Sz2, C1, C2), complexity(Else, Else, State, Sz0, Sz3, C0, C3), Sz is max(Sz2, Sz3), C is max(C2, C3) ). complexity((A0;B0), (A;B), State, Sz0, Sz, C0, C) :- !, ( var(A) -> optimise_order(A0, A, _, _), % First try the cheap one? optimise_order(B0, B, _, _) ; A = A0, B = B0 ), complexity(A, A, State, Sz0, SzA, C0, CA), complexity(B, B, State, Sz0, SzB, C0, CB), Sz is SzA + SzB, C is CA + CB. complexity(sparql_group(G0), sparql_group(G), State, Sz0, Sz, C0, C) :- !, ( var(G) -> rdf_optimise(G0, G, Sz1, C1), Sz is Sz0 * Sz1, C is C0+Sz0*C1 ; complexity(G, G, State, Sz0, Sz, C0, C) ). complexity(sparql_group(G0, OV, IV), sparql_group(G, OV, IV), State, Sz0, Sz, C0, C) :- !, ( var(G) -> rdf_optimise(G0, G, Sz1, C1), Sz is Sz0 * Sz1, C is C0+Sz0*C1 ; complexity(G, G, State, Sz0, Sz, C0, C) ). complexity(rdfql_carthesian(Bags), rdfql_carthesian(Bags), State, Sz0, Sz, C0, C) :- !, carth_complexity(Bags, State, Sz0, Sz, C0, 0, C). complexity(independent(Goals0), Goal, State, Sz0, Sz, C0, C) :- !, independent_complexity(Goals0, Goal, State, Sz0, Sz, C0, 0, C). complexity(Goal, Goal, State, Sz0, Sz, C0, C) :- Goal = member(Var, List), % List is list of resources !, instantiate(Var, _, b, State), length(List, Branch), Sz is Sz0 * Branch, C is C0 + Sz0*0.2 + Sz*0.2. complexity(Goal, Goal, State, Sz, Sz, C0, C) :- Goal = (A=B), !, instantiate_unify(A, B, State), C is C0 + 0.2. complexity(Goal, Goal, State, Sz, Sz, C0, C) :- Goal = (Var=literal(V)), !, instantiated(V, +(_)), instantiate(Var, _, b, State), C is C0 + 0.2. complexity(Goal, Goal, State, Sz0, Sz, C0, C) :- rdf_db_goal(Goal, S, P, O), !, instantiate(S, SI, b, State), instantiate(P, PI, b, State), instantiate_obj(O, OI, b, State), complexity0(SI, PI, OI, P, Goal, SetUp, PerAlt, Branch), Sz is Sz0 * Branch, C is C0 + Sz0*SetUp + Sz*PerAlt, debug(rdf_optimise(complexity), 'Complexity ~p: (~w) ~w --> ~w', [i(SI,PI,OI), Goal, Branch, C]). complexity(sparql_eval(E,V), sparql_eval(E,V), _, Sz0, Sz, C0, C) :- !, term_variables(E, Vars), all_bound(Vars), Sz is Sz0, % probability of failure C is C0 + Sz*20. % Sz * CostOfEval complexity(sparql_true(E), sparql_true(E), _, Sz0, Sz, C0, C) :- !, term_variables(E, Vars), all_bound(Vars), Sz is Sz0 * 0.5, % probability of failure C is C0 + Sz0*20. % Sz * CostOfEval complexity(G, G, _, Sz0, Sz, C0, C) :- % non-rdf tests term_variables(G, Vars), all_bound(Vars), Sz is Sz0 * 0.5, % probability of failure C is C0 + Sz0. % Sz * CostOfTest all_bound([]). all_bound([H|T]) :- instantiated(H, +(_)), all_bound(T). %! carth_complexity(+Bags, +State, %! +Size0, -Size, %! +Time0, +TimeSum0, -TimeSum) is det. % % Compute the time and space efficiency of the carthesian product. % the total cost in time is the sum of the costs of all branches, % The search space at the end is still the same product. carth_complexity([], _, Sz, Sz, _, C, C). carth_complexity([bag(_,G)|T], State, Sz0, Sz, C0, Csum0, Csumz) :- complexity(G, G, State, Sz0, Sz1, C0, C1), Csum1 is Csum0 + C1, carth_complexity(T, State, Sz1, Sz, C0, Csum1, Csumz). %! independent_complexity(+GoalsIn, -Goals, +State, %! +Size0, -Size, %! +Time0, +TimeSum0, -TimeSum) is det. % % Compute the complexity of an independent conjunction. % % @param Goals is a list of g(Goal, Branch, Cost), where Branch is % the number of solutions expected fromGoal and Cost is the % estimated CPU time. independent_complexity(GoalsIn, Goal, State, Size0, Size, Time0, TimeSum0, TimeSum) :- indep_complexity(GoalsIn, Goals1, State, Size0, Size, Time0, TimeSum0, TimeSum), keysort(Goals1, ByCost), pairs_values(ByCost, Goals2), simplify_carthesian(Goals2, Goal). indep_complexity([], [], _, Sz, Sz, _, C, C). indep_complexity([G0|GT0], [SzG-bag(Vars,G,SzG,CG)|GT], State, Sz0, Sz, C0, Csum0, Csumz) :- complexity(G0, G, State, Sz0, Sz1, C0, C1), term_variables(G, VList), Vars =.. [v|VList], ( Sz0 =:= 0 -> SzG = 0, CG = 0 ; SzG is Sz1/Sz0, CG is (C1-C0)/Sz0 ), Csum1 is Csum0 + C1, indep_complexity(GT0, GT, State, Sz1, Sz, C0, Csum1, Csumz). %! simplify_carthesian(+Bags, -Goal) is det. % % Peer of the leading little branching goals from the carthesian % handler. If there is a bag of one left, turn it into a normal % goal. simplify_carthesian([], true). simplify_carthesian([bag(_,Goal,_Branch,_Cost)], Goal) :- !. simplify_carthesian([bag(_,Goal,Branch,_Cost)|Bags], Final) :- ( Branch < 1.5 -> !, Final = (Goal, Final1), simplify_carthesian(Bags, Final1) ; Bags == [] -> !, Final = Goal ). simplify_carthesian(Bags, rdfql_carthesian(Bags)). %! complexity0(+SI, +PI, +OI, +P, +G, -Setup, -PerAlt, -Branch). % % SI,PI,OI describe the instantiation pattern. P is the predicate % and G is the actual goal. Complexity is unified to an estimate % of the size of the search space and therefore an estimate of the % execution time required to prove the goal. % % Literal `like' matches come out as +(like(Pattern)). We must % estimate the percentage of the literals that match this pattern. % Suppose the factor is 1,000. This means the branching is reduced % by 1,000, but finding each solution is slow as it requires a % linear scan. It is faster than going all the way back to Prolog % backtracking however, so we estimate a factor 10 (TBD: verify % that number). % % ISSUES: rdf_has/3 vs rdf_reachable/3. complexity0(+(_),+(_),+(_), _, _, 1, 0, 1) :- !. complexity0(+(b),+(+),-, P, G, 1, 1, B) :- !, subj_branch_factor(G, B, Prop), rdf_predicate_property(P, Prop). complexity0(-,+(+),+(b), P, G, 1, 1, B) :- !, obj_branch_factor(G, B, Prop), rdf_predicate_property(P, Prop). complexity0(+(b), -, -, _, _, 1, 1, B) :- !, rdf_statistics(triples(Total)), subject_count(Subjs), ( Total == 0 -> B = 0 ; B is Total/Subjs ). complexity0(_,_,+(like(Pat)),_, G, Factor, Factor, B) :- !, rdf_estimate_complexity(G, B0), pattern_filter(Pat, Factor0), Factor is max(1, min(B0, Factor0)/10), B is B0/Factor. complexity0(_,_,_, _, G, 1, 1, B) :- rdf_estimate_complexity(G, B). :- if(rdf_statistics(subjects(_))). subject_count(Count) :- % RDF-DB 2.x rdf_statistics(subjects(Count)). :- else. subject_count(Count) :- % RDF-DB 3.x rdf_statistics(resources(Count)). :- endif. :- multifile subj_branch_factor/3, obj_branch_factor/3. subj_branch_factor(rdf(_,_,_), X, rdf_subject_branch_factor(X)). subj_branch_factor(rdf_has(_,_,_), X, rdfs_subject_branch_factor(X)). subj_branch_factor(rdf_reachable(_,_,_), X, rdfs_subject_branch_factor(X)). obj_branch_factor(rdf(_,_,_), X, rdf_object_branch_factor(X)). obj_branch_factor(rdf_has(_,_,_), X, rdfs_object_branch_factor(X)). obj_branch_factor(rdf_reachable(_,_,_), X, rdfs_object_branch_factor(X)). %! rdf_db_goal(+Goal, -Subject, -Predicate, -Object) % % True if Goal is a pure (logical) predicate on the RDF database % involving the given Subject, Predicate and Object. Defined % multifile, allowing the optimiser to understand user-defined % rdf/3 like predicates. % % @tbd Allow specifying different costs and branching factors :- multifile rdf_db_goal/4. rdf_db_goal(rdf(S,P,O), S,P,O). rdf_db_goal(rdf_has(S,P,O), S,P,O). rdf_db_goal(rdf_reachable(S,P,O), S,P,O). rdf_db_goal(rdf(S,P,O, _DB), S,P,O). % TBD: less hits %! pattern_filter(+Like, -Factor) % % Estimate the efficiency of a pattern. This is a bit hard, as % characters are not independent. pattern_filter(Like, Factor) :- atom_codes(Like, Codes), pattern_factor(Codes, 1, Factor). pattern_factor([], F, F). pattern_factor([0'*|T], F0, F) :- !, pattern_factor(T, F0, F). pattern_factor([_|T], F0, F) :- F1 is F0*10, pattern_factor(T, F1, F). %! rdf_estimate_complexity(+Goal, -Complexity) % % Estimate the branching factor introduced by Goal. This uses the % rdf_db statistics of the hash chains which are based on % exploiting the RDFS subPropertyOf reasoning. % % In addition, rdf_reachable/3 introduces its own complexity which % must be estimate using the branching factor of the relation. rdf_estimate_complexity(G, C) :- rdf_db_goal(G, S, P0, O), map_predicate(P0, P), rdf_estimate_complexity(S, P, O, C). map(map_predicate(_,_)). map(map_predicate(_,_):-_). term_expansion(In, Out) :- map(In), !, rdf_global_term(In, Out). map_predicate(X, X) :- var(X), !. map_predicate(serql:directSubClassOf, rdfs:subClassOf) :- !. map_predicate(serql:directType, rdf:type) :- !. map_predicate(serql:directSubPropertyOf, rdfs:subPropertyOf) :- !. map_predicate(X, X). /******************************* * INSTANTIATE OPTIONAL * *******************************/ /* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - In SELECT queries, optional parts of the path expression leave uninstantiated variables. These must be bound to '$null$' to be able to do correct merging for DISTINCT. The naive way to do this is to instantiate all variables at the end of the query. On large selects (i.e. involving many variables) this appears to be quite costly. Doing the job early, as in ( Goal *-> true ; bind_null(VarsInGoal) ) is not correct as well, as VarsInGoal may be involved in other parts of the code either before or after the optional path expression. So we need to: * Do abtract execution and find the bindings done before arriving at Goal. * continue the execution, and watch for new bindings to these variables. If we find a binding for the second time, remove it from the first and make a conditional binding for it. If we bind an argument unconditionally, we place an attribute 'b'. If it is conditionally bound, we place an attribute c(Set), where Set is the set in which it was bound or plain 'c' if it was conditionally bound in multiple places. TBD: disjunctions and other control structures. queries that do not bind (such as SPARQL bound(X)) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */ serql_select_bind_null(Goal0, Goal) :- State = bindings([]), select_bind_null(Goal0, Goal1, State), arg(1, State, Bindings), c_unbind(Bindings, Left), ( Left == [] -> Goal = Goal1 ; Goal = (Goal1, rdfql_cond_bind_null(Left)) ). c_unbind([], []). c_unbind([H|T0], L) :- ( get_attr(H, instantiated, c) -> L = [H|T] ; L = T ), del_attr(H, instantiated), c_unbind(T0, T). select_bind_null((A0,B0), (A,B), State) :- !, select_bind_null(A0, A, State), select_bind_null(B0, B, State). select_bind_null((G0 *-> true; true), ( G *-> true; Bind), State) :- !, arg(1, State, B0), select_bind_null(G0, G, State), arg(1, State, B), Bind = rdfql_bind_null(Vars), c_bindings(B, B0, c(Bind), Vars). select_bind_null(rdfql_carthesian(List0), rdfql_carthesian(List), State) :- !, select_carth_bind_null(List0, List, State). select_bind_null(sparql_group(A0), sparql_group(A), State) :- !, select_bind_null(A0, A, State). select_bind_null(sparql_group(A0,Outer,Inner), sparql_group(A, Outer,Inner), State) :- !, select_bind_null(A0, A, State), term_variables(Outer, Vars), c_bind(Vars, State). select_bind_null(Goal, Goal, State) :- term_variables(Goal, Vars), c_bind(Vars, State). %! c_bindings(+AtEnd, +AtStart, +CVars, -Vars) % % The variables of the difference-list AtEnd..AtStart are % conditionally bound. Tag each such variable with CVars. % % @param CVars Term c(Vars), where Vars are the other variables % that have the same conditional binding. c_bindings(B, B0, _, Vars) :- B == B0, !, Vars = []. c_bindings([H|T0], B0, Attr, [H|Vars]) :- get_attr(H, instantiated, I), is_instantiated(I), !, put_attr(H, instantiated, Attr), c_bindings(T0, B0, Attr, Vars). c_bindings([_|T0], B0, Attr, Vars) :- c_bindings(T0, B0, Attr, Vars). is_instantiated(b). % unconditionally bound is_instantiated(c(_)). % bound either by call or rdfql_bind_null/1 %! c_bind(+Vars, +State) % % Do unconditional binding of Vars. Var may be in a % rdfql_bind_null/1 set. In that case, delete it from the set, and % set the class to 'c' to make a conditional binding at the end. c_bind([], _). c_bind([H|T], State) :- ( get_attr(H, instantiated, I) -> ( I == b % already unconditionally bound -> true ; I = c(Set) -> arg(1, Set, Vars0), del_var(H, Vars0, Vars), setarg(1, Set, Vars), put_attr(H, instantiated, c) ; I == c -> true ) ; put_attr(H, instantiated, b), arg(1, State, B0), setarg(1, State, [H|B0]) ), c_bind(T, State). del_var(H, [X|T0], T) :- ( H == X -> T = T0 ; T = [X|T1], del_var(H, T0, T1) ). select_carth_bind_null([], [], _). select_carth_bind_null([bag(Vars, G0)|T0], [bag(Vars, G)|T], State) :- select_bind_null(G0, G, State), select_carth_bind_null(T0, T, State). /******************************* * DEBUG SUPPORT * *******************************/ dbg_portray_body(G) :- debugging(rdf_optimise), !, portray_body(G). dbg_portray_body(_). portray_body(G) :- ( pp_instantiate_term(G), debug(_, '~@', [ portray_clause(current_output, (<> :- G), [module(sparql_runtime)]) ]), fail ; true ). pp_instantiate_term(Term) :- compound(Term), !, functor(Term, _, Arity), pp_instantiate_args(Arity, Term). pp_instantiate_term(Term) :- var(Term), get_attr(Term, instantiated, H), !, del_attr(Term, instantiated), Term = +(H). pp_instantiate_term(_). pp_instantiate_args(0, _) :- !. pp_instantiate_args(N, Term) :- arg(N, Term, A), pp_instantiate_term(A), N2 is N - 1, pp_instantiate_args(N2, Term). /******************************* * SANDBOX * *******************************/ :- multifile sandbox:safe_meta_predicate/1. sandbox:safe_meta_predicate(rdf_optimise:rdf_optimise/1).