1/* Part of SWI-Prolog 2 3 Author: Jan Wielemaker, Matt Lilley 4 E-mail: J.Wielemaker@cs.vu.nl 5 WWW: http://www.swi-prolog.org 6 Copyright (c) 2006-2024, University of Amsterdam 7 VU University Amsterdam 8 CWI, Amsterdam 9 SWI-Prolog Solutions b.v. 10 All rights reserved. 11 12 Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without 13 modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions 14 are met: 15 16 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright 17 notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 18 19 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright 20 notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in 21 the documentation and/or other materials provided with the 22 distribution. 23 24 THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS 25 "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT 26 LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS 27 FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE 28 COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, 29 INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, 30 BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; 31 LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER 32 CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT 33 LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN 34 ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE 35 POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. 36*/ 37 38:- module(http_session, 39 [ http_set_session_options/1, % +Options 40 http_set_session/1, % +Option 41 http_set_session/2, % +SessionId, +Option 42 http_session_option/1, % ?Option 43 44 http_session_id/1, % -SessionId 45 http_in_session/1, % -SessionId 46 http_current_session/2, % ?SessionId, ?Data 47 http_close_session/1, % +SessionId 48 http_open_session/2, % -SessionId, +Options 49 50 http_session_cookie/1, % -Cookie 51 52 http_session_asserta/1, % +Data 53 http_session_assert/1, % +Data 54 http_session_retract/1, % ?Data 55 http_session_retractall/1, % +Data 56 http_session_data/1, % ?Data 57 58 http_session_asserta/2, % +Data, +SessionId 59 http_session_assert/2, % +Data, +SessionId 60 http_session_retract/2, % ?Data, +SessionId 61 http_session_retractall/2, % +Data, +SessionId 62 http_session_data/2 % ?Data, +SessionId 63 ]). 64:- use_module(http_wrapper). 65:- use_module(http_stream). 66:- use_module(library(error)). 67:- use_module(library(debug)). 68:- use_module(library(socket)). 69:- use_module(library(broadcast)). 70:- use_module(library(lists)). 71:- use_module(library(time)). 72:- use_module(library(option)). 73 74:- predicate_options(http_open_session/2, 2, [renew(boolean)]).
112:- dynamic 113 session_setting/1, % Name(Value) 114 current_session/2, % SessionId, Peer 115 last_used/2, % SessionId, Time 116 session_data/2. % SessionId, Data 117 118:- multifile 119 hooked/0, 120 hook/1, % +Term 121 session_setting/1, 122 session_option/2. 123 124session_setting(timeout(600)). % timeout in seconds 125session_setting(granularity(60)). % granularity for timeout 126session_setting(cookie('swipl_session')). 127session_setting(path(/)). 128session_setting(enabled(true)). 129session_setting(create(auto)). 130session_setting(proxy_enabled(false)). 131session_setting(gc(passive)). 132session_setting(samesite(lax)). 133 134session_option(timeout, integer). 135session_option(granularity, integer). 136session_option(cookie, atom). 137session_option(path, atom). 138session_option(create, oneof([auto,noauto])). 139session_option(route, atom). 140session_option(enabled, boolean). 141session_option(proxy_enabled, boolean). 142session_option(gc, oneof([active,passive])). 143session_option(samesite, oneof([none,lax,strict])).
(zero) disables timeout.swipl_session
. Cookies are only sent if the HTTP request path
is a refinement of Path.auto
(default), which creates a session if there is a request
whose path matches the defined session path or noauto
in which cases sessions are only created by calling
http_open_session/2 explicitely.active
, which starts a thread that
performs session cleanup at close to the moment of the
timeout or passive
, which runs session GC when a new
session is created.none
, lax
(default), or strict
- The
SameSite attribute prevents the CSRF vulnerability.
strict has best security, but prevents links from
external sites from operating properly. lax stops most
CSRF attacks against REST endpoints but rarely interferes
with legitimage operations. none
removes the samesite
attribute entirely. __Caution: The value none
exposes the
entire site to CSRF attacks.In addition, extension libraries can define session_option/2 to make this predicate support more options. In particular, library(http/http_redis_plugin) defines the following additional options:
219http_set_session_options([]) => true. 220http_set_session_options([H|T]) => 221 http_set_session_option(H), 222 http_set_session_options(T). 223 224http_set_session_option(Option), Option =.. [Name,Value] => 225 ( session_option(Name, Type) 226 -> must_be(Type, Value) 227 ; domain_error(http_session_option, Option) 228 ), 229 functor(Free, Name, 1), 230 ( clause(session_setting(Free), _, Ref) 231 -> ( Free \== Value 232 -> asserta(session_setting(Option)), 233 erase(Ref), 234 updated_session_setting(Name, Free, Value) 235 ; true 236 ) 237 ; asserta(session_setting(Option)) 238 ).
244http_session_option(Option) :-
245 session_setting(Option).
.252:- public session_setting/2. 253 254session_setting(SessionID, Setting) :- 255 nonvar(Setting), 256 get_session_option(SessionID, Setting), 257 !. 258session_setting(_, Setting) :- 259 session_setting(Setting). 260 261get_session_option(SessionID, Setting) :- 262 hooked, 263 !, 264 hook(get_session_option(SessionID, Setting)). 265get_session_option(SessionID, Setting) :- 266 functor(Setting, Name, 1), 267 local_option(Name, Value, Term), 268 session_data(SessionID, '$setting'(Term)), 269 !, 270 arg(1, Setting, Value). 271 272 273updated_session_setting(gc, _, passive) :- 274 stop_session_gc_thread, !. 275updated_session_setting(_, _, _). % broadcast?
287http_set_session(Setting) :- 288 http_session_id(SessionId), 289 http_set_session(SessionId, Setting). 290 291http_set_session(SessionId, Setting) :- 292 functor(Setting, Name, _), 293 ( local_option(Name, _, _) 294 -> true 295 ; permission_error(set, http_session, Setting) 296 ), 297 arg(1, Setting, Value), 298 ( session_option(Name, Type) 299 -> must_be(Type, Value) 300 ; domain_error(http_session_option, Setting) 301 ), 302 set_session_option(SessionId, Setting). 303 304set_session_option(SessionId, Setting) :- 305 hooked, 306 !, 307 hook(set_session_option(SessionId, Setting)). 308set_session_option(SessionId, Setting) :- 309 functor(Setting, Name, Arity), 310 functor(Free, Name, Arity), 311 retractall(session_data(SessionId, '$setting'(Free))), 312 assert(session_data(SessionId, '$setting'(Setting))). 313 314local_option(timeout, X, timeout(X)).
325http_session_id(SessionID) :-
326 ( http_in_session(ID)
327 -> SessionID = ID
328 ; throw(error(existence_error(http_session, _), _))
329 ).
from the current
HTTP request (see http_current_request/1). The value is cached
in a backtrackable global variable http_session_id
. Using a
backtrackable global variable is safe because continuous worker
threads use a failure driven loop and spawned threads start
without any global variables. This variable can be set from the
commandline to fake running a goal from the commandline in the
context of a session.
345http_in_session(SessionID) :- 346 nb_current(http_session_id, ID), 347 ID \== [], 348 !, 349 debug(http_session, 'Session id from global variable: ~q', [ID]), 350 ID \== no_session, 351 SessionID = ID. 352http_in_session(SessionID) :- 353 http_current_request(Request), 354 http_in_session(Request, SessionID). 355 356http_in_session(Request, SessionID) :- 357 memberchk(session(ID), Request), 358 !, 359 debug(http_session, 'Session id from request: ~q', [ID]), 360 b_setval(http_session_id, ID), 361 SessionID = ID. 362http_in_session(Request, SessionID) :- 363 memberchk(cookie(Cookies), Request), 364 session_setting(cookie(Cookie)), 365 member(Cookie=SessionID0, Cookies), 366 debug(http_session, 'Session id from cookie: ~q', [SessionID0]), 367 peer(Request, Peer), 368 valid_session_id(SessionID0, Peer), 369 !, 370 b_setval(http_session_id, SessionID0), 371 SessionID = SessionID0.
This predicate creates a session if the setting create is
. If create is noauto
, the application must call
http_open_session/1 to create a session.
385http_session(Request, Request, SessionID) :- 386 memberchk(session(SessionID0), Request), 387 !, 388 SessionID = SessionID0. 389http_session(Request0, Request, SessionID) :- 390 memberchk(cookie(Cookies), Request0), 391 session_setting(cookie(Cookie)), 392 member(Cookie=SessionID0, Cookies), 393 peer(Request0, Peer), 394 valid_session_id(SessionID0, Peer), 395 !, 396 SessionID = SessionID0, 397 Request = [session(SessionID)|Request0], 398 b_setval(http_session_id, SessionID). 399http_session(Request0, Request, SessionID) :- 400 session_setting(create(auto)), 401 session_setting(path(Path)), 402 memberchk(path(ReqPath), Request0), 403 sub_atom(ReqPath, 0, _, _, Path), 404 !, 405 create_session(Request0, Request, SessionID). 406 407create_session(Request0, Request, SessionID) :- 408 http_gc_sessions, 409 http_session_cookie(SessionID), 410 session_setting(cookie(Cookie)), 411 session_setting(path(Path)), 412 session_setting(samesite(SameSite)), 413 debug(http_session, 'Created session ~q at path=~q', [SessionID, Path]), 414 ( SameSite == none 415 -> format('Set-Cookie: ~w=~w; Path=~w; Version=1\r\n', 416 [Cookie, SessionID, Path]) 417 ; format('Set-Cookie: ~w=~w; Path=~w; Version=1; SameSite=~w\r\n', 418 [Cookie, SessionID, Path, SameSite]) 419 ), 420 Request = [session(SessionID)|Request0], 421 peer(Request0, Peer), 422 open_session(SessionID, Peer).
. Options:
(default false
) and the current request is part
of a session, generate a new session-id. By default, this
predicate returns the current session as obtained with
http_in_session/1.441http_open_session(SessionID, Options) :- 442 http_in_session(SessionID0), 443 \+ option(renew(true), Options, false), 444 !, 445 SessionID = SessionID0. 446http_open_session(SessionID, _Options) :- 447 ( in_header_state 448 -> true 449 ; current_output(CGI), 450 permission_error(open, http_session, CGI) 451 ), 452 ( http_in_session(ActiveSession) 453 -> http_close_session(ActiveSession, false) 454 ; true 455 ), 456 http_current_request(Request), 457 create_session(Request, _, SessionID). 458 459 460:- multifile 461 http:request_expansion/2. 462 463httprequest_expansion(Request0, Request) :- 464 session_setting(enabled(true)), 465 http_session(Request0, Request, _SessionID).
472peer(Request, Peer) :-
473 ( session_setting(proxy_enabled(true)),
474 http_peer(Request, Peer)
475 -> true
476 ; memberchk(peer(Peer), Request)
477 -> true
478 ; true
479 ).
http_session(begin(SessionID, Peer))
.486open_session(SessionID, Peer) :- 487 assert_session(SessionID, Peer), 488 b_setval(http_session_id, SessionID), 489 broadcast(http_session(begin(SessionID, Peer))). 490 491assert_session(SessionID, Peer) :- 492 hooked, 493 !, 494 hook(assert_session(SessionID, Peer)). 495assert_session(SessionID, Peer) :- 496 get_time(Now), 497 assert(current_session(SessionID, Peer)), 498 assert(last_used(SessionID, Now)).
505valid_session_id(SessionID, Peer) :- 506 active_session(SessionID, SessionPeer, LastUsed), 507 get_time(Now), 508 ( session_setting(SessionID, timeout(Timeout)), 509 Timeout > 0 510 -> Idle is Now - LastUsed, 511 ( Idle =< Timeout 512 -> true 513 ; http_close_session(SessionID), 514 fail 515 ) 516 ; Peer \== SessionPeer 517 -> http_close_session(SessionID), 518 fail 519 ; true 520 ), 521 set_last_used(SessionID, Now, Timeout). 522 523active_session(SessionID, Peer, LastUsed) :- 524 hooked, 525 !, 526 hook(active_session(SessionID, Peer, LastUsed)). 527active_session(SessionID, Peer, LastUsed) :- 528 current_session(SessionID, Peer), 529 get_last_used(SessionID, LastUsed). 530 531get_last_used(SessionID, Last) :- 532 atom(SessionID), 533 !, 534 once(last_used(SessionID, Last)). 535get_last_used(SessionID, Last) :- 536 last_used(SessionID, Last).
544set_last_used(SessionID, Now, TimeOut) :- 545 hooked, 546 !, 547 hook(set_last_used(SessionID, Now, TimeOut)). 548set_last_used(SessionID, Now, _TimeOut) :- 549 session_setting(granularity(TimeGranularity)), 550 LastUsed is floor(Now/TimeGranularity)*TimeGranularity, 551 ( clause(last_used(SessionID, CurrentLast), _, Ref) 552 -> ( CurrentLast == LastUsed 553 -> true 554 ; asserta(last_used(SessionID, LastUsed)), 555 erase(Ref) 556 ) 557 ; asserta(last_used(SessionID, LastUsed)) 558 ). 559 560 561 /******************************* 562 * SESSION DATA * 563 *******************************/
573http_session_asserta(Data) :- 574 http_session_id(SessionId), 575 ( hooked 576 -> hook(asserta(session_data(SessionId, Data))) 577 ; asserta(session_data(SessionId, Data)) 578 ). 579 580http_session_assert(Data) :- 581 http_session_id(SessionId), 582 ( hooked 583 -> hook(assertz(session_data(SessionId, Data))) 584 ; assertz(session_data(SessionId, Data)) 585 ). 586 587http_session_retract(Data) :- 588 http_session_id(SessionId), 589 ( hooked 590 -> hook(retract(session_data(SessionId, Data))) 591 ; retract(session_data(SessionId, Data)) 592 ). 593 594http_session_retractall(Data) :- 595 http_session_id(SessionId), 596 ( hooked 597 -> hook(retractall(session_data(SessionId, Data))) 598 ; retractall(session_data(SessionId, Data)) 599 ).
608http_session_data(Data) :-
609 http_session_id(SessionId),
610 ( hooked
611 -> hook(session_data(SessionId, Data))
612 ; session_data(SessionId, Data)
613 ).
626http_session_asserta(Data, SessionId) :- 627 must_be(atom, SessionId), 628 ( hooked 629 -> hook(asserta(session_data(SessionId, Data))) 630 ; asserta(session_data(SessionId, Data)) 631 ). 632 633http_session_assert(Data, SessionId) :- 634 must_be(atom, SessionId), 635 ( hooked 636 -> hook(assertz(session_data(SessionId, Data))) 637 ; assertz(session_data(SessionId, Data)) 638 ). 639 640http_session_retract(Data, SessionId) :- 641 must_be(atom, SessionId), 642 ( hooked 643 -> hook(retract(session_data(SessionId, Data))) 644 ; retract(session_data(SessionId, Data)) 645 ). 646 647http_session_retractall(Data, SessionId) :- 648 must_be(atom, SessionId), 649 ( hooked 650 -> hook(retractall(session_data(SessionId, Data))) 651 ; retractall(session_data(SessionId, Data)) 652 ). 653 654http_session_data(Data, SessionId) :- 655 must_be(atom, SessionId), 656 ( hooked 657 -> hook(session_data(SessionId, Data)) 658 ; session_data(SessionId, Data) 659 ). 660 661 662 /******************************* 663 * ENUMERATE * 664 *******************************/
677http_current_session(SessionID, Data) :- 678 hooked, 679 !, 680 hook(current_session(SessionID, Data)). 681http_current_session(SessionID, Data) :- 682 get_time(Now), 683 get_last_used(SessionID, Last), % binds SessionID 684 Idle is Now - Last, 685 ( session_setting(SessionID, timeout(Timeout)), 686 Timeout > 0 687 -> Idle =< Timeout 688 ; true 689 ), 690 ( Data = idle(Idle) 691 ; Data = peer(Peer), 692 current_session(SessionID, Peer) 693 ; session_data(SessionID, Data) 694 ). 695 696 697 /******************************* 698 * GC SESSIONS * 699 *******************************/
http_session(end(SessionId, Peer))
The broadcast is done before the session data is destroyed and the listen-handlers are executed in context of the session that is being closed. Here is an example that destroys a Prolog thread that is associated to a thread:
:- listen(http_session(end(SessionId, _Peer)), kill_session_thread(SessionID)). kill_session_thread(SessionID) :- http_session_data(thread(ThreadID)), thread_signal(ThreadID, throw(session_closed)).
Succeed without any effect if SessionID does not refer to an active session.
If http_close_session/1 is called from a handler operating in
the current session and the CGI stream is still in state
, this predicate emits a Set-Cookie
to expire the
734http_close_session(SessionId) :- 735 http_close_session(SessionId, true). 736 737http_close_session(SessionId, Expire) :- 738 hooked, 739 !, 740 forall(hook(close_session(SessionId)), 741 expire_session_cookie(Expire)). 742http_close_session(SessionId, Expire) :- 743 must_be(atom, SessionId), 744 ( current_session(SessionId, Peer), 745 ( b_setval(http_session_id, SessionId), 746 broadcast(http_session(end(SessionId, Peer))), 747 fail 748 ; true 749 ), 750 expire_session_cookie(Expire), 751 retractall(current_session(SessionId, _)), 752 retractall(last_used(SessionId, _)), 753 retractall(session_data(SessionId, _)), 754 fail 755 ; true 756 ).
764expire_session_cookie(true) :- 765 !, 766 expire_session_cookie. 767expire_session_cookie(_). 768 :- 770 in_header_state, 771 session_setting(cookie(Cookie)), 772 session_setting(path(Path)), 773 !, 774 format('Set-Cookie: ~w=; \c 775 expires=Tue, 01-Jan-1970 00:00:00 GMT; \c 776 path=~w\r\n', 777 [Cookie, Path]). 778expire_session_cookie. 779 780in_header_state :- 781 current_output(CGI), 782 is_cgi_stream(CGI), 783 cgi_property(CGI, state(header)), 784 !.
is active
(default), session GC is executed if a new session is created and if
the last GC was more than granularity
ago. If gc(active)
is on, a
thread is created that runs the session GC every granularity
http_gc_sessions/0 is called each time when a session is created.
798:- dynamic 799 last_gc/1. 800 801http_gc_sessions :- 802 session_setting(gc(active)), 803 !, 804 start_session_gc_thread. 805http_gc_sessions :- 806 session_setting(granularity(TimeGranularity)), 807 http_gc_sessions(TimeGranularity). 808 809http_gc_sessions(TimeOut) :- 810 ( with_mutex(http_session_gc, need_sesion_gc(TimeOut)) 811 -> do_http_gc_sessions 812 ; true 813 ). 814 815need_sesion_gc(TimeOut) :- 816 get_time(Now), 817 ( last_gc(LastGC), 818 Now-LastGC < TimeOut 819 -> fail 820 ; retractall(last_gc(_)), 821 asserta(last_gc(Now)) 822 ). 823 824do_http_gc_sessions :- 825 hooked, 826 !, 827 hook(gc_sessions). 828do_http_gc_sessions :- 829 debug(http_session(gc), 'Running HTTP session GC', []), 830 get_time(Now), 831 ( session_setting(SessionID, timeout(Timeout)), 832 last_used(SessionID, Last), 833 Timeout > 0, 834 Idle is Now - Last, 835 Idle > Timeout, 836 http_close_session(SessionID, false), 837 fail 838 ; true 839 ).
848:- dynamic 849 session_gc_queue/1. 850 851start_session_gc_thread :- 852 session_gc_queue(_), 853 !. 854start_session_gc_thread :- 855 session_setting(gc(active)), 856 !, 857 catch(thread_create(session_gc_loop, _, 858 [ alias('__http_session_gc'), 859 at_exit(retractall(session_gc_queue(_))), 860 inherit_from(main) 861 ]), 862 error(permission_error(create, thread, _),_), 863 true). 864start_session_gc_thread. 865 866stop_session_gc_thread :- 867 retract(session_gc_queue(Id)), 868 !, 869 thread_send_message(Id, done), 870 thread_join(Id, _). 871stop_session_gc_thread. 872 873session_gc_loop :- 874 thread_self(GcQueue), 875 asserta(session_gc_queue(GcQueue)), 876 session_gc_loop_. 877 878session_gc_loop_ :- 879 session_setting(gc(active)), 880 session_setting(granularity(TimeGranularity)), 881 get_time(Now), 882 At is Now+TimeGranularity, 883 thread_self(GcQueue), 884 repeat, 885 ( thread_get_message(GcQueue, Message, [deadline(At)]) 886 -> ( Message == done 887 -> ! 888 ; fail 889 ) 890 ; !, 891 http_gc_sessions(10), % short time, so it runs 892 session_gc_loop_ 893 ). 894 895 896 /******************************* 897 * UTIL * 898 *******************************/
908http_session_cookie(Cookie) :- 909 route(Route), 910 !, 911 random_4(R1,R2,R3,R4), 912 format(atom(Cookie), 913 '~`0t~16r~4|-~`0t~16r~9|-~`0t~16r~14|-~`0t~16r~19|.~w', 914 [R1,R2,R3,R4,Route]). 915http_session_cookie(Cookie) :- 916 random_4(R1,R2,R3,R4), 917 format(atom(Cookie), 918 '~`0t~16r~4|-~`0t~16r~9|-~`0t~16r~14|-~`0t~16r~19|', 919 [R1,R2,R3,R4]). 920 921:- thread_local 922 route_cache/1.
932route(Route) :- 933 route_cache(Route), 934 !, 935 Route \== ''. 936route(Route) :- 937 route_no_cache(Route), 938 assert(route_cache(Route)), 939 Route \== ''. 940 941route_no_cache(Route) :- 942 session_setting(route(Route)), 943 !. 944route_no_cache(Route) :- 945 gethostname(Host), 946 ( sub_atom(Host, Before, _, _, '.') 947 -> sub_atom(Host, 0, Before, _, Route) 948 ; Route = Host 949 ). 950 951:- if(\+current_prolog_flag(windows, true)).
. Originally, this
simply tried to open /dev/urandom
, failing if this device does
not exist. It turns out that trying to open /dev/urandom
block indefinitely on some Windows installations, so we no longer
try this on Windows.960:- dynamic 961 urandom_handle/1. 962 963urandom(Handle) :- 964 urandom_handle(Handle), 965 !, 966 Handle \== []. 967urandom(Handle) :- 968 catch(open('/dev/urandom', read, In, [type(binary)]), _, fail), 969 !, 970 assert(urandom_handle(In)), 971 Handle = In. 972urandom(_) :- 973 assert(urandom_handle([])), 974 fail. 975 976get_pair(In, Value) :- 977 get_byte(In, B1), 978 get_byte(In, B2), 979 Value is B1<<8+B2. 980:- endif.
available to make prediction of the session IDs hard.987:- if(current_predicate(urandom/1)). 988random_4(R1,R2,R3,R4) :- 989 urandom(In), 990 !, 991 get_pair(In, R1), 992 get_pair(In, R2), 993 get_pair(In, R3), 994 get_pair(In, R4). 995:- endif. 996random_4(R1,R2,R3,R4) :- 997 R1 is random(65536), 998 R2 is random(65536), 999 R3 is random(65536), 1000 R4 is random(65536).
HTTP Session management
This library defines session management based on HTTP cookies. Session management is enabled simply by loading this module. Details can be modified using http_set_session_options/1. By default, this module creates a session whenever a request is processes that is inside the hierarchy defined for session handling (see path option in http_set_session_options/1). Automatic creation of a session can be stopped using the option
. The predicate http_open_session/2 must be used to create a session ifnoauto
is enabled. Sessions can be closed using http_close_session/1.If a session is active, http_in_session/1 returns the current session and http_session_assert/1 and friends maintain data about the session. If the session is reclaimed, all associated data is reclaimed too.
Begin and end of sessions can be monitored using library(broadcast). The broadcasted messages are:
For example, the following calls
whenever a session terminates. Please note that sessions ends are not scheduled to happen at the actual timeout moment of the session. Instead, creating a new session scans the active list for timed-out sessions. This may change in future versions of this library.*/