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    1/*  Part of SWI-Prolog
    3    Author:        Jan Wielemaker
    4    E-mail:
    5    WWW: 
    6    Copyright (c)  2012-2024, VU University Amsterdam
    7                              CWI, Amsterdam
    8                              SWI-Prolog Solutions b.v.
    9    All rights reserved.
   11    Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
   12    modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
   13    are met:
   15    1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
   16       notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
   18    2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
   19       notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in
   20       the documentation and/or other materials provided with the
   21       distribution.
   37:- module(prolog_pack,
   38          [ pack_list_installed/0,
   39            pack_info/1,                % +Name
   40            pack_list/1,                % +Keyword
   41            pack_list/2,                % +Query, +Options
   42            pack_search/1,              % +Keyword
   43            pack_install/1,             % +Name
   44            pack_install/2,             % +Name, +Options
   45            pack_install_local/3,       % :Spec, +Dir, +Options
   46            pack_upgrade/1,             % +Name
   47            pack_rebuild/1,             % +Name
   48            pack_rebuild/0,             % All packages
   49            pack_remove/1,              % +Name
   50            pack_remove/2,              % +Name, +Options
   51            pack_publish/2,             % +URL, +Options
   52            pack_property/2             % ?Name, ?Property
   53          ]).   54:- use_module(library(apply)).   55:- use_module(library(error)).   56:- use_module(library(option)).   57:- use_module(library(readutil)).   58:- use_module(library(lists)).   59:- use_module(library(filesex)).   60:- use_module(library(xpath)).   61:- use_module(library(settings)).   62:- use_module(library(uri)).   63:- use_module(library(dcg/basics)).   64:- use_module(library(dcg/high_order)).   65:- use_module(library(http/http_open)).   66:- use_module(library(http/json)).   67:- use_module(library(http/http_client), []).   68:- use_module(library(debug), [assertion/1]).   69:- use_module(library(pairs), [pairs_keys/2]).   70:- autoload(library(git)).   71:- autoload(library(sgml)).   72:- autoload(library(sha)).   73:- autoload(library(build/tools)).   74:- autoload(library(ansi_term), [ansi_format/3]).   75:- autoload(library(pprint), [print_term/2]).   76:- autoload(library(prolog_versions), [require_version/3, cmp_versions/3]).   77:- autoload(library(ugraphs), [vertices_edges_to_ugraph/3, ugraph_layers/2]).   78:- autoload(library(process), [process_which/2]).   79
   80:- meta_predicate
   81    pack_install_local(2, +, +).

A package manager for Prolog

The library(prolog_pack) provides the SWI-Prolog package manager. This library lets you inspect installed packages, install packages, remove packages, etc. This library complemented by the built-in predicates such as attach_packs/2 that makes installed packages available as libraries.

The important functionality of this library is encapsulated in the app pack. For help, run

swipl pack help


   96                 /*******************************
   97                 *          CONSTANTS           *
   98                 *******************************/
  100:- setting(server, atom, '',
  101           'Server to exchange pack information').  102
  104		 /*******************************
  105		 *       LOCAL DECLARATIONS	*
  106		 *******************************/
  108:- op(900, xfx, @).                     % Token@Version
  110:- meta_predicate det_if(0,0).  111
  112                 /*******************************
  113                 *         PACKAGE INFO         *
  114                 *******************************/
 current_pack(?Pack) is nondet
 current_pack(?Pack, ?Dir) is nondet
True if Pack is a currently installed pack.
  121current_pack(Pack) :-
  122    current_pack(Pack, _).
  124current_pack(Pack, Dir) :-
  125    '$pack':pack(Pack, Dir).
 pack_list_installed is det
List currently installed packages and report possible dependency issues.
  132pack_list_installed :-
  133    pack_list('', [installed(true)]),
  134    validate_dependencies.
Print more detailed information about Pack.
  140pack_info(Name) :-
  141    pack_info(info, Name).
  143pack_info(Level, Name) :-
  144    must_be(atom, Name),
  145    findall(Info, pack_info(Name, Level, Info), Infos0),
  146    (   Infos0 == []
  147    ->  print_message(warning, pack(no_pack_installed(Name))),
  148        fail
  149    ;   true
  150    ),
  151    findall(Def,  pack_default(Level, Infos, Def), Defs),
  152    append(Infos0, Defs, Infos1),
  153    sort(Infos1, Infos),
  154    show_info(Name, Infos, [info(Level)]).
  157show_info(_Name, _Properties, Options) :-
  158    option(silent(true), Options),
  159    !.
  160show_info(_Name, _Properties, Options) :-
  161    option(show_info(false), Options),
  162    !.
  163show_info(Name, Properties, Options) :-
  164    option(info(list), Options),
  165    !,
  166    memberchk(title(Title), Properties),
  167    memberchk(version(Version), Properties),
  168    format('i ~w@~w ~28|- ~w~n', [Name, Version, Title]).
  169show_info(Name, Properties, _) :-
  170    !,
  171    print_property_value('Package'-'~w', [Name]),
  172    findall(Term, pack_level_info(info, Term, _, _), Terms),
  173    maplist(print_property(Properties), Terms).
  175print_property(_, nl) :-
  176    !,
  177    format('~n').
  178print_property(Properties, Term) :-
  179    findall(Term, member(Term, Properties), Terms),
  180    Terms \== [],
  181    !,
  182    pack_level_info(_, Term, LabelFmt, _Def),
  183    (   LabelFmt = Label-FmtElem
  184    ->  true
  185    ;   Label = LabelFmt,
  186        FmtElem = '~w'
  187    ),
  188    multi_valued(Terms, FmtElem, FmtList, Values),
  189    atomic_list_concat(FmtList, ', ', Fmt),
  190    print_property_value(Label-Fmt, Values).
  191print_property(_, _).
  193multi_valued([H], LabelFmt, [LabelFmt], Values) :-
  194    !,
  195    H =.. [_|Values].
  196multi_valued([H|T], LabelFmt, [LabelFmt|LT], Values) :-
  197    H =.. [_|VH],
  198    append(VH, MoreValues, Values),
  199    multi_valued(T, LabelFmt, LT, MoreValues).
  203print_property_value(Prop-Fmt, Values) :-
  204    !,
  205    pvalue_column(C),
  206    atomic_list_concat(['~w:~t~*|', Fmt, '~n'], Format),
  207    format(Format, [Prop,C|Values]).
  209pack_info(Name, Level, Info) :-
  210    '$pack':pack(Name, BaseDir),
  211    pack_dir_info(BaseDir, Level, Info).
  213pack_dir_info(BaseDir, Level, Info) :-
  214    (   Info = directory(BaseDir)
  215    ;   pack_info_term(BaseDir, Info)
  216    ),
  217    pack_level_info(Level, Info, _Format, _Default).
  219:- public pack_level_info/4.                    % used by web-server
  221pack_level_info(_,    title(_),         'Title',                   '<no title>').
  222pack_level_info(_,    version(_),       'Installed version',       '<unknown>').
  223pack_level_info(info, automatic(_),	'Automatic (dependency only)', -).
  224pack_level_info(info, directory(_),     'Installed in directory',  -).
  225pack_level_info(info, link(_),		'Installed as link to'-'~w', -).
  226pack_level_info(info, built(_,_),	'Built on'-'~w for SWI-Prolog ~w', -).
  227pack_level_info(info, author(_, _),     'Author'-'~w <~w>',        -).
  228pack_level_info(info, maintainer(_, _), 'Maintainer'-'~w <~w>',    -).
  229pack_level_info(info, packager(_, _),   'Packager'-'~w <~w>',      -).
  230pack_level_info(info, home(_),          'Home page',               -).
  231pack_level_info(info, download(_),      'Download URL',            -).
  232pack_level_info(_,    provides(_),      'Provides',                -).
  233pack_level_info(_,    requires(_),      'Requires',                -).
  234pack_level_info(_,    conflicts(_),     'Conflicts with',          -).
  235pack_level_info(_,    replaces(_),      'Replaces packages',       -).
  236pack_level_info(info, library(_),	'Provided libraries',      -).
  238pack_default(Level, Infos, Def) :-
  239    pack_level_info(Level, ITerm, _Format, Def),
  240    Def \== (-),
  241    \+ memberchk(ITerm, Infos).
 pack_info_term(+PackDir, ?Info) is nondet
True when Info is meta-data for the package PackName.
  247pack_info_term(BaseDir, Info) :-
  248    directory_file_path(BaseDir, '', InfoFile),
  249    catch(
  250        term_in_file(valid_term(pack_info_term), InfoFile, Info),
  251        error(existence_error(source_sink, InfoFile), _),
  252        ( print_message(error, pack(no_meta_data(BaseDir))),
  253          fail
  254        )).
  255pack_info_term(BaseDir, library(Lib)) :-
  256    atom_concat(BaseDir, '/prolog/', LibDir),
  257    atom_concat(LibDir, '*.pl', Pattern),
  258    expand_file_name(Pattern, Files),
  259    maplist(atom_concat(LibDir), Plain, Files),
  260    convlist(base_name, Plain, Libs),
  261    member(Lib, Libs).
  262pack_info_term(BaseDir, automatic(Boolean)) :-
  263    once(pack_status_dir(BaseDir, automatic(Boolean))).
  264pack_info_term(BaseDir, built(Arch, Prolog)) :-
  265    pack_status_dir(BaseDir, built(Arch, Prolog, _How)).
  266pack_info_term(BaseDir, link(Dest)) :-
  267    read_link(BaseDir, _, Dest).
  269base_name(File, Base) :-
  270    file_name_extension(Base, pl, File).
 term_in_file(:Valid, +File, -Term) is nondet
True when Term appears in file and call(Valid, Term) is true.
  276:- meta_predicate
  277    term_in_file(1, +, -).  278
  279term_in_file(Valid, File, Term) :-
  280    exists_file(File),
  281    setup_call_cleanup(
  282        open(File, read, In, [encoding(utf8)]),
  283        term_in_stream(Valid, In, Term),
  284        close(In)).
  286term_in_stream(Valid, In, Term) :-
  287    repeat,
  288        read_term(In, Term0, []),
  289        (   Term0 == end_of_file
  290        ->  !, fail
  291        ;   Term = Term0,
  292            call(Valid, Term0)
  293        ).
  295:- meta_predicate
  296    valid_term(1,+).  297
  298valid_term(Type, Term) :-
  299    Term =.. [Name|Args],
  300    same_length(Args, Types),
  301    Decl =.. [Name|Types],
  302    (   call(Type, Decl)
  303    ->  maplist(valid_info_arg, Types, Args)
  304    ;   print_message(warning, pack(invalid_term(Type, Term))),
  305        fail
  306    ).
  308valid_info_arg(Type, Arg) :-
  309    must_be(Type, Arg).
 pack_info_term(?Term) is nondet
True when Term describes name and arguments of a valid package info term.
  316pack_info_term(name(atom)).                     % Synopsis
  321pack_info_term(author(atom, email_or_url_or_empty)).     % Persons
  322pack_info_term(maintainer(atom, email_or_url)).
  323pack_info_term(packager(atom, email_or_url)).
  324pack_info_term(pack_version(nonneg)).           % Package convention version
  325pack_info_term(home(atom)).                     % Home page
  326pack_info_term(download(atom)).                 % Source
  327pack_info_term(provides(atom)).                 % Dependencies
  329pack_info_term(conflicts(dependency)).          % Conflicts with package
  330pack_info_term(replaces(atom)).                 % Replaces another package
  331pack_info_term(autoload(boolean)).              % Default installation options
  333:- multifile
  334    error:has_type/2.  335
  336error:has_type(version, Version) :-
  337    atom(Version),
  338    is_version(Version).
  339error:has_type(email_or_url, Address) :-
  340    atom(Address),
  341    (   sub_atom(Address, _, _, _, @)
  342    ->  true
  343    ;   uri_is_global(Address)
  344    ).
  345error:has_type(email_or_url_or_empty, Address) :-
  346    (   Address == ''
  347    ->  true
  348    ;   error:has_type(email_or_url, Address)
  349    ).
  350error:has_type(dependency, Value) :-
  351    is_dependency(Value, _Token, _Version).
  353is_version(Version) :-
  354    split_string(Version, ".", "", Parts),
  355    maplist(number_string, _, Parts).
  357is_dependency(Token, Token, *) :-
  358    atom(Token).
  359is_dependency(Term, Token, VersionCmp) :-
  360    Term =.. [Op,Token,Version],
  361    cmp(Op, _),
  362    is_version(Version),
  363    VersionCmp =.. [Op,Version].
  365cmp(<,  @<).
  366cmp(=<, @=<).
  367cmp(==, ==).
  368cmp(>=, @>=).
  369cmp(>,  @>).
  372                 /*******************************
  373                 *            SEARCH            *
  374                 *******************************/
 pack_list(+Query) is det
 pack_list(+Query, +Options) is det
 pack_search(+Query) is det
Query package server and installed packages and display results. Query is matches case-insensitively against the name and title of known and installed packages. For each matching package, a single line is displayed that provides:

Options processed:

Only list packages that are locally installed. Contacts the server to compare our local version to the latest available version.
Only list packages that need to be updated. This option implies installed(true).
If false, do not contact the server. This implies installed(true). Otherwise, use the given pack server.

Hint: ?- pack_list(''). lists all known packages.

The predicates pack_list/1 and pack_search/1 are synonyms. Both contact the package server at to find available packages. Contacting the server can be avoided using the server(false) option.

  416pack_list(Query) :-
  417    pack_list(Query, []).
  419pack_search(Query) :-
  420    pack_list(Query, []).
  422pack_list(Query, Options) :-
  423    (   option(installed(true), Options)
  424    ;   option(outdated(true), Options)
  425    ;   option(server(false), Options)
  426    ),
  427    !,
  428    local_search(Query, Local),
  429    maplist(arg(1), Local, Packs),
  430    (   option(server(false), Options)
  431    ->  Hits = []
  432    ;   query_pack_server(info(Packs), true(Hits), Options)
  433    ),
  434    list_hits(Hits, Local, Options).
  435pack_list(Query, Options) :-
  436    query_pack_server(search(Query), Result, Options),
  437    (   Result == false
  438    ->  (   local_search(Query, Packs),
  439            Packs \== []
  440        ->  forall(member(pack(Pack, Stat, Title, Version, _), Packs),
  441                   format('~w ~w@~w ~28|- ~w~n',
  442                          [Stat, Pack, Version, Title]))
  443        ;   print_message(warning, pack(search_no_matches(Query)))
  444        )
  445    ;   Result = true(Hits), % Hits = list(pack(Name, p, Title, Version, URL))
  446        local_search(Query, Local),
  447        list_hits(Hits, Local, [])
  448    ).
  450list_hits(Hits, Local, Options) :-
  451    append(Hits, Local, All),
  452    sort(All, Sorted),
  453    join_status(Sorted, Packs0),
  454    include(filtered(Options), Packs0, Packs),
  455    maplist(list_hit(Options), Packs).
  457filtered(Options, pack(_,Tag,_,_,_)) :-
  458    option(outdated(true), Options),
  459    !,
  460    Tag == 'U'.
  461filtered(_, _).
  463list_hit(_Options, pack(Pack, Tag, Title, Version, _URL)) =>
  464    list_tag(Tag),
  465    ansi_format(code, '~w', [Pack]),
  466    format('@'),
  467    list_version(Tag, Version),
  468    format('~35|- ', []),
  469    ansi_format(comment, '~w~n', [Title]).
  471list_tag(Tag) :-
  472    tag_color(Tag, Color),
  473    ansi_format(Color, '~w ', [Tag]).
  475list_version(Tag, VersionI-VersionS) =>
  476    tag_color(Tag, Color),
  477    ansi_format(Color, '~w', [VersionI]),
  478    ansi_format(bold, '(~w)', [VersionS]).
  479list_version(_Tag, Version) =>
  480    ansi_format([], '~w', [Version]).
  482tag_color('U', warning) :- !.
  483tag_color('A', comment) :- !.
  484tag_color(_, []).
 join_status(+PacksIn, -PacksOut) is det
Combine local and remote information to assess the status of each package. PacksOut is a list of pack(Name, Status, Version, URL). If the versions do not match, Version is VersionInstalled-VersionRemote and similar for thee URL.
  493join_status([], []).
  494join_status([ pack(Pack, i, Title, Version, URL),
  495              pack(Pack, p, Title, Version, _)
  496            | T0
  497            ],
  498            [ pack(Pack, Tag, Title, Version, URL)
  499            | T
  500            ]) :-
  501    !,
  502    (   pack_status(Pack, automatic(true))
  503    ->  Tag = a
  504    ;   Tag = i
  505    ),
  506    join_status(T0, T).
  507join_status([ pack(Pack, i, Title, VersionI, URLI),
  508              pack(Pack, p, _,     VersionS, URLS)
  509            | T0
  510            ],
  511            [ pack(Pack, Tag, Title, VersionI-VersionS, URLI-URLS)
  512            | T
  513            ]) :-
  514    !,
  515    version_sort_key(VersionI, VDI),
  516    version_sort_key(VersionS, VDS),
  517    (   VDI @< VDS
  518    ->  Tag = 'U'
  519    ;   Tag = 'A'
  520    ),
  521    join_status(T0, T).
  522join_status([ pack(Pack, i, Title, VersionI, URL)
  523            | T0
  524            ],
  525            [ pack(Pack, l, Title, VersionI, URL)
  526            | T
  527            ]) :-
  528    !,
  529    join_status(T0, T).
  530join_status([H|T0], [H|T]) :-
  531    join_status(T0, T).
 local_search(+Query, -Packs:list(atom)) is det
Search locally installed packs.
  537local_search(Query, Packs) :-
  538    findall(Pack, matching_installed_pack(Query, Pack), Packs).
  540matching_installed_pack(Query, pack(Pack, i, Title, Version, URL)) :-
  541    current_pack(Pack),
  542    findall(Term,
  543            ( pack_info(Pack, _, Term),
  544              search_info(Term)
  545            ), Info),
  546    (   sub_atom_icasechk(Pack, _, Query)
  547    ->  true
  548    ;   memberchk(title(Title), Info),
  549        sub_atom_icasechk(Title, _, Query)
  550    ),
  551    option(title(Title), Info, '<no title>'),
  552    option(version(Version), Info, '<no version>'),
  553    option(download(URL), Info, '<no download url>').
  560                 /*******************************
  561                 *            INSTALL           *
  562                 *******************************/
 pack_install(+Spec:atom) is det
 pack_install(+SpecOrList, +Options) is det
Install one or more packs from SpecOrList. SpecOrList is a single specification or a list of specifications. A specification is one of

Processes the options below. Default options as would be used by pack_install/1 are used to complete the provided Options. Note that pack_install/2 can be used through the SWI-Prolog command line app pack as below. Most of the options of this predicate are available as command line options.

swipl pack install <name>


Source for downloading the package
Directory into which to install the package.
If true, install in the XDG common application data path, making the pack accessible to everyone. If false, install in the XDG user application data path, making the pack accessible for the current user only. If the option is absent, use the first existing and writable directory. If that doesn't exist find locations where it can be created and prompt the user to do so.
When true (default false), do not perform any checks on SSL certificates when downloading using https.
Use default answer without asking the user if there is a default action.
If true (default false), suppress informational progress messages.
If true (default false), upgrade package if it is already installed.
Rebuild the foreign components. Condition is one of if_absent (default, do nothing if the directory with foreign resources exists), make (run make) or true (run `make distclean` followed by the default configure and build steps).
If true (default), run the pack tests.
If true (default false unless URL ends with =.git=), assume the URL is a GIT repository.
Can be used if the installation source is a local directory and the file system supports symbolic links. In this case the system adds the current directory to the pack registration using a symbolic link and performs the local installation steps.
Demand the pack to satisfy some version requirement. Version is as defined by require_version/3. For example '1.5' is the same as >=('1.5').
When installing from a git repository, clone this branch.
When installing from a git repository, checkout this commit. Commit is either a hash, a tag, a branch or 'HEAD'.
When building using CMake, use -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Type. Default is the build type of Prolog or Release.
If true (default), register packages as downloaded after performing the download. This contacts the server with the meta-data of each pack that was downloaded. The server will either register the location as a new version or increment the download count. The server stores the IP address of the client. Subsequent downloads of the same version from the same IP address are ignored.
Pack server to contact. Default is the setting prolog_pack:server, by default set to

Non-interactive installation can be established using the option interactive(false). It is adviced to install from a particular trusted URL instead of the plain pack name for unattented operation.

  662pack_install(Spec) :-
  663    pack_default_options(Spec, Pack, [], Options),
  664    pack_install(Pack, [pack(Pack)|Options]).
  666pack_install(Specs, Options) :-
  667    is_list(Specs),
  668    !,
  669    maplist(pack_options(Options), Specs, Pairs),
  670    pack_install_dir(PackTopDir, Options),
  671    pack_install_set(Pairs, PackTopDir, Options).
  672pack_install(Spec, Options) :-
  673    pack_default_options(Spec, Pack, Options, DefOptions),
  674    (   option(already_installed(Installed), DefOptions)
  675    ->  print_message(informational, pack(already_installed(Installed)))
  676    ;   merge_options(Options, DefOptions, PackOptions),
  677        pack_install_dir(PackTopDir, PackOptions),
  678        pack_install_set([Pack-PackOptions], PackTopDir, Options)
  679    ).
  681pack_options(Options, Spec, Pack-PackOptions) :-
  682    pack_default_options(Spec, Pack, Options, DefOptions),
  683    merge_options(Options, DefOptions, PackOptions).
 pack_default_options(+Spec, -Pack, +OptionsIn, -Options) is det
Establish the pack name (Pack) and install options from a specification and options (OptionsIn) provided by the user. Cases:
  1. Already installed. We must pass that as pack_default_options/4 is called twice from pack_install/2.
  2. Install from a URL due to a url(URL) option. Determine whether the URL is a GIT repository, get the version and pack from the URL.
  3. Install a local archive file. Extract the pack and version from the archive name.
  4. Install from a git URL. Determines the pack, sets git(true) and adds the URL as option.
  5. Install from a directory. Get the info from the file.
  6. Install from '.'. Create a symlink to make the current dir accessible as a pack.
  7. Install from a non-git URL Determine pack and version.
  8. Pack name. Query the server to find candidate packs and select an adequate pack.
  709pack_default_options(_Spec, Pack, OptsIn, Options) :-   % (1)
  710    option(already_installed(pack(Pack,_Version)), OptsIn),
  711    !,
  712    Options = OptsIn.
  713pack_default_options(_Spec, Pack, OptsIn, Options) :-   % (2)
  714    option(url(URL), OptsIn),
  715    !,
  716    (   option(git(_), OptsIn)
  717    ->  Options = OptsIn
  718    ;   git_url(URL, Pack)
  719    ->  Options = [git(true)|OptsIn]
  720    ;   Options = OptsIn
  721    ),
  722    (   nonvar(Pack)
  723    ->  true
  724    ;   option(pack(Pack), Options)
  725    ->  true
  726    ;   pack_version_file(Pack, _Version, URL)
  727    ).
  728pack_default_options(Archive, Pack, OptsIn, Options) :- % (3)
  729    must_be(atom, Archive),
  730    \+ uri_is_global(Archive),
  731    expand_file_name(Archive, [File]),
  732    exists_file(File),
  733    !,
  734    (   pack_version_file(Pack, Version, File)
  735    ->  uri_file_name(FileURL, File),
  736        merge_options([url(FileURL), version(Version)], OptsIn, Options)
  737    ;   domain_error(pack_file_name, Archive)
  738    ).
  739pack_default_options(URL, Pack, OptsIn, Options) :-     % (4)
  740    git_url(URL, Pack),
  741    !,
  742    merge_options([git(true), url(URL)], OptsIn, Options).
  743pack_default_options(FileURL, Pack, _, Options) :-      % (5)
  744    uri_file_name(FileURL, Dir),
  745    exists_directory(Dir),
  746    pack_info_term(Dir, name(Pack)),
  747    !,
  748    (   pack_info_term(Dir, version(Version))
  749    ->  uri_file_name(DirURL, Dir),
  750        Options = [url(DirURL), version(Version)]
  751    ;   throw(error(existence_error(key, version, Dir),_))
  752    ).
  753pack_default_options('.', Pack, OptsIn, Options) :-     % (6)
  754    pack_info_term('.', name(Pack)),
  755    !,
  756    working_directory(Dir, Dir),
  757    (   pack_info_term(Dir, version(Version))
  758    ->  uri_file_name(DirURL, Dir),
  759        NewOptions = [url(DirURL), version(Version) | Options1],
  760        (   current_prolog_flag(windows, true)
  761        ->  Options1 = []
  762        ;   Options1 = [link(true), rebuild(make)]
  763        ),
  764        merge_options(NewOptions, OptsIn, Options)
  765    ;   throw(error(existence_error(key, version, Dir),_))
  766    ).
  767pack_default_options(URL, Pack, OptsIn, Options) :-      % (7)
  768    pack_version_file(Pack, Version, URL),
  769    download_url(URL),
  770    !,
  771    available_download_versions(URL, Available),
  772    Available = [URLVersion-LatestURL|_],
  773    NewOptions = [url(LatestURL)|VersionOptions],
  774    version_options(Version, URLVersion, Available, VersionOptions),
  775    merge_options(NewOptions, OptsIn, Options).
  776pack_default_options(Pack, Pack, Options, Options) :-    % (8)
  777    \+ uri_is_global(Pack).
  779version_options(Version, Version, _, [version(Version)]) :- !.
  780version_options(Version, _, Available, [versions(Available)]) :-
  781    sub_atom(Version, _, _, _, *),
  782    !.
  783version_options(_, _, _, []).
 pack_install_dir(-PackDir, +Options) is det
Determine the directory below which to install new packs. This find or creates a writeable directory. Options:

If no writeable directory is found, generate possible location where this directory can be created and ask the user to create one of them.

  803pack_install_dir(PackDir, Options) :-
  804    option(pack_directory(PackDir), Options),
  805    ensure_directory(PackDir),
  806    !.
  807pack_install_dir(PackDir, Options) :-
  808    base_alias(Alias, Options),
  809    absolute_file_name(Alias, PackDir,
  810                       [ file_type(directory),
  811                         access(write),
  812                         file_errors(fail)
  813                       ]),
  814    !.
  815pack_install_dir(PackDir, Options) :-
  816    pack_create_install_dir(PackDir, Options).
  818base_alias(Alias, Options) :-
  819    option(global(true), Options),
  820    !,
  821    Alias = common_app_data(pack).
  822base_alias(Alias, Options) :-
  823    option(global(false), Options),
  824    !,
  825    Alias = user_app_data(pack).
  826base_alias(Alias, _Options) :-
  827    Alias = pack('.').
  829pack_create_install_dir(PackDir, Options) :-
  830    base_alias(Alias, Options),
  831    findall(Candidate = create_dir(Candidate),
  832            ( absolute_file_name(Alias, Candidate, [solutions(all)]),
  833              \+ exists_file(Candidate),
  834              \+ exists_directory(Candidate),
  835              file_directory_name(Candidate, Super),
  836              (   exists_directory(Super)
  837              ->  access_file(Super, write)
  838              ;   true
  839              )
  840            ),
  841            Candidates0),
  842    list_to_set(Candidates0, Candidates),   % keep order
  843    pack_create_install_dir(Candidates, PackDir, Options).
  845pack_create_install_dir(Candidates, PackDir, Options) :-
  846    Candidates = [Default=_|_],
  847    !,
  848    append(Candidates, [cancel=cancel], Menu),
  849    menu(pack(create_pack_dir), Menu, Default, Selected, Options),
  850    Selected \== cancel,
  851    (   catch(make_directory_path(Selected), E,
  852              (print_message(warning, E), fail))
  853    ->  PackDir = Selected
  854    ;   delete(Candidates, PackDir=create_dir(PackDir), Remaining),
  855        pack_create_install_dir(Remaining, PackDir, Options)
  856    ).
  857pack_create_install_dir(_, _, _) :-
  858    print_message(error, pack(cannot_create_dir(pack(.)))),
  859    fail.
 pack_unpack_from_local(+Source, +PackTopDir, +Name, -PackDir, +Options)
Unpack a package from a local media. If Source is a directory, either copy or link the directory. Else, Source must be an archive file. Options:
If the source is a directory, link or copy the directory?
If the target is already there, wipe it and make a clean install.
  873pack_unpack_from_local(Source, PackTopDir, Name, PackDir, Options) :-
  874    exists_directory(Source),
  875    !,
  876    directory_file_path(PackTopDir, Name, PackDir),
  877    (   option(link(true), Options)
  878    ->  (   same_file(Source, PackDir)
  879        ->  true
  880        ;   remove_existing_pack(PackDir, Options),
  881            atom_concat(PackTopDir, '/', PackTopDirS),
  882            relative_file_name(Source, PackTopDirS, RelPath),
  883            link_file(RelPath, PackDir, symbolic),
  884            assertion(same_file(Source, PackDir))
  885        )
  886    ;   is_git_directory(Source)
  887    ->  remove_existing_pack(PackDir, Options),
  888        run_process(path(git), [clone, Source, PackDir], [])
  889    ;   prepare_pack_dir(PackDir, Options),
  890        copy_directory(Source, PackDir)
  891    ).
  892pack_unpack_from_local(Source, PackTopDir, Name, PackDir, Options) :-
  893    exists_file(Source),
  894    directory_file_path(PackTopDir, Name, PackDir),
  895    prepare_pack_dir(PackDir, Options),
  896    pack_unpack(Source, PackDir, Name, Options).
 pack_unpack(+SourceFile, +PackDir, +Pack, +Options)
Unpack an archive to the given package dir.
To be done
- If library(archive) is not provided we could check for a suitable external program such as tar or unzip.
  905:- if(exists_source(library(archive))).  906pack_unpack(Source, PackDir, Pack, Options) :-
  907    ensure_loaded_archive,
  908    pack_archive_info(Source, Pack, _Info, StripOptions),
  909    prepare_pack_dir(PackDir, Options),
  910    archive_extract(Source, PackDir,
  911                    [ exclude(['._*'])          % MacOS resource forks
  912                    | StripOptions
  913                    ]).
  914:- else.  915pack_unpack(_,_,_,_) :-
  916    existence_error(library, archive).
  917:- endif.
 pack_install_local(:Spec, +Dir, +Options) is det
Install a number of packages in a local directory. This predicate supports installing packages local to an application rather than globally.
  925pack_install_local(M:Gen, Dir, Options) :-
  926    findall(Pack-PackOptions, call(M:Gen, Pack, PackOptions), Pairs),
  927    pack_install_set(Pairs, Dir, Options).
  929pack_install_set(Pairs, Dir, Options) :-
  930    must_be(list(pair), Pairs),
  931    ensure_directory(Dir),
  932    partition(known_media, Pairs, Local, Remote),
  933    maplist(pack_options_to_versions, Local, LocalVersions),
  934    (   Remote == []
  935    ->  AllVersions = LocalVersions
  936    ;   pairs_keys(Remote, Packs),
  937        prolog_description(Properties),
  938        query_pack_server(versions(Packs, Properties), Result, Options),
  939        (   Result = true(RemoteVersions)
  940        ->  append(LocalVersions, RemoteVersions, AllVersions)
  941        ;   print_message(error, pack(query_failed(Result))),
  942            fail
  943        )
  944    ),
  945    local_packs(Dir, Existing),
  946    pack_resolve(Pairs, Existing, AllVersions, Plan, Options),
  947    !,                                      % for now, only first plan
  948    Options1 = [pack_directory(Dir)|Options],
  949    download_plan(Pairs, Plan, PlanB, Options1),
  950    register_downloads(PlanB, Options),
  951    maplist(update_automatic, PlanB),
  952    build_plan(PlanB, Built, Options1),
  953    publish_download(PlanB, Options),
  954    work_done(Pairs, Plan, PlanB, Built, Options).
 known_media(+Pair) is semidet
True when the options specify installation from a known media. If that applies to all packs, there is no need to query the server. We first download and unpack the known media, then examine the requirements and, if necessary, go to the server to resolve these.
  963known_media(_-Options) :-
  964    option(url(_), Options).
 pack_resolve(+Pairs, +Existing, +Versions, -Plan, +Options) is det
Generate an installation plan. Pairs is a list of Pack-Options pairs that specifies the desired packages. Existing is a list of pack(Pack, i, Title, Version, URL) terms that represents the already installed packages. Versions is obtained from the server. See from the web server for details. On success, this results in a Plan to satisfies the requirements. The plan is a list of packages to install with their location. The steps satisfy the partial ordering of dependencies, such that dependencies are installed before the dependents. Options:
When specified, we try to install the latest version of all the packages. Otherwise, we try to minimise the installation.
  982pack_resolve(Pairs, Existing, Versions, Plan, Options) :-
  983    insert_existing(Existing, Versions, AllVersions, Options),
  984    phrase(select_version(Pairs, AllVersions,
  985                          [ plan(PlanA),           % access to plan
  986                            dependency_for([])     % dependencies
  987                          | Options
  988                          ]),
  989           PlanA),
  990    mark_installed(PlanA, Existing, Plan).
 insert_existing(+Existing, +Available, -Candidates, +Options) is det
Combine the already existing packages with the ones reported as available by the server to a list of Candidates, where the candidate of each package is ordered according by preference. When upgrade(true) is specified, the existing is merged into the set of Available versions. Otherwise Existing is prepended to Available, so it is selected as first.
 1001:- det(insert_existing/4). 1002insert_existing(Existing, [], Versions, _Options) =>
 1003    maplist(existing_to_versions, Existing, Versions).
 1004insert_existing(Existing, [Pack-Versions|T0], AllPackVersions, Options),
 1005    select(Installed, Existing, Existing2),
 1006    Installed.pack == Pack =>
 1007    can_upgrade(Installed, Versions, Installed2),
 1008    insert_existing_(Installed2, Versions, AllVersions, Options),
 1009    AllPackVersions = [Pack-AllVersions|T],
 1010    insert_existing(Existing2, T0, T, Options).
 1011insert_existing(Existing, [H|T0], AllVersions, Options) =>
 1012    AllVersions = [H|T],
 1013    insert_existing(Existing, T0, T, Options).
 1015existing_to_versions(Installed, Pack-[Version-[Installed]]) :-
 1016    Pack = Installed.pack,
 1017    Version = Installed.version.
 1019insert_existing_(Installed, Versions, AllVersions, Options) :-
 1020    option(upgrade(true), Options),
 1021    !,
 1022    insert_existing_(Installed, Versions, AllVersions).
 1023insert_existing_(Installed, Versions, AllVersions, _) :-
 1024    AllVersions = [Installed.version-[Installed]|Versions].
 1026insert_existing_(Installed, [H|T0], [H|T]) :-
 1027    H = V0-_Infos,
 1028    cmp_versions(>, V0, Installed.version),
 1029    !,
 1030    insert_existing_(Installed, T0, T).
 1031insert_existing_(Installed, [H0|T], [H|T]) :-
 1032    H0 = V0-Infos,
 1033    V0 == Installed.version,
 1034    !,
 1035    H = V0-[Installed|Infos].
 1036insert_existing_(Installed, Versions, All) :-
 1037    All =  [Installed.version-[Installed]|Versions].
 can_upgrade(+Installed, +Versions, -Installed2) is det
Add a latest_version key to Installed if its version is older than the latest available version.
 1044can_upgrade(Info, [Version-_|_], Info2) :-
 1045    cmp_versions(>, Version, Info.version),
 1046    !,
 1047    Info2 = Info.put(latest_version, Version).
 1048can_upgrade(Info, _, Info).
 mark_installed(+PlanA, +Existing, -Plan) is det
Mark already up-to-date packs from the plan and add a key upgrade:true to elements of PlanA in Existing that are not the same.
 1056mark_installed([], _, []).
 1057mark_installed([Info|T], Existing, Plan) :-
 1058    (   member(Installed, Existing),
 1059        Installed.pack == Info.pack
 1060    ->  (   (   Installed.git == true
 1061            ->  Info.git == true,
 1062                Installed.hash == Info.hash
 1063            ;   Version = Info.get(version)
 1064            ->  Installed.version == Version
 1065            )
 1066        ->  Plan = [Info.put(keep, true)|PlanT]    % up-to-date
 1067        ;   Plan = [Info.put(upgrade, Installed)|PlanT] % needs upgrade
 1068        )
 1069    ;   Plan = [Info|PlanT]                        % new install
 1070    ),
 1071    mark_installed(T, Existing, PlanT).
 select_version(+PackAndOptions, +Available, +Options)// is nondet
True when the output is a list of pack info dicts that satisfy the installation requirements of PackAndOptions from the packs known to be Available.
 1079select_version([], _, _) -->
 1080    [].
 1081select_version([Pack-PackOptions|More], Versions, Options) -->
 1082    { memberchk(Pack-PackVersions, Versions),
 1083      member(Version-Infos, PackVersions),
 1084      compatible_version(Pack, Version, PackOptions),
 1085      member(Info, Infos),
 1086      pack_options_compatible_with_info(Info, PackOptions),
 1087      pack_satisfies(Pack, Version, Info, Info2, PackOptions),
 1088      all_downloads(PackVersions, Downloads)
 1089    },
 1090    add_to_plan(Info2.put(_{version: Version, all_downloads:Downloads}),
 1091                Versions, Options),
 1092    select_version(More, Versions, Options).
 1093select_version([Pack-_PackOptions|_More], _Versions, _Options) -->
 1094    { existence_error(pack, Pack) }.               % or warn and continue?
 1096all_downloads(PackVersions, AllDownloads) :-
 1097    aggregate_all(sum(Downloads),
 1098                  ( member(_Version-Infos, PackVersions),
 1099                    member(Info, Infos),
 1100                    get_dict(downloads, Info, Downloads)
 1101                  ),
 1102                  AllDownloads).
 1104add_requirements([], _, _) -->
 1105    [].
 1106add_requirements([H|T], Versions, Options) -->
 1107    { is_prolog_token(H),
 1108      !,
 1109      prolog_satisfies(H)
 1110    },
 1111    add_requirements(T, Versions, Options).
 1112add_requirements([H|T], Versions, Options) -->
 1113    { member(Pack-PackVersions, Versions),
 1114      member(Version-Infos, PackVersions),
 1115      member(Info, Infos),
 1116      (   Provides = @(Pack,Version)
 1117      ;   member(Provides, Info.get(provides))
 1118      ),
 1119      satisfies_req(Provides, H),
 1120      all_downloads(PackVersions, Downloads)
 1121    },
 1122    add_to_plan(Info.put(_{version: Version, all_downloads:Downloads}),
 1123                Versions, Options),
 1124    add_requirements(T, Versions, Options).
 add_to_plan(+Info, +Versions, +Options) is semidet
Add Info to the plan. If an Info about the same pack is already in the plan, but this is a different version of the pack, we must fail as we cannot install two different versions of a pack.
 1132add_to_plan(Info, _Versions, Options) -->
 1133    { option(plan(Plan), Options),
 1134      member_nonvar(Planned, Plan),
 1135      Planned.pack == Info.pack,
 1136      !,
 1137      same_version(Planned, Info)                  % same pack, different version
 1138    }.
 1139add_to_plan(Info, _Versions, _Options) -->
 1140    { member(Conflict, Info.get(conflicts)),
 1141      is_prolog_token(Conflict),
 1142      prolog_satisfies(Conflict),
 1143      !,
 1144      fail                                         % incompatible with this Prolog
 1145    }.
 1146add_to_plan(Info, _Versions, Options) -->
 1147    { option(plan(Plan), Options),
 1148      member_nonvar(Planned, Plan),
 1149      info_conflicts(Info, Planned),               % Conflicts with a planned pack
 1150      !,
 1151      fail
 1152    }.
 1153add_to_plan(Info, Versions, Options) -->
 1154    { select_option(dependency_for(Dep0), Options, Options1),
 1155      Options2 = [dependency_for([Info.pack|Dep0])|Options1],
 1156      (   Dep0 = [DepFor|_]
 1157      ->  add_dependency_for(DepFor, Info, Info1)
 1158      ;   Info1 = Info
 1159      )
 1160    },
 1161    [Info1],
 1162    add_requirements(Info.get(requires,[]), Versions, Options2).
 1164add_dependency_for(Pack, Info, Info) :-
 1165    Old = Info.get(dependency_for),
 1166    !,
 1167    b_set_dict(dependency_for, Info, [Pack|Old]).
 1168add_dependency_for(Pack, Info0, Info) :-
 1169    Info = Info0.put(dependency_for, [Pack]).
 1171same_version(Info, Info) :-
 1172    !.
 1173same_version(Planned, Info) :-
 1174    Hash = Planned.get(hash),
 1175    Hash \== (-),
 1176    !,
 1177    Hash == Info.get(hash).
 1178same_version(Planned, Info) :-
 1179    Planned.get(version) == Info.get(version).
 info_conflicts(+Info1, +Info2) is semidet
True if Info2 is in conflict with Info2. The relation is symetric.
 1185info_conflicts(Info, Planned) :-
 1186    info_conflicts_(Info, Planned),
 1187    !.
 1188info_conflicts(Info, Planned) :-
 1189    info_conflicts_(Planned, Info),
 1190    !.
 1192info_conflicts_(Info, Planned) :-
 1193    member(Conflict, Info.get(conflicts)),
 1194    \+ is_prolog_token(Conflict),
 1195    info_provides(Planned, Provides),
 1196    satisfies_req(Provides, Conflict),
 1197    !.
 1199info_provides(Info, Provides) :-
 1200    (   Provides = Info.pack@Info.version
 1201    ;   member(Provides, Info.get(provides))
 1202    ).
 pack_satisfies(+Pack, +Version, +Info0, -Info, +Options) is semidet
True if Pack@Version with Info satisfies the pack installation options provided by Options.
 1209pack_satisfies(_Pack, _Version, Info0, Info, Options) :-
 1210    option(commit('HEAD'), Options),
 1211    !,
 1212    Info0.get(git) == true,
 1213    Info = Info0.put(commit, 'HEAD').
 1214pack_satisfies(_Pack, _Version, Info, Info, Options) :-
 1215    option(commit(Commit), Options),
 1216    !,
 1217    Commit == Info.get(hash).
 1218pack_satisfies(Pack, Version, Info, Info, Options) :-
 1219    option(version(ReqVersion), Options),
 1220    !,
 1221    satisfies_version(Pack, Version, ReqVersion).
 1222pack_satisfies(_Pack, _Version, Info, Info, _Options).
 satisfies_version(+Pack, +PackVersion, +RequiredVersion) is semidet
 1226satisfies_version(Pack, Version, ReqVersion) :-
 1227    catch(require_version(pack(Pack), Version, ReqVersion),
 1228          error(version_error(pack(Pack), Version, ReqVersion),_),
 1229          fail).
 satisfies_req(+Provides, +Required) is semidet
Check a token requirements.
 1235satisfies_req(Token, Token) => true.
 1236satisfies_req(@(Token,_), Token) => true.
 1237satisfies_req(@(Token,PrvVersion), Req), cmp(Req, Token, Cmp, ReqVersion) =>
 1238	cmp_versions(Cmp, PrvVersion, ReqVersion).
 1239satisfies_req(_,_) => fail.
 1241cmp(Token  < Version, Token, <,	 Version).
 1242cmp(Token =< Version, Token, =<, Version).
 1243cmp(Token =  Version, Token, =,	 Version).
 1244cmp(Token == Version, Token, ==, Version).
 1245cmp(Token >= Version, Token, >=, Version).
 1246cmp(Token >  Version, Token, >,	 Version).
 pack_options_to_versions(+PackOptionsPair, -Versions) is det
Create an available package term from Pack and Options if it contains a url(URL) option. This allows installing packages that are not known to the server. In most cases, the URL will be a git URL or the URL to download an archive. It can also be a file:// url to install from a local archive.

The first clause deals with a wildcard URL. See pack_default_options/4, case (7).

 1259:- det(pack_options_to_versions/2). 1260pack_options_to_versions(Pack-PackOptions, Pack-Versions) :-
 1261    option(versions(Available), PackOptions), !,
 1262    maplist(version_url_info(Pack, PackOptions), Available, Versions).
 1263pack_options_to_versions(Pack-PackOptions, Pack-[Version-[Info]]) :-
 1264    option(url(URL), PackOptions),
 1265    findall(Prop, option_info_prop(PackOptions, Prop), Pairs),
 1266    dict_create(Info, #,
 1267                [ pack-Pack,
 1268                  url-URL
 1269                | Pairs
 1270                ]),
 1271    Version = Info.get(version, '0.0.0').
 1273version_url_info(Pack, PackOptions, Version-URL, Version-[Info]) :-
 1274    findall(Prop,
 1275            ( option_info_prop(PackOptions, Prop),
 1276              Prop \= version-_
 1277            ),
 1278            Pairs),
 1279    dict_create(Info, #,
 1280                [ pack-Pack,
 1281                  url-URL,
 1282                  version-Version
 1283                | Pairs
 1284                ]).
 1286option_info_prop(PackOptions, Prop-Value) :-
 1287    option_info(Prop),
 1288    Opt =.. [Prop,Value],
 1289    option(Opt, PackOptions).
 compatible_version(+Pack, +Version, +Options) is semidet
Fails if Options demands a version and Version is not compatible with Version.
 1302compatible_version(Pack, Version, PackOptions) :-
 1303    option(version(ReqVersion), PackOptions),
 1304    !,
 1305    satisfies_version(Pack, Version, ReqVersion).
 1306compatible_version(_, _, _).
 pack_options_compatible_with_info(+Info, +PackOptions) is semidet
Ignore information from the server that is incompatible with the request.
 1313pack_options_compatible_with_info(Info, PackOptions) :-
 1314    findall(Prop, option_info_prop(PackOptions, Prop), Pairs),
 1315    dict_create(Dict, _, Pairs),
 1316    Dict >:< Info.
 download_plan(+Targets, +Plan, +Options) is semidet
Download or update all packages from Plan. We need to do this as a first step because we may not have (up-to-date) dependency information about all packs. For example, a pack may be installed at the git HEAD revision that is not yet know to the server or it may be installed from a url that is not known at all at the server.
 1326download_plan(_Targets, Plan, Plan, _Options) :-
 1327    exclude(installed, Plan, []),
 1328    !.
 1329download_plan(Targets, Plan0, Plan, Options) :-
 1330    confirm(download_plan(Plan0), yes, Options),
 1331    maplist(download_from_info(Options), Plan0, Plan1),
 1332    plan_unsatisfied_dependencies(Plan1, Deps),
 1333    (   Deps == []
 1334    ->  Plan = Plan1
 1335    ;   print_message(informational, pack(new_dependencies(Deps))),
 1336        prolog_description(Properties),
 1337        query_pack_server(versions(Deps, Properties), Result, []),
 1338        (   Result = true(Versions)
 1339        ->  pack_resolve(Targets, Plan1, Versions, Plan2, Options),
 1340            !,
 1341            download_plan(Targets, Plan2, Plan, Options)
 1342        ;   print_message(error, pack(query_failed(Result))),
 1343            fail
 1344        )
 1345    ).
 plan_unsatisfied_dependencies(+Plan, -Deps) is det
True when Deps is a list of dependency tokens in Plan that is not satisfied.
 1352plan_unsatisfied_dependencies(Plan, Deps) :-
 1353    phrase(plan_unsatisfied_dependencies(Plan, Plan), Deps).
 1355plan_unsatisfied_dependencies([], _) -->
 1356    [].
 1357plan_unsatisfied_dependencies([Info|Infos], Plan) -->
 1358    { Deps = Info.get(requires) },
 1359    plan_unsatisfied_requirements(Deps, Plan),
 1360    plan_unsatisfied_dependencies(Infos, Plan).
 1362plan_unsatisfied_requirements([], _) -->
 1363    [].
 1364plan_unsatisfied_requirements([H|T], Plan) -->
 1365    { is_prolog_token(H),           % Can this fail?
 1366      prolog_satisfies(H)
 1367    },
 1368    !,
 1369    plan_unsatisfied_requirements(T, Plan).
 1370plan_unsatisfied_requirements([H|T], Plan) -->
 1371    { member(Info, Plan),
 1372      (   (   Version = Info.get(version)
 1373          ->  Provides = @(Info.get(pack), Version)
 1374          ;   Provides = Info.get(pack)
 1375          )
 1376      ;   member(Provides, Info.get(provides))
 1377      ),
 1378      satisfies_req(Provides, H)
 1379    }, !,
 1380    plan_unsatisfied_requirements(T, Plan).
 1381plan_unsatisfied_requirements([H|T], Plan) -->
 1382    [H],
 1383    plan_unsatisfied_requirements(T, Plan).
 build_plan(+Plan, -Built, +Options) is det
Run post installation steps. We build dependencies before their dependents, so we first do a topological sort on the packs based on the pack dependencies.
 1392build_plan(Plan, Ordered, Options) :-
 1393    partition(needs_rebuild_from_info(Options), Plan, ToBuild, NoBuild),
 1394    maplist(attach_from_info(Options), NoBuild),
 1395    (   ToBuild == []
 1396    ->  Ordered = []
 1397    ;   order_builds(ToBuild, Ordered),
 1398        confirm(build_plan(Ordered), yes, Options),
 1399        maplist(exec_plan_rebuild_step(Options), Ordered)
 1400    ).
 1402needs_rebuild_from_info(Options, Info) :-
 1403    needs_rebuild(Info.installed, Options).
 needs_rebuild(+PackDir, +Options) is semidet
True when we need to rebuilt the pack in PackDir.
 1409needs_rebuild(PackDir, Options) :-
 1410    (   is_foreign_pack(PackDir, _),
 1411        \+ is_built(PackDir, Options)
 1412    ->  true
 1413    ;   is_autoload_pack(PackDir, Options),
 1414        post_install_autoload(PackDir, Options),
 1415        fail
 1416    ).
 is_built(+PackDir, +Options) is semidet
True if the pack in PackDir has been built.
To be done
- We now verify it was built by the exact same version. That is normally an overkill.
 1425is_built(PackDir, _Options) :-
 1426    current_prolog_flag(arch, Arch),
 1427    prolog_version_dotted(Version), % Major.Minor.Patch
 1428    pack_status_dir(PackDir, built(Arch, Version, _)).
 order_builds(+ToBuild, -Ordered) is det
Order the build processes by building dependencies before the packages that rely on them as they may need them during the build.
 1435order_builds(ToBuild, Ordered) :-
 1436    findall(Pack-Dep, dep_edge(ToBuild, Pack, Dep), Edges),
 1437    maplist(get_dict(pack), ToBuild, Packs),
 1438    vertices_edges_to_ugraph(Packs, Edges, Graph),
 1439    ugraph_layers(Graph, Layers),
 1440    append(Layers, PackNames),
 1441    maplist(pack_info_from_name(ToBuild), PackNames, Ordered).
 1443dep_edge(Infos, Pack, Dep) :-
 1444    member(Info, Infos),
 1445    Pack = Info.pack,
 1446    member(Dep, Info.get(dependency_for)),
 1447    (   member(DepInfo, Infos),
 1448        DepInfo.pack == Dep
 1449    ->  true
 1450    ).
 1452:- det(pack_info_from_name/3). 1453pack_info_from_name(Infos, Pack, Info) :-
 1454    member(Info, Infos),
 1455    Info.pack == Pack,
 1456    !.
 exec_plan_rebuild_step(+Options, +Info) is det
Execute the rebuild steps for the given Info.
 1462exec_plan_rebuild_step(Options, Info) :-
 1463    print_message(informational, pack(build(Info.pack, Info.installed))),
 1464    pack_post_install(Info.pack, Info.installed, Options),
 1465    attach_from_info(Options, Info).
 attach_from_info(+Options, +Info) is det
Make the package visible. Similar to pack_make_available/3.
 1471attach_from_info(_Options, Info) :-
 1472    Info.get(keep) == true,
 1473    !.
 1474attach_from_info(Options, Info) :-
 1475    (   option(pack_directory(_Parent), Options)
 1476    ->  pack_attach(Info.installed, [duplicate(replace)])
 1477    ;   pack_attach(Info.installed, [])
 1478    ).
 download_from_info(+Options, +Info0, -Info) is det
Download a package guided by Info. Note that this does not run any scripts. This implies that dependencies do not matter and we can proceed in any order. This is important because we may use packages at their git HEAD, which implies that requirements may be different from what is in the Info terms.
 1488download_from_info(Options, Info0, Info), option(dryrun(true), Options) =>
 1489    print_term(Info0, [nl(true)]),
 1490    Info = Info0.
 1491download_from_info(_Options, Info0, Info), installed(Info0) =>
 1492    Info = Info0.
 1493download_from_info(_Options, Info0, Info),
 1494    _{upgrade:OldInfo, git:true} :< Info0,
 1495    is_git_directory(OldInfo.installed) =>
 1496    PackDir = OldInfo.installed,
 1497    git_checkout_version(PackDir, [commit(Info0.hash)]),
 1498    reload_info(PackDir, Info0, Info).
 1499download_from_info(Options, Info0, Info),
 1500    _{upgrade:OldInfo} :< Info0 =>
 1501    PackDir = OldInfo.installed,
 1502    detach_pack(OldInfo.pack, PackDir),
 1503    delete_directory_and_contents(PackDir),
 1504    del_dict(upgrade, Info0, _, Info1),
 1505    download_from_info(Options, Info1, Info).
 1506download_from_info(Options, Info0, Info),
 1507    _{url:URL, git:true} :< Info0, \+ have_git =>
 1508    git_archive_url(URL, Archive, Options),
 1509    download_from_info([git_url(URL)|Options],
 1510                       Info0.put(_{ url:Archive,
 1511                                    git:false,
 1512                                    git_url:URL
 1513                                  }),
 1514                       Info1),
 1515                                % restore the hash to register the download.
 1516    (   Info1.get(version) == Info0.get(version),
 1517        Hash = Info0.get(hash)
 1518    ->  Info = Info1.put(hash, Hash)
 1519    ;   Info = Info1
 1520    ).
 1521download_from_info(Options, Info0, Info),
 1522    _{url:URL} :< Info0 =>
 1523    select_option(pack_directory(Dir), Options, Options1),
 1524    select_option(version(_), Options1, Options2, _),
 1525    download_info_extra(Info0, InstallOptions, Options2),
 1526    pack_download_from_url(URL, Dir, Info0.pack,
 1527                           [ interactive(false),
 1528                             pack_dir(PackDir)
 1529                           | InstallOptions
 1530                           ]),
 1531    reload_info(PackDir, Info0, Info).
 1533download_info_extra(Info, [git(true),commit(Hash)|Options], Options) :-
 1534    Info.get(git) == true,
 1535    !,
 1536    Hash = Info.get(commit, 'HEAD').
 1537download_info_extra(_, Options, Options).
 1539installed(Info) :-
 1540    _ = Info.get(installed).
 1542detach_pack(Pack, PackDir) :-
 1543    (   current_pack(Pack, PackDir)
 1544    ->  '$pack_detach'(Pack, PackDir)
 1545    ;   true
 1546    ).
 reload_info(+PackDir, +Info0, -Info) is det
Update the requires and provides metadata. Info0 is what we got from the server, but the package may be different as we may have asked for the git HEAD or the package URL may not have been known by the server at all.
 1555reload_info(_PackDir, Info, Info) :-
 1556    _ = Info.get(installed),	% we read it from the package
 1557    !.
 1558reload_info(PackDir, Info0, Info) :-
 1559    local_pack_info(PackDir, Info1),
 1560    Info = Info0.put(installed, PackDir)
 1561                .put(downloaded, Info0.url)
 1562                .put(Info1).
 work_done(+Targets, +Plan, +PlanB, +Built, +Options) is det
Targets has successfully been installed and the packs Built have successfully ran their build scripts.
 1569work_done(_, _, _, _, Options),
 1570    option(silent(true), Options) =>
 1571    true.
 1572work_done(Targets, Plan, Plan, [], _Options) =>
 1573    convlist(can_upgrade_target(Plan), Targets, CanUpgrade),
 1574    (   CanUpgrade == []
 1575    ->  pairs_keys(Targets, Packs),
 1576        print_message(informational, pack(up_to_date(Packs)))
 1577    ;   print_message(informational, pack(installed_can_upgrade(CanUpgrade)))
 1578    ).
 1579work_done(_, _, _, _, _) =>
 1580    true.
 1582can_upgrade_target(Plan, Pack-_, Info) =>
 1583    member(Info, Plan),
 1584    Info.pack == Pack,
 1585    !,
 1586    _ = Info.get(latest_version).
 local_packs(+Dir, -Packs) is det
True when Packs is a list with information for all installed packages.
 1593local_packs(Dir, Packs) :-
 1594    findall(Pack, pack_in_subdir(Dir, Pack), Packs).
 1596pack_in_subdir(Dir, Info) :-
 1597    directory_member(Dir, PackDir,
 1598                     [ file_type(directory),
 1599                       hidden(false)
 1600                     ]),
 1601    local_pack_info(PackDir, Info).
 1604                #{ pack: Pack,
 1605                   version: Version,
 1606                   title: Title,
 1607                   hash: Hash,
 1608                   url: URL,
 1609                   git: IsGit,
 1610                   requires: Requires,
 1611                   provides: Provides,
 1612                   conflicts: Conflicts,
 1613                   installed: PackDir
 1614                 }) :-
 1615    directory_file_path(PackDir, '', MetaFile),
 1616    exists_file(MetaFile),
 1617    file_base_name(PackDir, DirName),
 1618    findall(Term, pack_dir_info(PackDir, _, Term), Info),
 1619    option(pack(Pack), Info, DirName),
 1620    option(title(Title), Info, '<no title>'),
 1621    option(version(Version), Info, '<no version>'),
 1622    option(download(URL), Info, '<no download url>'),
 1623    findall(Req, member(requires(Req), Info), Requires),
 1624    findall(Prv, member(provides(Prv), Info), Provides),
 1625    findall(Cfl, member(conflicts(Cfl), Info), Conflicts),
 1626    (   have_git,
 1627        is_git_directory(PackDir)
 1628    ->  git_hash(Hash, [directory(PackDir)]),
 1629        IsGit = true
 1630    ;   Hash = '-',
 1631        IsGit = false
 1632    ).
 1635		 /*******************************
 1636		 *        PROLOG VERSIONS	*
 1637		 *******************************/
 prolog_description(-Description) is det
Provide a description of the running Prolog system. Version terms:
To be done
- : establish a language for features. Sync with library(prolog_versions)
 1648prolog_description([prolog(swi(Version))]) :-
 1649    prolog_version(Version).
 1651prolog_version(Version) :-
 1652    current_prolog_flag(version_git, Version),
 1653    !.
 1654prolog_version(Version) :-
 1655    prolog_version_dotted(Version).
 1657prolog_version_dotted(Version) :-
 1658    current_prolog_flag(version_data, swi(Major, Minor, Patch, _)),
 1659    VNumbers = [Major, Minor, Patch],
 1660    atomic_list_concat(VNumbers, '.', Version).
 is_prolog_token(+Token) is semidet
True when Token describes a property of the target Prolog system.
 1667is_prolog_token(Token), cmp(Token, prolog, _Cmp, _Version) => true.
 1668is_prolog_token(prolog:_Feature) => true.
 1669is_prolog_token(_) => fail.
 prolog_satisfies(+Token) is semidet
True when the running Prolog system satisfies token. Processes requires(Token) terms for
See also
- require_prolog_version/2.
 1684prolog_satisfies(Token), cmp(Token, prolog, Cmp, ReqVersion) =>
 1685    prolog_version(CurrentVersion),
 1686    cmp_versions(Cmp, CurrentVersion, ReqVersion).
 1687prolog_satisfies(prolog:library(Lib)), atom(Lib) =>
 1688    exists_source(library(Lib)).
 1689prolog_satisfies(prolog:Feature), atom(Feature) =>
 1690    current_prolog_flag(Feature, true).
 1691prolog_satisfies(prolog:Feature), flag_value_feature(Feature, Flag, Value) =>
 1692    current_prolog_flag(Flag, Value).
 1694flag_value_feature(Feature, Flag, Value) :-
 1695    compound(Feature),
 1696    compound_name_arguments(Feature, Flag, [Value]).
 1699                 /*******************************
 1700                 *             INFO             *
 1701                 *******************************/
 pack_archive_info(+Archive, +Pack, -Info, -Strip)
True when Archive archives Pack. Info is unified with the terms from in the pack and Strip is the strip-option for archive_extract/3.

Requires library(archive), which is lazily loaded when needed.

- existence_error(pack_file, '') if the archive doesn't contain
- Syntax errors if cannot be parsed.
 1715:- if(exists_source(library(archive))). 1716ensure_loaded_archive :-
 1717    current_predicate(archive_open/3),
 1718    !.
 1719ensure_loaded_archive :-
 1720    use_module(library(archive)).
 1722pack_archive_info(Archive, Pack, [archive_size(Bytes)|Info], Strip) :-
 1723    ensure_loaded_archive,
 1724    size_file(Archive, Bytes),
 1725    setup_call_cleanup(
 1726        archive_open(Archive, Handle, []),
 1727        (   repeat,
 1728            (   archive_next_header(Handle, InfoFile)
 1729            ->  true
 1730            ;   !, fail
 1731            )
 1732        ),
 1733        archive_close(Handle)),
 1734    file_base_name(InfoFile, ''),
 1735    atom_concat(Prefix, '', InfoFile),
 1736    strip_option(Prefix, Pack, Strip),
 1737    setup_call_cleanup(
 1738        archive_open_entry(Handle, Stream),
 1739        read_stream_to_terms(Stream, Info),
 1740        close(Stream)),
 1741    !,
 1742    must_be(ground, Info),
 1743    maplist(valid_term(pack_info_term), Info).
 1744:- else. 1745pack_archive_info(_, _, _, _) :-
 1746    existence_error(library, archive).
 1747:- endif. 1748pack_archive_info(_, _, _, _) :-
 1749    existence_error(pack_file, '').
 1751strip_option('', _, []) :- !.
 1752strip_option('./', _, []) :- !.
 1753strip_option(Prefix, Pack, [remove_prefix(Prefix)]) :-
 1754    atom_concat(PrefixDir, /, Prefix),
 1755    file_base_name(PrefixDir, Base),
 1756    (   Base == Pack
 1757    ->  true
 1758    ;   pack_version_file(Pack, _, Base)
 1759    ->  true
 1760    ;   \+ sub_atom(PrefixDir, _, _, _, /)
 1761    ).
 1763read_stream_to_terms(Stream, Terms) :-
 1764    read(Stream, Term0),
 1765    read_stream_to_terms(Term0, Stream, Terms).
 1767read_stream_to_terms(end_of_file, _, []) :- !.
 1768read_stream_to_terms(Term0, Stream, [Term0|Terms]) :-
 1769    read(Stream, Term1),
 1770    read_stream_to_terms(Term1, Stream, Terms).
 pack_git_info(+GitDir, -Hash, -Info) is det
Retrieve info from a cloned git repository that is compatible with pack_archive_info/4.
 1778pack_git_info(GitDir, Hash, [git(true), installed_size(Bytes)|Info]) :-
 1779    exists_directory(GitDir),
 1780    !,
 1781    git_ls_tree(Entries, [directory(GitDir)]),
 1782    git_hash(Hash, [directory(GitDir)]),
 1783    maplist(arg(4), Entries, Sizes),
 1784    sum_list(Sizes, Bytes),
 1785    dir_metadata(GitDir, Info).
 1787dir_metadata(GitDir, Info) :-
 1788    directory_file_path(GitDir, '', InfoFile),
 1789    read_file_to_terms(InfoFile, Info, [encoding(utf8)]),
 1790    must_be(ground, Info),
 1791    maplist(valid_term(pack_info_term), Info).
 download_file_sanity_check(+Archive, +Pack, +Info) is semidet
Perform basic sanity checks on DownloadFile
 1797download_file_sanity_check(Archive, Pack, Info) :-
 1798    info_field(name(PackName), Info),
 1799    info_field(version(PackVersion), Info),
 1800    pack_version_file(PackFile, FileVersion, Archive),
 1801    must_match([Pack, PackName, PackFile], name),
 1802    must_match([PackVersion, FileVersion], version).
 1804info_field(Field, Info) :-
 1805    memberchk(Field, Info),
 1806    ground(Field),
 1807    !.
 1808info_field(Field, _Info) :-
 1809    functor(Field, FieldName, _),
 1810    print_message(error, pack(missing(FieldName))),
 1811    fail.
 1813must_match(Values, _Field) :-
 1814    sort(Values, [_]),
 1815    !.
 1816must_match(Values, Field) :-
 1817    print_message(error, pack(conflict(Field, Values))),
 1818    fail.
 1821                 /*******************************
 1822                 *         INSTALLATION         *
 1823                 *******************************/
 prepare_pack_dir(+Dir, +Options)
Prepare for installing the package into Dir. This
 1837prepare_pack_dir(Dir, Options) :-
 1838    exists_directory(Dir),
 1839    !,
 1840    (   empty_directory(Dir)
 1841    ->  true
 1842    ;   remove_existing_pack(Dir, Options)
 1843    ->  make_directory(Dir)
 1844    ).
 1845prepare_pack_dir(Dir, _) :-
 1846    (   read_link(Dir, _, _)
 1847    ;   access_file(Dir, exist)
 1848    ),
 1849    !,
 1850    delete_file(Dir),
 1851    make_directory(Dir).
 1852prepare_pack_dir(Dir, _) :-
 1853    make_directory(Dir).
 empty_directory(+Directory) is semidet
True if Directory is empty (holds no files or sub-directories).
 1859empty_directory(Dir) :-
 1860    \+ ( directory_files(Dir, Entries),
 1861         member(Entry, Entries),
 1862         \+ special(Entry)
 1863       ).
 remove_existing_pack(+PackDir, +Options) is semidet
Remove a possible existing pack directory if the option upgrade(true) is present. This is used to remove an old installation before unpacking a new archive, copy or link a directory with the new contents.
 1875remove_existing_pack(PackDir, Options) :-
 1876    exists_directory(PackDir),
 1877    !,
 1878    (   (   option(upgrade(true), Options)
 1879        ;   confirm(remove_existing_pack(PackDir), yes, Options)
 1880        )
 1881    ->  delete_directory_and_contents(PackDir)
 1882    ;   print_message(error, pack(directory_exists(PackDir))),
 1883        fail
 1884    ).
 1885remove_existing_pack(_, _).
 pack_download_from_url(+URL, +PackDir, +Pack, +Options)
Download a package from a remote source. For git repositories, we simply clone. Archives are downloaded. Options:
Assume URL refers to a git repository.
Dir is unified with the location where the pack is installed.
To be done
- We currently use the built-in HTTP client. For complete coverage, we should consider using an external (e.g., curl) if available.
 1901pack_download_from_url(URL, PackTopDir, Pack, Options) :-
 1902    option(git(true), Options),
 1903    !,
 1904    directory_file_path(PackTopDir, Pack, PackDir),
 1905    prepare_pack_dir(PackDir, Options),
 1906    (   option(branch(Branch), Options)
 1907    ->  Extra = ['--branch', Branch]
 1908    ;   Extra = []
 1909    ),
 1910    run_process(path(git), [clone, URL, PackDir|Extra], []),
 1911    git_checkout_version(PackDir, [update(false)|Options]),
 1912    option(pack_dir(PackDir), Options, _).
 1913pack_download_from_url(URL, PackTopDir, Pack, Options) :-
 1914    download_url(URL),
 1915    !,
 1916    directory_file_path(PackTopDir, Pack, PackDir),
 1917    prepare_pack_dir(PackDir, Options),
 1918    pack_download_dir(PackTopDir, DownLoadDir),
 1919    download_file(URL, Pack, DownloadBase, Options),
 1920    directory_file_path(DownLoadDir, DownloadBase, DownloadFile),
 1921    (   option(insecure(true), Options, false)
 1922    ->  TLSOptions = [cert_verify_hook(ssl_verify)]
 1923    ;   TLSOptions = []
 1924    ),
 1925    print_message(informational, pack(download(begin, Pack, URL, DownloadFile))),
 1926    setup_call_cleanup(
 1927        http_open(URL, In, TLSOptions),
 1928        setup_call_cleanup(
 1929            open(DownloadFile, write, Out, [type(binary)]),
 1930            copy_stream_data(In, Out),
 1931            close(Out)),
 1932        close(In)),
 1933    print_message(informational, pack(download(end, Pack, URL, DownloadFile))),
 1934    pack_archive_info(DownloadFile, Pack, Info, _),
 1935    (   option(git_url(GitURL), Options)
 1936    ->  Origin = GitURL                 % implicit download from git.
 1937    ;   download_file_sanity_check(DownloadFile, Pack, Info),
 1938        Origin = URL
 1939    ),
 1940    pack_unpack_from_local(DownloadFile, PackTopDir, Pack, PackDir, Options),
 1941    pack_assert(PackDir, archive(DownloadFile, Origin)),
 1942    option(pack_dir(PackDir), Options, _).
 1943pack_download_from_url(URL, PackTopDir, Pack, Options) :-
 1944    local_uri_file_name(URL, File),
 1945    !,
 1946    pack_unpack_from_local(File, PackTopDir, Pack, PackDir, Options),
 1947    pack_assert(PackDir, archive(File, URL)),
 1948    option(pack_dir(PackDir), Options, _).
 1949pack_download_from_url(URL, _PackTopDir, _Pack, _Options) :-
 1950    domain_error(url, URL).
 git_checkout_version(+PackDir, +Options) is det
Given a checked out version of a repository, put the repo at the desired version. Options:
Target commit or 'HEAD'. If 'HEAD', get the HEAD of the explicit (option branch(Branch)), current or default branch. If the commit is a hash and it is the tip of a branch, checkout this branch. Else simply checkout the hash.
Used with commit('HEAD').
Checkout a tag. If there is a tag matching Version use that, otherwise try to find a tag that ends with Version and demand the prefix to be letters, optionally followed by a dash or underscore. Examples: 2.1, V2.1, v_2.1.
If none of the above is given update the repo. If it is on a branch, pull. Else, put it on the default branch and pull.
 1974git_checkout_version(PackDir, Options) :-
 1975    option(commit('HEAD'), Options),
 1976    option(branch(Branch), Options),
 1977    !,
 1978    git_ensure_on_branch(PackDir, Branch),
 1979    run_process(path(git), ['-C', PackDir, pull], []).
 1980git_checkout_version(PackDir, Options) :-
 1981    option(commit('HEAD'), Options),
 1982    git_current_branch(_, [directory(PackDir)]),
 1983    !,
 1984    run_process(path(git), ['-C', PackDir, pull], []).
 1985git_checkout_version(PackDir, Options) :-
 1986    option(commit('HEAD'), Options),
 1987    !,
 1988    git_default_branch(Branch, [directory(PackDir)]),
 1989    git_ensure_on_branch(PackDir, Branch),
 1990    run_process(path(git), ['-C', PackDir, pull], []).
 1991git_checkout_version(PackDir, Options) :-
 1992    option(commit(Hash), Options),
 1993    run_process(path(git), ['-C', PackDir, fetch], []),
 1994    git_branches(Branches, [contains(Hash), directory(PackDir)]),
 1995    git_process_output(['-C', PackDir, 'rev-parse' | Branches],
 1996                       read_lines_to_atoms(Commits),
 1997                       []),
 1998    nth1(I, Commits, Hash),
 1999    nth1(I, Branches, Branch),
 2000    !,
 2001    git_ensure_on_branch(PackDir, Branch).
 2002git_checkout_version(PackDir, Options) :-
 2003    option(commit(Hash), Options),
 2004    !,
 2005    run_process(path(git), ['-C', PackDir, checkout, '--quiet', Hash], []).
 2006git_checkout_version(PackDir, Options) :-
 2007    option(version(Version), Options),
 2008    !,
 2009    git_tags(Tags, [directory(PackDir)]),
 2010    (   memberchk(Version, Tags)
 2011    ->  Tag = Version
 2012    ;   member(Tag, Tags),
 2013        sub_atom(Tag, B, _, 0, Version),
 2014        sub_atom(Tag, 0, B, _, Prefix),
 2015        version_prefix(Prefix)
 2016    ->  true
 2017    ;   existence_error(version_tag, Version)
 2018    ),
 2019    run_process(path(git), ['-C', PackDir, checkout, Tag], []).
 2020git_checkout_version(_PackDir, Options) :-
 2021    option(fresh(true), Options),
 2022    !.
 2023git_checkout_version(PackDir, _Options) :-
 2024    git_current_branch(_, [directory(PackDir)]),
 2025    !,
 2026    run_process(path(git), ['-C', PackDir, pull], []).
 2027git_checkout_version(PackDir, _Options) :-
 2028    git_default_branch(Branch, [directory(PackDir)]),
 2029    git_ensure_on_branch(PackDir, Branch),
 2030    run_process(path(git), ['-C', PackDir, pull], []).
 git_ensure_on_branch(+PackDir, +Branch) is det
Ensure PackDir is on Branch.
 2036git_ensure_on_branch(PackDir, Branch) :-
 2037    git_current_branch(Branch, [directory(PackDir)]),
 2038    !.
 2039git_ensure_on_branch(PackDir, Branch) :-
 2040    run_process(path(git), ['-C', PackDir, checkout, Branch], []).
 2042read_lines_to_atoms(Atoms, In) :-
 2043    read_line_to_string(In, Line),
 2044    (   Line == end_of_file
 2045    ->  Atoms = []
 2046    ;   atom_string(Atom, Line),
 2047        Atoms = [Atom|T],
 2048        read_lines_to_atoms(T, In)
 2049    ).
 2051version_prefix(Prefix) :-
 2052    atom_codes(Prefix, Codes),
 2053    phrase(version_prefix, Codes).
 2055version_prefix -->
 2056    [C],
 2057    { code_type(C, alpha) },
 2058    !,
 2059    version_prefix.
 2060version_prefix -->
 2061    "-".
 2062version_prefix -->
 2063    "_".
 2064version_prefix -->
 2065    "".
 download_file(+URL, +Pack, -File, +Options) is det
Determine the file into which to download URL. The second clause deals with GitHub downloads from a release tag.
 2072download_file(URL, Pack, File, Options) :-
 2073    option(version(Version), Options),
 2074    !,
 2075    file_name_extension(_, Ext, URL),
 2076    format(atom(File), '~w-~w.~w', [Pack, Version, Ext]).
 2077download_file(URL, Pack, File, _) :-
 2078    file_base_name(URL,Basename),
 2079    no_int_file_name_extension(Tag,Ext,Basename),
 2080    tag_version(Tag,Version),
 2081    !,
 2082    format(atom(File0), '~w-~w', [Pack, Version]),
 2083    file_name_extension(File0, Ext, File).
 2084download_file(URL, _, File, _) :-
 2085    file_base_name(URL, File).
 pack_url_file(+URL, -File) is det
True if File is a unique id for the referenced pack and version. Normally, that is simply the base name, but GitHub archives destroy this picture. Needed by the pack manager in the web server.
 2093:- public pack_url_file/2. 2094pack_url_file(URL, FileID) :-
 2095    github_release_url(URL, Pack, Version),
 2096    !,
 2097    download_file(URL, Pack, FileID, [version(Version)]).
 2098pack_url_file(URL, FileID) :-
 2099    file_base_name(URL, FileID).
 2101%   ssl_verify(+SSL, +ProblemCert, +AllCerts, +FirstCert, +Error)
 2103%   Used if insecure(true)  is  given   to  pack_install/2.  Accepts any
 2104%   certificate.
 2106:- public ssl_verify/5. 2107ssl_verify(_SSL,
 2108           _ProblemCertificate, _AllCertificates, _FirstCertificate,
 2109           _Error).
 2111pack_download_dir(PackTopDir, DownLoadDir) :-
 2112    directory_file_path(PackTopDir, 'Downloads', DownLoadDir),
 2113    (   exists_directory(DownLoadDir)
 2114    ->  true
 2115    ;   make_directory(DownLoadDir)
 2116    ),
 2117    (   access_file(DownLoadDir, write)
 2118    ->  true
 2119    ;   permission_error(write, directory, DownLoadDir)
 2120    ).
 download_url(@URL) is semidet
True if URL looks like a URL we can download from. Noet that urls like ftp:// are also download URLs, but we cannot download from them.
 2128download_url(URL) :-
 2129    atom(URL),
 2130    uri_components(URL, Components),
 2131    uri_data(scheme, Components, Scheme),
 2132    download_scheme(Scheme).
 pack_post_install(+Pack, +PackDir, +Options) is det
Process post installation work. Steps:
 2145pack_post_install(Pack, PackDir, Options) :-
 2146    post_install_foreign(Pack, PackDir, Options),
 2147    post_install_autoload(PackDir, Options),
 2148    attach_packs(PackDir, [duplicate(warning)]).
 pack_rebuild is det
 pack_rebuild(+Pack) is det
Rebuild possible foreign components of Pack. The predicate pack_rebuild/0 rebuilds all registered packs.
 2156pack_rebuild :-
 2157    forall(current_pack(Pack),
 2158           ( print_message(informational, pack(rebuild(Pack))),
 2159             pack_rebuild(Pack)
 2160           )).
 2162pack_rebuild(Pack) :-
 2163    current_pack(Pack, PackDir),
 2164    !,
 2165    post_install_foreign(Pack, PackDir, [rebuild(true)]).
 2166pack_rebuild(Pack) :-
 2167    unattached_pack(Pack, PackDir),
 2168    !,
 2169    post_install_foreign(Pack, PackDir, [rebuild(true)]).
 2170pack_rebuild(Pack) :-
 2171    existence_error(pack, Pack).
 2173unattached_pack(Pack, BaseDir) :-
 2174    directory_file_path(Pack, '', PackFile),
 2175    absolute_file_name(pack(PackFile), PackPath,
 2176                       [ access(read),
 2177                         file_errors(fail)
 2178                       ]),
 2179    file_directory_name(PackPath, BaseDir).
 post_install_foreign(+Pack, +PackDir, +Options) is det
Install foreign parts of the package. Options:
Determine when to rebuild. Possible values:
Only rebuild if we have no existing foreign library. This is the default.
Always rebuild.
 2195post_install_foreign(Pack, PackDir, Options) :-
 2196    is_foreign_pack(PackDir, _),
 2197    !,
 2198    (   pack_info_term(PackDir, pack_version(Version))
 2199    ->  true
 2200    ;   Version = 1
 2201    ),
 2202    option(rebuild(Rebuild), Options, if_absent),
 2203    current_prolog_flag(arch, Arch),
 2204    prolog_version_dotted(PrologVersion),
 2205    (   Rebuild == if_absent,
 2206        foreign_present(PackDir, Arch)
 2207    ->  print_message(informational, pack(kept_foreign(Pack, Arch))),
 2208        (   pack_status_dir(PackDir, built(Arch, _, _))
 2209        ->  true
 2210        ;   pack_assert(PackDir, built(Arch, PrologVersion, downloaded))
 2211        )
 2212    ;   BuildSteps0 = [[dependencies], [configure], build, install, [test]],
 2213        (   Rebuild == true
 2214        ->  BuildSteps1 = [distclean|BuildSteps0]
 2215        ;   BuildSteps1 = BuildSteps0
 2216        ),
 2217        (   option(test(false), Options)
 2218        ->  delete(BuildSteps1, [test], BuildSteps2)
 2219        ;   BuildSteps2 = BuildSteps1
 2220        ),
 2221        (   option(clean(true), Options)
 2222        ->  append(BuildSteps2, [[clean]], BuildSteps)
 2223        ;   BuildSteps = BuildSteps2
 2224        ),
 2225        build_steps(BuildSteps, PackDir, [pack_version(Version)|Options]),
 2226        pack_assert(PackDir, built(Arch, PrologVersion, built))
 2227    ).
 2228post_install_foreign(_, _, _).
 foreign_present(+PackDir, +Arch) is semidet
True if we find one or more modules in the pack lib directory for the current architecture.
To be done
- Does not check that these can be loaded, nor whether all required modules are present.
 2239foreign_present(PackDir, Arch) :-
 2240    atomic_list_concat([PackDir, '/lib'], ForeignBaseDir),
 2241    exists_directory(ForeignBaseDir),
 2242    !,
 2243    atomic_list_concat([PackDir, '/lib/', Arch], ForeignDir),
 2244    exists_directory(ForeignDir),
 2245    current_prolog_flag(shared_object_extension, Ext),
 2246    atomic_list_concat([ForeignDir, '/*.', Ext], Pattern),
 2247    expand_file_name(Pattern, Files),
 2248    Files \== [].
 is_foreign_pack(+PackDir, -Type) is nondet
True when PackDir contains files that indicate the need for a specific class of build tools indicated by Type.
 2255is_foreign_pack(PackDir, Type) :-
 2256    foreign_file(File, Type),
 2257    directory_file_path(PackDir, File, Path),
 2258    exists_file(Path).
 2260foreign_file('CMakeLists.txt', cmake).
 2261foreign_file('configure',      configure).
 2262foreign_file('',   autoconf).
 2263foreign_file('',   autoconf).
 2264foreign_file('',    automake).
 2265foreign_file('Makefile',       make).
 2266foreign_file('makefile',       make).
 2267foreign_file('conanfile.txt',  conan).
 2268foreign_file('',   conan).
 2271                 /*******************************
 2272                 *           AUTOLOAD           *
 2273                 *******************************/
 post_install_autoload(+PackDir, +Options)
Create an autoload index if the package demands such.
 2279post_install_autoload(PackDir, Options) :-
 2280    is_autoload_pack(PackDir, Options),
 2281    !,
 2282    directory_file_path(PackDir, prolog, PrologLibDir),
 2283    make_library_index(PrologLibDir).
 2284post_install_autoload(_, _).
 2286is_autoload_pack(PackDir, Options) :-
 2287    option(autoload(true), Options, true),
 2288    pack_info_term(PackDir, autoload(true)).
 2291                 /*******************************
 2292                 *            UPGRADE           *
 2293                 *******************************/
 pack_upgrade(+Pack) is semidet
Upgrade Pack. Shorthand for pack_install(Pack, [upgrade(true)]).
 2299pack_upgrade(Pack) :-
 2300    pack_install(Pack, [upgrade(true)]).
 2303                 /*******************************
 2304                 *            REMOVE            *
 2305                 *******************************/
 pack_remove(+Name) is det
 pack_remove(+Name, +Options) is det
Remove the indicated package. If packages depend (indirectly) on this pack, ask to remove these as well. Options:
Do not prompt the user.
If true delete dependencies without asking.
 2318pack_remove(Pack) :-
 2319    pack_remove(Pack, []).
 2321pack_remove(Pack, Options) :-
 2322    option(dependencies(false), Options),
 2323    !,
 2324    pack_remove_forced(Pack).
 2325pack_remove(Pack, Options) :-
 2326    (   dependents(Pack, Deps)
 2327    ->  (   option(dependencies(true), Options)
 2328        ->  true
 2329        ;   confirm_remove(Pack, Deps, Delete, Options)
 2330        ),
 2331        forall(member(P, Delete), pack_remove_forced(P))
 2332    ;   pack_remove_forced(Pack)
 2333    ).
 2335pack_remove_forced(Pack) :-
 2336    catch('$pack_detach'(Pack, BaseDir),
 2337          error(existence_error(pack, Pack), _),
 2338          fail),
 2339    !,
 2340    print_message(informational, pack(remove(BaseDir))),
 2341    delete_directory_and_contents(BaseDir).
 2342pack_remove_forced(Pack) :-
 2343    unattached_pack(Pack, BaseDir),
 2344    !,
 2345    delete_directory_and_contents(BaseDir).
 2346pack_remove_forced(Pack) :-
 2347    print_message(informational, error(existence_error(pack, Pack),_)).
 2349confirm_remove(Pack, Deps, Delete, Options) :-
 2350    print_message(warning, pack(depends(Pack, Deps))),
 2351    menu(pack(resolve_remove),
 2352         [ [Pack]      = remove_only(Pack),
 2353           [Pack|Deps] = remove_deps(Pack, Deps),
 2354           []          = cancel
 2355         ], [], Delete, Options),
 2356    Delete \== [].
 2359		 /*******************************
 2360		 *           PUBLISH		*
 2361		 *******************************/
 pack_publish(+Spec, +Options) is det
Publish a package. There are two ways typical ways to call this. We recommend developing a pack in a GIT repository. In this scenario the pack can be published using
?- pack_publish('.', []).

Alternatively, an archive file has been uploaded to a public location. In this scenario we can publish the pack using

?- pack_publish(URL, [])

In both scenarios, pack_publish/2 by default creates an isolated environment and installs the package in this directory from the public URL. On success it triggers the pack server to register the URL as a new pack or a new release of a pack.

Packs may also be published using the app pack, e.g.

swipl pack publish .


If true, and Spec is a git managed directory, install using the remote repo.
Sign the repository with the current version. This runs git tag -s <tag>.
Force the git tag. This runs git tag -f <tag>.
Branch used for releases. Defined by git_default_branch/2 if not specified.
If false (default true), perform the installation, but do not upload to the server. This can be used for testing.
If true (default), install and build all packages in an isolated package directory. If false, use other packages installed for the environment. The latter may be used to speedup debugging.
Install the temporary packages in Dir. If omitted pack_publish/2 creates a temporary directory and deletes this directory after completion. An explict target Dir is created if it does not exist and is not deleted on completion.
If true (default), clean the destination directory first
 2414pack_publish(Dir, Options) :-
 2415    \+ download_url(Dir),
 2416    is_git_directory(Dir), !,
 2417    pack_git_info(Dir, _Hash, Metadata),
 2418    prepare_repository(Dir, Metadata, Options),
 2419    (   memberchk(download(URL), Metadata),
 2420        git_url(URL, _)
 2421    ->  true
 2422    ;   option(remote(Remote), Options, origin),
 2423        git_remote_url(Remote, RemoteURL, [directory(Dir)]),
 2424        git_to_https_url(RemoteURL, URL)
 2425    ),
 2426    memberchk(version(Version), Metadata),
 2427    pack_publish_(URL,
 2428                  [ version(Version)
 2429                  | Options
 2430                  ]).
 2431pack_publish(Spec, Options) :-
 2432    pack_publish_(Spec, Options).
 2434pack_publish_(Spec, Options) :-
 2435    pack_default_options(Spec, Pack, Options, DefOptions),
 2436    option(url(URL), DefOptions),
 2437    valid_publish_url(URL, Options),
 2438    prepare_build_location(Pack, Dir, Clean, Options),
 2439    (   option(register(false), Options)
 2440    ->  InstallOptions = DefOptions
 2441    ;   InstallOptions = [publish(Pack)|DefOptions]
 2442    ),
 2443    call_cleanup(pack_install(Pack,
 2444                              [ pack(Pack)
 2445                              | InstallOptions
 2446                              ]),
 2447                 cleanup_publish(Clean, Dir)).
 2449cleanup_publish(true, Dir) :-
 2450    !,
 2451    delete_directory_and_contents(Dir).
 2452cleanup_publish(_, _).
 2454valid_publish_url(URL, Options) :-
 2455    option(register(Register), Options, true),
 2456    (   Register == false
 2457    ->  true
 2458    ;   download_url(URL)
 2459    ->  true
 2460    ;   permission_error(publish, pack, URL)
 2461    ).
 2463prepare_build_location(Pack, Dir, Clean, Options) :-
 2464    (   option(pack_directory(Dir), Options)
 2465    ->  ensure_directory(Dir),
 2466        (   option(clean(true), Options, true)
 2467        ->  delete_directory_contents(Dir)
 2468        ;   true
 2469        )
 2470    ;   tmp_file(pack, Dir),
 2471        make_directory(Dir),
 2472        Clean = true
 2473    ),
 2474    (   option(isolated(false), Options)
 2475    ->  detach_pack(Pack, _),
 2476        attach_packs(Dir, [search(first)])
 2477    ;   attach_packs(Dir, [replace(true)])
 2478    ).
 prepare_repository(+Dir, +Metadata, +Options) is semidet
Prepare the git repository. If register(false) is provided, this is a test run and therefore we do not need this. Otherwise we demand the working directory to be clean, we tag the current commit and push the current branch.
 2489prepare_repository(_Dir, _Metadata, Options) :-
 2490    option(register(false), Options),
 2491    !.
 2492prepare_repository(Dir, Metadata, Options) :-
 2493    git_dir_must_be_clean(Dir),
 2494    git_must_be_on_default_branch(Dir, Options),
 2495    tag_git_dir(Dir, Metadata, Action, Options),
 2496    confirm(git_push, yes, Options),
 2497    run_process(path(git), ['-C', file(Dir), push ], []),
 2498    (   Action = push_tag(Tag)
 2499    ->  run_process(path(git), ['-C', file(Dir), push, origin, Tag ], [])
 2500    ;   true
 2501    ).
 2503git_dir_must_be_clean(Dir) :-
 2504    git_describe(Description, [directory(Dir)]),
 2505    (   sub_atom(Description, _, _, 0, '-DIRTY')
 2506    ->  print_message(error, pack(git_not_clean(Dir))),
 2507        fail
 2508    ;   true
 2509    ).
 2511git_must_be_on_default_branch(Dir, Options) :-
 2512    (   option(branch(Default), Options)
 2513    ->  true
 2514    ;   git_default_branch(Default, [directory(Dir)])
 2515    ),
 2516    git_current_branch(Current, [directory(Dir)]),
 2517    (   Default == Current
 2518    ->  true
 2519    ;   print_message(error,
 2520                      pack(git_branch_not_default(Dir, Default, Current))),
 2521        fail
 2522    ).
 tag_git_dir(+Dir, +Metadata, -Action, +Options) is semidet
Add a version tag to the git repository.
Action- is one of push_tag(Tag) or none
 2531tag_git_dir(Dir, Metadata, Action, Options) :-
 2532    memberchk(version(Version), Metadata),
 2533    atom_concat('V', Version, Tag),
 2534    git_tags(Tags, [directory(Dir)]),
 2535    (   memberchk(Tag, Tags)
 2536    ->  git_tag_is_consistent(Dir, Tag, Action, Options)
 2537    ;   format(string(Message), 'Release ~w', [Version]),
 2538        findall(Opt, git_tag_option(Opt, Options), Argv,
 2539                [ '-m', Message, Tag ]),
 2540        confirm(git_tag(Tag), yes, Options),
 2541        run_process(path(git), ['-C', file(Dir), tag | Argv ], []),
 2542        Action = push_tag(Tag)
 2543    ).
 2545git_tag_option('-s', Options) :- option(sign(true), Options, true).
 2546git_tag_option('-f', Options) :- option(force(true), Options, true).
 2548git_tag_is_consistent(Dir, Tag, Action, Options) :-
 2549    format(atom(TagRef), 'refs/tags/~w', [Tag]),
 2550    format(atom(CommitRef), 'refs/tags/~w^{}', [Tag]),
 2551    option(remote(Remote), Options, origin),
 2552    git_ls_remote(Dir, LocalTags, [tags(true)]),
 2553    memberchk(CommitHash-CommitRef, LocalTags),
 2554    (   git_hash(CommitHash, [directory(Dir)])
 2555    ->  true
 2556    ;   print_message(error, pack(git_release_tag_not_at_head(Tag))),
 2557        fail
 2558    ),
 2559    memberchk(TagHash-TagRef, LocalTags),
 2560    git_ls_remote(Remote, RemoteTags, [tags(true)]),
 2561    (   memberchk(RemoteCommitHash-CommitRef, RemoteTags),
 2562        memberchk(RemoteTagHash-TagRef, RemoteTags)
 2563    ->  (   RemoteCommitHash == CommitHash,
 2564            RemoteTagHash == TagHash
 2565        ->  Action = none
 2566        ;   print_message(error, pack(git_tag_out_of_sync(Tag))),
 2567            fail
 2568        )
 2569    ;   Action = push_tag(Tag)
 2570    ).
 git_to_https_url(+GitURL, -HTTP_URL) is semidet
Get the HTTP(s) URL for a git repository, given a git url. Whether or not this is available and how to translate the one into the other depends in the server software.
 2578git_to_https_url(URL, URL) :-
 2579    download_url(URL),
 2580    !.
 2581git_to_https_url(GitURL, URL) :-
 2582    atom_concat('', Repo, GitURL),
 2583    !,
 2584    atom_concat('', Repo, URL).
 2585git_to_https_url(GitURL, _) :-
 2586    print_message(error, pack(git_no_https(GitURL))),
 2587    fail.
 2590                 /*******************************
 2591                 *           PROPERTIES         *
 2592                 *******************************/
 pack_property(?Pack, ?Property) is nondet
True when Property is a property of an installed Pack. This interface is intended for programs that wish to interact with the package manager. Defined properties are:
Directory into which the package is installed
Installed version
Full title of the package
Registered author
Official download URL
Package README file (if present)
Package TODO file (if present)
 2615pack_property(Pack, Property) :-
 2616    findall(Pack-Property, pack_property_(Pack, Property), List),
 2617    member(Pack-Property, List).            % make det if applicable
 2619pack_property_(Pack, Property) :-
 2620    pack_info(Pack, _, Property).
 2621pack_property_(Pack, Property) :-
 2622    \+ \+ info_file(Property, _),
 2623    '$pack':pack(Pack, BaseDir),
 2624    access_file(BaseDir, read),
 2625    directory_files(BaseDir, Files),
 2626    member(File, Files),
 2627    info_file(Property, Pattern),
 2628    downcase_atom(File, Pattern),
 2629    directory_file_path(BaseDir, File, InfoFile),
 2630    arg(1, Property, InfoFile).
 2632info_file(readme(_), 'readme.txt').
 2633info_file(readme(_), 'readme').
 2634info_file(todo(_),   'todo.txt').
 2635info_file(todo(_),   'todo').
 2638                 /*******************************
 2639                 *         VERSION LOGIC        *
 2640                 *******************************/
 pack_version_file(-Pack, -Version:atom, +File) is semidet
True if File is the name of a file or URL of a file that contains Pack at Version. File must have an extension and the basename must be of the form <pack>-<n>{.<m>}*. E.g., mypack-1.5.
 2649pack_version_file(Pack, Version, GitHubRelease) :-
 2650    atomic(GitHubRelease),
 2651    github_release_url(GitHubRelease, Pack, Version),
 2652    !.
 2653pack_version_file(Pack, Version, Path) :-
 2654    atomic(Path),
 2655    file_base_name(Path, File),
 2656    no_int_file_name_extension(Base, _Ext, File),
 2657    atom_codes(Base, Codes),
 2658    (   phrase(pack_version(Pack, Version), Codes),
 2659        safe_pack_name(Pack)
 2660    ->  true
 2661    ).
 2663no_int_file_name_extension(Base, Ext, File) :-
 2664    file_name_extension(Base0, Ext0, File),
 2665    \+ atom_number(Ext0, _),
 2666    !,
 2667    Base = Base0,
 2668    Ext = Ext0.
 2669no_int_file_name_extension(File, '', File).
 safe_pack_name(+Name:atom) is semidet
Verifies that Name is a valid pack name. This avoids trickery with pack file names to make shell commands behave unexpectly.
 2676safe_pack_name(Name) :-
 2677    atom_length(Name, Len),
 2678    Len >= 3,                               % demand at least three length
 2679    atom_codes(Name, Codes),
 2680    maplist(safe_pack_char, Codes),
 2681    !.
 2683safe_pack_char(C) :- between(0'a, 0'z, C), !.
 2684safe_pack_char(C) :- between(0'A, 0'Z, C), !.
 2685safe_pack_char(C) :- between(0'0, 0'9, C), !.
 pack_version(-Pack:atom, -Version:atom)// is semidet
True when the input statifies <pack>-<version>
 2692pack_version(Pack, Version) -->
 2693    string(Codes), "-",
 2694    version(Parts),
 2695    !,
 2696    { atom_codes(Pack, Codes),
 2697      atomic_list_concat(Parts, '.', Version)
 2698    }.
 2700version([H|T]) -->
 2701    version_part(H),
 2702    (   "."
 2703    ->  version(T)
 2704    ;   {T=[]}
 2705    ).
 2707version_part(*) --> "*", !.
 2708version_part(Int) --> integer(Int).
 2711		 /*******************************
 2712		 *           GIT LOGIC		*
 2713		 *******************************/
 2715have_git :-
 2716    process_which(path(git), _).
 git_url(+URL, -Pack) is semidet
True if URL describes a git url for Pack
 2723git_url(URL, Pack) :-
 2724    uri_components(URL, Components),
 2725    uri_data(scheme, Components, Scheme),
 2726    nonvar(Scheme),                         % must be full URL
 2727    uri_data(path, Components, Path),
 2728    (   Scheme == git
 2729    ->  true
 2730    ;   git_download_scheme(Scheme),
 2731        file_name_extension(_, git, Path)
 2732    ;   git_download_scheme(Scheme),
 2733        catch(git_ls_remote(URL, _, [refs(['HEAD']), error(_)]), _, fail)
 2734    ->  true
 2735    ),
 2736    file_base_name(Path, PackExt),
 2737    (   file_name_extension(Pack, git, PackExt)
 2738    ->  true
 2739    ;   Pack = PackExt
 2740    ),
 2741    (   safe_pack_name(Pack)
 2742    ->  true
 2743    ;   domain_error(pack_name, Pack)
 2744    ).
 github_release_url(+URL, -Pack, -Version:atom) is semidet
True when URL is the URL of a GitHub release. Such releases are accessible as
 2756github_release_url(URL, Pack, Version) :-
 2757    uri_components(URL, Components),
 2758    uri_data(authority, Components, ''),
 2759    uri_data(scheme, Components, Scheme),
 2760    download_scheme(Scheme),
 2761    uri_data(path, Components, Path),
 2762    github_archive_path(Archive,Pack,File),
 2763    atomic_list_concat(Archive, /, Path),
 2764    file_name_extension(Tag, Ext, File),
 2765    github_archive_extension(Ext),
 2766    tag_version(Tag, Version),
 2767    !.
 tag_version(+GitTag, -Version) is semidet
True when a GIT tag describes version Version. GitTag must satisfy [vV]?int(\.int)*.
 2780tag_version(Tag, Version) :-
 2781    version_tag_prefix(Prefix),
 2782    atom_concat(Prefix, Version, Tag),
 2783    is_version(Version).
 git_archive_url(+URL, -Archive, +Options) is semidet
If we do not have git installed, some git services offer downloading the code as an archive using HTTP. This predicate makes this translation.
 2796git_archive_url(URL, Archive, Options) :-
 2797    uri_components(URL, Components),
 2798    uri_data(authority, Components, ''),
 2799    uri_data(path, Components, Path),
 2800    atomic_list_concat(['', User, RepoGit], /, Path),
 2801    $,
 2802    remove_git_ext(RepoGit, Repo),
 2803    git_archive_version(Version, Options),
 2804    atomic_list_concat(['', User, Repo, zip, Version], /, ArchivePath),
 2805    uri_edit([ path(ArchivePath),
 2806               host('')
 2807             ],
 2808             URL, Archive).
 2809git_archive_url(URL, _, _) :-
 2810    print_message(error, pack(no_git(URL))),
 2811    fail.
 2813remove_git_ext(RepoGit, Repo) :-
 2814    file_name_extension(Repo, git, RepoGit),
 2815    !.
 2816remove_git_ext(Repo, Repo).
 2818git_archive_version(Version, Options) :-
 2819    option(commit(Version), Options),
 2820    !.
 2821git_archive_version(Version, Options) :-
 2822    option(branch(Version), Options),
 2823    !.
 2824git_archive_version(Version, Options) :-
 2825    option(version(Version), Options),
 2826    !.
 2827git_archive_version('HEAD', _).
 2829                 /*******************************
 2830                 *       QUERY CENTRAL DB       *
 2831                 *******************************/
 publish_download(+Infos, +Options) is semidet
 register_downloads(+Infos, +Options) is det
Register our downloads with the pack server.
 2838register_downloads(_, Options) :-
 2839    option(register(false), Options),
 2840    \+ option(do_publish(_), Options),
 2841    !.
 2842register_downloads(Infos, Options) :-
 2843    convlist(download_data, Infos, Data),
 2844    (   Data == []
 2845    ->  true
 2846    ;   query_pack_server(downloaded(Data), Reply, Options),
 2847        (   option(do_publish(Pack), Options)
 2848        ->  (   member(Info, Infos),
 2849                Info.pack == Pack
 2850            ->  true
 2851            ),
 2852            (   Reply = true(Actions),
 2853                memberchk(Pack-Result, Actions)
 2854            ->  (   registered(Result)
 2855                ->  true
 2856                ;   print_message(error, pack(publish_failed(Info, Result))),
 2857                    fail
 2858                )
 2859            ;   print_message(error, pack(publish_failed(Info, false)))
 2860            )
 2861        ;   true
 2862        )
 2863    ).
 2868publish_download(Infos, Options) :-
 2869    select_option(publish(Pack), Options, Options1),
 2870    !,
 2871    register_downloads(Infos, [do_publish(Pack)|Options1]).
 2872publish_download(_Infos, _Options).
 2874download_data(Info, Data),
 2875    Info.get(git) == true =>                % Git clone
 2876    Data = download(URL, Hash, Metadata),
 2877    URL = Info.get(downloaded),
 2878    pack_git_info(Info.installed, Hash, Metadata).
 2879download_data(Info, Data),
 2880    _{git_url:URL,hash:Hash} :< Info, Hash \== (-) =>
 2881    Data = download(URL, Hash, Metadata),   % Git downloaded as zip
 2882    dir_metadata(Info.installed, Metadata).
 2883download_data(Info, Data) =>                % Archive download.
 2884    Data = download(URL, Hash, Metadata),
 2885    URL = Info.get(downloaded),
 2886    download_url(URL),
 2887    pack_status_dir(Info.installed, archive(Archive, URL)),
 2888    file_sha1(Archive, Hash),
 2889    pack_archive_info(Archive, _Pack, Metadata, _).
 query_pack_server(+Query, -Result, +Options)
Send a Prolog query to the package server and process its results.
 2896query_pack_server(Query, Result, Options) :-
 2897    (   option(server(ServerOpt), Options)
 2898    ->  server_url(ServerOpt, ServerBase)
 2899    ;   setting(server, ServerBase),
 2900        ServerBase \== ''
 2901    ),
 2902    atom_concat(ServerBase, query, Server),
 2903    format(codes(Data), '~q.~n', Query),
 2904    info_level(Informational, Options),
 2905    print_message(Informational, pack(contacting_server(Server))),
 2906    setup_call_cleanup(
 2907        http_open(Server, In,
 2908                  [ post(codes(application/'x-prolog', Data)),
 2909                    header(content_type, ContentType)
 2910                  ]),
 2911        read_reply(ContentType, In, Result),
 2912        close(In)),
 2913    message_severity(Result, Level, Informational),
 2914    print_message(Level, pack(server_reply(Result))).
 2916server_url(URL0, URL) :-
 2917    uri_components(URL0, Components),
 2918    uri_data(scheme, Components, Scheme),
 2919    var(Scheme),
 2920    !,
 2921    atom_concat('https://', URL0, URL1),
 2922    server_url(URL1, URL).
 2923server_url(URL0, URL) :-
 2924    uri_components(URL0, Components),
 2925    uri_data(path, Components, ''),
 2926    !,
 2927    uri_edit([path('/pack/')], URL0, URL).
 2928server_url(URL, URL).
 2930read_reply(ContentType, In, Result) :-
 2931    sub_atom(ContentType, 0, _, _, 'application/x-prolog'),
 2932    !,
 2933    set_stream(In, encoding(utf8)),
 2934    read(In, Result).
 2935read_reply(ContentType, In, _Result) :-
 2936    read_string(In, 500, String),
 2937    print_message(error, pack(no_prolog_response(ContentType, String))),
 2938    fail.
 2940info_level(Level, Options) :-
 2941    option(silent(true), Options),
 2942    !,
 2943    Level = silent.
 2944info_level(informational, _).
 2946message_severity(true(_), Informational, Informational).
 2947message_severity(false, warning, _).
 2948message_severity(exception(_), error, _).
 2951                 /*******************************
 2952                 *        WILDCARD URIs         *
 2953                 *******************************/
 available_download_versions(+URL, -Versions:list(atom)) is det
Deal with wildcard URLs, returning a list of Version-URL pairs, sorted by version.
To be done
- Deal with protocols other than HTTP
 2962available_download_versions(URL, Versions) :-
 2963    wildcard_pattern(URL),
 2964    github_url(URL, User, Repo),
 2965    !,
 2966    findall(Version-VersionURL,
 2967            github_version(User, Repo, Version, VersionURL),
 2968            Versions).
 2969available_download_versions(URL, Versions) :-
 2970    wildcard_pattern(URL),
 2971    !,
 2972    file_directory_name(URL, DirURL0),
 2973    ensure_slash(DirURL0, DirURL),
 2974    print_message(informational, pack(query_versions(DirURL))),
 2975    setup_call_cleanup(
 2976        http_open(DirURL, In, []),
 2977        load_html(stream(In), DOM,
 2978                  [ syntax_errors(quiet)
 2979                  ]),
 2980        close(In)),
 2981    findall(MatchingURL,
 2982            absolute_matching_href(DOM, URL, MatchingURL),
 2983            MatchingURLs),
 2984    (   MatchingURLs == []
 2985    ->  print_message(warning, pack(no_matching_urls(URL)))
 2986    ;   true
 2987    ),
 2988    versioned_urls(MatchingURLs, VersionedURLs),
 2989    sort_version_pairs(VersionedURLs, Versions),
 2990    print_message(informational, pack(found_versions(Versions))).
 2991available_download_versions(URL, [Version-URL]) :-
 2992    (   pack_version_file(_Pack, Version0, URL)
 2993    ->  Version = Version0
 2994    ;   Version = '0.0.0'
 2995    ).
 sort_version_pairs(+Pairs, -Sorted) is det
Sort a list of Version-Data by decreasing version.
 3001sort_version_pairs(Pairs, Sorted) :-
 3002    map_list_to_pairs(version_pair_sort_key_, Pairs, Keyed),
 3003    sort(1, @>=, Keyed, SortedKeyed),
 3004    pairs_values(SortedKeyed, Sorted).
 3006version_pair_sort_key_(Version-_Data, Key) :-
 3007    version_sort_key(Version, Key).
 3009version_sort_key(Version, Key) :-
 3010    split_string(Version, ".", "", Parts),
 3011    maplist(number_string, Key, Parts),
 3012    !.
 3013version_sort_key(Version, _) :-
 3014    domain_error(version, Version).
 github_url(+URL, -User, -Repo) is semidet
True when URL refers to a github repository.
 3020github_url(URL, User, Repo) :-
 3021    uri_components(URL, uri_components(https,'',Path,_,_)),
 3022    atomic_list_concat(['',User,Repo|_], /, Path).
 github_version(+User, +Repo, -Version, -VersionURI) is nondet
True when Version is a release version and VersionURI is the download location for the zip file.
 3030github_version(User, Repo, Version, VersionURI) :-
 3031    atomic_list_concat(['',repos,User,Repo,tags], /, Path1),
 3032    uri_components(ApiUri, uri_components(https,'',Path1,_,_)),
 3033    setup_call_cleanup(
 3034      http_open(ApiUri, In,
 3035                [ request_header('Accept'='application/vnd.github.v3+json')
 3036                ]),
 3037      json_read_dict(In, Dicts),
 3038      close(In)),
 3039    member(Dict, Dicts),
 3040    atom_string(Tag,,
 3041    tag_version(Tag, Version),
 3042    atom_string(VersionURI, Dict.zipball_url).
 3044wildcard_pattern(URL) :- sub_atom(URL, _, _, _, *).
 3045wildcard_pattern(URL) :- sub_atom(URL, _, _, _, ?).
 3047ensure_slash(Dir, DirS) :-
 3048    (   sub_atom(Dir, _, _, 0, /)
 3049    ->  DirS = Dir
 3050    ;   atom_concat(Dir, /, DirS)
 3051    ).
 3053absolute_matching_href(DOM, Pattern, Match) :-
 3054    xpath(DOM, //a(@href), HREF),
 3055    uri_normalized(HREF, Pattern, Match),
 3056    wildcard_match(Pattern, Match).
 3058versioned_urls([], []).
 3059versioned_urls([H|T0], List) :-
 3060    file_base_name(H, File),
 3061    (   pack_version_file(_Pack, Version, File)
 3062    ->  List = [Version-H|T]
 3063    ;   List = T
 3064    ),
 3065    versioned_urls(T0, T).
 3068                 /*******************************
 3069                 *          DEPENDENCIES        *
 3070                 *******************************/
 pack_provides(?Pack, -Provides) is multi
 pack_requires(?Pack, -Requires) is nondet
 pack_conflicts(?Pack, -Conflicts) is nondet
Provide logical access to pack dependency relations.
 3078pack_provides(Pack, Pack@Version) :-
 3079    current_pack(Pack),
 3080    once(pack_info(Pack, version, version(Version))).
 3081pack_provides(Pack, Provides) :-
 3082    findall(Prv, pack_info(Pack, dependency, provides(Prv)), PrvList),
 3083    member(Provides, PrvList).
 3085pack_requires(Pack, Requires) :-
 3086    current_pack(Pack),
 3087    findall(Req, pack_info(Pack, dependency, requires(Req)), ReqList),
 3088    member(Requires, ReqList).
 3090pack_conflicts(Pack, Conflicts) :-
 3091    current_pack(Pack),
 3092    findall(Cfl, pack_info(Pack, dependency, conflicts(Cfl)), CflList),
 3093    member(Conflicts, CflList).
 pack_depends_on(?Pack, ?Dependency) is nondet
True when Pack depends on pack Dependency. This predicate does not deal with transitive dependency.
 3100pack_depends_on(Pack, Dependency) :-
 3101    ground(Pack),
 3102    !,
 3103    pack_requires(Pack, Requires),
 3104    \+ is_prolog_token(Requires),
 3105    pack_provides(Dependency, Provides),
 3106    satisfies_req(Provides, Requires).
 3107pack_depends_on(Pack, Dependency) :-
 3108    ground(Dependency),
 3109    !,
 3110    pack_provides(Dependency, Provides),
 3111    pack_requires(Pack, Requires),
 3112    satisfies_req(Provides, Requires).
 3113pack_depends_on(Pack, Dependency) :-
 3114    current_pack(Pack),
 3115    pack_depends_on(Pack, Dependency).
 dependents(+Pack, -Dependents) is semidet
True when Dependents is a list of packs that (indirectly) depend on Pack.
 3122dependents(Pack, Deps) :-
 3123    setof(Dep, dependent(Pack, Dep, []), Deps).
 3125dependent(Pack, Dep, Seen) :-
 3126    pack_depends_on(Dep0, Pack),
 3127    \+ memberchk(Dep0, Seen),
 3128    (   Dep = Dep0
 3129    ;   dependent(Dep0, Dep, [Dep0|Seen])
 3130    ).
 validate_dependencies is det
Validate all dependencies, reporting on failures
 3136validate_dependencies :-
 3137    setof(Issue, pack_dependency_issue(_, Issue), Issues),
 3138    !,
 3139    print_message(warning, pack(dependency_issues(Issues))).
 pack_dependency_issue(?Pack, -Issue) is nondet
True when Issue is a dependency issue regarding Pack. Issue is one of
unsatisfied(Pack, Requires)
The requirement Requires of Pack is not fulfilled.
conflicts(Pack, Conflict)
Pack conflicts with Conflict.
 3152pack_dependency_issue(Pack, Issue) :-
 3153    current_pack(Pack),
 3154    pack_dependency_issue_(Pack, Issue).
 3156pack_dependency_issue_(Pack, unsatisfied(Pack, Requires)) :-
 3157    pack_requires(Pack, Requires),
 3158    (   is_prolog_token(Requires)
 3159    ->  \+ prolog_satisfies(Requires)
 3160    ;   \+ ( pack_provides(_, Provides),
 3161             satisfies_req(Provides, Requires) )
 3162    ).
 3163pack_dependency_issue_(Pack, conflicts(Pack, Conflicts)) :-
 3164    pack_conflicts(Pack, Conflicts),
 3165    (   is_prolog_token(Conflicts)
 3166    ->  prolog_satisfies(Conflicts)
 3167    ;   pack_provides(_, Provides),
 3168        satisfies_req(Provides, Conflicts)
 3169    ).
 3172		 /*******************************
 3173		 *      RECORD PACK FACTS	*
 3174		 *******************************/
 pack_assert(+PackDir, ++Fact) is det
Add/update a fact about packs. These facts are stored in PackDir/status.db. Known facts are:
built(Arch, Version, How)
Pack has been built by SWI-Prolog Version for Arch. How is one of built if we built it or downloaded if it was downloaded.
If true, pack was installed as dependency.
archive(Archive, URL)
Available when the pack was installed by unpacking Archive that was retrieved from URL.
 3190pack_assert(PackDir, Fact) :-
 3191    must_be(ground, Fact),
 3192    findall(Term, pack_status_dir(PackDir, Term), Facts0),
 3193    update_facts(Facts0, Fact, Facts),
 3194    OpenOptions = [encoding(utf8), lock(exclusive)],
 3195    status_file(PackDir, StatusFile),
 3196    (   Facts == Facts0
 3197    ->  true
 3198    ;   Facts0 \== [],
 3199        append(Facts0, New, Facts)
 3200    ->  setup_call_cleanup(
 3201            open(StatusFile, append, Out, OpenOptions),
 3202            maplist(write_fact(Out), New),
 3203            close(Out))
 3204    ;   setup_call_cleanup(
 3205            open(StatusFile, write, Out, OpenOptions),
 3206            ( write_facts_header(Out),
 3207              maplist(write_fact(Out), Facts)
 3208            ),
 3209            close(Out))
 3210    ).
 3212update_facts([], Fact, [Fact]) :-
 3213    !.
 3214update_facts([H|T], Fact, [Fact|T]) :-
 3215    general_pack_fact(Fact, GenFact),
 3216    general_pack_fact(H, GenTerm),
 3217    GenFact =@= GenTerm,
 3218    !.
 3219update_facts([H|T0], Fact, [H|T]) :-
 3220    update_facts(T0, Fact, T).
 3222general_pack_fact(built(Arch, _Version, _How), General) =>
 3223    General = built(Arch, _, _).
 3224general_pack_fact(Term, General), compound(Term) =>
 3225    compound_name_arity(Term, Name, Arity),
 3226    compound_name_arity(General, Name, Arity).
 3227general_pack_fact(Term, General) =>
 3228    General = Term.
 3230write_facts_header(Out) :-
 3231    format(Out, '% Fact status file.  Managed by package manager.~n', []).
 3233write_fact(Out, Term) :-
 3234    format(Out, '~q.~n', [Term]).
 pack_status(?Pack, ?Fact)
 pack_status_dir(+PackDir, ?Fact)
True when Fact is true about the package in PackDir. Facts are asserted a file status.db.
 3242pack_status(Pack, Fact) :-
 3243    current_pack(Pack, PackDir),
 3244    pack_status_dir(PackDir, Fact).
 3246pack_status_dir(PackDir, Fact) :-
 3247    det_if(ground(Fact), pack_status_(PackDir, Fact)).
 3249pack_status_(PackDir, Fact) :-
 3250    status_file(PackDir, StatusFile),
 3251    catch(term_in_file(valid_term(pack_status_term), StatusFile, Fact),
 3252          error(existence_error(source_sink, StatusFile), _),
 3253          fail).
 3255pack_status_term(built(atom, version, oneof([built,downloaded]))).
 3257pack_status_term(archive(atom, atom)).
 update_automatic(+Info) is det
Update the automatic status of a package. If we install it has no automatic status and we install it as a dependency we mark it as automatic. Else, we mark it as non-automatic as it has been installed explicitly.
 3267update_automatic(Info) :-
 3268    _ = Info.get(dependency_for),
 3269    \+ pack_status(Info.installed, automatic(_)),
 3270    !,
 3271    pack_assert(Info.installed, automatic(true)).
 3272update_automatic(Info) :-
 3273    pack_assert(Info.installed, automatic(false)).
 3275status_file(PackDir, StatusFile) :-
 3276    directory_file_path(PackDir, 'status.db', StatusFile).
 3278                 /*******************************
 3279                 *        USER INTERACTION      *
 3280                 *******************************/
 3282:- multifile prolog:message//1.
 menu(Question, +Alternatives, +Default, -Selection, +Options)
 3286menu(_Question, _Alternatives, Default, Selection, Options) :-
 3287    option(interactive(false), Options),
 3288    !,
 3289    Selection = Default.
 3290menu(Question, Alternatives, Default, Selection, _) :-
 3291    length(Alternatives, N),
 3292    between(1, 5, _),
 3293       print_message(query, Question),
 3294       print_menu(Alternatives, Default, 1),
 3295       print_message(query, pack(menu(select))),
 3296       read_selection(N, Choice),
 3297    !,
 3298    (   Choice == default
 3299    ->  Selection = Default
 3300    ;   nth1(Choice, Alternatives, Selection=_)
 3301    ->  true
 3302    ).
 3304print_menu([], _, _).
 3305print_menu([Value=Label|T], Default, I) :-
 3306    (   Value == Default
 3307    ->  print_message(query, pack(menu(default_item(I, Label))))
 3308    ;   print_message(query, pack(menu(item(I, Label))))
 3309    ),
 3310    I2 is I + 1,
 3311    print_menu(T, Default, I2).
 3313read_selection(Max, Choice) :-
 3314    get_single_char(Code),
 3315    (   answered_default(Code)
 3316    ->  Choice = default
 3317    ;   code_type(Code, digit(Choice)),
 3318        between(1, Max, Choice)
 3319    ->  true
 3320    ;   print_message(warning, pack(menu(reply(1,Max)))),
 3321        fail
 3322    ).
 confirm(+Question, +Default, +Options) is semidet
Ask for confirmation.
Default- is one of yes, no or none.
 3330confirm(_Question, Default, Options) :-
 3331    Default \== none,
 3332    option(interactive(false), Options, true),
 3333    !,
 3334    Default == yes.
 3335confirm(Question, Default, _) :-
 3336    between(1, 5, _),
 3337       print_message(query, pack(confirm(Question, Default))),
 3338       read_yes_no(YesNo, Default),
 3339    !,
 3340    format(user_error, '~N', []),
 3341    YesNo == yes.
 3343read_yes_no(YesNo, Default) :-
 3344    get_single_char(Code),
 3345    code_yes_no(Code, Default, YesNo),
 3346    !.
 3348code_yes_no(0'y, _, yes).
 3349code_yes_no(0'Y, _, yes).
 3350code_yes_no(0'n, _, no).
 3351code_yes_no(0'N, _, no).
 3352code_yes_no(_, none, _) :- !, fail.
 3353code_yes_no(C, Default, Default) :-
 3354    answered_default(C).
 3361                 /*******************************
 3362                 *            MESSAGES          *
 3363                 *******************************/
 3365:- multifile prolog:message//1. 3366
 3367prolog:message(pack(Message)) -->
 3368    message(Message).
 3370:- discontiguous
 3371    message//1,
 3372    label//1. 3373
 3374message(invalid_term(pack_info_term, Term)) -->
 3375    [ 'Invalid package meta data: ~q'-[Term] ].
 3376message(invalid_term(pack_status_term, Term)) -->
 3377    [ 'Invalid package status data: ~q'-[Term] ].
 3378message(directory_exists(Dir)) -->
 3379    [ 'Package target directory exists and is not empty:', nl,
 3380      '\t~q'-[Dir]
 3381    ].
 3382message(already_installed(pack(Pack, Version))) -->
 3383    [ 'Pack `~w'' is already installed @~w'-[Pack, Version] ].
 3384message(already_installed(Pack)) -->
 3385    [ 'Pack `~w'' is already installed. Package info:'-[Pack] ].
 3386message(kept_foreign(Pack, Arch)) -->
 3387    [ 'Found foreign libraries for architecture '-[],
 3388      ansi(code, '~q', [Arch]), nl,
 3389      'Use ', ansi(code, '?- pack_rebuild(~q).', [Pack]),
 3390      ' to rebuild from sources'-[]
 3391    ].
 3392message(no_pack_installed(Pack)) -->
 3393    [ 'No pack ~q installed.  Use ?- pack_list(Pattern) to search'-[Pack] ].
 3394message(dependency_issues(Issues)) -->
 3395    [ 'The current set of packs has dependency issues:', nl ],
 3396    dep_issues(Issues).
 3397message(depends(Pack, Deps)) -->
 3398    [ 'The following packs depend on `~w\':'-[Pack], nl ],
 3399    pack_list(Deps).
 3400message(remove(PackDir)) -->
 3401    [ 'Removing ~q and contents'-[PackDir] ].
 3402message(remove_existing_pack(PackDir)) -->
 3403    [ 'Remove old installation in ~q'-[PackDir] ].
 3404message(download_plan(Plan)) -->
 3405    [ ansi(bold, 'Installation plan:', []), nl ],
 3406    install_plan(Plan, Actions),
 3407    install_label(Actions).
 3408message(build_plan(Plan)) -->
 3409    [ ansi(bold, 'The following packs have post install scripts:', []), nl ],
 3410    msg_build_plan(Plan),
 3411    [ nl, ansi(bold, 'Run scripts?', []) ].
 3412message(no_meta_data(BaseDir)) -->
 3413    [ 'Cannot find inside directory ~q.  Not a package?'-[BaseDir] ].
 3414message(search_no_matches(Name)) -->
 3415    [ 'Search for "~w", returned no matching packages'-[Name] ].
 3416message(rebuild(Pack)) -->
 3417    [ 'Checking pack "~w" for rebuild ...'-[Pack] ].
 3418message(up_to_date([Pack])) -->
 3419    !,
 3420    [ 'Pack ' ], msg_pack(Pack), [' is up-to-date' ].
 3421message(up_to_date(Packs)) -->
 3422    [ 'Packs ' ], sequence(msg_pack, [', '], Packs), [' are up-to-date' ].
 3423message(installed_can_upgrade(List)) -->
 3424    sequence(msg_can_upgrade_target, [nl], List).
 3425message(new_dependencies(Deps)) -->
 3426    [ 'Found new dependencies after downloading (~p).'-[Deps], nl ].
 3427message(query_versions(URL)) -->
 3428    [ 'Querying "~w" to find new versions ...'-[URL] ].
 3429message(no_matching_urls(URL)) -->
 3430    [ 'Could not find any matching URL: ~q'-[URL] ].
 3431message(found_versions([Latest-_URL|More])) -->
 3432    { length(More, Len) },
 3433    [ '    Latest version: ~w (~D older)'-[Latest, Len] ].
 3434message(build(Pack, PackDir)) -->
 3435    [ ansi(bold, 'Building pack ~w in directory ~w', [Pack, PackDir]) ].
 3436message(contacting_server(Server)) -->
 3437    [ 'Contacting server at ~w ...'-[Server], flush ].
 3438message(server_reply(true(_))) -->
 3439    [ at_same_line, ' ok'-[] ].
 3440message(server_reply(false)) -->
 3441    [ at_same_line, ' done'-[] ].
 3442message(server_reply(exception(E))) -->
 3443    [ 'Server reported the following error:'-[], nl ],
 3444    '$messages':translate_message(E).
 3445message(cannot_create_dir(Alias)) -->
 3446    { findall(PackDir,
 3447              absolute_file_name(Alias, PackDir, [solutions(all)]),
 3448              PackDirs0),
 3449      sort(PackDirs0, PackDirs)
 3450    },
 3451    [ 'Cannot find a place to create a package directory.'-[],
 3452      'Considered:'-[]
 3453    ],
 3454    candidate_dirs(PackDirs).
 3455message(conflict(version, [PackV, FileV])) -->
 3456    ['Version mismatch: '-[]], msg_version(PackV),
 3457    [', file claims version '-[]], msg_version(FileV).
 3458message(conflict(name, [PackInfo, FileInfo])) -->
 3459    ['Pack ~w mismatch: ~p'-[PackInfo]],
 3460    [', file claims ~w: ~p'-[FileInfo]].
 3461message(no_prolog_response(ContentType, String)) -->
 3462    [ 'Expected Prolog response.  Got content of type ~p'-[ContentType], nl,
 3463      '~s'-[String]
 3464    ].
 3465message(download(begin, Pack, _URL, _DownloadFile)) -->
 3466    [ 'Downloading ' ], msg_pack(Pack), [ ' ... ', flush ].
 3467message(download(end, _, _, File)) -->
 3468    { size_file(File, Bytes) },
 3469    [ at_same_line, '~D bytes'-[Bytes] ].
 3470message(no_git(URL)) -->
 3471    [ 'Cannot install from git repository ', url(URL), '.', nl,
 3472      'Cannot find git program and do not know how to download the code', nl,
 3473      'from this git service.  Please install git and retry.'
 3474    ].
 3475message(git_no_https(GitURL)) -->
 3476    [ 'Do not know how to get an HTTP(s) URL for ', url(GitURL) ].
 3477message(git_branch_not_default(Dir, Default, Current)) -->
 3478    [ 'GIT current branch on ', url(Dir), ' is not default.', nl,
 3479      '  Current branch: ', ansi(code, '~w', [Current]),
 3480      ' default: ', ansi(code, '~w', [Default])
 3481    ].
 3482message(git_not_clean(Dir)) -->
 3483    [ 'GIT working directory is dirty: ', url(Dir), nl,
 3484      'Your repository must be clean before publishing.'
 3485    ].
 3486message(git_push) -->
 3487    [ 'Push release to GIT origin?' ].
 3488message(git_tag(Tag)) -->
 3489    [ 'Tag repository with release tag ', ansi(code, '~w', [Tag]) ].
 3490message(git_release_tag_not_at_head(Tag)) -->
 3491    [ 'Release tag ', ansi(code, '~w', [Tag]), ' is not at HEAD.', nl,
 3492      'If you want to update the tag, please run ',
 3493      ansi(code, 'git tag -d ~w', [Tag])
 3494    ].
 3495message(git_tag_out_of_sync(Tag)) -->
 3496    [ 'Release tag ', ansi(code, '~w', [Tag]),
 3497      ' differs from this tag at the origin'
 3498    ].
 3500message(publish_failed(Info, Reason)) -->
 3501    [ 'Pack ' ], msg_pack(Info), [ ' at version ~w'-[Info.version] ],
 3502    msg_publish_failed(Reason).
 3505                                                pack(_),_URL),_))) -->
 3506    [ ' is already registered with a different URL'].
 3507msg_publish_failed(download) -->
 3508    [' was already published?'].
 3509msg_publish_failed(Status) -->
 3510    [ ' failed for unknown reason (~p)'-[Status] ].
 3512candidate_dirs([]) --> [].
 3513candidate_dirs([H|T]) --> [ nl, '    ~w'-[H] ], candidate_dirs(T).
 3514                                                % Questions
 3515message(resolve_remove) -->
 3516    [ nl, 'Please select an action:', nl, nl ].
 3517message(create_pack_dir) -->
 3518    [ nl, 'Create directory for packages', nl ].
 3519message(menu(item(I, Label))) -->
 3520    [ '~t(~d)~6|   '-[I] ],
 3521    label(Label).
 3522message(menu(default_item(I, Label))) -->
 3523    [ '~t(~d)~6| * '-[I] ],
 3524    label(Label).
 3525message(menu(select)) -->
 3526    [ nl, 'Your choice? ', flush ].
 3527message(confirm(Question, Default)) -->
 3528    message(Question),
 3529    confirm_default(Default),
 3530    [ flush ].
 3531message(menu(reply(Min,Max))) -->
 3532    (  { Max =:= Min+1 }
 3533    -> [ 'Please enter ~w or ~w'-[Min,Max] ]
 3534    ;  [ 'Please enter a number between ~w and ~w'-[Min,Max] ]
 3535    ).
 3537                                                % support predicates
 3538dep_issues(Issues) -->
 3539    sequence(dep_issue, [nl], Issues).
 3541dep_issue(unsatisfied(Pack, Requires)) -->
 3542    [ ' - Pack ' ], msg_pack(Pack), [' requires ~p'-[Requires]].
 3543dep_issue(conflicts(Pack, Conflict)) -->
 3544    [ ' - Pack ' ], msg_pack(Pack), [' conflicts with ~p'-[Conflict]].
 install_plan(+Plan, -Actions)// is det
 install_label(+Actions)// is det
Describe the overall installation plan before downloading.
 3551install_label([link]) -->
 3552    !,
 3553    [ ansi(bold, 'Activate pack?', []) ].
 3554install_label([unpack]) -->
 3555    !,
 3556    [ ansi(bold, 'Unpack archive?', []) ].
 3557install_label(_) -->
 3558    [ ansi(bold, 'Download packs?', []) ].
 3560install_plan([], []) -->
 3561    [].
 3562install_plan([H|T], [AH|AT]) -->
 3563    install_step(H, AH), [nl],
 3564    install_plan(T, AT).
 3566install_step(Info, keep) -->
 3567    { Info.get(keep) == true },
 3568    !,
 3569    [ '  Keep ' ], msg_pack(Info), [ ' at version ~w'-[Info.version] ],
 3570    msg_can_upgrade(Info).
 3571install_step(Info, Action) -->
 3572    { From = Info.get(upgrade),
 3573      VFrom = From.version,
 3574      VTo = Info.get(version),
 3575      (   cmp_versions(>=, VTo, VFrom)
 3576      ->  Label = ansi(bold,    '  Upgrade ',   [])
 3577      ;   Label = ansi(warning, '  Downgrade ', [])
 3578      )
 3579    },
 3580    [ Label ], msg_pack(Info),
 3581    [ ' from version ~w to ~w'- [From.version, Info.get(version)] ],
 3582    install_from(Info, Action).
 3583install_step(Info, Action) -->
 3584    { _From = Info.get(upgrade) },
 3585    [ '  Upgrade '  ], msg_pack(Info),
 3586    install_from(Info, Action).
 3587install_step(Info, Action) -->
 3588    { Dep = Info.get(dependency_for) },
 3589    [ '  Install ' ], msg_pack(Info),
 3590    [ ' at version ~w as dependency for '-[Info.version],
 3591      ansi(code, '~w', [Dep])
 3592    ],
 3593    install_from(Info, Action),
 3594    msg_downloads(Info).
 3595install_step(Info, Action) -->
 3596    { Info.get(commit) == 'HEAD' },
 3597    !,
 3598    [ '  Install ' ], msg_pack(Info), [ ' at current GIT HEAD'-[] ],
 3599    install_from(Info, Action),
 3600    msg_downloads(Info).
 3601install_step(Info, link) -->
 3602    { Info.get(link) == true,
 3603      uri_file_name(Info.get(url), Dir)
 3604    },
 3605    !,
 3606    [ '  Install ' ], msg_pack(Info), [ ' as symlink to ', url(Dir) ].
 3607install_step(Info, Action) -->
 3608    [ '  Install ' ], msg_pack(Info), [ ' at version ~w'-[Info.get(version)] ],
 3609    install_from(Info, Action),
 3610    msg_downloads(Info).
 3611install_step(Info, Action) -->
 3612    [ '  Install ' ], msg_pack(Info),
 3613    install_from(Info, Action),
 3614    msg_downloads(Info).
 3616install_from(Info, download) -->
 3617    { download_url(Info.url) },
 3618    !,
 3619    [ ' from ', url(Info.url) ].
 3620install_from(Info, unpack) -->
 3621    [ ' from ', url(Info.url) ].
 3623msg_downloads(Info) -->
 3624    { Downloads = Info.get(all_downloads),
 3625      Downloads > 0
 3626    },
 3627    [ ansi(comment, ' (downloaded ~D times)', [Downloads]) ],
 3628    !.
 3629msg_downloads(_) -->
 3630    [].
 3632msg_pack(Pack) -->
 3633    { atom(Pack) },
 3634    !,
 3635    [ ansi(code, '~w', [Pack]) ].
 3636msg_pack(Info) -->
 3637    msg_pack(Info.pack).
Describe the build plan before running the build steps.
 3643msg_build_plan(Plan) -->
 3644    sequence(build_step, [nl], Plan).
 3646build_step(Info) -->
 3647    [ '  Build ' ], msg_pack(Info), [' in directory ', url(Info.installed) ].
 3649msg_can_upgrade_target(Info) -->
 3650    [ '  Pack ' ], msg_pack(Info),
 3651    [ ' is installed at version ~w'-[Info.version] ],
 3652    msg_can_upgrade(Info).
 3654pack_list([]) --> [].
 3655pack_list([H|T]) -->
 3656    [ '    - Pack ' ],  msg_pack(H), [nl],
 3657    pack_list(T).
 3659label(remove_only(Pack)) -->
 3660    [ 'Only remove package ~w (break dependencies)'-[Pack] ].
 3661label(remove_deps(Pack, Deps)) -->
 3662    { length(Deps, Count) },
 3663    [ 'Remove package ~w and ~D dependencies'-[Pack, Count] ].
 3664label(create_dir(Dir)) -->
 3665    [ '~w'-[Dir] ].
 3666label(install_from(git(URL))) -->
 3667    !,
 3668    [ 'GIT repository at ~w'-[URL] ].
 3669label(install_from(URL)) -->
 3670    [ '~w'-[URL] ].
 3671label(cancel) -->
 3672    [ 'Cancel' ].
 3674confirm_default(yes) -->
 3675    [ ' Y/n? ' ].
 3676confirm_default(no) -->
 3677    [ ' y/N? ' ].
 3678confirm_default(none) -->
 3679    [ ' y/n? ' ].
 3681msg_version(Version) -->
 3682    [ '~w'-[Version] ].
 3684msg_can_upgrade(Info) -->
 3685    { Latest = Info.get(latest_version) },
 3686    [ ansi(warning, ' (can be upgraded to ~w)', [Latest]) ].
 3687msg_can_upgrade(_) -->
 3688    [].
 3691		 /*******************************
 3692		 *              MISC		*
 3693		 *******************************/
 3695local_uri_file_name(URL, FileName) :-
 3696    uri_file_name(URL, FileName),
 3697    !.
 3698local_uri_file_name(URL, FileName) :-
 3699    uri_components(URL, Components),
 3700    uri_data(scheme, Components, File), File == file,
 3701    uri_data(authority, Components, FileNameEnc),
 3702    uri_data(path, Components, ''),
 3703    uri_encoded(path, FileName, FileNameEnc).
 3705det_if(Cond, Goal) :-
 3706    (   Cond
 3707    ->  Goal,
 3708        !
 3709    ;   Goal
 3710    ).
 3712member_nonvar(_, Var) :-
 3713    var(Var),
 3714    !,
 3715    fail.
 3716member_nonvar(E, [E|_]).
 3717member_nonvar(E, [_|T]) :-
 3718    member_nonvar(E, T)