Package "accurator" -- Accurator annotation system.Not satisfied

author:Chris Dijkshoorn
submitted at:Sat, 23 Sep 2017 14:29:25 UTC
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Frontend of the Accurator annotation system.

Issues with this package

Recent changes

8 years agoChris DijkshoornCreated sepperate class for dropdown.HEAD -> master
8 years agoChris DijkshoornImproved listeners textfield, resolves #278
8 years agoChris DijkshoornUsing switch to differentiate between fields, ...
8 years agoChris DijkshoornCleaner context and added basic switch for fields.
8 years agoChris DijkshoornMade field context sepperate var.

Files in package

Pack contains 113 files holding a total of 8.9Mbytes. Below is the file hierarchy of the package. The tree link to pages that provide history and dependencies for each file.

Dependency graph