Package "isearch" -- Interactive searchOK

submitted at:Sat, 23 Sep 2017 14:29:41 UTC
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The isearch package provides an interactive search application, including facetted search.

Recent changes

9 years agoJan WielemakerAvoid dependency on jquery cpackHEAD -> master
10 years agoJan WielemakerCLEANUP: Removed singleton-in-branch warnings ...
12 years agoJan WielemakerUse jquery from the cpack jquery, avoiding mul ...
14 years agoMichiel Hildebrandpass query to format_result
14 years agoJan WielemakerTry to display a label for the title

Files in package

Pack contains 12 files holding a total of 55.3Kbytes. Below is the file hierarchy of the package. The tree link to pages that provide history and dependencies for each file.

Dependency graph