File "lib/cluster_search/"[download]
in pack: | cluster_search |
Prolog module: | owl_ultra_lite |
size: | 5445 |
Recent changes
11 years ago | Jacco van Ossenbruggen | more or less working version of the cluster ht ... |
This file requires
- From the Prolog library
- library(assoc) resolved by
- empty_assoc/1, get_assoc/3, put_assoc/4
- library(error) resolved by
- instantiation_error/1
- library(semweb/rdf_db) resolved by
- rdf/3, rdf_has/3, rdf_has/4, rdf_equal/2
- library(assoc) resolved by
This file is used by
- from package accurator
Exported predicates
- equivalence_set/2
- inverse_predicate/2
- owl/3
- owl/4
- owl_inv/3
- owl_inv/4
- owl_same_inv/3
- owl_same_inv/4
- owl_similar/3
- owl_similar/4
- owl_subj/4
- same/2
- similar/2
Required predicates
- empty_assoc/1 from library(assoc)
- get_assoc/3 from library(assoc)
- instantiation_error/1 from library(error)
- put_assoc/4 from library(assoc)
- rdf/3 from library(semweb/rdf_db)
- rdf_equal/2 from library(semweb/rdf_db)
- rdf_has/3 from library(semweb/rdf_db)
- rdf_has/4 from library(semweb/rdf_db)