File "lib/cluster_search_ui/"[download]
in pack: | cluster_search_ui |
Prolog module: | web_ui_dcg |
size: | 14269 |
Recent changes
10 years ago | Chris Dijkshoorn | Added missing prefixes. |
10 years ago | Chris Dijkshoorn | Made pengine.js path relative. |
10 years ago | Chris Dijkshoorn | Extended image and thumbnail code to cater for ... |
10 years ago | Chris Dijkshoorn | Now loads carrousel items specific to specifie ... |
10 years ago | Chris Dijkshoorn | Fixed problem of naming page when no title is ... |
This file requires
- From packages
- applications(annotation) resolved by
- get_metafields/3, annotation_page_body/3
- no exports
- applications(annotation) resolved by
- From ClioPatria
- library(http/url_cache) resolved by
- url_cached/2
- library(http/url_cache) resolved by
- From the Prolog library
- library(http/html_write) resolved by
- html/3
- library(http/http_dispatch) resolved by
- http_location_by_id/2
- library(http/http_open) resolved by
- http_open/3
- library(semweb/rdf_db) resolved by
- rdf/3, rdf_register_prefix/2
- library(http/http_path) resolved by
- http_absolute_location/3
- library(http/html_write) resolved by
Exported predicates
- content/4
- navigation_bar/3
- scripts/3
- title/4
Required predicates
- concat/3 autoloaded
- debug/3 autoloaded
- get_metafields/3 from applications(annotation)
- html/3 from library(http/html_write)
- http_absolute_location/3 from library(http/http_path)
- http_location_by_id/2 from library(http/http_dispatch)
- rdf/3 from library(semweb/rdf_db)
- rdf_register_prefix/2 from library(semweb/rdf_db)
- setting/2 autoloaded
- url_cached/2 from library(http/url_cache)
- http_absolute_uri/2 undefined
- annotation_page_body/3 from applications(annotation)
- http_open/3 from library(http/http_open)
- option/2 autoloaded