Package "ecdemo" -- package to style our EuropeanaConnect amalgame demo
type: | cpack:Skin |
author: | Jacco van Ossenbuggen |
submitted at: | Sat, 23 Sep 2017 14:29:40 UTC |
requires: | EDM |
CPACK mirror repository: | [<>...] |
Install URL: | |
This package combines various ClioPatria packages to establish the Europeana Semantic Layer prototype.
Recent changes
10 years ago | Jacco van Ossenbruggen | required updates after removing ecdemo specifi ...HEAD -> master |
10 years ago | Jacco van Ossenbruggen | moved demo-specific amalgame.css style to ecde ... |
12 years ago | Jacco van Ossenbruggen | update to new amalgame |
13 years ago | Jan Wielemaker | Make sure datacloud is properly prepared |
14 years ago | Jan Wielemaker | Update package description and include isearch |
Files in package
Pack contains 8 files holding a total of 104Kbytes. Below is the file hierarchy of the package. The tree link to pages that provide history and dependencies for each file.
- config-available
- rdf
- cpack
- semlayer
- web