Package "media_cache" -- Service to cache media resources and create thumbnailsOK

author:Michiel Hildebrand
submitted at:Sat, 23 Sep 2017 14:29:42 UTC
original repository:[<>...]
CPACK mirror repository:[<>...]
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Package description goes here. You can use PlDoc markup.

Recent changes

10 years agoJacco van OssenbruggenMerge branch 'master' of ...HEAD -> master
10 years agoJacco van OssenbruggenInitial commit
12 years agoChris DijkshoornCleaned code, added the option to fit images t ...
12 years agoChris DijkshoornAdded the options to 'fit' a thumbnail to an a ...
12 years agoMichiel HildebrandFIX change package type to API

Files in package

Pack contains 6 files holding a total of 36.3Kbytes. Below is the file hierarchy of the package. The tree link to pages that provide history and dependencies for each file.

Dependency graph