
More CSS and Proxy playing

authorJan Wielemaker
Thu Nov 25 14:49:12 2010 +0100
committerJan Wielemaker
Thu Nov 25 14:49:12 2010 +0100
Diff style: patch stat
diff --git a/components/edm/components.pl b/components/edm/components.pl
index 1b1f21b..f7e01cd 100644
--- a/components/edm/components.pl
+++ b/components/edm/components.pl
@@ -43,6 +43,7 @@
 :- use_module(components(label)).
 :- use_module(library(http/http_dispatch)).
 :- use_module(library(http/http_wrapper)).
+:- use_module(user(preferences)).
 /** <module> Domain-specific components for EDM models
@@ -88,10 +89,15 @@ edm_proxy_view(URI, _Options) -->
-		 [ \divs(URI, dcterms:title),
-		   \divs(URI, ore:proxyIn -> ens:hasThumbnail),
-		   \divs(URI, dcterms:creator),
-		   \divs(URI, dcterms:description),
+		 [ \values(div, URI, dcterms:title),
+		   \values(div, URI, ore:proxyIn -> ens:hasThumbnail),
+		   \values(div, URI, dcterms:creator),
+		   div(class(created), \values(span, URI, dcterms:created)),
+		   \values(div, URI, dcterms:description),
+		   div(class(owner),
+		       [ \values(span, URI, dcterms:rights),
+			 \values(span, URI, dcterms:identifier)
+		       ]),
 		   div(class(fullview), a(href(FullHREF), 'Full view'))
@@ -102,15 +108,16 @@ type_style(URI, Class) :-
 	rdf_has(URI, rdf:type, Type),
 	uri_css_class(Type, Class).
-divs(URI, Path) -->
+values(Element, URI, Path) -->
 	{ has_values(URI, Path, Pairs)
-	divs(Pairs).
+	values(Pairs, Element).
-divs([]) --> [].
-divs([V-Classes|T]) -->
-	html(div(class(Classes), \value(V))),
-	divs(T).
+values([], _) --> [].
+values([V-Classes|T], Element) -->
+	{ HTML =.. [Element, class(Classes), \value(V)] },
+	html(HTML),
+	values(T, Element).
 %%	has_values(+URI, +Path, -Pairs) is det.
@@ -118,7 +125,15 @@ divs([V-Classes|T]) -->
 %	Pairs is a list of Value-Classes pairs.
 has_values(URI, Path, Pairs) :-
-	findall(Value-Classes, has_value(Path, URI, Classes, Value), Pairs).
+	findall(Value-Classes, has_value(Path, URI, Classes, Value), Pairs0),
+	partition(pair_preferred_lang, Pairs0, Preferred, NonPreferred),
+	(   Preferred == []
+	->  Pairs = NonPreferred
+	;   Pairs = Preferred
+	).
+pair_preferred_lang(Value-_CSS) :-
+	preferred_lang(Value).
 has_value(P0->P, URI, Classes, Value) :- !,
 	has_value(P0, URI, Classes0, Value0),
@@ -156,3 +171,27 @@ value(Literal) -->
 value(R) -->
+%%	preferred_lang(+Object)
+%	True if Object is stated in the   preferred language of the user
+%	or language-neutral.
+preferred_lang(Literal) :-
+	literal_lang(Literal, Lang), !,
+	user_preference(user:lang, literal(PrefLang)),
+	lang_matches(PrefLang, Lang).
+preferred_lang(R) :-			% see bnode_label//1.
+	rdf_label(R, Value),
+	literal_lang(Value, Lang), !,
+	user_preference(user:lang, literal(PrefLang)),
+	lang_matches(PrefLang, Lang).
+preferred_lang(BNode) :-		% see bnode_label//1.
+	rdf_is_bnode(BNode),
+	rdf_has(BNode, rdf:value, Value),
+	literal_lang(Value, Lang), !,
+	user_preference(user:lang, literal(PrefLang)),
+	lang_matches(PrefLang, Lang).
+literal_lang(literal(lang(Lang, _)), Lang).
diff --git a/web/css/edm.css b/web/css/edm.css
index aa09d37..c219f79 100644
--- a/web/css/edm.css
+++ b/web/css/edm.css
@@ -1,18 +1,71 @@
-div.description a
+/* Peudo elements: http://www.w3schools.com/CSS/CSS_pseudo_elements.asp
+div.Proxy a
 { color: #000;
+{ font-size: 300%;
+  display: block;
+  float: left;
+  margin: 0.1em 0 0;
+  color: #ccc;
 div.Proxy div.title
 { font-size: 200%;
   font-weight: bold;
+div.Proxy div.creator
+{ font-size: 130%;
+  font-weight: bold;
+  font-style: italic;
+div.Proxy div.created span
+{ margin: 0 5px;
+div.Proxy div.owner span
+{ margin: 0 5px;
+div.Proxy span.alternativenumber,span.priref
+{ display: none;
 div.Proxy img.thumbnail
 { border: 0px;
   max-height: 250px;
   float: left;
+div.Proxy div.documentation:before
+{ content: "Documentation: ";
+  font-style: italic;
+  color: #888;
+div.Proxy div.technique:before
+{ content: "Technique: ";
+  font-style: italic;
+  color: #888;
+div.Proxy div.objectCategory:before
+{ content: "Category: ";
+  font-style: italic;
+  color: #888;
+div.Proxy div.productionPlace:before
+{ content: "Produced in: ";
+  font-style: italic;
+  color: #888;
 div.Proxy div.fullview
 { border-top: 1px solid;
   text-align: right;