
Define basic RDF properties

authorJan Wielemaker
Mon Dec 16 16:04:00 2013 +0100
committerJan Wielemaker
Mon Dec 16 16:04:00 2013 +0100
Diff style: patch stat
diff --git a/lib/rdf_mt/graph_properties.pl b/lib/rdf_mt/graph_properties.pl
index cfd698a..00df69b 100644
--- a/lib/rdf_mt/graph_properties.pl
+++ b/lib/rdf_mt/graph_properties.pl
@@ -29,14 +29,136 @@
 :- module(graph_properties,
-	  [ empty_graph/1
+	  [ empty_graph/1,		% +Graph
+	    ground_graph/1,		% +Graph
+	    lean_graph/1,		% +Graph
+	    isomorphic_graphs/2,	% +Graph1, +Graph2
+	    is_subgraph/2,		% +SubGraph, +Graph
+	    is_proper_subgraph/2,	% +SubGraph, +Graph
+	    is_instance_of_graph/2,	% +Instance, +Graph
+	    is_proper_instance_of_graph/2, % +Instance, +Graph
+	    simply_entails/2		% +Graph, E
+:- use_module(library(apply)).
+:- use_module(library(lists)).
+:- use_module(library(terms)).
+:- use_module(library(pairs)).
+:- use_module(library(ordsets)).
 /** <module> Predicates that prove properties about RDF graphs
+		 /*******************************
+		 *******************************/
 %%	empty_graph(?Graph)
 %	True when Graph is the empty graph
+%%	ground_graph(?Graph)
+%	True if Graph is ground (holds no blank nodes)
+ground_graph(Graph) :-
+	ground(Graph).
+%%	lean_graph(Graph) is semidet.
+lean_graph(Graph) :-
+	partition(ground, Graph, Ground, NonGround),
+	\+ (   member(Gen, NonGround),
+	       (   member(Spec, Ground)
+	       ;   member(Spec, NonGround)
+	       ),
+	       Gen \== Spec,
+	       subsumes_term(Gen, Spec)
+	   ).
+		 /*******************************
+		 *******************************/
+%%	equal_graphs(Graph1, Graph2) is semidet.
+%	True if both graphs are equal.
+equal_graphs(Graph1, Graph2) :-
+	sort(Graph1, Graph),
+	sort(Graph2, Graph).
+%%	isomorphic_graphs(+Graph1, +Graph2)
+%	Is true if there is a consistent  mapping between of blank nodes
+%	in Graph1 to blank nodes in Graph2 that makes both graphs equal.
+%	This maps to the Prolog  notion  of   _variant_  if  there was a
+%	canonical ordering of triples.
+isomorphic_graphs(Graph1, Graph2) :-
+	once(graph_permutation(Graph1, Ordered1)),
+	graph_permutation(Graph2, Ordered2),
+	variant(Ordered1, Ordered2), !.
+graph_permutation(Graph1, Graph) :-
+	partition(ground, Graph1, Ground, NonGround),
+	sort(Ground, Sorted),
+	append(Sorted, NonGroundPermutation, Graph),
+	permutation(NonGround, NonGroundPermutation).
+%%	is_subgraph(+Sub, +Super) is semidet.
+is_subgraph(Sub, Super) :-
+	sort(Sub, SubSorted),
+	sort(Super, SuperSorted),
+	ord_subset(SubSorted, SuperSorted).
+%%	subgraph(+Sub, +Super) is nondet.
+subgraph([], _).
+subgraph([H|T0], [H|T]) :-
+	subgraph(T0, T).
+%%	is_proper_subgraph(+Sub, +Super) is semidet.
+is_proper_subgraph(Sub, Super) :-
+	sort(Sub, SubSorted),
+	sort(Super, SuperSorted),
+	ord_subset(SubSorted, SuperSorted),
+	length(SubSorted, SubLen),
+	length(SuperSorted, SuperLen),
+	SubLen < SuperLen.
+%%	is_instance_of_graph(+Instance, +Graph) is semidet.
+%	Instance is an instance of Graph, which   means that there is an
+%	assignment of blank nodes in Instance   that makes it equivalent
+%	to Graph. This is cose to  subsumes_term/2 with similar ordering
+%	issues as with isomorphic_graphs/2.  First, we remove the ground
+%	part of the Graph from Instance.
+is_instance_of_graph(Instance, Graph) :-
+	partition(ground, Graph, Ground, GNonGround),
+	sort(Instance, ISorted),
+	ord_subtract(ISorted, Ground, RestInstance),
+	permutation(RestInstance, Permutation),
+	subsumes_term(GNonGround, Permutation), !.
+%%	is_proper_instance_of_graph(+Instance, +Graph) is semidet.
+is_proper_instance_of_graph(Instance, Graph) :-
+	\+ equal_graphs(Instance, Graph),
+	is_instance_of_graph(Instance, Graph).
+		 /*******************************
+		 *	    ENTAILMENT		*
+		 *******************************/
+%%	simply_entails(+Graph1, +Graph2) is semidet.
+simply_entails(G, E) :-
+	subgraph(Sub, G),
+	is_instance_of_graph(Sub, E), !.