
ADDED: Present EDM data for isearch by means of hooks

authorJan Wielemaker
Tue Mar 1 14:43:02 2011 +0100
committerJan Wielemaker
Tue Mar 1 14:43:02 2011 +0100
Diff style: patch stat
diff --git a/components/edm/components.pl b/components/edm/components.pl
index ce51b89..6ce8399 100644
--- a/components/edm/components.pl
+++ b/components/edm/components.pl
@@ -30,7 +30,8 @@
 :- module(edm_components,
 	  [ edm_display_link//2,	% +URI, +Options
-	    edm_proxy_view//2		% +URI, +Options
+	    edm_proxy_view//2,		% +URI, +Options
+	    edm_result_summary//2	% +URI, +Options
 :- use_module(cliopatria(hooks)).
 :- use_module(library(http/page_info)).
@@ -72,7 +73,8 @@ edm_display_link(R, Options) -->
 	;   { http_absolute_location(icons('external-link-ltr-icon.png'),
 				     External, [])
-	    html(span([ \rdf_link(R, [edm(false)|Options]),
+	    html(span(class(no_img),
+		      [ \rdf_link(R, [edm(false)|Options]),
 			html(a([class(img), href(R)], img(src(External))))
@@ -106,6 +108,26 @@ edm_proxy_view(URI, _Options) -->
 		   div(class(fullview), a(href(FullHREF), 'Full view'))
+%%	edm_result_summary(+URI, +Options)// is det.
+%	Format a search-result.
+edm_result_summary(URI, _Options) -->
+	{ type_styles(URI, Styles),
+	  http_link_to_id(list_resource, [r=URI], HREF)
+	},
+	html_requires(css('edm.css')),
+	html(div(class(Styles),
+		 [ a(href(HREF), \values(div, URI, dcterms:title)),
+		   \values(div, URI, ore:proxyIn -> ens:object),
+		   \values(div, URI, dcterms:creator),
+		   \values(div, URI, dcterms:description,
+			   [ resource_format(label),
+			     max_length(100),
+			     max_count(2)
+			   ])
+		 ])).
 type_styles(URI, Styles) :-
 	findall(Style, type_style(URI, Style), Styles).
@@ -114,29 +136,63 @@ type_style(URI, Class) :-
 	uri_css_class(Type, Class).
 values(Element, URI, Path) -->
-	{ has_values(URI, Path, Pairs)
+	values(Element, URI, Path, [resource_format(label)]).
+values(Element, URI, Path, Options) -->
+	{ has_values(URI, Path, Pairs, Options)
-	values(Pairs, Element).
+	html_values(Pairs, Element, Options).
-values([], _) --> [].
-values([V-Classes|T], Element) -->
-	{ HTML =.. [Element, class(Classes), \value(V)] },
+html_values([], _, _) --> [].
+html_values([V-Classes|T], Element, Options) -->
+	{ HTML =.. [Element, class(Classes), \value(V, Options)] },
-	values(T, Element).
+	html_values(T, Element, Options).
+%%	value(+Value, +Options)// is det.
+%	Show the actual value
+:- public value//2.			% Called by values//3
-%%	has_values(+URI, +Path, -Pairs) is det.
+value(Literal, Options) -->
+	{ rdf_is_literal(Literal), !,
+	  literal_text(Literal, Text0),
+	  truncate_text(Text0, Text, Options)
+	},
+	html(Text).
+value(R, Options) -->
+	rdf_link(R, Options).
+truncate_text(Text, Text, []) :- !.
+truncate_text(Text, Truncated, Options) :-
+	option(max_length(Len), Options), !,
+	truncate_atom(Text, Len, Truncated).
+truncate_text(Text, Text, _).
+%%	has_values(+URI, +Path, -Pairs, +Options) is det.
 %	Pairs is a list of Value-Classes pairs.
-has_values(URI, Path, Pairs) :-
+has_values(URI, Path, Pairs, Options) :-
 	findall(Value-Classes, has_value(Path, URI, Classes, Value), Pairs0),
 	partition(pair_preferred_lang, Pairs0, Preferred, NonPreferred),
 	(   Preferred == []
-	->  Pairs = NonPreferred
-	;   Pairs = Preferred
+	->  Pairs1 = NonPreferred
+	;   Pairs1 = Preferred
+	),
+	(   option(max_count(Max), Options)
+	->  limit(Pairs1, Max, Pairs)
+	;   Pairs = Pairs1
+limit([], _, []) :- !.
+limit(_,  0, []) :- !.
+limit([H|T0], N, [H|T]) :-
+	succ(N2, N),
+	limit(T0, N2, T).
 pair_preferred_lang(Value-_CSS) :-
@@ -165,18 +221,6 @@ uri_css_class(URI, Class) :-
 	iri_xml_namespace(URI, _, Class).
-%%	value(+Value)// is det.
-%	Show the actual value
-value(Literal) -->
-	{ rdf_is_literal(Literal), !,
-	  literal_text(Literal, Text)
-	},
-	html(Text).
-value(R) -->
-	rdf_link(R).
 %%	preferred_lang(+Object)
 %	True if Object is stated in the   preferred language of the user
diff --git a/config-available/EDM.pl b/config-available/EDM.pl
index d8594e3..af8142a 100644
--- a/config-available/EDM.pl
+++ b/config-available/EDM.pl
@@ -27,3 +27,7 @@ cliopatria:node_shape(URI, Shape, Options) :-
 cliopatria:list_resource(Proxy) -->
 	{ rdfs_individual_of(Proxy, ore:'Proxy') },
 	edm_proxy_view(Proxy, []).
+cliopatria:format_search_result(Proxy, _Graph) -->
+	{ rdfs_individual_of(Proxy, ore:'Proxy') },
+	edm_result_summary(Proxy, []).
diff --git a/web/css/edm.css b/web/css/edm.css
index df031c3..cbf9687 100644
--- a/web/css/edm.css
+++ b/web/css/edm.css
@@ -18,6 +18,24 @@ div.Proxy div.title
   font-weight: bold;
+ol.result-list div.Proxy div.title
+{ font-size: 120%;
+ol.result-list div.Proxy div.title:hover
+{ font-size: 120%;
+  color: #00f;
+  text-decoration: underline;
+ol.result-list div.Proxy div.creator
+{ font-size: 100%;
+ol.result-list span.no_img
+{ display: none;
 div.Proxy div.creator
 { font-size: 130%;
   font-weight: bold;
@@ -40,6 +58,10 @@ div.Proxy div.hasThumbnail
 { margin-right: 1em;
+ol.result-list div.Proxy img.thumbnail
+{ max-height: 64px;
 div.Proxy img.thumbnail
 { max-height: 250px;
   margin: 0px 1em;