
ADDED: Documentation infrastructure

authorJan Wielemaker
Tue Mar 29 16:02:34 2011 +0200
committerJan Wielemaker
Tue Mar 29 16:05:03 2011 +0200
Diff style: patch stat
diff --git a/doc/.gitignore b/doc/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bc43ecf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
diff --git a/doc/Makefile b/doc/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cc8daf7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+PL=	../../../run.pl \
+	../examples/AHM/run-data.pl \
+	../lib/xmlrdf/cvt_vocabulary.pl \
+	../lib/xmlrdf/rdf_schema.pl
+all:	xmlrdf.pdf
+xmlrdf.pdf: xmlrdf.tex README.tex
+	pdflatex xmlrdf.tex
+README.tex: README.txt $(PL)
+	./pltotex.pl --section --text README.txt $(PL)
+	rm -f *~
+	rm -f README.tex README.out README.log README.idx README.aux
+	rm -f xmlrdf.log xmlrdf.out xmlrdf.aux xmlrdf.idx
+	rm -rf cache RDF-store
+distclean:	clean
+	rm -f xmlrdf.pdf
diff --git a/doc/pldoc.sty b/doc/pldoc.sty
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6e295d7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/pldoc.sty
@@ -0,0 +1,497 @@
+%			SWI-Prolog document-style
+% Test for PDF generation using pdflatex
+%Old tex versions
+%   \pdffalse
+%   \pdfoutput=1
+%   \pdftrue
+% Get hyperrefs to work
+  \usepackage[pdftex,colorlinks=true,urlcolor=blue]{hyperref}
+  \pdfcompresslevel=9
+%  \pdfcatalog{
+%    /PageMode /UseOutLines
+%  }
+  \usepackage[pdftex]{graphicx}
+  \DeclareGraphicsExtensions{.pdf,.jpg,.png}
+  \usepackage[dvips]{graphicx}
+  \DeclareGraphicsExtensions{.eps,.ps}
+%	Other styles
+\catcode`\^^A=8% downarrow are for subscripts
+%	References
+\newcommand{\predref}[2]{%		% functor/arity
+	\mbox{\reffont #1/#2}}
+\newcommand{\dcgref}[2]{%		% functor//arity
+	\mbox{\reffont #1//#2}}
+\newcommand{\qpredref}[3]{%		% module:functor/arity
+	\mbox{\reffont #1:#2/#3}}
+\newcommand{\qdcgref}[3]{%		% module:functor//arity
+	\mbox{\reffont #1:#2//#3}}
+\newcommand{\nopredref}[2]{%		% functor/arity (external)
+	\mbox{\reffont #1/#2}}
+\newcommand{\functor}[2]{%		% functor/arity (no predicate)
+	\mbox{\reffont #1/#2}}
+\newcommand{\manref}[2]{%		% page(n)
+	\mbox{{\reffont #1(}{\rm #2}{\tt )}}}
+\newcommand{\funcref}[2]{%		% function(Args...)
+	\mbox{{\reffont #1(}{\it #2}{\tt )}}}
+	\mbox{\reffont #1}}
+%	Descriptions (definitions) of various things
+%	Note: I do not know where the 1ex comes from. This should fit
+%	exactly, but appearently some dimension is missing.  I suspect
+%	a space creaping in somewhere.
+	\onlinebreak%
+	\ifthenelse{\equal{\@nodescription}{true}}{%
+	    \def\@nodescription{false}%
+	    \makebox[-\leftmargin]{\mbox{}}\makebox[\linewidth+\leftmargin-1ex][l]{\bf #1}\\}{%
+	    \item[{\makebox[\linewidth+\leftmargin-1ex][l]{#1}}]}}
+\def\@cmdoptitem#1#2{\definition{#1 \var{#2}}}
+	\ifthenelse{\equal{}{#2}}{%
+	    \definition{-{}-#1}}{%
+	    \definition{-{}-#1={\it #2}}}\ignorespaces}
+	\ifthenelse{\equal{}{#2}}{%
+	    \mbox{\reffont -{}-#1}}{%
+	    \mbox{\reffont -{}-#1={\it #2}}}}
+	\definition{{\tt #1} (#2)}#3%
+	\ignorespaces}
+	\definition{#1 {\it #2} {\rm(default: \it #3)}}%
+	\ignorespaces}
+	\definition{#1 {\it (#2%
+	    \ifthenelse{\equal{rw}{#3}}{, changeable}{})}}%
+	\index{flag:#1}\ignorespaces}
+	\definition{\Sesc{\tt #1}}
+	\ignorespaces}
+	\item[\tt #1]%
+	\ignorespaces}
+%	\directive{Name}{Arity}{Args}
+%	\predicate[Attibutes]{Name}{Arity}{Args}
+%	\infixop{Name}{Left}{Right}
+%	\prefixop{Name}{Right}
+%	\dcg[Attibutes]{Name}{Arity}{Args}
+%	Predicate   descriptions.   Must   appear   in   a   description
+%	environment.
+	\defentry{#1}%
+	\index{#1}\ignorespaces}
+	\ifthenelse{\equal{#2}{0}}{%
+	    \defentry{#1}}{%
+	    \defentry{#1({\it #3})}}%
+	\index{#1/#2}\ignorespaces}
+	\ifthenelse{\equal{#3}{0}}{%
+	    \defentry{#2\predatt{#1}}}{%
+	    \defentry{#2({\it #4})\predatt{#1}}}%
+	\index{#2/#3}\ignorespaces}
+	\ifthenelse{\equal{#2}{0}}{%
+	    \defentry{:- #1}}{%
+	    \defentry{:- #1({\it #3})}}%
+	\index{#1/#2}\ignorespaces}
+	\ifthenelse{\equal{#3}{0}}{%
+	    \defentry{:- #2\predatt{#1}}}{%
+	    \defentry{:- #2({\it #4})\predatt{#1}}}%
+	\index{#2/#3}\ignorespaces}
+	\ifthenelse{\equal{#2}{0}}{%
+	    \defentry{#1}}{%
+	    \defentry{#1({\it #3}) \texttt{//}}}%
+	\index{#1/#2}\ignorespaces}
+	\ifthenelse{\equal{#3}{0}}{%
+	    \defentry{#2 \texttt{//}\predatt{#1}}}{%
+	    \defentry{#2({\it #4}) \texttt{//}\predatt{#1}}}%
+	\index{#2//#3}\ignorespaces}
+	\defentry{{\it #2} #1 {\it #3}}%
+	\index{#1/2}\ignorespaces}
+	\defentry{{\it #3} #2 {\it #4}\predatt{#1}}%
+	\index{#2/2}\ignorespaces}
+	\defentry{#1 {\it #2}}%
+	\index{#1/1}\ignorespaces}
+	\defentry{#2 {\it #3}\predatt{#1}}%
+	\index{#2/1}\ignorespaces}
+%	\termitem{functor}{Args}
+%	\infixtermitem{functor}{Left}{Right}
+%	\prefixtermitem{functor}{Right}
+%	\postfixtermitem{functor}{Left}
+%	Terms in description lists. Typically used to describe various
+%	possible values or types for a term.
+	\ifthenelse{\equal{}{#2}}{%
+	    \definition{#1}}{%
+	    \definition{#1({\it #2})}}\ignorespaces}
+	    \definition{{\it #2} #1 {\it #3}}\ignorespaces}
+	    \definition{#1 {\it #2}}\ignorespaces}
+	    \definition{{\it #2} #1}\ignorespaces}
+%	\term{functor}{Args}
+%	\infixterm{functor}{Left}{Right}
+%	\prefixterm{functor}{Right}
+%	\postfixterm{functor}{Left}
+%	Terms used in running text.
+	\ifthenelse{\equal{\protect}{\protect#2}}{%
+	    {\reffont #1}}{%
+	    {\reffont #1}({\it #2})}}
+\newcommand{\infixterm}[3]{{\it #2} #1 {\it #3}}
+\newcommand{\prefixterm}[2]{#1 {\it #2}}
+\newcommand{\postfixterm}[2]{{\it #2} #1}
+	\ifthenelse{\equal{}{#2}}{%
+	    #1}{%
+	    #1(#2)}}}
+	\defentry{{\tt #1} #2{\rm (}{\it #3}{\rm )}}%
+	\index{#2()}\ignorespaces}
+	\defentry{#1::#1{\rm (}{\it #2}{\rm )}}%
+	\index{#1::#1()}\ignorespaces}
+	\defentry{#1::\Stilde{}#1{\rm ()}}%
+	\index{#1::\Stilde{}#1()}\ignorespaces}
+	\defentry{#1::operator #2{\rm ({\it void})}}%
+	\index{#1::operator #2()}\ignorespaces}
+\newcommand{\cdecl}[2]{{\tt #1} {\em #2}}
+	\defentry{{\it #1} #2({\it #3})}%
+	\index{#2()}\ignorespaces}
+	\definition{#1}%
+	\index{#1}\ignorespaces}
+\newcommand{\cglobalvar}[1]{{\tt #1}}
+	\definition{Class #1}%
+	\index{#1 \string\idxtype{class}}\ignorespaces}
+	\ifthenelse{\equal{\protect}{\protect#2}}{%
+	    \definition{\textsf #1}}{%
+	    \definition{\textsf #1 ({\it #2})}}%
+	\index{#1 \string\idxtype{menu}}%
+	\ignorespaces}
+%	\tag{Keyword}
+%	PlDoc @keyword expansion.  \mtag{Keyword} is a multi-valued tag
+	\item[#1]}
+	\item[#1]\mbox{}\\}
+\newcommand{\bnfmeta}[1]{\ifmmode{\langle\mbox{\it #1}\rangle}\else$\langle\mbox{\it #1}\rangle$\fi}
+\newcommand{\isa}{& ::= &}
+\newcommand{\ora}{& $\mid$ &}
+\renewcommand{\arg}[1]{\ifmmode\mbox{\em #1}\else{\it #1}\fi}
+\newcommand{\class}[1]{{\em #1}\index{#1 \string\idxtype{class}}}
+\newcommand{\classs}[1]{{\em #1s}\index{#1 \string\idxtype{class}}}
+\newcommand{\demo}[1]{{\sf #1}\index{#1 \string\idxtype{demo}}}
+\newcommand{\pllib}[1]{{\texttt{#1}}\index{#1 \string\idxtype{library}}}
+\newcommand{\clib}[1]{{\tt #1}\index{#1 \string\idxtype{library}}}
+\newcommand{\tool}[1]{{\em #1}\index{#1 \string\idxtype{tool}}}
+\newcommand{\menuref}[1]{\textsf{#1}\index{#1 \string\idxtype{menu}}}
+\newcommand{\constf}[1]{{\reffont #1}}
+\newcommand{\const}[1]{{\tt #1}}
+\newcommand{\plflag}[1]{{\tt #1}}
+\newcommand{\type}[1]{{\reffont #1}}
+\newcommand{\metafile}[1]{\mbox{\tt #1}}
+\newcommand\file{\begingroup \urlstyle{tt}\Url}
+\newcommand\email{\begingroup \urlstyle{tt}\Url}
+\newcommand{\env}[1]{\mbox{\tt #1}}
+\newcommand{\except}[1]{\mbox{\tt #1}}
+\newcommand{\exam}[1]{\mbox{\tt #1}}
+\newcommand{\module}[1]{\mbox{\reffont #1}}
+\newcommand{\option}[1]{\mbox{\tt #1}}
+\newcommand{\resource}[1]{\mbox{\reffont #1}}
+\newcommand{\cmdlineoption}[1]{\mbox{\tt #1}}
+\newcommand{\argoption}[2]{\mbox{\tt #1 \em #2}}
+\newcommand{\op}[1]{{\tt #1}}
+\newcommand{\manpage}[2]{{\bf #1}(#2)}
+\newcommand{\chr}[1]{{\tt #1}}
+\newcommand{\jargon}[1]{{\em #1}}
+\newcommand{\strong}[1]{{\bf #1}}
+\newcommand{\texcmd}[1]{{\Sesc}{\tt #1}}
+\newcommand{\texenv}[1]{{\tt #1}}
+\newcommand{\texmode}[1]{{\tt #1}}
+\newcommand{\HTML}[1]{{\bf #1}}
+\newcommand{\libdoc}[2]{\section{\pllib{#1}: #2}}
+\newcommand{\key}[1]{{\sf #1}}
+	{\sf #1}%
+	\ifthenelse{\equal{#2}{}}{%
+	    }{%
+	    ~(\texttt{#2})}}
+\newcommand\satom{\begingroup \urlstyle{tt}\Url}
+\newcommand\fmtseq{\begingroup \urlstyle{tt}\Url}
+\urldef{\Sexe}\satom{#!}		% #!
+\urldef{\Scgt}\satom{#>}		% #>
+\urldef{\Scge}\satom{#>=}		% #>=
+\urldef{\Sclt}\satom{#<}		% #<
+\urldef{\Scle}\satom{#=<}		% #=<
+\urldef{\Sceq}\satom{#=}		% #=
+\urldef{\Scne}\satom{#\=}		% #\=
+\urldef{\Scnot}\satom{#\}		% #\
+\urldef{\Scor}\satom{#\/}		% #\/
+\urldef{\Scand}\satom{#/\}		% #/\
+\urldef{\Sequiv}\satom{#<=>}            % #<=>
+\urldef{\Slimpl}\satom{#<=}             % #<=
+\urldef{\Srimpl}\satom{#=>}             % #=>
+\urldef{\Slimplies}\satom{#<==}         % #<==
+\urldef{\Srimplies}\satom{#==>}         % #==>
+\urldef{\Scequal}\satom{#<==>}          % #<==>
+\urldef{\Scieq}\satom{#=:=}		% #=:=
+\urldef{\Scine}\satom{#=\=}		% #=\=
+\urldef{\Scut}\satom{!}			% !
+\urldef{\Scomma}\satom{,}		% ,
+\urldef{\Sifthen}\satom{->}		% ->
+\urldef{\Ssoftcut}\satom{*->} 		% *->
+\urldef{\Sdot}\satom{.} 		% .
+\urldef{\Ssemicolon}\satom{;} 		% ;
+\urldef{\Slt}\satom{<} 			% <
+\urldef{\Sxor}\satom{><} 		% ><
+\urldef{\Seq}\satom{=} 			% =
+\urldef{\Suniv}\satom{=..} 		% =..
+\urldef{\Saeq}\satom{=:=} 		% =:=
+\urldef{\Sle}\satom{=<} 		% =<
+\urldef{\Sel}\satom{<=} 		% <=
+\urldef{\Sequal}\satom{==} 		% ==
+\urldef{\Sstructeq}\satom{=@=} 		% =@=
+\urldef{\Sstructneq}\satom{\=@=} 	% \=@=
+\urldef{\Sane}\satom{=\=} 		% =\=
+\urldef{\Sgt}\satom{>} 			% >
+\urldef{\Sge}\satom{>=} 		% >=
+\urldef{\Stlt}\satom{@<} 		% @<
+\urldef{\Stle}\satom{@=<} 		% @=<
+\urldef{\Stgt}\satom{@>} 		% @>
+\urldef{\Stge}\satom{@>=} 		% @>=
+\urldef{\Snot}\satom{\+} 		% \+
+\urldef{\Sne}\satom{\=} 		% \=
+\urldef{\Snequal}\satom{\==} 		% \==
+\urldef{\Shat}\satom{^} 		% ^
+\urldef{\Sbar}\satom{|} 		% |
+\urldef{\Stimes}\satom{*}		% *
+\urldef{\Spow}\satom{**}		% **
+\urldef{\Splus}\satom{+}		% +
+\urldef{\Sminus}\satom{-}		% -
+\urldef{\Sdiv}\satom{/}			% /
+\urldef{\Sidiv}\satom{//}		% //
+\urldef{\Sand}\satom{/\}		% /\
+\urldef{\Slshift}\satom{<<}		% <<
+\urldef{\Srshift}\satom{>>}		% >>
+\urldef{\Sneg}\satom{\}			% \
+\urldef{\Sesc}\satom{\}			% \
+\urldef{\Sor}\satom{\/}			% \/
+\urldef{\Sdollar}\satom{$}		% $
+\urldef{\Squest}\satom{?}		% ?
+\urldef{\Smodule}\satom{:}		% :
+\urldef{\Sneck}\satom{:-}		% :-
+\urldef{\Sdirective}\satom{?-}		% ?-
+\urldef{\Sdcg}\satom{-->}		% -->
+\urldef{\Bc}\satom{\c}			% \c
+\urldef{\Bn}\satom{\n}			% \n
+\urldef{\Br}\satom{\r}			% \r
+\urldef{\Bl}\satom{\l}			% \l
+\urldef{\BB}\satom{\\}			% \\
+\urldef{\Stilde}\satom{~}		% ~
+\urldef{\Spercent}\satom{%}		% %
+\urldef{\Shash}\satom{#}		% #
+\urldef{\Scurl}\satom{{}}		% {}
+\urldef{\SxXX}\satom{xXX..\}		% xXX..\
+\newcommand{\bug}[1]{\footnote{BUG: #1}}
+\newcommand{\mod}[2]{#1 \mbox{\rm mod} #2}
+\newcommand{\rem}[2]{#1 \mbox{\rm rem} #2}
+%	Index handling
+\newcommand{\idxtype}[1]{{\small\em #1}}
+%	Prolog predicate summary
+\newcommand{\predicatesummary}[3]{#1/#2 & #3 \\}
+\newcommand{\oppredsummary}[5]{#1/#2 & #5 \\}
+\newcommand{\functionsummary}[3]{#1/#2 & #3 \\}
+\newcommand{\opfuncsummary}[5]{#1/#2 & #5 \\}
+\newcommand{\opsummary}[4]{#3 & #1 & #2 & #4 \\}
+%			CODE environment			%
+  {code}{Verbatim}
+  {frame=single,
+   framerule=0.2pt,
+   rulecolor=\color{codeboxcolor},
+  }
+%	PostScript figures
+%	\postscriptfig[width=5in]{label}{Title}
+	\begin{figure}%
+	    \centerline{\includegraphics[#1]{#2}}
+	    \caption{#3}
+	    \label{fig:#2}
+	\end{figure}}
+	\begin{figure}%
+	    \centerline{\includegraphics{#1}}
+	    \caption{#2}
+	    \label{fig:#1}
+	\end{figure}}
+%	\begin{tabularlp}{longest-text}
+	{\settowidth{\tabDleft}{#1}%
+	 \setlength{\tabDright}{\linewidth-\columnsep*3-\tabDleft}%
+	 \begin{tabular}{|p{\tabDleft}|>{\raggedrightcolumn}p{\tabDright}|}}%
+	{\end{tabular}}
+%	\begin{tags} ... \end{tags}
+	{\begin{quote}\begin{description}%
+		\setlength{\itemsep}{0pt}%
+		\footnotesize}%
+	{\end{description}\end{quote}}
+%	\begin{parameters} ... \end{parameters}
+	{\par%
+	 \makebox[\linewidth]{\hfill\footnotesize Parameters}
+	 \begin{tabular*}{\linewidth}{lp{0.7\linewidth}}
+	 \hline}%
+	{\end{tabular*}}
diff --git a/doc/pltotex.pl b/doc/pltotex.pl
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..b657c58
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/pltotex.pl
@@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
+#!/home/janw/bin/swipl -q -g pltotex,halt -t halt(1) -s
+:- module(pltotex,
+	  [ pltotex/2,
+	    pltotex/0
+	  ]).
+:- use_module(library(doc_latex)).
+:- use_module(library(main)).
+:- use_module(library(error)).
+:- use_module(library(apply)).
+:- use_module(library(lists)).
+pltotex(File, Options) :-
+	text_file(File), !,
+	tex_file(File, Out, Options),
+	merge_options(Options, [stand_alone(false)], DocOptions),
+	doc_latex(File, Out, DocOptions).
+pltotex(Lib, Options) :-
+	pl_file(Lib, File),
+	tex_file(File, Out, Options),
+	user:use_module(File),		% we want the operators in user
+	merge_options(Options, stand_alone(false), DocOptions),
+	doc_latex(File, Out, DocOptions).
+text_file(File) :-
+	file_name_extension(_, txt, File), !.
+text_file(File) :-
+	file_base_name(File, Base),
+	text_file_name(Base).
+pl_file(Text, File) :-
+	(   file_name_extension(_, pl, Text)
+	->  Spec = Text
+	;   atom_to_term(Text, Spec, _)
+	),
+	absolute_file_name(Spec, File,
+			   [ access(read),
+			     file_type(prolog)
+			   ]).
+tex_file(_, TeXFile, Options) :-
+	option(out(Base), Options), !,
+	file_name_extension(Base, tex, TeXFile).
+tex_file(File, TeXFile, _) :-
+	file_base_name(File, Local),
+	file_name_extension(Base0, _, Local),
+	strip(Base0, 0'_, Base),
+	file_name_extension(Base, tex, TeXFile).
+strip(In, Code, Out) :-
+	atom_codes(In, Codes0),
+	delete(Codes0, Code, Codes),
+	atom_codes(Out, Codes).
+%%	pltotex
+%	Usage: pl -q -s pltotex.pl -g pltotex -- [option ...] file ...
+pltotex :-
+	current_prolog_flag(argv, Argv),
+	append(_, [--|More], Argv), !,
+	pltotex(More).
+pltotex(Argv) :-
+	partition(is_option, Argv, OptArgs, Files),
+	maplist(to_option, OptArgs, Options),
+	(   option(text(true), Options)
+	->  convert_text_file(Files, Options)
+	;   maplist(process_file(Options), Files)
+	).
+usage :-
+	format(user_error,
+	       'Usage: pltotex option ,,, file ...', []),
+	halt(1).
+is_option(Arg) :-
+	sub_atom(Arg, 0, _, _, --).
+to_option('--section', section_level(section)) :- !.
+to_option('--subsection', section_level(subsection)) :- !.
+to_option('--subsubsection', section_level(subsubsection)) :- !.
+to_option(Arg, Option) :-
+	atom_concat(--, Opt, Arg),
+	sub_atom(Opt, B, _, A, =), !,
+	sub_atom(Opt, 0, B, _, Name),
+	sub_atom(Opt, _, A, 0, Value),
+	Option =.. [Name, Value].
+to_option(Arg, Option) :-
+	atom_concat(--, Opt, Arg),
+	Option =.. [Opt, true].
+process_file(Options, File) :-
+	pltotex(File, Options).
+convert_text_file(Files, Options) :-
+	partition(text_file, Files, TextFiles, PlFiles),
+	(   TextFiles = [TextFile]
+	->  true
+	;   usage
+	),
+	maplist(load_pl_file, PlFiles),
+	pltotex(TextFile, Options).
+load_pl_file(Spec) :-
+	pl_file(Spec, File),
+	load_files(user:File, []).
diff --git a/doc/xmlrdf.tex b/doc/xmlrdf.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..833ca63
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/xmlrdf.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+\title{A structured appraoch to covert XML into RDF}
+\author{Jan Wielemaker}
+This document describes a Prolog-based toolkit that supports a
+structured approach to convert vocabularies and metadata collections
+from XML into RDF.  First, the data is translated automatically from
+XML to RDF using a generic procedure.  Next, we use a graph-rewriting
+language to translate the initial RDF into its final form.  The toolkit
+provides a web-based interface to analyse the data in all its stages.