
INIT media caching and thumbnail creation. (taken from old eculture ClioPatria)

authorMichiel Hildebrand
Fri Apr 12 13:44:58 2013 +0200
committerMichiel Hildebrand
Fri Apr 12 13:44:58 2013 +0200
Diff style: patch stat
diff --git a/api/ b/api/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2e3d262
--- /dev/null
+++ b/api/
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+:- module(media_cache, []).
+:- use_module(library(http/url_cache)).
+:- use_module(library(http/http_parameters)).
+:- use_module(library(http/http_dispatch)).
+:- use_module(library(thumbnail)).
+:- http_handler(root(cache/original),
+		http_original,  [spawn(media)]).
+:- http_handler(root(cache/thumbnail),
+		http_thumbnail,  [spawn(media)]).
+:- http_handler(root(cache/medium),
+		http_mediumscale,  [spawn(media)]).
+%%      original(+Request)
+%       HTTP handler providing original content for a URI. Used together
+%       with PicturePoint to avoid  Java   security  issues. Also caches
+%       results from our upstream (image) providers such as Artchive and
+%       and the musea.
+http_original(Request) :-
+        http_parameters(Request,
+                        [ uri(URI0, [description('URI of the original image')])
+                        ]),
+        map_uri(URI0, URI),
+        url_cache(URI, File, MimeType),
+        debug(url_cache, 'Original for ~w (~w)', [URI,MimeType]),
+        throw(http_reply(file(MimeType, File))).
+http_thumbnail(R)  :- do_http_thumbnail(thumbnail_size, R).
+http_mediumscale(R):- do_http_thumbnail(medium_size, R).
+do_http_thumbnail(Size, Request) :-
+        http_parameters(Request,
+                        [ uri(URI, [])
+                        ]),
+        debug(thumbnail, 'Thumbnail for ~w', [URI]),
+        uri_thumbnail(URI, ThumbnailFile, Size),
+        http_reply_file(ThumbnailFile, [unsafe(true)], Request).
+%%	map_uri(+URIin, -URIout) is det.
+%	Hook to map media URIs to different URIs to work around known
+%	problems (e.g. images that are known to be wrong).
diff --git a/config-available/ b/config-available/
index a72496a..029c756 100644
--- a/config-available/
+++ b/config-available/
@@ -3,3 +3,4 @@
 /** <module> [Service to cache media resources. Also provides functionality to create thumbnails of images]
+:- use_module(api(media_caching)).
diff --git a/lib/ b/lib/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..180e8c8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/
@@ -0,0 +1,202 @@
+/*  This file is part of ClioPatria.
+    Author:
+    HTTP:
+    GITWEB:
+    GIT:	git://
+    GIT:
+    Copyright:  2007, E-Culture/MultimediaN
+    ClioPatria is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+    the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
+    (at your option) any later version.
+    ClioPatria is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+    GNU General Public License for more details.
+    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+    along with ClioPatria.  If not, see <>.
+:- module(thumbnail,
+	  [ uri_thumbnail/3		% +URI, -File
+	  ]).
+:- use_module(library(settings)).
+:- use_module(library(http/url_cache)).
+:- use_module(library(debug)).
+:- use_module(library(memfile)).
+:- multifile
+	local_file_for_uri/2.
+% Windows: 'cmd.exe /C convert.exe'
+:- setting(convert_program, atom, convert,
+	   'ImageMagic convert used to create thumbnails').
+:- setting(thumbnail_size, any, size(105,105),
+	   'Term size(W,H) into which thumbnails are scaled').
+:- setting(medium_size, any, size(800,800),
+	   'Term size(W,H) into which medium sizes are scaled').
+:- setting(cache_directory, atom, 'cache/thumbnails',
+	   'Directory for caching thumbnails').
+:- setting(mcache_directory, atom, 'cache/mediums',
+	   'Directory for caching medium sized images').
+%%	uri_thumbnail(+URI, -File)
+%	Return thumbnail file for image at URI.
+%	TBD: Error recovery
+uri_thumbnail(URI, File, Size) :-
+	thumbnail_dir(Dir0, Size),
+	url_cache_file(URI, Dir0, jpeg, File),
+	thread_self(Self),
+	(   exists_file(File)
+	->  debug(thumbnail, '[~w] CACHE: ~w', [Self, File])
+	;   debug(thumbnail, '[~w] Convert for ~w', [Self, File]),
+	    make_thumbnail(URI, File, Size)
+	).
+%%	thumbnail_dir(-AbsDir, Size)
+%	Directory for caching thunbnails.  Create if it doesn't exist.
+%	@AbsDir	Absolute path for location to cache thumbnails.
+thumbnail_dir(AbsDir, Size) :-
+	(   Size == thumbnail_size
+	->  setting(cache_directory, Dir)
+	;   setting(mcache_directory, Dir)
+	),
+	Dir \== '',
+	absolute_file_name(Dir, AbsDir),
+	ensure_directory(AbsDir).
+%%	make_thumbnail(+URI, +File) is det.
+%	Create a thumbnail for an image located at URI in the file
+%	File.
+make_thumbnail(URI, File, Size) :-
+	local_file_for_uri(URI, Full), !,
+	debug(thumbnail, 'Creating thumbnail from ~w', [Full]),
+	scale(Full, File, Size).
+make_thumbnail(URI, File, Size) :-
+	url_cache(URI, Full, _Mime),
+	scale(Full, File, Size).
+scale(Full, File, Size) :-
+	setting(Size, size(W, H)),
+	setting(convert_program, Prog),
+	os_relative_path(Full, OSFull),
+	os_relative_path(File, OSFile),
+	format(string(Cmd),
+	       '"~w" -size ~wx~w "~w" -resize ~wx~w "~w"',
+	       [Prog, W, H, OSFull, W, H, OSFile]),
+	debug(thumbnail, Cmd, []),
+	(   run(Cmd)
+	->  true
+	;   format(user_error, 'FAILED: ~w', [Cmd])
+	).
+%%	run(+Command) is det.
+%	Run a command. On  Windows  we  use   a  pipe  to  get the error
+%	messages in the Prolog console.  In   addition,  for  an totally
+%	unknown reason Imagemagic =|convert.exe|= only runs given a full
+%	pathname or using =|cmd.exe /C convert.exe ...|=.
+%	Note: convert normally produces no output. If it does we assume
+%	      there was an error and log to =user_error=.
+%	Note: requires SWI-Prolog 5.6.28.
+%	@tbd	Use new library(process)
+run(Cmd) :-
+	current_prolog_flag(windows, true), !,
+	win_cmd(CmdExe),
+	format(string(WinCmd), '~w /S /C "~w 2>&1"', [CmdExe, Cmd]),
+	open(pipe(WinCmd), read, In),
+	new_memory_file(H),
+	open_memory_file(H, write, Out),
+	copy_stream_data(In, Out),
+	close(In), close(Out),
+	memory_file_to_codes(H, Msg),
+	free_memory_file(H),
+	(   maplist(is_space, Msg)
+	->  true
+	;   format(user_error, 'Warning: "~s"', [Msg]),
+	    fail
+	).
+run(Cmd) :-
+	shell(Cmd).
+%%	win_cmd(-Cmd) is det.
+%	Get name of windows shell (cmd.exe)
+win_cmd(Cmd) :-
+	(   getenv(comspec, Cmd)
+	->  true
+	;   Cmd = 'cmd.exe'
+	).
+%%	os_relative_path(+Path, -RelativePath) is det.
+%	If Path is an absolute filename, translate it into a relative
+%	one to avoid too long commandlines on Windows.
+os_relative_path(Path, OsRel) :-
+	is_absolute_file_name(Path), !,
+	relative_path(Path, Rel),
+	prolog_to_os_filename(Rel, OsRel).
+os_relative_path(Path, Path).
+%%	relative_path(+Path, -Relative)
+%	Transform an absolute path  into  a   relative  one  to overcome
+%	limitations of the Windows commandline handling.
+relative_path(Path, RelPath) :-
+	working_directory(PWD, PWD),
+	relative_path(Path, PWD, RelPath), !.
+relative_path(Path, Path).
+relative_path(Path, RelTo, RelPath) :-
+	concat_atom(PL, /, Path),
+	concat_atom(RL, /, RelTo),
+	delete_common_prefix(PL, RL, PL1, PL2),
+	to_dot_dot(PL2, DotDot, PL1),
+	concat_atom(DotDot, /, RelPath).
+delete_common_prefix([H|T01], [H|T02], T1, T2) :- !,
+	delete_common_prefix(T01, T02, T1, T2).
+delete_common_prefix(T1, T2, T1, T2).
+to_dot_dot([], Tail, Tail).
+to_dot_dot([_], Tail, Tail) :- !.
+to_dot_dot([_|T0], ['..'|T], Tail) :-
+	to_dot_dot(T0, T, Tail).
+%%      ensure_directory(+Dir:atom)is det.
+%       Create directory and -if  needed-   parents.  May  generate file
+%       system errors.
+ensure_directory(Dir) :-
+        exists_directory(Dir), !.
+ensure_directory(Dir) :-
+        file_directory_name(Dir, Parent),
+        Parent \== Dir,
+        ensure_directory(Parent),
+        make_directory(Dir).