
remove now redundent token arity module

authorJacco van Ossenbruggen
Mon Sep 8 23:04:06 2014 +0200
committerJacco van Ossenbruggen
Mon Sep 8 23:04:06 2014 +0200
Diff style: patch stat
diff --git a/config-available/ b/config-available/
index 60afd17..debcd5b 100644
--- a/config-available/
+++ b/config-available/
@@ -28,7 +28,6 @@
 :- use_module(library(ag_modules/most_labels)).
 :- use_module(library(ag_modules/most_methods)).
 :- use_module(library(ag_modules/sibling_selecter)).
-:- use_module(library(ag_modules/token_arity_select)).
 % Vocabulary partitioners:
 :- use_module(library(ag_modules/voc_exclude)).
diff --git a/lib/ag_modules/ b/lib/ag_modules/
deleted file mode 100644
index 6fffa87..0000000
--- a/lib/ag_modules/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,80 +0,0 @@
-:- module(token_arity_select,[]).
-:- use_module(library(amalgame/map)).
-:- public amalgame_module/1.
-:- public selecter/5.
-:- public parameter/4.
-parameter(type, oneof(['11','1N','N1']), '11',
-	  'Type of arity to select:
-	  1-1 = unique source and target,
-	  1-N = unique source for a target').
-%%	selecter(+Mapping, -Selected, -Discarded, -Undecided, +Options)
-%	Selected contains only the unique correspondences between
-%	a source and target concept.
-selecter(Mapping, Sel, Dis, [], Options) :-
-	(   option(type('11'), Options)
-	->  select_1_1(Mapping, Sel, Dis)
-	;   option(type('N1'), Options)
-	->  select_n_1(Mapping, Sel, Dis)
-	;   option(type('1N'), Options)
-	->  select_1_n(Mapping, Sel, Dis)
-	).
-%%	select_1_1(+Mapping, -Mapping_1_1, -Rest)
-%	Mapping_1_1 contains all unique correspondences.
-select_1_1([Head|Tail], Sel, Dis) :-
-        select_1_1(Tail, SelT, DisT),
-        Head = align(_,_,Prov),
-        member(token_ambiguity(N), Prov),
-        (   N > 1
-        ->  Sel = SelT, Dis = [Head|DisT]
-        ;   Dis = DisT, Sel = [Head|SelT]
-        ).
-%%	selecter(+Mapping, -Mapping_n_1, -Rest)
-%	Selected contains all correspondance where a source is mapped to
-%	only one target.
-select_n_1([], [], []).
-select_n_1([align(S,T,P)|As], A1, A2) :-
-	same_source(As, S, Same, Rest),
-	(   Same = []
-	->  A1 = [align(S,T,P)|A1Rest],
-	    A2 = A2Rest
-	;   append([align(S,T,P)|Same], A2Rest, A2),
-	    A1 = A1Rest
-	),
-	select_n_1(Rest, A1Rest, A2Rest).
-%%	select_1_n(+Mapping, -Mapping_1_n, -Rest)
-%	Mapping_1_n contains all correspondences where a target is
-%	mapped to only one source.
-select_1_n(Mapping, Sel, Dis) :-
-	predsort(ag_map:compare_align(target), Mapping, TargetSorted),
-	select_1_n_(TargetSorted, Sel0, Dis0),
-	sort(Sel0, Sel),
-	sort(Dis0, Dis).
-select_1_n_([], [], []).
-select_1_n_([align(S,T,P)|As], A1, A2) :-
-	same_target(As, T, Same, Rest),
-	(   Same = []
-	->  A1 = [align(S,T,P)|A1Rest],
-	    A2 = A2Rest
-	;   append([align(S,T,P)|Same], A2Rest, A2),
-	    A1 = A1Rest
-	),
-	select_1_n_(Rest, A1Rest, A2Rest).
diff --git a/rdf/tool/ag_modules.ttl b/rdf/tool/ag_modules.ttl
index 0a5cac0..06b38ab 100644
--- a/rdf/tool/ag_modules.ttl
+++ b/rdf/tool/ag_modules.ttl
@@ -132,11 +132,6 @@ amalgame:SiblingSelecter
     skos:definition "Select the siblings (if any) among alternatives for the same source/target. This is used, for example, when a single source with two labels matches on two distinct but very similar targets and both mappings need to be preserved. "@en ;
     rdfs:subClassOf amalgame:MappingPartitioner .
-    rdfs:label "ambiguity/remove (token) "@en ;
-    skos:definition "Similar to ambiguity/remove but now on the level of splitted compound labels"@en ;
-    rdfs:subClassOf amalgame:MappingPartitioner .
 ######## Vocabulary partitioner classes: