
more or less working version of the cluster http api

authorJacco van Ossenbruggen
Sat Apr 27 15:53:53 2013 +0200
committerJacco van Ossenbruggen
Sat Apr 27 15:53:53 2013 +0200
Diff style: patch stat
diff --git a/api/ b/api/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8b7553d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/api/
@@ -0,0 +1,776 @@
+/*  This file is part of ClioPatria.
+    Author: Michiel Hildebrand
+    HTTP:
+    GITWEB:
+    GIT:	git://
+    GIT:
+    Copyright:  2007, E-Culture/MultimediaN
+    ClioPatria is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+    the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
+    (at your option) any later version.
+    ClioPatria is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+    GNU General Public License for more details.
+    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+    along with ClioPatria.  If not, see <>.
+:- module(search_api, []).
+* load modules
+% http library modules
+:- use_module(library('http/http_dispatch')).
+:- use_module(library('http/http_parameters')).
+:- use_module(library('http/http_path')).
+:- use_module(library('http/json')).
+:- use_module(library('http/json_convert')).
+:- use_module(library('http/http_json')).
+:- use_module(library(settings)).
+:- use_module(library(lists)).
+:- use_module(library(count)).
+% semweb libraries
+:- use_module(library(semweb/rdf_db)).
+:- use_module(library(semweb/rdfs)).
+:- use_module(library(semweb/rdf_label)).
+% util modules
+:- use_module(library(cluster_search/rdf_cluster)).
+:- use_module(library(cluster_search/rdf_search)).
+:- use_module(library(cluster_search/rdf_graph)).
+:- use_module(library(cluster_search/filter)).
+:- use_module(library(cluster_search/rdfs_plus_skos)).
+:- use_module(library(cluster_search/iface_util)).
+:- use_module(library(cluster_search/graph_util)).
+:- use_module(library(cluster_search/tree)).
+:- use_module(library(cluster_search/tree_abstract)).
+:- use_module(library(cluster_search/json_graph)).
+:- use_module(library(cluster_search/parameters)).
+% search modules
+:- use_module(library(cluster_search/graph_search)).
+* http handlers
+:- http_handler(api(search),
+		search_api,
+		[ spawn(search), content_type(application/json) ]).
+* Settings
+:- setting(search:basic_search_target, uri, rdfs:'Resource',
+	   'Default Target for search').
+:- setting(search:threshold, between(0.0,1.0), 0.05,
+           'Graph-search threshold').
+:- setting(search:literal_threshold, between(0.0,1.0), 0.05,
+	   'Literal-search threshold').
+:- setting(search:literal_score, boolean, true,
+	   'Use score of string match in threshold of graph search').
+:- setting(search:steps, nonneg, 1000,
+           'Maximum number of steps in the graph search (0 is unbound)').
+:- setting(search:edge_limit, nonneg, 0,
+	   'Limit extension of Node with a maximum number of edges \c
+	   (0 is unbound)').
+:- setting(search:max,   nonneg, 100,
+           'Maximum number of results shown in the output').
+:- setting(search:cluster, oneof([concept, path, spath, role]), spath,
+           'Create clusters by graph path or schema path').
+:- setting(search:search_path, oneof([best, breadth]), best,
+           'Create clusters on best or shortest path').
+:- setting(search:sort, oneof([score, path_length, false]), score,
+           'Sort the results by').
+:- setting(search:prune, boolean, true,
+	   'Prune the search Graph').
+:- setting(search:search_type, oneof([literal,concept,backward]), backward,
+	   'Method to traverse the graph').
+* api parameters
+%%	search_option(?Name, ?Type, ?Default, ?Description) is nondet.
+%	Parameters to control the graph exploration
+search_option(steps, nonneg, Steps,
+	      'The number of steps the graph is expanded (0 is unbound)') :-
+        setting(search:steps, Steps).
+search_option(threshold, between(0.0,1.0), Threshold,
+	      'Minimum resource weight at which the \c
+	      graph expansion is cut of') :-
+        setting(search:threshold, Threshold).
+search_option(literal_threshold, between(0.0,1.0), Threshold,
+	      'Miminum distance between a keyword and the RDF literals') :-
+        setting(search:literal_threshold, Threshold).
+search_option(literal_score, boolean, Boolean,
+	      'Use weight of string match in graph search') :-
+        setting(search:literal_score, Boolean).
+search_option(edge_limit, nonneg, Limit,
+	      'Maximum number of edges expand per node in the \c
+	      graph expansion (0 is unbound)') :-
+	setting(search:edge_limit, Limit).
+	      list(oneof([ owl_sameas, owl_inverse, owl_transitive,
+			   skos_exact, skos_broader, rdf_value
+			 ])),
+	      [],
+	      'Reasoning used when evaluating the filter and \c
+	      when adding display information').
+search_option(uri, list(uri), [],
+	      '').
+search_option(remove, list(uri), [],
+	      '').
+search_option(search_type, oneof([literal,concept,backward]), Default,
+	      '') :-
+	setting(search:search_type, Default).
+search_option(expand, zero_or_more, [],
+	     'When search_type=concept, this determines graph traversal. available values are description, equivalent, narrower, related, rdf_value').
+search_option(prune, boolean, Default,
+	      'Remove dead-ends from the search-tree') :-
+	setting(search:prune, Default).
+search_option(merge_sameas, boolean, false,
+	      'Squash networks of equivalent resources').
+search_option(bagify, boolean, false,
+	      'Combine nodes with the same place in the graph in an RDF bag').
+search_option(abstract, boolean, false,
+	      'Abstract properties and classes').
+%%	organize_option(?Name, ?Type, ?Default, ?Description)
+%	Parameters that organize the results
+organize_option(start, nonneg, 0,
+		'First item that is returned').
+organize_option(end, nonneg, Max,
+		'Last item that is returned. When the results \c
+		are clustered this is per cluster') :-
+        setting(search:max, Max).
+organize_option(sort, atom, Method,
+		'Sort the results according to some property Sort \c
+		is defined as an array with one or more of the \c
+		used labels or RDF properties') :-
+	setting(search:sort, Method).
+organize_option(groupBy, atom, false,
+		'Cluster results by some RDF property').
+organize_option(graph, atom, false,
+		'Organize the results in a graph by adding all \c
+		triples in which the results occurs as a subject, \c
+		predicate or object').
+organize_option(tree, atom, false,
+		'').
+organize_option(predicate, atom, _,
+		'').
+organize_option(lens, atom, false,
+		'').
+organize_option(src, atom, false,
+		'').
+%%	display_option(?Name, ?Type, ?Default, ?Description)
+%	Parameters that control the presentation
+display_option(searchPath, atom, Method,
+	       '') :-
+        setting(search:search_path, Method).
+display_option(indent, atom, false,
+	       '').
+display_option(displayLang, atom, en,
+	       '').  % Work in progress towards REST
+display_option(display, zero_or_more, [label],
+	       '').
+display_option(subjectDisplay, zero_or_more, [label],
+	       '').
+display_option(predicateDisplay, zero_or_more, [label],
+	       '').
+display_option(objectDisplay, zero_or_more, [label],
+	       '').
+display_option(rdfs_plus_skos, zero_or_more, [],
+	       '').
+display_option(graphOutput, oneof([spo, sop, pso, pos, osp, ops]), pos,
+	       '').
+* handle reply
+%%	search_api(+Request)
+%	The search API allows you to request a set of resources based on
+%	keywords, a structured filter or a   set  of URIs. The resources
+%	can optionally be organized in clusters  or a graph and enriched
+%	with extra display information. The output   format  is based on
+%	the organization:
+%	  * no organization: SPARQL JSON serialization
+%	  * groupBy(): similar as the SPARQL JSON serialization, but the
+%	    results are nested in clusters
+search_api(Request) :-
+	(   debugging(profile(search))
+	->  profile(do_search_api(Request))
+	;   do_search_api(Request)
+	).
+do_search_api(Request) :-
+	search_api_parameters(Request, Filter, SearchOpt, OrganizeOpt, DisplayOpt),
+	find_resources(Filter, Targets, State, SearchOpt),
+	length(Targets, Count),
+	organize_resources(Targets, State, Results, OrganizeOpt),
+	result_display_data(Results, State, ResultData, DisplayOpt),
+        write_data(ResultData, Count, DisplayOpt).
+%%	search_api_parameters(+Request, -Filter,
+%%			      -SearchOpt, -OrganizeOpt, -DisplayOpt) is det.
+%	Extract parameters from HTTP request.
+search_api_parameters(Request, Filter,
+		      SearchOpt, OrganizeOpt, DisplayOpt) :-
+	http_options(search_option, SearchOpt, SParam),
+	http_options(organize_option, OrganizeOpt, OParam),
+	http_options(display_option, DisplayOpt, DParam),
+	append([SParam, OParam, DParam], Parameters),
+	http_parameters(Request, Parameters, [form_data(Params)]),
+	filter_from_parameters(Params, Filter).
+* find resources
+%%	find_resources(+Filter, -Results:[score-resource], -Graph, +Options)
+%	Results is a list of tuples score-resource.
+%       There are two types of algorithms to collect the results if there
+%       is a keyword present in the filter the RDF search graph is traversed,
+%       otherwise we do a structured query.
+find_resources(Filter, Results, State, Options) :-
+	(   select(keyword(Query), Filter, Filter1)
+	->  search_graph(Query, Filter1, Results, State, Options)
+	;   structured_query(Filter, Results, Options),
+	    State = []
+	).
+%%	search_graph(+Query, +Filter, -Results, -SearchState, -Options)
+%	Results is a list of score-resource pairs acquired by
+%	searching the RDF Graph. SearchState contains the search history
+%       including the search graph.
+search_graph(Query, Filter, Results, State, Options) :-
+	basic_filter(Filter, Filter1), % make sure the filter is not empty
+	graph_search(Query, State, [filter(Filter1)|Options]),
+	rdf_search_property(State, targets(Results)).
+%%	structured_query(+Filter, -Results, +Options)
+%	Results is a list of score-resource pairs that match Filter.
+%	Options are:
+%	* uris(URIs)   URIs are added to the set
+%	* remove(URIs) URIs are subtracted
+structured_query(Filter, Set, Options) :-
+	option(max(Max), Options, 100),
+	option(rdfs_plus_skos(Reasoning), Options, []),
+	(   Filter \== [],
+	    filter_to_goal(Filter, R, Goal0, Reasoning)
+	->  % rdf_optimise(Goal0, Goal),
+	    answer_count(R, Goal0, Max, Set0)
+	;   Set0 = []
+	),
+	(   option(uri(Add0), Options)
+	->  sort(Add0, Add),
+	    ord_union(Add, Set0, Set1)
+	;   Set1 = Set0
+	),
+	(   option(remove(Remove0), Options)
+	->  sort(Remove0, Remove),
+	    ord_subtract(Set1, Remove, Set)
+	;   Set = Set1
+	).
+%update_query((A,B), (B,A)).
+%%	basic_filter(+FilterIn, -FilterOut)
+%	Use constraint on basic search target in case filter is empty.
+basic_filter([], [type(Class)]) :- !,
+	setting(search:basic_search_target, Class).
+basic_filter(Filter, Filter).
+* result organization
+%%	organize_resources(+Targets, +Graph, -Data, +Options)
+%	Data is a structure containing Targets.
+%	* groupBy(Grouping)
+%	*
+organize_resources(_Targets, State, triples(Triples), Options) :-
+	option(graph(graph), Options), !,
+	search_graph(State, Graph),
+	search_graph_rdf_graph(Graph, Triples).
+organize_resources(Targets, _State, graph(DataGraph), Options) :-
+	option(graph(Type), Options),
+	memberchk(Type, [subject,predicate,object]), !,
+	option(start(Start), Options, 0),
+	option(end(End), Options, 100),
+	elem_select(Targets, Start, End, Selected),
+	targets_to_graph(Selected, Type, DataGraph, Options).
+organize_resources(Targets, _State, tree(Tree), Options) :-
+	option(tree(true), Options), !,
+	create_tree(Targets, root, Tree, [add_to_root(true),targets(true)]).
+/*	option(tree(true), Options), !,
+	search_graph(State, SearchGraph),
+	option(end(End), Options, 10),
+	%rdf_equal(flor:isWNSubClass, Rel),
+	rdf_equal(skos:broader, Rel),
+	target_to_nodes(Targets, Rel, SearchGraph, Nodes0),
+	tree_abstract(Nodes0, End, Nodes),
+	nodes_to_tree(Nodes, Tree).
+	*/
+organize_resources(Targets, State, clusters(Clusters), Options) :-
+	option(groupBy(concept), Options),
+	State \== [], !,
+	option(start(Start), Options, 0),
+	option(end(End), Options, 100),
+	search_graph(State, SearchGraph),
+	concepts_in_search_state(State, Concepts),
+	tree_abstract(Concepts, 10, Nodes0),
+	key_rank(Nodes0, reverse, Nodes),
+	group_items_by_nodes(Nodes, Targets, SearchGraph, Clusters0),
+	cluster_select(Clusters0, Start, End, Clusters).
+organize_resources(Targets, State, clusters(Clusters), Options) :-
+	option(groupBy(GroupBy), Options),
+	GroupBy \== false,
+	State \== [], !,
+	option(start(Start), Options, 0),
+	option(end(End), Options, 100),
+	option(sort(SortMethod), Options, false),
+	search_graph(State, SearchGraph),
+	group_targets_by_value(GroupBy, Targets, SearchGraph, Clusters0, Options),
+	sort_cluster_pairs(Clusters0, SortMethod, SearchGraph, Clusters1),
+	cluster_select(Clusters1, Start, End, Clusters).
+organize_resources(Targets, _State, Data, Options) :-
+	option(start(Start), Options, 0),
+	option(end(End), Options, 100),
+	elem_select(Targets, Start, End, Data).
+search_graph(State, Graph) :-
+	rdf_search_property(State, graph(Graph)), !.
+search_graph(_, []).
+%%   group_items_by_value(+GroupBy, +Targets, +SearchGraph, -Clusters, +Options)
+%    Clusters is a list of pairs with key is a value of GroupBy
+%    and the value a list of corresponding elements from Items.
+group_targets_by_value(role, Targets, Graph, Clusters, _Options) :- !,
+	result_roles(Targets, Graph, Pairs0),
+	keysort(Pairs0, Pairs),
+	group_pairs_by_key(Pairs, Clusters).
+group_targets_by_value(GroupBy, Targets, Graph, Clusters, Options) :-
+	(   memberchk(GroupBy, [path,spath])
+	->  setting(search:search_path, Default),
+	    option(searchPath(Method), Options, Default),
+	    result_paths(Targets, Method, GroupBy, Graph, Pairs0)
+	;   property_value(Targets, GroupBy, Pairs0)
+	),
+	keysort(Pairs0, Pairs),
+	group_pairs_by_key(Pairs, Clusters).
+%%	result_paths(+Targets:score-resource, +Method, +Abstract, +Graph,
+%%		     -Items:item(Resource,Score,Path)) is det.
+%       Add path between resource and query.
+result_paths(Targets, Method, Abstract, Graph, Items) :-
+	empty_path_cache(Cache),
+	cached_result_paths(Targets, Method, Abstract, Graph, Cache, _, Items).
+cached_result_paths([], _, _, _, Cache, Cache, []).
+cached_result_paths([Target|T], Method, Abstract, Graph, CacheIn, CacheOut, [Pair|Pairs]) :-
+	target(Target, URI, _Score),
+	(   cached_search_path(Method, URI, Graph, CacheIn, CacheTmp, Path0),
+	    abstract_path(Abstract, Path0, Path)
+	->  Pair = Path-(Target-Path0)
+	;   Pair = other-Target
+	),
+	cached_result_paths(T, Method, Abstract, Graph, CacheTmp, CacheOut, Pairs).
+%%	abstract_path(+Type, +Path, -Abstract) is det.
+%       * Type = path
+%       only abstract target
+%       * Type = spath
+%       abstract full path to schema level
+abstract_path(path, [R|Rest0], Path) :-
+	iface_abstract_class(R, Class), !,
+	strip_rdf_value([Class|Rest0], Path0),
+	partial_schema_path(Path0, Path).
+abstract_path(spath, Path, SPath) :- !,
+	(   Path = [R]
+	->  iface_abstract_class(R, Class),
+	    SPath = [Class]
+	;   strip_alignment(Path, Path1),
+	    schema_path(Path1, SPath0),
+	    canonical_path(SPath0, SPath)
+	).
+%%	result_roles(+Targets, +Graph, -Pairs)
+%	Key is the highest ranked predicate attached to target.
+result_roles([], _, []).
+result_roles([Target|T], Graph, [Key-R|Ps]) :-
+	target(Target, R, _),
+	findall(Weight-P,
+		( search_graph_rdf(Graph, R, P, V),
+		  rdf_cluster:step_weight(P, V, Graph, Weight)
+		),
+		Ps0
+	),
+	keysort(Ps0, Ps1),
+	reverse(Ps1, [_Score-P0|_]),
+	iface_abstract_predicate(P0, Key),
+	result_roles(T, Graph, Ps).
+%%  property_value(+Targets, +P, -Pairs) is det.
+%   Pairs is a pair with the groupBy value and the result target.
+property_value([], _, []).
+property_value([Target|T], P, [Value-Target|Rest]) :-
+	target(Target, URI, _),
+	(   atom(P),
+	    rdf_has(URI, P, Value)
+	->  true
+	;   Value = other
+	),
+	property_value(T, P, Rest).
+%%	sort_clusters(+Clusters, +Method, +Graph, -Sorted)
+%	Sorted contains the clusters sorted by Method.
+sort_cluster_pairs(Pairs, false, _Graph, Pairs) :- !.
+sort_cluster_pairs(Pairs, Method, Graph, Sorted) :-
+	clusters_add_sort_key(Pairs, Method, Graph, Keyed),
+	key_rank(Keyed, reverse, Sorted).
+clusters_add_sort_key([], _, _, []).
+clusters_add_sort_key([C-Rs|T], Method, Graph, [Key-(C-Rs)|Rest]) :-
+	(   cluster_sort_key(C, Method, Graph, Key)
+	->  true
+	;   Key = 0
+	),
+	clusters_add_sort_key(T, Method, Graph, Rest).
+cluster_sort_key(R, _, Graph, Score) :-
+	atom(R),
+	search_graph_node_score(Graph, R, Score),
+	!.
+cluster_sort_key(P, score, _, Score) :-
+	atom(P),!,
+	(  graph_search:predicate_weight(P, Score)
+        -> true
+        ;  Score = 0.2
+        ).
+cluster_sort_key([_|Path], score, _, Score) :-  !,
+	path_list_score(Path, Score).
+cluster_sort_key(Path, _, _, Score) :-
+	is_list(Path), !,
+	length(Path, Score).
+cluster_sort_key(_, _, _, 0).
+path_list_score([], 1).
+path_list_score([P,_|T], Score) :-
+        (  graph_search:predicate_weight(P, Weight)
+        -> true
+        ;  Weight = 0.2
+        ),
+        path_list_score(T, Score0),
+        Score is Weight*Score0.
+%%	targets_to_graph(+Targets, +GraphType, -Graph, +Options)
+%	Graph contains all triples were resources occur as
+%	subject;predicate;object
+targets_to_graph(Targets, Type, Triples, Options) :-
+	maplist(target, Targets, URIs, _),
+	(   Type == subject
+	->  iface_subject_graph(URIs, Triples, Options)
+	;   Type == object
+	->  iface_object_graph(URIs, Triples, Options)
+	;   Type == predicate
+	->  iface_predicate_graph(URIs, Triples, Options)
+	).
+%%	cluster_select(+Clusters, +Start, +End, -ReducedClusters)
+%	Reduced Clusers only contains the items in Cluster starting at Start
+%	and ending at End.
+cluster_select([], _, _, []).
+cluster_select([C-Elems|T], Start, End, [C-Reduced|Rest]) :-
+	elem_select(Elems, Start, End, Reduced),
+	cluster_select(T, Start, End, Rest).
+%%	target(+Target, -URI, -Score, -Path).
+%%	target(+Target, -URI, -Score).
+%	Split up target.
+target(Score-URI-Path, URI, Score, Path) :- !.
+target(Score-URI, URI, Score, _) :- !.
+target(URI, URI, 1, _).
+target(Score-URI, URI, Score) :- !.
+target(URI, URI, 1).
+* display data
+%%	result_display_data(+Results, -Data, +Options)
+%	Data is Results enriched with display information.
+%	Options are:
+%	*
+result_display_data(graph(Graph), _, graph(Graph, Display), Options) :- !,
+	graph_display_data(Graph, Display, Options).
+result_display_data(tree(Tree), _, tree(Tree), _) :- !.
+result_display_data(Results, State, Data, Options) :- !,
+	option(display(Ps), Options, []),
+	option(searchPath(Path), Options, false),
+	search_graph(State, Graph),
+	empty_path_cache(Cache),
+	(   Results = clusters(Clusters0)
+	->  Data = clusters(Clusters),
+	    cluster_data(Clusters0, Ps, Path, Graph, Cache, _, Clusters)
+	;   result_data(Results, Ps, Path, Graph, Cache, _, Data)
+	).
+%%  result_data(+Results, +Ps, +SearchPath, +Graph,
+%%          +CacheIn, -CacheOut, -Items)
+%   Items contains the Results enriched with the
+%   property-value pairs as defined in Ps and a search path description.
+result_data([], _, _, _, Cache, Cache, []) :- !.
+result_data([Target|Rs], Ps, Path, Graph, CacheIn, CacheOut,
+	   [item(R,S,P,Data)|Items]) :-
+	target(Target, R, S, P0),
+	result_path(Path, R, P0, Graph, CacheIn, CacheTmp, P),
+	iface_resource_properties(R, Ps, Data),
+	result_data(Rs, Ps, Path, Graph, CacheTmp, CacheOut, Items).
+result_path(false, _, _, _, Cache, Cache, []) :- !.
+result_path(_, _, P, _, Cache, Cache, P) :-
+	nonvar(P), !.
+result_path(_, _, _, [], Cache, Cache, []) :- !.
+result_path(Method, R, _, Graph, CacheIn, CacheOut, Path) :-
+	(   Method == abstract
+	->  cached_search_path(best, R, Graph, CacheIn, CacheOut, P0),
+	    abstract_path(spath, P0, Path)
+	;   cached_search_path(Method, R, Graph, CacheIn, CacheOut, Path)
+	).
+%%  cluster_data(+ClustersIn, +Ps, +SearchPath, +Graph,
+%%        +CacheIn, -CacheOut, -ClustersOut)
+%   ItemsOut contains the items from ItemsIn enriched with the
+%   property-value pairs as defined in Ps.
+cluster_data(Clusters0, Ps, Path, Graph, Cache, CacheTmp, Clusters) :-
+	cluster_data(Clusters0, Ps, Path, Graph, Cache, CacheTmp, Clusters1, Other),
+	(   Other = []
+	->  Clusters = Clusters1
+	;   flatten(Other, Items),
+	    rdf_display_label(other, Label),
+	    result_data(Items, Ps, Path, Graph, CacheTmp, _, ItemData),
+	    append(Clusters1, [cluster(Label,other,ItemData)], Clusters)
+	).
+cluster_data([], _, _, _, Cache, Cache, [], []) :- !.
+cluster_data([other-Targets|Pairs], Ps, Path, Graph, CacheIn, CacheOut, Cs, [Targets|Other]) :- !,
+	cluster_data(Pairs, Ps, Path, Graph, CacheIn, CacheOut, Cs, Other).
+cluster_data([Group-Targets|Pairs], Ps, Path, Graph, CacheIn, CacheOut, [Cluster|Cs], Other) :-
+	cluster_label(Group, Label), !,
+	Cluster = cluster(Label, Group, Items),
+	result_data(Targets, Ps, Path, Graph, CacheIn, CacheTmp, Items),
+	cluster_data(Pairs, Ps, Path, Graph, CacheTmp, CacheOut, Cs, Other).
+cluster_data([_-Targets|Pairs], Ps, Path, Graph, CacheIn, CacheOut, Cs, [Targets|Other]) :-
+	cluster_data(Pairs, Ps, Path, Graph, CacheIn, CacheOut, Cs, Other).
+%%	cluster_label(+ClusterType, +Cluster, -Label)
+%	Label is a textual description for Cluster.
+cluster_label(more(R), Label) :- !,
+	iface_label(R, L),
+	atom_concat('other ', L, Label).
+cluster_label(R, Label) :-
+	atom(R), !,
+	iface_label(R, Label).
+%cluster_label(Path, PathTxt) :-
+%	path_txt_description(Path, PathTxt), !.
+* json output
+output_warning(json, Message) :-
+	Results = json([bindings=[]]),
+	reply_json(json([results=Results, data=[], warning=Message])).
+%%	write_data(+Data, +Options)
+%       Write data in JSON format to output stream.
+write_data(clusters(Clusters), _, Options) :- !,
+	Head    = json([vars=[uri,score,path|Ps]]),
+	Results = json([clusters=Bindings]),
+	JSON    = json([head=Head, results=Results]),
+	option(display(Ps), Options, []),
+	clusters_to_json(Clusters, Bindings),
+	reply_indent_json(JSON, Options).
+write_data(graph(Graph, Display), _, Options) :- !,
+	JSON = json([graph=JSONGraph, display=JSONDisplay]),
+	option(graphOutput(Type), Options, pos),
+	graph_to_json(Type, Graph, JSONGraph, []),
+	graph_to_json(spo, Display, JSONDisplay, []),
+	reply_indent_json(JSON, Options).
+write_data(tree(Tree), _, Options) :-
+	option(display(Ps), Options, []),
+	tree_to_json(Tree, Ps, JSONTree),
+	JSON = json([result=JSONTree
+		    ]),
+	reply_indent_json(JSON, Options).
+write_data(Items, Total, Options) :-
+	Head    = json([totalResultsAvailable=Total,
+			vars=[uri,score,path|Ps]
+		       ]),
+	Results = json([bindings=Bindings]),
+	JSON    = json([head=Head, results=Results]),
+	option(display(Ps), Options, []),
+	items_to_json(Items, Bindings),
+	reply_indent_json(JSON, Options).
+reply_indent_json(JSON, Options) :-
+	option(indent(true), Options), !,
+	reply_json(JSON).
+reply_indent_json(JSON, _) :-
+	reply_json(JSON, [width(0)]).
+%%  items_to_json(+Items, -JSON)
+%   JSON contain a prolog json term for each elemeent from Items.
+items_to_json([], []) :- !.
+items_to_json([item(URI,Score,Path,Info)|Items], [Row|Rows]) :-
+	path_label(Path, PathLabel),
+	Row = json([uri=URI,score=Score,path=PathLabel|Info]),
+	items_to_json(Items, Rows).
+%%  items_to_json(+Items, -JSON)
+%   JSON contain a prolog json term for each elemeent from Items.
+clusters_to_json([], []).
+clusters_to_json([cluster(Label, Group, Items)|T], [JSON|Rest]) :-
+	cluster_to_json(Group, GroupJSON),
+	JSON = json([label=Label, path=GroupJSON, items=ItemsJSON]),
+	items_to_json(Items, ItemsJSON),
+	clusters_to_json(T, Rest).
+cluster_to_json(more(R), [more,R]) :- !.
+cluster_to_json(R, R).
+%%	path_label(+ResourceList, -LabelList)
+%	LabelList contains all labels of ResourceList.
+path_label(Ps, Ls) :-
+	is_list(Ps), !,
+	path_label_list(Ps, Ls).
+path_label(R, L) :-
+	atom(R), !,
+	iface_label(R,L).
+path_label_list([], []).
+path_label_list([R|Rs], [L|Ls]) :-
+	iface_label(R, L),
+	path_label_list(Rs, Ls).
+%%  elem_select(+List, +Start, +End, -SubList)
+%   SubList contains the elements from List starting at Start element
+%   up to the End element.
+elem_select(Items, Start, End , Items) :-
+	Start > End, !.
+elem_select(Items, 0, End, Selected) :- !,
+	length(Items, Total),
+	(   Total =< End
+	->  Selected = Items
+	;   length(Selected, End),
+	    append(Selected, _, Items)
+	).
+elem_select(Items, Start, End, Selected) :-
+	length(Items, Total),
+	length(L0, Start),
+	append(L0, Rest, Items),
+	(   End >= Total
+	->  Selected = Rest
+	;   Length is End - Start,
+	    length(Selected, Length),
+	    append(Selected, _, Rest)
+	).
diff --git a/config-available/ b/config-available/
index 1f29429..2f93b19 100644
--- a/config-available/
+++ b/config-available/
@@ -3,3 +3,4 @@
 /** <module> search based on clustering paths in the graph
+:- use_module(api(cluster_search)).
diff --git a/lib/cluster_search/ b/lib/cluster_search/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..68bc57a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/cluster_search/
@@ -0,0 +1,352 @@
+/*  This file is part of ClioPatria.
+    Author:
+    HTTP:
+    GITWEB:
+    GIT:	git://
+    GIT:
+    Copyright:  2007, E-Culture/MultimediaN
+    ClioPatria is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+    the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
+    (at your option) any later version.
+    ClioPatria is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+    GNU General Public License for more details.
+    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+    along with ClioPatria.  If not, see <>.
+:- module(filter,
+	  [ target_goal/3,            % +Goal, +R, +Options
+	    filter_to_goal/4,		% +FilterList, +R, -Goal, +Options
+	    filter_from_parameters/2,   % +Options, -Filter
+	    filter_from_parameters/3,   % +Options, -Filter, -Rest
+	    filter_to_parameter/2,	% +FilterList, -JSON
+	    filter_to_json/2,
+	    json_filter_to_prolog/2
+	  ]).
+:- use_module(library(semweb/rdf_db)).
+:- use_module(library(semweb/rdfs)).
+:- use_module(library(semweb/owl)).
+:- use_module(library(semweb/rdf_label)).
+:- use_module(library(debug)).
+:- use_module(library(error)).
+:- use_module(library(option)).
+:- use_module(library(pairs)).
+:- use_module(library(lists)).
+:- use_module(library(assoc)).
+:- use_module(library(settings)).
+:- use_module(rdf_graph).
+:- use_module(rdf_search).
+:- use_module(graph_search).
+:- use_module(rdfs_plus_skos).
+:- use_module(library(http/json_convert)).
+:- use_module(library(http/json)).
+%%	target_goal(+Goal, +R, -URI)
+%	Succeeds if R passes all Filters.
+target_goal(Goal, R, R) :-
+	Goal, !.
+%%	filter_to_goal(+Filter, +R, -Goal, +Options)
+%	Goal is a prolog goal of Filter that succeeds if R passes all filters.
+%       Allowed filters:
+%	    * keyword(Keyword)
+%	    * type(Class)
+%	    * prop(Prop, Value)
+%	    * reachable(Prop, TransitiveProp, Concept)
+%	@see Options are described with rdfs_plus_skos/5
+filter_to_goal(Filter, R, Goal, Options) :-
+	resource_ext_map(Options, RMap),
+	query_ext_map(Options, QMap),
+	filter_to_goal(Filter, R, RMap, QMap, Goal, Options).
+filter_to_goal(Filter, R, RMap, QMap, Goal, Options) :-
+	is_list(Filter), !,
+	(   Filter = []
+	->  Goal = true
+	;   select(keyword(Keyword), Filter, Filter1)
+	->  search_filter(Filter1, SearchFilter),
+	    graph_search(Keyword, State, [filter(SearchFilter)|Options]),
+	    rdf_search_property(State, state_targets(Assoc)),
+	    Goal = gen_assoc(R, Assoc, _)
+	;   filter_to_conj_goal(Filter, R, RMap, QMap, Goal)
+	).
+filter_to_goal(Filter, R, RMap, QMap, Goal, _) :-
+	filter(Filter, R, RMap, QMap, Goal).
+filter_to_goal(Filter, R, RMap, QMap, Goal) :-
+	filter(Filter, R, RMap, QMap, Goal).
+search_filter([], [type(Class)]) :- !,
+	setting(search:basic_search_target, Class).
+search_filter(Filter, Filter).
+%%	filter_to_conj_goal(+FilterList, +R, -Goal)
+%	Goal is conjuctive prolog goal for FilterList.
+filter_to_conj_goal([Filter], R, RMap, QMap, Goal) :- !,
+	filter(Filter, R, RMap, QMap, Goal).
+filter_to_conj_goal([Filter|T], R, RMap, QMap, (Goal,Rest)) :-
+	filter(Filter, R, RMap, QMap, Goal),
+	filter_to_conj_goal(T, R, RMap, QMap, Rest).
+%%	filter_to_conj_goal(+FilterList, +R, RMap, QMap, -Goal)
+%	Goal is disjunctive prolog goal for FilterList.
+filter_to_disj_goal([Filter], R, RMap, QMap, Goal) :- !,
+	filter(Filter, R, RMap, QMap, Goal).
+filter_to_disj_goal([Filter|T], R, RMap, QMap, (Goal;Rest)) :-
+	filter(Filter, R, RMap, QMap, Goal),
+	filter_to_disj_goal(T, R, RMap, QMap, Rest).
+%%	filter(+Filter, -Goal, ?R)
+%	Goal is a prolog goal that succeeds if R passes Filter.
+filter(or(Filter), R, RMap, QMap, Goal) :- !,
+	filter_to_disj_goal(Filter, R, RMap, QMap, Goal).
+filter(or(F1, F2), R, RMap, QMap, Goal) :- !,
+	Goal = (G1 ; G2),
+	filter_to_goal(F1, R, RMap, QMap, G1),
+	filter_to_goal(F2, R, RMap, QMap, G2).
+filter(type(Class), R, _, _, Goal) :- !,
+	(   rdf_equal(Class,rdfs:'Resource')
+	->  Goal = true
+	;   rdf_equal(Type, rdf:type),
+	    rdf_equal(SubClass, rdfs:subClassOf),
+	    Goal = ( rdf(R,Type,C),
+	             rdf_reachable(C,SubClass,Class)
+		   )
+	).
+filter(prop(P, V), R, RMap, QMap, Goal) :- !,
+	(   P = all
+	->  Goal = rdfs_plus_skos(RMap,QMap, R, _, V)
+	;   Goal = rdfs_plus_skos(RMap,QMap, R, P, V)
+	).
+filter(propsearch(P, Search), R, RMap, QMap, Goal) :- !,
+	kwd_search:find_literals(Search, Literals, []),
+	filter(prop(P, V), R, RMap, QMap, Goal0),
+	findall(O, ( member(_-L,Literals),
+		     (	 O = literal(L)
+		     ;	 rdfs_plus_skos(RMap,QMap, O, rdfs:label, literal(L))
+		     )
+		   ),
+		Vs),
+	Goal = ( member(V,Vs),
+		 Goal0
+	       ).
+filter(reachable(TransP, C), R, _, _, Goal) :- !,
+	Goal = rdf_reachable(R, TransP, C).
+filter(reachable(P, TransP, C), R, RMap, QMap, Goal) :- !,
+	Goal = ( rdfs_plus_skos(RMap,QMap, R, P, V),
+		 rdf_reachable(V, TransP, C)
+	       ).
+filter(value(V), R, RMap, QMap, Goal) :- !,
+	Goal = rdfs_plus_skos(RMap,QMap, R, _, V).
+filter(valueOfProp(P), R, RMap, QMap, Goal) :- !,
+	Goal = rdfs_plus_skos(RMap,QMap, _, P, R).
+filter(valueOfProp(P, Filter), R, RMap, QMap, Goal) :- !,
+	Goal = ( rdfs_plus_skos(RMap,QMap, S, P, R),
+		 Rest
+	       ),
+	filter_to_goal(Filter, S, RMap, QMap, Rest).
+filter(metadata(Class), R, RMap, QMap, Goal) :- !,
+	rdf_equal(Type, rdf:type),
+	rdf_equal(SubClass, rdfs:subClassOf),
+	Goal = (  rdf(R, Type, C),
+		  rdf_reachable(C, SubClass, Class)
+	       ;  rdfs_plus_skos(RMap,QMap, S,_,R),
+		  rdf(S, Type, C),
+		  rdf_reachable(C, SubClass, Class)
+	       ).
+filter(metaclass(MetaClass), R, _, _, Goal) :- !,
+	rdf_equal(Type, rdf:type),
+	rdf_equal(SubClass, rdfs:subClassOf),
+	Goal = ( rdf(R, Type, C),
+		 rdf_reachable(C, SubClass, Class),
+		 rdf(Class, Type, MetaClass)
+		).
+filter(equal(R1), R, _, _, Goal) :- !,
+	Goal = rdf_equal(R1, R).
+filter(ns(Ns), R, _, _, Goal) :- !,
+	Goal = (   ground(R+Ns)
+	       ->  sub_atom(R, _, _, _, Ns)
+	       ;   rdf_url_namespace(R, Ns)
+	       ).
+filter(alias(Alias), R, _, _, Goal) :- !,
+	Goal = rdf_global_id(Alias:_, R).
+filter(group(P, [Value]), R, _, _, Goal) :- !,
+	(	Value == other
+	->	Goal = (\+ iface_has(0, 0, R, P, Value, _))
+	;	Goal = iface_has(0, 0, R, P, Value, _)
+	).
+filter(owl_satisfies(Range), R, _, _, Goal) :- !,
+	Goal = owl_satisfies(Range, R).
+filter(Filter, _, _, _, _) :-
+	domain_error(filter, Filter).
+%%	filter_from_parameters(+OptionList, -Filter) is det.
+%%	filter_from_parameters(+OptionList, -Filter, -Rest) is det.
+%	Filter is a list of filters that occur in the OptionList
+filter_from_parameters(Options, Filter) :-
+	filter_from_parameters(Options, Filter, _).
+filter_from_parameters(Options, Filter, Rest) :-
+	filters(Options, Filter0, Rest),
+	filter_value_to_literal(Filter0, Filter).
+%%	json_filter_to_prolog(+JSONAtom, -Filter)
+%	Filter is a prolog term representation of the filter in
+%	JSONAtom.
+json_filter_to_prolog(List, Filter) :-
+	list_atom_json_to_term(List, AtomList),
+	json_to_prolog(AtomList, Filter0),
+	filter_value_to_literal(Filter0, Filter).
+list_atom_json_to_term([], []).
+list_atom_json_to_term([Atom|As], [Term|Ts]) :-
+	atom_json_term(Atom,Term,[]),
+	list_atom_json_to_term(As, Ts).
+%%	filters(+Options, -Filters, -Rest)
+%	Directly   takes   some   filters   that     are    defined   in
+%	filter_parameter/2 from the OptionList.
+%	@tbd	Remove old style if SWI-Prolog 5.7.14 is current
+filters([], [], []).
+filters([O|Os], Filters, Rest) :-
+	ground(O),			% non-ground are optional parameters
+	filter_parameter(O, F), !,
+	(   is_list(F)
+	->  append(F, Fs, Filters)
+	;   Filters = [F|Fs]
+	),
+	filters(Os, Fs, Rest).
+filters([O|Os], Fs, [O|Rest]) :-
+	filters(Os, Fs, Rest).
+% New style for post-processing after http_parameters
+filter_parameter(filter(List), List).
+filter_parameter(query(Keyword), keyword(Keyword)).
+filter_parameter(type(Class), type(Class)).
+filter_parameter(ns(NS), ns(NS)).
+filter_parameter(alias(Alias), alias(Alias)).
+% old style for using the raw form-data
+filter_parameter(filter=Atom, Term) :-
+	atom_json_term(Atom,JSON,[]),
+	json_to_prolog(JSON, Term).
+filter_parameter(query=Query, keyword(Query)) :- !.
+filter_parameter(type=Class, type(Class)) :- !,
+	Class \== ''.
+filter_parameter(ns=Ns, ns(Ns)) :- !.
+filter_parameter(alias=Alias, alias(Alias)) :- !.
+filter_parameter(Prop=Value, prop(Prop,Value)) :-
+	rdf_current_predicate(Prop).
+%%	filter_value_to_literal(+FilterIn, -FilterOut)
+%	Replaces values with literal terms, in case the value is not a URI.
+filter_value_to_literal([], []).
+filter_value_to_literal([Filter0|Fs], [Filter|Rest]) :-
+	(   Filter0 = prop(Prop,A)
+	->  property_atom_to_literal(A, Value),
+	    Filter = prop(Prop,Value)
+	;   Filter = Filter0
+	),
+	filter_value_to_literal(Fs, Rest).
+property_atom_to_literal(A, V) :-
+	(  rdf_subject(A)
+	-> V = A
+	;  V = literal(A)
+	).
+%%  filter_to_parameter(+Filter, -JSON)
+%   JSON is a prolog JSON term from Filter.
+%   Uses json_object declarations.
+filter_to_parameter([], []).
+filter_to_parameter([Filter|T], [Object|Rest]) :-
+	Object = json([filter=JSONFilter, label=Label]),
+	filter_label(Filter, Label),
+	prolog_to_json(Filter, JSONFilter),
+	filter_to_parameter(T, Rest).
+%%  filter_to_parameter(+Filter, -JSON)
+%   JSON is a prolog JSON term from Filter.
+%   Uses json_object declarations.
+filter_to_json([], []).
+filter_to_json([Filter|T], [JSONFilter|Rest]) :-
+	prolog_to_json(Filter, JSONFilter),
+	filter_to_json(T, Rest).
+%%	filter_label(+Filter, -Label)
+%	Label is a human readable description of filter.
+/* filter_label(keyword(A), L) :- !,
+	interface_label(keyword, Keyword),
+	atomic_list_concat([Keyword, ':', A], L).
+filter_label(type(Class), L) :- !,
+	rdf_display_label(Class, L).
+filter_label(_Term, 'test').
+:- json_object
+    or(or:_),
+    type(type:atom),
+    metaclass(metaclass:atom),
+    keyword(keyword:atom),
+    metadata(metadata:atom),
+    metadataOf(metadataOf:atom),
+    prop(prop:atom, object:_),
+    prop(prop:atom, uri:atom),
+    propsearch(prop:atom, text:atom),
+    prop(prop:atom),
+    value(object:atom),
+    valueOfProp(valueOfProp:atom),
+    reachable(rel:atom, object:atom),
+    reachable(prop:atom, rel:atom, uri:atom),
+    group(cluster:atom, values:list),
+    literal(value:_) + [type=literal],
+    type(type:atom, literal:atom),
+    lang(lang:atom, literal:atom).
diff --git a/lib/cluster_search/ b/lib/cluster_search/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b01d46a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/cluster_search/
@@ -0,0 +1,293 @@
+/*  This file is part of ClioPatria.
+    Author:
+    HTTP:
+    GITWEB:
+    GIT:	git://
+    GIT:
+    Copyright:  2007, E-Culture/MultimediaN
+    ClioPatria is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+    the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
+    (at your option) any later version.
+    ClioPatria is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+    GNU General Public License for more details.
+    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+    along with ClioPatria.  If not, see <>.
+:- module(fuzzy,
+	  [ stem_literals/0,
+	    fuz_find_literal/3,             % +Spec, +MatchType, -Literal
+	    stem_find_literal/2,	% +Spec, -Literal
+	    literal_distance/3		% +L1, +L2, -D
+	  ]).
+:- use_module(library('semweb/rdf_db')).
+:- use_module(library('semweb/rdf_litindex')).
+:- use_module(library('http/dcg_basics')).
+:- use_module(library(debug)).
+:- use_module(library(lists)).
+:- use_module(library(find_resource)).
+:- use_module(library(porter_stem)).
+/* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
+This module finds literals of the RDF database based on stemming and
+being flexible to ordering of tokens.
+- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
+%%	stem_literals
+%	Create stemming database. As we   now use library(rdf_litindex),
+%	which generates and maintains the database  on the fly we simply
+%	do a call that forces initialization of the database.
+stem_literals :-
+	rdf_find_literals(stem(foobar), _).
+%%	stem_find_literal(+TextOrTokens, -Literal)
+%	Find literal values that contain all   stems  from Text. Text is
+%	either  an  atom  or  a   list    of   tokens   as  produced  by
+%	rdf_tokenize_literal/2.
+stem_find_literal(Text, Literal) :-
+	find_literal(Text, stem, Literal).
+%%	fuz_find_literal(+TextOrTokens, +MatchType, -Literal)
+%	Find literal values that contain all Text where the
+%       matching is determined by MatchType.
+%	Text is either an atom or a list of tokens as produced by
+%	rdf_tokenize_literal/2.
+%	MatchType is one of case, stem or prefix.
+fuz_find_literal(Text, MatchType, Literal) :-
+	tokens(Text, Tokens),
+	list_to_and(Tokens, MatchType, And),
+	rdf_find_literals(And, Literals),
+	member(Literal, Literals).
+%%	list_to_and(+TextOrTokens, +MatchType, -AndTerm)
+%	AndTerm is a conjunction of terms constructed from
+%	MatchType and Token.
+%	For performance reasons a conjunction of prefix items
+%	is not made. Instead only the last conjunct gets a prefix.
+list_to_and([], _, true).
+list_to_and([One], MatchType, Match) :- !,
+	mkmatch(MatchType, One, Match).
+list_to_and([H|T], prefix, and(Match, And)) :- !,
+        mkmatch(stem, H, Match),
+        list_to_and(T, prefix, And).
+list_to_and([H|T], MatchType, and(Match, And)) :-
+	mkmatch(MatchType, H, Match),
+	list_to_and(T, MatchType, And).
+mkmatch(_, Number, Number) :-
+	number(Number), !.
+mkmatch(stem, Token, stem(Token)).
+mkmatch(prefix, Token, prefix(Token)).
+mkmatch(case, Token, case(Token)).
+		 /*******************************
+		 *	       DISTANCE		*
+		 *******************************/
+goal_expansion(forall(C0, A0), \+ (C, \+ A)) :-
+	expand_goal(C0, C),
+	expand_goal(A0, A).
+%%	literal_distance(+Lit1, +Lit2, -Distance)
+%	Compute the distance between two   literals. Distance values are
+%	>= 0, where 0  means  perfect   match.  Handicaps  are  given to
+%	inserted, deleted, moved and modified tokens.  See the above URL
+%	for a description of the best edit-sequence comparing strings.
+literal_distance(L1, L2, Distance) :-
+	tokens(L1, TL1),
+	tokens(L2, TL2),
+	length(TL1, N1),
+	length(TL2, N2),
+	abs(N1-N2) =< min(N1, N2),	% too much difference in length
+	cheapest_edit_path(TL1, TL2, EditCost, _Path),
+	Distance is EditCost/max(N1,N2).
+tokens(Tokens, Tokens) :-
+	is_list(Tokens), !.
+tokens(Spec, Tokens) :-
+	atom(Spec), !,
+	rdf_tokenize_literal(Spec, Tokens).
+tokens(Number, [Number]) :-
+	number(Number).
+%%	cheapest_edit_path(+List1, +List2, -Distance, -Path)
+%	Compute the cheapest edit path. As edit operations are weighted,
+%	this is not necessarily the shorted   one,  but the algorithm is
+%	basically the same.
+%	@see
+cheapest_edit_path(Toks1, Toks2, Distance, Path) :-
+%	DelCost   = 10,			% Delete token
+%	InsCost	  = 8,			% Insert token
+	MatchCost = 0,			% Matched token
+	CaseCost  = 1,			% Different case
+	DWIMCost  = 3,			% Spelling error
+	StemCost  = 5,			% Tokens have same stem
+	SubstCost = 10,			% Replaced token
+	MovCost   = 2,			% Token is moved
+	T1 =.. [string|Toks1],
+	T2 =.. [string|Toks2],
+	functor(T1, _, M),
+	functor(T2, _, N),
+	X is M + 1,
+	Y is N + 1,
+	M1 is M - 1,
+	N1 is N - 1,
+	new_array(X, Y, Array),
+	nb_set_array(Array, 0, 0, c(0, [])),
+	forall(between(0, M1, I),
+	       (   get_array(Array, I, 0, c(V0, P0)),
+		   I1 is I+1,
+		   arg(I1, T1, D),
+		   del_cost(D, DC),
+		   V is V0 + DC,
+		   nb_link_array(Array, I1, 0, c(V, [del(D)|P0]))
+	       )),
+	forall(between(0, N1, J),
+	       (   get_array(Array, 0, J, c(V0, P0)),
+		   J1 is J+1,
+		   arg(J1, T2, I),
+		   ins_cost(I, IC),
+		   V is V0 + IC,
+		   nb_link_array(Array, 0, J1, c(V, [ins(I)|P0]))
+	       )),
+	forall(between(0, M1, I),
+	       forall(between(0, N1, J),
+		      (   I1 is I + 1,
+			  J1 is J + 1,
+		          arg(I1, T1, V1),
+			  arg(J1, T2, V2),
+			  (   V1 == V2
+			  ->  Subst = MatchCost
+			  ;   downcase_atom(V1, L),
+			      downcase_atom(V2, L)
+			  ->  Subst = CaseCost
+			  ;   dwim_match(V1, V2)
+			  ->  Subst = DWIMCost
+			  ;   same_stem(V1, V2)
+			  ->  Subst = StemCost
+			  ;   Subst = SubstCost
+			  ),
+			  get_array(Array, I,  J, c(C1, P1)),
+			  get_array(Array, I1, J, c(C2, P2)),
+			  get_array(Array, I, J1, c(C3, P3)),
+			  SubstC is C1 + Subst,
+			  (   memberchk(del(V2), P2)
+			  ->  del_cost(V2, DC2),
+			      InsC is C2 - DC2 + MovCost
+			  ;   ins_cost(V2, InsCost),
+			      InsC is C2 + InsCost
+			  ),
+			  (   memberchk(ins(V1), P3)
+			  ->  ins_cost(V1, IC1),
+			      DelC is C3 - IC1 + MovCost
+			  ;   del_cost(V1, DelCost),
+			      DelC is C3 + DelCost
+			  ),
+			  (   SubstC < InsC
+			  ->  (   SubstC < DelC
+			      ->  nb_link_array(Array, I1, J1,
+						c(SubstC, [subst(V1, V2)|P1]))
+			      ;   nb_link_array(Array, I1, J1,
+						c(DelC, [del(V1)|P3]))
+			      )
+			  ;   (   DelC < InsC
+			      ->  nb_link_array(Array, I1, J1,
+						c(DelC, [del(V1)|P3]))
+			      ;   nb_link_array(Array, I1, J1,
+						c(InsC, [ins(V2)|P2]))
+			      )
+			  )))),
+%	pp_array(Array),
+	get_array(Array, M, N, c(Distance, Path0)),
+	reverse(Path0, Path).
+ins_cost((,), 1) :- !.
+ins_cost(_, 8).
+del_cost((,), 1) :- !.
+del_cost(_, 10).
+same_stem(T1, T2) :-
+	atom(T1), atom(T2), !,
+	porter_stem(T1, Stem),
+	porter_stem(T2, Stem).
+		 /*******************************
+		 *******************************/
+new_array(X, Y, Array) :-
+	Size is X * Y + 3,
+	functor(Array, array, Size),
+	arg(1, Array, 2),		% dimensions
+	arg(2, Array, X),		% columns
+	arg(3, Array, Y).		% rows
+get_array(Array, X, Y, Val) :-
+	arg(2, Array, Cols),
+	Pos is X + Y*Cols + 4,
+	arg(Pos, Array, Val).
+nb_set_array(Array, X, Y, Val) :-
+	arg(2, Array, Cols),
+	Pos is X + Y*Cols + 4,
+	nb_setarg(Pos, Array, Val).
+nb_link_array(Array, X, Y, Val) :-
+	arg(2, Array, Cols),
+	Pos is X + Y*Cols + 4,
+	nb_linkarg(Pos, Array, Val).
+		 /*******************************
+		 *	     DEBUGGING		*
+		 *******************************/
+pp_array(Array) :-
+	functor(Array, array, _),
+	arg(1, Array, 2),
+	arg(2, Array, Cols),
+	arg(3, Array, Rows),
+	MaxX is Cols-1,
+	MaxY is Rows-1,
+	forall(between(0, MaxY, Y),
+	       (   forall(between(0, MaxX, X),
+			  (	  get_array(Array, X, Y, V),
+				  format('~w ', [V])
+			  )),
+		   nl
+	       )).
diff --git a/lib/cluster_search/ b/lib/cluster_search/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..319780f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/cluster_search/
@@ -0,0 +1,189 @@
+/*  This file is part of ClioPatria.
+    Author:
+    HTTP:
+    GITWEB:
+    GIT:	git://
+    GIT:
+    Copyright:  2007, E-Culture/MultimediaN
+    ClioPatria is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+    the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
+    (at your option) any later version.
+    ClioPatria is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+    GNU General Public License for more details.
+    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+    along with ClioPatria.  If not, see <>.
+:- module(graph_search,
+	  [ graph_search/3,		% +Query, -RDFState, +Options
+	    flush_graph_search_cache/0
+	  ]).
+:- use_module(library(semweb/rdf_db)).
+% :- use_module(library(semweb/owl')).
+:- use_module(library(debug)).
+:- use_module(library(option)).
+:- use_module(library(pairs)).
+:- use_module(library(lists)).
+:- use_module(library(assoc)).
+:- use_module(library(settings)).
+% util modules
+:- use_module(rdf_graph).
+:- use_module(rdf_search).
+:- use_module(rdf_direct_search).
+:- use_module(rdf_hierarchy_search).
+:- use_module(rdf_backward_search).
+:- use_module(rdf_full_search).
+:- use_module(filter).
+* Settings
+:- setting(search:graphSearchCache, boolean, true,
+	   'Cache graph search results').
+:- setting(search:graphSearchCacheSize, nonneg, 50,
+	   'Maximum searches kept in cache (0 is unbound)').
+* graph search
+%%	graph_search(+Keyword, -RDFState, +Options) is det.
+%	Start search from Keyword.  Options is a list of:
+%	  * steps(+Integer)
+%	  Max number of nodes to expand from the agenda
+%	  * prune(+Boolean)
+%	  If =true= (default), prune all failed paths from
+%	  the graph.
+%	  * threshold(+Threshold)
+%	  Search cut-off threshold
+%	@tbd	Merge with find/3 from
+:- rdf_meta
+	graph_search(+, -, t).
+:- dynamic
+        graph_search_cache/4,		% +Hash, +Kwd, +Options, -State
+	cache_generation/1.
+graph_search(Kwd, State, Options) :-
+	setting(search:graphSearchCache, false), !,
+	do_graph_search(Kwd, State, Options).
+graph_search(Kwd, State, Options) :-
+	check_cache_validity,
+	term_hash(Kwd+Options, Key),
+	(   graph_search_cache(Key, Kwd, Options, State)
+	->  true
+	;   do_graph_search(Kwd, State, Options),
+	    push_graph_search_cache(Key, Kwd, Options, State)
+	).
+%%	check_cache_validity is det.
+%	Remove the cache if it is not valid. We use rdf_generation/1 for
+%	this. This means any change to  the RDF database invalidates the
+%	cache. Ideally we should restrict this   to named graphs used in
+%	the search, but that is not easy to define.
+check_cache_validity :-
+	cache_generation(CacheGen),
+	rdf_generation(CacheGen), !.
+check_cache_validity :-
+	rdf_generation(CacheGen),
+	retractall(cache_generation(_)),
+	assert(cache_generation(CacheGen)),
+	flush_graph_search_cache.
+%%	flush_graph_search_cache is det.
+%	Flushes the cache for graph_search/3.
+flush_graph_search_cache :-
+	retractall(graph_search_cache(_,_,_,_)).
+%%	push_graph_search_cache(+Key, +Keyword, +Options, -State) is det.
+%	Add a result to the  search  cache.   Note  that  we first check
+%	whether whether the  result  was  added   to  avoid  the  not so
+%	uncommon  case  that  two  threads    compute  the  same  result
+%	concurrently.
+push_graph_search_cache(Key, Kwd, Options, State) :-
+	graph_search_cache(Key, Kwd, Options, State), !.
+push_graph_search_cache(Key, Kwd, Options, State) :-
+	setting(search:graphSearchCacheSize, Max),
+	(   Max == 0
+	->  true
+	;   predicate_property(graph_search_cache(_,_,_,_),
+			       number_of_clauses(Size)),
+	    Size > Max
+	->  once(retract(graph_search_cache(_,_,_,_)))
+	;   true
+	),
+	assertz(graph_search_cache(Key, Kwd, Options, State)).
+do_graph_search(Kwd, State, Options) :-
+	setting(search:search_type, Default),
+	option(filter(Filter0), Options, []),
+	filter:search_filter(Filter0, Filter),
+	option(search_type(Type), Options, Default),
+	filter_to_goal(Filter, R, Goal, Options),
+	TargetCond = target_goal(Goal, R),
+	(   Type == concept
+	->  rdf_concept_search(Kwd, TargetCond, State, Options)
+	;   Type == literal
+	->  rdf_literal_search(Kwd, TargetCond, State, Options)
+	;   rdf_backward_search(Kwd, TargetCond, State, Options)
+	),
+	(   option(prune(true), Options)
+	->  prune(State, [])
+	;   option(prune(full), Options)
+	->  prune(State, [recursive])
+	;   true
+	)/*,
+	(   search_graph_filter_option(Options)
+	->  rdf_search_property(State, graph(Graph0)),
+	    search_graph_rdf_graph(Graph0, RDF0),
+	    big_graphs:filter_rdf(RDF0, RDF, Options)
+	    %search_graph_rdf_graph(Graph, RDF),
+	    %rdf_search:set_graph_of_state(Graph, State)
+	;   true
+	)*/.
+predicate_weight(P, W) :-  % hack
+	rdf_backward_search:predicate_weight(P, W).
+%%	prune(!State) is det.
+%	Prune paths from the graph that do not end in a target.
+prune(State, Options) :-
+	rdf_prune_search(State, Options),
+	rdf_search_property(State, graph_size(Nodes)),
+	debug(rdf_search, 'After prune: ~D nodes in graph', [Nodes]).
+search_graph_filter_option(Options) :-
+	memberchk(merge_sameas(true), Options).
+search_graph_filter_option(Options) :-
+	memberchk(bagify(true), Options).
+search_graph_filter_option(Options) :-
+	memberchk(abstract(true), Options).
diff --git a/lib/cluster_search/ b/lib/cluster_search/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0e7ce36
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/cluster_search/
@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
+/*  This file is part of ClioPatria.
+	Author:
+	GIT:	git://
+	GIT:
+	Copyright:  2007, E-Culture/MultimediaN
+	ClioPatria is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+	it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+	the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
+	(at your option) any later version.
+	ClioPatria is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+	but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+	GNU General Public License for more details.
+	You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+	along with ClioPatria.  If not, see <>.
+:- module(graph_util,
+	  [ graphs_unique_elements/5,    % +Graphs, -Ss, -Ps, -Os, -Srcs
+	    graph_unique_elements/5,     % +Graph, -Ss, -Ps, -Os, -Srcs
+	    graph_display_data/3         % +Graph, -DisplayGraph, +Options
+	  ]).
+:- use_module(iface_util).
+:- use_module(rdfs_plus_skos).
+%%  graph_display_data(+Graph, -DisplayGraph, +Options)
+%   DisplayGraph contains triples describing the subj,pred,obj.
+graph_display_data(Graph, DisplayGraph, Options) :-
+	option(rdfs_plus_skos(Reasoning), Options),
+	resource_ext_map(Reasoning, EMap),
+	query_ext_map(Reasoning, QMap),
+	list_option(subjectDisplay(SP), Options, [label]),
+	list_option(predicateDisplay(PP), Options, [label]),
+	list_option(objectDisplay(OP), Options, [label]),
+	graph_unique_elements(Graph, Ss, Ps, Os, _),
+	iface_graph_add_properties(Ss, SP, [], EMap, QMap, Graph1),
+	iface_graph_add_properties(Ps, PP, Graph1, EMap, QMap, Graph2),
+	iface_graph_add_properties(Os, OP, Graph2, EMap, QMap, DisplayGraph).
+%%	graphs_unique_elements(Graph, Ss, Ps, Os, SRCs)
+%	extract all unique resources from Graph.
+graphs_unique_elements(Graphs, Ss, Ps, Os, SRCs) :-
+	graphs_elements(Graphs, Ss0, [], Ps0, [], Os0, [], SRCs0, []),
+	sort(Ss0, Ss),
+	sort(Ps0, Ps),
+	sort(Os0, Os),
+	sort(SRCs0, SRCs).
+graph_unique_elements(Graph, Ss, Ps, Os, SRCs) :-
+	graph_elements(Graph, Ss0, [], Ps0, [], Os0, [], SRCs0, []),
+	sort(Ss0, Ss),
+	sort(Ps0, Ps),
+	sort(Os0, Os),
+	sort(SRCs0, SRCs).
+graphs_elements([], Ss, Ss, Ps, Ps, Os, Os, SRCs, SRCs).
+graphs_elements([_Type-Graph|Graphs], Ss0, Ss, Ps0, Ps, Os0, Os, SRCs0, SRCs) :-
+	graph_elements(Graph, Ss0, Ss1, Ps0, Ps1, Os0, Os1, SRCs0, SRCs1),
+	graphs_elements(Graphs, Ss1, Ss, Ps1, Ps, Os1, Os, SRCs1, SRCs).
+graph_elements([], Ss, Ss, Ps, Ps, Os, Os, SRCs, SRCs).
+graph_elements([Triple|T], [S|Ss0], Ss, [P|Ps0], Ps, Os1, Os, SRCs1, SRCs) :-
+	(   Triple = rdf(S,P,O,SRC:_)
+	->  SRCs1 = [SRC|SRCs0]
+	;   Triple = rdf(S,P,O,SRC)
+	->  SRCs1 = [SRC|SRCs0]
+	;   Triple = rdf(S,P,O)
+	->  SRCs1 = SRCs0
+	),
+	(   O = literal(_)
+	->  Os1 = Os0
+	;   Os1 = [O|Os0]
+	),
+	graph_elements(T, Ss0, Ss, Ps0, Ps, Os0, Os, SRCs0, SRCs).
+%%	list_option(?Opt, +Options, ?Default)
+%	Same as option/3, but uses Default in case Opt is an empty list.
+list_option(Opt, Options, _Default) :-
+	option(Opt, Options, []),
+	\+ arg(1, Opt, []),
+	!.
+list_option(Opt, _Options, Default) :-
+	arg(1, Opt, Default).
diff --git a/lib/cluster_search/ b/lib/cluster_search/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..30c5990
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/cluster_search/
@@ -0,0 +1,989 @@
+/*  This file is part of ClioPatria.
+    Author:
+    HTTP:
+    GITWEB:
+    GIT:	git://
+    GIT:
+    Copyright:  2007, E-Culture/MultimediaN
+    ClioPatria is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+    the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
+    (at your option) any later version.
+    ClioPatria is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+    GNU General Public License for more details.
+    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+    along with ClioPatria.  If not, see <>.
+:- module(iface_util,
+	[ iface_resource_values/3,         % +URI, +Properties, -Values
+	  iface_resource_values/5,         % +EMap, +QMap, +URI, +Properties, -Values
+	  iface_resource_properties/3,     % +URI, +Properties, -Pairs
+	  iface_resource_properties/4,     % +URI, +Properties, -Pairs, +Options
+	  iface_key_resource_graph/4,      % +URIList, +Pairs, -Graph, +Options
+	  iface_subject_graph/3,           % +URI, -Graph, +Options
+	  iface_object_graph/3,	           % +Resource, -Graph, +Options
+	  iface_predicate_graph/3,         % +URI, -Graph, +Options
+	  iface_graph_extend/5,            % +URIs, +Ps, +GraphIn, -GraphOut, +Options
+	  iface_graph_add_properties/6,    % +URIs, +Ps, +GraphIn, +ExtMap, +QueryMap, -GraphOut
+	  iface_language_filter/3,         % +GraphIn, +LanguageList, -GraphOut
+	  iface_used_namespaces/2,         % +Graph, -Namespace
+	  iface_has/3,		           % ?Subject, ?Predicate, ?Object
+	  iface_has/6,		           % +ExtMap, +QueryMap, ?Subject, ?Predicate, ?Object, -RealP
+	  iface_pref_value/3,	           % ?Subject, -Predicate, -Object
+	  iface_pref_value/6,	           % +ExtMap, +QueryMap, ?Subject, ?Predicate, ?Object, -RealP
+	  iface_literal_value/3,           % ?Subject, -Predicate, -Literal
+	  iface_literal_value/6,           % +ExtMap, +QueryMap, ?Subject, ?Predicate, ?Literal, -RealP
+	  iface_pref_literal_value/3,      % ?Subject, -Predicate, -Literal
+	  iface_pref_literal_value/6,      % +ExtMap, +QueryMap, ?Subject, ?Predicate, ?Literal, -RealP
+	  iface_label/2,                   % +Resource, -Label
+	  iface_label/4,                   % +ExtMap, +QueryMap, +Resource, -Label
+	  iface_match_label/3,             % +Resource, +Match, -Label
+	  iface_match_label/5,             % +ExtMap, +QueryMap, +Resource, +Match, -Label
+          iface_class_of/2,                % +Resource, -Class
+	  iface_class_of/4,                % +ExtMap, +QueryMap, +Resource, -Class
+	  iface_symbol_of/2,               % +URI, -Symbol
+	  iface_thumbnail/2,               % +Resource, -ThumbnailURL
+	  iface_image/2,                   % +Resource, -ImageURL
+	  iface_video/2,                   % +Resource, -VideoURL
+	  iface_description/2,	           % +Resource, -Txt
+	  iface_abbreviation/2,	           % +Resource, -Txt
+	  iface_table_property/2,          % +Class, -Property
+	  iface_pref_property/2,           % +Property, -Preferred
+	  iface_abstract_predicate/2,      % +Predicate, -Abstract
+	  iface_abstract_class/2,          % +Class, -Abstract
+	  iface_concept/1	           % ?Resource
+	]).
+:- use_module(library(semweb/rdf_db)).
+:- use_module(library(semweb/rdfs)).
+:- use_module(library(semweb/rdf_label)).
+:- use_module(library(http/http_dispatch)).
+:- use_module(library(error)).
+:- use_module(library(count)).
+:- use_module(library(settings)).
+:- use_module(rdfs_plus_skos).
+:- use_module(api(media_caching)).
+:- rdf_register_prefix(iface,  '').
+:- rdf_meta
+	iface_subject_graph(r, -, +),
+	iface_object_graph(r, -, +),
+	iface_predicate_graph(r, -, +),
+	iface_has(r,r,o),
+	iface_has(+,+,r,r,o,-),
+	iface_pref_value(r,r,-),
+	iface_pref_value(+,+,r,r,-,_),
+	iface_literal_value(r,r,o),
+	iface_literal_value(+,+,r,r,o,-),
+	iface_pref_literal_value(r,r,o),
+	iface_pref_literal_value(+,+,r,r,o,-),
+	iface_resource_values(r,t,-),
+	iface_resource_values(+,+,r,t,-),
+	iface_class_of(r,-),
+	iface_pref_property(r,r).
+:- discontiguous
+	term_expansion/2.
+:- multifile
+	english_language_tag/1.
+:- if(current_setting(user:lang)).
+% do nothing
+:- else.
+:- setting(user:lang, atom, en, 'Preferred language').
+:- endif.
+	/******************************
+	*	  value lists	      *
+	******************************/
+%%	iface_resource_values(+URI, +Ps, -Values).
+%%	iface_resource_values(+URI, +Ps, -Values, +Options).
+%	Values contains the values of all properties in Ps for URI.
+%	By default rdf_has is used unless options are specified:
+iface_resource_values(URI, Ps0, Vs) :-
+	rdf_global_term(Ps0, Ps),
+	iface_resource_values_(Ps, 0, 0, URI, Vs).
+iface_resource_values(EMap, QMap, URI, Ps0, Vs) :-
+	rdf_global_term(Ps0, Ps),
+	iface_resource_values_(Ps, EMap, QMap, URI, Vs).
+iface_resource_values_([], _, _, _, []) :- !.
+iface_resource_values_([P|Ps], EMap, QMap, URI, [V|Vs]) :-
+	iface_has(EMap, QMap, URI, P, V, _), !,
+	iface_resource_values_(Ps, EMap, QMap, URI, Vs).
+iface_resource_values_([_|Ps], EMap, QMap, URI, Vs) :-
+	iface_resource_values_(Ps, EMap, QMap, URI, Vs).
+%%	iface_resource_properties(+URI, +Ps, -Pairs).
+%%	iface_resource_properties(+URI, +Ps, -Pairs, +Options).
+%	Pairs contains a key=value pair for each element from Ps.
+%	Ps is either a list of properties in which case key is a property,
+%	or Ps is a list of property-key pairs in which case property is used
+%	to get the value and key is returned with the value.
+%	@see iface_resource_values
+iface_resource_properties(R, Ps0, Pairs) :-
+	rdf_global_term(Ps0, Ps),
+	iface_resource_properties_(Ps, 0, 0, R, Pairs).
+iface_resource_properties(R, Ps0, Pairs, Options) :-
+	rdf_global_term(Ps0, Ps),
+	resource_ext_map(Options, EMap),
+	query_ext_map(Options, QMap),
+	iface_resource_properties_(Ps, EMap, QMap, R, Pairs).
+iface_resource_properties_([], _, _, _, []).
+iface_resource_properties_([P0|Ps], EMap, QMap, R, [Key=V|Pairs]) :-
+	(   P0 = P-Key
+	->  iface_has(EMap, QMap, R, P, O, _)
+	;   iface_has(EMap, QMap, R, P0, O, _),
+	    Key = P0
+	),
+	!,
+	object_value(O, V),
+	iface_resource_properties_(Ps, EMap, QMap, R, Pairs).
+iface_resource_properties_([_|Ps], EMap, QMap, R, Pairs) :-
+	iface_resource_properties_(Ps, EMap, QMap, R, Pairs).
+iface_key_resource_graph(Rs, Ps0, Graph, Options) :-
+	rdf_global_term(Ps0, Ps),
+	resource_ext_map(Options, EMap),
+	query_ext_map(Options, QMap),
+	findall(rdf(R,Key,V),
+		(   member(R, Rs),
+		    member(P-Key, Ps),
+		    iface_has(EMap, QMap, R,P,V, _)
+		),
+		Graph
+	       ).
+object_value(literal(L), Txt) :- !,
+	literal_text(L, Txt).
+object_value(L, L) :-
+	is_list(L), !.
+object_value(R, Txt) :-
+	rdf_subject(R), !,
+	iface_label(R, Txt).
+object_value(R, R).
+	/******************************
+	*	    graphs	      *
+	******************************/
+%%	iface_subject_graph(+URIs, -Graph, +Options)
+%	The "description graph" contains all triples/quads
+%	with URI as the subject.
+%	Options is a list of:
+%         * predicate(+Predicate)
+%         restrict to objects of Predicate (no subPropertyOf)
+%         * lens(+Lens)
+%	  restrict to properties of Lens.
+%         if Lens==true a lens matching the resource type chosen.
+%         if Lens is an RDF lens this is used directly.
+%         * max(+Number)
+%         Maximum number of triples per property
+%         * src(+Boolean)
+%         Include src of the triples
+%         If true, Graph will contain quads
+%         * bnode_expand(+Boolean)
+%         Include triples of blank nodes
+%         * rdfs_plus_skos(+List)
+%         @see rdfs_plus_skos/6
+iface_subject_graph(R, Graph, Options) :-
+	option(predicate(P), Options),
+	P \== [],
+	(   is_list(P)
+	->  Ps = P
+	;   nonvar(P)
+	->  Ps = [P]
+	),  !,
+	iface_subject_graph(R, Ps, Graph, Options).
+iface_subject_graph(R, Graph, Options) :-
+	option(lens(Lens0), Options),
+	(   Lens0 == true
+	->  iface_resource_lens(R, Lens)
+	;   rdfs_individual_of(Lens0, iface:'Lens')
+	->  Lens = Lens0
+	),
+	iface_lens_properties(Lens, Ps), !,
+	iface_lens_options(Lens, Options, Options1),
+	iface_subject_graph(R, Ps, Graph, Options1).
+iface_subject_graph(R, Graph, Options) :-
+	(   is_list(R)
+	->  Rs = R
+	;   Rs = [R]
+	),
+	findall(P, (member(U,Rs),rdf(U,P,_)), Ps0),
+	sort(Ps0, Ps),
+	iface_subject_graph(R, Ps, Graph, Options).
+iface_subject_graph(R, Ps, Graph, Options) :-
+	(   is_list(R)
+	->  Rs = R
+	;   Rs = [R]
+	),
+	option(rdfs_plus_skos(Reasoning), Options, []),
+	resource_ext_map(Reasoning, EMap),
+	query_ext_map(Reasoning, QMap),
+	option(src(Src), Options, false),
+	option(max(Max), Options, inf),
+	findall(Edge,
+		( member(S,Rs),
+		  member(P, Ps),
+		  edges(EMap, QMap, Src, P, S, _, Max, Edges),
+		  member(Edge0, Edges),
+		  iface_edge_object_expand(EMap, Edge0, Edge)
+		),
+		Graph0),
+	(   option(bnode_expand(true), Options)
+	->  expand_bnodes(Graph0, Graph, Options)
+	;   Graph = Graph0
+	).
+expand_bnodes(Graph, ExpandedGraph, Options) :-
+	findall(Bnode,
+		(member(rdf(_S,_P,Bnode,_G), Graph),
+		 rdf_is_bnode(Bnode)
+		),
+		Bnodes),
+	(Bnodes = []
+	->  ExpandedGraph = Graph
+	;   iface_subject_graph(Bnodes, Graph0, Options),
+	    expand_bnodes(Graph0, ExpandedBnodes, Options),
+	    append(Graph, ExpandedBnodes,ExpandedGraph)
+	),
+	true.
+%%	iface_object_graph(+URIs, -Graph, +Options)
+%	Graph contains all triples with URI as an object.
+%	Options see iface_subject_graph/3.
+iface_object_graph(R, Graph, Options) :-
+	option(predicate(P), Options, _),
+	P \== [],
+	(   is_list(P)
+	->  Ps = P
+	;   nonvar(P)
+	->  Ps = [P]
+	),
+	iface_object_graph(R, Ps, Graph, Options).
+iface_object_graph(R, Graph, Options) :-
+	(   is_list(R)
+	->  Rs = R
+	;   Rs = [R]
+	),
+	findall(P, (member(U,Rs),rdf(_,P,U)), Ps0),
+	sort(Ps0, Ps),
+	iface_object_graph(R, Ps, Graph, Options).
+iface_object_graph(R, Ps, Graph, Options) :-
+	resource_ext_map(Options, EMap),
+	query_ext_map(Options, QMap),
+	option(max(Max), Options, inf),
+	option(src(Src), Options, false),
+	findall(Edge,
+		( member(P, Ps),
+		  edges(EMap, QMap, Src, P, _, R, Max, Edges),
+		  member(Edge, Edges)
+		),
+		Graph).
+%%	iface_predicate_graph(+URI, -Graph, +Options)
+%	Graph contains all triples with URI as an object.
+%	Options see iface_subject_graph/4.
+iface_predicate_graph(P, Graph, Options) :-
+	resource_ext_map(Options, EMap),
+	query_ext_map(Options, QMap),
+	option(max(Max), Options, inf),
+	option(src(Src), Options, false),
+	edges(EMap, QMap, Src, P, _, _, Max, Graph).
+%%      iface_graph_add_properties(+GraphIn, +Rs, +Ps, -GraphOut, +Options)
+%       Extend graph with new triples about Rs according to Ps.
+iface_graph_extend(GraphIn, Rs, Ps, GraphOut, Options) :-
+	resource_ext_map(Options, EMap),
+	query_ext_map(Options, QMap),
+	iface_graph_add_properties(Rs, Ps, GraphIn, EMap, QMap, GraphOut).
+iface_graph_add_properties([], _, Graph, _, _, Graph) :- !.
+iface_graph_add_properties([S|Ss], Ps, Graph0, EMap, QMap, Graph) :-
+	atom(S), !,
+	iface_add_properties(Ps, S, Graph0, EMap, QMap, Graph1),
+	iface_graph_add_properties(Ss, Ps, Graph1, EMap, QMap, Graph).
+iface_graph_add_properties([_|Ss], Ps, Graph0, EMap, QMap, Graph) :-
+	iface_graph_add_properties(Ss, Ps, Graph0, EMap, QMap, Graph).
+iface_add_properties([], _, Graph, _, _, Graph) :- !.
+iface_add_properties([P|Ps], S, Graph0, EMap, QMap, Graph) :-
+	iface_has(EMap, QMap, S, P, V, RealP), !,
+	iface_add_properties(Ps, S, [rdf(S,RealP,V)|Graph0], EMap, QMap, Graph).
+iface_add_properties([_|Ps], S, Graph0, EMap, QMap, Graph) :-
+	iface_add_properties(Ps, S, Graph0, EMap, QMap, Graph).
+	/******************************
+	*	    edges	      *
+	******************************/
+%%	edges(+EMap, +QMap, +GetSrc, +P, ?S, ?O, +Max,-Edges)
+%	Edges contains all edges over P with a maximum of
+%	Max.
+edges(EMap, QMap, Src, P, S, O, Max, Edges) :-
+	answer_count(Edge, iface_edge(EMap,QMap,Src,P,S,O,Edge), Max, Edges).
+%%	iface_edge(+EMap, +QMap, +SrcBool, +P, ?S, ?O, -Edge)
+%	Edge is a triple or quad unifying S,P,O with a triple in the graph.
+%	* EMap and QMap indicate the rdfs_plus_skos reasoning @see
+%	rdfs_plus_skos/5
+iface_edge(EMap, QMap, SrcBool, P, S, O, Edge) :-
+	rdfs_plus_skos(EMap, QMap, S, P, O, _,RealP,_),
+	(   SrcBool,
+	    rdf(S,RealP,O,Src)
+        ->  Edge = rdf(S,P,O,Src)
+	;   Edge = rdf(S,P,O)
+	).
+%%	iface_edge_object_expand(+ExtMap, +EdgeIn, -EdgeOut)
+%	Edge is rdf(S,P,O) or an expandsion thereof.
+%	Currently we only expand if there is no triple source.
+iface_edge_object_expand(EMap, rdf(S,P,O0), rdf(S,P,O)) :- !,
+	representative(EMap, O0, O1),
+	(   % @TBD test for rdf_value
+	    rdf_has(O1,rdf:value,O)
+	->  true
+	;   O = O1
+	).
+iface_edge_object_expand(_, Edge, Edge).
+	/******************************
+	*    rdf graph operations     *
+	******************************/
+%%	iface_language_filter(+GraphIn, +LanguageList, -GraphOut)
+%	GraphOut contains all triples except those with a
+%	language not in LanguageList.
+%	Do we want to filter out literals without a language tag ?
+iface_language_filter([], _, []).
+iface_language_filter([Triple|Ts], LangList, Rest) :-
+	literal_language(Triple, L),
+	\+ memberchk(L, LangList), !,
+	iface_language_filter(Ts, LangList, Rest).
+iface_language_filter([Triple|Ts], LangList, [Triple|Rest]) :-
+	iface_language_filter(Ts, LangList, Rest).
+literal_language(rdf(_,_,literal(lang(L0, _))), L) :-
+	sub_atom(L0,0,2,_,L).
+literal_language(rdf(_,_,literal(lang(L0, _)),_), L) :-
+	sub_atom(L0,0,2,_,L).
+%%	iface_used_namespaces(+Graph, -Namespaces)
+%	Namespaces is a list of unique namespaces used in Graph.
+iface_used_namespaces(Graph, List) :-
+	findall(Ns,
+		( rdf_triple(Graph, S,P,O),
+		  triple_ns(S,P,O, Ns)
+		),
+		List0),
+	sort(List0, List).
+triple_ns(R,_,_,Ns) :-
+	\+ rdf_is_bnode(R),
+	rdf_url_namespace(R, Ns).
+triple_ns(_,R,_,Ns) :-
+	\+ rdf_is_bnode(R),
+	rdf_url_namespace(R, Ns).
+triple_ns(_,_,R,Ns) :-
+	atom(R),
+	\+ rdf_is_bnode(R),
+	rdf_url_namespace(R, Ns).
+rdf_triple(Graph, S,P,O) :-
+	member(rdf(S, P, O), Graph).
+rdf_triple(Graph, S,P,O) :-
+	member(rdf(S, P, O,_), Graph).
+	/******************************
+	*      rdf_has variants       *
+	******************************/
+%%	iface_has(?S, ?P, ?O).
+%%      iface_has(+EMap, QMap, ?S, ?P, ?O, ?RealP).
+%       As rdfs_plus_skos/5, but also try interface:edge/5
+iface_has(S,P,O) :-
+	iface_has(0, 0, S, P, O, _).
+iface_has(EMap, QMap, S, P, O, RealP) :-
+	( var(P) -> true; atom(P) ),
+	rdfs_plus_skos(EMap, QMap, S, P, O, _, RealP, _).
+iface_has(EMap, QMap, S, P, O, P) :-
+	interface:edge(P, EMap, QMap, S, O).
+%%	iface_pref_value(?S, ?P, ?O).
+%%      iface_pref_value(+EMap, +QMap, ?S, ?P, ?O, -RealP)
+%	As rdfs_plus_skos/5, but first tries a preferred subproperty.
+%	@TBD exlcude preferred property values in second clause
+iface_pref_value(S, P, V) :-
+	iface_pref_value(0, 0, S, P, V, _).
+iface_pref_value(EMap, QMap, S, P, O, RealP) :-
+	iface_pref_property(P, PrefP),
+	rdfs_plus_skos(EMap, QMap, S, PrefP, O, _,RealP,_).
+iface_pref_value(EMap, QMap, S, P, O, RealP) :-
+	rdfs_plus_skos(EMap, QMap, S, P, O, _,RealP,_).
+%%	iface_literal_value(?S, ?P, ?Literal).
+%%	iface_literal_value(+EMap, +QMap, ?S, ?P, ?Literal, ?RealP).
+%	Succeeds if the triple Subject,Predicate,Literal exists,
+%	but first tries
+%	 1. literals in user language
+%	 2. literals in english
+%	 3. any language
+iface_literal_value(S, P, L) :-
+	iface_literal_value(0, 0, S, P, L, _).
+iface_literal_value(EMap, QMap, S, P, literal(lang(Lang, L)), RealP) :-
+	setting(user:lang, Lang),
+	rdfs_plus_skos(EMap, QMap, S, P, literal(lang(Lang, L)), _,RealP,_).
+iface_literal_value(EMap, QMap, S, P, literal(lang(En, L)), RealP) :-
+	english_language_tag(En),
+	rdfs_plus_skos(EMap, QMap, S, P, literal(lang(En, L)), _,RealP,_).
+iface_literal_value(EMap, QMap, S, P, literal(L), RealP) :-
+	rdfs_plus_skos(EMap, QMap, S, P, literal(L), _,RealP,_).
+%%	iface_pref_literal_value(?S, ?P, ?Literal).
+%%	iface_pref_literal_value(+EMap, +QMap, ?Subject, ?Predicate, ?Literal, ?RealP).
+%	Succeeds if the triple Subject,Predicate,Literal exists,
+%	but first tries
+%	 preferred property with user language
+%	 any property with user language
+%	 preferred property with english
+%	 any property with english
+%	 preferred property with any language
+%	 any property with any language
+iface_pref_literal_value(S, P, L) :-
+	setting(user:lang, Lang),
+	iface_pref_literal_value(0, 0, Lang, S, P, L, _).
+iface_pref_literal_value(EMap, QMap, S, P, L, RealP) :-
+	setting(user:lang, Lang),
+	iface_pref_literal_value(EMap, QMap, Lang, S, P, L, RealP).
+iface_pref_literal_value(EMap, QMap, Lang, S, P, literal(lang(Lang, L)), RealP) :-
+	iface_pref_property(P, PrefP),
+	rdfs_plus_skos(EMap, QMap, S, PrefP, literal(lang(Lang, L)), _,RealP,_).
+iface_pref_literal_value(EMap, QMap, Lang, S, P, literal(lang(Lang, L)), RealP) :-
+	rdfs_plus_skos(EMap, QMap, S, P, literal(lang(Lang, L)), _,RealP,_).
+iface_pref_literal_value(EMap, QMap, Lang, S, P, literal(lang(En, L)), RealP) :-
+	english_language_tag(En),
+	Lang \== En,
+	(   iface_pref_property(P, PrefP),
+	    rdfs_plus_skos(EMap, QMap, S, PrefP, literal(lang(En, L)), _,RealP,_)
+	;   rdfs_plus_skos(EMap, QMap, S, P, literal(lang(En, L)), _,RealP,_)
+	).
+iface_pref_literal_value(EMap, QMap, _Lang, S, P, literal(L), RealP) :-
+	iface_pref_property(P, PrefP),
+	rdfs_plus_skos(EMap, QMap, S, PrefP, literal(L), _,RealP,_).
+iface_pref_literal_value(EMap, QMap, _Lang, S, P, literal(L), RealP) :-
+	rdfs_plus_skos(EMap, QMap, S, P, literal(L), _,RealP,_).
+	/******************************
+	*    interface properties     *
+	******************************/
+%%	iface_resource_lens(+R, ?Lens)
+%	Lens applies to R.
+iface_resource_lens(R, Lens) :-
+	rdfs_individual_of(R, Class),
+	rdf(Lens, iface:lensType, Class).
+%%	iface_lens_properties(+Lens, -Properties)
+%	Properties is a list of lensProperties accociated with Lens.
+iface_lens_properties(Lens, Ps) :-
+	rdf(Lens, iface:lensProperty, List),
+	rdfs_list_to_prolog_list(List, Ps),
+	!.
+iface_lens_properties(Lens, Ps) :-
+	findall(P, rdf(Lens, iface:lensProperty, P), Ps),
+	Ps \== [].
+%%	iface_lens_options(Lens, Options0, Options)
+iface_lens_options(Lens, Options0, Options) :-
+	findall(Q, rdf(Lens, iface:reasoning, literal(Q)), QL),
+	QL \== [], !,
+	(   select_option(rdfs_plus_skos(Q0), Options0, Options1)
+	->  union(QL, Q0, Q),
+	    Options = [rdfs_plus_skos(Q)|Options1]
+	;   Options = [rdfs_plus_skos(QL)|Options0]
+	).
+iface_lens_options(_, Options, Options).
+%%	iface_label(+Resource, -Label).
+%%      iface_label(+EMap, +QMap, +Resource, -Label)
+%	Label is the the prefered display label of Resource
+iface_label(R, Label) :-
+	iface_label(0, 0, R, L),
+	literal_text(L, Label).
+iface_label(_, _, literal(L), literal(L)) :- !.
+iface_label(EMap, QMap, R, Label) :-
+	setting(user:lang, Lang),
+	iface_pref_lang_label(EMap, QMap, R, Lang, Label),
+	!.
+iface_label(EMap, QMap, R, Label) :-
+	english_language_tag(En),
+	iface_pref_lang_label(EMap, QMap, R, En, Label),
+	!.
+iface_label(EMap, QMap, R, Label) :-
+	(   rdfs_plus_skos(EMap, QMap, R, iface:prefLabel, O)
+	->  true
+	;   rdfs_plus_skos(EMap, QMap, R, rdfs:label, O)
+	),
+	iface_label(EMap, QMap, O, Label),
+	!.
+iface_label(EMap, QMap, R, Label) :-
+	rdf(R, rdf:value, Value),
+	iface_label(EMap, QMap, Value, Label),
+	!.
+iface_label(_, _, R, Label) :-
+	atom(R),
+	rdf_split_url(_, Label1, R),
+	(  Label1 = ''
+	-> Label=R
+	;  Label=Label1
+	).
+iface_pref_lang_label(EMap, QMap, R, Lang, L) :-
+	(   rdfs_plus_skos(EMap, QMap, R, iface:prefLabel, literal(lang(Lang,L)))
+	->  true
+	;   rdfs_plus_skos(EMap, QMap, R, rdfs:label, literal(lang(Lang,L)))
+	).
+%%	iface_match_label(+R, +Match, -Label).
+%%      iface_match_label(+EMap, +QMap, +R, +Match, -Label).
+%	Label is a label of R and matches with Kwd.
+iface_match_label(R, Match, Label) :-
+	iface_match_label(0, 0, R, Match, Label).
+iface_match_label(EMap, QMap, R, Match, Label) :-
+	concat_atom(['*',Match,'*'], RegExp),
+	label_property(P),
+	iface_has(EMap, QMap, R, P, literal(like(RegExp), Lit), _),
+	!,
+	literal_text(Lit, Label).
+iface_match_label(EMap, QMap, R, _Query, Label) :-
+	iface_label(EMap, QMap, R, Label).
+%%	iface_match_literal(+R, +Match, -Txt).
+%%      iface_match_literal(+EMap, +QMap, +R, +Match, -Txt).
+%	Txt is a literal metadata property of R and matches with Kwd.
+iface_match_literal(R, Match, Label) :-
+	iface_match_literal(0, 0, R, Match, Label).
+iface_match_literal(EMap, QMap, R, Match, Label) :-
+	concat_atom(['*',Match,'*'], RegExp),
+	iface_has(EMap, QMap, R, _, literal(like(RegExp), Lit), _),
+	literal_text(Lit, Label).
+rdf_label:label_property(P) :-
+	rdf_equal(iface:prefLabel, P).
+rdf_label:label_property(P) :-
+	rdf_equal(rdfs:label, P).
+%%	iface_class_of(+Resource, ?Class).
+%%      iface_class_of(+Type, +Resource, -Class).
+%	Class is the interface class of Resource.
+iface_class_of(Resource, Class) :-
+	iface_class_of(0, 0, Resource, Class).
+iface_class_of(_, _, Resource, _) :-
+	var(Resource), !,
+	instantiation_error(Resource).
+iface_class_of(_, _, literal(_), C) :-
+	rdf_equal(C, rdfs:'Literal'),
+	!.
+iface_class_of(EMap, QMap, Resource, Class) :-
+	rdfs_plus_skos(EMap, QMap, Resource, rdf:type, Class0),
+	rdf_reachable(Class0, rdfs:subClassOf, Class),
+	rdf(Class, rdf:type, iface:'Class'),
+	!.
+iface_class_of(_, _, _Resource, RestClass) :-
+	rdf_equal(iface:'RestClass', RestClass).
+%%	iface_symbol_of(+Resource, -Symbol).
+%%	iface_symbol_of(+EMap, +QMap, +Resource, -Symbol).
+%	Symbol is the URI of an image that depicts Resource.
+%	Uses iface:depictedBy or the inverse iface:depicts.
+%	Add Mappings to these relations to add more properties.
+iface_symbol_of(Resource, Symbol) :-
+	iface_symbol_of(0, 0, Resource, Symbol).
+iface_symbol_of(EMap, QMap, Resource, Symbol) :-
+	rdfs_plus_skos(EMap, QMap, Resource, iface:prefDepictedBy, Symbol).
+iface_symbol_of(EMap, QMap, Resource, Symbol) :-
+	rdfs_plus_skos(EMap, QMap, Symbol, iface:prefDepicts, Resource).
+iface_symbol_of(EMap, QMap, Resource, Symbol) :-
+	rdfs_plus_skos(EMap, QMap, Resource, iface:depictedBy, Symbol).
+iface_symbol_of(EMap, QMap, Resource, Symbol) :-
+	rdfs_plus_skos(EMap, QMap, Symbol, iface:depicts, Resource).
+%%  is_image(+Resource)
+%   Resource is of type Image.
+is_image(Resource) :-
+	rdfs_individual_of(Resource, iface:'Image'), !.
+%%  is_video(+Resource)
+%   Resource is of type Video.
+is_video(Resource) :-
+	rdfs_individual_of(Resource, iface:'Video'), !.
+%%	iface_image(+Resource, -Image)
+%	Same as iface_thumbnail with Image at full size
+iface_image(R, Image) :-
+	iface_image(0, 0, R, Image).
+iface_image(_, _, Resource, Image) :-
+	is_image(Resource), !,
+	image_url(Resource, Image).
+iface_image(EMap, QMap, Resource, Image) :-
+	iface_symbol_of(EMap, QMap, Resource, Symbol),
+	\+ is_video(Symbol),
+	image_url(Symbol, Image).
+%%	iface_thumbnail(+Resource, -Thumbnail)
+%	Thumbnail is the url of an image depicting Resource.
+iface_thumbnail(R, Thumbnail) :-
+	iface_thumbnail(0, 0, R, Thumbnail).
+iface_thumbnail(_, _, Resource, Thumbnail) :-
+	is_image(Resource), !,
+	thumbnail_url(Resource, Thumbnail).
+iface_thumbnail(EMap, QMap, Resource, Thumbnail) :-
+	iface_symbol_of(EMap, QMap, Resource, Symbol),
+	\+ is_video(Symbol),
+	thumbnail_url(Symbol, Thumbnail).
+%%  iface_video(+Resource, -Video)
+%   Video is about Resource.
+iface_video(R, Video) :-
+	iface_video(0, 0, R, Video).
+iface_video(_, _, Video, Video) :-
+	is_video(Video), !.
+iface_video(EMap, QMap, Resource, Video) :-
+	iface_symbol_of(EMap, QMap, Resource, Video),
+	is_video(Video).
+%%	iface_description(+Resource, -Description)
+%	Description is a literal description of Resource
+%	Uses iface:description Add Mappings to this relation to use
+%	domain specific property.
+iface_description(R, Description) :-
+	iface_description(0, 0, R, Description).
+iface_description(EMap, QMap, Resource, Description) :-
+	iface_pref_literal_value(EMap, QMap, Resource, iface:description, Description, _).
+%%	iface_abbreviation(+Resource, -Txt)
+%	Show short label of Resource.
+iface_abbreviation(Resource, Abbreviation) :-
+	iface_abbreviation(0, 0, Resource, Abbreviation).
+iface_abbreviation(EMap, QMap, Resource, Abbreviation) :-
+	iface_pref_literal_value(EMap, QMap, Resource, iface:abbreviation, Abbreviation, _).
+%%	iface_pref_property(+Property, -Preferred)
+%	Succeeds if Preferred is defined as a preferred property of
+%	Property.
+iface_pref_property(P, Preferred) :-
+	rdf(P, iface:hasPreferred, Preferred),
+	!.
+iface_pref_property(P, Preferred) :-
+	rdf(Preferred, iface:preferredOf, P).
+%%  iface_table_property(+Class, -Property)
+%   Property is defined as iface:tableProperty for Class.
+iface_table_property(Class, Property) :-
+	rdfs_subclass_of(SC, Class),
+	rdf(SC, iface:tableProperty, Property).
+%%	iface_abstract_property(+Property, -Abstract) is det.
+%	True if Abstract is a high-level property for Property.
+iface_abstract_predicate(P, AP) :-
+	atom(P),
+	rdf_reachable(P, rdfs:subPropertyOf, AP),
+	iface_predicate(AP), !.
+iface_abstract_predicate(P, P).
+%iface_predicate(P) :-
+%	catch(cliopatria:iface_predicate(P), _, fail), !.
+iface_predicate(P) :-
+	rdfs_individual_of(P, iface:'Property').
+%%	iface_abstract_class(+Class, -Abstract) is det.
+%	True if Abstract is a high-level class for Class.
+iface_abstract_class(Resource, Class) :-
+	class_of(Resource, Class0),
+	abstract_class(Class0, Class).
+abstract_class(Class, AClass) :-
+	rdfs_subclass_of(Class, AClass),
+	iface_class(AClass),
+	Class \== AClass.
+abstract_class(Class, Class).
+%%	class_of(+ResourceOrLiteral, -Class:atom) is det.
+%	Class is the class of ResourceOrLiteral. Returns rdfs:Literal if
+%	ResourceOrLiteral   is   a   literal    and   rdfs:Resource   if
+%	ResourceOrLiteral has no explicit class.
+%	Added by MH
+%	The preferred class is an interface class (iface:Class)
+class_of(literal(_), C) :- !,
+	rdf_equal(C, rdfs:'Literal').
+class_of(Resource, Class) :-
+	rdf(Resource, rdf:type, Class0),
+	rdf_reachable(Class0, rdfs:subClassOf, Class),
+	rdf(Class, rdf:type, iface:'Class'),
+	!.
+class_of(O, C) :-
+	rdf_has(O, rdf:type, C), !.
+class_of(_, Resource) :-
+	rdf_equal(Resource, rdfs:'Resource').
+%iface_class(Class) :-
+%	catch(cliopatria:iface_class(Class), _, fail), !.
+iface_class(Class) :-
+	rdfs_individual_of(Class, iface:'Class').
+%%	iface_concept(+Resource) is semidet.
+%	True if Resource is  a  concept   from  some  thesaurus.  If the
+%	meta-modelling is correct,  using   skos:Concept  should suffice
+%	here.  This is used by concept_of/2.
+iface_concept(Resource) :-
+	atom(Resource),
+	rdfs_individual_of(Resource, skos:'Concept'),
+	%cliopatria:is_concept(Resource),
+	!.
+	/******************************
+	*      predefined edges       *
+	******************************/
+:- setting(result:sublabel,  uri, dc:creator, 'RDF property used for sublabel').
+:- setting(result:format,  oneof([thumbnail,snippet]), thumbnail, 'Format of result').
+:- multifile
+     interface:edge/5.
+:- rdf_meta
+     edge(r,+,o),
+     edge(+,+,r,+,o).
+interface:edge(S, P, O) :-
+	interface:edge(0, 0, S, P, O).
+interface:edge(label, EMap, QMap, S, O) :-
+	iface_label(EMap, QMap, S, O).
+interface:edge(matchLabel(Kwd), EMap, QMap, S, O) :-
+	iface_match_label(EMap, QMap, S, Kwd, O).
+interface:edge(matchLiteral(Kwd), EMap, QMap, S, O) :-
+	iface_match_literal(EMap, QMap, S, Kwd, O).
+interface:edge(sublabel, EMap, QMap, S, O) :-
+	setting(result:sublabel, Property),
+	rdfs_plus_skos(EMap, QMap, S, Property, R),
+	interface:edge(label, EMap, QMap, R, O).
+interface:edge(labels, EMap, QMap, S, Os) :-
+	findall(O, rdfs_plus_skos(EMap, QMap, S, rdfs:label, O), Os).
+interface:edge(prefLabel, EMap, QMap, S, O) :-
+	iface_literal_value(EMap, QMap, S, iface:prefLabel, O, _).
+interface:edge(altLabel, EMap, QMap, S, O) :-
+	iface_literal_value(EMap, QMap, S, iface:altLabel, O, _).
+interface:edge(altLabels, EMap, QMap, S, Os) :-
+        findall(O, rdfs_plus_skos(EMap, QMap, S, iface:altLabel, O), Os).
+interface:edge(description, EMap, QMap, S, O) :-
+	iface_pref_literal_value(EMap, QMap, S, iface:description, O, _).
+interface:edge(abbreviation, EMap, QMap, S, O) :-
+	rdfs_plus_skos(EMap, QMap, S, iface:abbreviation, O).
+interface:edge(alias, _, _, S, literal(Alias)) :-
+	rdf_global_id(Alias:_Local, S).
+interface:edge(ns, _, _, URI, literal(Ns)) :-
+	rdf_url_namespace(URI, Ns).
+interface:edge(registered_ns, _, _, URI, literal(Ns)) :-
+	atom(URI),
+	rdf_db:ns(_,Ns),
+	sub_atom(URI, _,_,_, Ns),!.
+interface:edge(image, EMap, QMap, S, Image) :-
+	iface_image(EMap, QMap, S, Image).
+interface:edge(images, EMap, QMap, S, Images) :-
+	findall(I, iface_image(EMap, QMap, S, I), Images).
+interface:edge(thumbnail, EMap, QMap, S, Image) :-
+	iface_thumbnail(EMap, QMap, S, Image).
+interface:edge(thumbnails, EMap, QMap, S, Images) :-
+	findall(I, iface_thumbnail(EMap, QMap, S, I), Images).
+interface:edge(video, EMap, QMap, S, Video) :-
+	iface_video(EMap, QMap, S, Video).
+interface:edge(videos, EMap, QMap, S, Videos) :-
+	findall(V, iface_video(EMap, QMap, S, V), Videos).
+interface:edge(iclass, EMap, QMap, S, Class) :-
+	iface_class_of(EMap, QMap, S, Class).
+interface:edge(lat, EMap, QMap, S, O) :-
+	rdfs_plus_skos(EMap, QMap, S, iface:latitude, O).
+interface:edge(lng, EMap, QMap, S, O) :-
+	rdfs_plus_skos(EMap, QMap, S, iface:longitude, O).
+interface:edge(date, EMap, QMap, S, Date) :-
+	(   rdfs_plus_skos(EMap, QMap, S, iface:startDate, Start)
+	->  (   rdfs_plus_skos(EMap, QMap, S, iface:endDate, End)
+	    ->  Date = date(Start, End)
+	    ;   Date = date(Start)
+	    )
+	;   rdfs_plus_skos(EMap, QMap, S, iface:date, Date)
+	).
+interface:edge(broader, EMap, QMap, S, O) :-
+	rdfs_plus_skos(EMap, QMap, S, iface:broader, O).
+interface:edge(root, EMap, QMap, S, O) :-
+	rdfs_plus_skos(EMap, QMap, S, iface:broader, Parent),
+	rdf_reachable(Parent, iface:broader, O),
+	\+ rdf_has(O, iface:broader, _).
+interface:edge(inlink, _, _, S, Score) :-
+	rdf_estimate_complexity(_,_,S,CO),
+	Score is 1/(1+CO).
+interface:edge(outlink, _, _, S, Score) :-
+	rdf_estimate_complexity(S,_,_,CS),
+	Score is 1/(1+CS).
+interface:edge(links, _, _, S, Score) :-
+	rdf_estimate_complexity(_,_,S,CO),
+	rdf_estimate_complexity(S,_,_,CS),
+	Score is 1/(1+CO+CS).
+interface:edge(example_thumbs, EMap, QMap, S, Thumbs) :-
+	answer_count(Thumb,
+			(   rdf(Resource, _, S),
+			    iface_thumbnail(EMap, QMap, Resource, Thumb)
+			),
+			5,
+			Thumbs
+		       ).
+%%	thumbnail_url(+Image, -Thumbnail)
+%	Thumbnail is the URI of a Thumbnail
+%	that depicts Resource.
+thumbnail_url(Image, Thumbnail) :-
+	http_link_to_id(http_thumbnail, Thumbnail, [uri(Image)]).
+image_url(Image, Thumbnail) :-
+	http_link_to_id(http_mediumscale, Thumbnail, [uri(Image)]).
diff --git a/lib/cluster_search/ b/lib/cluster_search/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..edf296e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/cluster_search/
@@ -0,0 +1,343 @@
+/*  This file is part of ClioPatria.
+	Author:
+	GIT:	git://
+	GIT:
+	Copyright:  2007, E-Culture/MultimediaN
+	ClioPatria is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+	it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+	the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
+	(at your option) any later version.
+	ClioPatria is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+	but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+	GNU General Public License for more details.
+	You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+	along with ClioPatria.  If not, see <>.
+:- module(json_graph,
+	[	graph_to_json/2,		% +Graph:[rdf(s,p,v)], -JSONTerm
+		graph_to_json/3,		% +Type, +Graph:[rdf(s,p,v)], -JSONTerm
+		graph_to_json/4,		% +Type, +Graph:[rdf(s,p,v)], -JSONTerm, +Options
+		triples_to_json/4,              % +Type, +Graph:[rdf(s,p,v)], -JSONTerm, +Options
+		rdf_group_by/3,			% +Type, +Graph:[rdf(s,p,v)], -GroupedGraph
+		rdf_resource_to_json/2		% +Resource, -JSONTerm
+	]).
+% http
+:- use_module(library(http/json)).
+:- use_module(library(http/json_convert)).
+:- use_module(library(http/http_json)).
+% semweb
+:- use_module(library(semweb/rdf_label)).
+% util
+:- use_module(iface_util).
+%%	graph_to_json(+Type, +Graph, -JSON, +Options)
+%	JSON is a prolog json term of Graph.
+%	Based on "".
+%	Usage reply_json(JSON) to write JSON to stream.
+%	@Param Type	triples={subject, predicate, object}
+%			spo={subject:predicate:[object]}
+%			ops={object:predicate:[subject]}
+%			etc.
+graph_to_json(Graph, JSON) :-
+	graph_to_json(spo, Graph, JSON, []).
+graph_to_json(Type, Graph, JSON) :-
+	graph_to_json(Type, Graph, JSON, []).
+graph_to_json(triples, Graph, JSON, Options) :- !,
+	triples_to_json(spo, Graph, JSON, Options).
+graph_to_json(Type0, Graph, json(JSON), Options) :-
+	output_type(Type0, Type),
+	option(smax(SMax), Options, -1),
+	option(pmax(PMax), Options, -1),
+	option(omax(OMax), Options, -1),
+	(  option(prefix(true), Options)
+	-> JSON = [prefixes=Prefixes|JSONGraph],
+	   graph_prefixes_to_json(Graph, Prefixes)
+	;  JSON = JSONGraph
+	),
+	graph_to_json(Type, Graph, SMax, PMax, OMax, JSONGraph).
+output_type(display, spo) :- !.
+output_type(subject, spo) :- !.
+output_type(predicate, pso) :- !.
+output_type(object, ops) :- !.
+output_type(Type, Type).
+%%	graph_to_json(+IndexType, +Graph, +Max1, +Max2, +Max3, -JSON)
+%	JSON is a json term of graph indexed according to IndexType.
+graph_to_json(spo, Graph, SMax, PMax, OMax, JSON) :- !,
+	indexed_triples_to_json(1,2,3, Graph, SMax, PMax, OMax, JSON).
+graph_to_json(ops, Graph, SMax, PMax, OMax, JSON) :- !,
+	indexed_triples_to_json(3,2,1, Graph, OMax, PMax, SMax, JSON).
+graph_to_json(pso, Graph, SMax, PMax, OMax, JSON) :- !,
+	indexed_triples_to_json(2,1,3, Graph, PMax, SMax, OMax, JSON).
+graph_to_json(pos, Graph, SMax, PMax, OMax, JSON) :- !,
+	indexed_triples_to_json(2,3,1, Graph, PMax, OMax, SMax, JSON).
+graph_to_json(sop, Graph, SMax, PMax, OMax, JSON) :- !,
+	indexed_triples_to_json(1,3,2, Graph, SMax, OMax, PMax, JSON).
+graph_to_json(osp, Graph, SMax, PMax, OMax, JSON) :- !,
+	indexed_triples_to_json(3,1,2, Graph, OMax, SMax, PMax, JSON).
+graph_to_json(Type, _, _, _, _, _) :-
+	domain_error('output type', Type).
+%%	triples_to_json(+Graph, -JSON, +Options)
+%	JSON is a RDF graph in prolog json term notation.
+%	use json_reply to output.
+triples_to_json(Type, Graph, JSON, Options) :-
+	option(source(Source), Options, false),
+	option(subject_info(SP), Options, []),
+	option(object_info(OP), Options, []),
+	option(predicate_info(PP), Options, []),
+	triples_to_json(Graph, Type, Source, SP,PP,OP, JSON).
+triples_to_json([], _, _, _, _, _, []).
+triples_to_json([Triple|T], Type, Source, SP,PP,OP, [json(JSON)|Rest]) :-
+	(   Triple = rdf(S,P,O,Src),
+	    Source = true
+	->  (   Src = File:Lineno
+	    ->  rdf_resource_to_json(File,SrcList),
+	        JSON = [source=json(SrcList),
+			lineno=Lineno|
+			JSON0
+		       ]
+	    ;   rdf_resource_to_json(Src,SrcList),
+		JSON = [source=json(SrcList)|
+			JSON0
+		       ]
+	    )
+	;   Triple = rdf(S,P,O,_)
+	->  JSON = JSON0
+	;   Triple = rdf(S,P,O)
+	->  JSON = JSON0
+	),
+	triple_to_json(Type, S,P,O, SP,PP,OP, JSON0),
+	triples_to_json(T, Type, Source, SP,PP,OP, Rest).
+%%	triple_to_json(+Type,+Subject,+Predicate,+Object)
+%	JSONList contains json terms for S,P and O.
+triple_to_json(spo, S,P,O, SP,PP,OP, JSONList) :-
+	JSONList = [subject=json(SList),
+		    predicate=json(PList),
+		    object=json(OList)],
+	rdf_resource_to_json(S, SP, SList),
+	rdf_resource_to_json(P, PP, PList),
+	rdf_resource_to_json(O, OP, OList).
+triple_to_json(ps, S,P,_, SP,PP,_, JSONList) :-
+	JSONList = [subject=json(SList),
+		    predicate=json(PList)],
+	rdf_resource_to_json(S, SP, SList),
+	rdf_resource_to_json(P, PP, PList).
+triple_to_json(po, _,P,O, _,PP,OP, JSONList) :-
+	JSONList = [object=json(OList),
+		    predicate=json(PList)],
+	rdf_resource_to_json(O, OP, OList),
+	rdf_resource_to_json(P, PP, PList).
+triple_to_json(so, S,_,O, SP,_,OP, JSONList) :-
+	JSONList = [subject=json(SList),
+		    object=json(OList)],
+	rdf_resource_to_json(S, SP, SList),
+	rdf_resource_to_json(O, OP, OList).
+% %	indexed_triples_to_json(+Arg1, +Arg2, +Arg3, +Graph, +Max1, +Max2, +Max3, -JSON)
+%	JSON is a prolog term in json notation indexed first by the Arg1
+%	argument, then Arg2 argument.
+indexed_triples_to_json(Arg1, Arg2, Arg3, Graph, Max1, Max2, Max3, JSON) :-
+	rdf_group_by(Arg1, Graph, Pairs),
+	pairs_to_json(Arg2, Arg3, Pairs, Max1, Max2, Max3, JSON).
+% %	pairs_to_json(+Arg2, +Arg3, +Pairs:arg1-[triple], +Max, +Max2, +Max3, -JSON)
+%	Convert triples grouped by Key to a JSON term.
+%	@Param Max	maximum Arg1 items that are shown.
+%	@param Max2     maximum Arg2 items that are shown.
+%	@param Max3     maximum Arg3 items that are shown.
+pairs_to_json(_, _, [], _, _, _, []) :- !.
+pairs_to_json(_, _, Rest, 0, _, _, [Msg]) :- !,
+	rest_to_json(Rest, Msg).
+pairs_to_json(Arg2, Arg3, [R0-Triples|T], N, Max2, Max3, [R=json(JSON)|Rest]) :-
+	N1 is N - 1,
+	resource_to_value(R0, R), % if R0 is a literal we loose information !
+	rdf_group_by(Arg2, Triples, Pairs),
+	pairs_to_json(Arg3, Pairs, Max2, Max3, JSON),
+	pairs_to_json(Arg2, Arg3, T, N1, Max2, Max3, Rest).
+% %	pairs_to_json(+Arg3, +Pairs:arg2-[triple], +Max2, +Max3, -JSON)
+%	Convert triples grouped by arg2 to a JSON.
+pairs_to_json(_, [], _, _, []) :- !.
+pairs_to_json(_, Rest, 0, _, [Msg]) :- !,
+	rest_to_json(Rest, Msg).
+pairs_to_json(Arg3, [R0-Triples|T], N, Max3, [R=JSON|Rest]) :-
+	N1 is N - 1,
+	resource_to_value(R0, R),
+	resources_to_json(Arg3, Triples, Max3, JSON),
+	pairs_to_json(Arg3, T, N1, Max3, Rest).
+%%	resources_to_json(+Nth, +Triples, +Max, -JSON)
+%	Convert all the Nth arguments from Triple to a JSON term.
+resources_to_json(_, [], _, []) :- !.
+resources_to_json(_, Rest, 0, [Msg]) :- !,
+	rest_to_json(Rest, Msg).
+resources_to_json(Arg, [Triple|Ts], N, [json(JSON)|Vs]) :-
+	N1 is N-1,
+	arg(Arg, Triple, R),
+	rdf_resource_to_json(R, JSON0),
+	(   arg(4,Triple,Src:Line)
+	->  JSON = [src=Src,lineno=Line|JSON0]
+	;   arg(4,Triple,Src)
+	->  JSON = [src=Src|JSON0]
+	;   JSON = JSON0
+	),
+	resources_to_json(Arg, Ts, N1, Vs).
+%%	rdf_resource_to_json(+Resource, +Ps, -JSON)
+%	Convert an RDF Resource to a JSON term and the properties from
+%	Ps.
+rdf_resource_to_json(R, [], JSON) :- !,
+	rdf_resource_to_json(R, JSON).
+rdf_resource_to_json(R, Ps, JSON) :-
+	rdf_resource_to_json(R, Vs0),
+	iface_resource_properties(R, Ps, Vs1),
+	append(Vs0, Vs1, JSON).
+%%	rdf_resource_to_json(+Resource, -JSON)
+%	Convert an RDF Resource to a JSON term.
+rdf_resource_to_json(Bool, Object) :-
+	boolean_to_json(Bool, Boolean), !,  % Why did we need this?
+	Object = [value=Boolean, type=boolean].
+rdf_resource_to_json(literal(Lit), Object) :- !,
+	Object = [value=Txt, type=literal|Rest],
+	literal_to_json(Lit, Txt, Rest).
+rdf_resource_to_json(URI0, Object) :-
+	rdf_global_id(URI0, URI),
+	Object = [value=URI, type=Type],
+	object_uri_type(URI, Type).
+%%	literal_to_json(+Literal, -Text, -Attributes)
+%	Extract text and Attributes from Literal resource.
+literal_to_json(lang(Lang, Txt), Txt, [lang=Lang]) :- !.
+literal_to_json(type(Type, Txt0), Txt, [datatype=Type]) :- !,
+	literal_text(type(Type,Txt0), Txt). % hack to handle XML data
+literal_to_json(Txt, Txt, []).
+%%	boolean_to_json(?Bool, ?JSONBool)
+%	JSONBool has an extra @ in front of true or false.
+boolean_to_json(false, @false).
+boolean_to_json(true, @true).
+%%	rest_to_json(+Rest, -JSON)
+%	JSON is a json term with information about
+%	the number of resources that are not in the output.
+rest_to_json(Rest, json(Msg)) :-
+	length(Rest, C),
+	Msg = [type=more, value=C].
+%%	object_uri_type(+URI, -Type)
+%	Type is one of bnode or uri.
+object_uri_type(URI, Type) :-
+	(   rdf_is_bnode(URI)
+	->  Type = bnode
+	;   Type = uri
+	).
+%%	resource_to_value(+Resource, -Value)
+%	As keys should be atoms we have to remove the literal
+%	information and only keep the label.
+resource_to_value(literal(L), Txt) :- !,
+	literal_text(L, Txt).
+resource_to_value(R, R).
+%%  rdf_group_by(+Argument, +Graph, -Pairs)
+%   Pairs contains triples from Graph grouped by
+%   one of the three arguments.
+%   @Param Argument	the argument to group by 1,2 or 3
+rdf_group_by(Arg, Graph, Groups) :-
+	map_list_to_pairs(arg(Arg), Graph, Pairs0),
+	keysort(Pairs0, Pairs),
+	group_pairs_by_key(Pairs, Groups).
+%%  graph_prefixes_to_json(+Graph, -Prefixes)
+graph_prefixes_to_json(Graph, json(Prefixes)) :-
+	iface_used_namespaces(Graph, FullNS),
+	add_ns_abbreviations(FullNS, Prefixes).
+add_ns_abbreviations([], []).
+add_ns_abbreviations([NS|T0], [Abbr=NS|T]) :-
+	rdf_db:ns(Abbr, NS), !,
+	add_ns_abbreviations(T0, T).
+add_ns_abbreviations([_|T0], T) :-
+	add_ns_abbreviations(T0, T).
diff --git a/lib/cluster_search/ b/lib/cluster_search/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..55cc819
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/cluster_search/
@@ -0,0 +1,558 @@
+/*  This file is part of ClioPatria.
+    Author:
+    HTTP:
+    GITWEB:
+    GIT:	git://
+    GIT:
+    Copyright:  2007, E-Culture/MultimediaN
+    ClioPatria is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+    the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
+    (at your option) any later version.
+    ClioPatria is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+    GNU General Public License for more details.
+    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+    along with ClioPatria.  If not, see <>.
+:- module(kwd_search,
+	  [ match_uri/7,	% +Atom, +Range, +Threshold, +Map, -URI, -Score, -Path
+	    match_string/7,	% +Atom, +Range, +Threshold, +Map, -URI, -Score, -Path
+	    search_string/6,	% +Atom, +Range, +Threshold, +Map, -Score, -Path
+	    search_graph/7,	% +From, +Range, +Score0, +Threshold, +Map, -Score, -Path
+	    find_literals/3	% +Search, +Threshold, -Literals
+	  ]).
+:- use_module(library(lists)).
+:- use_module(library(assoc)).
+:- use_module(library(debug)).
+:- use_module(library('semweb/rdf_db')).
+:- use_module(library('semweb/rdfs')).
+:- use_module(library('semweb/rdf_litindex')).
+:- use_module(library(porter_stem)).
+:- use_module(library(semweb/owl)).
+:- use_module(library(find_resource)).
+:- use_module(rdf_graph).
+:- use_module(rdf_search).
+:- use_module(rdf_cluster).
+:- use_module(library(semweb/rdf_abstract)).
+:- use_module(graph_search).
+:- use_module(fuzzy).
+:- rdf_meta
+	match_string(+, r, +, +, -),
+	search_string(+, t, +, +, -, -).
+%%	match_string(+Atom, -Matches, +Options)
+%	Find matches for the literal string Atom controlled by Options.
+%	Options supported are:
+%		* filter(+URI, :Goal)
+%		Calls Goal to filter target objects.
+%		* score(+Path, -Score, :Goal)
+%		Calls Goal to rate Path.  Score most be unified to a
+%		float between 0.0 and 1.0.  If Goal fails this path is
+%		discarded.
+%		* score_literal(+Literal, -Score, :Goal)
+%		Score the initial literal match.
+%		* threshold(Float)
+%		Float in the range 0.0..1.0, stopping the search if
+%		the score of a path is below Float.
+%		* threshold(Max, Min, MinHits)
+%		Perform iterative lowering of threshold, starting at
+%		Max and stopping at Min or after at least MinHits
+%		hits have been found.
+%	Example
+%	==
+%	match_string(gogh, Matches,
+%		     [ filter(URI, rdfs_individual_of(URI, ulan:'Person'))
+%		       score([rdfs:label|_], 1, true)
+%		     ])
+%	==
+%	@param	Matches is a list of hit(URI, Score, Path) terms.
+%match_string(Word, Matches, Options) :-
+%	select(threshold(Max, Min, MinHits), Options, Options1), !,
+%	iterative_threshold(4, Max, Min, Threshold),
+%	match_string(Word, Matches, [threshold(Threshold)|Options1]),
+%	length(Matches, HitCount),
+%	HitCount >= MinHits.
+%match_string(Word, Matches, Options) :-
+%	find_literals(Word, ScoredLiterals, Options),
+%	search_graph(ScoredLiterals, Matches, Options).
+%%	iterative_threshold(+Max, +Min, +Steps, -Threshold) is nondet.
+%	Generate thresholds, starting at Max and   going  in Steps equal
+%	relative steps down to Min.
+%iterative_threshold(Max, Min, Steps, Threshold) :-
+%	Steps1 is Steps - 1,
+%	Itv = log(Max) - log(Min),
+%	between(0, Steps1, Step),
+%	Threshold is exp(log(Max) - (Itv*Step/Steps1)).
+%%	match_string(+Atom, +Range, +Threshold, +Map,
+%%		     -URI, -Score, -Path) is nondet.
+%	Search URIs related to the string Atom.
+%	@param Atom	Search specification.  Will be tokenized.
+%	@param Range	Target objects.  Passed to owl_satisfies/2.
+%	@param Threshold Search cut-off threshold (0..1)
+%	@param Map	List of Pred-Factor.
+%	@param URI	Matching URI
+%	@param Score	Score of the match (0..1)
+%	@param Path	List of Pred-Obj with path from matching literals to URI.
+%			Note that this does *not* include URI.
+%	@see	search_string/7
+%	@tbd	Complete description
+match_string(Atom, Range, Threshold, Map, URI, Score, Path) :-
+	findall(Score1-Path1,
+		search_string(Atom, all_values_from(Range), Threshold, Map, Score1, Path1),
+		Pairs0),
+	join_probabilities(Pairs0, Pairs1),
+	keysort(Pairs1, Pairs2),
+	reverse(Pairs2, Pairs3),
+	member(Score-URI, Pairs3),
+	findall(Score2-Path2, member(Score2-[URI|Path2], Pairs0), Paths),
+	keysort(Paths,Paths0),
+	reverse(Paths0,[_Score-Path|_Tail]).	% TBD Should this _Score not be the result?
+match_uri(Atom, Range, Threshold, Map, URI, Score, Path) :-
+	assoc_map(Map, Assoc),
+	findall(Score1-Path1,
+		search_graph(Atom, all_values_from(Range), 1, Threshold, Assoc, Score1, Path1),
+		Pairs0),
+	join_probabilities(Pairs0, Pairs1),
+	keysort(Pairs1, Pairs2),
+	reverse(Pairs2, Pairs3),
+	member(Score-URI, Pairs3),
+	findall(Score2-Path2, member(Score2-[URI|Path2], Pairs0), Paths),
+	keysort(Paths,Paths0),
+	reverse(Paths0,[_Score-Path|_Tail]).
+%%	search_string(+Atom, +Range, +Threshold, +Map, -Score, -Path)
+%	We return all resources belonging to   Range  that either have a
+%	literal attribute from Atom or  have   a  resource  with such an
+%	attribute. Range is a  description   for  owl_satisfies/2.  Most
+%	typical usage is =|all_values_from(Class)|=
+%	Using one_of([Resource]) you can produce all  paths leading to a
+%	specific resource.
+%	@tbd	This is an old interface used by old basic search that
+%		is now hacked to run on top of the new search
+%		infrastructure.
+%	@param Map List of Pred-Factor. Current strength is multiplied
+%		   by Factor for Pred.  If strength becomes lower than
+%		   Threshold the search is stopped.
+%	@param Path List of [Target, R1-P1, R2-P2, ... literal(X)-PN]
+search_string(Atom, Range, Threshold, _Map, Score, Path) :-
+	graph_search(Atom, State,
+		     [ filter([owl_satisfies(Range)]),
+		       threshold(Threshold),
+		       prune(true)
+		     ]),
+	rdf_search_property(State, graph(Graph)),
+	rdf_search_property(State, targets(Targets)),
+	member(Score-Target, Targets),
+	rdf_cluster:search_path(Target, Graph, [_Target|IPath]),
+	op_pairs(IPath, Path1),
+	Path = [Target|Path1],
+	debug(path, 'Path = ~p', [Path]).
+%%	op_pairs(+List, -Pairs) is det.
+%	Translate between new path descriptions  and   the  old ones. We
+%	also used to delete owl:sameAs here, but  this is not the proper
+%	place as we  want  to  highlight  the   use  of  sameAs  in  the
+%	interface.
+op_pairs([], []).
+%op_pairs([P,_O|T0], T) :-
+%	rdf_equal(P, owl:sameAs), !,
+%	op_pairs(T0, T).
+op_pairs([P,O|T0], [O-P|T]) :-
+	op_pairs(T0, T).
+		 /*******************************
+		 *******************************/
+%%	find_literals(+SearchFor, -ScoredLiterals:list(Score-Literal), +Options) is det.
+%	Find all literals in the database  that are related to SearchFor
+%	by at least one common stem. Order these literals by the quality
+%	of the match.  Options:
+%		* threshold(+Float)
+%		If present, ignore literals that match with a score
+%		lower than threshold.
+%	@tbd	Allow for more than stem and "compound term" matches.
+%	@bug	Tokenization only deals with ISO Latin-1 text.
+find_literals(Search, Literals, Options) :-
+	option(threshold(Threshold), Options, 0.0),
+	(   rdf_tokenize_literal(Search, Tokens)
+	->  true
+	;   Tokens = [Search]		% HACK
+	),
+	all_literals(Tokens, Literals0),
+	sort(Literals0, Literals1),
+	length(Literals1, NL1),
+	debug(search, '~D matches', [NL1]),
+	sort_matches(Literals1, Tokens, Threshold, Literals).
+all_literals(Tokens, Literals) :-
+	compound_search_tokens(Tokens, Compounds, AllTokens),
+	list_to_and(AllTokens, LitCond),
+	rdf_find_literals(LitCond, Ls0),
+	(   Compounds == []
+	->  Literals = Ls0
+	;   tokenize_hits(Ls0, Tokenized),
+	    filter_compounds(Compounds, Tokenized, KeyedLiterals),
+	    pairs_values(KeyedLiterals, Literals)
+	).
+%%	compound_search_tokens(+Tokens, -Compounds:list(list), -AllTokens)
+%	Extract all tokens and the compounds that must be matched.
+compound_search_tokens([], [], []).
+compound_search_tokens(['"'|Rest], [Compound|RC], Words) :-
+	append(Compound, ['"'|T], Rest),
+	append(Compound, RW, Words), !,
+	compound_search_tokens(T, RC, RW).
+compound_search_tokens([H0|T], RC, [H|RW]) :-
+	mkmatch(H0, H),
+	compound_search_tokens(T, RC, RW).
+list_to_and([], true).
+list_to_and([One], One) :- !.
+list_to_and([H|T], and(H, And)) :- !,
+        list_to_and(T, And).
+mkmatch(Number, Number) :-
+	number(Number), !.
+mkmatch(Atom, stem(Atom)).
+%%	tokenize_hits(+Literals:list(atom), -Keyed:list(list-atom)) is det.
+tokenize_hits([], []).
+tokenize_hits([H|T0], [L-H|T]) :-
+	(   tokenize_atom(H, L)
+	->  true
+	;   L = [H]			% HACK
+	),
+	tokenize_hits(T0, T).
+filter_compounds([], Literals, Literals).
+filter_compounds([C0|C], L0, L) :-
+	filter_compound(L0, C0, L1),
+	filter_compounds(C, L1, L).
+filter_compound([], _, []).
+filter_compound([H|T0], Compound, [H|T]) :-
+	H = TL-_,
+	append(_, Rest, TL),
+	same_tokens(Compound, Rest), !,
+	filter_compound(T0, Compound, T).
+filter_compound([_|T0], Compound, T) :-
+	filter_compound(T0, Compound, T).
+same_tokens([], _).
+same_tokens([H|T0], [H|T]) :- !,
+	same_tokens(T0, T).
+same_tokens([-|T0], T) :- !,
+	same_tokens(T0, T).
+same_tokens(T0, [-|T]) :- !,
+	same_tokens(T0, T).
+same_tokens([H0|T0], [H1|T]) :-
+	porter_stem(H0, Stem),
+	porter_stem(H1, Stem),
+	same_tokens(T0, T).
+%%	sort_matches(+Matches, +Search, +Threshold, -Set)
+%	Sort matches by score, best  first.   Scoring  is done using the
+%	search target in Search. All scores  below Threshold are removed
+%	from the result-set.
+%	@tbd	If Fuzzy is not =off=, score is always 1 and Set is
+%		the same as Matches.  Should be cleaned.
+sort_matches(Set0, Search, Threshold, Set) :-
+	tag_match_score(Set0, Search, Threshold, Tagged),
+	keysort(Tagged, Set1),
+	reverse(Set1, Set).
+%%	tag_match_score(+Set:list(atom), +Search, +Threshold, -Result:list(Score-Atom))
+%	Match literal scores on how well they match Search. Matches
+%	below Threshold are deleted from the result.
+tag_match_score([], _, _, []).
+tag_match_score([H|T0], Search, Threshold, L) :-
+	match_score(Search, H, S),
+	%debug(search, 'Score ~w~n', [S]),
+	(   S >= Threshold
+	->  L = [S-H|T]
+	;   L = T
+	),
+	tag_match_score(T0, Search, Threshold, T).
+%%	match_score(+Search, +Literal, -Score) is det.
+%	Determine quality of the score. There  are two cases. Literal is
+%	the same or about the  same  as   Search  and  Literal is a long
+%	literal and Search  only  provides  a   few  stems  or  words in
+%	Literal. In the first case we   use the `minimal edit' algorithm
+%	from In the latter case our score depends on:
+%		* Percentage of tokens from search found in Literal
+%		* Whether they are stem or perfect matches
+%		* Longest adjacent sequence (stem-based) appear
+%	Values are normalised to 0...1, where 1 is a perfect match.
+match_score(Search, Literal, Score) :-
+	tokens(Search, SearchTokens),
+	tokens(Literal, LiteralTokens),
+	(   SearchTokens == LiteralTokens
+	->  Score = 1
+	;   literal_distance(SearchTokens, LiteralTokens, LD)
+	->  Score is 3/(3+LD)
+	;   add_stems(SearchTokens, SearchStems),
+	    add_stems(LiteralTokens, LitStems),
+	    match_score2(SearchStems, LitStems, Score)
+	).
+tokens(In, Tokens) :-
+	atom(In), !,
+	rdf_tokenize_literal(In, Tokens).
+tokens(In, In) :-
+	assertion(is_list(In)).
+match_score2(Search, Lit, Score) :-
+	same_by_stem(Search, Lit), !,
+	Score = 0.95.
+match_score2(Search, Lit, Score) :-
+	phrase(matches(Search, 1, Lit), Matches),
+	match_count(Matches, Count),
+	length(Lit, Len),
+	Score is min(1, Count/Len).
+same_by_stem([], []).
+same_by_stem([_-S|T0], [_-S|T]) :-
+	same_by_stem(T0, T).
+%%	matches(+For:list(W-S), +Start, +In:list(W-S))//
+%	Produces a list of m(Match, PosIn, PosFor), where Match is 1 for
+%	exact matches and 0.8 it the stem matches.
+matches([], _, _) -->
+	[].
+matches([W-S|T], I, Lit) -->
+	match(Lit, I, 1, W, S),
+	{ I2 is I + 1 },
+	matches(T, I2, Lit).
+match([], _, _, _, _) -->
+	[].
+match([LW-S|T], I, N, W, S) --> !,
+	(   { W == LW }
+	->  [ m(1,  I,N) ]
+	;   [ m(0.8,I,N) ]
+	),
+	{ N2 is N + 1 },
+	match(T, I, N2, W, S).
+match([_|T], I, N, W, S) -->
+	{ N2 is N + 1 },
+	match(T, I, N2, W, S).
+%%	match_count(+Matches, -Score) is det.
+%	Sum the found matches. The idea  was   to  give  extra credit to
+%	contiguous chunks, but I cannot find that in the code. A bug?
+match_count([], 0).
+match_count([m(S,I,N)|T], Score) :-
+	sequence(I, N, T, T1, S, Score1),
+	match_count(T1, Score2),
+	Score is Score1 + Score2.
+sequence(I, N, T0, T, S, Score) :-
+	I2 is I + 1,
+	N2 is N + 1,
+	select(m(S2,I2,N2), T0, T1), !,
+	Score1 is S+S2,
+	sequence(I2, N2, T1, T, Score1, Score).
+sequence(_, _, T, T, S, S).
+%%	add_stems(+Words:list(atom), -Stemmed:list(Word-Stem)) is det.
+%	@tbd	Deal with non-iso-latin-1 text
+add_stems([], []).
+add_stems([H|T0], [H-Stem|T]) :-
+	(   porter_stem(H, Stem)
+	->  true
+	;   Stem = H
+	),
+	add_stems(T0, T).
+		 /*******************************
+		 *	      SEARCH		*
+		 *******************************/
+%%	assoc_map(+List, -Assoc)
+%	Translate P=F, ... list into an assoc, turning all NS:Local into
+%	global predicates.
+assoc_map(List, Assoc) :-
+	empty_assoc(Assoc0),
+	assoc_map(List, Assoc0, Assoc).
+assoc_map([], Assoc, Assoc).
+assoc_map([P=F|T], Assoc0, Assoc) :-
+	rdf_global_id(P, G),
+	put_assoc(G, Assoc0, F, Assoc1),
+	assoc_map(T, Assoc1, Assoc).
+%%	search_graph(+From, +Range, +Score0, +Threshold, +Map, -Score, -Path)
+%	Search the RDF graph starting at From, looking for an object for
+%	which owl_satisfies(O, Range) succeeds. Score0   is  the initial
+%	score. The search stops if the score  is below Threshold. Map is
+%	an assoc from predicate to  a  number   between  0,  and 1. If a
+%	predicate  is  not  in  the  map,    the   system  looks  for  a
+%	super-predicate that is in the map. If   that fails it looks for
+%	`default'.
+%	Score is the final score of the  path   and  Path is a list that
+%	starts with the found target.  Other   elements  in the list are
+%	pairs of the format "Object-Predicate". So, the path
+%		[T, R1-P1, R2-P2]
+%	is created from a search R2 <-P2-> R1 <-P1-> T
+search_graph(From, Range, Score0, Threshold, Map, Score, Path) :-
+	empty_assoc(Done),
+	search_graph(From, Range, Score0, Threshold, Map, Done,
+		     Score, Path0),
+	reverse(Path0, Path).
+search_graph(Object, Range, Score, _, _, _, Score, Path) :-
+	owl_satisfies(Range, Object),
+	Path = [Object].
+search_graph(Object, Range, Score0, Threshold, Map, Done,
+	     Score, [Object-P|Path]) :-
+	(   rdf_has(O2, P, Object)
+	;   atom(Object),
+	    rdf_has(Object, IP, O2),
+	    rdf_has(P, owl:inverseOf, IP)
+	),
+	\+ get_assoc(O2, Done, _),
+	update_score(Score0, P, Map, Map1, Score1),
+	Score1 >= Threshold,
+	put_assoc(O2, Done, true, Done1),
+	search_graph(O2, Range, Score1, Threshold, Map1, Done1, Score, Path).
+update_score(Score0, P, Map, Map, Score) :-
+	get_assoc(P, Map, F), !,
+	Score is Score0*F.
+update_score(Score0, P, Map0, Map, Score) :-
+	(   rdfs_subproperty_of(P, Super),
+	    get_assoc(Super, Map0, F)
+	->  true
+	;   get_assoc(default, Map0, F)
+	),
+	put_assoc(P, Map0, F, Map),
+	Score is Score0*F.
+		 /*******************************
+		 *******************************/
+%%	join_probabilities(+Paths:list(Prop-Path),
+%%			   -URIs:list(Prop-URI)) is det.
+%	Given  a  list  of  pairs    Probability-Path,   create  a  list
+%	Probability-URI, merging the probabilities  of   each  path that
+%	leads to the same final resource.
+join_probabilities(P, Merged) :-
+	key_prop_by_uri(P, Keyed),
+	keysort(Keyed, Sorted),
+	join_by_uri(Sorted, Merged).
+key_prop_by_uri([], []).
+key_prop_by_uri([P-[URI|_]|T0], [URI-P|T]) :-
+	key_prop_by_uri(T0, T).
+join_by_uri([], []).
+join_by_uri([URI-P0|T0], [P-URI|T]) :-
+	same_uri(URI, T0, Ps, T1),
+	joined_probability([P0|Ps], P),
+	join_by_uri(T1, T).
+same_uri(URI, [URI-P|T0], [P|TP], T) :- !,
+	same_uri(URI, T0, TP, T).
+same_uri(_, T, [], T).
+joined_probability(List, Joined) :-
+	sum_p_no(List, Sum),
+	Joined is 1 - Sum.
+sum_p_no([], 1).
+sum_p_no([H|T], P) :-
+	sum_p_no(T, P0),
+	P is P0 * (1-H).
diff --git a/lib/cluster_search/ b/lib/cluster_search/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d440a45
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/cluster_search/
@@ -0,0 +1,224 @@
+/*  This file is part of ClioPatria.
+    Author:
+    HTTP:
+    GITWEB:
+    GIT:	git://
+    GIT:
+    Copyright:  2007, E-Culture/MultimediaN
+    ClioPatria is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+    the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
+    (at your option) any later version.
+    ClioPatria is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+    GNU General Public License for more details.
+    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+    along with ClioPatria.  If not, see <>.
+:- module(owl_ultra_lite,
+	  [ owl/3,
+	    owl/4,
+	    owl_subj/4,
+	    owl_similar/3,
+	    owl_similar/4,
+	    owl_inv/3,
+	    owl_inv/4,
+	    owl_same_inv/3,
+	    owl_same_inv/4,
+	    same/2,
+	    similar/2,
+	    inverse_predicate/2,  % +P, -IP
+	    equivalence_set/2     % +URI, -EquivalenceSet
+	  ]).
+:- use_module(library(assoc)).
+:- use_module(library(error)).
+:- use_module(library(semweb/rdf_db)).
+rdf_optimise:rdf_db_goal(owl(S,P,O), S,P,O).
+rdf_optimise:subj_branch_factor(owl(_,_,_), X, rdfs_subject_branch_factor(X)).
+rdf_optimise:obj_branch_factor(owl(_,_,_), X, rdfs_object_branch_factor(X)).
+rdf_optimise:rdf_db_goal(owl(S,P,O,_), S,P,O).
+rdf_optimise:subj_branch_factor(owl(_,_,_,_), X, rdfs_subject_branch_factor(X)).
+rdf_optimise:obj_branch_factor(owl(_,_,_,_), X, rdfs_object_branch_factor(X)).
+:- rdf_meta
+	owl(r,r,o),
+	owl(r,r,o,?),
+	owl_inv(r,r,o),
+	owl_inv(r,r,o,?),
+	owl_same_inv(r,r,o),
+	owl_same_inv(r,r,o,?),
+	owl_similar(r,r,o),
+	owl_similar(r,r,o,?),
+	inverse_predicate(r,r).
+%%	owl(?S, ?P, ?O, ?RealP) is nondet.
+%	True if rdf_has(S1,P,O1,RealP) is true and S,S1   as  well as O,O1 are
+%	reachable using owl:sameAs.
+owl(S,P,O) :-
+	owl(S,P,O,_).
+owl(S,P,O,P) :- %sorry we can't do subproperty here
+	atom(P),
+	rdf_equal(owl:sameAs, P), !,
+	same(S,O).
+owl(S,P,O,SP) :-
+	instantiated(S,O,I),
+	owl(I,S,P,O,SP).
+owl_subj(S,P,V,Value) :-
+	same(V, Value),
+	rdf_has(S, P, Value).
+instantiated(S,O,I) :-
+	( atom(S) -> I0  =     0b10 ; I0  =     0b00 ),
+	( atom(O) -> I  is I0\/0b01 ; I  is I0\/0b00 ).
+owl(0b00, S,P,O,SP) :- rdf_value(S,P,O,SP).
+owl(0b10, S,P,O,SP) :- same(S, S0), rdf_value(S0,P,O,SP).
+owl(0b01, S,P,O,SP) :- same(O, O0), rdf_value(S,P,O0,SP).
+owl(0b11, S,P,O,SP) :- same(S, S0), same(O, O0), rdf_value(S0,P,O0,SP).
+rdf_value(S,P,O,SP) :-
+	rdf_has(S,P,O,SP).
+rdf_value(S,P,O,SP) :-
+	nonvar(O), !,
+	rdf(S1,rdf:value,O),
+	rdf_has(S,P,S1,SP).
+%%	owl_similar(?S, ?P, ?O, ?RealP) is nondet.
+%	Behaves the same as owl/3, but also uses skos:exactMatch.
+owl_similar(S,P,O) :-
+	owl_similar(S,P,O,_).
+owl_similar(S,P,O,P) :- %sorry we can't do subproperty here
+	atom(P),
+	(   rdf_equal(owl:sameAs, P)
+	;   rdf_equal(skos:exactMatch, P)
+	),  !,
+	similar(S,O).
+owl_similar(S,P,O,SP) :-
+	instantiated(S,O,I),
+	owl_similar(I,S,P,O,SP).
+owl_similar(0b00, S,P,O,SP) :- rdf_value(S,P,O,SP).
+owl_similar(0b10, S,P,O,SP) :- similar(S, S0), rdf_value(S0,P,O,SP).
+owl_similar(0b01, S,P,O,SP) :- similar(O, O0), rdf_value(S,P,O0,SP).
+owl_similar(0b11, S,P,O,SP) :- similar(S, S0), similar(O, O0), rdf_value(S0,P,O0,SP).
+%%	owl_inv(?S, ?P, ?V, ?SP)
+%	As rdf_has/4 but include inverse properties
+owl_inv(S, P, O) :-
+	owl_inv(S, P, O, _).
+owl_inv(S, P, O, SP) :-
+	rdf_has(S, P, O, SP).
+owl_inv(S, P, O, SP) :-
+	ground(P), !,
+	inverse_predicate(P, IP),
+	rdf_has(O, IP, S, SP).
+%%	owl_same_inv(-S,-P,-V)
+%	As rdf_has/3 but include inverse properties
+owl_same_inv(S, P, O) :-
+	owl_same_inv(S, P, O, _).
+owl_same_inv(S, P, O, Src) :-
+	owl(S, P, O, Src).
+owl_same_inv(S, P, O, SP) :-
+	ground(P), !,
+	inverse_predicate(P, IP),
+	owl(O, IP, S, SP).
+%%	same(+R0, -R) is nondet.
+%%	same(-R0, +R) is nondet.
+%	True if R is R0 or reachable through owl:sameAs relations.
+same(R0, R) :-
+	atom(R0), !,
+	empty_assoc(V0),
+	put_assoc(R0, V0, true, V),
+	same(R0, R, V).
+same(R0, R) :-
+	atom(R), !,
+	same(R, R0).
+same(R0, _R) :-
+	instantiation_error(R0).
+same(R, R, _).
+same(R0, R, V) :-
+	(   rdf_has(R0, owl:sameAs, R1)
+	;   rdf_has(R1, owl:sameAs, R0)
+	),
+	\+ get_assoc(R1, V, true),
+	put_assoc(R1, V, true, V2),
+	same(R1, R, V2).
+%%	similar(+R0, -R) is nondet.
+%	True if R is R0 or reachable through owl:sameAs or
+%	skos:exactMatch relations.
+similar(R0, R) :-
+	empty_assoc(V0),
+	put_assoc(R0, V0, true, V),
+	similar(R0, R, V).
+similar(R, R, _).
+similar(R0, R, V) :-
+	(   rdf_has(R0, owl:sameAs, R1)
+	;   rdf_has(R1, owl:sameAs, R0)
+	;   rdf_has(R0, skos:exactMatch, R1)
+	;   rdf_has(R1, skos:exactMatch, R0)
+	),
+	\+ get_assoc(R1, V, true),
+	put_assoc(R1, V, true, V2),
+	similar(R1, R, V2).
+%%	inverse_predicate(+P1, +P2) is semidet.
+%	True if P1 and P2 are each others inverses.
+inverse_predicate(P1, P2) :-
+	rdf_has(P1, owl:inverseOf, P2), !.
+inverse_predicate(P1, P2) :-
+	rdf_has(P2, owl:inverseOf, P1), !.
+inverse_predicate(P, P) :-
+	rdf(P, rdf:type, owl:'SymmetricProperty').
+%%	equivalence_set(+R, -Set)
+%	Set contains R and all its equivalent resources.
+equivalence_set(R, Set) :-
+	findall(S, same(R, S), Set).
diff --git a/lib/cluster_search/ b/lib/cluster_search/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..603e415
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/cluster_search/
@@ -0,0 +1,231 @@
+/*  This file is part of ClioPatria.
+    Author:	Michiel Hildebrand
+    HTTP:
+    GITWEB:
+    GIT:	git://
+    GIT:
+    Copyright:  2007, E-Culture/MultimediaN
+    ClioPatria is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+    the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
+    (at your option) any later version.
+    ClioPatria is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+    GNU General Public License for more details.
+    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+    along with ClioPatria.  If not, see <>.
+:- module(parameters,
+	[ http_options/3,		% :Goal, -Options, -Parameters
+	  json_options_to_terms/2,      % +OptionListIn, -OptionListOut
+	  json_to_term/2,		% +JSONInput, -Term
+	  json_to_resource/2            % +JSON, -RDFResource
+	]).
+:- use_module(library(http/json_convert)).
+:- use_module(library(http/json)).
+:- use_module(library(http/http_parameters)).
+:- use_module(library(semweb/rdf_db)).
+/** <module> Utilities for fetching HTTP request parameters
+:- meta_predicate
+	http_options(4, -, -).
+%%	http_options(:OptionType, -Options, -HTTPParameters) is det.
+%	Options  are  all  option  clauses    defined   for  OptionType.
+%	HTTPParameters is a specification list for http_parameters/3.
+%	OptionType is called as:
+%	    OptionType(Name, Type, Default, Description)
+%	Name is the name of the HTTP parameter (and the option), Type is
+%	a type as supported by http_parameters/3.   If Default is given,
+%	it acts as  a  default  value   for  the  option.  Otherwise the
+%	parameter is optional.  Description is used by the help system.
+http_options(F, Options, Parameters) :-
+	findall(O-P,
+		( call(F, Name, Type, Default, Description),
+		  O =.. [Name,Value],
+		  pterm(Name,Value,Type,Default,Description,P)
+		),
+		Pairs),
+	pairs_keys_values(Pairs, Options, Parameters0),
+	make_group(F, Parameters0, Parameters).
+has_groups :-
+	clause(http_parameters:fill_parameter(P, _, _), _Body),
+	nonvar(P),
+	P = group(_,_), !.
+:- if(has_groups).
+make_group(M:F, Parameters, [group(Parameters, [generated(M:Name/Arity)])]) :-
+	functor(F, Name, A0),
+	Arity is A0 + 4.
+:- else.
+make_group(_, Parameters, Parameters).
+:- endif.
+pterm(Name, Value, Type, Default, Description, P) :-
+	P =.. [Name, Value, Properties],
+	phrase(ptype(Type, IsList), Properties, P2),
+	phrase(pdef(IsList, Default), P2, P3),
+	phrase(pdesc(Description), P3).
+%%	ptype(+Type, -IsList)// is det.
+%	Translate our single type specification into  an option list for
+%	a parameter in http_parameters/3.
+%	@tbd	http_parameters/3 has been extended in 5.7.14.  We do not
+%		use the full potential yet.
+ptype(zero_or_more(Type), list) --> !,
+	[ zero_or_more, Type ].
+ptype(zero_or_more, list) --> !,
+	[ zero_or_more ].
+ptype(list(Type), list) --> !,
+	(   { pl5714 }
+	->  [ list(Type) ]
+	;   [ zero_or_more, Type ]
+	).
+ptype(nonneg, nolist) -->
+	{ \+ pl5714 }, !,
+	[ integer ].
+ptype(atom, nolist) --> !.
+ptype(Type, nolist) -->
+	[ Type ].
+pl5714 :-
+	clause(http_parameters:check_type3(nonneg, _, _), _Body).
+pdef(list, _) --> !.
+pdef(_, Default) -->
+	{ nonvar(Default) }, !,
+	[ default(Default) ].
+pdef(_, _) -->
+	[ optional(true) ].
+pdesc(Description) -->
+	{ atom(Description),
+	  Description \== ''
+	}, !,
+	[ description(Description) ].
+pdesc(_) --> [].
+		 /*******************************
+		 *	       HOOKS		*
+		 *******************************/
+:- multifile
+	http_help:evaluate/1,
+	http:convert_parameter/3.
+%%	http:convert_parameter(+Type, +In, -URI) is semidet.
+%	HTTP parameter conversion for the following types:
+%	    * uri
+%	    This  conversion  accepts NS:Local and absolute URIs.
+%	    * json(+Module)
+%	    Input is JSON and translated into a Prolog term using
+%	    declarations in Module.
+http:convert_parameter(uri, In, URI) :-
+	(   sub_atom(In, B, _, A, :),
+	    sub_atom(In, _, A, 0, Local),
+	    xml_name(Local)
+	->  sub_atom(In, 0, B, _, NS),
+	    rdf_global_id(NS:Local, URI)
+	;   is_absolute_url(In)
+	->  URI = In
+	).
+http:convert_parameter(json(Module), Atom, Term) :-
+	atom_json_term(Atom, JSON, []),
+	json_to_prolog(JSON, Module:Term).
+		 /*******************************
+		 *	       JSON		*
+		 *******************************/
+%%	json_options_to_terms(+OptionListJsonAtoms, -OptionList)
+%	Convert the option values that are an atom containing json
+%	to prolog terms.
+json_options_to_terms([], []).
+json_options_to_terms([Option0|T], [Option1|Rest]) :-
+	Option0 =.. [F,V],
+	Option1 =.. [F,Term],
+	json_to_term(V, Term),
+	json_options_to_terms(T, Rest).
+%%  json_to_term(+JSONInput, -Term)
+%   Term is the prolog term corresponding
+%   with the JSON written from an input stream.
+json_to_term(List, TermList) :-
+    is_list(List), !,
+    json_list_to_term(List, TermList).
+json_to_term(Atom, Term) :-
+    % make sure we have a json term
+    % this is required because atom_json_term
+    % fails otherwise
+    (   sub_atom(Atom, 0, 1, _, '{')
+    ;   sub_atom(Atom, 0, 1, _, '[')
+    ),  !,
+    atom_json_term(Atom,JSON,[]),
+    simple_json_to_prolog(JSON, Term).
+json_to_term(Atom, Atom).
+json_list_to_term([], []).
+json_list_to_term([H|T], [Term|Rest]) :-
+    json_to_term(H, Term),
+    json_list_to_term(T, Rest).
+simple_json_to_prolog(json(Pairs), Terms) :- !,
+	simple_json_pairs_to_prolog(Pairs, Terms).
+simple_json_to_prolog(Key=JSON, Key=Value) :- !,
+	simple_json_to_prolog(JSON, Value).
+simple_json_to_prolog(Atom, Atom).
+simple_json_pairs_to_prolog([], []).
+simple_json_pairs_to_prolog([Pair|Ps], [Term|Ts]) :-
+	simple_json_to_prolog(Pair, Term),
+	simple_json_pairs_to_prolog(Ps, Ts).
+json_to_resource(List, Resource) :-
+	atom_list_to_json_term(List, JSON),
+	json_to_prolog(JSON, Resource).
+atom_list_to_json_term([], []).
+atom_list_to_json_term([H|T], [Term|Rest]) :-
+    atom_json_term(H, Term, []),
+    atom_list_to_json_term(T, Rest).
+:- json_object
+    literal(value:_) + [type=literal],
+    type(type:atom, literal:atom),
+    lang(lang:atom, literal:atom).
diff --git a/lib/cluster_search/ b/lib/cluster_search/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8f5672c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/cluster_search/
@@ -0,0 +1,1128 @@
+/*  This file is part of ClioPatria.
+    Author:	Jan Wielemaker <>
+    HTTP:
+    GITWEB:
+    GIT:	git://
+    GIT:
+    Copyright:  2007, E-Culture/MultimediaN
+    ClioPatria is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+    the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
+    (at your option) any later version.
+    ClioPatria is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+    GNU General Public License for more details.
+    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+    along with ClioPatria.  If not, see <>.
+:- module(rdf_abstract,
+	  [ merge_sameas_graph/2,	% +GraphIn, -GraphOut
+	    merge_sameas_graph/3,	% +GraphIn, -GraphOut, +Options
+	    bagify_graph/4,		% +GraphIn, -GraphOut, -Bags, +Options
+	    graph_resources/2,		% +Graph, -Resources
+	    abstract_graph/3,		% +GraphIn, -GraphOut, +Options
+	    concept_of/2		% +Resource, -Concept
+	  ]).
+:- use_module(library(semweb/rdf_db)).
+:- use_module(library(semweb/rdfs)).
+:- use_module(library(assoc)).
+:- use_module(library(option)).
+:- use_module(library(pairs)).
+:- use_module(library(ordsets)).
+:- use_module(library(debug)).
+:- use_module(library(apply)).
+:- use_module(library(lists)).
+:- use_module(library(settings)).
+/** <module> Abstract RDF graphs
+The task of this module is to do some simple manipulations on RDF graphs
+represented as lists of rdf(S,P,O).  Supported operations:
+	* merge_sameas_graph(+GraphIn, -GraphOut, +Options)
+	Merge nodes by owl:sameAs
+	* bagify_graph(+GraphIn, -GraphOut, -Bags, +Options)
+	Bagify a graph, returning a new graph holding bags of resources
+	playing a similar role in the graph.
+	* abstract_graph(+GraphIn, -GraphOut, +Options)
+	Abstract nodes or edges using rdf:type, rdfs:subClassOf and/or
+	rdfs:subPropertyOf
+%%	merge_sameas_graph(GraphIn, GraphOut) is det.
+%%	merge_sameas_graph(GraphIn, GraphOut, +Options) is det.
+%	Collapse nodes in GraphIn that are   related through an identity
+%	mapping.  By  default,  owl:sameAs  is  the  identity  relation.
+%	Options defines:
+%	    * predicate(-PredOrList)
+%	    Use an alternate or list of predicates that are to be
+%	    treated as identity relations.
+%	    * sameas_mapped(-Assoc)
+%	    Assoc from resources to the resource it was mapped to.
+:- rdf_meta
+	merge_sameas_graph(+, -, t).
+merge_sameas_graph(GraphIn, GraphOut) :-
+	merge_sameas_graph(GraphIn, GraphOut, []).
+merge_sameas_graph(GraphIn, GraphOut, Options) :-
+	sameas_spec(Options, SameAs),
+	sameas_map(GraphIn, SameAs, Assoc),		% R->EqSet
+	(   empty_assoc(Assoc)
+	->  GraphOut = GraphIn,
+	    empty_assoc(EqMap)
+	;   assoc_to_list(Assoc, List),
+	    pairs_values(List, EqSets),
+	    sort(EqSets, UniqueEqSets),
+	    map_list_to_pairs(rdf_representative, UniqueEqSets, Keyed),	% Repr-EqSet
+	    representer_map(Keyed, EqMap),
+	    map_graph(GraphIn, EqMap, GraphOut),
+	    (	debugging(abstract)
+	    ->	length(GraphIn, Before),
+		length(GraphOut, After),
+		debug(abstract, 'owl:sameAs reduction: ~D --> ~D edges', [Before, After])
+	    ;	true
+	    )
+	),
+	option(sameas_mapped(EqMap), Options, _).
+sameas_spec(Options, SameAs) :-
+	rdf_equal(owl:sameAs, OwlSameAs),
+	option(predicate(SameAs0), Options, OwlSameAs),
+	(   is_list(SameAs0)
+	->  SameAs = SameAs0
+	;   SameAs = [SameAs0]
+	).
+%%	sameas_map(+Graph, +SameAs, -Map:assoc) is det.
+%	Create an assoc with R->Set, where   Set contains an ordered set
+%	of resources equivalent to R.
+sameas_map(Graph, SameAs, Assoc) :-
+	empty_assoc(Assoc0),
+	sameas_map(Graph, SameAs, Assoc0, Assoc).
+sameas_map([], _, Assoc, Assoc).
+sameas_map([rdf(S, P, O)|T], SameAs, Assoc0, Assoc) :-
+	same_as(P, SameAs),
+	S \== O, !,
+	(   get_assoc(S, Assoc0, SetS)
+	->  (   get_assoc(O, Assoc0, SetO)
+	    ->	ord_union(SetO, SetS, Set)
+	    ;	ord_union([O], SetS, Set)
+	    )
+	;   (   get_assoc(O, Assoc0, SetO)
+	    ->	ord_union([S], SetO, Set)
+	    ;   sort([S,O], Set)
+	    )
+	),
+	putall(Set, Assoc0, Set, Assoc1),
+	sameas_map(T, SameAs, Assoc1, Assoc).
+sameas_map([_|T], SameAs, Assoc0, Assoc) :-
+	sameas_map(T, SameAs, Assoc0, Assoc).
+putall([], Assoc, _, Assoc).
+putall([H|T], Assoc0, Value, Assoc) :-
+	put_assoc(H, Assoc0, Value, Assoc1),
+	putall(T, Assoc1, Value, Assoc).
+%%	same_as(+Predicate:resource, +SameAs:list) is semidet.
+%	True if Predicate expresses a same-as mapping.  
+same_as(P, Super) :-
+	member(S, Super),
+	rdfs_subproperty_of(P, S), !.
+%%	representer_map(+List:list(Repr-Set), -Assoc) is det.
+%	Assoc maps all elements of Set to its representer.
+representer_map(Keyed, EqMap) :-
+	empty_assoc(Assoc0),
+	representer_map(Keyed, Assoc0, EqMap).
+representer_map([], Assoc, Assoc).
+representer_map([R-Set|T], Assoc0, Assoc) :-
+	putall(Set, Assoc0, R, Assoc1),
+	representer_map(T, Assoc1, Assoc).
+		 /*******************************
+		 *	       BAGIFY		*
+		 *******************************/
+%%	bagify_graph(+GraphIn, -GraphOut, -Bags, +Options) is det.
+%	If a graph contains multiple objects of the same type (class) in
+%	the same location in the graph (i.e.   all  links are the same),
+%	create a *bag*. The bag is   represented by a generated resource
+%	of type rdf:Bag and the RDF for the   bags  is put in Bags. I.e.
+%	appending GraphOut and Bags provides a proper RDF model. Options
+%	provides additional abstraction properties.  In particular:
+%	    * class(+Class)
+%	    Try to bundle objects under Class rather than their
+%	    rdf:type.  Multiple of these options may be defined
+%	    * property(+Property)
+%	    Consider predicates that are an rdfs:subPropertyOf
+%	    Property the same relations.
+%	    * bagify_literals(+Bool)
+%	    If =true= (default), also try to put literals into a 
+%	    bag.  Works well to collapse non-preferred labels.
+%	@tbd Handle the property option
+:- rdf_meta
+	bagify_graph(+, -, -, t).
+bagify_graph(GraphIn, GraphOut, Bags, Options) :-
+	canonise_options(Options, Options1),
+	partition_options(class, Options1, ClassOptions, Options2),
+	graph_node_edges(GraphIn, AssocNodesToEdges, Options2),
+	assoc_to_list(AssocNodesToEdges, NodesToEdges),
+	pairs_keys(NodesToEdges, Nodes),
+	group_resources_by_class(Nodes, ByClass, ClassOptions),
+	resource_bags(ByClass, NodesToEdges, RawBags),
+	(   debugging(abstract)
+	->  length(RawBags, Len),
+	    maplist(length, RawBags, BagLens),
+	    sumlist(BagLens, ObjCount),
+	    debug(abstract, 'Created ~D bags holding ~D objects', [Len, ObjCount])
+	;   true
+	),
+	assign_bagids(RawBags, IDBags),
+	representer_map(IDBags, Assoc),
+	map_graph(GraphIn, Assoc, GraphOut0),
+	merge_properties(GraphOut0, GraphOut, Options2),
+	make_rdf_graphs(IDBags, Bags).
+partition_options(Name, Options, WithName, WithoutName) :-
+	partition(option_name(Name), Options, WithName, WithoutName).
+option_name(Name, Option) :-
+	functor(Option, Name, 1).
+%%	canonise_options(+OptionsIn, -OptionsOut) is det.
+%	Rewrite option list from possible Name=Value to Name(Value)
+canonise_options(In, Out) :-
+	memberchk(_=_, In), !,		% speedup a bit if already ok.
+	canonise_options2(In, Out).
+canonise_options(Options, Options).
+canonise_options2([], []).
+canonise_options2([Name=Value|T0], [H|T]) :- !,
+	H =.. [Name,Value],
+	canonise_options2(T0, T).
+canonise_options2([H|T0], [H|T]) :- !,
+	canonise_options2(T0, T).
+%%	group_resources_by_class(+Resources, -ByClass, +Options) is det.
+%	ByClass is a list of lists of  resources that belong to the same
+%	class. First step we process the classes specified in Options.
+group_resources_by_class([], [], _) :- !.
+group_resources_by_class(Resources, ByClass, Options) :-
+	select_option(class(Class), Options, Options1), !,
+	(   partition(has_class(sub_class, Class), Resources, InClass, NotInClass),
+	    InClass \== []
+	->  ByClass = [InClass|ByClass1],
+	    group_resources_by_class(NotInClass, ByClass1, Options1)
+	;   group_resources_by_class(Resources, ByClass, Options1)
+	).
+group_resources_by_class([H|T0], [[H|S]|T], Options) :-
+	class_of(H, exact, Class),
+	partition(has_class(exact, Class), T0, S, T1),
+	group_resources_by_class(T1, T, Options).
+%%	has_class(+Match, +Class, +Node) is semidet.
+has_class(Match, Class, Node) :-
+	class_of(Node, Match, Class).
+%%	class_of(+Node, +Match, -Class) is det.
+%%	class_of(+Node, +Match, +Class) is semidet.
+class_of(Node, sub_class, Class) :- !,
+	rdfs_individual_of(Node, Class), !.
+class_of(literal(_), exact, Literal) :- !,
+	rdf_equal(Literal, rdfs:'Literal').
+class_of(R, exact, Class) :-
+	rdf_has(R, rdf:type, Class), !.
+class_of(_, exact, Class) :-
+	rdf_equal(Class, rdfs:'Resource').
+%%	resource_bags(+ByClass:list(list(resource)),
+%%		      +NodeToEdges:list(node-list(edges)),
+%%		      -RawBags:list(list(resource))) is det.
+%	Find bags of resources that have the same connections.
+resource_bags(ByClass, NodeToEdges, Bags) :-
+	phrase(resource_bags(ByClass, NodeToEdges), Bags).
+resource_bags([], _) -->
+	[].
+resource_bags([ByClassH|ByClassT], NodeToEdges) -->
+	{ sort(ByClassH, SortedNodes),
+	  ord_subkeys(SortedNodes, NodeToEdges, SubNodeToEdges),
+	  same_edges(SubNodeToEdges, Bags)
+	},
+	Bags,
+	resource_bags(ByClassT, NodeToEdges).
+%%	ord_subkeys(+Keys, +Pairs, -SubPairs) is det.
+%	SubPairs is the sublist of Pairs with a key in Keys.
+%	@param Keys	Sorted list of keys
+%	@param Pairs	Key-sorted pair-list
+%	@param SubPairs	Key-sorted pair-list
+ord_subkeys([], _, []).
+ord_subkeys([K|KT], [P|PT], Pairs) :-
+	P = PK-_,
+	compare(Diff, K, PK),
+	ord_subkeys(Diff, K, KT, P, PT, Pairs).
+ord_subkeys(=, _, KT, P, PT, [P|Pairs]) :- !,
+	ord_subkeys(KT, PT, Pairs).
+ord_subkeys(<, _, [K|KT], P, PT, Pairs) :-
+	P = PK-_,
+	compare(Diff, K, PK),
+	ord_subkeys(Diff, K, KT, P, PT, Pairs).
+ord_subkeys(>, K, KT, _, [P|PT], Pairs) :-
+	P = PK-_,
+	compare(Diff, K, PK),
+	ord_subkeys(Diff, K, KT, P, PT, Pairs).
+%%	same_edges(+NodeToEdges:list(node-edges), -Bags:list(list)) is det.
+%	Bags is a list of lists of resources (nodes) that share the same
+%	(abstracted) edges with the rest of the graph.
+same_edges(NodeToEdges, Bags) :-
+	transpose_pairs(NodeToEdges, ByEdges),		% list(edges-node)
+	keysort(ByEdges, Sorted),
+	group_pairs_by_key(Sorted, Grouped),
+	pairs_values(Grouped, AllBySameEdge),
+	include(longer_than_one, AllBySameEdge, Bags).
+%%	graph_node_edges(+Graph, -NodeEdges:assoc, +Options) is det.
+%	NodeEdges is an assoc from resource to a sorted list of involved
+%	triples. Only subject and objects are considered.
+%	Processes =bagify_literals= and =property= options
+graph_node_edges(Graph, Assoc, Options) :-
+	option(bagify_literals(LitToo), Options, true),
+	property_map(Options, Map0),
+	empty_assoc(Assoc0),
+	graph_node_edges(Graph, LitToo, Map0, Assoc0, Assoc1),
+	map_assoc(sort, Assoc1, Assoc).
+graph_node_edges([], _, _, Assoc, Assoc).
+graph_node_edges([rdf(S,P,O)|T], LitToo, Map, Assoc0, Assoc) :-
+	abstract_property(P, Map, SP, Map1),
+	add_assoc(S, Assoc0, rdf(-, SP, O), Assoc1),
+	(   (atom(O) ; LitToo == true )
+	->  add_assoc(O, Assoc1, rdf(S, SP, -), Assoc2)
+	;   Assoc2 = Assoc1
+	),
+	graph_node_edges(T, LitToo, Map1, Assoc2, Assoc).
+add_assoc(Key, Assoc0, Value, Assoc) :-
+	get_assoc(Key, Assoc0, Old, Assoc, [Value|Old]), !.
+add_assoc(Key, Assoc0, Value, Assoc) :-
+	put_assoc(Key, Assoc0, [Value], Assoc).
+%%	property_map(+Options, -Map:assoc(P-Super))
+%	Process the options, creating a map that replaces a property by
+%	its registered super.
+property_map(Options, Map) :-
+	empty_assoc(Map0),
+	property_map(Options, Map0, Map).
+property_map([], Map, Map).
+property_map([property(P)|T], Map0, Map) :- !,
+	(   rdfs_subproperty_of(P, Super),
+	    get_assoc(Super, Map0, Root)
+	->  put_assoc(P, Map0, Root, Map1)
+	;   put_assoc(P, Map0, P, Map1)
+	),
+	property_map(T, Map1, Map).
+property_map([_|T], Map0, Map) :-
+	property_map(T, Map0, Map).
+%%	abstract_property(+P0, +Map0, -P, -Map) is det.
+%	Find the abstract property for some property P.
+abstract_property(P0, Map0, P, Map) :-
+	get_assoc(P0, Map0, P), !,
+	Map = Map0.
+abstract_property(P, Map0, Root, Map) :-
+	rdfs_subproperty_of(P, Super),
+	get_assoc(Super, Map0, Root), !,
+	debug(abstract(property), 'Mapped ~p --> ~p', [P, Root]),
+	put_assoc(P, Map0, Root, Map).
+abstract_property(P, Map, P, Map).
+%%	assign_bagids(+Bags:list(bag), -IDBags:list(id-bag)).
+%	Assign bag identifiers to the each bag in Bags.
+assign_bagids(Bags, IDBags) :-
+	assign_bagids(Bags, 1, IDBags).
+assign_bagids([], _, []).
+assign_bagids([H|T0], I, [Id-H|T]) :-
+	atom_concat('__bag_', I, Id),
+	I2 is I + 1,
+	assign_bagids(T0, I2, T).
+%%	make_rdf_graphs(+IDBags, -RDFBags) is det.
+%	Translate BagID-Members into an RDF graph.
+:- rdf_meta
+	statement(r,r,o,?,?).			% statement//3
+make_rdf_graphs(IDBags, RDFBags) :-
+	phrase(make_rdf_graphs(IDBags), RDFBags).
+make_rdf_graphs([]) -->
+	[].
+make_rdf_graphs([ID-Members|T]) -->
+	statement(ID, rdf:type, rdf:'Bag'),
+	bag_members(Members, 0, ID),
+	make_rdf_graphs(T).
+bag_members([], _, _) -->
+	[].
+bag_members([H|T], I, ID) -->
+	{ I2 is I + 1,
+	  atom_concat('_:', I, P)
+	},
+	statement(ID, P, H),
+	bag_members(T, I2, ID).
+statement(S, P, O) -->
+	[ rdf(S, P, O) ].
+		 /*******************************
+		 *******************************/
+%%	merge_properties(+GraphIn, -GraphOut, +Options) is det.
+%	Merge equivalent properties joining the same nodes.  They are
+%	replaced by their common ancestors.
+%	@param GraphIn	List of rdf(S,P,O)
+%	@param GraphOut List of rdf(S,P,O)
+%	@param Options  Option list (unused)
+merge_properties([], [], _).
+merge_properties([rdf(S,P,O)|GraphIn], GraphOut, Options) :-
+	memberchk(rdf(S,_,O), GraphIn), !,
+	partition(same_so(S,O), GraphIn, Same, Rest),
+	maplist(pred, Same, Preds),
+	sort([P|Preds], UniquePreds),
+	common_ancestor_forest(sub_property_of, UniquePreds, Forest),
+	pairs_keys(Forest, Roots),
+	debug(abstract, 'Merged ~p --> ~p', [UniquePreds, Roots]),
+	mk_p_triples(Roots, S, O, GraphOut, Out2),
+	merge_properties(Rest, Out2, Options).
+merge_properties([Triple|GraphIn], [Triple|GraphOut], Options) :-
+	merge_properties(GraphIn, GraphOut, Options).
+same_so(S, O, rdf(S, _, O)).
+pred(rdf(_,P,_), P).
+mk_p_triples([], _, _) --> [].
+mk_p_triples([P|T], S, O) -->
+	[rdf(S,P,O)],
+	mk_p_triples(T, S, O).
+sub_property_of(P, Super) :-
+	rdf_has(P, rdfs:subPropertyOf, Super).
+%%	common_ancestor_forest(:Pred, +Objects, -Forest) is det.
+%	Forest is a minimal set  of   minimal  spanning  trees with real
+%	branching (more than one child per   node) covering all Objects.
+%	The partial ordering is defined   by  the non-deterministic goal
+%	call(Pred, +Node, -Parent).
+%		* Build up a graph represented as Node->Children and
+%		a list of roots.  The initial list of roots is Objects.
+%		The graph is built using breath-first search to minimize
+%		depth.
+%		* Once we have all roots, we delete all branches that
+%		have only a single child.
+%	@param	Forest	is a list of trees.  Each tree is represented
+%		as Root-Children, where Children is a possibly
+%		empty list if sub-trees.
+%	@tbd	First prune dead-ends?	
+%		==
+%		rdf_db:rdf_global_term([ulan:assisted_by, ulan:cousin_of], In),
+%		gtrace,
+%		rdf_abstract:common_ancestor_forest(sub_property_of, In, Out).
+%		==
+:- meta_predicate
+	common_ancestor_forest(2, +, -).
+common_ancestor_forest(Pred, Objects, Forest) :-
+	strip_module(Pred, M, P),
+	sort(Objects, Objects1),
+	keys_to_assoc(Objects1, target*[], Nodes0),
+	ancestor_tree(Objects1, M:P, Nodes0, Nodes, Roots),
+	prune_forest(Nodes, Roots, Forest),
+	debug(common_ancestor, 'Ancestors of ~p: ~p', [Objects1, Forest]).
+%%	keys_to_assoc(+Keys:list, +Value, -Assoc) is det.
+%	True if Assoc is an assoc where each Key maps to Value.
+keys_to_assoc(Keys, Value, Assoc) :-
+	empty_assoc(Assoc0),
+	keys_to_assoc(Keys, Assoc0, Value, Assoc).
+keys_to_assoc([], Assoc, _, Assoc).
+keys_to_assoc([H|T], Assoc0, Value, Assoc) :-
+	put_assoc(H, Assoc0, Value, Assoc1),
+	keys_to_assoc(T, Assoc1, Value, Assoc).
+ancestor_tree(Objects, Pred, Nodes0, Nodes, Roots) :-
+	ancestor_tree(Objects, [], Objects, Pred, Nodes0, Nodes, Roots).
+%%	ancestor_tree(+Open, +Closed, +Targets, :Pred, +NodesIn,
+%%		      -NodesOut, -Roots) is det.
+%	Explore the ancestor graph one more step. This is the main loop
+%	looking for a spanning tree.  We are done if
+%		* There is only one open node left and no closed ones.
+%		We found the single common root.
+%		* No open nodes are left.  We have a set of closed roots
+%		which form our starting points.  We still have to figure
+%		out the minimal set of these, as some of the trees may
+%		overlap others.
+%		* We have an open node covering all targets. This is the
+%		lowest one as we used breath-first expansion.  This step
+%		is too expensive.
+ancestor_tree([One], [], _, _, Nodes, Nodes, [One]) :- !.
+ancestor_tree([], Closed, _, _, Nodes, Nodes, Closed) :- !.
+ancestor_tree(Open, _, Objects, _, Nodes, Nodes, [One]) :-
+	member(One, Open),
+	tree_covers(One, Nodes, Objects), !.
+ancestor_tree(Open, Closed, Objects, Pred, Nodes0, Nodes, Roots) :-
+	expand_ancestor_tree(Open, NewOpen, NewClosed, Closed, Nodes0, Nodes1, Pred),
+	ancestor_tree(NewOpen, NewClosed, Objects, Pred, Nodes1, Nodes, Roots).
+%%	expand_ancestor_tree(+Open0, -Open,
+%%			     +Closed0, -Closed,
+%%			     +Nodes0, -Nodes, 
+%%			     :Pred)
+%	Expand the explored graph with one level. Open are the currently
+%	open nodes. Closed  are  the  nodes   that  have  no  parent and
+%	therefore are roots.
+%	@param Nodes	is an assoc R->(State*list(Child))
+expand_ancestor_tree([], [], Closed, Closed, Nodes, Nodes, _).
+expand_ancestor_tree([H|T], Open, Closed0, Closed, Nodes0, Nodes, Pred) :-
+	setof(Parent, call(Pred, H, Parent), Parents), !,
+	add_parents(Parents, H, Open, OpenT, Nodes0, Nodes1),
+	expand_ancestor_tree(T, OpenT, Closed0, Closed, Nodes1, Nodes, Pred).
+expand_ancestor_tree([H|T], Open, [H|ClosedT], Closed, Nodes0, Nodes, Pred) :-
+	expand_ancestor_tree(T, Open, ClosedT, Closed, Nodes0, Nodes, Pred).
+%%	add_parents(+Parents:list, +Child, -NR, +NRT, +Nodes0, -Nodes)
+%	Add links Parent->Child to the tree  Nodes0. The difference list
+%	NR\NRT contains Parents added new to the tree.
+add_parents([], _, NP, NP, Nodes, Nodes).
+add_parents([H|T], Child, NP, NPT, Nodes0, Nodes) :-
+	in_tree(Child, H, Nodes0), !,
+	add_parents(T, Child, NP, NPT, Nodes0, Nodes).
+add_parents([H|T], Child, NP, NPT, Nodes0, Nodes) :-
+	get_assoc(H,
+		  Nodes0, State*Children,
+		  Nodes1, State*[Child|Children]), !,
+	add_parents(T, Child, NP, NPT, Nodes1, Nodes).
+add_parents([H|T], Child, [H|NP], NPT, Nodes0, Nodes) :-
+	put_assoc(H, Nodes0, node*[Child], Nodes1),
+	add_parents(T, Child, NP, NPT, Nodes1, Nodes).
+%%	in_tree(?Node, +Root, +Nodes) is nondet.
+%	True if Node appears in the tree below Root.
+in_tree(Node, Node, _).
+in_tree(Node, Root, Nodes) :-
+	get_assoc(Root, Nodes, _State*Children),
+	member(Child, Children),
+	in_tree(Node, Child, Nodes).
+%%	prune_forest(+Nodes, +Roots, -MinimalForest) is det.
+%	MinimalForest is the minimal forest overlapping all targets.
+%	@tbd Currently doesn't remove unnecessary trees.
+prune_forest(Nodes, Roots, Forest) :-
+	maplist(prune_root(Nodes), Roots, Roots1),
+	sort(Roots1, Roots2),
+	maplist(prune_ancestor_tree(Nodes), Roots2, Forest0),
+	sort(Forest0, Forest).
+%%	prune_root(+Nodes, +Root0, -Root) is det.
+%	Prune the parts of the search tree   that  ended up nowhere. The
+%	first real branch is where  we  find   a  solution  or there are
+%	multiple parents. This avoids  doing   double  work  pruning the
+%	trees itself.
+prune_root(Nodes, Root0, Root) :-
+	get_assoc(Root0, Nodes, node*[One]), !,
+	prune_root(Nodes, One, Root).
+prune_root(_, Root, Root).
+%%	prune_ancestor_tree(Nodes, Root, Tree) is det.
+%	Tree is a pruned hierarchy from Root using the branching paths of
+%	Nodes.
+prune_ancestor_tree(Nodes, Root, Tree) :-
+	get_assoc(Root, Nodes, Value),
+	(   Value = node*[One]
+	->  prune_ancestor_tree(Nodes, One, Tree)
+	;   Tree = (Root-Children),
+	    Value = _*Children0,
+	    maplist(prune_ancestor_tree(Nodes), Children0, Children)
+	).
+%%	tree_covers(+Root, +Nodes, -Targets:list) is det.
+%	True if Targets is the sorted  list   of  targets covered by the
+%	tree for which Root is the root.
+tree_covers(Root, Nodes, Targets) :-
+	phrase(tree_covers(Root, Nodes), Targets0),
+	sort(Targets0, Targets).
+tree_covers(Root, Nodes) -->
+	{ get_assoc(Root, Nodes, State*Children) },
+	(   {State == target}
+	->  [Root]
+	;   []
+	),
+	tree_covers_list(Children, Nodes).
+tree_covers_list([], _) -->
+	[].
+tree_covers_list([H|T], Nodes) -->
+	tree_covers(H, Nodes),
+	tree_covers_list(T, Nodes).
+		 /*******************************
+		 *	    PRIMITIVES		*
+		 *******************************/
+%%	map_graph(+GraphIn, +Map:assoc, -GraphOut) is det.
+%	Map a graph to a new graph  by   mapping  all  fields of the RDF
+%	statements over Map. Then delete   duplicates from the resulting
+%	graph as well as rdf(S,P,S) links that did not appear before the
+%	mapping.
+%	@tbd	Should we look inside literals for mapped types?  That
+%		would be consistent with abstract_graph/3.
+map_graph(GraphIn, Map, GraphOut) :-
+	phrase(map_triples(GraphIn, Map), Graph2),
+	sort(Graph2, GraphOut).
+map_triples([], _) -->
+	[].
+map_triples([H0|T0], Map) -->
+	map_triple(H0, Map),
+	map_triples(T0, Map).
+map_triple(rdf(S0,P0,O0), Map) -->
+	{ map_resource(S0, Map, S),
+	  map_resource(P0, Map, P),
+	  map_object(O0, Map, O)
+	},
+	(   { S == O, S0 \== O0 }
+	->  []
+	;   [ rdf(S,P,O) ]
+	).
+map_resource(N0, Map, N) :-
+	get_assoc(N0, Map, N), !.
+map_resource(N, _, N).
+map_object(O0, Map, O) :-
+	get_assoc(O0, Map, O), !.
+map_object(literal(type(T0, V)), Map, L) :-
+	get_assoc(T0, Map, T), !,
+	L = literal(type(T, V)).
+map_object(O, _, O).
+%%	map_graph(+GraphIn, +Map:assoc, -GraphOut, -AbstractMap) is det.
+%	Map a graph to a new graph  by   mapping  all  fields of the RDF
+%	statements over Map. The nodes in these  graphs are terms of the
+%	form Abstract-list(concrete).
+%	@param AbstractMap assoc Abstract -> ordset(concrete)
+map_graph(GraphIn, Map, GraphOut, AbstractMap) :-
+	map_graph(GraphIn, Map, GraphOut),
+	assoc_to_list(Map, ConcAbstr),	% Concrete->Abstract
+	graph_nodes(GraphIn, AllConcrete),
+	pairs_keys_intersection(ConcAbstr, AllConcrete, UsedConcAbstr),
+	transpose_pairs(UsedConcAbstr, AbstrConc),
+	group_pairs_by_key(AbstrConc, Grouped),
+	list_to_assoc(Grouped, AbstractMap).
+%%	pairs_keys_intersection(+Pairs, +Keys, -PairsInKeys) is det.
+%	True if PairsInKeys is a subset  of   Pairs  whose key appear in
+%	Keys. Pairs must be key-sorted and Keys must be sorted.  E.g.
+%	==
+%	?- pairs_keys_intersection([a-1,b-2,c-3], [a,c], X).
+%	X = [a-1,c-3]
+%	==
+pairs_keys_intersection(Pairs, [K], Int) :- !,	% One key: happens quite often
+	find_one_key(Pairs, K, Int).
+pairs_keys_intersection([P1|TP], [K1|TK], Int) :- !,
+	compare_pair_key(Diff, P1, K1),
+	pairs_keys_isect(Diff, P1, TP, K1, TK, Int).
+pairs_keys_intersection(_, _, []).
+pairs_keys_isect(<, _, [P1|TP], K1, TK, Int) :- !,
+	compare_pair_key(Diff, P1, K1),
+	pairs_keys_isect(Diff, P1, TP, K1, TK, Int).
+pairs_keys_isect(=, P, [P1|TP], K1, TK, [P|Int]) :- !,
+	compare_pair_key(Diff, P1, K1),
+	pairs_keys_isect(Diff, P1, TP, K1, TK, Int).
+pairs_keys_isect(>, P1, TP, _, [K1|TK], Int) :- !,
+	compare_pair_key(Diff, P1, K1),
+	pairs_keys_isect(Diff, P1, TP, K1, TK, Int).
+pairs_keys_isect(=, P, _, _, _, [P]) :- !.
+pairs_keys_isect(_, _, _, _, _, []).
+compare_pair_key(Order, K1-_, K2) :- !,
+	compare(Order, K1, K2).
+find_one_key([], _, []).
+find_one_key([K0-V|T0], K, List) :-
+	(   K0 == K
+	->  List = [k0-V|T],
+	    find_one_key(T0, K, T)
+	;   find_one_key(T0, K, List)
+	).
+%%	map_to_bagged_graph(+GraphIn, +Map, -GraphOut, -Bags) is det.
+%	GraphOut is a graph between  objects   and  bags, using the most
+%	specific common ancestor for representing properties.
+map_to_bagged_graph(GraphIn, Map, GraphOut, Bags) :-
+	map_graph(GraphIn, Map, AbstractGraph, AbstractMap),
+%	assertion(map_assoc(is_ordset, AbstractMap)),
+	empty_assoc(Nodes),
+	rdf_to_paired_graph(GraphIn, PairGraph),
+	phrase(bagify_triples(AbstractGraph, PairGraph, AbstractMap, 
+			      Nodes, Bags, []),
+	       GraphOut).
+bagify_triples([], _, _, _, Bags, Bags) --> [].
+bagify_triples([rdf(S0,_P,O0)|T], PairGraph, Map, Nodes, Bags, BagsT) -->
+	{ bagify_resource(S0, S, Map, Nodes, Nodes1, Bags, BagsT0),
+	  bagify_object(O0, O, Map, Nodes1, Nodes2, BagsT0, BagsT1),
+					% normal properties
+	  used_properties(S0, O0, PairGraph, Map, PList),
+	  common_ancestor_forest(sub_property_of, PList, Forest),
+	  debug(used_properties, 'Forest = ~p', [Forest]),
+	  pairs_keys(Forest, PRoots),
+					% inverse properties
+	  used_properties(O0, S0, PairGraph, Map, IPList),
+	  common_ancestor_forest(sub_property_of, IPList, IForest),
+	  debug(used_properties, 'IForest = ~p', [IForest]),
+	  pairs_keys(IForest, IPRoots)
+	},
+	mk_p_triples(PRoots, S, O),
+	mk_p_triples(IPRoots, O, S),
+	bagify_triples(T, PairGraph, Map, Nodes2, BagsT1, BagsT).
+bagify_resource(R0, R, _Map, Nodes, Nodes) -->
+	{ get_assoc(R0, Nodes, R) }, !.
+bagify_resource(R0, BagID, Map, Nodes0, Nodes) -->
+	{ get_assoc(R0, Map, Set), Set = [_,_|_], !,
+	  atom_concat('__rbag_', R0, BagID),
+	  put_assoc(R0, Nodes0, BagID, Nodes)
+	},
+	make_rdf_graphs([BagID-Set]).
+bagify_resource(R0, One, Map, Nodes, Nodes) -->
+	{ get_assoc(R0, Map, [One]) }, !.
+bagify_resource(R, R, _, Nodes, Nodes) --> [].
+bagify_object(R0, R, Map, Nodes0, Nodes) -->
+	bagify_resource(R0, R, Map, Nodes0, Nodes).
+%%	rdf_to_paired_graph(+GraphIn, -PairedGraph) is det.
+%	@param GraphIn		Graph as list(rdf(S,P,O))
+%	@param PairedGraph	Graph as list(S-list(O-P)), where the
+%				pair lists are key-sorted,
+rdf_to_paired_graph(Triples, Pairs) :-
+	subject_pairs(Triples, Pairs0),
+	keysort(Pairs0, Pairs1),
+	group_pairs_by_key(Pairs1, Pairs2),
+	maplist(keysort_values, Pairs2, Pairs).
+subject_pairs([], []).
+subject_pairs([rdf(S,P,O)|T0], [S-(O-P)|T]) :-
+	subject_pairs(T0, T).
+keysort_values(K-V0, K-V) :-
+	keysort(V0, V).
+%%	used_properties(+S0, +O0, +GraphIn, +AbstractMap, -PredList) is det.
+%	Find properties actually used between two   bags.  S0 and O0 are
+%	the subject and object from the   abstract graph.
+%	@param GraphIn	original concrete graph represented as pairs.
+%			See rdf_to_paired_graph/2.
+%	@param AbstractMap Assoc Abstract->Concrete, where Concrete is
+%			an ordset of resources.
+used_properties(S0, O0, GraphIn, Map, PList) :-
+	get_assoc(S0, Map, SList),
+	get_assoc(O0, Map, OList),
+	pairs_keys_intersection(GraphIn, SList, Intersection),
+	pairs_values(Intersection, OPList0),
+	append(OPList0, OPList1),
+	keysort(OPList1, OPList),
+	pairs_keys_intersection(OPList, OList, IntPList),
+	pairs_values(IntPList, PListDupl),
+	sort(PListDupl, PList),
+	debug(used_properties, '  --> ~p', [PList]).
+%%	graph_resources(+Graph, -Resources:list(atom)) is det.
+%	Resources is a sorted list  of   unique  resources  appearing in
+%	Graph. All resources are in Resources,   regardless  of the role
+%	played in the graph: node, edge (predicate)  or type for a typed
+%	literal.
+%	@see graph_resources/4 distinguishes the role of the resources.
+graph_resources(Graph, Resources) :-
+	graph_resources(Graph, R, P, P, T, T, [], _, _),
+	sort(R, Resources).
+%%	graph_nodes(+Graph, -Nodes) is det.
+%	Nodes is a sorted list of   all resources and literals appearing
+%	in Graph.
+%	@tbd	Better name
+graph_nodes(Graph, Nodes) :-
+	graph_resources(Graph, Nodes0, P, P, L, _, _, L, []),
+	sort(Nodes0, Nodes).
+%%	graph_resources(+Graph,
+%%			-Resources:list(atom),
+%%			-Predicates:list(atom),
+%%			-Types:list(atom)) is det.
+%	Resources is a sorted list  of   unique  resources  appearing in
+%	Graph as subject or object of a  triple. Predicates is a list of
+%	all unique predicates in Graph and Types is a list of all unique
+%	literal types in Graph.
+graph_resources(Graph, Resources, Preds, Types) :-
+	graph_resources(Graph, R, [], P, [], T, [], _, _),
+	sort(R, Resources),
+	sort(P, Preds),
+	sort(T, Types).
+graph_resources([], R, R, P, P, T, T, L, L).
+graph_resources([rdf(S,P,O)|T], [S|RT0], RT, [P|PTl0], PTl, Tl0, Tl, L0, L) :-
+	object_resources(O, RT0, RT1, Tl0, Tl1, L0, L1),
+	graph_resources(T, RT1, RT, PTl0, PTl, Tl1, Tl, L1, L).
+object_resources(O, R0, R, T0, T, L0, L) :-
+	(   atom(O)
+	->  R0 = [O|R], T0 = T, L0 = L
+	;   O = literal(Val)
+	->  R0 = R, L0 = [O|L],
+	    (	Val = type(Type, _)
+	    ->	T0 = [Type|T]
+	    ;	T0 = T
+	    )
+	;   assertion(fail)
+	).
+		 /*******************************
+		 *	      ABSTRACT		*
+		 *******************************/
+%%	abstract_graph(+GraphIn, -GraphOut, +Options) is det.
+%	Unify GraphOut with  an  abstracted   version  of  GraphIn.  The
+%	abstraction is carried out triple-by-triple.   Note  there is no
+%	need to abstract all triples to the   same  level. We do however
+%	need to map nodes in the graph consistently. I.e. if we abstract
+%	the object of rdf(s,p,o), we must abstract the subject of rdf(o,
+%	p2, o2) to the same resource.
+%	If we want to do incremental growing   we  must keep track which
+%	nodes where mapped to which resources.  Option?
+%	We must also decide on the abstraction   level  for a node. This
+%	can be based on the weight  in   the  search graph, the involved
+%	properties and focus such  as  location   and  time.  Should  we
+%	express this focus in the weight?
+%	Options:
+%	    * map_in(?Map)
+%	    If present, this is the initial resource abstraction map.
+%	    * map_out(-Map)
+%	    Provide access to the final resource abstraction map.
+%	    * bags(-Bags)
+%	    If provided, _bagify_ the graph, returning the triples that
+%	    define the bags in Bags. The full graph is created by
+%	    appending Bags to GraphOut.
+%	    * merge_concepts_with_super(+Boolean)
+%	    If =true= (default), merge nodes of one is a super-concept
+%	    of another.
+abstract_graph(GraphIn, GraphOut, Options) :-
+	map_in(Options, MapIn),
+	graph_resources(GraphIn, Nodes, NT, Edges, [], _T0, _TT, NT, []),
+	node_map(Nodes, MapIn, Map2, Options),
+	edge_map(Edges, Map2, MapOut),
+	map_out(Options, MapOut),
+	(   option(bags(Bags), Options)
+	->  map_to_bagged_graph(GraphIn, MapOut, GraphOut, Bags)
+	;   map_graph(GraphIn, MapOut, GraphOut)
+	).
+map_in(Options, Map) :-
+	option(map_in(Map), Options, Map),
+	(var(Map) -> empty_assoc(Map) ; true).
+map_out(Options, Map) :-
+	option(map_out(Map), Options, _).
+%%	node_map(+Nodes, +Map0, -Map, +Options) is det.
+%	Create the abstraction map  for  the   nodes  of  the  graph. It
+%	consists of two steps:
+%	    1. Map all instances to their class, except for concepts
+%	    2. If some instances are mapped to class A and others to
+%	       class B, where A is a super-class of B, map all instances
+%	       to class A.
+node_map(Nodes, Map0, Map, Options) :-
+	concepts_of(Nodes, Map0, Map1, _NewConcepts),
+	(   option(merge_concepts_with_super(true), Options, true)
+	->  assoc_to_values(Map1, Concepts),
+	    sort(Concepts, Unique),
+	    identity_map(Unique, SuperMap0),
+	    find_broaders(Unique, SuperMap0, SuperMap1),
+	    deref_map(SuperMap1, SuperMap),
+	    map_assoc(map_over(SuperMap), Map1, Map)
+	;   Map = Map1
+	).
+map_over(Map, V0, V) :-
+	(   get_assoc(V0, Map, V1)
+	->  V = V1
+	;   V = V0
+	).
+concepts_of([], Map, Map, []).
+concepts_of([R|T], Map0, Map, New) :-
+	get_assoc(R, Map0, _), !,
+	concepts_of(T, Map0, Map, New).
+concepts_of([R|T], Map0, Map, [C|New]) :-
+	concept_of(R, C),
+	put_assoc(R, Map0, C, Map1),
+	concepts_of(T, Map1, Map, New).
+%%	identity_map(+List, -Map) is det.
+%%	find_broaders(+List, +Map0, -Map) is det.
+%%	deref_map(+Map0, -Map) is det.
+identity_map(List, Map) :-
+	map_list_to_pairs(=, List, Pairs),
+	list_to_assoc(Pairs, Map).
+find_broaders([], Map, Map).
+find_broaders([C|T], Map0, Map) :-
+	broader(C, Super),
+	get_assoc(Super, Map0, SuperSuper), !,
+	debug(rdf_abstract, 'Mapped ~p to super concept ~p', [C, SuperSuper]),
+	put_assoc(C, Map0, SuperSuper, Map1),
+	find_broaders(T, Map1, Map).
+find_broaders([_|T], Map0, Map) :-
+	find_broaders(T, Map0, Map).
+deref_map(Map0, Map) :-
+	findall(KV, mapped_kv(KV, Map0), Pairs),
+	deref(Pairs, NewPairs),
+	list_to_assoc(NewPairs, Map).
+mapped_kv(K-V, Assoc) :-
+	gen_assoc(K, Assoc, V),
+	K \== V.
+%%	deref(+Pairs0, NewPairs) is det.
+%	Dereference chains V1-V2, V2-V3  into   V1-V3,  V2-V3. Note that
+%	Pairs0 may contain cycles, in which case  all the members of the
+%	cycle  are  replaced  by  the    representative  as  defined  by
+%	rdf_representative/2.
+deref(Pairs, NewPairs) :-
+	list_to_assoc(Pairs, Assoc),
+	deref(Pairs, Assoc, NewPairs).
+deref([], _, []).
+deref([K-V0|T0], Map, [K-V|T]) :-
+	deref2(V0, Map, [V0], EqSet, V),
+	(   EqSet == []
+	->  deref(T0, Map, T)
+	;   rdf_representative(EqSet, V),
+	    deref_cycle(T0, EqSet, V, Cycle, T1),
+	    append(Cycle, T2, T),
+	    deref(T1, Map, T2)
+	).
+deref2(V0, Map, Visited, EqSet, V) :-
+	get_assoc(V0, Map, V1), !,
+	(   memberchk(V1, Visited)
+	->  EqSet = Visited
+	;   deref2(V1, Map, [V1|Visited], EqSet, V)
+	).
+deref2(V, _, _, [], V).
+deref_cycle([], _, _, [], []).
+deref_cycle([K-V0|T0], EqSet, V, [K-V|CT], Rest) :-
+	memberchk(V0, EqSet), !,
+	deref_cycle(T0, EqSet, V, CT, Rest).
+deref_cycle([H|T0], EqSet, V, CT, [H|RT]) :-
+	deref_cycle(T0, EqSet, V, CT, RT).
+%%	edge_map(+Edges, +MapIn, -MapOut) is det.
+edge_map([], Map, Map).
+edge_map([R|T], Map0, Map) :-
+	get_assoc(R, Map0, _), !,
+	edge_map(T, Map0, Map).
+edge_map([R|T], Map0, Map) :-
+	iface_abstract_predicate(R, C),
+	put_assoc(R, Map0, C, Map1),
+	edge_map(T, Map1, Map).
+%%	concept_of(+Resource, -Concept) is det.
+%	True if Concept is the concept Resource belongs to.  If Resource
+%	is a concept itself, Concept is Resource.
+%	@tbd	Make thesaurus concept classes a subclass of skos:Class.
+%	@tbd	Put in a reusable place, merge with
+concept_of(O, O) :-
+	iface_concept(O), !.
+concept_of(O, C) :-
+	class_of(O, C).
+%%	broader(+Term, -Broader) is nondet.
+%	True if Broader is a broader term according to the SKOS schema.
+%	@tbd Deal with owl:sameAs (and skos:exactMatch)
+broader(Term, Broader) :-
+	rdf_reachable(Term, skos:broader, Broader),
+	Broader \== Term.
diff --git a/lib/cluster_search/ b/lib/cluster_search/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a7d8cb2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/cluster_search/
@@ -0,0 +1,147 @@
+/*  This file is part of ClioPatria.
+    Author:
+    HTTP:
+    GITWEB:
+    GIT:	git://
+    GIT:
+    Copyright:  2007, E-Culture/MultimediaN
+    ClioPatria is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+    the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
+    (at your option) any later version.
+    ClioPatria is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+    GNU General Public License for more details.
+    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+    along with ClioPatria.  If not, see <>.
+:- module(rdf_backward_search,
+	  [ rdf_backward_search/4	% +KeyWord, +TargetCond, -State, +Options
+	  ]).
+:- use_module(rdf_search).
+:- use_module(rdf_graph).
+:- use_module(library(assoc)).
+:- use_module(library(url)).
+:- use_module(library(pairs)).
+:- use_module(library(lists)).
+:- use_module(library(debug)).
+:- use_module(library(option)).
+:- use_module(library(semweb/rdf_db)).
+:- use_module(library(semweb/rdfs)).
+:- use_module(owl_ultra_lite).
+/** <module> Direct metadata search on RDF graph
+@author	Michiel Hildebrand, on top of search facilities from
+:- meta_predicate
+	rdf_backward_search(+, 1, -, +).
+%%	rdf_backward_search(+Keyword, :TargetCond, -State, +Options)
+%       Initiate a graph search by traversing resources in backwards fashion,
+%       thus only considing the triple where the current node is an object.
+%	Options: see rdf_search/4
+rdf_backward_search(Keyword, TargetCond, State, Options) :-
+	Expand = rdf_backward_search:edge,
+	setting(search:steps, DefSteps),
+	option(steps(Steps0), Options, DefSteps),
+	(   Steps0 == 0
+	->  Steps = -1
+	;   Steps = Steps0
+	),
+	rdf_keyword_search(Keyword, TargetCond, State,
+			   [expand_node(Expand)|Options]),
+	steps(0, Steps, State).
+steps(Steps, Steps, _) :- !.
+steps(I, Steps, Graph) :-
+	I2 is I + 1,
+	(   rdf_extend_search(Graph)
+	->  (   debugging(rdf_search)
+	    ->  debug(rdf_search, 'After cycle ~D', [I2]),
+		forall(debug_property(P),
+		       (   rdf_search_property(Graph, P),
+			   debug(rdf_search, '\t~p', [P])))
+	    ;   true
+	    ),
+	    steps(I2, Steps, Graph)
+	;   debug(rdf_search, 'Agenda is empty after ~D steps~n', [I])
+	).
+%%	edge(+Node, +Score, -Link) is nondet.
+%	Generate links from Node.
+edge(O, _, i(S,P,W)) :-
+	edge(O, S, P, W),
+	debug(myedge, 'Expanding ~2f ~p ~p ~p~n', [W, O, P, S]),
+	W > 0.0001.
+edge(O, S, P, W) :-
+	setof(S, i_edge(O, S, P), Ss),
+	(   predicate_weight(P, W)
+	->  member(S, Ss)
+	;   length(Ss, Len),
+	    member(S, Ss),
+	    subject_weight(S, Len, W)
+	).
+i_edge(O, S, P) :-
+	rdf(S, P, O).
+i_edge(O, S, P) :-
+	rdf(O, P0, S),
+	atom(S),
+	(   owl_ultra_lite:inverse_predicate(P0, P)
+	->  true
+	;   predicate_weight(P0, 1)
+	->  P = P0
+	).
+%%	predicate_weight(+Predicate, -Weight) is semidet.
+%	Weight based on the meaning of   Predicate. This predicate deals
+%	with RDF predicates that have a  well defined meaning.
+%	Additional weights (or overwrites) can be defined in
+%	cliopatria:predicate_weight/2,
+%	Note that rdfs:comment is not searched as  it   is  supposed to
+%	be comment about the graph, and not part of the graph itself.
+predicate_weight(P, Weight) :-
+	catch(cliopatria:predicate_weight(P, Weight), _, fail), !.
+predicate_weight(P, 1) :-
+	rdfs_subproperty_of(P, rdfs:label), !.
+predicate_weight(P, 1) :-
+	rdfs_subproperty_of(P, rdf:value), !.
+predicate_weight(P, 1) :-
+	rdf_equal(P, owl:sameAs), !.
+predicate_weight(P, 1) :-
+	rdf_equal(P, skos:exactMatch), !.
+predicate_weight(P, 0) :-
+	rdfs_subproperty_of(P, rdfs:comment), !.
+predicate_weight(_, Weight) :-
+	catch(cliopatria:default_weight(Weight), _, fail).
+subject_weight(S, _, 1) :-
+	rdf_is_bnode(S), !.
+subject_weight(_, Count, W) :-
+	W is 1/max(3, Count).
diff --git a/lib/cluster_search/ b/lib/cluster_search/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1c672c0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/cluster_search/
@@ -0,0 +1,448 @@
+/*  This file is part of ClioPatria.
+    Author:
+    HTTP:
+    GITWEB:
+    GIT:	git://
+    GIT:
+    Copyright:  2007, E-Culture/MultimediaN
+    ClioPatria is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+    the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
+    (at your option) any later version.
+    ClioPatria is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+    GNU General Public License for more details.
+    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+    along with ClioPatria.  If not, see <>.
+:- module(rdf_cluster,
+	  [ search_path/3,      % +Target, +Graph, -Path
+	    search_path/4,      % +Method, +Target, +Graph, -Path
+	    cached_search_path/6, % +Method, +Target, +Graph,
+				%   +CacheIn, -CacheOut, -Path
+	    empty_path_cache/1,	% -Cache
+	    graph_path/5,       % +Target, +Graph, +CacheIn -CacheOut, -Path
+	    schema_path/2,      % +Path, -SchemaPath
+	    predicate_schema_path/2, % +Path, -SchemaPath
+	    partial_schema_path/2, % +Path, -PartialSchemaPath
+	    canonical_path/2,   % +Path, -CanonicalPath
+	    strip_alignment/2,  % +Path, -StrippedPath
+	    strip_rdf_value/2,
+	    direct_path/2
+	  ]).
+:- use_module(library(semweb/rdf_db)).
+:- use_module(library(semweb/rdfs)).
+:- use_module(library(semweb/rdf_label)).
+:- use_module(library(assoc)).
+:- use_module(library(rbtrees)).
+:- use_module(library(lists)).
+:- use_module(library(debug)).
+:- use_module(rdf_graph).
+:- use_module(rdf_search).
+:- use_module(graph_search).
+:- use_module(library(semweb/rdf_abstract)).
+%%	canonical_path(+PathIn, -PathOut)
+%	Reduce schema path to a canonical form.
+canonical_path(PathIn, PathOut) :-
+	strip_rdf_value(PathIn, Path),
+	merge_transitive(Path, Path1),
+	merge_related(Path1, PathOut).
+%%	directh_path(+PathIn, -PathOut)
+%	Reduce path to a direct path.
+direct_path([S,P,O], [S,P,O]) :- !.
+direct_path([S,P,O,Prop,L], [S,P,O,Prop,L]) :-
+	rdfs_subproperty_of(Prop,rdfs:label), !.
+direct_path(_, other).
+%%	strip_alignment(+IPathIn, -IPathOut) is det.
+%	Strip alignment relations (owl:sameAs   and  skos:exactMatch)
+%	from a path.
+strip_alignment([], []).
+strip_alignment([One], [One]) :- !.
+strip_alignment([_O1, P, O2|T0], T) :-
+	alignment_predicate(P), !,
+	instance_search:representative(O2, Represent),
+	strip_alignment([Represent|T0], T).
+strip_alignment([O,P|T0], [O,P|T]) :-
+	strip_alignment(T0, T).
+	       alignment_predicate(P)) :-
+	rdf_global_id(P0, P).
+%%	merge_transitive(+PathIn, -PathOut) is det.
+%	Merge transitive relations from a path.
+merge_transitive([One], [One]).
+merge_transitive([O1, P, _, P, O3|T0], T) :-
+	transitive_predicate(P), !,
+	merge_transitive([O1,P,O3|T0], T).
+merge_transitive([O,P|T0], [O,P|T]) :-
+	merge_transitive(T0, T).
+transitive_predicate(P) :-
+	rdfs_subproperty_of(P, iface:broader), !.
+transitive_predicate(P) :-
+	rdfs_subproperty_of(P, iface:narrower), !.
+transitive_predicate(P) :-
+	rdfs_individual_of(P, owl:'TransitiveProperty'), !.
+%%	merge_repetition(+PathIn, -PathOut) is det.
+%	Merge repetitive relations in a path.
+merge_repetition([], []).
+merge_repetition([One], [One]).
+merge_repetition([O1, P, _, P, O3|T0], [O1,seq(P)|T]) :- !,
+	more_repetition(T0, P, O3, T1, O),
+	merge_repetition([O,T1], T).
+merge_repetition([O,P|T0], [O,P|T]) :-
+	merge_repetition(T0, T).
+more_repetition([P,O1|T], P, _, Rest, O) :- !,
+	more_repetition(T, P, O1, Rest, O).
+more_repetition(T, _, O, T, O).
+%%	merge_related(+PathIn, -PathOut) is det.
+%	Merge related relations from a path.
+merge_related([One], [One]).
+merge_related([O1, P1, _, P2, O3|T0], T) :-
+	iface_related(P1),
+	iface_related(P2), !,
+	rdf_equal(P, iface:related),
+	merge_related([O1,P,O3|T0], T).
+merge_related([O,P|T0], [O,P|T]) :-
+	merge_related(T0, T).
+iface_related(P) :-
+	rdfs_subproperty_of(P, iface:broader).
+iface_related(P) :-
+	rdfs_subproperty_of(P, iface:narrower).
+iface_related(P) :-
+	rdfs_subproperty_of(P, iface:related).
+%%	remove_label(+PathIn, -PathOut)
+%	Remove matching label part at the end of the Path.
+remove_label([S,P,O], [S,P,O]) :- !.
+remove_label(PathIn, PathOut) :-
+	reverse(PathIn, [_,P|Rest]),
+	rdfs_subproperty_of(P, rdfs:label),
+	reverse(Rest, PathOut).
+%%	strip_rdf_value(+PathIn, -PathOut)
+%	Remove rdf:value construction from the Path.
+strip_rdf_value([One], [One]) :- !.
+strip_rdf_value([S,P,_,R,V|T], [S,P|Rest]) :-
+	rdf_equal(R, rdf:value), !,
+	strip_rdf_value([V|T], Rest).
+strip_rdf_value([O,P|T0], [O,P|T]) :-
+	strip_rdf_value(T0, T).
+%%	search_path(+TargetNode, +Graph, -Path) is det.
+%%	search_path(+Method, +TargetNode, +Graph, -Path) is det.
+%	Path connect TargetNode to a Node   with type =start=. Note that
+%	if the search started with a   target, the node-type is =target=
+%	and we return an empty Path.
+%	@param Path	is list with alternating property and value,
+%			ended in the start-node (typically a literal).
+%			Path starts with TargetNode.
+%	@param Method	one of =best= or =shortest=
+search_path(Target, Graph, Path) :-
+	search_path(best, Target, Graph, Path).
+search_path(best, Target, Graph, Path) :-
+	best_first_search(Target, Graph, -, _, Path),
+	!.
+search_path(breadth, Target, Graph, Path) :-
+	breadth_first_search(Target, Graph, -, _, Path),
+	!.
+search_path(_, Target, _, [Target]).	      % search started with target
+%%	cached_search_path(+Method, +TargetNode, +Graph,
+%%			   +CacheIn, -CacheOut, -Path) is det.
+%	Version of search_path/4  that  maintains   a  cache  of  search
+%	results, to avoid searching the whole graph for each result. The
+%	cache is updated on each result found. Typically it is used in a
+%	loop to obtain the paths for a list of targets.
+%	@see empty_path_cache/1 to create the initial cache.
+cached_search_path(best, Target, Graph, CacheIn, CacheOut, Path) :-
+	best_first_search(Target, Graph, CacheIn, CacheOut, Path).
+cached_search_path(breadth, Target, Graph, CacheIn, CacheOut, Path) :-
+	breadth_first_search(Target, Graph, CacheIn, CacheOut, Path).
+%cached_search_path(_, Target, _, Cache, Cache, [Target]).
+%%	empty_path_cache(-Cache)
+%	Produce initial cache for cached_search_path/6.
+empty_path_cache(Cache) :-
+	empty_assoc(Cache).
+%%	best_first_search(+Target, +Graph,
+%%			  +CacheIn, -CacheOut, -Path) is nondet.
+%	Execute a best-first search through the graph back from the
+%	Target to a start node.
+%	@param	CacheIn is an assoc used to cache previous results.  Pass
+%		the atom '-' to disable caching.
+best_first_search(Target, Graph, CacheIn, CacheOut, Path) :-
+	empty_assoc(Assoc0),
+	put_assoc(Target, Assoc0, true, Done),
+	best_first_search([Target], Graph, CacheIn, CacheOut, Done, Path).
+best_first_search([AH|_Agenda], _Graph, CacheIn, CacheOut, _Done, Path) :-
+	CacheIn \== (-),
+	agenda_head(AH, R, Path0),
+	get_assoc(R, CacheIn, RestPath), !,
+	debug(path, 'Cache hit ~p --> ~p', [R, RestPath]),
+	reverse(Path0, Path1),
+	append(Path1, RestPath, Path),
+	update_cache(Path, CacheIn, CacheOut).
+best_first_search([AH|_Agenda], Graph, CacheIn, CacheOut, _Done, Path) :-
+	agenda_head(AH, R, Path0),
+	search_graph_node_type(Graph, R, start), !,
+	reverse(Path0, Path),
+	update_cache(Path, CacheIn, CacheOut).
+best_first_search([AH|Agenda], Graph, CacheIn, CacheOut, Done, Path) :-
+	agenda_head(AH, R, Path0),
+	put_assoc(R, Done, true, Done2),
+	findall(n(Weight, [V,P|Path0]),
+		( search_graph_rdf(Graph, R, P, V),
+		  \+ get_assoc(V, Done2, _),
+		  step_weight(P, V, Graph, Weight)
+		),
+		Steps0
+	),
+	append(Steps0, Agenda, Agenda1),
+	sort(Agenda1, Agenda2),
+	reverse(Agenda2, NewAgenda),
+	best_first_search(NewAgenda, Graph, CacheIn, CacheOut, Done2, Path).
+update_cache(_, -, -) :- !.		% not cached
+update_cache(Path, CacheIn, CacheOut) :-
+	debug(path, 'Adding path ~p', [Path]),
+	path_into_cache(Path, CacheIn, CacheOut).
+path_into_cache([], Cache, Cache).
+path_into_cache(Path, CacheIn, CacheOut) :-
+	Path = [R|RPath],
+	(   get_assoc(R, CacheIn, _)
+	->  CacheOut = CacheIn
+	;   put_assoc(R, CacheIn, RPath, CacheTmp),
+	    (	RPath = [_P|Rest]
+	    ->	path_into_cache(Rest, CacheTmp, CacheOut)
+	    ;	CacheOut = CacheTmp
+	    )
+	).
+%%	breadth_first_search(+Target, +Graph,
+%%			    +CacheIn, -CacheOut, -Path) is nondet.
+%	Execute a breath first search through the search graph, finding
+%	the shortest path from a target back to a start node.
+breadth_first_search(Target, Graph, CacheIn, CacheOut, Path) :-
+	empty_assoc(Assoc0),
+	put_assoc(Target, Assoc0, true, Done),
+	breadth_first_search([Target|Tail], Tail, Graph,
+			    CacheIn, CacheOut, Done, Path).
+breadth_first_search(Agenda, ATail, _, _, _, _, _) :-
+	Agenda == ATail, !, fail.
+breadth_first_search([AH|_Agenda], _, _, CacheIn, CacheOut, _, Path) :-
+	agenda_head(AH, R, Path0),
+	get_assoc(R, CacheIn, RestPath), !,
+	debug(path, 'Cache hit ~p --> ~p', [R, RestPath]),
+	reverse(Path0, Path1),
+	append(Path1, RestPath, Path),
+	update_cache(Path, CacheIn, CacheOut).
+breadth_first_search([AH|_Agenda], _, Graph, CacheIn, CacheOut, _, Path) :-
+	agenda_head(AH, R, Path0),
+	search_graph_node_type(Graph, R, start),
+	reverse(Path0, Path),
+	update_cache(Path, CacheIn, CacheOut).
+breadth_first_search([AH|Agenda], ATail, Graph,
+		    CacheIn, CacheOut, Done, Path) :-
+	agenda_head(AH, R, Path0),
+	put_assoc(R, Done, true, Done2),
+	findall(n(W, [V,P2|Path0]),
+		( search_graph_rdf(Graph, R, P2, V), % FIXME
+		  \+ get_assoc(V, Done2, true),
+		  step_weight(P2, V, Graph, W)
+		),
+		Steps0),
+	sort(Steps0, Steps1),
+	reverse(Steps1, Steps),		% heighest weight first
+	append(Steps, NewTail, ATail),
+	breadth_first_search(Agenda, NewTail, Graph,
+			    CacheIn, CacheOut, Done2, Path).
+agenda_head(n(_,Path), R, Path) :- !,
+	Path = [R,_P|_].
+agenda_head(R,        R, [R]).
+step_weight(P, _V, _Graph, Weight) :-
+	graph_search:predicate_weight(P, Weight), !.
+step_weight(_, _V, _Graph, 0.3).
+%%	enumarate_path(+Target, +Graph,
+%%			  +CacheIn, -CacheOut, -Path) is nondet.
+%	Execute a best-first search through the graph back from the
+%	Target to a start node.
+%	@param	CacheIn is an assoc used to cache previous results.  Pass
+%		the atom '-' to disable caching.
+graph_path(Target, Graph, CacheIn, CacheOut, Path) :-
+	empty_assoc(Assoc0),
+	put_assoc(Target, Assoc0, true, Done),
+	graph_path([Target], Graph, CacheIn, CacheOut, Done, Path).
+graph_path([AH|_Agenda], _Graph, CacheIn, CacheOut, _Done, Path) :-
+	CacheIn \== (-),
+	path_head(AH, R, Path0),
+	get_assoc(R, CacheIn, RestPath),
+	debug(path, 'Cache hit ~p --> ~p', [R, RestPath]),
+	reverse(Path0, Path1),
+	append(Path1, RestPath, Path),
+	update_cache(Path, CacheIn, CacheOut).
+graph_path([AH|_Agenda], Graph, CacheIn, CacheOut, _Done, Path) :-
+	path_head(AH, R, Path0),
+	search_graph_node_type(Graph, R, start),
+	reverse(Path0, Path),
+	update_cache(Path, CacheIn, CacheOut).
+graph_path([AH|Agenda], Graph, CacheIn, CacheOut, Done, Path) :-
+	path_head(AH, R, Path0),
+	put_assoc(R, Done, true, Done2),
+	findall([V,P|Path0],
+		( search_graph_rdf(Graph, R, P, V),
+		  \+ get_assoc(V, Done2, _)
+		),
+		Steps0
+	),
+	Steps0 \== [],
+	append(Steps0, Agenda, Agenda1),
+	sort(Agenda1, Agenda2),
+	reverse(Agenda2, NewAgenda),
+	graph_path(NewAgenda, Graph, CacheIn, CacheOut, Done2, Path).
+path_head([R|Path], R, [R|Path]) :- !.
+path_head(R,        R, [R]).
+%%	schema_path(+InstancePath, -SchemaPath) is det.
+%	Abstract a path by lifting all  resources to their class/concept
+%	and all predicates to their interface properties.
+%	@param	InstancePath is a list of alternating nodes and edges
+%		(predicates) that starts with the origin of the search
+%		and end with the target (e.g. artwork).
+%	@param	SchemaPath is a list of the same length as InstancePath
+%		holding the abstracted path.
+%	@see	Keep in sync with kwd_search:predicate_path/2 from old
+%		basic search.
+schema_path([], []).
+schema_path([V], [Class]) :- !,
+	(  V = literal(_)
+	-> rdf_equal(Class, rdfs:'Literal')
+	;  Class = V  % keep the URI
+	).
+/* schema_path([V, P|T], [Class, AP|Rest]) :-
+	iface_abstract_class(V, Class),
+	iface_abstract_predicate(P, AP),
+	schema_path(T, Rest).
+predicate_schema_path([], []).
+predicate_schema_path([V], [V]).
+/* predicate_schema_path([V, P|T], [V, AP|Rest]) :-
+	iface_abstract_predicate(P, AP),
+	predicate_schema_path(T, Rest).
+direct_schema_path([], []).
+direct_schema_path([V], [L]) :- !,
+	(  V = literal(_)
+	-> L='query'
+	;  rdf_label(V,L)
+	).
+/* direct_schema_path([V, P|T], [Class, AP|Rest]) :-
+	iface_abstract_class(V, Class),
+	iface_abstract_predicate(P, AP),
+	direct_schema_path(T, Rest).
+%%	partial_schema_path(+InstancePath, -SchemaPath) is det.
+%	Abstract a path by lifting those resources for which an
+%	abstraction is defined.
+partial_schema_path([], []).
+partial_schema_path([R|T], [Abstract|Rest]) :-
+	(   R = literal(_)
+	->  rdf_equal(Abstract, rdfs:'Literal')
+	;   catch(cliopatria:abstract_class(R, Abstract),_,fail)
+	->  true
+	;   Abstract = R
+	),
+	partial_schema_path(T, Rest).
diff --git a/lib/cluster_search/ b/lib/cluster_search/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..57dea76
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/cluster_search/
@@ -0,0 +1,178 @@
+/*  This file is part of ClioPatria.
+    Author:
+    HTTP:
+    GITWEB:
+    GIT:	git://
+    GIT:
+    Copyright:  2007, E-Culture/MultimediaN
+    ClioPatria is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+    the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
+    (at your option) any later version.
+    ClioPatria is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+    GNU General Public License for more details.
+    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+    along with ClioPatria.  If not, see <>.
+:- module(rdf_direct_search,
+	  [ rdf_concept_search/4, 	 % +KeyWord, +TargetCond, -State, +Options
+	    rdf_literal_search/4 % +KeyWord, +TargetCond, -State, +Options
+	  ]).
+:- use_module(rdf_search).
+:- use_module(rdf_graph).
+:- use_module(library(record)).
+:- use_module(library(assoc)).
+:- use_module(library(url)).
+:- use_module(library(pairs)).
+:- use_module(library(lists)).
+:- use_module(library(debug)).
+:- use_module(library(option)).
+:- use_module(library(semweb/rdf_db)).
+:- use_module(library(semweb/rdfs)).
+:- use_module(filter).
+/** <module> Direct metadata search on RDF graph
+@author	Michiel Hildebrand, on top of search facilities from
+:- meta_predicate
+	rdf_direct_search(+, 1, -, +).
+:- record
+        expand(description = false,
+	       initial_eq  = false,
+	       equivalent  = false,
+	       narrower    = false,
+	       narrower1 = false,
+	       broader     = false,
+	       related     = false,
+	       specific    = false,
+	       rdf_value   = true,
+	       forward     = false
+	      ).
+%%	rdf_direct_search(+Keyword, :TargetCond, -State, +Options)
+%	Initiate a graph search by traversing only direct links between
+%	keyword and target resources.
+%	Options: see rdf_search/4
+rdf_concept_search(Keyword, TargetCond, State, Options) :-
+	make_expand([], Expand0),
+	set_expand_options(Expand0, Expand, Options),
+	Edge = rdf_direct_search:edge(Expand, TargetCond),
+	rdf_keyword_search(Keyword, TargetCond, State,
+			   [expand_node(Edge),target_expand(false)|Options]),
+	steps(State).
+rdf_literal_search(Keyword, TargetCond, State, Options) :-
+	Expand = rdf_direct_search:literal_edge,
+	rdf_keyword_search(Keyword, TargetCond, State,
+			   [expand_node(Expand),target_expand(false)|Options]),
+	steps(State).
+set_expand_options(Expand0, Expand, Options) :-
+	option(expand(Es0), Options, []),
+	maplist(atom_to_option, Es0, Es),
+	set_expand_fields(Es, Expand0, Expand, _).
+atom_to_option(H, Opt) :-
+	atom(H),
+	Opt =.. [H,true].
+%%	steps(+State)
+%	Recursively call rdf_extend_search/1 until it fails.
+steps(State) :-
+	rdf_extend_search(State), !,
+	(   debugging(rdf_search)
+        ->  forall(debug_property(P),
+		   (   rdf_search_property(State, P),
+		       debug(rdf_search, '\t~p', [P])))
+	;   true
+	),
+	steps(State).
+%%	edge(+Expand, +Cond, +Graph, +Object, -Link) is nondet.
+%	Default predicate to generate edges.
+edge(Expand, Cond, O, Score, i(S,P,W)) :-
+	setof(S, edge_i(O, S, P), Ss),
+	(   O = literal(_)
+	->  (   rdfs_subproperty_of(P, rdfs:label)
+	    ->	W = 1
+	    ;	expand_description(Expand, true)
+	    ->	W = 0.5
+	    ),
+	    member(S, Ss)
+	;   cond_predicate_weight(P, Expand, Score, W)
+	->  member(S, Ss)
+	;   W = 0.5,
+	    member(S, Ss),
+	    call(Cond, S)
+	).
+edge(Expand, _Cond, O, Score, i(S,P,W)) :-
+	expand_forward(Expand, true),
+	setof(S, edge_i(S, O, P), Ss),
+	(   cond_f_predicate_weight(P, Expand, Score, W)
+	->  member(S, Ss)
+	).
+edge_i(O, S, P) :-
+	rdf(S, P, O).
+edge_i(O, S, P) :-
+	rdf(O, P0, S),
+	rdf_search:inverse_property(P, P0).
+%%	cond_predicate_weight(+Pred, +ExpandState, +Score, -Weight)
+%	Weight is the weight of Pred if ExpandState and Score allow.
+cond_predicate_weight(P, Expand, _Score, 1) :-
+	rdf_equal(P, rdf:value), !,
+	expand_rdf_value(Expand, true).
+cond_predicate_weight(P, Expand, Score, 1) :-
+	eq_predicate(P), !,
+	(   expand_equivalent(Expand, true)
+	->  true
+	;   Score > 0.9,
+	    expand_initial_eq(Expand, true)
+	).
+cond_predicate_weight(_P, Expand, Score, 0.5) :-
+	Score > 0.5, !,
+	expand_specific(Expand, true).
+%%	cond_f_predicate_weight(+Pred, +ExpandState, +Score, -Weight)
+%	Weight is the weight of Pred if ExpandState and Score allow.
+cond_f_predicate_weight(P, Expand, _Score, 1) :-
+	rdf_equal(P, rdf:value), !,
+	expand_rdf_value(Expand, true).
+eq_predicate(P) :-
+	rdfs_subproperty_of(P, owl:sameAs).
+eq_predicate(P) :-
+	rdfs_subproperty_of(P, skos:exactMatch).
+literal_edge(literal(L), _Score, i(S,P,1)) :-
+	rdf(S, P, literal(L)).
diff --git a/lib/cluster_search/ b/lib/cluster_search/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ac3f161
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/cluster_search/
@@ -0,0 +1,151 @@
+/*  This file is part of ClioPatria.
+    Author:
+    HTTP:
+    GITWEB:
+    GIT:	git://
+    GIT:
+    Copyright:  2007, E-Culture/MultimediaN
+    ClioPatria is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+    the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
+    (at your option) any later version.
+    ClioPatria is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+    GNU General Public License for more details.
+    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+    along with ClioPatria.  If not, see <>.
+:- module(rdf_full_search,
+	  [ rdf_full_search/4 	% +KeyWord, +TargetCond, -State, +Options
+	  ]).
+:- use_module(rdf_search).
+:- use_module(rdf_graph).
+:- use_module(kwd_search).
+:- use_module(library(record)).
+:- use_module(library(assoc)).
+:- use_module(library(url)).
+:- use_module(library(pairs)).
+:- use_module(library(lists)).
+:- use_module(library(debug)).
+:- use_module(library(option)).
+:- use_module(library(semweb/rdf_db)).
+:- use_module(library(semweb/rdfs)).
+:- use_module(filter).
+/** <module> Full search on RDF graph
+@author	Michiel Hildebrand, based on util(
+:- meta_predicate
+	rdf_full_search(+, 1, -, +).
+%%	rdf_full_search(+Keyword, :TargetCond, -State, +Options)
+%	Initiate a full graph search by traversing resources in all
+%	possible ways.
+%	Options: see rdf_search/4
+rdf_full_search(Keyword, TargetCond, State, Options) :-
+	Expand = rdf_full_search:edge,
+	setting(search:steps, DefSteps),
+	option(steps(Steps0), Options, DefSteps),
+	(   Steps0 == 0
+	->  Steps = -1
+	;   Steps = Steps0
+	),
+	rdf_keyword_search(Keyword, TargetCond, State,
+			   [expand_node(Expand)|Options]),
+	steps(0, Steps, State).
+steps(Steps, Steps, _) :- !.
+steps(I, Steps, Graph) :-
+	I2 is I + 1,
+	(   rdf_extend_search(Graph)
+	->  (   debugging(rdf_search)
+	    ->  debug(rdf_search, 'After cycle ~D', [I2]),
+		forall(debug_property(P),
+		       (   rdf_search_property(Graph, P),
+			   debug(rdf_search, '\t~p', [P])))
+	    ;   true
+	    ),
+	    steps(I2, Steps, Graph)
+	;   debug(rdf_search, 'Agenda is empty after ~D steps~n', [I])
+	).
+%%	edge(+Node, -Link) is nondet.
+%	Generate links from Node.
+edge(O, i(S,P,W)) :-
+	i_edge(O, S, P, W),
+	debug(myedge, 'Expanding ~2f ~p ~p ~p~n', [W, O, P, S]),
+	W > 0.0001.
+edge(O, f(S,P,W)) :-
+	f_edge(O, S, P, W),
+	debug(myedge, 'Expanding ~2f ~p ~p ~p~n', [W, O, P, S]),
+	W > 0.0001.
+i_edge(O, S, P, W) :-
+	setof(S, rdf(S, P, O), Ss),
+	(   predicate_weight(P, W)
+	->  member(S, Ss)
+	;   length(Ss, Len),
+	    member(S, Ss),
+	    subject_weight(S, Len, W)
+	).
+f_edge(O, S, P, W) :-
+	setof(S, f_rdf(O, P, S), Ss),
+	(   predicate_weight(P, W)
+	->  member(S, Ss)
+	;   length(Ss, Len),
+	    member(S, Ss),
+	    subject_weight(S, Len, W)
+	).
+f_rdf(O, P, S) :-
+	rdf(O,P,S),
+	atom(S),
+	\+ rdf_equal(P,skos:inScheme).
+%%	predicate_weight(+Predicate, -Weight) is semidet.
+%	Weight based on the meaning of   Predicate. This predicate deals
+%	with RDF predicates that have a  well defined meaning.
+%	Additional weights (or overwrites) can be defined in
+%	cliopatria:predicate_weight/2,
+%	Note that rdfs:comment is not searched as  it   is  supposed to
+%	be comment about the graph, and not part of the graph itself.
+%predicate_weight(P, 1) :-
+	%rdfs_subproperty_of(P, rdfs:label), !.
+predicate_weight(P, 1) :-
+	rdfs_subproperty_of(P, rdf:value), !.
+predicate_weight(P, 1) :-
+	rdf_equal(P, owl:sameAs), !.
+predicate_weight(P, 1) :-
+	rdf_equal(P, skos:exactMatch), !.
+predicate_weight(P, 0) :-
+	rdfs_subproperty_of(P, rdfs:comment), !.
+subject_weight(S, _, 1) :-
+	rdf_is_bnode(S), !.
+subject_weight(_, Count, W) :-
+	W is 1/max(3, Count).
diff --git a/lib/cluster_search/ b/lib/cluster_search/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3b8c756
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/cluster_search/
@@ -0,0 +1,549 @@
+/*  This file is part of ClioPatria.
+    Author:
+    HTTP:
+    GITWEB:
+    GIT:	git://
+    GIT:
+    Copyright:  2007, E-Culture/MultimediaN
+    ClioPatria is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+    the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
+    (at your option) any later version.
+    ClioPatria is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+    GNU General Public License for more details.
+    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+    along with ClioPatria.  If not, see <>.
+:- module(rdf_graph,
+	  [ new_search_graph/1,		% -Graph
+	    search_graph_add_node/3,	% !Graph, +Node, +Fields
+	    search_graph_add_edge/4,	% !Graph, +From, +Pred, +To
+	    search_graph_add_edge/5,	% !Graph, +From, +Pred, +To, +Weight
+	    search_graph_set_node_type/3, % !Graph, +Node, +Type
+	    search_graph_prune/2,	% !Graph, +Nodes
+	    search_graph_prune/3,	% !Graph, +Node, -New
+	    search_graph_drains/2,	% +Graph, -Drains
+	    search_graph_sources/2,	% +Graph, -Sources
+					% Agenda
+	    search_graph_next_agenda/3,	% !Graph, -Node, -Score
+	    search_graph_agenda/2,	% +Graph, -Pairs
+					% Queries
+	    search_graph_size/2,	% +Graph, -NodeCount
+	    search_graph_node_score/3,	% +Graph, +Node, -Score
+	    search_graph_node_type/3,	% +Graph, +Node, -Type
+	    search_graph_nodes_score_list/2, % @Graph, -list(Node-Score)
+					% RDF Query graph
+	    search_graph_rdf_graph/2,	% +Graph, -Triples
+	    search_graph_rdf/4,		% +Graph, ?S, ?P, ?O
+	    search_graph_rdfs/4		% +Graph, ?S, ?P, ?O
+	  ]).
+:- use_module(library(record)).
+:- use_module(library(rbtrees)).
+:- use_module(library(error)).
+:- use_module(library(debug)).
+:- use_module(library(lists)).
+:- use_module(library(option)).
+:- use_module(library('semweb/rdf_db')).
+/** <module> Representing RDF search paths
+---++ Introduction
+This module represents a search-graph through   an RDF graph starting at
+one or more locations in the graph.   This search-graph is essentially a
+subgraph of the original graph.  As  it   is  intended  as a dynamically
+evolving structure during reasoning, it is  represented as a pure Prolog
+term and therefore subject to  backtracking   and  normal  Prolog memory
+---++ Representation
+The graph is represented as an RB tree from URI to a record
+	node_data(Next, Previous, Score, Type)
+where Next and Previous are  lists   of  p([fi](Predicate),  Target). If
+f(P), the link is rdf(Prev, P, Next), if  i(P), the link is rdf(Next, P,
+Prev). The score of the node indicates semantic distance, ranging from 0
+(very far way) to 1 (very close).   Finally, Type classifies the node as
+one of =start=, =node= or =target=.
+The graphs as a whole contains
+	$ nodes :
+	An rb_tree mapping node-id to a node_data term as described above.
+	$ agenda :
+	An rb_tree mapping score to a list of nodes with that score.
+	$ size :
+	Nunber of nodes (for statistical reasons).
+---++ Issues
+---+++ Shall we deal internally with owl:sameAs?
+---+++ How to deal with owl property types?
+	$ owl:inverseOf :
+	$ owl:TransitiveProperty :
+	$ owl:SymmetricProperty :
+@tbd	No weight loss passing a blank node?
+:- record graph(nodes, agenda, size=0).
+:- record node_data(next=[], previous=[], score=1, type=node).
+%%	new_search_graph(-Graph)
+%	Create a new search graph.  The initial graph is empty.
+new_search_graph(Graph) :-
+	rb_empty(Nodes),
+	rb_empty(Agenda),
+	make_graph([nodes(Nodes), agenda(Agenda)], Graph).
+%%	search_graph_add_node(!Graph, +Node, +Fields)
+%	Add a (start-)node to the graph
+search_graph_add_node(Graph, Node, Fields) :-
+	graph_nodes(Graph, Assoc0),
+	make_node_data(Fields, NodeData),
+	rb_insert(Assoc0, Node, NodeData, Assoc1),
+	set_nodes_of_graph(Assoc1, Graph),
+	graph_size(Graph, Size0),
+	Size is Size0 + 1,
+	set_size_of_graph(Size, Graph),
+	node_data_score(NodeData, Score0),
+	add_new_node_to_agenda(Graph, Node, Score0, Score),
+	(   Score == Score0
+	->  true
+	;   set_score_of_node_data(Score, NodeData)
+	).
+%%	search_graph_add_edge(!Graph, +From, +Pred, +To) is det.
+%%	search_graph_add_edge(!Graph, +From, +Pred, +To, +Options) is det.
+%	Add a link {From->Pred->To} to the graph.  Options include
+%	  * weight(+Weight)
+%	  Weight to use for the predicate link instead of the default
+%	  * inverse(true)
+%	  <From, Pred, To> is formed from rdf(To,Pred,From)
+search_graph_add_edge(Graph, From, Pred, To) :-
+	search_graph_add_edge(Graph, From, Pred, To, []).
+search_graph_add_edge(Graph, From, Pred, To, Options) :-
+	graph_nodes(Graph, Assoc0),
+	rb_lookup(From, FromData, Assoc0),
+	(   option(inverse(true), Options)
+	->  PTerm = i(Pred)
+	;   PTerm = f(Pred)
+	),
+	add_next_node_data(FromData, p(PTerm, To)),
+	node_data_score(FromData, Score0),
+	(   option(weight(Weight), Options)
+	->  Score is Score0 * Weight
+	;   update_score(Graph, From, Pred, To, Score0, Score)
+	),
+	(   rb_lookup(To, ToData, Assoc0)
+	->  add_previous_node_data(ToData, p(PTerm, From)),
+	    node_data_score(ToData, Score1),
+	    join_score(Score1, Score, NewScore),
+	    reschedule_node(Graph, To, Score1, NewScore, FinalScore),
+	    set_score_of_node_data(FinalScore, ToData)
+	;   search_graph_add_node(Graph, To,
+				  [ score(Score),
+				    previous([p(PTerm, From)])
+				  ])
+	).
+add_next_node_data(Data, Next) :-
+	node_data_next(Data, Next0),
+	set_next_of_node_data([Next|Next0], Data).
+add_previous_node_data(Data, Previous) :-
+	node_data_previous(Data, Previous0),
+	set_previous_of_node_data([Previous|Previous0], Data).
+%%	join_score(+Score1, +Score2, -Score)
+%	Join two scores comming from independent paths.  Scores are
+%	considered probabilities.
+join_score(S1, S2, S) :-
+	S is 1-((1-S1)*(1-S2)).
+%%	update_score(+Graph, +From, +Pred, +To, +Score0, -Score)
+%	Given that From has score ScoreO, compute the score for To based
+%	on Pred. First prototype used a   predefined value per predicate
+%	in  the  range  0..1.  Alternatively   we  can  use  statistical
+%	measures. Some porposals:
+%	  * How many subjects of the same type have this property with
+%	    this value?
+%	  * How many subjects have this object (over this relation)?
+%	@param	Score Float in the range 0.0..1.0
+update_score(_Graph, From, Pred, To, Score0, Score) :-
+	by_in_links(From, Pred, To, Factor),
+	Score is Score0 * Factor.
+by_in_links(_From, Pred, To, Factor) :-
+	rdf_estimate_complexity(_, Pred, To, Complexity),
+	Factor is 1/Complexity.
+%%	search_graph_set_node_type(+Graph, +Node, +Type) is det.
+%	Set the type for Node in Graph to Type.
+%	@error	existence_error(node, Node)
+search_graph_set_node_type(Graph, Node, Type) :-
+	graph_nodes(Graph, Assoc),
+	(   rb_lookup(Node, Data, Assoc)
+	->  set_type_of_node_data(Type, Data)
+	;   existence_error(node, Node)
+	).
+%%	search_graph_node_type(+Graph, +Node, -Type) is det.
+%	Type is the classification for Node in Graph.
+%	@tbd	Generalise modes?
+search_graph_node_type(Graph, Node, Type) :-
+	graph_nodes(Graph, Assoc),
+	(   rb_lookup(Node, Data, Assoc)
+	->  node_data_type(Data, Type)
+	;   existence_error(node, Node)
+	).
+%%	search_graph_node_score(+Graph, +Node, -Weight) is det.
+%	Weight is the current score for Node in Graph.
+search_graph_node_score(Graph, Node, Weight) :-
+	graph_nodes(Graph, Assoc),
+	rb_lookup(Node, Data, Assoc),
+	node_data_score(Data, Weight).
+%%	search_graph_size(+Graph, -Size) is det.
+%	Size of the graph in nodes.
+search_graph_size(Graph, Size) :-
+	graph_size(Graph, Size).
+		 /*******************************
+		 *	      PRUNING		*
+		 *******************************/
+%%	search_graph_prune(!Graph, +Nodes) is det.
+%%	search_graph_prune(!Graph, +Nodes, -NewLeaves) is det.
+%	Delete non-target leave nodes from Graph.
+search_graph_prune(Graph, Prune) :-
+	search_graph_prune(Graph, Prune, _).
+search_graph_prune(Graph, Prune, NewLeaves) :-
+	is_list(Prune), !,
+	find_ancestors(Prune, Graph, Ancestors),
+	group_pairs_by_key(Ancestors, Grouped),
+	delete_next_links(Grouped, Graph, NewLeaves).
+search_graph_prune(Graph, Prune, NewLeaves) :-
+	search_graph_prune(Graph, [Prune], NewLeaves).
+%%	find_ancestors(+Prune, +Graph, -Ancestors)
+%	@param Ancestors is a difference-list of terms From-p(Pred,To)
+find_ancestors(Prune, Graph, Ancestors) :-
+	graph_nodes(Graph, Nodes),
+	find_ancestors(Prune, Graph, Nodes, RestNodes,
+		       0, Deleted, Ancestors, []),
+	graph_size(Graph, Size0),
+	Size is Size0 - Deleted,
+	set_size_of_graph(Size, Graph),
+	set_nodes_of_graph(RestNodes, Graph).
+find_ancestors([], _, Nodes, Nodes, C, C, A, A).
+find_ancestors([H|T], Graph, Nodes0, Nodes, C0, C, A, AT) :-
+	rb_lookup(H, Data, Nodes0),
+	(   node_data_type(Data, target)
+	->  find_ancestors(T, Graph, Nodes0, Nodes, C0, C, A, AT)
+	;   node_data_next(Data, Next),
+	    Next \== []
+	->  permission_error(Graph, prune, H)
+	;   node_data_previous(Data, Prev),
+	    make_a_list(Prev, H, A, AT0),
+	    rb_delete(Nodes0, H, Nodes1),
+	    C1 is C0 + 1,
+	    find_ancestors(T, Graph, Nodes1, Nodes, C1, C, AT0, AT)
+	).
+make_a_list([], _, A, A).
+make_a_list([p(Pred, From)|T0], To, [From-p(Pred,To)|T1], T) :-
+	make_a_list(T0, To, T1, T).
+delete_next_links([], _, []).
+delete_next_links([H-DelNext|T], Graph, NewLeaves) :-
+	graph_nodes(Graph, Nodes),
+	rb_lookup(H, Data, Nodes),
+	node_data_next(Data, Next0),
+	subtract_set(Next0, DelNext, Next),
+	set_next_of_node_data(Next, Data),
+	(   Next == []
+	->  NewLeaves = [H|NewLeaves1],
+	    delete_next_links(T, Graph, NewLeaves1)
+	;   delete_next_links(T, Graph, NewLeaves)
+	).
+%%	subtract_set(+Set, +Subtract, -Remaining) is det.
+%	Remaining are the elements from Set   that  are not in Subtract.
+%	None of the sets is ordered. We have to apply heuristics to find
+%	out the best approach.
+subtract_set(Set, [One], Remaining) :- !,
+	selectchk(One, Set, Remaining).
+subtract_set(Set, Subtract, Remaining) :-
+	sort(Set, SSet),
+	sort(Subtract, SSubstract),
+	ord_subtract(SSet, SSubstract, Remaining).
+%%	search_graph_nodes_score_list(@Graph, -Scores:list(Node-Score)) is det.
+%	Scores is a list with Node-Score pairs, with all nodes in
+%	Graph.
+search_graph_nodes_score_list(Graph, Scores) :-
+	graph_nodes(Graph, Assoc),
+	rb_visit(Assoc, NodeList),
+	scores(NodeList, Scores).
+scores([], []).
+scores([Node-Data|T0], [Node-Score|T]) :-
+	node_data_score(Data, Score), !,
+	scores(T0, T).
+%%	search_graph_drains(@Graph, -Nodes)
+%	List of all drains (end-of-path)
+search_graph_drains(Graph, Nodes) :-
+	graph_nodes(Graph, Assoc),
+	rb_visit(Assoc, NodeList),
+	drains(NodeList, Nodes).
+drains([], []).
+drains([Node-Data|T0], [Node|T]) :-
+	node_data_next(Data, []), !,
+	drains(T0, T).
+drains([_|T0], T) :-
+	drains(T0, T).
+%%	search_graph_sources(@Graph, -Nodes)
+%	List of all drains (start-of-path)
+search_graph_sources(Graph, Nodes) :-
+	graph_nodes(Graph, Assoc),
+	rb_visit(Assoc, NodeList),
+	sources(NodeList, Nodes).
+sources([], []).
+sources([Node-Data|T0], [Node|T]) :-
+	node_data_previous(Data, []), !,
+	sources(T0, T).
+sources([_|T0], T) :-
+	sources(T0, T).
+		 /*******************************
+		 *	      AGENDA		*
+		 *******************************/
+%%	add_new_node_to_agenda(!Graph, +Node, +Score, -FinalScore) is det.
+%	Add a new node to the agenda. We   want  a unique score for each
+%	node, so we can find the  node   from  the  score. Therefore, if
+%	there is already a node with this score, we use a slightly lower
+%	score, etc.
+%	@tbd: use rb_update/5.
+add_new_node_to_agenda(Graph, Node, Score, FinalScore) :-
+	must_be(between(0.0,1.0), Score),
+	graph_agenda(Graph, RBTree0),
+	into_agenda(RBTree0, Node, Score, RBTree, FinalScore),
+	set_agenda_of_graph(RBTree, Graph).
+into_agenda(RBTree0, Node, Score, RBTree, FinalScore) :-
+	rb_insert_new(RBTree0, Score, Node, RBTree), !,
+	FinalScore = Score.
+into_agenda(RBTree0, Node, Score, RBTree, FinalScore) :-
+	rb_previous(RBTree0, Score, PrevScore, _), !,
+	(   Score - PrevScore =< 0.001
+	->  between(1, infinite, Step),
+	    FinalScore is PrevScore - 0.000000001*Step
+	;   between(1, infinite, Step),
+	    FinalScore is Score - 0.001*Step
+	),
+	rb_insert_new(RBTree0, FinalScore, Node, RBTree), !.
+into_agenda(RBTree0, Node, Score, RBTree, FinalScore) :-
+	FinalScore is Score - 0.001,
+	rb_insert_new(RBTree0, FinalScore, Node, RBTree).
+%%	reschedule_node(!Graph, +Node, +OldScore, -NewScore)
+%	Change the score of Node in  the   agenda  of  Graph. Leaves the
+%	agenda untouched if Node is not in   it as this implies the node
+%	is already expanded.
+reschedule_node(Graph, Node, OldScore, NewScore, FinalScore) :-
+	graph_agenda(Graph, RBTree0),
+	(   rb_delete(OldScore, Node, RBTree0)
+	->  into_agenda(RBTree0, Node, NewScore, RBTree, FinalScore),
+	    set_agenda_of_graph(RBTree, Graph)
+	;   FinalScore = NewScore	% already expanded
+	).
+%%	search_graph_next_agenda(!Graph, -Node, -Score) is semidet.
+%	Fetches the best node from the agenda and deletes it
+search_graph_next_agenda(Graph, Node, Score) :-
+	graph_agenda(Graph, RBTree0),
+	rb_del_max(RBTree0, Score, Node, RBTree),
+	set_agenda_of_graph(RBTree, Graph).
+%%	search_graph_agenda(+Graph, -Pairs)
+%	Get agenda from the graph, showing   not-expanded nodes as pairs
+%	Score-Node.  E.g.
+%	==
+%	Agenda = [1-a, 0.5-b, 0.25-c]
+%	==
+search_graph_agenda(Graph, Pairs) :-
+	graph_agenda(Graph, RBTree),
+	rb_visit(RBTree, Pairs0),
+	reverse(Pairs0, Pairs).
+		 /*******************************
+		 *	       RDF		*
+		 *******************************/
+%%	search_graph_rdf_graph(+Graph, -RDF:list(rdf(S,P,O))) is det.
+%	Create a list of rdf(S,P,O) triples from Graph.
+search_graph_rdf_graph(Graph, RDF) :-
+	graph_nodes(Graph, Nodes),
+	rb_visit(Nodes, Pairs),
+	phrase(graph_to_rdf(Pairs), RDF).
+graph_to_rdf([]) -->
+	[].
+graph_to_rdf([R-Data|T]) -->
+	{ node_data_next(Data, Next)
+	},
+	node_to_rdf(Next, R),
+	graph_to_rdf(T).
+node_to_rdf([], _) -->
+	[].
+node_to_rdf([p(P, O)|T], S) -->
+	link_to_rdf(P, S, O),
+	node_to_rdf(T, S).
+link_to_rdf(f(P), S, O) -->
+	[ rdf(S, P, O) ].
+link_to_rdf(i(P), S, O) -->
+	[ rdf(O, P, S) ].
+%%	search_graph_rdf(+Graph, ?S, ?P, ?O) is nondet.
+%	rdf(S,P,O) is an RDF statement in Graph. Provides indexed access
+%	if either S or O are given.
+:- rdf_meta
+	search_graph_rdf(+, r, r, o),
+	search_graph_rdfs(+, r, r, o).
+search_graph_rdf(Graph, S, P, O) :-
+	ground(S), ground(O), !,
+	graph_nodes(Graph, Nodes),
+	rb_lookup(S, SData, Nodes),
+	rb_lookup(O, OData, Nodes),
+	(   node_data_next(SData, SN),
+	    dmember(P, p(f(P),O), SN)
+	;   node_data_next(OData, PN),
+	    dmember(P, p(i(P),S), PN)
+	).
+search_graph_rdf(Graph, S, P, O) :-
+	(   search_graph_rdf_(Graph, S, f(P), O)
+	;   search_graph_rdf_(Graph, O, i(P), S)
+	).
+search_graph_rdf_(Graph, S, P, O) :-
+	graph_nodes(Graph, Nodes),
+	(   ground(S)
+	->  rb_lookup(S, SData, Nodes),
+	    node_data_next(SData, List),
+	    member(p(P, O), List)
+	;   ground(O)
+	->  rb_lookup(O, OData, Nodes),
+	    node_data_previous(OData, List),
+	    member(p(P, S), List)
+	;   rb_in(S, SData, Nodes),
+	    node_data_next(SData, List),
+	    member(p(P, O), List)
+	).
+dmember(Ground, Element, List) :-
+	ground(Ground), !,
+	memberchk(Element, List).
+dmember(_Ground, Element, List) :-
+	member(Element, List), !.
+%%	search_graph_rdfs(+Graph, ?S, ?P, ?O) is nondet.
+%	rdf(S,P0,O)  is  an  RDF  statement  in    Graph  and  P0  is  a
+%	subPropertyOf P. Provides indexed access if   either  S or O are
+%	given.
+%	@see This is the same as rdf_has/3 from library
+search_graph_rdfs(Graph, S, P, O) :-
+	search_graph_rdf(Graph, S, P0, O),
+	rdf_reachable(P0, rdfs:subPropertyOf, P).
diff --git a/lib/cluster_search/ b/lib/cluster_search/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b55bd70
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/cluster_search/
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
+/*  This file is part of ClioPatria.
+    Author:
+    HTTP:
+    GITWEB:
+    GIT:	git://
+    GIT:
+    Copyright:  2007, E-Culture/MultimediaN
+    ClioPatria is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+    the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
+    (at your option) any later version.
+    ClioPatria is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+    GNU General Public License for more details.
+    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+    along with ClioPatria.  If not, see <>.
+:- module(rdf_hierarchy_search,
+	  [ rdf_hierarchy_search/4	% +KeyWord, +TargetCond, -State, +Options
+	  ]).
+:- use_module(rdf_search).
+:- use_module(rdf_graph).
+:- use_module(kwd_search).
+:- use_module(library(record)).
+:- use_module(library(assoc)).
+:- use_module(library(url)).
+:- use_module(library(pairs)).
+:- use_module(library(lists)).
+:- use_module(library(debug)).
+:- use_module(library(option)).
+:- use_module(library('semweb/rdf_db')).
+:- use_module(library('semweb/rdfs')).
+:- use_module(filter).
+:- use_module(iface_util).
+/** <module> Direct metadata and hierarchy search on RDF graph
+@author	Michiel Hildebrand, on top of search facilities from
+:- meta_predicate
+	rdf_hierarchy_search(+, 1, -, +).
+%%	rdf_hierarchy_search(+Keyword, :TargetCond, -State, +Options)
+%	Initiate a graph search by traversing only direct links
+%	and narrower relations.
+%       Options: see rdf_search/4
+rdf_hierarchy_search(Keyword, TargetCond, State, Options) :-
+	Expand = rdf_hierarchy_search:edge(TargetCond),
+	rdf_keyword_search(Keyword, TargetCond, State,
+			   [expand_node(Expand),target_expand(false)|Options]),
+	steps(State).
+steps(State) :-
+	rdf_extend_search(State), !,
+	steps(State).
+%%	edge(+Cond, +Object, -Link) is nondet.
+%	Default predicate to generate edges.
+edge(Cond, O, i(S,P,W)) :-
+	edge_i(O, S, P),
+	predicate_weight(P, W),
+	hierarchy_search_edge(S, P, O, W, Cond).
+hierarchy_search_edge(_, _P, literal(_), _, _) :-
+	%rdfs_subproperty_of(P, rdfs:label),
+	!.
+hierarchy_search_edge(_, _, _, 1, _) :- !.
+hierarchy_search_edge(S, _, _, _, Cond) :-
+	call(Cond, S).
+edge_i(O, S, P) :-
+	rdf(S, P, O).
+edge_i(O, S, P) :-
+	rdf(O, P0, S),
+	rdf_search:inverse_property(P, P0).
+predicate_weight(P, 1) :-
+	rdfs_subproperty_of(P, rdfs:label), !.
+predicate_weight(P, 1) :-
+	rdf_equal(P, owl:sameAs), !.
+predicate_weight(P, 1) :-
+	rdfs_subproperty_of(P, skos:exactMatch), !.
+predicate_weight(P, 1) :-
+	rdf_equal(P, rdf:value), !.
+predicate_weight(P, 1) :-
+	rdfs_subproperty_of(P, iface:broader), !.
+predicate_weight(_, 0.5).
diff --git a/lib/cluster_search/ b/lib/cluster_search/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..aa66583
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/cluster_search/
@@ -0,0 +1,445 @@
+/*  This file is part of ClioPatria.
+    Author:
+    HTTP:
+    GITWEB:
+    GIT:	git://
+    GIT:
+    Copyright:  2007, E-Culture/MultimediaN
+    ClioPatria is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+    the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
+    (at your option) any later version.
+    ClioPatria is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+    GNU General Public License for more details.
+    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+    along with ClioPatria.  If not, see <>.
+:- module(rdf_search,
+	  [ rdf_keyword_search/4,	% +KeyWord, +TargetCond, -State, +Options
+	    rdf_init_state/3,           % +TargetCond, -State, +Options
+	    rdf_start_search/2,         % +Query, -State
+	    rdf_extend_search/1,	% !State
+	    rdf_prune_search/1,		% !State
+	    rdf_prune_search/2,		% !State, +Options
+	    rdf_search_property/2	% +Graph, ?Property
+	  ]).
+:- use_module(rdf_graph).
+:- use_module(kwd_search).
+:- use_module(library(record)).
+:- use_module(library(count)).
+:- use_module(library(assoc)).
+:- use_module(library(pairs)).
+:- use_module(library(lists)).
+:- use_module(library(debug)).
+:- use_module(library(option)).
+:- use_module(library('semweb/rdf_db')).
+:- use_module(library('semweb/rdfs')).
+:- use_module(filter).
+/** <module> Search RDF graph
+@tbd	Proper location for find_literals/3
+@author	Jan Wielemaker
+:- meta_predicate
+	rdf_keyword_search(+, 1, -, +),
+	init_search_state(1, -, +).
+:- record
+	state(graph,			% Current search graph
+	      start,
+	      targets,			% Collected hits
+	      target_count = 0,		% # Targets found
+	      target_condition,		% Test resource as a target
+	      threshold = 0.05,		% Graph search threshold
+	      literal_threshold = 0.05,	% Literal matching threshold
+	      literal_score = true,	% Use literal score in graph search
+	      edge_limit = 0,		% limit edges per node
+	      target_expand = true,     % expand targets
+	      expand_node).		% Generate new edges
+%%	rdf_keyword_search(+Keyword, :TargetCond, -State, +Options)
+%	Initiate a search-graph from a keyword   by  adding all matching
+%	literals to the initial state of the graph.  Options:
+%	  * expand_node(:Goal)
+%	  Called as Goal(+Object, -Link) to create new edges.
+%	  * threshold(+Number)
+%	  Nodes with a weight lower then Threshold are not further explore
+%	  * literal_threshold(+Number)
+%	  Literals with a minimum edit distance above the literal threshold
+%	  are added to the search graph.
+%	  * edge_limit(+Number)
+%	  Per Node a maximum of edges are added to the graph (0 is unbound).
+%	  * expand_target(+Boolean)
+%	  When true target nodes are alse expanded
+rdf_keyword_search(Keyword, TargetCond, State, Options) :-
+	rdf_init_state(TargetCond, State, Options),
+	rdf_start_search(Keyword, State).
+%%	rdf_init_state(:TargetCond, -State, +Options)
+%	Initiate a search-graph state.
+%	Options see rdf_keyword_search/4
+rdf_init_state(TargetCond, State, Options) :-
+	new_search_graph(Graph),
+	empty_assoc(Start),
+	empty_assoc(Targets),
+	strip_module(TargetCond, M, TC),
+	make_state([ graph(Graph),
+		     start(Start),
+		     targets(Targets),
+		     target_condition(M:TC)
+		   ], State0),
+	meta_options(rdf_search:is_meta, Options, MetaOptions),
+	set_state_fields(MetaOptions, State0, State, _RestOptions).
+rdf_start_search(R, State) :-
+	(   is_list(R)
+	->  Rs = R
+	;   is_resource(R)
+	->  Rs = [R]
+	),  !,
+	state_start(State, Start0),
+	state_graph(State, Graph),
+	add_resources(Rs, Start0, Graph, Start, Links),
+	set_start_of_state(Start, State),
+	add_hits(Links, State).
+rdf_start_search(Search, State) :-
+	state_literal_threshold(State, Threshold),
+	kwd_search:find_literals(Search, Literals, [threshold(Threshold)]),
+	state_graph(State, Graph),
+	state_start(State, Start0),
+	(   state_literal_score(State, false)
+	->  add_literals_no_score(Literals, Start0, Graph, Start)
+	;   add_literals(Literals, Start0, Graph, Start)
+	),
+	set_start_of_state(Start, State).
+is_resource(literal(_)) :- !.
+is_resource(R) :- rdf(R,_,_),!.
+is_resource(R) :- rdf(_,R,_),!.
+is_resource(R) :- rdf(_,_,R),!.
+%%	rdf_extend_search(!State) is semidet.
+%	Expand the currently best node  from   the  agenda. Fails if the
+%	agenda is empty. If the next node  has no followers, it silently
+%	continues to the next node on the agenda.
+rdf_extend_search(State) :-
+	state_graph(State, Graph),
+	state_expand_node(State, ExpandNode),
+	search_graph_next_agenda(Graph, Expand, Score),
+	state_threshold(State, Threshold),
+	state_edge_limit(State, EdgeLimit),
+	state_target_expand(State, TargetExpand),
+	(   TargetExpand == false,
+	    search_graph_node_type(Graph, Expand, target)
+	->  debug(rdf_search, 'Stop expanding target ~p (score ~2f)',
+		  [Expand, Score])
+	;   Score >= Threshold
+	->  (   EdgeLimit > 0
+	    ->	answer_set(L, edge(ExpandNode, Expand, Score, L), EdgeLimit, Links)
+	    ;	findall(L, edge(ExpandNode, Expand, Score, L), Links)
+	    ),
+	    length(Links, Len),
+	    debug(rdf_search, 'Expanding ~p (score ~2f, ~D successors)',
+		  [Expand, Score, Len]),
+	    (	Links == []
+	    ->	rdf_extend_search(State)
+	    ;	add_edges(Links, Graph, Expand, State),
+		add_hits(Links, State)
+	    )
+	;   debug(rdf_search, 'Stopped expanding at ~p (score ~2f)',
+		  [Expand, Score]),
+	    fail
+	).
+%%	edge(:Expand, +Object, +Score, -Link) is nondet.
+%	Generate edges, expanding Object.  Returned Link is one of
+%	  * i(S,P,W)
+%	  Represents rdf(S,P,Object), costing weight W.
+%	  * f(S,P,W)
+%	  Represents rdf(Object,P,S), costing weight W.
+%	In these results, W is the cost traveling over the link.  It is
+%	a float between 0.0 (inifinite cost) and 1.0 (no cost).
+edge(Expand, From, _, Link) :-
+	var(Expand), !,
+	edge(From, Link).
+edge(Expand, From, Score, Link) :-
+	call(Expand, From, Score, Link).
+%edge(Expand, From, _, Link) :-
+	%call(Expand, From, Link).
+%%	edge(+Object, -Link) is nondet.
+%	Default predicate to generate edges.
+%	@see	ClioPatria's expansion is in graph_search:edge/2.
+edge(O, i(S,P,W)) :-
+	weighted_edge(O, S, P, W),
+	debug(myedge, 'Expanding ~2f ~p ~p ~p~n', [W, O, P, S]),
+	W > 0.0001.
+weighted_edge(O, S, P, W) :-
+	setof(S, edge_i(O, S, P), Ss),
+	(   predicate_weight(P, W)
+	->  member(S, Ss)
+	;   length(Ss, Len),
+	    member(S, Ss),
+	    subject_weight(S, Len, W)
+	).
+edge_i(O, S, P) :-
+	rdf(S, P, O).
+edge_i(O, S, P) :-
+	rdf(O, P0, S),
+	rdf_has(P0, owl:inverseOf, P).
+predicate_weight(P, 1) :-
+	rdfs_subproperty_of(P, rdfs:label).
+predicate_weight(P, 1) :-
+	rdf_equal(P, owl:sameAs).
+subject_weight(S, _, 1) :-
+	rdf_is_bnode(S), !.
+subject_weight(_, Count, W) :-
+	W is 1/max(3, Count).
+%%	add_literals(+Lits:list(Score-Literal), +Graph) is det.
+%	Adds the starting points for the search.
+add_literals([], Assoc, _, Assoc).
+add_literals([Score-Lit|T], Assoc0, Graph, Assoc) :-
+	put_assoc(literal(Lit), Assoc0, found, Assoc1),
+	search_graph_add_node(Graph, literal(Lit),
+			      [ score(Score),
+				type(start)
+			      ]),
+	add_literals(T, Assoc1, Graph, Assoc).
+add_literals_no_score([], Assoc, _, Assoc).
+add_literals_no_score([_S-Lit|T], Assoc0, Graph, Assoc) :-
+	put_assoc(literal(Lit), Assoc0, found, Assoc1),
+	search_graph_add_node(Graph, literal(Lit),
+			      [ score(1),
+				type(start)
+			      ]),
+	add_literals_no_score(T, Assoc1, Graph, Assoc).
+add_resources([], Assoc, _, Assoc, []).
+add_resources([R|Rs], Assoc0, Graph, Assoc, [f(R)|Ls]) :-
+	put_assoc(R, Assoc0, found, Assoc1),
+	search_graph_add_node(Graph, R,
+			      [ score(1),
+				type(start)
+			      ]),
+	add_resources(Rs, Assoc1, Graph, Assoc, Ls).
+%%	add_edges(+Links, +Graph, +O, +State) is det.
+%	Links is a list of i(S,P,W) or   f(S,P,W).  If the graph already
+%	contains an edge that is considered   a  reverse property of the
+%	new edge, we do not add the new edge.
+add_edges([], _, _, _).
+add_edges([H|T], Graph, Expand, State) :-
+	add_edge(H, Expand, State),
+	add_edges(T, Graph, Expand, State).
+add_edge(Link, O, State) :-
+	state_graph(State, Graph),
+	options_from_link(Link, S, P, Options, IF),
+	(   inverse_property(P, IP),
+	    (   IF == i			% Adding inverse property
+	    ->	search_graph_rdf(Graph, O, IP, S)
+	    ;   search_graph_rdf(Graph, S, IP, O)
+	    ),
+	    debug(rdf_search(inverse), 'Found ~p ~p ~p', [S, IP, O])
+	->  true
+	;   search_graph_add_edge(Graph, O, P, S, Options)
+	).
+options_from_link(i(S,P,W), S, P, [ weight(W), inverse(true) ], i).
+options_from_link(f(S,P,W), S, P, [ weight(W) ], f).
+%%	inverse_property(+P1, ?P2) is nondet.
+%	True if P1 and P2 are each others inverses.
+inverse_property(P1, P2) :-
+	rdf_has(P1, owl:inverseOf, P2).
+inverse_property(P1, P2) :-
+	rdf_has(P2, owl:inverseOf, P1).
+inverse_property(P, P) :-
+	rdf(P, rdf:type, owl:'SymmetricProperty').
+%%	add_hits(+Links, +State) is det.
+%	Hits that satisfy target_condition are added to the target list.
+add_hits([], _) :- !.
+add_hits(Links, State) :-
+	state_target_condition(State, Cond),
+	findall(S, ( member(H,Links),
+		     arg(1, H, S),
+		     call(Cond, S)
+		   ), Hits0),
+	sort(Hits0, Hits),
+	(   Hits = []
+	->  true
+	;   state_targets(State, Assoc0),
+	    state_graph(State, Graph),
+	    state_target_count(State, C0),
+	    add_hits_to_target(Hits, Assoc0, C0, Graph, Assoc, C),
+	    set_target_count_of_state(C, State),
+	    set_targets_of_state(Assoc, State)
+	).
+add_hits_to_target([], Assoc, C, _, Assoc, C).
+add_hits_to_target([Hit|Hits], Assoc0, C0, Graph, Assoc, C) :-
+	get_assoc(Hit, Assoc0, _), !,
+	add_hits_to_target(Hits, Assoc0, C0, Graph, Assoc, C).
+add_hits_to_target([Hit|Hits], Assoc0, C0, Graph, Assoc, C) :-
+	C1 is C0 + 1,
+	put_assoc(Hit, Assoc0, found, Assoc1), % Other value?
+	(   search_graph_node_type(Graph, Hit, start)
+	->  true
+	;   search_graph_set_node_type(Graph, Hit, target)
+	),
+	add_hits_to_target(Hits, Assoc1, C1, Graph, Assoc, C).
+%%	rdf_prune_search(!Graph) is det.
+%	Prune all dead-ends from the search graph.
+rdf_prune_search(State) :-
+	rdf_prune_search(State, []).
+rdf_prune_search(State, Options) :-
+	state_targets(State, Assoc),
+	assoc_to_list(Assoc, Pairs),
+	pairs_keys_values(Pairs, TNodes, _),
+	state_graph(State, Graph),
+	search_graph_drains(Graph, Drains),
+	sort(TNodes, TNodeSet),
+	sort(Drains, DrainSet),
+	ord_subtract(DrainSet, TNodeSet, DeadEnds),
+	(  memberchk(recursive, Options)
+	->  full_prune(Graph, DeadEnds)
+	;   search_graph_prune(Graph, DeadEnds, _)
+	).
+full_prune(_Graph, []) :- !.
+full_prune(Graph, DeadEnds) :-
+	search_graph_prune(Graph, DeadEnds, NewLeaves),
+	full_prune(Graph, NewLeaves).
+%%	rdf_search_property(+Graph, ?Prop).
+%	Extract features from the search.  Defined properties are:
+%	  * target_count(-Count)
+%	  Number of (unique) targets found.
+%	  * targets(-Targets:list(Score-Target)
+%	  List of targets found sorted by Score (highest score first)
+%	  There are no duplicate targets in the list.
+%	  * graph_size(-Count)
+%	  Number of nodes in the search-graph
+%	  * sources(-List)
+%	  List of source-nodes (start of paths).
+%	  * drains(-List)
+%	  List if drain-nodes (end of paths).
+%	  * rdf(-RDF:list(rdf(S,P,O)))
+%	  Extract the current graph as a set of RDF triples.
+rdf_search_property(Graph, Prop) :-
+	search_property(Prop, Graph).
+search_property(graph(Graph), State) :-
+	state_graph(State, Graph).
+search_property(state_start(Assoc), State) :-
+	state_start(State, Assoc).
+search_property(start(Pairs), State) :-
+	state_start(State, Assoc),
+	state_graph(State, Graph),
+	assoc_to_list(Assoc, Nodes),
+	scored_nodes(Nodes, Graph, Scored),
+	keysort(Scored, Sorted),
+	reverse(Sorted, Pairs).
+search_property(target_count(C), State) :-
+	state_target_count(State, C).
+search_property(state_targets(Assoc), State) :-
+	state_targets(State, Assoc).
+search_property(targets(L), State) :-
+	state_targets(State, Assoc),
+	state_graph(State, Graph),
+	assoc_to_list(Assoc, Pairs),
+	scored_nodes(Pairs, Graph, Scored),
+	keysort(Scored, Sorted),
+	reverse(Sorted, L).
+search_property(graph_size(C), State) :-
+	state_graph(State, Graph),
+	search_graph_size(Graph, C).
+search_property(agenda(Agenda), State) :-
+	state_graph(State, Graph),
+	search_graph_agenda(Graph, Agenda).
+search_property(drains(Drains), State) :-
+	state_graph(State, Graph),
+	search_graph_drains(Graph, Drains).
+search_property(sources(Sources), State) :-
+	state_graph(State, Graph),
+	search_graph_sources(Graph, Sources).
+search_property(node_score_list(Scores), State) :-
+	state_graph(State, Graph),
+	search_graph_nodes_score_list(Graph, Scores).
+search_property(rdf(Triples), State) :-
+	state_graph(State, Graph),
+	search_graph_rdf_graph(Graph, Triples).
+scored_nodes([], _, []) :- !.
+scored_nodes([H-_|T0], Graph, [S-H|T]) :-
+	search_graph_node_score(Graph, H, S),!,
+	scored_nodes(T0, Graph, T).
+scored_nodes([_|T0], Graph, T) :-
+	scored_nodes(T0, Graph, T).
diff --git a/lib/cluster_search/ b/lib/cluster_search/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..96ff9f7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/cluster_search/
@@ -0,0 +1,574 @@
+/*  This file is part of ClioPatria.
+    Author:
+    HTTP:
+    GITWEB:
+    GIT:	git://
+    GIT:
+    Copyright:  2007, E-Culture/MultimediaN
+    ClioPatria is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+    the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
+    (at your option) any later version.
+    ClioPatria is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+    GNU General Public License for more details.
+    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+    along with ClioPatria.  If not, see <>.
+:- module(rdfs_plus_skos,
+	  [ rdfs_plus_skos/5,      % +ExtMap, +QueryMap, ?S, ?P, ?O
+	    rdfs_plus_skos/8,      % +ExtMap, +QueryMap, ?S, ?P, ?O, -RealS, -RealP, -RealO
+	    rdfs_plus_skos_opt/4,  % ?S, ?P, ?O, +Options
+	    rdfs_plus_skos_opt/7,  % ?S, ?P, ?O, -RealS, -RealP, -RealO, +Options
+	    representative/3,      % +ExtMap, +R, -Representative
+	    resource_ext_map/2,    % +Options, -Map
+	    query_ext_map/2        % +Options, -Map
+	  ]).
+:- use_module(library(assoc)).
+:- use_module(library(error)).
+:- use_module(library(debug)).
+:- use_module(library('semweb/rdf_db')).
+:- use_module(library('semweb/rdfs')).
+:- rdf_meta
+        rdfs_plus_skos(+,+,r,r,o),
+	rdfs_plus_skos(+,+,r,r,o,-,-,-),
+	rdfs_plus_skos_opt(r,r,o,+),
+	rdfs_plus_skos_opt(r,r,o,-,-,-,+),
+	same(r,r),
+	same(r,r,r),
+	skos_broader(r,r),
+	same_skos_broader(r,r,r),
+	inverse_predicate(r,r).
+rdf_optimise:rdf_db_goal(rdfs_plus_skos(_,_,S,P,O), S,P,O).
+rdf_optimise:subj_branch_factor(rdfs_plus_skos(_,_,_,_,_), X, rdfs_subject_branch_factor(X)).
+rdf_optimise:obj_branch_factor(rdfs_plus_skos(_,_,_,_,_), X, rdfs_object_branch_factor(X)).
+rdf_optimise:rdf_db_goal(rdfs_individual_of(S,C), S,'',C).
+rdf_optimise:subj_branch_factor(rdfs_individual_of(_,_), X, rdfs_subject_branch_factor(X)).
+rdf_optimise:obj_branch_factor(rdfs_individual_of(_,_), X, rdfs_object_branch_factor(X)).
+%%	rdfs_plus_skos_opt(?S, ?P, ?O, +Options).
+%%      rdfs_plus_skos_opt(?S, ?P, ?O, ?RealS, ?RealP, ?RealO, +Options).
+%	Same as rdf_has/4, but with optional reasoning.
+%	Options
+%        * owl_sameas
+%        * owl_inverse
+%        * owl_transitive
+%        * owl_symmetric
+%        * skos_exact
+%        * skos_broader
+%        * rdf_value
+rdfs_plus_skos_opt(S, P, O, Options) :-
+	rdfs_plus_skos_opt(S, P, O, _,_,_, Options).
+rdfs_plus_skos_opt(S, P, O, RS, RP, RO, Options) :-
+	instantiated(S, O, IMap),
+	resource_ext_map(Options, RMap),
+	query_ext_map(Options, QMap),
+	rdfs_plus_skos_(IMap, RMap, QMap, S,P,O, RS,RP,RO).
+%%	rdfs_plus_skos(+ExtMap, +QueryMap, ?S, ?P, ?O).
+% %	rdfs_plus_skos(+ExtMap,+QueryMap, ?S, ?P, ?O, -RealS,-RealP,-RealO).
+%	Do Goal and extend S,P,O to RealS,RealP,RealO based on resource
+%	and property extension predicates.
+rdfs_plus_skos(RMap, QMap, S, P, O) :-
+	instantiated(S, O, IMap),
+	rdfs_plus_skos_(IMap, RMap, QMap, S, P, O, _, _, _).
+rdfs_plus_skos(RMap, QMap, S, P, O, RealS, RealP, RealO) :-
+	instantiated(S, O, IMap),
+	rdfs_plus_skos_(IMap, RMap, QMap, S, P, O, RealS, RealP, RealO).
+rdfs_plus_skos_(0b00, _RMap, QMap, S,P,O, S,RP,O) :-
+	rdf_has_ext(QMap, S, P, O, RP).
+rdfs_plus_skos_(0b10, RMap, QMap, S,P,O, RS,RP,O) :-
+	resource_ext(RMap, S, RS),
+	rdf_has_ext(QMap, RS, P, O, RP).
+rdfs_plus_skos_(0b01, RMap, QMap, S,P,O, S,RP,RO) :-
+	resource_ext(RMap, O, RO),
+	rdf_has_ext(QMap, S, P, RO, RP).
+rdfs_plus_skos_(0b11, RMap, QMap, S,P,O, RS,RP,RO) :-
+	resource_ext(RMap, S, RS),
+	resource_ext(RMap, O, RO),
+	rdf_has_ext(QMap, RS, P, RO, RP).
+%%	resource_ext(+Map, +R0, -R)
+%	True if R0 is R or derivable as defined by Map.
+resource_ext(0b000, R, R).
+resource_ext(0b100, R0, R) :-
+	same(owl:sameAs, R0, R).
+resource_ext(0b010, R0, R) :-
+	same(skos:exactMatch, R0, R).
+resource_ext(0b001, R0, R) :-
+	skos_broader(R0, R).
+resource_ext(0b110, R0, R) :-
+	rdf_global_term([owl:sameAs,skos:exactMatch], Ps),
+	same(Ps, R0, R).
+resource_ext(0b101, R0, R) :-
+	same_skos_broader(owl:sameAs, R0, R).
+resource_ext(0b011, R0, R) :-
+	same_skos_broader(skos:exactMatch, R0, R).
+resource_ext(0b111, R0, R) :-
+	rdf_equal(P1,owl:sameAs),
+	rdf_equal(P2,skos:exactMatch),
+	same_skos_broader([P1,P2], R0, R).
+%%	rdf_has_ext(+QMap, ?S, ?P, ?O, -RealP)
+%	As rdf_has/4, but with additional reasoning as indicated by
+%	QMap, see query_ext_map/2.
+rdf_has_ext(0b0000, S, P, O, RealP) :-
+	rdf_has(S, P, O, RealP).
+rdf_has_ext(0b1000, S, P, O, RealP) :-
+	rdfs_plus_inverse(S, P, O, RealP).
+rdf_has_ext(0b0100, S, P, O, RealP) :-
+	rdfs_plus_symmetric(S, P, O, RealP).
+rdf_has_ext(0b0010, S, P, O, RealP) :-
+	rdfs_plus_transitive(S, P, O, RealP).
+rdf_has_ext(0b0001, S, P, O, RealP) :-
+	rdfs_plus_value(S, P, O, RealP).
+rdf_has_ext(0b1100, S, P, O, RealP) :-
+	rdfs_plus_inverse_symmetric(S, P, O, RealP).
+rdf_has_ext(0b1010, S, P, O, RealP) :-
+	rdfs_plus_inverse_transitive(S, P, O, RealP).
+rdf_has_ext(0b1001, S, P, O, RealP) :-
+	rdfs_plus_inverse_value(S, P, O, RealP).
+rdf_has_ext(0b0110, S, P, O, RealP) :-
+	rdfs_plus_symmetric_transitive(S, P, O, RealP).
+rdf_has_ext(0b0101, S, P, O, RealP) :-
+	rdfs_plus_symmetric_value(S, P, O, RealP).
+rdf_has_ext(0b0011, S, P, O, RealP) :-
+	rdfs_plus_transitive_value(S, P, O, RealP).
+rdf_has_ext(0b1110, S, P, O, RealP) :-
+	rdfs_plus_inverse_symmetric_transitive(S, P, O, RealP).
+rdf_has_ext(0b1011, S, P, O, RealP) :-
+	rdfs_plus_inverse_transitive_value(S, P, O, RealP).
+rdf_has_ext(0b1101, S, P, O, RealP) :-
+	rdfs_plus_inverse_symmetric_value(S, P, O, RealP).
+rdf_has_ext(0b0111, S, P, O, RealP) :-
+	rdfs_plus_symmetric_transitive_value(S, P, O, RealP).
+rdf_has_ext(0b1111, S, P, O, RealP) :-
+	rdfs_plus_inverse_symmetric_transitive_value(S, P, O, RealP).
+%%	rdfs_plus_value(?S, ?P, ?O, -SP)
+%	Same as rdf_has/4 but return the rdf:value of Object in case it
+%	exists. If Object is ground test both for existence of the
+%	normal triple as well as Object as an rdf:value.
+rdfs_plus_value(S, P, O, RP) :-
+	ground(O), !,
+	(   rdf_has(S, P, O, RP)
+	;   rdf_has(O0, rdf:value, O),
+	    rdf_has(S, P, O0, RP)
+	).
+rdfs_plus_value(S, P, O, RP) :-
+	rdf_has(S, P, O0, RP),
+	(   rdf_has(O0, rdf:value, O)
+	->  true
+	;   O = O0
+	).
+%%	rdfs_plus_inverse(?S, ?P, ?O, ?RealP)
+%	As rdf_has/4 but include inverse properties of P.
+rdfs_plus_inverse(S, P, O, RP) :-
+	rdf_has(S, P, O, RP).
+rdfs_plus_inverse(S, P, O, RP) :-
+	ground(P), !,
+	inverse_predicate(P, IP),
+	rdf_has(O, IP, S, RP).
+%%	rdfs_plus_transitive(?S, ?P, ?O, ?RealP)
+%	As rdf_has/4 but use rdf_reachable/3 for transitive properties.
+%       @TBD RealP is not correct.
+rdfs_plus_transitive(S, P, O, P) :-
+	ground(P),
+	rdfs_individual_of(P, owl:'TransitiveProperty'), !,
+	rdf_reachable(S, P, O).
+rdfs_plus_transitive(S, P, O, RP) :-
+	rdf_has(O, P, S, RP).
+%%	rdfs_plus_symmetric(?S, ?P, ?O, ?RealP)
+%	As rdf_has/4 but include the inverse for symmetric properties.
+rdfs_plus_symmetric(S, P, O, RP) :-
+	rdf_has(S, P, O, RP).
+rdfs_plus_symmetric(S, P, O, RP) :-
+	ground(P),
+	rdfs_individual_of(P, owl:'SymmetricProperty'), !,
+	rdf_has(O, P, S, RP).
+%%	rdfs_plus_inverse_symmetric(?S, ?P, ?O, ?RealP).
+%%	rdfs_plus_inverse_transitive(?S, ?P, ?O, ?RealP).
+%%	rdfs_plus_inverse_value(?S, ?P, ?O, ?RealP).
+%%	rdfs_plus_symmetric_transitive(?S, ?P, ?O, ?RealP).
+%%	rdfs_plus_symmetric_value(?S, ?P, ?O, ?RealP).
+%%	rdfs_plus_transitive_value(?S, ?P, ?O, ?RealP).
+%	As rdf_has/4 but include two types of reasoning.
+rdfs_plus_inverse_symmetric(S, P, O, RP) :-
+	rdf_has(S, P, O, RP).
+rdfs_plus_inverse_symmetric(S, P, O, RP) :-
+	ground(P),
+	inverse_predicate(P, IP),
+	rdf_has(O, IP, S, RP).
+rdfs_plus_inverse_symmetric(S, P, O, RP) :-
+	ground(P),
+	rdfs_individual_of(P, owl:'SymmetricProperty'), !,
+	rdf_has(O, P, S, RP).
+rdfs_plus_inverse_transitive(S, P, O, RP) :-
+	rdfs_plus_transitive(S, P, O, RP).
+rdfs_plus_inverse_transitive(S, P, O, RP) :-
+	ground(P), !,
+	inverse_predicate(P, IP),
+	rdfs_plus_transitive(O, IP, S, RP).
+rdfs_plus_inverse_value(S, P, O, RP) :-
+	rdfs_plus_value(S, P, O, RP).
+rdfs_plus_inverse_value(S, P, O, RP) :-
+	ground(P), !,
+	inverse_predicate(P, IP),
+	rdfs_plus_value(O, IP, S, RP).
+rdfs_plus_symmetric_transitive(S, P, O, RP) :-
+	rdfs_plus_transitive(S, P, O, RP).
+rdfs_plus_symmetric_transitive(S, P, O, RP) :-
+	ground(P),
+	rdfs_individual_of(P, owl:'SymmetricProperty'), !,
+	rdfs_plus_transitive(O, P, S, RP).
+rdfs_plus_symmetric_value(S, P, O, RP) :-
+	rdfs_plus_value(S, P, O, RP).
+rdfs_plus_symmetric_value(S, P, O, RP) :-
+	ground(P),
+	rdfs_individual_of(P, owl:'SymmetricProperty'), !,
+	rdfs_plus_value(O, P, S, RP).
+rdfs_plus_transitive_value(S, P, O, RP) :-
+	var(O), !,
+	rdfs_plus_transitive(S, P, O0, RP),
+	(   rdf_has(O0, rdf:value, O)
+	->  true
+	;   O = O0
+	).
+rdfs_plus_transitive_value(S, P, O, RP) :-
+	ground(O), !,
+	(   rdfs_plus_transitive(S, P, O, RP)
+	;   rdf_has(O0, rdf:value, O),
+	    rdfs_plus_transitive(S, P, O0, RP)
+	).
+%%	rdfs_plus_inverse_symmetric_transitive(?S, ?P, ?O, -RealP).
+%%	rdfs_plus_inverse_transitive_value(?S, ?P, ?O, -RealP).
+%%	rdfs_plus_symmetric_transitive_value(?S, ?P, ?O, -RealP).
+%%	rdfs_plus_inverse_symmetric_value(?S, ?P, ?O, -RealP).
+%	As rdf_has/4, but include 3 types of reasoning.
+rdfs_plus_inverse_symmetric_transitive(S, P, O, RP) :-
+	rdfs_plus_transitive(S, P, O, RP).
+rdfs_plus_inverse_symmetric_transitive(S, P, O, RP) :-
+	ground(P),
+	inverse_predicate(P, IP),
+	rdfs_plus_transitive(O, IP, S, RP).
+rdfs_plus_inverse_symmetric_transitive(S, P, O, RP) :-
+	ground(P),
+	rdfs_individual_of(P, owl:'SymmetricProperty'), !,
+	rdfs_plus_symmetric(O, P, S, RP).
+rdfs_plus_inverse_transitive_value(S, P, O, RP) :-
+	var(O), !,
+	rdfs_plus_inverse_transitive(S, P, O0, RP),
+	(   rdf_has(O0, rdf:value, O)
+	->  true
+	;   O = O0
+	).
+rdfs_plus_inverse_transitive_value(S, P, O, RP) :-
+	ground(O), !,
+	(   rdfs_plus_inverse_transitive(S, P, O, RP)
+	;   rdf_has(O0, rdf:value, O),
+	    rdfs_plus_inverse_transitive(S, P, O0, RP)
+	).
+rdfs_plus_symmetric_transitive_value(S, P, O, RP) :-
+	var(O), !,
+	rdfs_plus_symmetric_transitive(S, P, O0, RP),
+	(   rdf_has(O0, rdf:value, O)
+	->  true
+	;   O = O0
+	).
+rdfs_plus_symmetric_transitive_value(S, P, O, RP) :-
+	ground(O), !,
+	(   rdfs_plus_symmetric_transitive(S, P, O, RP)
+	;   rdf_has(O0, rdf:value, O),
+	    rdfs_plus_symmetric_transitive(S, P, O0, RP)
+	).
+rdfs_plus_inverse_symmetric_value(S, P, O, RP) :-
+	var(O), !,
+	rdfs_plus_inverse_symmetric(S, P, O0, RP),
+	(   rdf_has(O0, rdf:value, O)
+	->  true
+	;   O = O0
+	).
+rdfs_plus_inverse_symmetric_value(S, P, O, RP) :-
+	ground(O), !,
+	(   rdfs_plus_inverse_symmetric(S, P, O, RP)
+	;   rdf_has(O0, rdf:value, O),
+	    rdfs_plus_inverse_symmetric(S, P, O0, RP)
+	).
+rdfs_plus_inverse_symmetric_transitive_value(S, P, O, RP) :-
+	var(O), !,
+	rdfs_plus_inverse_symmetric_transitive(S, P, O0, RP),
+	(   rdf_has(O0, rdf:value, O)
+	->  true
+	;   O = O0
+	).
+rdfs_plus_inverse_symmetric_transitive_value(S, P, O, RP) :-
+	ground(O), !,
+	(   rdfs_plus_inverse_symmetric_transitive(S, P, O, RP)
+	;   rdf_has(O0, rdf:value, O),
+	    rdfs_plus_inverse_symmetric_transitive(S, P, O0, RP)
+	).
+%%	same_skos_broader(+Eq, +R0, -R).
+%	True if R is RO or reachable through Eq or skos:broader.
+same_skos_broader(Eq, R0, R) :-
+	same(Eq, R0, R1),
+	skos_broader(R1, R2),
+	same(Eq, R2, R).
+%%	skos_broader(?R0, ?R)
+%	True if R = R0 or reachable true skos:broader or inversly
+%	through skos:narrower.
+skos_broader(R0, R) :-
+	rdf_reachable(R, skos:broader, R0).
+skos_broader(R0, R) :-
+	rdf_reachable(R0, skos:narrower, R).
+%%      same(+EqP, +R0, -R) is nondet.
+%%	same(+EqP, -R0, +P) is nondet.
+%	True if R is R0 or reachable through P.
+same(P, R0, R) :-
+	atom(R0), !,
+	empty_assoc(V0),
+	put_assoc(R0, V0, true, V),
+	same_(R0, R, P, V).
+same(P, R0, R) :-
+	atom(R), !,
+	same(P, R, R0).
+same(_P, R0, _R) :-
+	instantiation_error(R0).
+same_(R, R, _, _).
+same_(R0, R, Ps, V) :-
+	(   is_list(Ps)
+	->  member(P, Ps)
+	;   P = Ps
+	),
+	same_inv(R0,P,R1),
+	\+ get_assoc(R1, V, true),
+	put_assoc(R1, V, true, V2),
+	same_(R1, R, P, V2).
+same_inv(R0,P,R1) :-
+	rdf_has(R0,P,R1).
+same_inv(R0,P,R1) :-
+	rdf_has(R1,P,R0).
+%%	inverse_predicate(+P1, +P2) is semidet.
+%	True if P1 and P2 are each others inverses.
+inverse_predicate(P1, P2) :-
+	rdf_has(P1, owl:inverseOf, P2), !.
+inverse_predicate(P1, P2) :-
+	rdf_has(P2, owl:inverseOf, P1).
+%%      representative(+EMap, +R, -Representative)
+%	Representative is the representative URI for a set of resources
+%       equivalent with R.
+representative(EMap, R, Represent) :-
+	EMap > 1, !,
+	equivalence_set(EMap, R, Set0),
+	sort(Set0, [Represent|_]).
+representative(_EMap, R, R).
+%%	equivalence_set(+EMap, +R, -Set)
+%	Set contains R and all its equivalent resources.
+equivalence_set(EMap, R, Set) :-
+	(   EMap >= 6
+	->  Ps = [owl:sameAs,skos:exactMatch]
+	;   EMap >= 4
+	->  Ps = [owl:sameAs]
+	;   EMap >= 2
+	->  Ps = [skos:exactmatch]
+	),
+	findall(S, same(Ps, R, S), Set).
+%%	instantiated(?S,?O,-Bitmap)
+%	Bitmap indicates instantiation of S and O.
+instantiated(S,O,I) :-
+	( atom(S) -> I0  =     0b10 ; I0  =     0b00 ),
+	( atom(O) -> I  is I0\/0b01 ; I  is I0\/0b00 ).
+%%	resource_map(+Options, -Map)
+%	Bitmap indicates reseaning over resources.
+resource_ext_map(Opt, M) :-
+	( memberchk(owl_sameas, Opt)   -> M0 = 0b100 ; M0 = 0b000 ),
+	( memberchk(skos_exact, Opt)   -> M1 is M0\/0b010 ; M1 is M0\/0b000 ),
+	( memberchk(skos_broader, Opt) -> M is M1\/0b001 ; M is M1\/0b000 ).
+%%	query_ext_map(+Options, -Map)
+%	Bitmap indicates reasoning.
+query_ext_map(Opt, M) :-
+	( memberchk(owl_inverse, Opt)    -> M0 = 0b1000 ; M0 = 0b0000 ),
+	( memberchk(owl_symmetric, Opt)  -> M1 is M0\/0b0100 ; M1 is M0\/0b0000 ),
+	( memberchk(owl_transitive, Opt) -> M2 is M1\/0b0010 ; M2 is M1\/0b0000 ),
+	( memberchk(rdf_value, Opt)      -> M  is M2\/0b0001 ; M  is M2\/0b0000 ).
+:- rdf_register_ns(t, '').
+%%	assert_test_graph
+%	Create simple test graph.
+assert_test_graph :-
+	rdf_assert(t:work1, t:location, t:paris1),
+	rdf_assert(t:work1, owl:sameAs, t:work2),
+	rdf_assert(t:work3, owl:sameAs, t:work1),
+	rdf_assert(t:work3, t:location, t:paris3),
+	rdf_assert(t:paris3, skos:exactMatch, t:paris4),
+	rdf_assert(t:paris4, skos:broader, t:france4),
+	rdf_assert(t:paris1, skos:broader, t:france1),
+	rdf_assert(t:france1, skos:exactMatch, t:france2),
+	rdf_assert(t:location, owl:inverseOf, t:locationOf),
+	rdf_assert(t:work4, t:location, t:place),
+	rdf_assert(t:place, rdf:value, t:paris4).
+%%	rdfs_plus_skos_test(+Test)
+%	Tests rdfs_plus_skos reasoning.
+rdfs_plus_skos_test(1) :-
+	\+ rdfs_plus_skos_opt(t:work1, t:location, t:france1, []).
+rdfs_plus_skos_test(2) :-
+	rdfs_plus_skos_opt(t:work1, t:location, t:france1,
+			   [skos_broader]).
+rdfs_plus_skos_test(3) :-
+	\+ rdfs_plus_skos_opt(t:work1, t:location, t:france2,
+			      [skos_broader]).
+rdfs_plus_skos_test(4) :-
+	rdfs_plus_skos_opt(t:work1, t:location, t:france2,
+			   [skos_broader, skos_exact]).
+rdfs_plus_skos_test(5) :-
+	\+ rdfs_plus_skos_opt(t:work2, t:location, t:paris3,
+			      [skos_broader]).
+rdfs_plus_skos_test(6) :-
+	rdfs_plus_skos_opt(t:work2, t:location, t:paris3,
+			   [skos_broader, owl_sameas]).
+rdfs_plus_skos_test(7) :-
+	\+ rdfs_plus_skos_opt(t:work2, t:location, t:france4,
+			      [skos_broader, owl_sameas]).
+rdfs_plus_skos_test(8) :-
+	rdfs_plus_skos_opt(t:work2, t:location, t:france4,
+			   [skos_broader, owl_sameas, skos_exact]).
+rdfs_plus_skos_test(9) :-
+	rdfs_plus_skos_opt(t:paris1, t:locationOf, t:work1,
+		       [owl_inverse]).
+rdfs_plus_skos_test(10) :-
+	rdfs_plus_skos_opt(t:france1, t:locationOf, t:work1,
+			   [owl_inverse, skos_broader]).
+rdfs_plus_skos_test(11) :-
+	rdfs_plus_skos_opt(t:france2, t:locationOf, t:work1,
+			   [owl_inverse, skos_broader, skos_exact]).
+rdfs_plus_skos_test(12) :-
+	rdfs_plus_skos_opt(t:france4, t:locationOf, t:work2,
+			   [owl_inverse, skos_broader, owl_sameas, skos_exact]).
+rdfs_plus_skos_test(13) :-
+	\+ rdfs_plus_skos_opt(t:work4, t:location, t:paris4, []).
+rdfs_plus_skos_test(14) :-
+	rdfs_plus_skos_opt(t:work4, t:location, t:paris4,
+			   [rdf_value]).
+rdfs_plus_skos_test(15) :-
+	rdfs_plus_skos_opt(t:work4, t:location, t:france4,
+			   [skos_broader, rdf_value]).
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new file mode 100644
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+++ b/lib/cluster_search/
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+/*  This file is part of ClioPatria.
+    Author:
+    HTTP:
+    GITWEB:
+    GIT:	git://
+    GIT:
+    Copyright:  2007, E-Culture/MultimediaN
+    ClioPatria is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+    the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
+    (at your option) any later version.
+    ClioPatria is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+    GNU General Public License for more details.
+    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+    along with ClioPatria.  If not, see <>.
+:- module(tree,
+	[	resource_tree/4,    % +Resources, +Root, +Property, -Tree
+		create_tree/4,	    % +Elems, +Root, -Tree, +Options
+		format_tree/2,
+		tree_to_json/3,
+		key_rank/3,
+		sort_tree_nodes/3   % +Type, +Nodes, -Sorted
+	]).
+:- use_module(library(semweb/rdf_db)).
+:- use_module(iface_util).
+:- use_module(rdfs_plus_skos).
+%%      create_tree(+Elems, +Root, -Tree:node(R,Atrr,Children), +Options)
+%	Tree contains all Elems that are reachable from Root.
+%	Options is a list of:
+%	parent(:Goal)
+%	goal that satisfies for hierarchical relation
+%	add_to_root(+Boolean)
+%	When true dangling resources are children of root
+%	close(+Boolean)
+%	Close the tree
+%	attribute(+Atom)
+%	Attribute assisgned to members of Elem
+%	add_label(+Boolean)
+%	Add label as attribute
+create_tree(Rs, Root, Tree, Options) :- !,
+	Tree = node(Root, _, _),
+	rdf_equal(iface:broader, Rel),
+	option(parent(Goal), Options, parent(Rel)),
+	option(add_to_root(AddToRoot), Options, false),
+	option(attribute(Attr), Options, [hit]),
+	option(add_label(AddLabel), Options, false),
+	make_tree(Rs, Goal, AddToRoot, AddLabel, Attr, Tree),
+	(   option(leaf_children(true), Options, true)
+	->  close_tree_and_children_check(Tree, Goal)
+	;   (   option(close(true), Options, true)
+	    ->  close_tree(Tree)
+	    ;   true
+	    )
+	).
+%%      resource_tree(+Resource, +Root, +Relation, -Tree:node(R,Atrr,Children))
+%	Tree contains all Resources that are reachable from Root
+%	through Relation.
+resource_tree(Rs, Root, Rel, Tree) :-
+	Tree = node(Root, _, _),
+	make_tree(Rs, parent(Rel), false, false, [hit], Tree),
+	close_tree(Tree).
+%%	value_format(+Value, -URI, -Attrs)
+%	Guess format of value.
+value_format(R, AddLabel, R, Attrs) :-
+	atom(R),
+	(   AddLabel
+	->  iface_label(R, L),
+	    Attrs = [label(L)]
+	;   Attrs = []
+	).
+value_format(hit(R,_,L,_), _, R, [label(L)]).
+value_format(Score-H, AddLabel, R, [score(Score)|A]) :-
+	number(Score), !,
+	value_format(H, AddLabel, R, A).
+value_format(H-A, AddLabel, R, Attrs) :-
+	value_format(H, AddLabel, R, A0),
+	is_list(A),
+	append(A0, A, Attrs),
+	!.
+%%	make_tree(+Matches, +ParentGoal, +AddToRoot,
+%%	+AddLabel, +Attributes, -Tree)
+%	Tree is of the form node(Resource, Attributes, Children)
+make_tree([], _, _, _, _, _).
+make_tree([H|T], Goal, AddToRoot, AddLabel, A, Tree) :-
+	value_format(H, AddLabel, R, Attrs),
+	in_tree(R, Tree, Node), !,
+	append(A, Attrs, A0),
+	add_attrs(Node, A0),
+	make_tree(T, Goal, AddToRoot, AddLabel, A, Tree).
+make_tree([H|T], Goal, AddToRoot, AddLabel, A, Tree) :-
+	value_format(H, AddLabel, R, Attrs),
+	call(Goal, R, Parent),
+	Parent \== R,			% JW: Hack for direct cycles (AAT)
+	make_tree([Parent], Goal, AddToRoot, AddLabel, [], Tree),
+	in_tree(Parent, Tree, Node), !,
+	Node = node(_, _, Children),
+	memberchk(node(R, A1, _), Children),
+	append(A, Attrs, A0),
+        once(append(A0, _, A1)),
+	make_tree(T, Goal, AddToRoot, AddLabel, A, Tree).
+make_tree([H|T], Goal, AddToRoot, AddLabel, A, Tree) :-
+	value_format(H, AddLabel, R, Attrs),
+	Tree = node(_,_,Children),
+	append(A, Attrs, A0),
+	(   AddToRoot == true
+	->  memberchk(node(R, A1, _), Children),
+	    once(append(A0, _, A1))
+	;   AddToRoot == top,
+	    rdf_has(Scheme, skos:hasTopConcept, R)
+	->  iface_label(Scheme, Label),
+	    memberchk(node(R, A1, _), Children),
+	    once(append([conceptScheme(Label)|A0], _, A1))
+	;   true
+	),
+	make_tree(T, Goal, AddToRoot, AddLabel, A, Tree).
+parent(P, H, Parent) :-
+	rdfs_plus_skos_opt(H, P, Parent, [owl_inverse]), !. % use inverse_predicate/2 if too slow
+add_attrs(node(_, A0, _), A) :-
+	subset(A, A0), !.
+in_tree(_, Var, _) :-
+	var(Var), !,
+	fail.
+in_tree(R, Node, Node) :-
+	Node = node(R, _, _), !.
+in_tree(R, node(_, _, Children), Node) :-
+	in_children(R, Children, Node).
+in_children(_, Var, _) :-
+	var(Var), !,
+	fail.
+in_children(R, [H|_], Node) :-
+	in_tree(R, H, Node), !.
+in_children(R, [_|T], Node) :-
+	in_children(R, T, Node), !.
+close_tree(Var) :-
+	var(Var), !,
+	Var = [].
+close_tree(node(_, A, Children)) :- !,
+	close_list(A),
+	close_tree(Children).
+close_tree([H|T]) :-
+	close_tree(H),
+	close_tree(T).
+close_list([]) :- !.
+close_list([_|T]) :-
+	close_list(T).
+%%	close_tree_and_children_check(+Tree, -Goal)
+%	Check if leafs have children.
+close_tree_and_children_check(Var, _) :-
+	var(Var), !,
+	Var = [].
+close_tree_and_children_check(node(R, A, Children), Goal) :-
+	close_list(A),
+	(   var(Children)
+	->  (   call(Goal, _, R)
+	    ->	Children = true
+	    ;	Children = []
+	    )
+	;   close_tree_and_children_check(Children, Goal)
+	).
+close_tree_and_children_check([H|T], Goal) :-
+	close_tree_and_children_check(H, Goal),
+	close_tree_and_children_check(T, Goal).
+%%	format_tree(+Tree)
+%	pretty print a tree.
+format_tree(node(R,Attr,Children), N) :-
+	N1 is N+1,
+	(   memberchk(label(L), Attr)
+	->  true
+	;   iface_label(R, L)
+	),
+	format_tree_indent(N),
+	format(' ~w', L),
+	format_tree_attributes(Attr),
+	format('~n'),
+	format_tree_children(Children, N1).
+format_tree_indent(0) :- !.
+format_tree_indent(N) :-
+	N1 is N-1,
+	format('-'),
+	format_tree_indent(N1).
+format_tree_attributes([Term|T]) :-
+	(   Term =.. [label|_]
+	->  true
+	;   format(' ~w', [Term])
+	),
+	format_tree_attributes(T).
+format_tree_children([], _).
+format_tree_children([Node|T], N) :-
+	format_tree(Node, N),
+	format_tree_children(T, N).
+%%	sort_tree_nodes(+Type, +NodeList, -Sorted)
+%	Sorted is NodeList sorted by Type.
+sort_tree_nodes(Type, Nodes, Sorted) :-
+	maplist(add_node_key(Type), Nodes, Pairs),
+	key_rank(Pairs, normal, Sorted).
+add_node_key(uri, Node, Key-Node) :- !,
+	Node = node(Key,_,_).
+add_node_key(children, Node, Key-Node) :- !,
+	Node = node(_,_,Children),
+	(  (Children == false; Children == [])
+	-> Key = 1
+	;  Key = 0
+	).
+add_node_key(Type, Node, Key-Node) :-
+	Node = node(_,Attr,_),
+	Term =.. [Type,Key],
+	memberchk(Term, Attr),
+	!.
+add_node_key(_, Node, zzz-Node).
+%%  tree_to_json(+Tree:node(uri,nodeList), +DisplayProperties, -JSON)
+%   Tree to JSON term.
+tree_to_json(node(R,Attr,Children), Ps, json(Data)) :-
+	attr_params(Attr, Params),
+	iface_resource_properties(R, Ps, Vs),
+	append(Params, Vs, Data0),
+	(   is_list(Children)
+	->  Data1 = [children=Nodes|Data0],
+	    nodes_to_json(Children, Ps, Nodes)
+	;   bool_to_json(Children,HasChildren)
+	->  Data1 = [hasChildren=HasChildren|Data0]
+	;   Data1 = Data0
+	),
+	Data = [uri=R|Data1].
+nodes_to_json([], _, []) :- !.
+nodes_to_json([Node|Nodes], Ps, [JNode|JSON]) :- !,
+	tree_to_json(Node, Ps, JNode),
+	nodes_to_json(Nodes, Ps, JSON).
+nodes_to_json(Bool, _, JSON) :-
+	bool_to_json(Bool, JSON).
+bool_to_json(false, @false).
+bool_to_json(true, @true).
+attr_params([], []).
+attr_params([H|T], [P|Ps]) :-
+	attr_param(H, P), !,
+	attr_params(T, Ps).
+attr_params([_|T], Ps) :-
+	attr_params(T, Ps).
+attr_param(Term, Key=Value) :-
+	Term =.. [Key,Value],
+	!.
+attr_param(hit, hit=Bool) :-
+	bool_to_json(true, Bool).
+%%  key_rank(+List:key-value, +Type, -RankedList:value)
+%   Values from pair are sorted by keyed.
+%   * Type = forward or reverse
+key_rank(Pairs, reverse, Values) :- !,
+    keysort(Pairs, Pairs1),
+	pairs_values(Pairs1, Values0),
+	reverse(Values0, Values).
+key_rank(Pairs, _, Values) :-
+    keysort(Pairs, Pairs1),
+	pairs_values(Pairs1, Values).
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@@ -0,0 +1,383 @@
+:- module(tree_abstract, [ concepts_in_search_state/2,     % +State, -Nodes
+			   tree_abstract/3,             % +Nodes, +Max, -Reduced
+			   group_items_by_nodes/4,	% +Nodes, +Items, +SearchGraph, -Pairs
+			   target_to_nodes/4,            % +Nodes, +Rel, +Graph, -Nodes
+			   nodes_to_tree/2              % +Nodes, -Tree
+			 ]).
+:- use_module(library(semweb/rdf_db)).
+:- use_module(library(semweb/rdfs)).
+:- use_module(library(semweb/rdf_label)).
+:- use_module(library(lists)).
+:- use_module(library(debug)).
+:- use_module(rdf_graph).
+:- use_module(rdf_search).
+:- use_module(graph_search).
+:- use_module(owl_ultra_lite).
+%%	group_items_by_nodes(+Nodes, +Items, +Graph, -Pairs:score-cluster)
+%	Clusters is a collection of a list each containing the Items
+%	directly related to a member of Nodes.
+group_items_by_nodes([], _, _, []).
+group_items_by_nodes([node(root,_,_)|Ns], Items, Graph, Cs) :- !,
+	%debug(concept_group, '~w', Children),
+	group_items_by_nodes(Ns, Items, Graph, Cs).
+group_items_by_nodes([node(R0,_P,_)|Ns], Items, Graph, [R-Results|Cs]) :-
+	(   R0 = [Random|_]
+	->  R = more(Random),
+	    items_related_to_group(Items, R0, Graph, Results, Rest)
+	;   R = R0,
+	    items_related_to_node(Items, R0, Graph, Results, Rest)
+	),
+	length(Items, ICount),
+	length(Results, RCount),
+	debug(concept_group, '~w total ~w, results ~w', [R,ICount,RCount]),
+	Results \== [], !,
+	group_items_by_nodes(Ns, Rest, Graph, Cs).
+group_items_by_nodes([_|Ns], Items, Graph, Cs) :-
+	group_items_by_nodes(Ns, Items, Graph, Cs).
+items_related_to_node([], _, _, [], []).
+items_related_to_node([Score-URI|Is], R, Graph, [Score-URI|Rs], Rest) :-
+	search_graph_rdf(Graph, URI, _, R), !,
+	items_related_to_node(Is, R, Graph, Rs, Rest).
+items_related_to_node([Item|Is], R, Graph, Rs, [Item|Rest]) :-
+	items_related_to_node(Is, R, Graph, Rs, Rest).
+items_related_to_group([], _, _, [], []).
+items_related_to_group([Score-URI|Is], Group, Graph, [Score-URI|Rs], Rest) :-
+	item_related_to_group(Group, URI, Graph), !,
+	items_related_to_group(Is, Group, Graph, Rs, Rest).
+items_related_to_group([Item|Is], Group, Graph, Rs, [Item|Rest]) :-
+	items_related_to_group(Is, Group, Graph, Rs, Rest).
+item_related_to_group([R|_], S, Graph) :-
+	search_graph_rdf(Graph, S, _, R).
+item_related_to_group([_|T], S, Graph) :-
+	item_related_to_group(T, S, Graph).
+% %	concepts_in_search_state(+SearchState, -Pairs:score-[node(uri,parent,children)])
+%	Pairs is a list of score-node pairs contained in the search
+%	state.
+concepts_in_search_state(State, Concepts) :-
+	rdf_search_property(State, node_score_list(Nodes)),
+	rdf_search_property(State, graph(Graph)),
+	findall(Score-Node,
+		(   member(Concept-Score, Nodes),
+		    concept(Concept, Graph, Node)
+		),
+		Concepts).
+concept(R, Graph, node(R,Parent,Children)) :-
+	rdfs_individual_of(R, skos:'Concept'),
+	rdf_equal(skos:broader, Rel),
+	%rdfs_individual_of(R, flor:'Sense'), !,
+	%rdf_equal(flor:isWNSubClass, Rel),
+	parent(R, Rel, Graph, Parent),
+	children(R, Rel, Graph, Children).
+%%	target_to_nodes(+Targets, +Rel, +Graph, -Nodes)
+%	Nodes is contains targets and for each target its parent and
+%	children.
+target_to_nodes([], _, _, []).
+target_to_nodes([Score-R|Ts], Rel, Graph, [Score-Node|Ns]) :-
+	Node = node(R, Parent, Children),
+	parent(R, Rel, Graph, Parent),
+	children(R, Rel, Graph, Children),
+	target_to_nodes(Ts, Rel, Graph, Ns).
+parent(R, Rel, Graph, Parent) :-
+	search_graph_owl_inv(Graph, R, Rel, Parent), !.
+parent(_, _, _, root).
+children(R, Rel, Graph, Children) :-
+	findall(C,
+		search_graph_owl_inv(Graph, C, Rel, R),
+		Children).
+:- rdf_meta
+         search_graph_owl_inv(+, r, r, o).
+%%	search_graph_owl_inv(+Graph, +S, +P, +O)
+%	Similar as search_graph, but with support for inverse
+%	properties.
+search_graph_owl_inv(Graph, S, P, O) :-
+	search_graph_rdf(Graph, S, P, O).
+search_graph_owl_inv(Graph, S, P, O) :-
+	inverse_predicate(P, IP),
+	search_graph_rdf(Graph, O, IP, S),
+	\+ search_graph_rdf(Graph, S, P, O).
+%%	tree_abstract(+TreeIn, +MaxNumberOfLeaves, -TreeOut)
+%	TreeOut is a reduced version of TreeIn containing only
+%	MaxNumberOfLeafs.
+tree_abstract(Nodes0, Max, TreeOut) :-
+	%nodes(TreeIn, Nodes0),
+	Nodes1 = [0.5-node(root,noparent,[])|Nodes0],
+	keysort(Nodes1, Nodes),
+	tree_reduce(Nodes, Max, TreeOut).
+%%	tree_reduce(+Nodes, +Max, -Nodes)
+%	Reduce the number of nodes to Max, by
+%	* merging leafs
+%	* merge child with parent
+tree_reduce(Nodes, Max, Nodes) :-
+	length(Nodes, Count),
+	debug(tree_reduce, '~w nodes', [Count]),
+	Count =< Max,
+	!.
+tree_reduce([Score-node(R,P,C)|Ns], Max, Reduced) :-
+	(   C = []
+	->  debug(tree_reduce, 'leaf', []),
+	    leaf_reduce(Ns, Score, R, P, Rest)
+	;   debug(tree_reduce, 'node', []),
+	    node_reduce(Ns, Score, R, P, C, Rest)
+	),  !,
+	tree_reduce(Rest, Max, Reduced).
+tree_reduce(Nodes, _, Nodes).
+leaf_reduce(Nodes, Score, R, P, Reduced) :-
+	leaf_merge(Nodes, Score, R, P, Bag, Rest), !,
+	keysort([Bag|Rest], Reduced).
+leaf_reduce(Nodes, _Score, R, P, Reduced) :-
+	leaf_collapse(Nodes, R, P, Reduced).
+node_reduce(Nodes, Score, R, root, Cs, Reduced) :-
+	Score1 is Score*2,
+	keysort([Score1-node(R,root,Cs)|Nodes], Reduced).
+node_reduce(Nodes, _Score, R, P, _Cs, Reduced) :-
+	merge_nodes(Nodes, P, R, Reduced).
+	%Score1 is Score*2,
+	%keysort([Score1-node(R,P,[])|Nodes], Reduced).
+%%	leaf_merge(+Nodes, -Bag, -NodesOut)
+%	Leaf nodes with lowest score is merged with similar sibblings.
+leaf_merge(T, Score, R, Parent, Bag, Rest) :-
+	Bag  = Score1-node([R|Sibblings], Parent, []),
+	sibblings(T, Score, Parent, Sibblings, Rest),
+	length(Sibblings, Count),
+	rdf_label(R, Label),
+	debug(tree_reduce, 'merge ~w: ~w sibblings found', [Label, Count]),
+	Sibblings \== [],
+	Score1 = Score.
+	%Score1 is Score*2.
+%%	leaf_collapse(+Nodes, +R, +Parent, -Reduced)
+%	Reduced contains all Nodes and Parent is merged with R.
+leaf_collapse(Nodes, R, Parent, Rest) :-
+	rdf_label(R, Label),
+	rdf_label(Parent, PLabel),
+	debug(tree_reduce, 'collapse ~w with ~w', [Label, PLabel]),
+	%Rest = Nodes.
+	merge_nodes(Nodes, Parent, R, Rest).
+merge_nodes([Score-node(Rs,P,C)|T], R, Add, [Score-Node|T]) :-
+	Node = node(Merged,P,C),
+	(   is_list(Rs),
+	    member(R, Rs)
+	->  (	is_list(Add)
+	    ->	append(Rs,Add,Merged)
+	    ;	append(Rs,[Add],Merged)
+	    )
+	;   R == Rs
+	->  (	is_list(Add)
+	    ->	Merged = [R|Add]
+	    ;	Merged = [R,Add]
+	    )
+	),
+	!.
+merge_nodes([Node|T], R, Add, [Node|Rest]) :-
+	merge_nodes(T, R, Add, Rest).
+%tree_reduce(Nodes, Max, Reduced) :-
+%	node_abstract(Nodes, Merged),
+%	tree_reduce(Merged, Max, Reduced).
+%%	node_abstract(+NodesIn, -NodesOut)
+%	Node with lowest score in NodesIn is folded with parent.
+node_abstract([_Score-Node|Rest], Rest) :-
+	Node = node(_, _, []),
+	!.
+node_abstract([_Score-Node0|T], [Score-Node|Rest]) :-
+	Node0 = node(R, P, C),
+	Node = node(Rs, P, []),
+	add_children(T, P, C, Rest0),
+	replace_parent(Rest0, R, P, Rest).
+add_children([Score-Node0|T], R, C, [Score-Node|T]) :-
+	Node0 = node(R, P, C0),
+	Node  = node(R, P, Children),
+	append(C, C0, Children),
+	!.
+add_children([Node|T], P, C, [Node|Rest]) :-
+	add_children(T, P, C, Rest).
+replace_parent([], _, _, []).
+replace_parent([Score-Node0|T], P0, P, [Score-Node|Rest]) :-
+	Node0 = node(R,P0,C),
+	!,
+	Node  = node(R,P,C),
+	replace_parent(T, P0, P, Rest).
+replace_parent([Node|T], P0, P, [Node|Rest]) :-
+	replace_parent(T, P0, P, Rest).
+sibblings([S-node(R,P,[])|T], S, P, Sibblings, Rest) :- !,
+	(   is_list(R)
+	->  append(R,Rs,Sibblings)
+	;   Sibblings = [R|Rs]
+	),
+	sibblings(T, S, P, Rs, Rest).
+sibblings([S-Node|T], S, P, Sibblings, [S-Node|Rest]) :- !,
+	sibblings(T, S, P, Sibblings, Rest).
+sibblings(T, _, _, [], T).
+tree_test(Keyword, Max, Tree) :-
+	do_query(Keyword, State),
+	concepts_in_search_state(State, Nodes),
+	tree_abstract(Nodes, Max, Reduced),
+	nodes_to_tree(Reduced, Tree).
+	%nodes_to_clusters(Reduced, Clusters).
+do_query(Keyword, State) :-
+	search_api:basic_filter([], Filter),
+	graph_search(Keyword, State, [filter(Filter),prune(true),literal_threshold(0)]).
+		node(b,0,[
+			  node(c1,0.2,[
+				      node(d1,1,[]),
+				      node(d2,1,[])
+				     ]),
+			  node(c2,0,[
+				     node(d3,0.5,[
+						 node(e1,0.2,[])
+						 ]),
+				     node(d4,0.5,[]),
+				     node(d5,0.5,[])
+				    ])
+			 ])
+	       ])).
+nodes_to_clusters([], []).
+nodes_to_clusters([Score-node(R,P,Children)|T], [cluster(Score,Label,Count)|Rest]) :-
+	node_label(R, P, Label),
+	length(Children, Count),
+	nodes_to_clusters(T, Rest).
+nodes_to_tree(Nodes, node(root, [], Children)) :-
+	children_of_node(Nodes, root, Nodes, Children).
+children_of_node([], _, _, []).
+children_of_node([Score-node(Rs,Parent,_)|T], Parent, Nodes, [Node|Rest]) :- !,
+	(   Rs = [R|_]
+	->  true
+	;   Rs = R
+	),
+	Node = node(R, [score(Score),label(Label)], Children),
+	node_label(R, Parent, Label),
+	children_of_node(Nodes, R, Nodes, Children),
+	children_of_node(T, Parent, Nodes, Rest).
+children_of_node([_|T], Parent, Nodes, Rest) :-
+	children_of_node(T, Parent, Nodes, Rest).
+node_label(R, Parent, Label) :-
+	(   is_list(R)
+	->  rdfs_label(Parent,L),
+	    atom_concat('specific ', L, Label)
+	;   rdfs_label(R, Label), !
+	).
+%%	nodes(+Tree, -Pairs:score-node) is det
+%	Pairs is a list of score-node pairs contained in Tree.
+nodes(Tree, Leaves) :-
+	nodes(Tree, root, Leaves, []).
+nodes(node(N,S,[]), P, [S-node(N,P,[])|T], T) :- !.
+nodes(node(N,S,Children), P, [S-node(N,P,Rs)|Nodes], T) :-
+	maplist(node_resource, Children, Rs),
+	children_nodes(Children, N, Nodes, T).
+children_nodes([], _, T, T).
+children_nodes([Node|Ns], P, Leaves, T) :-
+	nodes(Node, P, Leaves, L),
+	children_nodes(Ns, P, L, T).
+node_resource(node(R,_,_), R).
+%%	leaves(+Tree, -Pairs:score-leaf) is det
+%	Pairs is a list of score-leaf pairs contained in Tree.
+leaves(Tree, Leaves) :-
+	leaves(Tree, root, Leaves, []).
+leaves(node(N,S,[]), P, [S-node(N,P)|T], T) :- !.
+leaves(node(N,_,Children), _, Leaves, T) :-
+	   children_leaves(Children, N, Leaves, T).
+children_leaves([], _, T, T).
+children_leaves([Node|Ns], P, Leaves, T) :-
+	leaves(Node, P, Leaves, L),
+	children_leaves(Ns, P, L, T).
+%%	leaf_count(+Tree, -Count) is det
+%	Count is the number of leafs in Tree.
+leaf_count(node(_,_,[]), 1) :- !.
+leaf_count(node(_,_,Children), C) :-
+	   children_leaf_count(Children, C).
+children_leaf_count([], 0).
+children_leaf_count([Node|Ns], C) :-
+	leaf_count(Node, C1),
+	children_leaf_count(Ns, C2),
+	C is C1+C2.