Your Annotation Zone
author | Michiel Hildebrand |
Sun Jan 23 16:13:42 2011 +0100 | |
committer | Michiel Hildebrand |
Sun Jan 23 16:13:42 2011 +0100 | |
commit | c5d734a2381423264ddaf08a58e7cb902fa2f831 |
tree | ddab364320feb39f22197a0f42c3e609e4b53749 |
parent | 62bbfa0208128de054370bdb340f8f80a11ef5b7 |
Diff style: patch stat
diff --git a/api/reconcile.pl b/api/reconcile.pl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3a39087 --- /dev/null +++ b/api/reconcile.pl @@ -0,0 +1,318 @@ +:- module(reconcile, + [reconcile/5 % +Query, +Max, +Type, +Properties, -Concepts + ]). + +:- use_module(library(http/http_dispatch)). +:- use_module(library(http/http_parameters)). +:- use_module(library(http/http_path)). +:- use_module(library(http/http_json)). +:- use_module(library(http/json)). +:- use_module(library(http/json_convert)). +:- use_module(library(http/http_session)). +:- use_module(user(user_db)). +:- use_module(library(semweb/rdf_db)). +:- use_module(library(semweb/rdfs)). +:- use_module(library(semweb/rdf_label)). +:- use_module(library(semweb/rdf_litindex)). +:- use_module(library(snowball)). + +:- use_module(library(yaz_util)). +:- use_module(library(fuzzy)). + +/** <module> Reconciliation: Linking tags to concepts from vocabularies + +@author Michiel Hildebrand +*/ + +:- http_handler(yaz(reconcile), http_reconcile, []). +:- http_handler(yaz(savereconcile), http_save_reconcile, []). + +%% http_reconcile(+Request) +% +% Handler to find reconciliations. +% Based on +% http://code.google.com/p/google-refine/wiki/ReconciliationService +% API +% +% Returns a json object. + +http_reconcile(Request) :- + http_parameters(Request, + [ query(Query, + [atom, + optional(true), + description('a string to search for') + ]), + queries(Queries, + [json, + optional(true), + description('a json object of the form {q1:{query:STRING}, ...}')]), + limit(Limit, + [number, default(3), + description('Number of results to return per query')]), + type(Type, + [(atom;json), default([]), + description('A string or a array of strings specificing the types of result')]), + /*type_strict(TypeStrict, optional(true), one_of([any,all,should]), + [description('')]),*/ + properties(Properties, + [json, default([]), + descirption('array of json object literals')]), + callback(Callback, + [optional(true), + description('callback function for JSONP results') + ]) + ]), + ( nonvar(Queries), Queries = json(QueryList) + -> reconcile_list(QueryList, Limit, Type, Properties, Results), + reply(Callback, json(Results)) + ; nonvar(Query) + -> reconcile(Query, Limit, Type, Properties, Hits), + hits_to_json_results(Hits, Results), + reply(Callback, json([result=Results])) + ; reply(Callback, json([])) + ). + +reply(Callback, JSON) :- + ( var(Callback) + -> reply_json(JSON) + ; format('Content-type: application/jsonp~n~n'), + format('~w (', Callback), + json_write(current_output, JSON), + format(')') + ). + +%% reconcile_list(+QueryPairs:key-query, +Limit, +Type, +%% +Properties, -Results:JSON) +% +% Results is a list of pairs with for every key in QueryPairs a +% list of hits matching query. + +reconcile_list([], _, _, _, []). +reconcile_list([Key=json([query=Query])|Ts], Max, Type, Properties, [Key=json([result=Results])|Rs]) :- + reconcile(Query, Max, Type, Properties, Hits), + hits_to_json_results(Hits, Results), + reconcile_list(Ts, Max, Type, Properties, Rs). + +%% reconcile(+Query, +MaxResults, +Type, +Properties, +%% -Concept:hit(score,uri,property,label)) +% +% Reconcile a QueryString to a set of candidate concepts + +reconcile(Query, Max, Type, Properties, Hits) :- + label_list(LabelList), + find_resource_by_name(Query, LabelList, Hits0, [match(stem),distance(true)]), + filter_hits(Hits0, Max, Type, Properties, Hits). + +label_list(LabelList) :- + rdf_equal(rdfs:label, Label), + rdf_equal(skos:prefLabel, PrefLabel), + rdf_equal(cornetto:synonym, Syn), + LabelList = [Syn-0, + PrefLabel-0, + Label-1 + ]. + +%% filter_hits(+Hits, +Limit, +Types, +Properties, -Filtered) +% +% Limit Hits to Limit number that succeed for the Types and +% Properties filters. + +filter_hits(_, 0, _, _, []) :- !. +filter_hits([], _, _, _, []) :- !. +filter_hits([H|T], N, Type, Properties, Results) :- + ( type_filter(Type, H), + property_filter(Properties, H) + -> Results = [H|Rest], + N1 is N - 1 + ; Results = Rest, + N1 = N + ), + filter_hits(T, N1, Type, Properties, Rest). + +type_filter([], _) :- !. +type_filter(Types, R) :- + type_filter_(Types, R). + +type_filter_([Type|Ts], R) :- + ( rdf(R, rdf:type, Type) + -> true + ; type_filter_(Ts, R) + ). +property_filter([], _). +property_filter([P-V|Ps], R) :- + rdf(R, P, V), + property_filter(Ps, R). + +%% hits_to_json_results(+Hits:hit(score,uri,property,label), +%% -JSON). +% +% Create a JSON object of a hit term and add a list of types for +% URI. + +hits_to_json_results([], []). +hits_to_json_results([Hit|Hs], [Result|Rs]) :- + Hit = hit(Distance,URI,_Property,Label), + type_list(URI, Types), + Result = json([id=URI, + name=Label, + type=Types, + score=Distance, + match=false % we're not certain + ]), + hits_to_json_results(Hs, Rs). + +type_list(URI, Types) :- + findall(T, rdf(URI, rdf:type, T), Ts0), + sort(Ts0, Ts), + resource_json_object(Ts, Types). + +resource_json_object([], []). +resource_json_object([R|Rs], [JSONObj|Os]) :- + JSONObj = json([id(R), label(Label)]), + display_label(R, Label), + resource_json_object(Rs, Os). + +%% find_resource_by_name(+Name:atom, +Attributes:list(P-D), +%% -Hit:hit(Distance:nonneg,Hit:atom,Prop:atom,Label:atom), +%% +Options) is nondet. +% +% Find a resource based on a Name. The distance is based on +% two figures: +% +% * Mismatch of the label +% * Handicap of the attribute +% +% If multiple attributes match, we take the best. The Attributes +% list is of the form Resource-Distance. Smaller distance is +% better, so rdfs:label typically is 0. + +find_resource_by_name(Name, Attributes, Hits, Options) :- + tokens(Name, Tokens), + option(match(Match), Options, exact), + ( option(distance(true), Options) + -> catch(findall(D-Label, find_literal(Tokens, Match, Label, D), Pairs), + no_stem(_), + fail) + ; catch(findall(0-Label, find_literal(Tokens, Match, Label), Pairs), + no_stem(_), + fail) + ), + findall(Hit, uri_with_label_in(Pairs, Attributes, Hit), Hits1), + sort(Hits1, Hits2), % sort by URI + remove_dup_uris(Hits2, Hits3), % take lowest on URI + sort(Hits3, Hits). % sort by distance + +remove_dup_uris([], []). +remove_dup_uris([hit(URI,D,P,L)|T0], [hit(D,URI,P,L)|T]) :- + remove_same_uri(URI, T0, T1), + remove_dup_uris(T1, T). + +remove_same_uri(URI, [hit(URI,_,_,_)|T0], T) :- !, + remove_same_uri(URI, T0, T). +remove_same_uri(_, L, L). + +uri_with_label_in(LabelPairs, Attributes, hit(URI, Distance, P, Label)) :- + member(D-Label, LabelPairs), + rdf(URI, P, literal(Label)), + ( member(P-F, Attributes) + -> true + ; member(AS-F, Attributes), + rdfs_subproperty_of(P, AS) + ), + % hack to exclude Tag Terms itself + \+ rdf(URI,rdf:type,'http://semanticweb.cs.vu.nl/prestoprime/Term'), + Distance is D+F. + +find_literal(Tokens, MatchType, Label, Distance) :- + find_literal(Tokens, MatchType, Label), + literal_distance(Tokens, Label, Distance). + +tokens(Spec, Tokens) :- + atom(Spec), !, + rdf_tokenize_literal(Spec, Tokens). +tokens(Tokens, Tokens) :- + is_list(Tokens). + + +%% http_save_reconcile(+Request) +% +% Handler for reconsiliation of tags by URIs. +% Returns a json reply when all parameters are valid. + +http_save_reconcile(Request) :- + http_in_session(SessionID), + logged_on(User, SessionID), + http_parameters(Request, + [ entry(TagEntry, + [description('URI of tagentry event')]), + uri(URI, + [description('URI of resource tag is reconciled with')]) + ]), + valid_reconcile(TagEntry, URI, User, Tag, Error), + ( nonvar(Error) + -> json_reply_error(Error) + ; reconcile_event_uri(TagEntry, ReconcileEvent), + assert_recon(ReconcileEvent, TagEntry, URI, User), + json_reply_recon(ReconcileEvent, Tag, URI, User) + ). + +valid_reconcile(TagEntry, _URI, _User, Tag, Error) :- + ( \+ rdf(TagEntry, rdf:type, pprime:'TagEntry') + -> concat_atom(['entry ', TagEntry, ' does not exist'], Error) + ; rdf(TagEntry, sem:involves, TagTerm), + display_label(TagTerm, Tag) + ). + +assert_recon(ReconcileEvent, TagEntry, URI, User) :- + rdf_assert(ReconcileEvent, rdf:type, pprime:'ReconcileEvent', recon), + rdf_assert(ReconcileEvent, pprime:reconciles, TagEntry, recon), + rdf_assert(ReconcileEvent, pprime:reconcilesWith, URI, recon), + rdf_assert(ReconcileEvent, sem:hasActor, User, recon). + +reconcile_event_uri(TagEntry, ReconcileEventURI) :- + % base URI on number of existing reconciliation for TagEntry + findall(E, rdf(E, pprime:reconciles, TagEntry), Es), + length(Es, Count), + concat_atom([TagEntry, 'Reconcile', Count], ReconcileEventURI). + +json_reply_recon(Entry, Tag, URI, User) :- + reply_json(json([success='reconciliation saved', + entry=Entry, + user=User, + tag=Tag, + uri=URI + ])). + +json_reply_error(Error) :- + reply_json(json([error=Error])). + + + + + + +:- use_module(library(http/http_client)). + +freebase_reconcile(Tags, ReconciledTags) :- + freebase_url(URL), + freebase_query(Tags, Query), + freebase_option_string(Options), + www_form_encode(Query, EncQuery), + concat_atom([URL, '?queries=', EncQuery, Options], Request), + http_get(Request, Reply, []), + json_to_prolog(Reply, Results), + ReconciledTags = Results. + +freebase_url('http://api.freebase.com/api/service/search'). +freebase_option_string('&limit=3'). +freebase_query(Tags, Query) :- + freebase_json_query(Tags, JSON), + with_output_to(string(Query), + json_write(current_output, json(JSON), [])). + +freebase_json_query([], []). +freebase_json_query([Tag|T], [Tag=json([query=Tag])|Rest]) :- + freebase_json_query(T, Rest). + + diff --git a/api/video_frames.pl b/api/video_frames.pl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..00ab59d --- /dev/null +++ b/api/video_frames.pl @@ -0,0 +1,225 @@ +:- module(video_frames, + [ cache_tag_frames/3, + video_frame_reset/0, + video_url_frame/3, + video_frame/3 + ]). + +:- use_module(library(settings)). +:- use_module(library(http/url_cache)). +:- use_module(library(http/http_dispatch)). +:- use_module(library(http/http_parameters)). +:- use_module(library(http/http_header)). +:- use_module(library(semweb/rdf_db)). +:- use_module(library(yaz_util)). + +% Windows: 'cmd.exe /C ffmpeg.exe' +:- setting(frame_program, atom, ffmpeg, + 'FFMPEG convert used to extract video frames'). +:- setting(frame_size, any, size(120,96), + 'Term size(W,H) into which video frames are scaled'). +:- setting(cache_directory, atom, 'cache/frames', + 'Directory for caching video frames'). +:- setting(video_directory, atom, 'videos', + 'Directory where local videos are stored'). + +:- dynamic + video_frame_cache/3. % Video, Time, File + +:- http_handler(root(videoframe), serve_video_frame, []). + +%% video_frame_reset is det. +% +% Reset our dynamic data to symplify debugging after an error. + +video_frame_reset :- + retractall(video_frame_cache(_,_,_)). + +%% cache_tag_frames(+VideoURL, +Game, +User) +% +% Precompute the frames for each tag assinged to Video. + +cache_tag_frames(VideoURL, Game, User) :- + local_file_from_url(VideoURL, Video), + findall(Time, tag_entry_time(Game, VideoURL, User, Time), Times0), + sort(Times0, Times), + length(Times, Count), + debug(frame, 'caching ~w frames for ~w', [Count, VideoURL]), + forall(member(T, Times), + video_frame(Video, T, _)). + +%% tag_entry(?Game, ?Video, ?User, ?TagEntry, ?TagTerm, ?Tag, +%% ?Time) +% +% Enumerates the tag entries and their Terms entered by User +% for Video in Game. + +tag_entry_time(Game, Video, User, Time) :- + rdf(Game, sem:involves, Video), + rdf(TagEntry, sem:subEventOf, Game), + rdf(TagEntry, sem:hasActor, User), + rdf(TagEntry, pprime:playheadTime, Time0), + literal_to_number(Time0, Time). + +%% serve_video_frame(+Request) +% +% Reply PNG of the frame in Video at a given time point. + +serve_video_frame(Request) :- + http_parameters(Request, + [ url(URL, + [ description('URL of the video')]), + time(Time, + [ description('Time in the video')]) + ]), + debug(frame, 'Frame for ~w', [URL]), + video_url_frame(URL, Time, FrameFile), + http_reply_file(FrameFile, [mimetype('image/png'), unsafe(true)], Request). + +%% video_url_frame(+URL, +Time, -File) +% +% File is frame from URL at time point Time. +% +% @TBD we use a very naive method that assumes a local copy of the +% VideoURL is available in the +% setting(video:frames:video_directory). + +video_url_frame(URL, Time, File) :- + local_file_from_url(URL, Video), + video_frame(Video, Time, File). + +local_file_from_url(URL, Video) :- + setting(video_directory, Dir0), + absolute_file_name(Dir0, Dir), + concat_atom(List, /, URL), + last(List, File), + concat_atom([Dir, '/', File], Video). + +%% video_frame(+Video, +Time, -File) +% +% Return thumbnail file for video frame at Time. + +video_frame(Video, Time, File) :- + video_frame_cache(Video, Time, File), + exists_file(File), !. +video_frame(Video, Time, File) :- + video_frame_dir(Dir0), + atom_concat(Video, Time, Frame), + url_cache_file(Frame, Dir0, '', File0), + concat_atom([File0, '%d', '.jpg'], ExtractFile), + atom_concat(File0, '1.jpg', File), + ( exists_file(File) + -> debug(frame, 'CACHE: ~w', [File]) + ; debug(frame, 'Extracting frame from ~w at time ~w', [Video, Time]), + extract_video_frame(Video, Time, ExtractFile) + ), + assert(video_frame_cache(Video, Time, File)). + +%% video_frame_dir(-AbsDir) +% +% Directory for caching video frames. Create if it doesn't exist. + +video_frame_dir(AbsDir) :- + setting(cache_directory, Dir), Dir \== '', + absolute_file_name(Dir, AbsDir), + ensure_directory(AbsDir). + +%% extract_video_frame(+Video, +Time, +Frame) +% +% Use ffmpeg to extract a frame from Video at time point Time. +% The operation is controlled by the following settings: +% +% * video_frames:frame_size +% A term size(W,H) that specifies the size of Frame. +% +% * video_frames:frame_program +% Name of the ffmpeg executable. + +extract_video_frame(Video, Time, File) :- + setting(frame_size, size(W, H)), + setting(frame_program, Prog), + convert_prog_term(Prog, Exe), + win_relative_path(Video, OSVideo), + win_relative_path(File, OSFile), + + format(string(SizeOpt), '~wx~w', [W, H]), + debug(frame, 'Running ffmpeg ...', []), + process_create(Exe, + [ '-vframes', '1', '-ss', Time, + '-s', SizeOpt, + '-i', file(OSVideo), + file(OSFile) + ], + [ stderr(pipe(Error)), + process(PID) + ]), + read_stream_to_codes(Error, Messages), + close(Error), + process_wait(PID, Status), + ( Status == exit(0) + -> debug(frame, 'ffmpeg: ok', []) + ; debug(frame, 'ffmpeg: status ~w: ~s', [Status, Messages]), + atom_codes(Text, Messages), + catch(delete_file(File), _, true), + throw(error(frame_extract_failed(Status, Text), _)) + ). + +convert_prog_term(Prog, Prog) :- + is_absolute_file_name(Prog), !. +convert_prog_term(Prog, path(Prog)). + + + + + +%% win_relative_path(+Path, -RelativePath) is det. +% +% If Path is an absolute filename, translate it into a relative +% one to avoid too long commandlines on Windows. + +win_relative_path(Path, Local) :- + current_prolog_flag(windows, true), + is_absolute_file_name(Path), !, + relative_path(Path, Local). +win_relative_path(Path, Path). + +%% relative_path(+Path, -Relative) +% +% Transform an absolute path into a relative one to overcome +% limitations of the Windows commandline handling. + +relative_path(Path, RelPath) :- + working_directory(PWD, PWD), + relative_path(Path, PWD, RelPath), !. +relative_path(Path, Path). + +relative_path(Path, RelTo, RelPath) :- + concat_atom(PL, /, Path), + concat_atom(RL, /, RelTo), + delete_common_prefix(PL, RL, PL1, PL2), + to_dot_dot(PL2, DotDot, PL1), + concat_atom(DotDot, /, RelPath). + +delete_common_prefix([H|T01], [H|T02], T1, T2) :- !, + delete_common_prefix(T01, T02, T1, T2). +delete_common_prefix(T1, T2, T1, T2). + +to_dot_dot([], Tail, Tail). +to_dot_dot([_], Tail, Tail) :- !. +to_dot_dot([_|T0], ['..'|T], Tail) :- + to_dot_dot(T0, T, Tail). + + + +%% ensure_directory(+Dir:atom)is det. +% +% Create directory and -if needed- parents. May generate file +% system errors. + +ensure_directory(Dir) :- + exists_directory(Dir), !. +ensure_directory(Dir) :- + file_directory_name(Dir, Parent), + Parent \== Dir, + ensure_directory(Parent), + make_directory(Dir). diff --git a/applications/yaz_admin.pl b/applications/yaz_admin.pl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..402e762 --- /dev/null +++ b/applications/yaz_admin.pl @@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ +:- module(yaz_admin, + [ http_yaz_logout/1 + ]). + +:- use_module(library(http/http_dispatch)). +:- use_module(library(http/http_parameters)). +:- use_module(library(http/html_write)). +:- use_module(library(http/html_head)). +:- use_module(user(user_db)). + +:- use_module(library(yaz_util)). +:- use_module(components(yaz_page)). +:- use_module(applications(yaz_user)). +:- use_module(applications(yaz_videos)). +:- use_module(applications(yaz_tags)). + +:- http_handler(yaz(logout), http_yaz_logout, []). + +%% http_yaz_logout(+Request) +% +% Do logout and start at YAZ home page + +http_yaz_logout(Request) :- + ( logged_on(User, _), + nonvar(User) + -> logout(User) + ), + http_location_by_id(http_yaz_home, Home), + http_redirect(moved, Home, Request). diff --git a/applications/yaz_annotate.pl b/applications/yaz_annotate.pl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6054954 --- /dev/null +++ b/applications/yaz_annotate.pl @@ -0,0 +1,173 @@ +:- module(annotate, + [ http_yaz_annotate/1 + ]). + +:- use_module(library(http/http_dispatch)). +:- use_module(library(http/http_parameters)). +:- use_module(library(http/html_write)). +:- use_module(library(http/http_path)). +:- use_module(library(http/html_head)). +:- use_module(library(http/http_json)). +:- use_module(library(http/json)). +:- use_module(library(http/http_session)). +:- use_module(library(semweb/rdf_db)). +:- use_module(user(user_db)). + +:- use_module(library(yaz_util)). +:- use_module(library(user_process)). +:- use_module(library(video_annotation)). +:- use_module(components(yaz_page)). + +:- http_handler(yaz(annotate), http_yaz_annotate, []). + + +%% http_yaz_annotate(+Request) +% +% Emit the tags for a video. +% +% @TBD show the tags that are already added. +% By same user, by all? + +http_yaz_annotate(Request) :- + ensure_logged_on(User), + http_parameters(Request, + [ video(Video, + [optional(true), + description('URL of a video on webpage')]), + title(Title, + [optional(true), + description('Title of the webpage')]) + ]), + ( (var(Video);var(Title)) + -> html_annotate_form(Video, Title) + ; create_user_process([rdf:type=pprime:'Annotation', + opmv:used=Video + ], _Process), + add_resource_properties(Video, [dc:title=Title]), + html_annotate_page(Video, Title, User) + ). + + +%% html_annotate_form(?Video, ?Title) +% +% Emit an html page with a form to submit a page for annotation. + +html_annotate_form(Video0, Title0) :- + var_to_atom(Video0, Video), + var_to_atom(Title0, Title), + reply_html_page(yaz, + [ title(['YAZ - annotate']) + ], + [ \html_requires(css('annotate.css')), + h2('Provide the URL of a page containing a Video'), + form([div(class(inputline), + [div(class(label), title), + input([type(text), size(60), name(title), value(Title)])]), + div(class(inputline), + [div(class(label), 'video URL'), + input([type(text), size(60), name(video), value(Video)])]), + div(class(inputline), + input([type(submit), value(annotate)])) + ]) + ]). + +var_to_atom(X, X) :- + nonvar(X). +var_to_atom(_, ''). + +%% html_annotate_form(+Video, +Title, +User) +% +% Emit an html page with video annotation funtionality. +% +html_annotate_page(Video, Title, _User) :- + reply_html_page(yaz, + [ title(['YAZ - annotate ', Title]) + ], + [ \html_requires(css('annotate.css')), + h2(class('video-title'), Title), + div(class('videobox'), + [ div(id(video), []), + div([id(annotate), style('margin-left:500px')], + [ h4('Which people, organisations, locations and events occur in the video?'), + input([id(search), size(40)]) + ]) + ]), + ul(id(tags), []), + script(type('text/javascript'), + \jquery_annotate_script(Video)) + ]). + +jquery_annotate_script(Video) --> + { http_absolute_location(js('videoplayer/'), FilePath, []), + http_location_by_id(http_create_video_annotation, CreateAnnotation) + }, + html_requires('http://freebaselibs.com/static/suggest/1.2.1/suggest.min.css'), + html_requires(js('jquery/css/flick/jquery-ui-1.8.4.custom.css')), + html_requires(js('jquery/jquery-1.4.2.min.js')), + html_requires(js('jquery/jquery-ui-1.8.4.custom.js')), + html_requires(js('videoplayer/jquery-videoplayer.js')), + html_requires(js('videoplayer/tagbar.js')), + html_requires('http://freebaselibs.com/static/suggest/1.2.1/suggest.min.js'), + html_requires(js('videoplayer/swfobject.js')), + html_requires(js('json2.js')), + html(\[ +'$("#video").videoplayer({ + width: 480, + height: 320, + filepath:"',FilePath,'", + src:"',Video,'" +});\n', + +'$("#search").suggest({ + "suggest_new": "Suggest a new term" +})\n', +'.bind("fb-select", function(e, data) { + tagentry(data); +})\n', +'.bind("fb-select-new", function(e, label) { + tagentry({name:label}); +});\n', + +'$("#search").keypress(function(e) { + $("#video").videoplayer("pause"); +});\n', + +'function tagentry(data) { + var video = "', Video, '", + startTime = $("#video").videoplayer("getTime"), + tagtype = data["n:type"] ? data["n:type"].id : null, + typelabel = data["n:type"] ? data["n:type"].name : null;\n', +' $.ajax({ url: "',CreateAnnotation,'", + dataType: "json", + data: {\n', +' value: JSON.stringify({value:data.id, type:"uri"}), + //label: data.name, + //type: tagtype, + //type_label: typelabel, + video: video, + time: startTime*1000 + },\n', +' success: addTagBar + }); +};\n', + +'$("#tags").sortable();\n', + +'function addTagBar(data) {\n', +' var startTime = Math.round(data.time/1000);\n', +' $("#search").val("");\n', +' $("#tags") + .prepend($("<li></li>")\n', +' .tagbar({ label: data.label, + start: startTime, + end: startTime+10, + max: $("#video").videoplayer("getDuration") + }));\n', +'};\n' + ]). + + + + + + diff --git a/applications/yaz_game.pl b/applications/yaz_game.pl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..28b44c2 --- /dev/null +++ b/applications/yaz_game.pl @@ -0,0 +1,744 @@ +:- module(yaz_game, + [ http_yaz_game/1 + ]). + +:- use_module(library(http/http_dispatch)). +:- use_module(library(http/http_parameters)). +:- use_module(library(http/http_path)). +:- use_module(library(http/html_write)). +:- use_module(library(http/html_head)). +:- use_module(library(http/http_json)). +:- use_module(library(http/js_write)). +:- use_module(library(http/json)). +:- use_module(library(http/json_convert)). +:- use_module(library(http/http_session)). +:- use_module(user(user_db)). +:- use_module(library(semweb/rdf_db)). +:- use_module(library(semweb/rdfs)). +:- use_module(library(semweb/rdf_label)). + +:- use_module(library(yaz_util)). +:- use_module(library(yui3)). +:- use_module(library(user_process)). +:- use_module(library(video_annotation)). + +:- use_module(components(label)). +:- use_module(components(yaz_page)). + +:- setting(match_interval, integer, 10000, + 'Interval in which tags can be matched (in miliseconds)'). +:- setting(max_player_count, integer, 8, + 'Maximum number of players before auto starting a game'). +:- setting(ac, boolean, false, + 'Use autocompletion'). +:- setting(request_interval, integer, 2000, + 'Interval between requests to the server (in miliseconds)'). +:- setting(video_buffer_time, integer, 1, + 'Expect delay in load of page and start of Video (in seconds)'). + +:- dynamic + player_score/3. + +:- rdf_meta + cond_object_assert(r,r,o,r). + +channel('http://g.bbcredux.com/programme/bbcone/2010-11-21/22-00-00', + 'http://g.bbcredux.com/programme/5542126155790075626/download/12340-1295719806-48faefbd0b0f9057050098ef47daf3a5/flash.flv', + 'BBC News 21 Nov 2010 22:00', + 1101). + + +:- http_handler(yaz(game), http_yaz_game, []). +:- http_handler(root(game), http_yaz_game, []). % shortcut + +%% http_yaz_game(+Request) +% +% Emit a web page with a video tagging game. + +http_yaz_game(Request) :- + ensure_logged_on(User0), + user_property(User0, url(User)), + http_parameters(Request, + [ url(URL, + [optional(true), + descritpion('URL of a video to start a game with')]), + video(Video, + [optional(true), + description('Video source of the URL')]), + title(Title, + [optional(true), + description('Title of URL')]), + game(Game, + [optional(true), description('URL of current Game')]) + ]), + ( var(Game), + var(URL) + -> findall(channel(U, V, T), + channel(U, V, T, _), Channels), + html_home_page(Channels) + ; var(Game), + nonvar(URL) + -> create_game(URL, User, Game, [video(Video),title(Title)]), + html_waiting_page(Game, URL, User) + ; setting(match_interval, Interval), + join_game(Game, User), + game_video_start(Game, URL, PlayHead), + PlayerObj = {player:P, name:Name, score:Score}, + findall(PlayerObj, active_player(Game, P, Name, Score), Players), + TagObj = json([tag=Tag, label=Label, match=Match, type=Type, order=Order]), + findall(Time-TagObj, user_annotation(Game, User, Interval, Tag, Label, Time, Type, Match, Order), Tags0), + keysort(Tags0, Tags1), + reverse(Tags1, Tags2), + pairs_values(Tags2, Tags), + html_game_page(Game, URL, User, PlayHead, Players, Tags) + ). + +%% html_home_page(+Channels) +% +% Emit html page with a list of video channels. + +html_home_page(Channels) :- + reply_html_page(yaz, + [ title(['YAZ tagging game']) + ], + [ \html_requires(css('game.css')), + div([class(topic), id(channels)], + [ div(class(header), + h2('Select a video')), + div(class(body), + \html_channels(Channels)) + ]), + div([class(topic), id(new)], + [ div(class(header), + h2('Start game with a new video')), + div(class(body), + \html_new_game) + ]), + script(type('text/javascript'), []) + ]). + +html_channels([]) --> !. +html_channels([channel(URL, Video, Title)|Vs]) --> + { http_link_to_id(serve_video_frame, [url(Video),time(5)], Frame), + ( waiting_game(URL, _Game, Players) + -> length(Players, Count) + ; Count = 0, + Players = [] + ), + http_link_to_id(http_yaz_game, [url(URL)], Link) + }, + html(div(class(channel), + [ h4(Title), + div(class('thumb-container video'), + [ a(href(Link), + img([title(Title), src(Frame), alt(Title)])), + div(class(players), + \html_waiting_count(Count)) + ]) + ])), + html_channels(Vs). + +html_waiting_count(0) --> !. +html_waiting_count(1) --> !, + html([ 1, ' player waiting']). +html_waiting_count(N) --> !, + html([ N, ' players waiting']). + +waiting_game(URL, Game, Players) :- + rdf(Game, opmv:used, URL), + \+ rdf(Game, opmv:wasStartedAt, _), + !, + findall(P, active_player(Game, P, _, _), Players). + +html_new_game --> + html(form([div(class(inputline), + [div(class(label), title), + input([type(text), size(30), name(title)])]), + div(class(inputline), + [div(class(label), 'page URL'), + input([type(text), size(30), name(url)])]), + div(class(inputline), + [div(class(label), 'video source'), + input([type(text), size(30), name(video)])]), + div(class(inputline), + input([type(submit), value(play)])) + ])). + + +%% html_waiting_page(+Game, +URL, +User) +% +% Emit html page with a list of video channels. + +html_waiting_page(Game, URL, User) :- + display_label(URL, Title), + video_source(URL, Video), + http_link_to_id(serve_video_frame, [url(Video),time(5)], Frame), + findall({player:P,name:N}, active_player(Game, P, N, _), Players), + reply_html_page(yaz, + [ title(['YAZ tagging game - ', Title]) + ], + [ \html_requires(css('game.css')), + h2(Title), + div(id(waiting), + [ div([class('thumb-container'), id('video')], + img([title(Title), alt(Title), src(Frame)])), + div(id(players), + [ h4(class(message), ['Current players']) + ]) + ]), + div(id(options), + [ \html_creator_options(Game, User) + ]), + script(type('text/javascript'), + \html_waiting_yui(Game, Players, User)) + ]). + +html_creator_options(Game, User) --> + { user_process_creator(Game, User), + http_link_to_id(http_yaz_game, [game(Game)], Link) + }, + html(a(href(Link), 'start the game')). +html_creator_options(_, _) --> !. + +html_waiting_yui(Game, Players, User) --> + { http_location_by_id(http_waiting_data, DataServer), + http_link_to_id(http_yaz_game, [game(Game)], GameLink), + http_absolute_location(js('game/players.js'), GamePlayers, []), + setting(max_player_count, Max) + }, + js_yui3([{modules:{'game-players':{fullpath:GamePlayers}}}], + [node,'base','io-base','json-parse','querystring-stringify-simple', + 'game-players' + ], + [ \js_function_decl(fetchData, [], + \[ +' Y.io("',DataServer,'", {data:{game:"',Game,'",user:"',User,'"}, + on:{success:function(id,o) { + var result = Y.JSON.parse(o.responseText); + if(result.start) { window.location.href="',GameLink,'" } + else { gamePlayers.updatePlayers(result.players)} + }}})\n' + ]), + \js_new(gamePlayers, + 'Y.mazzle.GamePlayers'({container:'#players', + user:User, + players:Players, + maxNumberOfPlayers:Max, + emptyShow:symbol(true) + })), + %\js_call(fetchData) + \js_call('Y.later'(500, symbol('Y'), symbol(fetchData), {}, symbol(true))) + ]). + + +%% html_game_page(+Game, +URL, +User, +PlayHead, +Player, +Tags) +% +% Emit an html page with an active tagging game. + +html_game_page(Game, URL, User, PlayHead, Players, Tags) :- + display_label(URL, Title), + reply_html_page(yaz, + [ title(['YAZ tagging game - ', Title]) + ], + [ \html_requires(css('game.css')), + \html_page_containers(Title), + script(type('text/javascript'), + \html_page_yui(Game, URL, User, PlayHead, Players, Tags)) + ]). + +html_page_containers(Title) --> + html([ h2(Title), + div(id(main), + [ div(id(videoplayer), []), + div(class(input), + [ input([type(text), id(taginput)]), + div(id(suggest), []), + div([id(tags)], []) + ]) + ]), + div(id(players), []) + ]). + +html_page_yui(Game, URL, User, PlayHead, Players, Tags) --> + { http_absolute_location(js('videoplayer/'), FilePath, []), + http_absolute_location(js('videoplayer/videoplayer.js'), VideoPlayer, []), + http_absolute_location(js('game/input.js'), GameInput, []), + http_absolute_location(js('game/players.js'), GamePlayers, []), + http_location_by_id(http_game_data, DataServer), + setting(request_interval, RequestInterval), + video_source(URL, Video) + }, + html_requires(js('videoplayer/swfobject.js')), + js_yui3([{modules:{'game-players':{fullpath:GamePlayers}, + 'video-player':{fullpath:VideoPlayer}, + 'game-input':{fullpath:GameInput} + }} + ], + [node,event,widget,anim, + 'io-base','json-parse','querystring-stringify-simple', + 'video-player','game-input','game-players' + ], + [ \js_new(videoPlayer, + 'Y.mazzle.VideoPlayer'({filepath:FilePath, + src:Video, + width:640, + height:380, + controls:symbol(false), + autoplay:symbol(true), + start:PlayHead + })), + \js_new(gameInput, + 'Y.mazzle.GameInput'({input:'#taginput', + output:'#tags', + tags:Tags + })), + \js_new(gamePlayers, + 'Y.mazzle.GamePlayers'({container:'#players', + user:User, + players:Players + })), + \js_support_functions(Game, User, DataServer), + \js_call('Y.later'(RequestInterval, symbol('Y'), + symbol(fetchData), symbol({}), symbol(true))), + \js_call('videoPlayer.render'('#videoplayer')), + \js_input_method + ]). + +js_support_functions(Game, User, DataServer) --> + js_function_decl(fetchData, [tag], + \[ +' var data = {game:"',Game,'",user:"',User,'",playhead:videoPlayer.getTime()*1000}; + if(tag.label) {data.tag = tag.label} + if(tag.uri) {data.taguri = tag.uri} + Y.io("',DataServer,'", {data: data, + on: {success:handleResponse} + });\n' + ]), + + js_function_decl(handleResponse, [id, o], + \[ +' var data = Y.JSON.parse(o.responseText); + gamePlayers.updatePlayers(data.players); + gameInput.updateTags(data.tags);\n' + ]). + +js_input_method --> + { setting(ac, true) }, + !, + html(['gameInput.set("autoAddTag", false);\n', + \js_freebase_suggest + ]). +js_input_method --> + js_yui3_on(gameInput, enter, fetchData). + +js_freebase_suggest --> + html_requires('http://freebaselibs.com/static/suggest/1.2.1/suggest.min.css'), + html_requires(js('jquery/jquery-1.4.2.min.js')), + html_requires('http://freebaselibs.com/static/suggest/1.2.1/suggest.min.js'), + html(\[ +'$("#taginput").suggest({parent:"#suggest", + soft:true, + required:true, + nomatch:"", + status:["","","",""], + flyout:false})\n', +'.bind("fb-select", function(e, data) { + var tag = {label:data.name, uri:data.id}; + fetchData(tag); + gameInput.addTag(tag); +})\n', +'.bind("fb-required", function(e) { + if($("#taginput:focus").length>0) { + var tag = {label:$("#taginput").val()}; + $(".fbs-pane").css("display", "none"); + fetchData(tag); + gameInput.addTag(tag);} + });\n' + ]). + + + /******************************* + * game events * + *******************************/ + +%% create_game(+URL, +Player, -Game, +Options) +% +% Player starts a new game for Video. + +create_game(URL, Player, Game, _Options) :- + waiting_game(URL, Game, _), + !, + ( user_process_creator(Game, Player) + -> new_player_score(Game, Player) % just to make sure + ; join_game(Game, Player) + ). +create_game(URL, Player, Game, Options) :- + option(video(Video), Options, _), + option(title(Title), Options, _), + create_user_process([rdf:type=pprime:'Game', + opmv:used=URL + ], Game), + new_player_score(Game, Player), + add_video(URL, Video, Title, _), + debug(game, 'Game ~w created for ~w by ~w', [Game,Video,Player]). + +new_player_score(Game, Player) :- + ( player_score(Game, Player, _) + -> retractall(player_score(Game, Player, _)) + ; true + ), + assert(player_score(Game, Player, 0)). + +%% game_video_start(+Game, -URL, -PlayHead) is det +% +% True if PlayHead is the current time of the Video. The PlayHead +% is determined by the startTime of the game. If no startTime is +% defined the Game process is started. + +game_video_start(Game, URL, PlayHead) :- + rdf(Game, opmv:used, URL), + !, + setting(video_buffer_time, BufferTime), + ( rdf(Game, opmv:wasStartedAt, literal(type(_, XMLDateTime))) + -> parse_time(XMLDateTime, StartTime), + get_time(Time), + PlayHead is (Time - StartTime)+BufferTime + ; start_user_process(Game), + PlayHead = BufferTime + ). +game_video_start(_Game, '', 0). % for testing + +%% join_game(+Game, +Player) is det +% +% Asserts that Player has joined game. + +join_game(Game, Player) :- + ( user_process_joined(Game, Player) + -> set_active_process(Game) + ; join_user_process(Game), + debug(game, 'Game ~w joined by ~w', [Game, Player]), + new_player_score(Game, Player) + ). + +%% quit_game(+Game, +Player) +% +% Assert quit event. +% +% @TBD fix this!!! + +quit_game(Game, Player) :- + left_game(Game, Player), + !. +quit_game(Game, Player) :- + debug(game, 'Quit game ~w by ~w', [Game, Player]), + get_time(Time), + rdf_bnode(QuitEvent), + player_score(Game, Player, Score), + rdf_transaction(assert_quit_event(QuitEvent, Game, Player, Score, Time)), + retractall(player_score(Game, Player, Score)), + debug(game, 'Game quit with event ~w', [QuitEvent]). + +assert_quit_event(ID, Game, Player, Score, Time) :- + get_time(Time), + rdf_assert(ID, sem:subEventOf, Game, Game), + rdf_assert(ID, rdf:type, pprime:'QuitGame', Game), + rdf_assert(ID, sem:hasActor, Player, Game), + rdf_assert(ID, sem:timeStampedAt, literal(Time), Game), + rdf_assert(ID, pprime:finalScore, literal(Score), Game). + + +%% add_tag(+Game, +Player, +Tag, +TagURI, +PlayHeadTime) +% +% Asserts that User has entered a Tag. + +add_tag(Game, Player, TagLabel, TagURI, PlayHead) :- + rdf(Game, opmv:used, URL), + ( nonvar(TagURI) + -> Tag = TagURI + ; Tag = TagLabel + ), + create_video_annotation(URL, literal(Tag), PlayHead, Player, AnnotationId), + debug(game, 'Added tag ~w at time ~w by ~w (~w)', [Tag, PlayHead, Player, AnnotationId]). + +%% active_player(+Game, -Player, -Name, Score) +% +% Player is active in Game. + +active_player(Game, Player, Name, Score) :- + user_process_joined(Game, Player), + player_score(Game, Player, Score), % this would be retracted if the user has left the game + display_label(Player, Name). + +%% left_game(+Game, -Player) +% +% Player has stopped playing Game. + +left_game(Game, Player) :- + rdf(QuitEvent, rdf:type, pprime:'QuitGame', Game), + rdf(QuitEvent, sem:hasActor, Player, Game). + + +%% user_annotation(+Game, +User, +Interval, -Tag, -Time, -Type, +%% -Match, -Order) +% +% Tag is entered by User during Game. + +user_annotation(Game, User, Interval, Tag, Label, Time, Type, Match, Order) :- + rdf(Annotation, pprime:creator, User, Game), + rdf(Annotation, rdf:value, TagTerm), + rdf(Annotation, pprime:videoPlayhead, Time0), + literal_to_number(Time0, Time), + tag_type(TagTerm, Type, Tag, Label), + matching_type(Game, User, TagTerm, Time, Interval, Match, Order). + +tag_type(literal(Tag), literal, Tag, Tag) :- !. +tag_type(Tag, uri, Tag, Label) :- + rdf(Tag, rdfs:label, literal(Label)). + +%% user_matched_tag(+Game, +User, +PlayHead, +Interval, -Tag, +%% -Label, -Type, -Match, Order) +% +% Tag is entered by User during Game. + +user_matched_tag(Game, User, PlayHead, Interval, Tag, Label, Type, Match, Order) :- + rdf(Annotation, pprime:creator, User, Game), + rdf(Annotation, pprime:videoPlayhead, literal(Time0), Game), + literal_to_number(Time0, Time), + Time > PlayHead-Interval, + rdf(Annotation, rdf:value, TagTerm, Game), + tag_type(TagTerm, Type, Tag, Label), + matching_type(Game, User, TagTerm, Time, Interval, Match, Order), + Match \== @false. + +%% matching_type(+Game, +User, +Tag, +Time, +Interval, -MatchType, +%% -Order) +% +% Matchtype is one of [....] indicating how Tag can be matched. + +matching_type(Game, User, Tag, Time, Interval, MatchType, Order) :- + match_existing_tags(Game, User, Tag, Time, Interval, Matches), + ( Matches = [] + -> MatchType = @false, + Order = 0 + ; user_best_match(Matches, MatchType), + tag_order(Matches, 1, Order) + ). + +tag_order([], N, N). +tag_order([match(_, _, Diff, _)|_T], N, N) :- + Diff =< 0, !. +tag_order([_|T], N0, N) :- + N1 is N0+1, + tag_order(T, N1, N). + +%% tag_match(+Game, +User, +Tag, +Time, +Interval, -Player, +%% -Diff) +% +% Returns players that entered the same Tag within Interval of +% Time. + +tag_match(Game, User, Tag, PlayHead, Interval, Player, Diff, exact, Type) :- + matching_annotation(Game, Tag, Annotation, Type), + rdf(Annotation, pprime:videoPlayhead, literal(Time0), Game), + literal_to_number(Time0, Time), + Diff is PlayHead-Time, + Interval >= abs(Diff), + rdf(Annotation, pprime:creator, Player, Game), + User \== Player. + +matching_annotation(Game, Tag, Annotation, Type) :- + rdf(Annotation, rdf:value, Tag, Game), + ( Tag = literal(_) + -> Type = literal + ; Type = uri + ). +matching_annotation(Game, literal(Tag), Annotation, uri) :- !, + rdf(Annotation, rdf:value, TagURI, Game), + rdf(TagURI, rdfs:label, literal(exact(Tag),_)). +matching_annotation(Game, TagURI, Annotation, literal) :- + rdf(TagURI, rdfs:label, literal(Tag)), + rdf(Annotation, sem:involves, literal(exact(Tag),_), Game). + + +:- http_handler(yaz('gamedata'), http_game_data, []). + +%% http_game_data(+Request) +% +% Return JSON object with players in a game. + +http_game_data(Request) :- + http_parameters(Request, + [ game(Game, + [uri, description('URL of current Game')]), + user(User, + [uri, description('URL of current User')]), + playhead(Playhead, + [number, description('Current time of the video play head (in miliseconds)')]), + tag(Tag, + [optional(true), + description('Optionally a new tag can be added')]), + taguri(TagURI, + [optional(true), + description('Optionally the new tag can have a URI')]) + ]), + setting(match_interval, Interval), + ( nonvar(Tag) + -> add_tag(Game, User, Tag, TagURI, Playhead), + update_scores(Game, User, Tag, TagURI, Playhead, Interval) + ; true + ), + + PlayerObj = json([player=P, name=Name, score=Score]), + findall(PlayerObj, + active_player(Game, P, Name, Score), + Players), + + TagObj = json([tag=T, label=L, type=Type, match=Match, order=Order]), + findall(TagObj, + user_matched_tag(Game, User, Playhead, Interval, T, L, Type, Match, Order), + Tags), + + reply_json(json([user=User, players=Players, tags=Tags])). + + +%% update_scores(+Game, +User, +Tag, +TagURI, +Playhead, +Interval) +% +% Find matching tags within interval of PlayHead and update player +% scores. + +update_scores(Game, User, TagL, TagURI, Playhead, Interval) :- + ( nonvar(TagURI) + -> Tag = TagURI, + Type = uri + ; Tag = literal(TagL), + Type = literal + ), + match_existing_tags(Game, User, Tag, Playhead, Interval, Matches), + ( Matches = [] + -> true + ; length(Matches, C0), + Total is C0+1, + update_player_scores(Matches, 1, Total, Game), + user_best_match(Matches, Match), + tag_match_points(Match, Type, Total, 0, Total, Points), + update_player_score(Game, User, Points) + ). + +user_best_match(Matches, Match) :- + maplist(user_match, Matches, Pairs0), + keysort(Pairs0, Pairs1), + reverse(Pairs1, [_Points-Match|_]). + +user_match(match(Match,_,_,_), P-Match) :- + ( Match = generic + -> match_points(specific, P) + ; match_points(Match, P) + ). + +%% match_existing_tags(+Game, +User, +Tag, +Playhead, +Interval, +%% -Matches) +% +% Returns all matching tag within Interval of Playhead + +match_existing_tags(Game, User, Tag, Playhead, Interval, Matches) :- + findall(Diff-match(Match, Type, Diff, Player), + tag_match(Game, User, Tag, Playhead, Interval, Player, Diff, Match, Type), + Matches0), + keysort(Matches0, Matches1), + reverse(Matches1, Matches2), + pairs_values(Matches2, Matches). + +%% update_players_scores(+Matches, +EntryOrder, +TotalMatches, +%% +Game) +% +% Compute the scores for each player in Matches and update +% their score according to the type of Match. + +update_player_scores([], _, _, _). +update_player_scores([match(Match,Type,Diff,Player)|Ms], N, Count, Game) :- + N1 is N + 1, + tag_match_points(Match, Type, N, Diff, Count, Points), + update_player_score(Game, Player, Points), + update_player_scores(Ms, N1, Count, Game). + +update_player_score(Game, Player, Points) :- + player_score(Game, Player, OldScore), + retractall(player_score(Game, Player, OldScore)), + NewScore is OldScore+Points, + assert(player_score(Game, Player, NewScore)). + +tag_match_points(Match, Type, Order, _Diff, _Total, Points) :- + match_points(Match, MatchPoints), + type_points(Type, TypePoints), + Points0 is MatchPoints + TypePoints, + ( Order = 1 + -> Points is Points0*2 + ; Points = Points0 + ). + +match_points(exact, 50). +match_points(stem, 50). +match_points(specific, 100). +match_points(generic, 20). +match_points(related, 20). + +type_points(uri, 50). +type_points(literal, 0). + + +:- http_handler(yaz('waitingdata'), http_waiting_data, []). + +%% http_waiting_data(+Request) +% +% Return JSON object with waiting players in game. + +http_waiting_data(Request) :- + http_parameters(Request, + [ game(Game, + [uri, description('URL of current Game')]) + ]), + ( rdf(Game, opmv:wasStartedAt, _) + -> reply_json(json([start= @true])) + ; PlayerObj = json([player=P, name=N]), + findall(PlayerObj, active_player(Game, P, N, _), Players), + length(Players, Count), + setting(max_player_count, Max), + ( Count >= Max + -> reply_json(json([start= @true])) + ; reply_json(json([players=Players])) + ) + ). + + +%% assert_channel_info +% +% Store info of channel videos in RDF. + +assert_channel_info :- + rdf_transaction(( channel(URL, Video, Title, Duration), + add_video(URL, Video, Title, Duration), + fail + ; true + )). + +%% add_video(+URL, ?Video, ?Title, ?Duration) +% +% Store video properties in RDF. + +add_video(URL, Video, Title, Duration) :- + %rdf_retractall(URL, _, _), + cond_object_assert(URL, pprime:video, Video, video), + cond_object_assert(URL, dc:title, literal(Title), video), + cond_object_assert(URL, pprime:duration, literal(Duration), video). + +cond_object_assert(S,P,O,G) :- + ground(O), + !, + ( rdf(S,P,O) + -> true + ; rdf_assert(S,P,O,G) + ). +cond_object_assert(_,_,_,_). + + +:- assert_channel_info. diff --git a/applications/yaz_game_recap.pl b/applications/yaz_game_recap.pl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d37922e --- /dev/null +++ b/applications/yaz_game_recap.pl @@ -0,0 +1,342 @@ +:- module(yaz_game_recap, + [ ]). + +:- use_module(library(http/http_dispatch)). +:- use_module(library(http/http_parameters)). +:- use_module(library(http/http_path)). +:- use_module(library(http/html_write)). +:- use_module(library(http/html_head)). +:- use_module(library(http/http_json)). +:- use_module(library(http/js_write)). +:- use_module(library(http/json)). +:- use_module(library(http/json_convert)). +:- use_module(library(http/http_session)). +:- use_module(user(user_db)). +:- use_module(library(semweb/rdf_db)). +:- use_module(library(semweb/rdfs)). +:- use_module(library(semweb/rdf_label)). + +:- use_module(library(yaz_util)). +:- use_module(library(yui3)). +:- use_module(library(user_process)). +:- use_module(library(video_annotation)). + +:- use_module(components(label)). +:- use_module(components(yaz_page)). + +:- http_handler(yaz(gamerecap), http_yaz_game_recap, []). +:- http_handler(yaz('data/update'), http_yaz_api_update_tags, []). +:- http_handler(yaz('data/provenance'), http_yaz_api_provenance, []). + +%% http_yaz_game_recap(+Request) +% +% Emit the a video player with a tag carousel running along side +% of it. + +http_yaz_game_recap(Request) :- + ensure_logged_on(_), + http_parameters(Request, + [ video(Video, + [description('Current video')]), + process(Process, + [optional(true), desription('When set only annotations within this process are shown')]), + user(User, + [optional(true), description('When set only annotations created by this user are shown')]), + interval(Interval, + [default(0), number, + description('When set one entry per tag is returned in interval (in milliseconds)')]), + confirmed(Confirmed, + [boolean, default(false), + description('When true only tags that are entered by >1 user are shown')]), + limit(Limit, + [default(1000), number, + description('limit number of tags shown')]), + start(StartTime, + [default(0),description('Start time of the video')]) + ]), + Options = [process(Process), + user(User), + interval(Interval), + confirmed(Confirmed) + ], + create_user_process([rdf:type=pprime:'GameRecap', + opmv:used=Video + ], _Process), + video_annotations(Video, Annotations0, Options), + sort_by_arg(Annotations0, 2, Annotations1), + list_limit(Annotations1, Limit, Annotations, _), + html_video_page(Video, Annotations, StartTime, Options). + + +%% html_video_page(+Video, +Annotations, +StartTime, +Options) +% +% Emit an HTML page with a video player and a tag carousel. + +html_video_page(Video, Annotations, StartTime, Options) :- + reply_html_page(yaz, + [ title(['YAZ - ', Video]) + ], + [ \html_requires(css('player.css')), + div(class('video-results'), + \html_video_page_containers(Video, Options)), + script(type('text/javascript'), + \html_video_page_yui(Video, Annotations, StartTime, Options)) + ]). + +html_video_page_containers(Video, _Options) --> + { display_label(Video, Title) + }, + html([ h2(Title), + div(id(video), + [ div(id(tagplayer), []), + div(id(videoplayer), []) + ]), + div(style('float:left;width:50%'), + [ h4(['Pending actions ', + input([id(submitChanges), type(submit), value(submit)]) + ]), + div(id(changehistory), []) + ]), + div(style('float:left;width:50%'), + [ h4(['Provenance']), + div(id(provenance), []) + ]) + ]). + +:- json_object + i(uri:atom, time:number), + uri(value:uri) + [type=uri], + literal(lang:atom, value:_) + [type=literal], + literal(type:atom, value:_) + [type=literal], + literal(value:atom) + [type=literal], + annotation(tag:_, startTime:number, endTime:number, annotations:list). + +html_video_page_yui(Video, Annotations, StartTime, _Options) --> + { video_source(Video, Src), + http_absolute_location(js('videoplayer/'), FilePath, []), + http_absolute_location(js('videoplayer/videoplayer.js'), VideoPlayer, []), + http_absolute_location(js('tagcarousel/tagcarousel.js'), TagCarousel, []), + http_absolute_location(js('changehistory/changehistory.js'), ChangeHistory, []), + prolog_to_json(Annotations, JSONTags) + }, + html_requires(js('videoplayer/swfobject.js')), + js_yui3([{modules:{'video-player':{fullpath:VideoPlayer}, + 'tag-carousel':{fullpath:TagCarousel}, + 'change-history':{fullpath:ChangeHistory} + }} + ], + [node,event,widget,anim, + 'querystring-stringify-simple','io','json', + 'video-player','tag-carousel','change-history' + ], + [ \js_new(videoPlayer, + 'Y.mazzle.VideoPlayer'({filepath:FilePath, + src:Src, + width:640, + height:480, + autoplay:symbol(false), + controls:symbol(true), + start:StartTime + })), + \js_new(tagCarousel, + 'Y.mazzle.TagCarousel'({tags:JSONTags, + height:480, + width:200, + edit:true, + remove:true + })), + \js_new(changeHistory, + 'Y.mazzle.ChangeHistory'({height:200, + width:300 + })), + 'var oldTime;\n', + \js_call('videoPlayer.render'('#videoplayer')), + \js_call('tagCarousel.render'('#tagplayer')), + \js_call('changeHistory.render'('#changehistory')), + \js_yui3_on(videoPlayer, timeChange, \js_video_time_change), + \js_yui3_on(tagCarousel, itemSelect, \js_tag_select), + \js_yui3_on(tagCarousel, itemSelect, \js_fetch_provenance), + \js_yui3_event(tagCarousel, 'on', itemUpdate, 'changeHistory.addActionHandler', changeHistory), + \js_yui3_event(changeHistory, 'on', undo, 'tagCarousel.undo', tagCarousel), + \js_yui3_on('Y.one("#submitChanges")', click, \js_submit_changes(Video)) + ]). + +js_tag_select --> + js_function([e], + \[ +' if(e.tag.startTime) + { var time = (e.tag.startTime/1000)-2; + videoPlayer.setTime(time, true); + }\n' + ]). + +js_video_time_change --> + js_function([e], + \[ +' var time = Math.round(e.time); + if(time!==oldTime) { + oldTime = time; + tagCarousel.focusTime(Math.round(e.time)+1); + }\n' + ]). + +js_submit_changes(Video) --> + { http_location_by_id(http_yaz_api_update_tags, TagUpdateServer) + }, + js_function([e], + [ +' var actions = Y.JSON.stringify(changeHistory.getActiveActions());\n', + \js_call('Y.io'(TagUpdateServer, {method:'POST', + data:{video:Video, + action:symbol(actions)}, + on:{success:symbol('changeHistory.disableAll')}, + context:symbol(changeHistory) + })) + ]). + +js_fetch_provenance --> + { http_location_by_id(http_yaz_api_provenance, ProvenanceServer) + }, + js_function([e], + \[ +' var uris = [], + as = e.tag.annotations; + for(var i=0;i<as.length;i++) { + uris.push(as[i].uri); + }\n', +' Y.io("',ProvenanceServer,'", {data:{annotation:uris}, + on:{success: function(id,o) { + Y.one("#provenance").setContent(o.responseText); + } + } + })\n' + ]). + + + +%% http_yaz_api_update_tags(+Request) +% +% Handler for POST submission of tag modifications. + +http_yaz_api_update_tags(Request) :- + ensure_logged_on(_), + http_parameters(Request, + [ video(Video, + [description('URL of video')]), + action(Actions, + [jsonaction,description('Array of tag updates')]) + + ]), + debug(yaz(update), '~w', Actions), + process_actions(Actions, Video), + reply_json(json([success='updates saved', + video=Video + ])). + +http:convert_parameter(jsonaction, Atom, Term) :- + atom_json_term(Atom, JSON, []), + json_to_prolog(JSON, Term). + +:- json_object + edit(annotation:_, newvalue:atom) + [type=edit], + remove(annotation:_) + [type=remove]. + +%% process_actions(+Actions, +Video) +% +% Update the DB according to Actions. + +process_actions([], _). +process_actions([Action|As], Video) :- + action_term(Action, Type, Tag, Annotations0, NewValue), + maplist(annotation_uri, Annotations0, Annotations), + debug(yaz(update), '~W annotation entries for tag ~w', [Type, Tag]), + ( Type = remove + -> maplist(remove_video_annotation(Video), Annotations) + ; Type = edit + -> change_annotations(Annotations, NewValue) + ), + process_actions(As, Video). + +annotation_uri(json([uri=URI|_]), URI). +annotation_uri(i(URI, _Time), URI). + +action_term(remove(Annotation), remove, Tag, Annotations, _) :- + Annotation = annotation(Tag, _, _, Annotations). +action_term(edit(Annotation, New), edit, Tag, Annotations, New) :- + Annotation = annotation(Tag, _, _, Annotations). + +change_annotations([], _). +change_annotations([Annotation|As], NewValue) :- + update_annotation_value(Annotation, NewValue), + change_annotations(As, NewValue). + + +%% http_yaz_api_provenance(+Request) +% +% Handler for POST submission of tag modifications. + +http_yaz_api_provenance(Request) :- + http_parameters(Request, + [ annotation(Annotations, + [zero_or_more, + description('URI of an annotation object')]) + + ]), + Annotations = [Annotation], + annotation_provenance(Annotation, Provenance), + html_current_option(content_type(Type)), + phrase(html(table(tbody([\table_head, + \html_provenance(Provenance) + ]) + )), HTML), + format('Content-type: ~w~n~n', [Type]), + print_html(HTML). + +table_head --> + html(tr([th(time), + th(user), + th(action), + th(value), + th(playhead) + ])). + +html_provenance([]) --> !. +html_provenance([action(_,Time,User,_,Action)|T]) --> + html_provenance_action(Action,Time,User), + html_provenance(T). + +html_provenance_action(added(_, _, Value, PlayHead), Time, User) --> + html(tr([ td(\html_time(Time)), + td(\html_user(User)), + td(added), + td(Value), + td(PlayHead) + ])). +html_provenance_action(removed(_, _), Time, User) --> + html(tr([ td(\html_time(Time)), + td(\html_user(User)), + td(removed), + td([]) + ])). +html_provenance_action(valueChange(_, Value), Time, User) --> + html(tr([ td(\html_time(Time)), + td(\html_user(User)), + td(changed), + td(Value), + td([]) + ])). +html_provenance_action(timeChange(_, PlayHead), Time, User) --> + html(tr([ td(\html_time(Time)), + td(\html_user(User)), + td(changed), + td([]), + td(PlayHead) + ])). + +html_time(TimeStamp) --> + { format_time(atom(Formatted), '%Y-%m-%d %T', TimeStamp) }, + html(Formatted). +html_user(UserURL) --> + { display_label(UserURL, Name) + }, + html(Name). diff --git a/applications/yaz_player.pl b/applications/yaz_player.pl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d2658f7 --- /dev/null +++ b/applications/yaz_player.pl @@ -0,0 +1,154 @@ +:- module(yaz_player, + [ http_yaz_player/1 + ]). + +:- use_module(library(http/http_dispatch)). +:- use_module(library(http/http_parameters)). +:- use_module(library(http/http_path)). +:- use_module(library(http/html_write)). +:- use_module(library(http/html_head)). +:- use_module(library(http/http_json)). +:- use_module(library(http/js_write)). +:- use_module(library(http/json)). +:- use_module(library(http/json_convert)). +:- use_module(library(http/http_session)). +:- use_module(user(user_db)). +:- use_module(library(semweb/rdf_db)). +:- use_module(library(semweb/rdfs)). +:- use_module(library(semweb/rdf_label)). + +:- use_module(library(yaz_util)). +:- use_module(library(yui3)). +:- use_module(library(video_annotation)). + +:- use_module(components(label)). +:- use_module(components(yaz_page)). + +:- http_handler(yaz(player), http_yaz_player, []). + + +%% http_yaz_player(+Request) +% +% Emit the a video player with a tag carousel running along side +% of it. + +http_yaz_player(Request) :- + http_parameters(Request, + [ video(Video, + [description('Current video')]), + process(Process, + [optional(true), desription('When set only annotations within this process are shown')]), + user(User, + [optional(true), description('When set only annotations from this user are shown')]), + interval(Interval, + [default(10000), number, + description('When set one entry per tag is returned in interval (in milliseconds)')]), + confirmed(Confirmed, + [boolean, default(false), + description('When true only tags that are entered by >1 user are shown')]), + limit(Limit, + [default(1000), number, + description('limit number of tags shown')]), + start(StartTime, + [default(0),description('Start time of the video')]) + ]), + Options = [process(Process), + user(User), + interval(Interval), + confirmed(Confirmed) + ], + video_annotations(Video, Annotations0, Options), + sort_by_arg(Annotations0, 2, Annotations1), + list_limit(Annotations1, Limit, Annotations, _), + html_video_page(Video, Annotations, StartTime, Options). + + +%% html_video_page(+Video, +Annotations, +StartTime, +Options) +% +% Emit an HTML page with a video player and a tag carousel. + +html_video_page(Video, Annotations, StartTime, Options) :- + reply_html_page(yaz, + [ title(['YAZ - ', Video]) + ], + [ \html_requires(css('player.css')), + div(class('video-results'), + \html_video_page_containers(Video, Options)), + script(type('text/javascript'), + \html_video_page_yui(Video, Annotations, StartTime, Options)) + ]). + +html_video_page_containers(Video, _Options) --> + { display_label(Video, Title), + http_link_to_id(http_yaz_tag_garden, [video(Video)], Link) + }, + html([ h2(Title), + a(href(Link), 'Garden this video'), + div([id(video)], + [ div(id(videoplayer), []), + div(id(tagplayer), []) + ]) + ]). + +:- json_object + i(uri:atom, time:number), + uri(value:uri) + [type=uri], + literal(lang:atom, value:_) + [type=literal], + literal(type:atom, value:_) + [type=literal], + literal(value:atom) + [type=literal], + annotation(tag:_, startTime:number, endTime:number, annotations:list). + +html_video_page_yui(Video, Annotations, StartTime, _Options) --> + { video_source(Video, Src), + http_absolute_location(js('videoplayer/'), FilePath, []), + http_absolute_location(js('videoplayer/videoplayer.js'), VideoPlayer, []), + http_absolute_location(js('tagcarousel/tagcarousel.js'), TagCarousel, []), + prolog_to_json(Annotations, JSONTags) + }, + html_requires(js('videoplayer/swfobject.js')), + js_yui3([{modules:{'video-player':{fullpath:VideoPlayer}, + 'tag-carousel':{fullpath:TagCarousel} + }} + ], + [node,event,widget,anim, + 'video-player','tag-carousel' + ], + [ \js_new(videoPlayer, + 'Y.mazzle.VideoPlayer'({filepath:FilePath, + src:Src, + width:640, + height:480, + autoplay:symbol(false), + controls:symbol(true), + start:StartTime + })), + \js_new(tagPlayer, + 'Y.mazzle.TagCarousel'({tags:JSONTags, + height:480, + width:200 + })), + 'var oldTime;\n', + \js_call('videoPlayer.render'('#videoplayer')), + \js_call('tagPlayer.render'('#tagplayer')), + \js_yui3_on(videoPlayer, timeChange, \js_video_time_change), + \js_yui3_on(tagPlayer, itemSelect, \js_tag_select) + ]). + +js_tag_select --> + js_function([e], + \[ +' if(e.tag.startTime) + { var time = (e.tag.startTime/1000)-2; + videoPlayer.setTime(time, true); + }\n' + ]). + +js_video_time_change --> + js_function([e], + \[ +' var time = Math.round(e.time); + if(time!==oldTime) { + oldTime = time; + tagPlayer.focusTime(Math.round(e.time)+1); + }\n' + ]). diff --git a/applications/yaz_tag_garden.pl b/applications/yaz_tag_garden.pl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b1c97b7 --- /dev/null +++ b/applications/yaz_tag_garden.pl @@ -0,0 +1,341 @@ +:- module(yaz_tag_garden, + [ http_yaz_tag_garden/1 + ]). + +:- use_module(library(http/http_dispatch)). +:- use_module(library(http/http_parameters)). +:- use_module(library(http/http_path)). +:- use_module(library(http/html_write)). +:- use_module(library(http/html_head)). +:- use_module(library(http/http_json)). +:- use_module(library(http/js_write)). +:- use_module(library(http/json)). +:- use_module(library(http/json_convert)). +:- use_module(library(http/http_session)). +:- use_module(user(user_db)). +:- use_module(library(semweb/rdf_db)). +:- use_module(library(semweb/rdfs)). +:- use_module(library(semweb/rdf_label)). + +:- use_module(library(yaz_util)). +:- use_module(library(yui3)). +:- use_module(library(user_process)). +:- use_module(library(video_annotation)). +:- use_module(library(tag_match)). +%:- use_module(library(reconcile)). + +:- use_module(components(label)). +:- use_module(components(yaz_page)). + +:- use_module(api(video_frames)). + +:- setting(reconcile_server, atom, + 'http://standard-reconcile.freebaseapps.com/reconcile', + 'URL of a reconcile server, use "local" for built-in service of this server'). + +:- http_handler(yaz(taggarden), http_yaz_tag_garden, []). +:- http_handler(yaz('data/frames'), http_data_frames, []). + +http_yaz_tag_garden(Request) :- + ensure_logged_on(_), + http_parameters(Request, + [ video(Video, + [description('Current video')]), + limit(_Limit, + [default(1000), number, + description('limit number of tags shown')]) + ]), + create_user_process([rdf:type=pprime:'TagGarden', + opmv:used=Video + ], _Process), + findall(Tag, video_tag(Video, literal(Tag)), Tags0), + sort(Tags0, Tags), + concept_candidates(Tags, Pairs), + tag_clusters(Pairs, TagClusters), + maplist(cluster_annotation(Video), TagClusters, Annotations0), + sort_by_arg(Annotations0, 2, Annotations1), + reverse(Annotations1, Annotations), + html_garden_page(Video, Annotations, []). + +cluster_annotation(Video, Tags, annotation(Ts, Count)) :- + findall(literal(Tag), (member(Tag-_, Tags), + video_tag(Video, literal(Tag)) + ), + Ts0), + sort(Ts0, Ts), + length(Ts0, Count). + +concept_candidates([], []). +concept_candidates([Tag|Ts], [Tag-Cs|Rest]) :- + findall(C, find_tag_concept(Tag, C, _), Cs), + concept_candidates(Ts, Rest). + + +tag_clusters([], []). +tag_clusters([Tag|T0], [[Tag|Tags]|T]) :- + similar_tags(T0, Tag, Tags0, Rest0), + extend_cluster(Tags0, Rest0, Tags, Rest), + tag_clusters(Rest, T). + +similar_tags([], _, [], []). +similar_tags([Tag|T], Tag0, [Tag|Tags], Rest) :- + my_tag_match(Tag, Tag0), + !, + similar_tags(T, Tag0, Tags, Rest). +similar_tags([Tag|T], Tag0, Tags, [Tag|Rest]) :- + similar_tags(T, Tag0, Tags, Rest). + +extend_cluster([], Rest, [], Rest). +extend_cluster([Tag|Ts], Tags, Extend, Rest) :- + append(Extend0, [Tag|Extend1], Extend), + similar_tags(Tags, Tag, Extend0, Rest0), + extend_cluster(Ts, Rest0, Extend1, Rest). + +my_tag_match(T1-_, T2-_) :- + snowball(english, T1, T), + snowball(english, T2, T). +my_tag_match(_T1-Cs1, _T2-Cs2) :- + member(C, Cs1), + member(C, Cs2). + % tag_match:tag_concept_match(C1, C2, _). + + + + +%% http_data_frames(+Request) +% +% Emit a JSON object with all frames for a given tag and video. + +http_data_frames(Request) :- + http_parameters(Request, + [ video(Video, + [description('Current video')]), + process(Process, + [optional(true), desription('When set only annotations within this process are shown')]), + user(User, + [optional(true), description('When set only annotations created by this user are shown')]), + limit(_Limit, + [default(1000), number, + description('limit number of tags shown')]), + tag(Tags, + [jsonresource, description('Tag assinged to the video')]) + ]), + Options = [process(Process), + user(User) + ], + Obj = Time-json([tag=Label, entry=Id, time=Time]), + findall(Obj, (member(T,Tags), + tag_term_label(T,_,Label), + video_annotation(Video, Id, T, Time, Options)), TagEntries0), + keysort(TagEntries0, TagEntries), + pairs_values(TagEntries, Fragments), + reply_json(json([fragments=Fragments])). + + + /******************************* + * HTML * + *******************************/ + +%% html_garden_page(+Video, +Annotations, +Options) +% +% Emit an HTML page for tag gardening. + +html_garden_page(Video, Annotations, Options) :- + reply_html_page(yaz, + [ title(['YAZ - ', Video]) + ], + [ \html_requires(css('garden.css')), + div(class('yui3-skin-sam'), + \html_page_layout(Video)), + script(type('text/javascript'), + \html_page_yui(Video, Annotations, Options)) + ]). + +html_page_layout(Video) --> + { display_label(Video, Title) + }, + html([ h2(Title), + div(id(tags), + [ %h4('Tags'), + div(id(taglist), []) + ]), + div(id(main), + [ div([id(concepts), class(hidden)], + [ div(id(tagReconcile), []) + ]), + %h4('Fragments'), + div(id(frames), []) + ]), + div([id(suggest), class(hidden)], + [ input([type(text), id(taginput)]), + div(id(suggestResults), []) + ]) + ]). + + /******************************* + * JS * + *******************************/ + +:- json_object + i(uri:atom, time:number), + uri(value:uri) + [type=uri], + literal(lang:atom, value:_) + [type=literal], + literal(type:atom, value:_) + [type=literal], + literal(value:atom) + [type=literal], + annotation(tag:_, count:number). + +%% html_page_yui(+Video, +Annotations, +Options) +% +% Emit JavaScript for the tag gardening page. + +html_page_yui(Video, Annotations, _Options) --> + { video_source(Video, Src, Duration), + http_absolute_location(js('videoplayer/'), PlayerPath, []), + http_absolute_location(js('videoplayer/videoplayer.js'), VideoPlayer, []), + http_absolute_location(js('tagcarousel/tagcarousel.js'), TagCarousel, []), + http_absolute_location(js('videoframes/videoframes.js'), VideoFrames, []), + http_absolute_location(js('timeline/timeline.js'), Timeline, []), + http_location_by_id(serve_video_frame, FrameServer), + http_location_by_id(http_data_frames, DataServer), + ( setting(reconcile_server, local) + -> http_location_by_id(http_reconcile, ReconcileServer) + ; setting(reconcile_server, ReconcileServer) + ), + prolog_to_json(Annotations, JSONTags) + }, + html_requires(js('videoplayer/swfobject.js')), + js_yui3([{modules:{'video-player':{fullpath:VideoPlayer}, + 'tag-carousel':{fullpath:TagCarousel}, + 'video-frames':{fullpath:VideoFrames}, + 'timeline':{fullpath:Timeline} + }} + ], + [node,event,widget,anim,slider,'align-plugin', + 'querystring-stringify-simple','io','jsonp','json', + 'video-player','tag-carousel','timeline', + 'video-frames' + ], + [\js_new(tagList, + 'Y.mazzle.TagCarousel'({topIndent:symbol(false), + tags:JSONTags, + height:500, + width:200, + edit:true, + suggest:symbol('Y.one("#suggest")') + })), + \js_new(videoFrames, + 'Y.mazzle.VideoFrames'({frameServer:FrameServer, + dataServer:DataServer, + video:Src, + duration:Duration, + playerPath:PlayerPath + })), + 'Y.one("#suggest").plug(Y.Plugin.Align);\n', + \js_call('tagList.render'('#taglist')), + \js_call('videoFrames.render'('#frames')), + \js_yui3_on(tagList, itemSelect, \js_tag_select(Video)), + \js_yui3_on(videoFrames, confirmSelect, \js_confirm_select), + %\js_call('videoFrames.fetchData'), + \js_freebase_suggest + ]). + + +js_tag_select(Video) --> + js_function([e], + [ ' var tag = Y.JSON.stringify(e.tag.tag); + videoFrames.set("confirm", true); + videoFrames.fetchData({video:"',Video,'", tag:tag});\n' + ]). + +js_concept_select --> + js_function([e], + [ 'videoFrames.set("concept", e.concept);\n' + ]). + +js_confirm_select --> + { http_location_by_id(http_confirm_fragment, Path) + }, + js_function([e], + [ 'var f = e.frame; + var tag = e.concept ? e.concept.name : f.tag; + var uri = e.concept ? e.concept.id : null;\n', + \js_call('Y.io'(Path, + {data: {type:symbol('e.type'), + video:symbol('f.video'), + starttime:symbol('f.time'), + tag:symbol(tag), + uri:symbol(uri)} + })) + ]). + +js_freebase_suggest --> + html_requires('http://freebaselibs.com/static/suggest/1.2.1/suggest.min.css'), + html_requires(js('jquery/jquery-1.4.2.min.js')), + html_requires('http://freebaselibs.com/static/suggest/1.2.1/suggest.min.js'), + html(\[ +'$("#taginput").suggest({parent:"#suggestResults", + soft:true, + required:true, + flyout:true})\n' + ]). + + +:- http_handler(yaz(confirm), http_confirm_fragment, []). + +%% http_confirm_fragment(+Request) +% +% Handler for confirmation of video fragment + +http_confirm_fragment(Request) :- + http_in_session(SessionID), + logged_on(User, SessionID), + http_parameters(Request, + [ video(Video, + [description('URL of video')]), + starttime(StartTime, + [number, description('StartTime of fragment')]), + endtime(EndTime, + [number, optional(true), description('EndTime of fragment')]), + type(RoleType, + [optional(true), description('Role of the tag')]), + tag(Tag, + [description('Tag being confirmed')]), + uri(URI, + [optional(true), description('URI of confirmed concept')]) + ]), + ( var(EndTime0) + -> EndTime is StartTime + 10000 + ; EndTime = EndTime0 + ), + rdf_transaction(assert_confirm_event(Video, StartTime, EndTime, Tag, URI, RoleType, User)), + reply_json(json([success='confirmation saved', + user=User, + video=Video, + starttime=StartTime, + endtime=EndTime, + tag=Tag, + uri=URI + ])). + +assert_confirm_event(Video, StartTime, EndTime, Tag, URI, RoleType, User) :- + rdf_bnode(CE), + rdf_assert(CE, rdf:type, pprime:'ConfirmEvent', User), + rdf_assert(CE, sem:involves, Video, User), + rdf_assert(CE, sem:hasActor, User, User), + + rdf_bnode(FA), + rdf_assert(FA, rdf:type, pprime:'FragmentAnnotation', User), + rdf_assert(FA, sem:subEventOf, CE, User), + rdf_assert(FA, sem:hasBeginTimeStamp, literal(StartTime), User), + rdf_assert(FA, sem:hasEndTimeStamp, literal(EndTime), User), + rdf_assert(FA, sem:involves, literal(Tag), User), + ( var(URI); URI==null + -> URI = null + ; rdf_assert(FA, sem:involves, URI, User) + ), + ( var(Type) + -> Type = null + ; rdf_assert(FA, pprime:role, RoleType, User) + ). + + diff --git a/applications/yaz_tags.pl b/applications/yaz_tags.pl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..fc15243 --- /dev/null +++ b/applications/yaz_tags.pl @@ -0,0 +1,95 @@ +:- module(yaz_tags, + [ http_yaz_tags/1 + ]). + +:- use_module(library(http/http_dispatch)). +:- use_module(library(http/http_parameters)). +:- use_module(library(http/html_write)). +:- use_module(library(http/http_host)). +:- use_module(library(http/http_path)). +:- use_module(library(http/html_head)). +:- use_module(library(semweb/rdf_db)). +:- use_module(user(user_db)). + +:- use_module(library(yaz_util)). +:- use_module(library(video_annotation)). + +:- use_module(components(yaz_page)). +:- use_module(components(paginator)). + +:- http_handler(yaz(tags), http_yaz_tags, []). + +%% http_tags(+Request) +% +% Emit all tags a user has added. + +http_yaz_tags(Request) :- + http_parameters(Request, + [ user(User, + [optional(true), description('Current user id')]), + offset(Offset, + [default(0), integer, description('Offset of the result list')]), + limit(Limit, + [default(100), integer, description('Limit on the number of results')]) + ]), + findall(Value-Annotation, + user_tag(User, Annotation, Value), + Pairs0), + keysort(Pairs0, Pairs), + group_pairs_by_key(Pairs, Groups), + length(Groups, NumberOfResults), + pairs_sort_by_value_count(Groups, CountTags), + list_offset(CountTags, Offset, OffsetResults), + list_limit(OffsetResults, Limit, LimitResults, _), + delete_nonground([user(User)], Options), + html_tags_page(LimitResults, NumberOfResults, Offset, Limit, Options). + +user_tag(User, Annotation, Value) :- + nonvar(User), + !, + rdf(Annotation, pprime:creator, User), + annotation_value(Annotation, Value). +user_tag(_User, Annotation, Value) :- + annotation_value(Annotation, Value). + +%% html_tags_page(+Results, +NumberOfResults, +Offset, +Limit, +%% +User) +% +% Emit html page with a list of tags. + +html_tags_page(Results, NumberOfResults, Offset, Limit, Options) :- + reply_html_page(yaz, + [ title(['YAZ - ', tags]) + ], + [\html_requires(css('tags.css')), + div(class('topic tag-results'), + [ div(class(header), + h2([ 'You added ', \tag_count(NumberOfResults)])), + div(class(body), + ul(class('tag-list'), + \html_tag_list(Results, Options))), + div(class(footer), + div(class(paginator), + \html_paginator(NumberOfResults, Offset, Limit))) + ]) + ]). + +tag_count(1) --> + html('1 tag '). +tag_count(N) --> + html([N, ' tags ']). + +%% html_tag_list(+Tags:tag-tag_entries, +Options) +% +% Emit an html list with tags. + +html_tag_list([], _) --> !. +html_tag_list([Count-Tag|T], Options) --> + { tag_term_label(Tag, Term, Label), + http_link_to_id(http_yaz_videos, [tag(Term)|Options], Link) + }, + html(li([a(href(Link), Label), ' (', Count, ')'])), + html_tag_list(T, Options). + + + diff --git a/applications/yaz_user.pl b/applications/yaz_user.pl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7d904c2 --- /dev/null +++ b/applications/yaz_user.pl @@ -0,0 +1,211 @@ +:- module(yaz_user, + [http_yaz_home/1, + http_yaz_user/1, + html_tag_cloud//2 + ]). + +:- use_module(library(http/http_dispatch)). +:- use_module(library(http/http_parameters)). +:- use_module(library(http/html_write)). +:- use_module(library(http/html_head)). +:- use_module(library(semweb/rdf_db)). +:- use_module(user(user_db)). + +:- use_module(library(yaz_util)). +:- use_module(library(video_annotation)). + +:- use_module(components(yaz_page)). + +:- use_module(applications(yaz_videos)). +:- use_module(applications(yaz_tags)). + +:- http_handler(yaz(.), http_yaz_home, []). +:- http_handler(yaz(user), http_yaz_user, []). % to user home page + +%% http_yaz_home(+Request) +% +% Emit yaz homepage, including videos, tags and ranks. +% Show User specific info when logged on. + +http_yaz_home(_Request) :- + logged_on(User0, _), + ( nonvar(User0) + -> user_property(User0, url(User)), + Options = [user(User)] + ; Options = [] + ), + user_videos(User, Videos), + list_limit(Videos, 5, RecentProcesses, _), + group_pairs_by_key(Videos, GroupedProcesses), + list_limit(GroupedProcesses, 5, RecentVideos, _), + popular_tags(User, 100, Tags), + html_home_page(RecentProcesses, RecentVideos, Tags, Options). + +%% user_videos(?User, +Limit, -RecentVideos) +% +% Returns a list Videos that have been annotated, sorted by Time. +% +% Params: +% * User +% When defined Videos are limited to annotated by this User. + +user_videos(User, SortedVideos) :- + findall(Time-(Video-process(Process, Time, [])), + annotation_process(User, Video, Process, Time), + Pairs0), + keysort(Pairs0, Pairs1), + reverse(Pairs1, Pairs), + pairs_values(Pairs, SortedVideos). + +%% popular_tags(?User, +Limit, -AnnotationsByTag) +% +% Returns a list with the most popular tags, Tag-[Annotations] +% +% Param +% * User +% when defined limited to the tags added by User. + +popular_tags(User, Limit, PopularTags) :- + findall(Value-Annotation, + user_tag(User, Annotation, Value), + Pairs0), + keysort(Pairs0, Pairs), + group_pairs_by_key(Pairs, Groups), + pairs_sort_by_value_count(Groups, Tags), + list_limit(Tags, Limit, PopularTags, _). + +user_tag(User, Annotation, Value) :- + nonvar(User), + !, + rdf(Annotation, pprime:creator, User), + annotation_value(Annotation, Value). +user_tag(_User, Annotation, Value) :- + annotation_value(Annotation, Value). + + +%% http_yaz_user(+Request) +% +% Same as http_yaz_home, but ensure user to be logged on. + +http_yaz_user(Request) :- + ensure_logged_on(_User), + http_yaz_home(Request). + + +%% html_home_page(+Processes, +Videos, +Tags, Options) +% +% Emit home page for User. + +html_home_page(Processes, Videos, Tags, Options) :- + reply_html_page(yaz, + [ title(['YAZ - ', + \page_title(Options)]) + ], + [ \html_requires(css('user.css')), + div([id(processes), class(topic)], + \html_process_stream(Processes, Options)), + div([id(videos), class(topic)], + \html_video_stream(Videos, Options)), + div([id(tags), class(topic)], + \html_tag_stream(Tags, Options)) + ]). + +page_title(Options) --> + { option(user(User), Options) + }, + html([User, '\'s annotation zone']). +page_title(_Options) --> + html(['annotation zone']). + + +html_process_stream(Processes, Options) --> + { http_link_to_id(http_yaz_videos, Options, Link) + }, + html([ div(class(header), + h2(a(href(Link), \process_stream_header(Options)))), + div(class(body), + ul(class('thumb-list'), + \html_process_list(Processes, Options))) + ]). + +html_process_list([], _) --> !. +html_process_list([Video-ProcessObj|Vs], Options) --> + { ProcessObj = process(Process, _, _) + }, + html(li(class('video'), + \html_video_item(Video, [ProcessObj], + [process(Process)|Options]))), + html_process_list(Vs, Options). + +process_stream_header(Options) --> + { option(user(_User), Options) + }, + html('Your recent activity'). +process_stream_header(_Options) --> + html('Recent activity'). + + +html_video_stream(Videos, Options) --> + { http_link_to_id(http_yaz_videos, Options, Link) + }, + html([ div(class(header), + h2(a(href(Link), \video_stream_header(Options)))), + div(class(body), + ul(class('thumb-list'), + \html_video_list(Videos, Options))) + ]). + +video_stream_header(Options) --> + { option(user(_User), Options) + }, + html('Your recently tagged videos'). +video_stream_header(_Options) --> + html('Recently tagged videos'). + + +html_tag_stream(TopNTags, Options) --> + { http_link_to_id(http_yaz_tags, Options, Link) + }, + html([ div(class(header), + h2(a(href(Link), \tag_stream_header(Options)))), + div(class(body), + p(class('tag-cloud'), + \html_tag_cloud(TopNTags, Options))) + ]). +tag_stream_header(Options) --> + { option(user(_User), Options) + }, + html('Your most popular tags'). +tag_stream_header(_Options) --> + html('Most popular tags'). + +%% html_tag_cloud(+Pairs:count-tag, +Options) +% +% Emit an HTML tag cloud. + +html_tag_cloud([], _) --> !. +html_tag_cloud(Tags, Options) --> + { maplist(tag_term_pair, Tags, TagsByLabel), + keysort(TagsByLabel, Sorted), + pairs_values(Sorted, TagTerms), + pairs_keys(Tags, Counts), + max_list(Counts, Max), + min_list(Counts, Min) + }, + html_tag_cloud(TagTerms, Min, Max, Options). + +html_tag_cloud([], _, _, _) --> !. +html_tag_cloud([tag(Term, Label, Count)|T], Min, Max, Options) --> + { http_link_to_id(http_yaz_videos, [tag(Term)|Options], Link), + Size0 is (log((20*max((Count-Min),1)) / max((Max-Min),5))) * 10, + Size is max(10, Size0) + }, + html([' ', + a([title(Count), + href(Link), + style('font-size:'+Size+'px')], Label), + ' ']), + html_tag_cloud(T, Min, Max, Options). + +tag_term_pair(Count-Tag, Label-tag(Term, Label, Count)) :- + tag_term_label(Tag, Term, Label). diff --git a/applications/yaz_videos.pl b/applications/yaz_videos.pl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3a82034 --- /dev/null +++ b/applications/yaz_videos.pl @@ -0,0 +1,202 @@ +:- module(yaz_videos, + [ http_yaz_videos/1, + html_video_list//2, + html_video_item//3 + ]). + +:- use_module(library(http/http_dispatch)). +:- use_module(library(http/http_parameters)). +:- use_module(library(http/html_write)). +:- use_module(library(http/http_host)). +:- use_module(library(http/http_path)). +:- use_module(library(http/html_head)). +:- use_module(library(semweb/rdf_db)). +:- use_module(library(semweb/rdf_label)). +:- use_module(user(user_db)). + +:- use_module(library(yaz_util)). +:- use_module(library(user_process)). +:- use_module(library(video_annotation)). + +:- use_module(components(yaz_page)). +:- use_module(components(paginator)). + +:- http_handler(yaz(videos), http_yaz_videos, []). + +%% http_yaz_videos(+Request) +% +% Emit a all videos a user has annotated. + +http_yaz_videos(Request) :- + http_parameters(Request, + [ user(User, + [optional(true), description('Current user id')]), + tag(Tag, + [optional(true), description('Limit videos by tag')]), + offset(Offset, + [default(0), integer, description('Offset of the result list')]), + limit(Limit, + [default(20), integer, description('Limit on the number of results')]) + ]), + user_video_processes(User, Tag, Pairs0), + keysort(Pairs0, Pairs), + group_pairs_by_key(Pairs, Groups), + length(Groups, NumberOfResults), + SortedVideos = Groups, + list_offset(SortedVideos, Offset, OffsetResults), + list_limit(OffsetResults, Limit, LimitResults, _), + delete_nonground([user(User), tag(Tag)], Options), + html_videos_page(LimitResults, NumberOfResults, Offset, Limit, Options). + +%% user_video_processes(?User, ?Value, -Pairs:video-process) +% +% Returns a list of the Nth Videos that have been recently +% annotated. +% +% Params: +% * User +% When defined Videos are limited to annotated by this User. +% +% * Value +% When defined Videos are limit to those annotated with Value. + + +user_video_processes(User, Value, Pairs) :- + nonvar(Value), + !, + findall(Video-process(Process, Time, Annotations), + annotation_value_process(User, Video, Value, Process, Time, Annotations), + Pairs). +user_video_processes(User, _Value, Pairs) :- + findall(Video-process(Process, Time, []), + annotation_process(User, Video, Process, Time), + Pairs). + +annotation_value_process(User, Video, Value, Process, StartTime, [annotation(Value, Times)]) :- + annotation_process(User, Video, Process, StartTime), + findall(Time, + value_annotation(literal(Value), Process, User, Time), + Times), + Times = [_|_]. + + +%% html_videos_page(+Video, +NumberOfResults, +Offset, +Limit, +%% +User, +Annotation) +% +% Emit HTML page with a list of Videos. + +html_videos_page(Results, NumberOfResults, Offset, Limit, Options) :- + reply_html_page(yaz, + [ title(['YAZ - tagged videos']) + ], + [ \html_requires(css('videos.css')), + div(class(topic), + [ div(class(header), + h2(\message(NumberOfResults, Options))), + div(class(body), + ul(class('thumb-list'), + \html_video_list(Results, Options))), + div(class(footer), + div(class(paginator), + \html_paginator(NumberOfResults, Offset, Limit) + )) + ])]). + +message(N, Options) --> + { option(user(_User), Options) + }, + !, + html(['You tagged ', + \video_count(N), + \tag_message(Options) + ]). +message(N, Options) --> + html([\video_count(N), + ' tagged ', + \tag_message(Options) + ]). + +video_count(1) --> + html('1 video'). +video_count(N) --> + html([N, ' videos']). + +tag_message(Options) --> + { option(tag(Tag), Options) + }, + html([' with tag ', Tag]). +tag_message(_) --> !. + + +%% html_video_list(+Videos, +Options)// +% +% Emit html with a list of videos. + +html_video_list([], _) --> !. +html_video_list([Video-Processes|Vs], Options) --> + html(li(class('video'), + \html_video_item(Video, Processes, Options))), + html_video_list(Vs, Options). + +html_video_item(URL, Processes, Options) --> + { display_label(URL, Title), + video_source(URL, Video), + truncate_atom(Title, 47, ShortTitle), + http_link_to_id(http_yaz_player, [video(URL)|Options], Link), + http_link_to_id(serve_video_frame, [url(Video),time(5)], Frame) + }, + html(div(class('item-content'), + [ a(href(Link), + div(class('thumb-container'), + img([width('140px'), alt('no image available'), title(Title), src(Frame)], []))), + a([href(Link), title(Title)], + ShortTitle), + div(class('processes'), + \html_process_list(Processes, Video, Link)) + ])). + +%% html_process_list(+Processes, +Video, +Link)// +% +% Emit html with a list of annotation processes. + +html_process_list([], _, _) --> !. +html_process_list([process(_Process, Time, Annotations)|T], Video, Link) --> + html(div(class('process'), + [ div(class('process-time'), Time), + div(class('annotations'), + \html_annotations(Annotations, Video, Link)) + ])), + html_process_list(T, Video, Link). + +/* + process_time(StartTime, Time), + ( format_time(string(FormattedTime), '%d %B %H:%M', Time) + -> true + ; FormattedTime = StartTime + ) +*/ + + +html_annotations([], _, _) --> !. +html_annotations([annotation(Value, Times0)|Ts], Video, Link) --> + { tag_term_label(Value, _Term, TagLabel), + sort(Times0, Times) + }, + html([ div(class('annotation-value'), + [ TagLabel, ': ' ]), + ul(class('annotation-times'), + \html_annotation_times(Times, Video, Link)) + ]), + html_annotations(Ts, Video, Link). + +html_annotation_times([], _, _) --> !. +html_annotation_times([Time|T], Video, Link) --> + { Seconds is Time/1000, + SeekTime is Seconds-5, + format_time(string(FormattedTime), '%M:%S', Seconds) + }, + html(li(class('tag-time'), + a(href(Link+'&start='+SeekTime), FormattedTime))), + html_annotation_times(T, Video, Link). + + diff --git a/components/paginator.pl b/components/paginator.pl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e37da9a --- /dev/null +++ b/components/paginator.pl @@ -0,0 +1,88 @@ +:- module(html_paginator, + [ html_paginator//3 + ]). + +:- use_module(library(http/http_wrapper)). +:- use_module(library(http/http_host)). +:- use_module(library(http/html_write)). + +% html_paginator(+NumberOfResults, +Offset, +Limit) +% +% Emit HTML paginator. + +html_paginator(Total, _Offset, Limit) --> + { Total < Limit }, + !. +html_paginator(Total, Offset, Limit) --> + { http_current_request(Request), + request_url_components(Request, URLComponents), + Pages is ceiling(Total/Limit), + ActivePage is floor(Offset/Limit), + ( ActivePage < 9 + -> EndPage is min(10, Pages) + ; EndPage is min(10+ActivePage, Pages) + ), + StartPage is max(0, EndPage-20), + ( select(search(Search0), URLComponents, Cs) + -> delete(Search0, offset=_, Search) + ; Search = Search0 + ), + parse_url(URL, [search(Search)|Cs]), + ( Search = [] + -> Delim = '?' + ; Delim = '&' + ) + }, + prev_page(ActivePage, Limit, URL, Delim), + html_pages(StartPage, EndPage, Limit, URL, Delim, ActivePage), + next_page(ActivePage, Pages, Limit, URL, Delim). + +prev_page(0, _, _, _) --> !. +prev_page(Active, Limit, URL, Delim) --> + { Offset is (Active-1)*Limit, + First = 0 + }, + html([span(class(first), a(href(URL+Delim+'offset='+First), '<<')), + span(class(prev), a(href(URL+Delim+'offset='+Offset), '<'))]). + +next_page(_, 0, _, _, _) --> !. +next_page(Active, Last, _, _, _) --> + { Active is Last-1 }, + !. +next_page(Active, Last, Limit, URL, Delim) --> + { Offset is (Active+1)*Limit, + LastOffset is (Last-1)*Limit + }, + html([span(class(next), a(href(URL+Delim+'offset='+Offset), '>')), + span(class(last), a(href(URL+Delim+'offset='+LastOffset), '>>'))]). + +html_pages(N, N, _, _, _, _) --> !. +html_pages(N, Pages, Limit, URL, Delim, ActivePage) --> + { N1 is N+1, + Offset is N*Limit, + ( N = ActivePage + -> Class = active + ; Class = '' + ) + }, + html(span(class(Class), a(href(URL+Delim+'offset='+Offset), N1))), + html_pages(N1, Pages, Limit, URL, Delim, ActivePage). + + +%% request_url_components(+Request, -URLComponents) +% +% URLComponents contains all element in Request that together +% create the request URL. + +request_url_components(Request, [ protocol(http), + host(Host), port(Port), + path(Path), search(Search) + ]) :- + http_current_host(Request, Host, Port, + [ global(false) + ]), + ( option(x_redirected_path(Path), Request) + -> true + ; option(path(Path), Request, /) + ), + option(search(Search), Request, []). diff --git a/components/yaz_page.pl b/components/yaz_page.pl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c165631 --- /dev/null +++ b/components/yaz_page.pl @@ -0,0 +1,67 @@ +:- module(yaz_page, + [yaz_page//1 + ]). + +:- use_module(library(http/html_write)). +:- use_module(library(http/http_host)). +:- use_module(library(http/http_path)). +:- use_module(library(http/html_head)). +:- use_module(user(user_db)). + +:- multifile + user:body//2. + +user:body(yaz, Body) --> + yaz_page(Body). + +%% yaz_page(+Body) +% +% Hook to provide the same layout and style for each YAZ page. + +yaz_page(Body) --> + html_requires(css('yaz.css')), + html(body([\html_page_header, + div(id(body), + div(id(content), Body)) + ])). + +%% html_page_header// +% +% Emit header of the html page. + +html_page_header --> + html(div(id(header), + div(class('header-content'), + [ h1(a(href(location_by_id(http_yaz_home)), 'YAZ')), + %div(id(pagesearch), \html_search), + ul(id(pagenavigation), \html_navigation), + div(id(pagecontrols), \html_page_controls) + ]))). + +html_search --> + { setting(search:target_class, Class) }, + html(form(action(location_by_id(http_interactive_search)), + \search_field('', Class))). + +html_navigation --> + html([li(a(href(location_by_id(http_yaz_game)), game)) + %li(a(href(location_by_id(http_yaz_annotate)), annotate)) + ]). + +html_page_controls --> + login. + +login --> + { logged_on(User, _), + nonvar(User) + }, + !, + html(div(class(login), + [ User, ' | ', + a(href(location_by_id(http_yaz_logout)), 'Sign out') + ])). +login --> + html(div(class(login), + a(href(location_by_id(http_yaz_user)), 'Sign in'))). + + diff --git a/config-available/yaz.pl b/config-available/yaz.pl index afdd6a9..228ff41 100644 --- a/config-available/yaz.pl +++ b/config-available/yaz.pl @@ -3,3 +3,22 @@ /** <module> Your Annotation Zone */ +:- use_module(library(semweb/rdf_db)). + +% rdf stuff +:- rdf_register_ns(sem, 'http://semanticweb.cs.vu.nl/2009/04/event/'). +:- rdf_register_ns(pprime, 'http://semanticweb.cs.vu.nl/prestoprime/'). +:- rdf_register_ns(opmv, 'http://purl.org/net/opmv/ns#'). + +% yaz applications (or actually the different pages) +:- use_module(applications(yaz_admin)). +:- use_module(applications(yaz_user)). +:- use_module(applications(yaz_videos)). +:- use_module(applications(yaz_tags)). +:- use_module(applications(yaz_game)). +:- use_module(applications(yaz_player)). +:- use_module(applications(yaz_game_recap)). +:- use_module(applications(yaz_tag_garden)). + +% http path and handlers +http:location(yaz, cliopatria(yaz), []). diff --git a/lib/rdf_history.pl b/lib/rdf_history.pl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5bd71e8 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/rdf_history.pl @@ -0,0 +1,444 @@ +/* $Id$ + + Part of SWI-Prolog + + Author: Jan Wielemaker + E-mail: wielemak@science.uva.nl + WWW: http://www.swi-prolog.org + Copyright (C): 1985-2007, University of Amsterdam + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or + modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License + as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 + of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public + License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA + + As a special exception, if you link this library with other files, + compiled with a Free Software compiler, to produce an executable, this + library does not by itself cause the resulting executable to be covered + by the GNU General Public License. This exception does not however + invalidate any other reasons why the executable file might be covered by + the GNU General Public License. +*/ + +:- module(rdf_history, + [ rdfh_transaction/1, % :Goal + rdfh_assert/3, % +S,+P,+O + rdfh_retractall/3, % +S,+P,+O + rdfh_update/3, % +S[->NS],+P[->NP],+O[->[NO] + rdfh_db_transaction/3, % ?DB, +Condition, ?Transaction + rdfh_triple_transaction/2, % +Triple, -Transaction + rdfh_transaction_member/2, % ?Action, +Transaction + rdfh_transaction_memberchk/2% ?Action, +Transaction + ]). +:- use_module(library('http/http_session')). +:- use_module(library(lists)). +:- use_module(library(record)). +:- use_module(library(error)). +:- use_module(library(debug)). +:- use_module(library('semweb/rdf_persistency')). +:- use_module(library('semweb/rdf_db')). +:- use_module(user(user_db)). + + +/** <module> RDF Persistent store change history + +This module deals with accessing the journal files of the RDF +persistency layer to get insight in the provenance and history of the +RDF database. It is designed for Wiki-like collaborative editing of an +RDF graph. We make the following assumptions: + + * Users are identified using a URI, typically an OpenID (http://openid.net/) + * Triples created by a user are added to a named graph identified by the + URI of the user. + * Changes are grouped using rdf_transaction(Goal, log(Message, User)) + * The number that is associated with the named graph of a triple (normally + expressing the line number in the source) is used to store the time-stamp. + Although this information is redundant (the time stamp is the same as + for the transaction), it allows for binary search through the history + file for the enclosing transaction. + +@tbd Cleanup thoughts on delete and update. + +@author Jan Wielemaker +*/ + + /******************************* + * DECLARATIONS * + *******************************/ + +:- module_transparent + rdfh_transaction/1. + +:- rdf_meta + rdfh_assert(r,r,o), + rdfh_retractall(r,r,o), + rdfh_update(t,t,t). + +:- multifile + rdfh_hook/1. + +:- record + rdf_transaction(id:integer, + nesting:integer, + time:number, + message, + actions:list, + other_graphs:list). + + + /******************************* + * MODIFICATIONS * + *******************************/ + +%% rdfh_transaction(:Goal) is semidet. +% +% Run Goal using rdf_transaction/2, using information from the HTTP +% layer to provide OpenID and session-id. + +rdfh_transaction(Goal0) :- + rdfh_user(User), + rdfh_graph(Graph), + transaction_context(Context), + rdf_global_term(Goal0, Goal), + rdf_transaction(Goal, log(rdfh([user(User),graph(Graph)|Context]), Graph)). + + +%% rdfh_assert(+S, +P, +O) is det. +% +% Assert a triple, adding current user and time to the triple +% context. + +rdfh_assert(S,P,O) :- + ( rdf_active_transaction(log(rdfh(_), Graph)) + -> rdfh_time(Time), + rdf_assert(S,P,O,Graph:Time) + ; throw(error(permission_error(assert, triple, rdf(S,P,O)), + context(_, 'No rdfh_transaction/1'))) + ). + + +%% rdfh_retractall(+S, +P, +O) is det. +% +% Retract triples that match {S,P,O}. Note that all matching +% triples are added to the journal, so we can undo the action as +% well as report on retracted triples, even if multiple are +% retracted at the same time. +% +% One of the problems we are faced with is that a retract action +% goes into the journal of the user whose triple is retracted, +% which may or may not be the one who performed the action. + +rdfh_retractall(S,P,O) :- + ( rdf_active_transaction(log(rdfh(_), _User)) + -> rdf_retractall(S,P,O) + ; throw(error(permission_error(retract, triple, rdf(S,P,O)), + context(_, 'No rdfh_transaction/1'))) + ). + + +%% rdfh_update(+S, +P, +O) is det. +% +% More tricky stuff, replacing a triple by another. Typically this +% will be changing the predicate or object. Provenance info should +% move the new triple to the user making the change, surely if the +% object is changed. If the predicate is changed to a related +% predicate, this actually becomes less obvious. +% +% Current simple-minded approach is to turn an update into a +% retract and assert. The S,P,O specifications are either a ground +% value or of the form _Old_ =|->|= _New_. Here is an example: +% +% == +% rdfh_update(Work, Style, wn:oldstyle -> wn:newstyle) +% == + +rdfh_update(S,P,O) :- + ( rdf_active_transaction(log(rdfh(_), User)) + -> update(S,P,O, rdf(RS, RP, RO), rdf(AS, AP, AO)), + must_be(ground, RS), + must_be(ground, RP), + must_be(ground, RO), + rdfh_time(Time), + rdf_retractall(RS, RP, RO), + rdf_assert(AS, AP, AO, User:Time) + ; throw(error(permission_error(retract, triple, rdf(S,P,O)), + context(_, 'No rdfh_transaction/1'))) + ). + +update(Ss, Ps, Os, rdf(S0, P0, O0), rdf(S,P,O)) :- + update(Ss, S0, S), + update(Ps, P0, P), + update(Os, O0, O). + +update(From->To, From, To) :- !. +update(Value, Value, Value). + + +%% transaction_context(-Term) is det. +% +% Context to pass with an RDF transaction. Note that we pass the +% user. We don't need this for simple additions, but we do need it +% to track deletions. + +transaction_context(Context) :- + ( rdfh_session(Session) + -> Context = [session(Session)] + ; Context = [] + ). + +%% rdfh_session(-Session) is semidet. +% +% Session is a (ground) identifier for the current session. + +rdfh_session(Session) :- + rdfh_hook(session(Session)), !. +rdfh_session(Session) :- + catch(http_session_id(Session), _, fail). + + +%% rdfh_user(-URI) is det. +% +% Get user-id of current session. +% +% @tbd Make hookable, so we can use the SeRQL user/openid hooks + +rdfh_user(User) :- + rdfh_hook(user(User)), !. +rdfh_user(OpenId) :- + http_session_id(SessionID), + user_property(User, session(SessionID)), + user_property(User, url(OpenId)). + + +%% rdfh_graph(-URI) is det. +% +% Get graph-id in which triples are asserted. +% Default is the URL of the User. + +rdfh_graph(Graph) :- + rdfh_hook(graph(Graph)), !. +rdfh_graph(User) :- + rdfh_user(User). + + +%% rdfh_time(-Time:integer) is det. +% +% Get time stamp as integer. Second resolution is enough, and +% avoids rounding problems associated with floats. + +rdfh_time(Seconds) :- + get_time(Now), + Seconds is round(Now). + + + /******************************* + * EXAMINE HISTORY * + *******************************/ + +%% rdfh_triple_transaction(+Triple:rdf(S,P,O), -Transaction) is nondet. +% +% True if the (partial) Triple is modified in Transaction. + +rdfh_triple_transaction(Triple, Transaction) :- + rdf_global_term(Triple, rdf(S,P,O)), + rdf(S,P,O,DB:Time), + After is Time - 1, + rdfh_db_transaction(DB, after(After), Transaction), + rdfh_transaction_member(assert(S,P,O,Time), Transaction). + +%% rdfh_db_transaction(?DB, +Condition, ?Transaction) is nondet. +% +% True if Transaction satisfying Condition was executed on DB. +% Condition is one of: +% +% * true +% Always true, returns all transactions. +% * id(Id) +% Specifies the identifier of the transaction. Only makes sense +% if DB is specified as transaction identifiers are local to each +% DB. +% * after(Time) +% True if transaction is executed at or after Time. +% +% @tbd More conditions (e.g. before(Time)). + +rdfh_db_transaction(DB, true, Transaction) :- !, + rdf_journal_file(DB, Journal), + journal_transaction(Journal, Transaction). +rdfh_db_transaction(DB, id(Id), Transaction) :- !, + must_be(atom, DB), + rdf_journal_file(DB, Journal), + open_journal(Journal, Fd), + call_cleanup((seek_journal(Fd, id(Id)), + read_transaction(Fd, Transaction)), + close(Fd)). +rdfh_db_transaction(DB, Condition, Transaction) :- !, + valid_condition(Condition), + rdf_journal_file(DB, Journal), + open_journal(Journal, Fd), + seek_journal(Fd, Condition), + stream_transaction(Fd, Transaction). + +valid_condition(Var) :- + var(Var), !, + instantiation_error(Var). +valid_condition(after(Time)) :- !, + must_be(number, Time). +valid_condition(Cond) :- + type_error(condition, Cond). + +%% open_journal(+File, -Stream) is det. +% +% Open a journal file. Journal files are always UTF-8 encoded. + +open_journal(JournalFile, Fd) :- + open(JournalFile, read, Fd, [encoding(utf8)]). + +%% journal_transaction(+JournalFile, ?Transaction) is nondet. +% +% True if Transaction is a transaction in JournalFile, + +journal_transaction(JournalFile, Transaction) :- + open_journal(JournalFile, Fd), + stream_transaction(Fd, Transaction). + +stream_transaction(JFD, Transaction) :- + call_cleanup(read_transaction(JFD, Transaction), close(JFD)). + +read_transaction(In, Transaction) :- + repeat, + read(In, T0), + ( T0 == end_of_file + -> !, fail + ; transaction(T0, In, T), % transaction/3 is not steadfast + T = Transaction + ). + +transaction(begin(Id, Nest, Time, Msg), In, + rdf_transaction(Id, Nest, Time, Msg, Actions, Others)) :- !, + read(In, T2), + read_transaction_actions(T2, Id, In, Actions, Others). +transaction(start(_), _, _) :- !, fail. % Open journal +transaction(end(_), _, _) :- !, fail. % Close journal +transaction(Action, _, Action). % Action outside transaction? + +read_transaction_actions(end(Id, _, Others), Id, _, [], Others) :- !. +read_transaction_actions(end_of_file, _, _, [], []) :- !. % TBD: Incomplete transaction (error) +read_transaction_actions(Action, Id, In, Actions, Others) :- + ignore_in_transaction(Action), !, + read(In, T2), + read_transaction_actions(T2, Id, In, Actions, Others). +read_transaction_actions(Action, Id, In, [Action|Actions], Others) :- + read(In, T2), + read_transaction_actions(T2, Id, In, Actions, Others). + +ignore_in_transaction(start(_)). +ignore_in_transaction(end(_)). +ignore_in_transaction(begin(_,_,_,_)). +ignore_in_transaction(end(_,_,_)). + + +%% seek_journal(+Fd:stream, +Spec) is semidet. +% +% See an open journal descriptor to the start of a transaction +% specified by Spec. Spec is one of: +% +% * after(Time) +% First transaction at or after Time. Fails if there are no +% transactions after time. +% * id(Id) +% Start of transaction labeled with given Id. Fails if there +% is no transaction labeled Id. +% +% The implementation relies on the incrementing identifier numbers +% and time-stamps. + +seek_journal(Fd, Spec) :- + stream_property(Fd, file_name(File)), + size_file(File, Size), + Here is Size//2, + Last = last(-), + ( is_after_spec(Spec) + -> ( bsearch_journal(Fd, 0, Here, Size, Spec, Last) + -> true + ; arg(1, Last, StartOfTerm), + StartOfTerm \== (-), + seek(Fd, StartOfTerm, bof, _) + ) + ; bsearch_journal(Fd, 0, Here, Size, Spec, Last) + ). + +is_after_spec(after(_Time)). + +%% bsearch_journal(+Fd, +Start, +Here, +End, +Spec, !Last) is semidet. +% +% Perform a binary search in the journal opened as Fd. + +bsearch_journal(Fd, Start, Here, End, Spec, Last) :- + start_of_transaction(Fd, Here, StartOfTerm, Begin), !, + compare_transaction(Spec, Begin, Diff), + ( Diff == (=) + -> seek(Fd, StartOfTerm, bof, _) + ; Diff == (<) + -> NewHere is Start+(Here-Start)//2, + NewHere < Here, + nb_setarg(1, Last, StartOfTerm), + bsearch_journal(Fd, Start, NewHere, Here, Spec, Last) + ; NewHere is StartOfTerm+(End-StartOfTerm)//2, + NewHere > StartOfTerm, + bsearch_journal(Fd, StartOfTerm, NewHere, End, Spec, Last) + ). +bsearch_journal(Fd, Start, Here, _End, Spec, Last) :- + NewHere is Start+(Here-Start)//2, + NewHere < Here, + bsearch_journal(Fd, Start, NewHere, Here, Spec, Last). + +compare_transaction(id(Id), begin(Id2,_,_,_), Diff) :- !, + compare(Diff, Id, Id2). +compare_transaction(after(Time), begin(_,_,T,_), Diff) :- !, + compare(Diff, Time, T). + +%% start_of_transaction(+Fd, +From, -Start, -Term) is semidet. +% +% Term is the start term of the first transaction after byte +% position From. Fails if no transaction can be found after From. + +start_of_transaction(Fd, From, Start, Term) :- + seek(Fd, From, bof, _), + skip(Fd, 10), + repeat, + seek(Fd, 0, current, Start), + read(Fd, Term), + ( transaction_start(Term) + -> ! + ; Term == end_of_file + -> !, fail + ; fail + ). + +transaction_start(begin(_Id,_Nest,_Time,_Message)). + +%% rdfh_transaction_member(Action, Transaction) is nondet. +% +% True if Action is an action in Transaction. + +rdfh_transaction_member(Action, Transaction) :- + rdf_transaction_actions(Transaction, Actions), + member(Action, Actions). + +%% rdfh_transaction_memberchk(Action, Transaction) is det. +% +% True if Action is an action in Transaction. + +rdfh_transaction_memberchk(Action, Transaction) :- + rdf_transaction_actions(Transaction, Actions), + memberchk(Action, Actions). diff --git a/lib/user_process.pl b/lib/user_process.pl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..054acaf --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/user_process.pl @@ -0,0 +1,177 @@ +:- module(user_process, + [ current_user_process/1, % -ProcessURI + user_process_creator/2, % +ProcessURI, ?User + user_process_joined/2, % +ProcessURI, ?User + set_active_process/1, % +ProcessURI + create_user_process/2, % +Properties, -ProcessURI + start_user_process/1, % ?ProcessURI + join_user_process/1, % +ProcessURI + end_user_process/1, % +ProcessURI + add_resource_properties/2, % +URI, +Properties:list(p=v) + resource_properties/2 % +URI, ?Properties:list(p=v) + ]). + +:- use_module(library(http/http_session)). +:- use_module(library(semweb/rdf_db)). +:- use_module(user(user_db)). + +/** <module> Creation of processes in which annotations are made/modified + +This module deals with the creation of processes for annotation +sessions. A process is modelled using the Open Provenance Model (OPM) +http://openprovenance.org/. + +@author Michiel Hildebrand +*/ + +:- rdf_meta + create_user_process(t, r). + +%% current_user_process(-Process) +% +% Process is the current annotation session User is involved +% in. + +current_user_process(Process) :- + http_session_data(process(Process)), + \+ rdf(Process, opmv:wasEndedAt, _). + +%% user_process_creator(+Process, ?User) +% +% True if User started Process +% +user_process_creator(Process, User) :- + rdf(Process, opmv:wasControlledBy, User). + +%% user_process_joined(+Process, ?User) +% +% True if User joined a Process + +user_process_joined(Process, User) :- + rdf_has(Process, opmv:wasControlledBy, User). + +%% set_active_process(+Process) +% +% Store current Process as the active proces in current http +% session. + +set_active_process(Process) :- + http_session_retractall(process(_)), + http_session_assert(process(Process)). + +%% create_user_process(+Properties, -Process) +% +% True if Process is the current process of User and has +% Properties. Creates a new user process if it doesn't exist. + +create_user_process(Properties, Process) :- + current_user_process(Process), + \+ rdf(Process, opmv:wasStartedAt, _), + resource_properties(Process, Properties), + !, + set_active_process(Process). +create_user_process(Properties, Process) :- + rdf_bnode(Process), + current_user_url(User), + set_active_process(Process), + http_session_id(Session), + rdf_transaction((rdf_assert(Process, rdf:type, opmv:'Process', Process), + rdf_assert(Process, opmv:wasControlledBy, User, Process), + rdf_assert(Process, pprime:session, Session, Process), + add_resource_properties_(Properties, Process) + )), + debug(user_process, 'Process ~w created by ~w', [Process, User]). + +%% start_user_process(?Process) +% +% Start a process by assert the start time. When Process is +% variable a new process is created. + +start_user_process(Process) :- + var(Process), + !, + create_user_process([], Process), + start_user_process_(Process). +start_user_process(Process) :- + start_user_process_(Process). + +start_user_process_(Process) :- + get_time(StartTime0), + format_iso_dateTime(StartTime0, StartTime), + rdf_transaction(rdf_assert(Process, opmv:wasStartedAt, literal(type(xsd:date, StartTime)), Process)), + debug(user_process, 'Process ~w started at ~w', [Process, StartTime]). + +%% end_user_process(+Process) +% +% End a process, by asserting the endTime + +end_user_process(Process) :- + get_time(EndTime0), + format_iso_dateTime(EndTime0, EndTime), + rdf_transaction((rdf_assert(Process, opmv:wasEndedAt, literal(type(xsd:date, EndTime), Process), Process) + )), + debug(user_process, 'Process ~w ended at ~w', [Process, EndTime]). + +%% join_user_process(+Process) +% +% Add current user agent to a Process. + +join_user_process(Process) :- + current_user_url(User), + set_active_process(Process), + rdf_transaction(rdf_assert(Process, opmv:wasPerformedBy, User, Process)), + debug(user_process, 'Process ~w joined by ~w', [Process, User]). + + + /******************************* + * handy RDF resource stuff * + *******************************/ + +%% add_resource_properties(+URI, +Properties:list(p=v)) +% +% Assert properties about a URI. + +add_resource_properties(URI, Ps) :- + rdf_transaction(add_resource_properties_(Ps, URI)). + +add_resource_properties_([], _). +add_resource_properties_([P=V|Ps], URI) :- + ( rdf(URI, P, V) + -> true + ; rdf_assert(URI, P, V, URI) + ), + add_resource_properties_(Ps, URI). + + +%% resource_properties(+Resource, +Properties:list(p=v)) +% +% True if URI has all Properties. + +resource_properties(URI, Ps) :- + resource_properties_(Ps, URI). + +resource_properties_([], _). +resource_properties_([P=V|Ps], URI) :- + rdf_has(URI, P, V), + resource_properties_(Ps, URI). + + + /******************************* + * misc * + *******************************/ + +%% format_iso_date(+TimeStamp, -ISODate) +% +% Format timestamp in ISO. + +format_iso_dateTime(TS, Formatted) :- + format_time(atom(Formatted), '%Y-%m-%dT%T', TS). + +%% current_user_url(-UserURL) +% +% True if UserURL is URL of user in this session. + +current_user_url(User) :- + http_session_id(SessionID), + user_property(User0, session(SessionID)), + user_property(User0, url(User)). diff --git a/lib/video_annotation.pl b/lib/video_annotation.pl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..99165a6 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/video_annotation.pl @@ -0,0 +1,431 @@ +:- module(yaz_video_annotation, + [ annotation_process/4, % ?User, ?Video, ?Process + value_annotation/4, % +Value, ?Process, +User, -Time + video_annotations/3, % +Video, -Annotations, +Options + video_annotation/4, % +Video, -AnnotationId, -Value, -Time + video_annotation/5, % +Video, -AnnotationId, -Value, -Time, +Options + video_tag/2, % +Video, -Tag + video_provenance/2, % +Video, -Provenance + video_transaction/2, % +Video, -Transaction + annotations_per_interval/3, % +Annotations, +Interval, +Groups + annotation_value/2, % +AnnotationId, -Value + annotation_provenance/2, % +AnnotationId, -Provenance + annotation_transaction/2, % +AnnotationId, -Transaction + process_provenance/3, % +Process, +Condiation, -Provenance + process_transaction/3, % +Process, +Condition, -Transaction + user_transaction/4, % +Process, +User, +Condition, -Transaction + + create_video_annotation/4, % +Video, +Value, +Playhead, -AnnotationId + create_video_annotation/5, % +Video, +Value, +Playhead, +User, -AnnotationId + remove_video_annotation/2, % +Video, +AnnotationId + update_annotation_value/2, % +AnnotationId, +Value + update_annotation_time/2 % +AnnotationId, +Time + ]). + +:- use_module(library(http/http_dispatch)). +:- use_module(library(http/http_parameters)). +:- use_module(library(http/http_path)). +:- use_module(library(http/http_json)). +:- use_module(library(http/json)). +:- use_module(library(http/json_convert)). +:- use_module(library(http/http_session)). +:- use_module(library(semweb/rdf_db)). +:- use_module(user(user_db)). + +:- use_module(library(rdf_history)). +:- use_module(library(user_process)). +:- use_module(library(yaz_util)). + +/** <module> Handling of time-based video annotations + +This module deals with accessing and modifying video annotations. It +uses the rdf_history for Wiki-like collaborative editing of an +RDF graph. + +The video annotations can be accessed, created and modified through +an HTTP API yaz/data/video ++(list,create,remove,update/value,update/time) +The API uses the current session to provide provenance information to +the created and modified triples. + +@TBD Support compound time objects for intervals +@TBD rdf_history to OPM library for export of provenance + +@author Michiel Hildebrand +*/ + + + + /******************************* + * db access * + *******************************/ + +%% annotation_process(?User, ?Video, ?Process, -Time) +% +% True if Video is annotated by User and has at least one +% transaction. When User is undefined all processes are returned. + +annotation_process(User, Video, Process, Time) :- + nonvar(User), + !, + rdf_has(Process, opmv:wasControlledBy, User), + rdf(Process, opmv:used, Video), + rdf(Process, opmv:wasStartedAt, literal(type(_, Time))), + once(user_transaction(Process, User, true, _)). +annotation_process(_, Video, Process, Time) :- + rdf(Process, opmv:used, Video), + rdf(Process, opmv:wasStartedAt, literal(type(_, Time))), + once(user_transaction(Process, _User, true, _)). + +%% value_annotation(+Value, ?Process, ?User, -Time) +% +% True if Time is playHead at which Value has been added. + +value_annotation(Value, Process, User, Time) :- + rdf(Annotation, rdf:value, Value, Process), + rdf(_, pprime:hasAnnotation, Annotation), + rdf(Annotation, pprime:creator, User), + rdf(Annotation, pprime:videoPlayhead, literal(Time0)), + literal_to_number(Time0, Time). + + +%% video_annotations(+Video, -Annotations, +Options) +% +% Returns all Annotations for Video. +% Options: +% +% * user(User) +% Limit to annotations created by User +% +% * process(Process) +% Limit to annotations made or modified within Process +% +% * interval(Interval) +% group all annotations with a similar value and within interval +% together. + +video_annotations(Video, Annotations, Options) :- + A = [Value,Time]-Id, + findall(A, video_annotation(Video, Id, Value, Time, Options), As0), + keysort(As0, As), + ( option(interval(Interval), Options), + Interval > 0 + -> annotations_per_interval(As, Interval, Annotations) + ; maplist(annotation_term, As, Annotations) + ). + +annotation_term([Value,Time]-Id, annotation(Value,Time,Time,[i(Id,Time)])). + +%% annotations_per_interval(+Terms, +Interval, -GroupedAnnotations) +% +% A group contains all annotations with a similar value and within +% time Interval. Similarity of the annotation value is defined by +% matching_annotation_value/2. + +annotations_per_interval([], _, []). +annotations_per_interval([[Value,Start]-Id|T], Interval, [A|As]) :- + A = annotation(Value, Start, End, [i(Id,Start)|Is]), + matching_value_in_interval(T, Value, Start, Start, Interval, Is, End, Rest), + annotations_per_interval(Rest, Interval, As). + +matching_value_in_interval([[V0,T0]-Id|As], V, Time, _, Interval, [i(Id,T0)|Is], End, Rest) :- + matching_annotation_value(V0, V), + T0 < Time+Interval, + !, + matching_value_in_interval(As, V, Time, T0, Interval, Is, End, Rest). +matching_value_in_interval(Rest, _V, _Time, End, _Interval, [], End, Rest). + +matching_annotation_value(V, V). + + +%% video_annotation(+Video, -AnnotationId, -Value, -Time). +% video_annotation(+Video, -AnnotationId, -Value, -Time, +% +Options). +% +% True if Video is annotated with AnnotationId and has properties +% Value and Time. + +video_annotation(Video, AnnotationId, Value, Time) :- + video_annotation(Video, AnnotationId, Value, Time, []). + +video_annotation(Video, AnnotationId, Value, Time, Options) :- + option(process(Process), Options, _), + option(user(User), Options, _), + rdf(Video, pprime:hasAnnotation, AnnotationId, Process), + once(rdf(AnnotationId, pprime:creator, User)), + rdf(AnnotationId, rdf:value, Value), + rdf(AnnotationId, pprime:videoPlayhead, Time0), + literal_to_number(Time0, Time). + +%% video_tag(+Video, -Tag) +% +% Tag is an annotation of Video. + +video_tag(Video, Tag) :- + rdf(Video, pprime:hasAnnotation, AnnotationId), + rdf(AnnotationId, rdf:value, Tag). + +%% video_provenance(+Video, -Provenance) +% +% Provenance is a list of all Transactions on +% Video. + +video_provenance(Video, Provenance) :- + findall(T, video_transaction(Video, T), Transactions0), + sort_by_arg(Transactions0, 2, Transactions), + transactions_to_provenance(Transactions, Provenance). + +%% video_transactions(+Video, -Transactions) +% +% True if Transaction is a addition or a modification of an +% annotation on Video. + +video_transaction(Video, Transaction) :- + findall(P, rdf(P,opmv:used,Video), Processes), + member(Process, Processes), + rdfh_db_transaction(Process, true, Transaction). + + +%% annotation_value(?AnnotationId, ?Value) +% +% True if Value is used in Annotation. + +annotation_value(Annotation, Value) :- + rdf(_, pprime:hasAnnotation, Annotation), + rdf(Annotation, rdf:value, Value). + +%% annotation_provenance(+AnnotationId, -Provenance) +% +% Provenance a list of all Transactions on +% AnnotationId. + +annotation_provenance(AnnotationId, Provenance) :- + findall(T, annotation_transaction(AnnotationId, T), Transactions0), + sort(Transactions0, Transactions), + transactions_to_provenance(Transactions, Provenance). + +%% annotation_transactions(+AnnotationId, -Transactions) +% +% True if Transaction is an addition or a modification of an +% annotation. + +annotation_transaction(AnnotationId, Transaction) :- + findall(P, rdf(AnnotationId,_,_,P), Processes0), + sort(Processes0, Processes), + member(Process:_Time, Processes), + %After is Time - 1, + rdfh_db_transaction(Process, true, Transaction), + is_annotation_transaction(Transaction, AnnotationId). + +is_annotation_transaction(Transaction, Id) :- + ( rdfh_transaction_memberchk(assert(Id,_,_,_), Transaction) + -> true + ; rdfh_transaction_memberchk(assert(_,_,Id,_), Transaction) + -> true + ). + +%% process_provenance(+Process, +Condition, -Provenance) +% +% Provenance is a list of Transactions in +% Process + +process_provenance(Process, Cond, Provenance) :- + findall(T, process_transaction(Process, Cond, T), Transactions0), + sort(Transactions0, Transactions), + transactions_to_provenance(Transactions, Provenance). + +%% process_transaction(+Process, -Transaction) +% +% True if Transaction is a transaction done in Process. + +process_transaction(Process, Cond, Transaction) :- + rdfh_db_transaction(Process, Cond, Transaction), + Transaction = rdf_transaction(_,_,_,rdfh([_,graph(Process)|_]), _, _). + +%% user_transaction(+Process, +User, +Condition, -Transaction) +% +% True if Transaction is performed by User in Process. +% +% Param +% *Condition see @rdfh_db_transaction/3. + +user_transaction(Process, User, Cond, Transaction) :- + rdfh_db_transaction(Process, Cond, Transaction), + Transaction = rdf_transaction(_,_,_,rdfh([user(User)|_]), _, _). + + /******************************* + * DB update * + *******************************/ + +:- http_handler(yaz('data/video/create'), http_create_video_annotation, []). +:- http_handler(yaz('data/video/remove'), http_remove_video_annotation, []). +:- http_handler(yaz('data/video/update/value'), http_update_video_annotation_value, []). +:- http_handler(yaz('data/video/update/time'), http_update_video_annotation_time, []). + + +%% http_save_tag_entry(+Request). +% +% Handler to store a tag entry for a URI. +% See http://n2.talis.com/wiki/RDF_JSON_Specification for JSON +% notation of RDF object. + +http_create_video_annotation(Request) :- + logged_on(_), + http_parameters(Request, + [ video(Video, + [description('URL of a video')]), + value(Value, + [jsonresource, description('JSON notation of an RDF object')]), + time(Time, + [number, description('Time within current video')]) + ]), + create_video_annotation(Video, Value, Time, AnnotationId), + reply_json(json([annotation=AnnotationId])). + +%% create_video_annotation(+Video, +Value, +Time, -AnnotationId) +% +% Assert an annotation for Video at time Playhead. Returns the Id +% of the annotation object. + +create_video_annotation(Video, Value0, Time0, AnnotationId) :- + atom(Video), + valid_value(Value0, Value), + valid_time(Time0, Time), + rdf_bnode(AnnotationId), + rdfh_transaction((rdfh_assert(Video, pprime:hasAnnotation, AnnotationId), + rdfh_assert(AnnotationId, rdf:value, Value), + rdfh_assert(AnnotationId, pprime:videoPlayhead, Time) + )). + +%% create_video_annotation(+Video, +Value, +Time, +%% +User, -AnnotationId) +% +% HACK to implicitly store the User. +% @TBD provide a means to quickly access the creator of a tag from +% the provenance. + +create_video_annotation(Video, Value0, Time0, User, AnnotationId) :- + atom(Video), + valid_value(Value0, Value), + valid_time(Time0, Time), + rdf_bnode(AnnotationId), + rdfh_transaction((rdfh_assert(Video, pprime:hasAnnotation, AnnotationId), + rdfh_assert(AnnotationId, rdf:value, Value), + rdfh_assert(AnnotationId, pprime:videoPlayhead, Time), + rdfh_assert(AnnotationId, pprime:creator, User) + )). + +%% remove_video_annotation(+Video, +AnnotationId) +% +% Retract a video annotation. + +remove_video_annotation(Video, AnnotationId) :- + atom(Video), + atom(AnnotationId), + rdfh_transaction((rdfh_retractall(Video, pprime:hasAnnotation, AnnotationId) + %rdfh_retractall(AnnotationId, rdf:value, _), + %rdfh_retractall(AnnotationId, pprime:videoPlayhead, _) + )). + +%% update_annotation_value(+AnnotationId, +NewValue) +% +% Replace the existing annotation value with NewValue. + +update_annotation_value(AnnotationId, NewValue0) :- + atom(AnnotationId), + valid_value(NewValue0, NewValue), + rdf(AnnotationId, rdf:value, Value), + rdfh_transaction((rdfh_update(AnnotationId, rdf:value, Value->NewValue))). + + +%% update_annotation_time(+AnnotationId, +Time) +% +% Replace the existing annotation time with Time. + +update_annotation_time(AnnotationId, NewTime0) :- + atom(AnnotationId), + valid_time(NewTime0, NewTime), + rdf(AnnotationId, pprime:videoPlayhead, Time), + rdfh_transaction((rdfh_update(AnnotationId, pprime:videoPlayhead, Time->NewTime))). + + +%% transactions_to_provenance(+TransactionList, -Provenance) +% +% Translate a list of transaction to a provenance description. + +transactions_to_provenance([], []). +transactions_to_provenance([T|Ts], [P|Ps]) :- + T = rdf_transaction(Id, _Nesting, Time, rdfh(Message), Actions, _Graphs), + canonical_action(Actions, CanonicalAction), + !, + memberchk(user(User), Message), + memberchk(graph(Graph), Message), + P = action(Id,Time,User,Graph,CanonicalAction), + transactions_to_provenance(Ts, Ps). +transactions_to_provenance([_T|Ts], Ps) :- + transactions_to_provenance(Ts, Ps). + +canonical_action([assert(Video, _, AnnotationId, _), + assert(_, P1, Value, _), + assert(_, P2, Time, _) + |_% hack + ], Action) :- + rdf_equal(P1, rdf:value), + rdf_equal(P2, pprime:videoPlayhead), + !, + Action = added(Video, AnnotationId, Value, Time). +canonical_action([retract(Video, P, AnnotationId, _) + ], Action) :- + rdf_equal(P, pprime:hasAnnotation), + !, + Action = removed(AnnotationId, Video). +canonical_action(Actions, Action) :- + ( Actions = [ retract(AnnotationId, P, _Value, _), + assert(AnnotationId, P, NewValue, _) + ] + -> true + ; Actions = [ assert(AnnotationId, P, NewValue, _) ] + ), + ( rdf_equal(P, pprime:videoPlayhead) + -> Type = timeChange + ; rdf_equal(P, rdf:value) + -> Type = valueChange + ), + Action =.. [Type, AnnotationId, NewValue]. + + +%% valid_value(+Value, -ValidValue) +% +% True if Value is ground and either a literal or a URI. + +valid_value(Value, Valid) :- + ground(Value), + ( Value = literal(_) % TBD test for lang and type? + -> Valid = Value + ; Value = uri(Valid) + -> atom(Valid) + ; atom(Value) + -> Valid = literal(Value) + ; type_error(value_object, Value) + ). + +%% valid_time(+Time, -ValidTime) +% +% True if Value is ground and either a literal or a number. + +valid_time(Time, Valid) :- + ground(Time), + ( Time = literal(_) + -> Valid = Time + ; number(Time) + -> Valid = literal(Time) + ; type_error(time_object, Time) + ). + + + /******************************* + * misc * + *******************************/ + +rdf_history:rdfh_hook(graph(Process)) :- + current_user_process(Process). diff --git a/lib/yaz_util.pl b/lib/yaz_util.pl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6773138 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/yaz_util.pl @@ -0,0 +1,304 @@ +:- module(yaz_util, + [ list_offset/3, + list_limit/4, + pairs_sort_by_value_count/2, + arg_key/3, + sort_by_arg/3, + sort_by_arg/4, + group_by_arg/3, + display_label/2, + tag_label/2, + tag_term_label/3, + literal_to_number/2, + is_annotation_event/1, + game_time/3, + tag_entry_time/2, + iri_to_url/2, + delete_nonground/2, + video_source/2, + video_source/3 + ]). + +:- use_module(library(semweb/rdf_db)). +:- use_module(library(semweb/rdfs)). +:- use_module(library(semweb/rdf_label)). +:- use_module(library(http/http_dispatch)). +:- use_module(library(http/json)). +:- use_module(library(http/json_convert)). + +:- rdf_meta + is_annotation_event(r), + annotation_class(r), + %label_property(r), + display_label(r, -). + +%% list_offset(+List, +N, -SmallerList) +% +% SmallerList starts at the nth element of List. + +list_offset(L, N, []) :- + length(L, Length), + Length < N, + !. +list_offset(L, N, L1) :- + list_offset_(L, N, L1). + +list_offset_(L, 0, L) :- !. +list_offset_([_|T], N, Rest) :- + N1 is N-1, + list_offset_(T, N1, Rest). + +%% list_limit(+List, +N, -SmallerList, -Rest) +% +% SmallerList ends at the nth element of List. + +list_limit(L, N, L, []) :- + length(L, Length), + Length < N, + !. +list_limit(L, N, L1, Rest) :- + list_limit_(L, N, L1, Rest). + +list_limit_(Rest, 0, [], Rest) :- !. +list_limit_([H|T], N, [H|T1], Rest) :- + N1 is N-1, + list_limit_(T, N1, T1, Rest). + +%% pairs_sort_by_value_count(+Pairs:key-list, +%% -Sorted:listcount-key) +% +% Sorted is a list with the keys of Pairs sorted by the number of +% elements in the value list. + +pairs_sort_by_value_count(Grouped, Sorted) :- + pairs_value_count(Grouped, Counted), + keysort(Counted, Sorted0), + reverse(Sorted0, Sorted). + +pairs_value_count([], []). +pairs_value_count([Key-Values|T], [Count-Key|Rest]) :- + length(Values, Count), + pairs_value_count(T, Rest). + + +%% sort_by_arg(+ListOfTerms, +Arg, -SortedList) +% +% SortedList contains the Terms from ListOfTerms sorted by their +% nth Arg. + +sort_by_arg(List, Arg, Sorted) :- + maplist(arg_key(Arg), List, Pairs), + keysort(Pairs, SortedPairs), + pairs_values(SortedPairs, Sorted). + +%% sort_by_arg(+ListOfTerms, +Arg, +Direction, -SortedList) +% +% SortedList contains the Terms from ListOfTerms sorted by their +% nth Arg. + +sort_by_arg(List, Arg, Direction, Sorted) :- + sort_by_arg(List, Arg, Sorted0), + ( Direction == desc + -> reverse(Sorted0, Sorted) + ; Sorted = Sorted0 + ). + +%% group_by_arg(+ListOfTerms, +Arg, -GroupedList) +% +% GroupedList contains the Terms from ListOfTerms grouped by their +% nth Arg. + +group_by_arg(List, Arg, Sorted) :- + maplist(arg_key(Arg), List, Pairs), + keysort(Pairs, SortedPairs), + group_pairs_by_key(SortedPairs, Sorted). + +arg_key(Args, Term, Keys-Term) :- + is_list(Args), + !, + args(Args, Term, Keys). +arg_key(Arg, Term, Key-Term) :- + arg(Arg, Term, Key). + +args([A], Term, [Key]) :- !, + arg(A, Term, Key). +args([A|As], Term, [Key|Ks]) :- + arg(A, Term, Key), + args(As, Term, Ks). + + +/* +:- multifile + label_property/1. % ?Resource + +%% label_property(?Property) is nondet. +% +% True if the value of Property can be used to (non-uniquely) +% describe an object to the user. + +label_property(P) :- + cliopatria:label_property(P). +label_property(skos:prefLabel). +label_property(dc:title). +label_property(skos:altLabel). +label_property(rdfs:label). +*/ + +%% display_label(+Resource, -Txt) +% +% Txt is a label of Resource suited for display. + +display_label(R, Label) :- + label_property(P), + rdf_has(R, P, Lit), + !, + literal_text(Lit, Label). +display_label(R, Label) :- + rdfs_label(R, Label). + + +%% literal_to_number(+Literal, ?Number) +% +% Conversion between RDF literal and numbers. + +literal_to_number(Literal, Number) :- + literal_text(Literal, Txt), + ( number(Txt) + -> Number = Txt + ; atom_number(Txt, Number) + ). + +%% tag_label(?Term, ?Label) +% +% Label is the label of Term. + +tag_label(Term, Label) :- + rdf(Term, rdfs:label, Literal), + literal_text(Literal, Label). + +%% tag_term_label(+Tag, -Term, -Label) +% +% Term is the URI of a Tag, or the label in case of a literal. + +tag_term_label(Tag, Term, Label) :- + ( Tag = literal(_) + -> literal_text(Tag, Label), + Term = Label % hmm do we want this, do language tags matter? + ; rdf(Tag, rdf:type, pprime:'Term') + -> tag_label(Tag, Label), + Term = '' + ; Term = Tag, + display_label(Tag, Label) + ). + + +%% is_annotation_event(+Resource) +% +% True if Resource is of type that we consider an annotation event + +is_annotation_event(R) :- + rdf(R, rdf:type, Class), + annotation_class(Class), + !. + +annotation_class(pprime:'Game'). +annotation_class(pprime:'AnnotationSession'). + + +%% game_time(?Game, ?StartTime, ?EndTime) +% +% True if StartTime is the value of sem:beginsAt and EndTime the +% value of sem:endsAt. + +game_time(Game, StartTime, EndTime) :- + rdf(Game, opmv:wasStartedAt, Start), + literal_text(Start, StartTime), + ( rdf(Game, sem:wasEndedAt, End) + -> literal_text(End, EndTime) + ; EndTime = 0 + ). + +%% tagentry_entry_time(?EntryId, ?Time) +% +% Time is the time of tag entry. + +tag_entry_time(TagEntry, Time) :- + rdf(TagEntry, pprime:videoPlayhead, Time0), + literal_to_number(Time0, Time). + +%% iri_to_url(+IRI, -URL) is det. +% +% Translate a IRI (using arbitrary unicode characters) into an +% URL that can be handled to http_open/3, etc. +% +% @tbd Very incomplete. We must map other forbidden characters +% and do UTF-8 and % encoding for anything >= 128. + +iri_to_url(IRI, URL) :- + atom_codes(IRI, Codes), + phrase(iri_to_url(Codes), URLCodes), + atom_codes(URL, URLCodes). + +iri_to_url([]) --> + []. +iri_to_url([H|T]) --> + map_code(H), !, + iri_to_url(T). +iri_to_url([H|T]) --> + [H], + iri_to_url(T). + + +map_code(32) --> "%20". % Space +map_code(43) --> "%20". % + + + +% hook into html_write:attribute_value//1. + +:- multifile + html_write:expand_attribute_value//1. + +html_write:expand_attribute_value(link_to_id(ID, Params)) --> + { http_link_to_id(ID, Params, Location) }, + html_write:html_quoted_attribute(Location). + +%% delete_nonground(+ListIn, -ListOut) +% +% Remove nonground terms from List. + +delete_nonground([], []). +delete_nonground([H|T], [H|Rest]) :- + ground(H), + !, + delete_nonground(T, Rest). +delete_nonground([_H|T], Rest) :- + delete_nonground(T, Rest). + + +%% video_source(+URL, -Video) +% +% True if Video is a pprime:video of URL. +% Otherwise URL might be a Video??? + +video_source(URL, Video, Duration) :- + video_source(URL, Video), + ( rdf(URL, pprime:duration, literal(Duration)) + -> true%atom_number(Duration0, Duration) + ; Duration = 0 + ). + +video_source(URL, Video) :- + rdf_has(URL, pprime:video, Video). +video_source(URL, URL). + + + +http:convert_parameter(jsonresource, Atom, Term) :- + atom_json_term(Atom, JSON, []), + json_to_prolog(JSON, Term). + +:- json_object + uri(value:uri) + [type=uri], + literal(lang:atom, value:_) + [type=literal], + literal(type:atom, value:_) + [type=literal], + literal(value:atom) + [type=literal]. diff --git a/rdf/cpack/yaz.ttl b/rdf/cpack/yaz.ttl index 02d3923..c1d72c3 100644 --- a/rdf/cpack/yaz.ttl +++ b/rdf/cpack/yaz.ttl @@ -14,10 +14,7 @@ <> a cpack:Package ; cpack:packageName "yaz" ; dcterms:title "Your Annotation Zone" ; - cpack:author [ a foaf:Person ; - foaf:name "@FOAFNAME@" ; - foaf:mbox "@FOAFMBOX@" ; - ] ; + cpack:author <http://www.few.vu.nl/~michielh/me> ; cpack:primaryRepository [ a cpack:GitRepository ; cpack:gitURL <git://semanticweb.cs.vu.nl/home/hildebra/git/ClioPatria/yaz.git> diff --git a/web/css/annotate.css b/web/css/annotate.css new file mode 100644 index 0000000..bb8dd39 --- /dev/null +++ b/web/css/annotate.css @@ -0,0 +1,49 @@ +/* input form */ +form .inputline { + padding-top: 5px; +} +.inputline .label { + float: left; + width: 6em; + padding-top: 0.4em; + height: 1.5em; +} +.inputline input { +} + +.videobox { + overflow: auto; +} +#video { + float: left; +} +#annotate { +} +#tags { + margin: 0; + padding: 0; +} +li.ui-tagbar { + list-style: none; + margin: 5px 0 0 0; +} +.ui-tagbar .tag-slider { + margin: 4px 15px 0 45px; +} +.ui-tagbar .tag-times input { + margin-right: 2px; + border: 1px solid #AAA; + text-align: right; +} +.ui-tagbar .tag-play { + background-image: url('play.png'); + background-repeat: no-repeat; + margin: 4px 0 0 4px; + height: 16px; + width:20px; + float:left +} + +.fbs-reset { + text-align: left; +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/web/css/game.css b/web/css/game.css new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3219f7e --- /dev/null +++ b/web/css/game.css @@ -0,0 +1,165 @@ +#main { + float: left; + width: 640px; + margin-right: 20px; +} + +#players { + height: 400px; + width: 200px; + float: left; + overflow: auto; + border: 1px solid #DDD; + -moz-border-radius: 3px; + border-radius: 3px; +} + +#videoplayer { + width: 100%; + height: 380px; +} + +#taginput { + font-size:20px; + margin-top:10px; + padding:1px 0; + width:100%; +} + +#waiting { + overflow: auto; +} +#options { + margin-top: 10px; +} +#waiting #players { + height: 100%; +} +h4.message { + font-size: 150%; + text-align: center; + margin: 0; + padding: 5px 0; + background-color: #EEE; +} +#waiting #video { + float: left; + margin-right: 20px; +} +#waiting #options { + font-size: 150%; +} + +/* players */ +ul.game-players { + margin: 0; + padding: 0; +} +.game-players li { + list-style: none; + margin: 1px 0; + padding: 4px 8px; + overflow: auto; + font-size: 150%; +} +.game-players li .count { + float: left; + padding-right: 5px; +} +.game-players li .name { + float: left; +} +.game-players li .score { + float: right; +} + +/* tags */ + +#tags { + margin-top: 10px; + overflow: auto; +} +ul.tag-list { + margin: 0; + padding: 0; +} +.tag-list li { + float: left; + list-style: none; + margin: 2px 4px 2px 0; + padding: 4px 8px; + + border: 1px solid #DDD; + -moz-border-radius: 3px; + border-radius: 3px; + background-color: #F2F2F2; +} +.tag-list li.exact { + border-color: olive; + background-color: olive; + color: white; +} +.tag-list li.first { + border-color: navy; + background-color: navy; + color: white; +} +.tag-list li.uri { + text-decoration: underline; +} +.hidden { + display: none; +} + +/* channels */ +.channels { + +} +.channel { + float: left; + width: 200px; + overflow: hidden; + margin-right: 15px; +} +.channel h4 { + margin: 0 0 5px; + padding: 0 3px; + height: 1.2em; + overflow: hidden; +} +.channel .players { + margin: 5px 0; + padding: 0 3px; + text-align: center; +} +.channel img { + width: 100%; +} + +/* input form */ +form .inputline { + padding-top: 5px; +} +.inputline .label { + float: left; + width: 6em; + padding-top: 0.4em; + height: 1.5em; +} +.inputline input { +} + +/* freebase suggest */ +#suggest { + position: absolute; +} +.fbs-pane { + text-align: left; +} + /* show only first 4 suggestions */ +.fbs-list li { + display: none; +} +.fbs-list li:nth-child(-n+4) { + display:block; +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/web/css/garden.css b/web/css/garden.css new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0d5ae82 --- /dev/null +++ b/web/css/garden.css @@ -0,0 +1,233 @@ +#body { + margin: 0 auto; +} + +/* page layout */ +#main { + padding-left: 225px; +} +#tags { + float: left; + width: 200px; + height: 600px; +} +#frames { +} +#video { +} + +/* element style */ + +h4 { + margin: 0; + padding-bottom: 2px; + border-color: #BBB; + border-style: solid; + border-width: 0 0 1px; + font-weight: normal; + font-size: 130%; +} + +/* video frames */ +.yui3-video-frames-content { + overflow: hidden; +} +.yui3-video-frames ul.frames-list { + margin: 0; + padding: 0; + overflow: auto; + height: 500px; +} +.yui3-video-frames li { + width: 175px; + float: left; + overflow: hidden; + list-style: none; + margin: 0 10px 10px 0; +} +.yui3-video-frames img { + width: 100%; +} +.yui3-video-frames .frame-confirm { + text-align: center; + color: white; + background-color: #222; + padding: 3px 0; +} +.yui3-video-frames .tag { + text-align: center; + padding: 3px 0; + background-color: #DDD; +} +.yui3-video-frames li.hidden { + display: none; +} +.yui3-video-frames .frame-confirm.depicted { + background-color: green; +} +.yui3-video-frames .frame-confirm.associated { + background-color: blue; +} +.yui3-video-frames .frame-confirm.rejected { + background-color: red; +} +.yui3-video-frames .users { + z-index:4; + width: 20px; + height: 20px; + position:relative; + margin-bottom: -20px; + background-color:white; + -moz-border-radius: 0 0 20px 0; + border-radius: 0 0 20px 0; +} +.yui3-video-frames .image { + position: relative; + z-index: 2; + height: 98px; + overflow: hidden; +} +.yui3-video-frames .users.hidden { + display: none; +} + +/* videoplayer */ +.yui3-videoplayer { + position: absolute; + padding-left: -1px; + z-index:3; +} +.yui3-videoplayer-hidden { + display:none; +} + +/* tag list */ +.yui3-tag-carousel-content { + overflow:auto; +} +.yui3-tag-carousel ul { + margin: 0; + padding: 0; +} +.yui3-tag-carousel li { + overflow: hidden; + list-style: none; + margin: 1px 0; + padding: 4px 8px; +} +.yui3-tag-carousel li .label { + cursor: pointer; + float: left; +} +.yui3-tag-carousel li .count { + float: right; + background-color:#CCCCCC; + color:white; + padding: 1px 2px; + -moz-border-radius: 6px; + border-radius: 6px; +} +.yui3-tag-carousel li.focus, +.yui3-tag-carousel li.focus .count, +.yui3-tag-carousel li.focus a { + background-color: #1057AE; + color: #FFF; +} +.yui3-tag-carousel li .edit, +.yui3-tag-carousel li .remove { + float: right; + padding: 0 4px; +} +.yui3-tag-carousel li .edit a, +.yui3-tag-carousel li .remove a { + color: #AAA; +} +.yui3-tag-carousel li .edit a:hover, +.yui3-tag-carousel li .remove a:hover { + color: red; +} + +.yui3-tag-carousel li .label input { + width: 120px; +} + + +/* tabview */ +.yui3-tabview-list { + margin: 0; + padding: 0 0 2px; + border-color: #BBB; + border-style: solid; + border-width: 0 0 1px; +} +.yui3-tab a:link { + font-size: 130%; + padding: 0 10px 2px 0; +} +.yui3-tab-selected a:link { + text-decoration: underline; +} + +.controls { + clear: both; + overflow: hidden; +} +.controls .control { + float: left; + margin-right: 20px; +} +.controls input { + width: 2em; + margin: 0 5px; + padding: 0; +} +.controls label { + padding-right: 5px; +} + +/* timeline */ +.yui3-timeline { + background-color:#CCCCCC; + height:15px; + margin-bottom:5px; + width:100%; +} +.yui3-timeline ul { + margin: 0; + padding: 0; +} +.yui3-timeline li { + list-style: none; + position: absolute; + margin: 1px 0; + height: 18px; + background-color:yellow; +} +.yui3-timeline li.hidden { + display: none; +} +.yui3-timeline li.highlight { + background-color:red; +} + +/* concept browser */ +.yui3-columnbrowser .hd { + display: none; +} + +/* suggest */ +.fbs-reset { + text-align: left; + z-index: 99; +} +#suggest { + margin: -3px 0 0 -3px; + position: absolute; + z-index: 99; +} +#suggest input { + width: 125px; +} +#suggest.hidden { + display: none; +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/web/css/player.css b/web/css/player.css new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a6ab3a1 --- /dev/null +++ b/web/css/player.css @@ -0,0 +1,122 @@ +#body { + margin: 0 auto; +} + +/* element style */ + +/* controls */ +.topcontrols { + text-align: right; + height: 20px; +} +.topcontrols a { + padding-top: 5px; + color: #CCC; +} +#video { + overflow: hidden; +} +/* tag list */ + +/* tag player */ +#videoplayer { + float: left; +} +#tagplayer { + float: left; +} +#tagplayer.hidden { + display: none; +} +#tagplayer .yui3-tag-carousel { + background: transparent; + overflow: auto; +} + +/* tag carousel */ +.yui3-tag-carousel ul { + margin: 0; + padding: 0; +} +.yui3-tag-carousel li { + overflow: hidden; + list-style: none; + margin: 1px 0; + padding: 4px 8px; + /*border-top: 1px solid #f2f2f2;*/ +} +.yui3-tag-carousel li.focus .label { + font-size: 175%; +} +.yui3-tag-carousel li.hidden { + display: none; +} +.yui3-tag-carousel li .label { + cursor: pointer; + float: left; +} +.yui3-tag-carousel li .count { + float: right; + color: #AAA; +} + +.yui3-tag-carousel li .edit, +.yui3-tag-carousel li .remove { + float: right; + padding: 0 4px; +} +.yui3-tag-carousel li .edit a, +.yui3-tag-carousel li .remove a { + color: #AAA; +} +.yui3-tag-carousel li .edit a:hover, +.yui3-tag-carousel li .remove a:hover { + color: red; +} + +.yui3-tag-carousel li .label input { + width: 120px; +} + +.controls { + margin-top: 10px; +} + +.tag-hit { +} + + +/* change history widget */ +.yui3-change-history ul { + margin: 0; + padding: 0; +} +.yui3-change-history li { + overflow: hidden; + list-style: none; + margin: 1px 0; + padding: 4px 0 4px 8px; + border-bottom: 1px solid #EEE; + +} +.yui3-change-history li.disabled { + color: #AAA; +} + +.yui3-change-history-content { + overflow: auto; +} + +.yui3-change-history li .i { + background-color:#CCCCCC; + color:white; + margin-right:4px; + padding: 1px 2px; + -moz-border-radius: 6px; + border-radius: 6px; +} + +th, +td { + padding: 2px 4px; +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/web/css/tags.css b/web/css/tags.css new file mode 100644 index 0000000..49f0635 --- /dev/null +++ b/web/css/tags.css @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +/* tags */ +.tag-list { + margin: 15px 0; + padding: 0; +} +.tag-list li { + overflow: auto; + list-style: none; + margin-bottom: 10px; +} diff --git a/web/css/user.css b/web/css/user.css new file mode 100644 index 0000000..264a1ee --- /dev/null +++ b/web/css/user.css @@ -0,0 +1,44 @@ +/* videos */ + +.thumb-list { + overflow: auto; +} + +.thumb-list { + margin: 10px 0; + padding: 0; +} +.thumb-list li { + float: left; + list-style: none; + margin-right: 20px; +} +.thumb-list li .item-content { + width: 150px; + overflow: hidden; +} +.thumb-list .thumb-container { + margin-bottom: 5px +} +.thumb-list .games { + padding-top: 3px; + font-size: 95%; + color: #666; +} + +/* tags */ + +#tags .body { + background-color: #F5F5F5; +} + +#tags .tag-cloud { + width: 600px; + margin: 0 auto; + padding: 20px 0; + text-align: center; +} + +.tag-cloud a { + padding: 0 0.5em; +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/web/css/videopage.css b/web/css/videopage.css new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5b462eb --- /dev/null +++ b/web/css/videopage.css @@ -0,0 +1,209 @@ +#body { + margin: 0 auto; +} + +/* page layout */ +#main { + padding-left: 225px; +} +#tags { + float: left; + width: 200px; + height: 600px; +} +#concepts { +} +#concepts.hidden { + display:none; +} +#frames { +} +#video { +} + +/* element style */ + +h4 { + margin: 0; + padding-bottom: 2px; + border-color: #BBB; + border-style: solid; + border-width: 0 0 1px; + font-weight: normal; + font-size: 130%; +} + +/* tag reconcile */ +.yui3-tag-reconcile { + width: 100%; +} +.yui3-tag-reconcile ul { + margin: 0; + padding: 0; +} +.yui3-tag-reconcile li { + list-style: none; + padding: 4px; + margin: 0; +} +.yui3-tag-reconcile li .types span { + padding: 0 5px; +} +.yui3-tag-reconcile .selection { + padding: 5px 0; + overflow: auto; +} +.yui3-tag-reconcile li.selected { + font-size: 125%; +} +.yui3-tag-reconcile .toggle { + padding-top: 1em; + float: right; +} +#suggest { + margin: 5px 0; + width: 100%; +} + +/* video frames */ +.yui3-video-frames-content { + overflow: auto; +} +.yui3-video-frames ul { + margin: 0; + padding: 0; +} +.yui3-video-frames li { + width: 200px; + float: left; + overflow: hidden; + list-style: none; + margin: 0 10px 10px 0; +} +.yui3-video-frames li img { + width: 100%; +} +.yui3-video-frames .frame-confirm { + text-align: center; + color: white; + background-color: #222; + margin-top: -5px; + padding: 4px 0; +} +.yui3-video-frames .tag { + text-align: center; + margin-top: -5px; + padding: 4px 0; + background-color: #DDD; +} +.yui3-video-frames li.depicted .frame-confirm { + background-color: green; +} +.yui3-video-frames li.associated .frame-confirm { + background-color: blue; +} +.yui3-video-frames li.rejected .frame-confirm { + background-color: red; +} + +/* controls */ +.topcontrols { + text-align: right; + height: 20px; +} +.topcontrols a { + padding-top: 5px; + color: #CCC; +} + +/* tag list */ + +#taglist .yui3-tag-carousel-content { + overflow:auto; +} +#taglist .yui3-tag-carousel li.focus, +#taglist .yui3-tag-carousel li.focus .count, +#taglist .yui3-tag-carousel li.focus a { + background-color: #1057AE; + color: #FFF; +} +#taglist .yui3-tag-carousel li.focus .label { + font-size: 100%; +} + + +/* tag player */ +#video.hidden { + display: none; + position: absolute; +} +#videoplayer { + float: left; +} +#tagplayer { + float: left; + background-color: #C4C4C4; + opacity: 0.5; + margin-left: -100px; +} +#tagplayer.hidden { + display: none; +} +#tagplayer .yui3-tag-carousel { + background: transparent; + color: #FFF; + overflow: hidden; + font-size: 90%; +} + +/* tag carousel */ +.yui3-tag-carousel ul { + margin: 0; + padding: 0; +} +.yui3-tag-carousel li { + overflow: hidden; + list-style: none; + margin: 1px 0; + padding: 4px 8px; + /*border-top: 1px solid #f2f2f2;*/ +} +.yui3-tag-carousel li.focus .label { + font-size: 175%; +} +.yui3-tag-carousel li .label { + cursor: pointer; + font-size: 110%; + float: left; +} +.yui3-tag-carousel li .count { + float: right; + color: #AAA; +} + +.controls { + margin-top: 10px; +} + +.tag-hit { +} + + +/* facets */ +.facets { + float: left; +} +.facet { + margin: 5px; +} +.facet-title { + font-weight: bold; +} +.facet-values { + max-height: 200px; + width: 150px; + overflow: auto; +} +.facet-value { + padding: 2px 4px; +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/web/css/videos.css b/web/css/videos.css new file mode 100644 index 0000000..28b5a5c --- /dev/null +++ b/web/css/videos.css @@ -0,0 +1,34 @@ +/* videos */ +.thumb-list { + margin: 15px 0; + padding: 0; +} +.thumb-list li.video { + overflow: auto; + list-style: none; + margin-bottom: 15px; +} +.thumb-list .thumb-container { + float: left; + margin-right: 5px; +} +.thumb-list .processes { + font-size: 95%; + color: #666; +} +.process { + overflow: auto; + margin-top: 4px; +} +.annotation-value { + float: left; +} +ul.annotation-times { + margin-left: 5px; + padding: 0; +} +.annotation-times li { + float: left; + margin-left: 5px; + list-style: none; +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/web/css/yaz.css b/web/css/yaz.css new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f7deeca --- /dev/null +++ b/web/css/yaz.css @@ -0,0 +1,149 @@ +body { + color: #222; + font-family: Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif; + font-size: 12px; + text-align: center; +} + +/* header */ +#header { + border-bottom: 1px solid #EEE; +} +#header .header-content { + height:2em; + margin:1.5em auto 0; + padding-bottom:0.8em; + text-align:left; + width:980px; +} + +#header h1 { + margin: 0; + float: left; + font-size: 2em; +} +#header h1 a:hover, +#header h1 a:visited { + color: olive; + text-decoration: none; +} + +/* navigation links */ +#pagenavigation { + float:left; + height:2em; + line-height: 1em; + margin: 0 0 0 1em; + padding: 0.2em 0; +} +#pagenavigation li { + float: left; + margin: 0; + padding: 0.3em 8px; + list-style:none; + font-size: 1.2em; + border-left: 1px solid #CCC; +} + +/* search */ +#pagesearch { + float: left; + margin-left: 2em; +} + +#pagesearch .btn { + border:1px solid #CCCCCC; + font-size:1em; + height:2em; + vertical-align: bottom; + } +#pagesearch .inp { + border:1px solid #CCCCCC; + font-size:1em; + height:1.4em; + padding:0.2em; + width:20em; +} + +/* control links e.g. login */ +#pagecontrols { + float: right; + line-height: 1em; + height:2em; + padding-top: 0.6em; +} + +#pagecontrols .login { + text-align: right; +} + +#body { + width: 980px; + margin: 20px auto; + text-align: left; +} + +a { + text-decoration: none; +} +a:link { + color: olive; +} +a:visited { + color: olive; +} +a:hover { + text-decoration: underline; +} + +a img { + border:none; +} + +.topic .header { + border-bottom: 1px solid #CCC; + color: olive; +} + +.header h2 { + margin-bottom: 3px; + font-size: 133%; +} +.header h2 a { + color: olive; +} +.body { + padding: 10px 0; + margin-bottom: 20px; + overflow: auto; +} + +.paginator { + text-align: center; + margin: 10px 0 20px; +} +.paginator a { + border: 1px solid #CCC; + margin: 0 2px; + padding: 3px; +} +.paginator .active a { + color: #CCC; + border-color: #CCC; +} + +.thumb-container { + margin-bottom:5px; + min-height:90px; +} +.thumb-container img { + -moz-border-radius: 3px; + border-radius: 3px; + border: 1px solid #DDD; + overflow: hidden; + padding: 4px; +} + +h4 { + margin-bottom: 3px; +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/web/js/changehistory/changehistory.js b/web/js/changehistory/changehistory.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9e5e114 --- /dev/null +++ b/web/js/changehistory/changehistory.js @@ -0,0 +1,163 @@ +YUI.add('change-history', function(Y) { + + var Lang = Y.Lang, + Widget = Y.Widget, + Node = Y.Node; + + var NS = Y.namespace('mazzle'); + NS.ChangeHistory = ChangeHistory; + + /* ChangeHistory class constructor */ + function ChangeHistory(config) { + ChangeHistory.superclass.constructor.apply(this, arguments); + } + + /* + * Required NAME static field, to identify the Widget class and + * used as an event prefix, to generate class names etc. (set to the + * class name in camel case). + */ + ChangeHistory.NAME = "change-history"; + + /* + * The attribute configuration for the ChangeHistory widget. Attributes can be + * defined with default values, get/set functions and validator functions + * as with any other class extending Base. + */ + ChangeHistory.ATTRS = { + index: { + value: 0 + } + }; + + /* Static constants used to define the markup templates used to create ChangeHistory DOM elements */ + ChangeHistory.LIST_CLASS = 'tag-list'; + ChangeHistory.LIST_TEMPLATE = '<ul class="'+ChangeHistory.LIST_CLASS+'"></ul>'; + + /* ChangeHistory extends the base Widget class */ + Y.extend(ChangeHistory, Widget, { + + initializer: function() { + this._listNode = null; + this._actions = []; + }, + + destructor : function() { + }, + + renderUI : function() { + var content = this.get("contentBox"); + this._listNode = content.appendChild(Node.create(ChangeHistory.LIST_TEMPLATE)); + }, + + bindUI : function() { + Y.delegate("click", this._itemSelect, this._listNode, "li", this); + }, + + syncUI : function() { + this._renderActions(); + }, + + _renderActions : function() { + var actions = this._actions; + this._listNode.setContent(""); + for(var i=0; i < actions.length; i++) { + this._listNode.append('<li>' + +'<span class="i">'+i+'</span>' + +this.formatAction(actions[i]) + +'</li>'); + } + }, + + formatAction : function(action) { + var type = action.type; + annotation = action.annotation; + var label = annotation.tag ? '"'+annotation.tag.value+'"' : ""; + if(action.newvalue) {label += ' to "'+action.newvalue+'"'} + if(action.startTime) {label += ' at time '+action.startTime} + if(action.endTime) {label += ' - '+action.endTime} + var html = '<span class="type">'+type+'</span>' + + '<span class="label"> '+label+'</span>'; + return html; + }, + + addActionHandler : function(e) { + var action = e.details[0]; + this.addAction(action); + }, + + addAction : function(action) { + var actions = this._actions, + index = this.get("index"), + nodes = this._listNode.all("li"); + // First we remove the actions after the current index (the redos). + if(index<actions.length) { + Y.log("remove redos from "+index); + this._actions = actions.slice(0, index); + for (var i=index; i < actions.length; i++) { + nodes.item(i).remove(); + } + } + // Know we add the new history item + index++; + this._actions.push(action); + this.set("index", index); + this._listNode.append('<li>' + +'<span class="i">'+index+'</span>' + +this.formatAction(action) + +'</li>'); + }, + + getActiveActions : function() { + var actions = this._actions, + index = this.get("index"); + + var active = []; + for (var i=0; i < index; i++) { + var action = actions[i]; + active[i] = { + type:action.type, + annotation:action.annotation + }; + if(action.newvalue) { + active[i].newvalue = action.newvalue; + } + } + return active; + }, + + disableAll : function() { + this.set("index", 0); + this._actions = []; + this._listNode.setContent(""); + /* + this.set("index", 0); + this._listNode.all("li").each(function(node, i) { + node.addClass("disabled"); + });*/ + }, + + _itemSelect : function(e) { + var nodes = e.container.all("li"); + index = nodes.indexOf(e.currentTarget), + actions = this._actions, + undo = []; + + // We store the current index, so later we know + // which actions are undos and redos + this.set("index", index); + + // The redo actions are indicated by CSS class "disabled" + // and collected in the history array which is send in the + // undo event. + for (var i=index; i < nodes.size(); i++) { + nodes.item(i).addClass("disabled"); + undo.push(actions[i]); + }; + Y.log("undo "+undo); + this.fire("undo", {history:undo}); + } + + }); + +}, 'gallery-2010.03.02-18' ,{requires:['node','widget']}); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/web/js/game/input.js b/web/js/game/input.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e99529d --- /dev/null +++ b/web/js/game/input.js @@ -0,0 +1,135 @@ +YUI.add('game-input', function(Y) { + + var NS = Y.namespace('mazzle'); + NS.GameInput = GameInput; + + function GameInput(config) { + GameInput.superclass.constructor.apply(this, arguments); + } + + GameInput.NAME = "game-input"; + + GameInput.ATTRS = { + input: { + value: null + }, + output: { + value: null + }, + tags: { + value: [], + setter: function(val, attr) { + if(Y.Lang.isArray(val)) { + return val; + } else { + var tags = this.get("tags"); + tags.unshift(val); + return tags; + } + } + }, + autoAddTag: { + value: true + } + }; + + GameInput.LIST_CLASS = 'tag-list'; + GameInput.LIST_TEMPLATE = '<ul class="'+GameInput.LIST_CLASS+'"></ul>'; + + /* GameInput extends the Base class */ + Y.extend(GameInput, Y.Base, { + + initializer: function() { + if(this.get("input")) { + this.input = Y.one(this.get("input")); + this.input.on("keydown", this._onKeyDown, this); + } + if(this.get("output")) { + this.output = Y.one(this.get("output")); + this.list = this._renderTagList(); + this._renderTags(); + } + }, + + destructor : function() { + }, + + updateTags : function(matched) { + var tags = this.get("tags"); + var i=0, j=0, length=tags.length; + for(i; i < matched.length; i++) { + var match = matched[i]; + while(j<length&&(match.label!==tags[j].label)) { + j++; + } + var tag = tags[j]; + if(tag&&(tag.match!==match.match)) { + if(tag.match !== match.match) { + tag.match = match.match; + tag.node.addClass(match.match); + } + if(tag.order !== match.order) { + tag.order !== match.order; + tag.node.addClass(this.orderClass(match)); + } + } + } + this.set("tags", tags); + }, + + _renderTagList : function() { + // add list + var list = this.output.one("."+GameInput.LIST_CLASS); + if(!list) { + list = Y.Node.create(GameInput.LIST_TEMPLATE); + this.output.appendChild(list); + } + return list; + }, + + _renderTags : function() { + var tags = this.get("tags"); + if(tags) { + for(var i=0; i < tags.length; i++) { + this.list.append(this.formatTag(tags[i])); + } + } + }, + + formatTag : function(tag) { + return "<li class='" + +this.matchClass(tag)+" " + +this.typeClass(tag)+" " + +this.orderClass(tag)+"'>" + +tag.label+"</li>"; + }, + + matchClass : function(tag) { + return tag.match||"tag"; + }, + typeClass : function(tag) { + return (tag.type=="uri"||tag.uri) ? "uri" : "literal"; + }, + orderClass : function(tag) { + return (tag.match&&tag.order===1) ? "first" : ""; + }, + + addTag : function(tag) { + this.input.set("value", ""); + tag.node = Y.Node.create(this.formatTag(tag)); + this.set("tags", tag); + this.list.prepend(tag.node); + }, + + _onKeyDown : function(e) { + if(e.charCode === 13) { + var tag = {label:this.input.get("value")}; + this.fire("enter", tag); + if(this.get("autoAddTag")) { + this.addTag(tag); + } + } + } + }); + +}, 'gallery-2010.03.02-18' ,{requires:['node','base']}); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/web/js/game/players.js b/web/js/game/players.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ba3476c --- /dev/null +++ b/web/js/game/players.js @@ -0,0 +1,116 @@ +YUI.add('game-players', function(Y) { + + var NS = Y.namespace('mazzle'); + NS.GamePlayers = GamePlayers; + + function GamePlayers(config) { + GamePlayers.superclass.constructor.apply(this, arguments); + } + + GamePlayers.NAME = "game-players"; + + GamePlayers.ATTRS = { + container: { + value: null + }, + maxNumberOfPlayers: { + value: 50 + }, + emptyShow: { + value: false + }, + countShow: { + value: true + }, + user: { + value: null + }, + players: { + value: [] + } + }; + + GamePlayers.LIST_CLASS = 'game-players'; + GamePlayers.LIST_TEMPLATE = '<ul class="'+GamePlayers.LIST_CLASS+'"></ul>'; + + /* GamePlayers extends the base Widget class */ + Y.extend(GamePlayers, Y.Base, { + + initializer: function() { + if(Y.one(this.get("container"))) { + this.list = null; + this.el = []; + this._renderContent(); + this._renderPlayers(); + this.after("playersChange", this.syncUI); + } + }, + + destructor : function() { + }, + + // TBD animate updates + updatePlayers : function(players) { + this.set("players", players); + this._renderPlayers(); + }, + + _renderContent : function() { + var content = Y.one(this.get("container")), + max = this.get("maxNumberOfPlayers"); + + // add list + var list = content.one("."+GamePlayers.LIST_CLASS); + if(!list) { + list = Y.Node.create(GamePlayers.LIST_TEMPLATE); + content.appendChild(list); + } + for (var i=0; i < max; i++) { + var node = list.appendChild(Y.Node.create('<li class="player"></li>')); + if(!this.get("emptyShow")) { + node.addClass("hidden"); + } + if(this.get("countShow")) { + var count=i+1; + node.append('<div class="count">'+count+'.</div>'); + } + this.el[i] = node; + } + this.list = list; + }, + + _renderPlayers : function() { + var players = this.get("players"), + el = this.el; + if(players) { + players.sort(this.playerSort); + for(var i=0; i < players.length; i++) { + if(el[i]) { + el[i].setContent(this.formatPlayer(players[i], i)); + el[i].removeClass("hidden"); + } + } + } + }, + + formatPlayer : function(player, index) { + var html = "", + name = (player.name == this.get("user")) ? "You" : player.name; + + if(this.get("countShow")) { + var count = index+1; + html += '<div class="count">'+count+'.</div>'; + } + html += '<div class="name">'+name+'</div>'; + if(player.score) { + html += '<div class="score">'+player.score+'</div>'; + } + return html; + }, + + playerSort : function(p1, p2) { + return p1.score < p2.score; + } + }); + +}, 'gallery-2010.03.02-18' ,{requires:['node','base']}); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/web/js/jquery/jquery-1.4.2.min.js b/web/js/jquery/jquery-1.4.2.min.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7c24308 --- /dev/null +++ b/web/js/jquery/jquery-1.4.2.min.js @@ -0,0 +1,154 @@ +/*! + * jQuery JavaScript Library v1.4.2 + * http://jquery.com/ + * + * Copyright 2010, John Resig + * Dual licensed under the MIT or GPL Version 2 licenses. + * http://jquery.org/license + * + * Includes Sizzle.js + * http://sizzlejs.com/ + * Copyright 2010, The Dojo Foundation + * Released under the MIT, BSD, and GPL Licenses. + * + * Date: Sat Feb 13 22:33:48 2010 -0500 + */ +(function(A,w){function ma(){if(!c.isReady){try{s.documentElement.doScroll("left")}catch(a){setTimeout(ma,1);return}c.ready()}}function Qa(a,b){b.src?c.ajax({url:b.src,async:false,dataType:"script"}):c.globalEval(b.text||b.textContent||b.innerHTML||"");b.parentNode&&b.parentNode.removeChild(b)}function X(a,b,d,f,e,j){var i=a.length;if(typeof b==="object"){for(var o in b)X(a,o,b[o],f,e,d);return a}if(d!==w){f=!j&&f&&c.isFunction(d);for(o=0;o<i;o++)e(a[o],b,f?d.call(a[o],o,e(a[o],b)):d,j);return a}return i? 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rep==='object'){length=rep.length;for(i=0;i<length;i+=1){k=rep[i];if(typeof k==='string'){v=str(k,value);if(v){partial.push(quote(k)+(gap?': ':':')+v);}}}}else{for(k in value){if(Object.hasOwnProperty.call(value,k)){v=str(k,value);if(v){partial.push(quote(k)+(gap?': ':':')+v);}}}}v=partial.length===0?'{}':gap?'{\n'+gap+partial.join(',\n'+gap)+'\n'+mind+'}':'{'+partial.join(',')+'}';gap=mind;return v;}}if(typeof JSON.stringify!=='function'){JSON.stringify=function(value,replacer,space){var i;gap='';indent='';if(typeof space==='number'){for(i=0;i<space;i+=1){indent+=' ';}}else if(typeof space==='string'){indent=space;}rep=replacer;if(replacer&&typeof replacer!=='function'&&(typeof replacer!=='object'||typeof replacer.length!=='number')){throw new Error('JSON.stringify');}return str('',{'':value});};}if(typeof JSON.parse!=='function'){JSON.parse=function(text,reviver){var j;function walk(holder,key){var k,v,value=holder[key];if(value&&typeof value==='object'){for(k in value){if(Object.hasOwnProperty.call(value,k)){v=walk(value,k);if(v!==undefined){value[k]=v;}else{delete value[k];}}}}return reviver.call(holder,key,value);}cx.lastIndex=0;if(cx.test(text)){text=text.replace(cx,function(a){return'\\u'+('0000'+a.charCodeAt(0).toString(16)).slice(-4);});}if(/^[\],:{}\s]*$/.test(text.replace(/\\(?:["\\\/bfnrt]|u[0-9a-fA-F]{4})/g,'@').replace(/"[^"\\\n\r]*"|true|false|null|-?\d+(?:\.\d*)?(?:[eE][+\-]?\d+)?/g,']').replace(/(?:^|:|,)(?:\s*\[)+/g,''))){j=eval('('+text+')');return typeof reviver==='function'?walk({'':j},''):j;}throw new SyntaxError('JSON.parse');};}}()); diff --git a/web/js/tagcarousel/tagcarousel.js b/web/js/tagcarousel/tagcarousel.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4fa635d --- /dev/null +++ b/web/js/tagcarousel/tagcarousel.js @@ -0,0 +1,275 @@ +YUI.add('tag-carousel', function(Y) { + + var Lang = Y.Lang, + Widget = Y.Widget, + Node = Y.Node; + + var NS = Y.namespace('mazzle'); + NS.TagCarousel = TagCarousel; + + /* TagCarousel class constructor */ + function TagCarousel(config) { + TagCarousel.superclass.constructor.apply(this, arguments); + } + + /* + * Required NAME static field, to identify the Widget class and + * used as an event prefix, to generate class names etc. (set to the + * class name in camel case). + */ + TagCarousel.NAME = "tag-carousel"; + + /* + * The attribute configuration for the TagCarousel widget. Attributes can be + * defined with default values, get/set functions and validator functions + * as with any other class extending Base. + */ + TagCarousel.ATTRS = { + tags: { + value: [] + }, + active: { + value: true + }, + topIndent: { + value: true + }, + edit: { + value: false + }, + remove: { + value: false + }, + suggest: { + value: null + } + }; + + /* Static constants used to define the markup templates used to create TagCarousel DOM elements */ + TagCarousel.LIST_CLASS = 'tag-list'; + TagCarousel.LIST_TEMPLATE = '<ul class="'+TagCarousel.LIST_CLASS+'"></ul>'; + + /* TagCarousel extends the base Widget class */ + Y.extend(TagCarousel, Widget, { + + initializer: function() { + }, + + destructor : function() { + }, + + renderUI : function() { + var content = this.get("contentBox"), + height = this.get("height"); + + content.setStyle("position", "relative"); + if(this.get("topIndent")) { + content.setStyle("top", height/2+"px"); + } + + this.listNode = content.appendChild(Node.create(TagCarousel.LIST_TEMPLATE)); + }, + + bindUI : function() { + this.after("tagsChange", this.syncUI); + Y.delegate("click", this._itemSelect, this.listNode, "li .label", this); + Y.delegate("click", this._itemEdit, this.listNode, "li .edit", this); + Y.delegate("click", this._itemRemove, this.listNode, "li .remove", this); + + this._scrollAnim = new Y.Anim({ + node: this.get("boundingBox"), + duration: 1, + easing: Y.Easing.easeOut + }); + }, + + syncUI : function() { + this._renderItems(); + }, + + _renderItems : function() { + var tags = this.get("tags"), + timeIndex = {}; + + this.listNode.setContent(""); + + // format the items and store in the time index + for(var i=0; i < tags.length; i++) { + this.listNode.append('<li>'+this.formatItem(tags[i])+'</li>'); + var time = Math.round(tags[i].startTime/1000); //TBD make this hookable + timeIndex[time] = i; + } + this._timeIndex = timeIndex; + }, + + formatItem : function(item) { + var tag = item.tag, + html; + console.log(tag,Lang.isArray(tag)); + if(Lang.isArray(tag)) { + html = '<div class="label">'; + for (var i=0; i < tag.length; i++) { + html += tag[i].value+", "; + } + html += '</div>'; + } else { + html = '<div class="label">'+tag.value+'</div>'; + } + + if(item.count) { + html += '<div class="count">'+item.count+'</div>'; + } + if(this.get("edit")) { + html += '<div class="edit"><a href="javascript:{}">e</a></div>'; + } + if(this.get("remove")) { + html += '<div class="remove"><a href="javascript:{}">x</a></div>'; + } + if(item.uri) { + return '<a href="javascript:{}">'+html+'</a>'; + } else { + return html; + } + + }, + + _itemSelect : function(e) { + // item click + var node = e.currentTarget.get("parentNode"), + index = e.container.all("li").indexOf(node), + item = this.get("tags")[index], + arg = {li:node, index:index, tag:item}; + + if(!node.one('input')) { + Y.log('clicked tag '+item.tag.value+' at index '+index); + this._highlight(index); + this.fire("itemSelect", arg); + } + }, + + _itemEdit : function(e) { + var node = e.currentTarget.get("parentNode"), + index = e.container.all("li").indexOf(node), + item = this.get("tags")[index], + labelNode = node.one('.label'), + label = labelNode.get("innerHTML"), + arg = { + type:'edit', + index:index, + annotation:item + }; + + if(this.get("suggest")) { + var suggest = this.get("suggest"); + if(suggest.hasClass("hidden")) { + suggest.align.to(labelNode, "tl","tl"); + suggest.one('input').set("value", label); + suggest.removeClass("hidden"); + } else { + suggest.addClass("hidden"); + var newvalue = suggest.one('input').get("value"); + labelNode.setContent(newvalue); + } + } else { + var inputNode = node.one('input'); + if(inputNode) { + var newvalue = inputNode.get("value"); + arg.newvalue = newvalue; + this.fire("itemUpdate", arg); + labelNode.setContent(newvalue); + } else { + Y.log('edit tag '+item.tag.value+' at index '+index); + labelNode.setContent("<input value='"+label+"'>"); + this.fire("itemStartEdit", arg); + } + } + }, + + _itemRemove : function(e) { + var node = e.currentTarget.get("parentNode"), + index = e.container.all("li").indexOf(node), + item = this.get("tags")[index], + arg = { + type:'remove', + index:index, + annotation:item + }; + + Y.log('remove tag '+item.tag.value+' at index '+index); + node.addClass("hidden"); + this.fire("itemUpdate", arg); + }, + + focusTag : function(tag) { + this.focusIndex(this.tagIndex(tag)); + }, + + focusNode : function(node) { + var index = this.listNode.all("li").indexOf(node); + this.focusIndex(index); + }, + + focusTime : function(time) { + var timeIndex = this._timeIndex, + index = timeIndex[time]; + + if(index>=0) { + Y.log('tagged '+this.get("tags")[index].tag); + this.focusIndex(index); + } + }, + + focusIndex : function(index) { + if(this.get("active")) { + this._scrollTo(index); + this._highlight(index); + } + }, + + tagIndex : function(tag) { + var tags = this.get("tags"); + var i = 0; + for (i; i < tags.length; i++) { + if(tags[i].tag === tag) { + return i; + } + } + }, + + _scrollTo : function(index) { + var node = this.get("boundingBox"), + items = this.listNode.all("li"), + anim = this._scrollAnim, + scrollTo = Math.abs(this.listNode.getY() - items.item(index).getY()); + + Y.log('scroll from '+node.get('scrollTop')+' to '+scrollTo); + anim.set('to', { scroll: [node.get('scrollTop'), scrollTo] }); + anim.run(); + }, + + _highlight : function(index) { + var items = this.listNode.all("li"); + // removeFocus from other items + items.removeClass('focus'); + // add focus class to current item + items.item(index).addClass('focus'); + }, + + undo : function(e) { + var history = e.history, + items = this.listNode.all("li"); + for (var i=0; i < history.length; i++) { + var action = history[i], + node = items.item(action.index); + + if(action.type == "remove") { + node.removeClass("hidden"); + } else if(action.type == "edit") { + node.one('.label').setContent(action.tag); + } + } + } + + }); + +}, 'gallery-2010.03.02-18' ,{requires:['node','anim','widget']}); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/web/js/timeline/timeline.js b/web/js/timeline/timeline.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..cff7dcc --- /dev/null +++ b/web/js/timeline/timeline.js @@ -0,0 +1,202 @@ +YUI.add('timeline', function(Y) { + + var Lang = Y.Lang, + Widget = Y.Widget, + Node = Y.Node; + + var NS = Y.namespace('mazzle'); + NS.Timeline = Timeline; + + function Timeline(config) { + Timeline.superclass.constructor.apply(this, arguments); + } + + Timeline.NAME = "timeline"; + + Timeline.ATTRS = { + items: { + value: [], + validator: function(val) { + return Y.Lang.isArray(val); + } + }, + start: { + value: 0, + validator: function(val) { + return Y.Lang.isNumber(val); + } + }, + duration: { + value: null, + validator: function(val) { + return Y.Lang.isNumber(val); + } + }, + itemWidth: { + value: 1, + validator: function(val) { + return Y.Lang.isNumber(val); + } + } + }; + + /* Static constants used to define the markup templates used to create Timeline DOM elements */ + Timeline.LIST_CLASS = 'timeline-list'; + Timeline.LIST_TEMPLATE = '<ul class="'+Timeline.LIST_CLASS+'"></ul>'; + + /* Timeline extends the base Widget class */ + Y.extend(Timeline, Widget, { + + initializer: function() { + this._timePoints = []; + this._timePointDuration = null; + this._listNode = null; + }, + + destructor : function() { + }, + + renderUI : function() { + this._listNode = this.get("contentBox") + .appendChild(Node.create(Timeline.LIST_TEMPLATE)); + }, + + bindUI : function() { + this.after("durationChange", this.syncUI); + this.after("widthChange", this.syncUI); + this.after("itemWidthChange", this.syncUI); + this.after("itemsChange", this.syncUI); + this._bindItemEvents(); + }, + + syncUI : function() { + this._updateTimePointDuration(); + this._renderItems(); + }, + + _updateTimePointDuration : function() { + var width = this.get("contentBox").get("offsetWidth"), + itemWidth = this.get("itemWidth"), + duration = this.get("duration"); + + if(duration) { + this._timePointDuration = (width/itemWidth)/duration; + } + }, + + _renderItems : function() { + var items = this.get("items"), + itemWidth = this.get("itemWidth"), + timePoints = {}, + timePointDuration = this._timePointDuration; + + this._listNode.setContent(""); + + if(items&&timePointDuration) { + for(var i=0; i < items.length; i++) { + var item = items[i], + tag = item.tag, + time = item.time; + + // The timepoint to which an item is added + // depends on the duration of individual time points. + // Depending on the scale multiple items can be shared on a time point. + var position = Math.round(timePointDuration*time); + if(timePoints[position]) { + var timePoint = timePoints[position]; + item.node = timePoint.node; + timePoint.items.push(i); + } else { + item.node = this._listNode + .appendChild(Node.create('<li></li>')) + .setStyle('marginLeft', position) + .setStyle('width', itemWidth); + timePoints[position] = { + node: item.node, + items: [i] + }; + } + } + } + this._timePoints = timePoints; + }, + + _bindItemEvents : function() { + // item mouse over + Y.delegate("mouseover", function(e) { + var index = e.container.all("li").indexOf(e.currentTarget), + items = this._timePoints[index]; + this.fire("itemMouseOver", { + items:items, target:e.currentTarget, index:index}); + }, this._listNode, "li", this); + + // item click + Y.delegate("click", function(e) { + var index = e.container.all("li").indexOf(e.currentTarget), + items = this._timePoints[index]; + this.fire("itemSelect", { + items:items, target:e.currentTarget, index:index}); + }, this._listNode, "li", this); + }, + + /* updateToInterval + * + * groups is an object with as a key the index + * of the item that should be updated to an interval + */ + updateToInterval : function(groups, interval) { + var items = this.get("items"), + itemWidth = this.get("itemWidth"); + + // First we reset everything + this._listNode.all("li").each(function(node, index) { + node.setStyle("width", itemWidth) + .removeClass("hidden") + .removeClass("interval"); + }); + + if(groups&&interval) { + itemWidth = itemWidth*(this._timePointDuration*interval); + for (var i=0; i < items.length; i++) { + var node = items[i].node; + if(groups[i]) { + node.setStyle("width", itemWidth) + .addClass("interval") + .removeClass("hidden"); + } else if(!node.hasClass("interval")){ + node.addClass("hidden"); + } + } + } + }, + + highlightTag : function(tag) { + var items = this.get("items"); + for (var i=0; i < items.length; i++) { + var item = items[i]; + if(item.tag == tag) { + this._highlight(item.node); + } + }; + }, + + highlightIndex : function(index) { + var item = this.get("items")[index]; + if(item) { + this._highlight(item.node); + } + }, + + _highlight : function(node) { + // removeFocus from all items + this._listNode.all("li").removeClass('highlight'); + // and highlight the node of the item at index + if(node) { + node.addClass('highlight'); + } + } + + + }); + +}, 'gallery-2010.03.02-18', {requires:['node','anim','widget']}); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/web/js/videoframes/videoframes.js b/web/js/videoframes/videoframes.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c5be26f --- /dev/null +++ b/web/js/videoframes/videoframes.js @@ -0,0 +1,382 @@ +YUI.add('video-frames', function(Y) { + + var Lang = Y.Lang, + Widget = Y.Widget, + Node = Y.Node; + + var NS = Y.namespace('mazzle'); + NS.VideoFrames = VideoFrames; + + /* VideoFrames class constructor */ + function VideoFrames(config) { + VideoFrames.superclass.constructor.apply(this, arguments); + } + + /* + * Required NAME static field, to identify the Widget class and + * used as an event prefix, to generate class names etc. (set to the + * class name in camel case). + */ + VideoFrames.NAME = "video-frames"; + + /* + * The attribute configuration for the VideoFrames widget. Attributes can be + * defined with default values, get/set functions and validator functions + * as with any other class extending Base. + */ + VideoFrames.ATTRS = { + frameServer: { + value: null + }, + dataServer: { + value: null + }, + playerPath: { + value: '/js/videoplayer/' + }, + maxFrames: { + value: 250 + }, + frames: { + value: [] + }, + video: { + value: null + }, + duration: { + value: null + }, + confirm: { + value: false + }, + concept: { + value: null + }, + interval: { + value: 0 + }, + users: { + value: 1 + } + }; + + /* Static constants used to define the markup templates used to create VideoFrames DOM elements */ + VideoFrames.LIST_CLASS = 'frames-list'; + VideoFrames.LIST_TEMPLATE = '<ul class="'+VideoFrames.LIST_CLASS+'"></ul>'; + + /* VideoFrames extends the base Widget class */ + Y.extend(VideoFrames, Widget, { + + initializer: function() { + this.listNode = null; + this.player = null; + this.videoBufferReady = false; + this.timeline = null; + }, + + destructor : function() { + }, + + renderUI : function() { + var content = this.get("contentBox"); + this._renderPlayer(content); + this._renderTimeline(content); + this._renderControls(content); + this._renderFrameList(content); + this.player.on("bufferReady", function() { + var duration = (this.get("duration") || this.player.getDuration())*1000 + this.videoBufferReady = true; + Y.one('.yui3-videoplayer').setStyle("left", "-10000px"); + this.timeline.set("duration", duration); + }, this); + }, + + bindUI : function() { + this.after("framesChange", this.syncUI); + + // frame click + Y.delegate("click", this._onFrameSelect, this.listNode, "li .image", this); + Y.delegate("mouseover", this._onFrameHover, this.listNode, "li", this); + Y.delegate("click", this._onConfirmSelect, this.listNode, "li div.frame-confirm", this); + }, + + syncUI : function() { + var frames = this.get("frames"), + interval = this.get("interval")*1000, + userLimit = this.get("users"); + + // hide the video + if(this.videoBufferReady) { + this.player.pause(); + Y.one('.yui3-videoplayer').setStyle("left", "-10000px"); + } + // First we render all frames afterwards we hide frames according + // to the settings of the interval and user limit. + this._renderFrames(frames); + this.timeline.set("items", frames); + if(frames.length>0&&interval>0) { + var groups = this._groupFrames(frames, interval, userLimit); + this.timeline.updateToInterval(groups, interval); + } + }, + + _renderPlayer : function(node) { + this.player = new Y.mazzle.VideoPlayer({ + filepath:this.get("playerPath"), + src:this.get("video"), + width:175, + height:98, + autoplay:false, + controls:false + //visible:false + }) + .render(node); + Y.one('.yui3-videoplayer').plug(Y.Plugin.Align); + }, + + _renderTimeline : function(node) { + this.timeline = new Y.mazzle.Timeline({ + height:20 + }) + .render(node); + }, + + _renderControls : function(node) { + var controls = node.appendChild(Node.create('<div class="controls"></div>')); + // add controls for scene selection + var sceneNode = controls.appendChild(Node.create('<div class="sceneSelect"></div>')); + this._renderSlider(sceneNode, 'group frames by interval', 'interval', { + min:0, + max:60, + value:this.get("interval") + }); + + var userNode = controls.appendChild(Node.create('<div class="userSelect"></div>')); + this._renderSlider(userNode, 'minimal users', 'users', { + min:1, + max:10, + value:this.get("users") + }); + }, + + _renderSlider : function(node, label, name, conf) { + var content = node.appendChild(Node.create('<div class="control"></div>')); + content.append('<label for='+name+'_value>'+label+'</label>'); + var sliderNode = content.appendChild(Node.create('<span></span>')); + var input = content.appendChild(Node.create('<input id="'+name+'_value">')); + input.set("value", conf.value); + var slider = new Y.Slider(conf); + input.setData( { slider: slider } ); + slider.after("valueChange", function(e) { + input.set("value", e.newVal); + }); + input.on( "keyup", function(e) { + var data = input.getData(), + slider = data.slider, + value = parseInt( input.get( "value" ), 10 ); + if ( data.wait ) { + data.wait.cancel(); + } + // Update the Slider on a delay to allow time for typing + data.wait = Y.later( 200, this, function () { + data.wait = null; + if(Y.Lang.isNumber(value)) { + slider.set( "value", value ); + this.set(name, value); + this._filterFrames(); + } + }); + }, this); + slider.render(sliderNode); + slider.on("slideEnd", function(e) { + this.set(name, slider.get("value")); + this._filterFrames(); + }, this); + }, + + _renderFrameList : function(node) { + list = node.appendChild(Node.create(VideoFrames.LIST_TEMPLATE)) + // create list elements + var maxFrames = this.get("maxFrames"); + for(var i=0; i < maxFrames; i++) { + list.append('<li class="frame hidden"></li>'); + } + this.listNode = list; + }, + + _renderFrames : function(frames) { + // update all list elements + this.listNode.all("li").each(function(node, i) { + if(frames[i]) { + node.setContent(this.formatFrame(frames[i])); + node.prepend('<div class="users hidden"></div>'); + node.removeClass("hidden"); + } else { + node.setContent(""); + node.addClass("hidden"); + } + }, this); + }, + + formatFrame : function(frame) { + var frameServer = this.get("frameServer"), + video = frame.video||this.get("video"), + time = (frame.time/1000), + tag = frame.tag; + + var html = '<div class="image">' + +'<img src="'+frameServer+'?url='+video+'&time='+time+'">' + +'</div>'; + if(this.get("confirm")) { + //html += '<div class="frame-confirm">click to confirm</div>'; + html += '<div class="frame-confirm">'+tag+'?</div>'; + } else { + html += '<div class="tag">'+tag+'</div>'; + } + + return html; + }, + + _onFrameSelect : function(e) { + var parent = e.currentTarget.get("parentNode"), + index = e.container.all("li").indexOf(parent), + frame = this.get("frames")[index], + arg = {li:e.currentTarget, index:index, frame:frame}; + + Y.log('clicked frame '+frame+' at index '+index); + Y.one('.yui3-videoplayer').align.to(e.currentTarget, "tl","tl"); + this.player.setTime(frame.time/1000, true); + + this.fire("frameSelect", arg); + }, + + _onFrameHover : function(e) { + var index = e.container.all("li").indexOf(e.currentTarget); + this.timeline.highlightIndex(index); + }, + + _onConfirmSelect : function(e) { + var target = e.currentTarget, + parent = e.currentTarget.get("parentNode"), + index = this.listNode.all("li").indexOf(parent), + frame = this.get("frames")[index]; + + Y.log('frame confirm selected at index '+index); + + var type = "depicted", + label = "depicts"; + if(frame.confirm) { + if(frame.confirm=="depicted") { + type="associated" + label="associated with" + } else if(frame.confirm=="associated") { + type = "rejected"; + label = "not"; + } + target.replaceClass(frame.confirm, type); + } else { + target.addClass(type); + }; + frame.confirm = type; + var concept = this.get("concept"); + var tag = (concept&&concept.name) ? concept.name : frame.tag; + + e.target.setContent(label+" "+tag); + this.fire("confirmSelect", {type:type, index:index, frame:frame, concept:concept}); + }, + + fetchData: function(conf) { + // default request + var data = { + video:this.get("video"), + interval:this.get("interval"), + users:this.get("users") + } + // update with conf parameters + if(conf) { + for(var key in conf) { + if(key) { + data[key] = conf[key]; + } + } + } + Y.io(this.get("dataServer"), { + data: data, + on: { success: this.dataResponse }, + context:this + }); + }, + + dataResponse: function(id,o) { + this.set("frames", Y.JSON.parse(o.responseText).fragments); + }, + + _filterFrames: function() { + var frames = this.get("frames"), + interval = this.get("interval")*1000, + userLimit = this.get("users"), + groups = {}; + + if(interval>0) { + groups = this._groupFrames(frames, interval, userLimit); + } else { + this.listNode.all("li").each(function(node, i) { + if(frames[i]) { + node.removeClass("hidden"); + node.one(".users").addClass("hidden"); + } + }) + } + this.timeline.updateToInterval(groups, interval); + }, + + /* _groupFrames + * + * group frames that are within the same interval + * the groups are stored as an array of arrays with indices + */ + _groupFrames: function(frames, interval, userLimit) { + // groups of frames are + + var groups = {}, group = 0, end = -1; + for (var i=0; i < frames.length; i++) { + var frame = frames[i]; + if(frame.time < end) { + groups[group].push(frame); + } else { + group = i; + end = frame.time + interval; + groups[group] = [frame]; + } + } + + // remove groups bellow user limit + for(var key in groups) { + var userCount = groups[key].length; + if(userCount<userLimit) { + delete groups[key]; + } + } + + // The grouped frames are visualized by showing only the first frame + // of the group and hiding the next ones. + // In addition we show the number of unique users in the first frame. + // TBD use unique users instead of the number of tag entries, + // which may contain the same user multiple times) + this.listNode.all("li").each(function(node, i) { + if(groups[i]) { + node.removeClass("hidden"); + node.one(".users") + .setContent("<span>"+groups[i].length+"</span>") + .removeClass("hidden"); + } else { + node.addClass("hidden"); + } + }) + + return groups; + } + + }); + +}, 'gallery-2010.03.02-18' ,{requires:['node','widget','io-base','json-parse']}); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/web/js/videoplayer/jquery-videoplayer.js b/web/js/videoplayer/jquery-videoplayer.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..67e8f57 --- /dev/null +++ b/web/js/videoplayer/jquery-videoplayer.js @@ -0,0 +1,264 @@ +var later = function(when, o, fn, data) { + when = when || 0; + o = o || {}; + var f = setTimeout(function() {fn.apply(o, data)}, when); + return { + id: f, + cancel: function() { + clearTimeout(r); + } + }; +}; + +function flashPlayerTimeListener(obj) { + document.getElementById(obj.id).position = obj.position; +} +function flashPlayerStateListener(obj) { + document.getElementById(obj.id).state = obj.newstate; +} + + +(function($) { + + $.widget("ui.videoplayer", { + state: 'init', + options: { + src: "", + height: 200, + width: 300, + duration: null, + autostart: false, + start: 0, + playerType: null, + extensions: { + flv:"flash", + asf:"silverlight", + wmv:"silverlight" + }, + filepath: '/js/videoplayer/' + }, + + _create: function() { + var o = this.options; + if(!o.playerType) { + this._setPlayerType(); + } + this.element + .addClass("ui-videoplayer ui-widget ui-corner-all"); + + this._renderContent(); + }, + + _setPlayerType : function() { + // guess required playerType based on extension + var o = this.options; + if(o.src) { + var pt, + src = o.src, + extensions = o.extensions, + videoType = src.substr(src.length-3, 3); + + if(extensions[videoType]) { + pt = extensions[videoType]; + } else { + pt = "html"; + } + } + o.playerType = pt; + return pt; + }, + + _renderContent : function() { + switch(this.options.playerType) { + case "flash": + this._renderFlashPlayer() + break; + case "silverlight": + this._renderSilverlightPlayer() + break; + default: + this._renderHTMLPlayer() + } + }, + _renderHTMLPlayer : function() { + var o = this.options; + this.player = $('<video></video>') + .attr({ + src: o.src, + height: o.height, + width: o.width + }) + .appendTo(this.element); + }, + + _renderFlashPlayer : function() { + //$.log('create flash player'); + var o = this.options, + id = this.element[0].id+'1', + playerId = id+"_player", + swf = o.filepath+'player.swf', + width = o.width, + height = o.height; + + var flashvars = { + file: o.src, + 'autostart': 'true' + }; + var attributes = { + 'id': playerId, + 'name': playerId + }; + var params = { + 'allowscriptaccess': 'always' + }; + + this.element.append('<div id="'+id+'"></div>'); + swfobject.embedSWF(swf,id,width,height,'9','false',flashvars,params,attributes); + this._flashPlayerInit(playerId); + }, + + _flashPlayerInit : function(playerId) { + try { + var p = document.getElementById(playerId), + o = this.options; + + // as we can't refer directly to the object we first store the data in the player object + // our own listeners than reads out this data. + // Do you have a more elegant solution? + p.addModelListener("Time", "flashPlayerTimeListener"); + p.addModelListener("State", "flashPlayerStateListener"); + this.player = p; + this._flashTimeCheck(); + this._flashStateCheck(); + + // we made the player autostart by default to load the file + // now we first seek to the start time and pause if we didn't + // want it to autoplay + if(o.start) { + p.sendEvent('SEEK', o.start); + } + if(!o.autostart) { + p.sendEvent('PLAY'); + } + } catch(e) { + later(100, this, this._flashPlayerInit, [playerId]); + } + }, + getDuration : function() { + var p = this.player; + + switch(this.options.playerType) { + case "flash": + return p.getConfig().duration + break; + case "silverlight": + return p.configuration.duration + break; + default: + return p.duration // is this correct? + } + }, + getTime : function() { + var p = this.player; + if(p.currentTime) { + return p.currentTime; + } else { + return 0; + } + }, + setTime : function(time, play) { + //$.log('seek to '+time); + var p = this.player; + //oldtime = this.getTime(); + switch(this.options.playerType) { + case "flash": + p.sendEvent('SEEK', time); + if(!play) { later(100, this, this.pause); } + break; + case "silverlight": + p.sendEvent('SCRUB', time); + if(play) { this.play() }; + break; + default: + p.currentTime(time); + if(play) { this.play() }; + } + //this.fire("timeSet", {oldtime:oldtime, newtime:time}); + }, + play : function() { + var p = this.player, + state = this.state; + + if(!(state=='BUFFERING'||state=='PLAYING')) { + if(this.options.playerType=="html") { + p.play(); + this._changeState("PLAYING"); + } else { + p.sendEvent('PLAY'); + } + } + }, + pause : function() { + var p = this.player, + state = this.state; + + if(state=='PLAYING'||state=='BUFFERING') { + if(this.options.playerType=="html") { + p.pause(); + this._changeState("PAUSED"); + } else { + p.sendEvent('PLAY'); + } + } + }, + stop : function() { + var p = this.player; + + if(this.options.playerType=="html") { + p.stop(); + this._changeState("STOPPED"); + } else { + p.sendEvent('STOP'); + } + }, + + _flashStateCheck : function() { + this._changeState(this.player.state); + later(100, this, this._flashStateCheck); + }, + _changeState : function(newState) { + if(newState) { + newState = newState.toUpperCase(); + var oldState = this.state; + if(oldState!==newState) { + this.state = newState; + //this.fire("stateChanged", {oldstate:oldState, newstate:newState}); + } + } + }, + + _flashTimeCheck : function() { + this._changeCurrentTime(this.player.position); + later(100, this, this._flashTimeCheck); + }, + _changeCurrentTime : function(time) { + if(time) { + var player = this.player; + + if(player.currentTime!==time) { + player.currentTime = time; + //this.fire("timeChange", {time:time}); + } + } + }, + + destroy : function() { + } + + }); + + $.extend($.ui.videoplayer, {}); + +})(jQuery); + + diff --git a/web/js/videoplayer/player.swf b/web/js/videoplayer/player.swf new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2922419 Binary files /dev/null and b/web/js/videoplayer/player.swf differ diff --git a/web/js/videoplayer/silverlight.js b/web/js/videoplayer/silverlight.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..dd5309a --- /dev/null +++ b/web/js/videoplayer/silverlight.js @@ -0,0 +1,576 @@ +/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// +// Silverlight.js version 2.0.30523.6 +// +// This file is provided by Microsoft as a helper file for websites that +// incorporate Silverlight Objects. This file is provided under the Microsoft +// Public License available at +// http://code.msdn.microsoft.com/silverlightjs/Project/License.aspx. +// You may not use or distribute this file or the code in this file except as +// expressly permitted under that license. +// +// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. +// +/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +if (!window.Silverlight) +{ + window.Silverlight = { }; +} + +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// +// _silverlightCount: +// +// Counter of globalized event handlers +// +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +Silverlight._silverlightCount = 0; + +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// +// fwlinkRoot: +// +// Prefix for fwlink URL's +// +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +Silverlight.fwlinkRoot='http://go2.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID='; + +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// +// onGetSilverlight: +// +// Called by Silverlight.GetSilverlight to notify the page that a user +// has requested the Silverlight installer +// +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +Silverlight.onGetSilverlight = null; + +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// +// onSilverlightInstalled: +// +// Called by Silverlight.WaitForInstallCompletion when the page detects +// that Silverlight has been installed. The event handler is not called +// in upgrade scenarios. +// +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +Silverlight.onSilverlightInstalled = function () {window.location.reload(false);}; + +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// +// isInstalled: +// +// Checks to see if the correct version is installed +// +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +Silverlight.isInstalled = function(version) +{ + var isVersionSupported=false; + var container = null; + + try + { + var control = null; + + try + { + control = new ActiveXObject('AgControl.AgControl'); + if ( version == null ) + { + isVersionSupported = true; + } + else if ( control.IsVersionSupported(version) ) + { + isVersionSupported = true; + } + control = null; + } + catch (e) + { + var plugin = navigator.plugins["Silverlight Plug-In"] ; + if ( plugin ) + { + if ( version === null ) + { + isVersionSupported = true; + } + else + { + var actualVer = plugin.description; + if ( actualVer === "1.0.30226.2") + actualVer = "2.0.30226.2"; + var actualVerArray =actualVer.split("."); + while ( actualVerArray.length > 3) + { + actualVerArray.pop(); + } + while ( actualVerArray.length < 4) + { + actualVerArray.push(0); + } + var reqVerArray = version.split("."); + while ( reqVerArray.length > 4) + { + reqVerArray.pop(); + } + + var requiredVersionPart ; + var actualVersionPart + var index = 0; + + + do + { + requiredVersionPart = parseInt(reqVerArray[index]); + actualVersionPart = parseInt(actualVerArray[index]); + index++; + } + while (index < reqVerArray.length && requiredVersionPart === actualVersionPart); + + if ( requiredVersionPart <= actualVersionPart && !isNaN(requiredVersionPart) ) + { + isVersionSupported = true; + } + } + } + } + } + catch (e) + { + isVersionSupported = false; + } + if (container) + { + document.body.removeChild(container); + } + + return isVersionSupported; +} +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// +// WaitForInstallCompletion: +// +// Occasionally checks for Silverlight installation status. If it +// detects that Silverlight has been installed then it calls +// Silverlight.onSilverlightInstalled();. This is only supported +// if Silverlight was not previously installed on this computer. +// +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +Silverlight.WaitForInstallCompletion = function() +{ + if ( ! Silverlight.isBrowserRestartRequired && Silverlight.onSilverlightInstalled ) + { + try + { + navigator.plugins.refresh(); + } + catch(e) + { + } + if ( Silverlight.isInstalled(null) ) + { + Silverlight.onSilverlightInstalled(); + } + else + { + setTimeout(Silverlight.WaitForInstallCompletion, 3000); + } + } +} +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// +// __startup: +// +// Performs startup tasks +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +Silverlight.__startup = function() +{ + Silverlight.isBrowserRestartRequired = Silverlight.isInstalled(null); + if ( !Silverlight.isBrowserRestartRequired) + { + Silverlight.WaitForInstallCompletion(); + } + if (window.removeEventListener) { + window.removeEventListener('load', Silverlight.__startup , false); + } + else { + window.detachEvent('onload', Silverlight.__startup ); + } +} + +if (window.addEventListener) +{ + window.addEventListener('load', Silverlight.__startup , false); +} +else +{ + window.attachEvent('onload', Silverlight.__startup ); +} + +/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// createObject: +// +// Inserts a Silverlight <object> tag or installation experience into the HTML +// DOM based on the current installed state of Silverlight. +// +///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +Silverlight.createObject = function(source, parentElement, id, properties, events, initParams, userContext) +{ + var slPluginHelper = new Object(); + var slProperties = properties; + var slEvents = events; + + slPluginHelper.version = slProperties.version; + slProperties.source = source; + slPluginHelper.alt = slProperties.alt; + + //rename properties to their tag property names. For bacwards compatibility + //with Silverlight.js version 1.0 + if ( initParams ) + slProperties.initParams = initParams; + if ( slProperties.isWindowless && !slProperties.windowless) + slProperties.windowless = slProperties.isWindowless; + if ( slProperties.framerate && !slProperties.maxFramerate) + slProperties.maxFramerate = slProperties.framerate; + if ( id && !slProperties.id) + slProperties.id = id; + + // remove elements which are not to be added to the instantiation tag + delete slProperties.ignoreBrowserVer; + delete slProperties.inplaceInstallPrompt; + delete slProperties.version; + delete slProperties.isWindowless; + delete slProperties.framerate; + delete slProperties.data; + delete slProperties.src; + delete slProperties.alt; + + + // detect that the correct version of Silverlight is installed, else display install + + if (Silverlight.isInstalled(slPluginHelper.version)) + { + //move unknown events to the slProperties array + for (var name in slEvents) + { + if ( slEvents[name]) + { + if ( name == "onLoad" && typeof slEvents[name] == "function" && slEvents[name].length != 1 ) + { + var onLoadHandler = slEvents[name]; + slEvents[name]=function (sender){ return onLoadHandler(document.getElementById(id), userContext, sender)}; + } + var handlerName = Silverlight.__getHandlerName(slEvents[name]); + if ( handlerName != null ) + { + slProperties[name] = handlerName; + slEvents[name] = null; + } + else + { + throw "typeof events."+name+" must be 'function' or 'string'"; + } + } + } + slPluginHTML = Silverlight.buildHTML(slProperties); + } + //The control could not be instantiated. Show the installation prompt + else + { + slPluginHTML = Silverlight.buildPromptHTML(slPluginHelper); + } + + // insert or return the HTML + if(parentElement) + { + parentElement.innerHTML = slPluginHTML; + } + else + { + return slPluginHTML; + } + +} + +/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// +// buildHTML: +// +// create HTML that instantiates the control +// +/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +Silverlight.buildHTML = function( slProperties) +{ + var htmlBuilder = []; + + htmlBuilder.push('<object type=\"application/x-silverlight\" data="data:application/x-silverlight,"'); + if ( slProperties.id != null ) + { + htmlBuilder.push(' id="' + slProperties.id + '"'); + } + if ( slProperties.width != null ) + { + htmlBuilder.push(' width="' + slProperties.width+ '"'); + } + if ( slProperties.height != null ) + { + htmlBuilder.push(' height="' + slProperties.height + '"'); + } + htmlBuilder.push(' >'); + + delete slProperties.id; + delete slProperties.width; + delete slProperties.height; + + for (var name in slProperties) + { + if (slProperties[name]) + { + htmlBuilder.push('<param name="'+Silverlight.HtmlAttributeEncode(name)+'" value="'+Silverlight.HtmlAttributeEncode(slProperties[name])+'" />'); + } + } + htmlBuilder.push('<\/object>'); + return htmlBuilder.join(''); +} + + + +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// +// createObjectEx: +// +// takes a single parameter of all createObject +// parameters enclosed in {} +// +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +Silverlight.createObjectEx = function(params) +{ + var parameters = params; + var html = Silverlight.createObject(parameters.source, parameters.parentElement, parameters.id, parameters.properties, parameters.events, parameters.initParams, parameters.context); + if (parameters.parentElement == null) + { + return html; + } +} + +/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// +// buildPromptHTML +// +// Builds the HTML to prompt the user to download and install Silverlight +// +/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +Silverlight.buildPromptHTML = function(slPluginHelper) +{ + var slPluginHTML = ""; + var urlRoot = Silverlight.fwlinkRoot; + var shortVer = slPluginHelper.version ; + if ( slPluginHelper.alt ) + { + slPluginHTML = slPluginHelper.alt; + } + else + { + if (! shortVer ) + { + shortVer=""; + } + slPluginHTML = "<a href='javascript:Silverlight.getSilverlight(\"{1}\");' style='text-decoration: none;'><img src='{2}' alt='Get Microsoft Silverlight' style='border-style: none'/></a>"; + slPluginHTML = slPluginHTML.replace('{1}', shortVer ); + slPluginHTML = slPluginHTML.replace('{2}', urlRoot + '108181'); + } + + return slPluginHTML; +} + +/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// +// getSilverlight: +// +// Navigates the browser to the appropriate Silverlight installer +// +/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +Silverlight.getSilverlight = function(version) +{ + if (Silverlight.onGetSilverlight ) + { + Silverlight.onGetSilverlight(); + } + + var shortVer = ""; + var reqVerArray = String(version).split("."); + if (reqVerArray.length > 1) + { + var majorNum = parseInt(reqVerArray[0] ); + if ( isNaN(majorNum) || majorNum < 2 ) + { + shortVer = "1.0"; + } + else + { + shortVer = reqVerArray[0]+'.'+reqVerArray[1]; + } + } + + var verArg = ""; + + if (shortVer.match(/^\d+\056\d+$/) ) + { + verArg = "&v="+shortVer; + } + + Silverlight.followFWLink("114576" + verArg); +} + + +/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// +// followFWLink: +// +// Navigates to a url based on fwlinkid +// +/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +Silverlight.followFWLink = function(linkid) +{ + top.location=Silverlight.fwlinkRoot+String(linkid); +} + +/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// +// HtmlAttributeEncode: +// +// Encodes special characters in input strings as charcodes +// +/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +Silverlight.HtmlAttributeEncode = function( strInput ) +{ + var c; + var retVal = ''; + + if(strInput == null) + { + return null; + } + + for(var cnt = 0; cnt < strInput.length; cnt++) + { + c = strInput.charCodeAt(cnt); + + if (( ( c > 96 ) && ( c < 123 ) ) || + ( ( c > 64 ) && ( c < 91 ) ) || + ( ( c > 43 ) && ( c < 58 ) && (c!=47)) || + ( c == 95 )) + { + retVal = retVal + String.fromCharCode(c); + } + else + { + retVal = retVal + '&#' + c + ';'; + } + } + + return retVal; +} +/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// +// default_error_handler: +// +// Default error handling function +// +/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +Silverlight.default_error_handler = function (sender, args) +{ + var iErrorCode; + var errorType = args.ErrorType; + + iErrorCode = args.ErrorCode; + + var errMsg = "\nSilverlight error message \n" ; + + errMsg += "ErrorCode: "+ iErrorCode + "\n"; + + + errMsg += "ErrorType: " + errorType + " \n"; + errMsg += "Message: " + args.ErrorMessage + " \n"; + + if (errorType == "ParserError") + { + errMsg += "XamlFile: " + args.xamlFile + " \n"; + errMsg += "Line: " + args.lineNumber + " \n"; + errMsg += "Position: " + args.charPosition + " \n"; + } + else if (errorType == "RuntimeError") + { + if (args.lineNumber != 0) + { + errMsg += "Line: " + args.lineNumber + " \n"; + errMsg += "Position: " + args.charPosition + " \n"; + } + errMsg += "MethodName: " + args.methodName + " \n"; + } + alert (errMsg); +} + +/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// +// __cleanup: +// +// Releases event handler resources when the page is unloaded +// +/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +Silverlight.__cleanup = function () +{ + for (var i = Silverlight._silverlightCount - 1; i >= 0; i--) { + window['__slEvent' + i] = null; + } + Silverlight._silverlightCount = 0; + if (window.removeEventListener) { + window.removeEventListener('unload', Silverlight.__cleanup , false); + } + else { + window.detachEvent('onunload', Silverlight.__cleanup ); + } +} + +/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// +// __getHandlerName: +// +// Generates named event handlers for delegates. +// +/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +Silverlight.__getHandlerName = function (handler) +{ + var handlerName = ""; + if ( typeof handler == "string") + { + handlerName = handler; + } + else if ( typeof handler == "function" ) + { + if (Silverlight._silverlightCount == 0) + { + if (window.addEventListener) + { + window.addEventListener('onunload', Silverlight.__cleanup , false); + } + else + { + window.attachEvent('onunload', Silverlight.__cleanup ); + } + } + var count = Silverlight._silverlightCount++; + handlerName = "__slEvent"+count; + + window[handlerName]=handler; + } + else + { + handlerName = null; + } + return handlerName; +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/web/js/videoplayer/swfobject.js b/web/js/videoplayer/swfobject.js new file mode 100755 index 0000000..08fb270 --- /dev/null +++ b/web/js/videoplayer/swfobject.js @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ +/* SWFObject v2.1 <http://code.google.com/p/swfobject/> + Copyright (c) 2007-2008 Geoff Stearns, Michael Williams, and Bobby van der Sluis + This software is released under the MIT License <http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php> +*/ +var swfobject=function(){var b="undefined",Q="object",n="Shockwave Flash",p="ShockwaveFlash.ShockwaveFlash",P="application/x-shockwave-flash",m="SWFObjectExprInst",j=window,K=document,T=navigator,o=[],N=[],i=[],d=[],J,Z=null,M=null,l=null,e=false,A=false;var h=function(){var v=typeof K.getElementById!=b&&typeof K.getElementsByTagName!=b&&typeof K.createElement!=b,AC=[0,0,0],x=null;if(typeof T.plugins!=b&&typeof T.plugins[n]==Q){x=T.plugins[n].description;if(x&&!(typeof T.mimeTypes!=b&&T.mimeTypes[P]&&!T.mimeTypes[P].enabledPlugin)){x=x.replace(/^.*\s+(\S+\s+\S+$)/,"$1");AC[0]=parseInt(x.replace(/^(.*)\..*$/,"$1"),10);AC[1]=parseInt(x.replace(/^.*\.(.*)\s.*$/,"$1"),10);AC[2]=/r/.test(x)?parseInt(x.replace(/^.*r(.*)$/,"$1"),10):0}}else{if(typeof j.ActiveXObject!=b){var y=null,AB=false;try{y=new ActiveXObject(p+".7")}catch(t){try{y=new ActiveXObject(p+".6");AC=[6,0,21];y.AllowScriptAccess="always"}catch(t){if(AC[0]==6){AB=true}}if(!AB){try{y=new ActiveXObject(p)}catch(t){}}}if(!AB&&y){try{x=y.GetVariable("$version");if(x){x=x.split(" ")[1].split(",");AC=[parseInt(x[0],10),parseInt(x[1],10),parseInt(x[2],10)]}}catch(t){}}}}var AD=T.userAgent.toLowerCase(),r=T.platform.toLowerCase(),AA=/webkit/.test(AD)?parseFloat(AD.replace(/^.*webkit\/(\d+(\.\d+)?).*$/,"$1")):false,q=false,z=r?/win/.test(r):/win/.test(AD),w=r?/mac/.test(r):/mac/.test(AD);/*@cc_on q=true;@if(@_win32)z=true;@elif(@_mac)w=true;@end@*/return{w3cdom:v,pv:AC,webkit:AA,ie:q,win:z,mac:w}}();var L=function(){if(!h.w3cdom){return }f(H);if(h.ie&&h.win){try{K.write("<script id=__ie_ondomload defer=true src=//:><\/script>");J=C("__ie_ondomload");if(J){I(J,"onreadystatechange",S)}}catch(q){}}if(h.webkit&&typeof K.readyState!=b){Z=setInterval(function(){if(/loaded|complete/.test(K.readyState)){E()}},10)}if(typeof K.addEventListener!=b){K.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded",E,null)}R(E)}();function S(){if(J.readyState=="complete"){J.parentNode.removeChild(J);E()}}function E(){if(e){return }if(h.ie&&h.win){var v=a("span");try{var u=K.getElementsByTagName("body")[0].appendChild(v);u.parentNode.removeChild(u)}catch(w){return }}e=true;if(Z){clearInterval(Z);Z=null}var q=o.length;for(var r=0;r<q;r++){o[r]()}}function f(q){if(e){q()}else{o[o.length]=q}}function R(r){if(typeof j.addEventListener!=b){j.addEventListener("load",r,false)}else{if(typeof K.addEventListener!=b){K.addEventListener("load",r,false)}else{if(typeof j.attachEvent!=b){I(j,"onload",r)}else{if(typeof j.onload=="function"){var q=j.onload;j.onload=function(){q();r()}}else{j.onload=r}}}}}function H(){var t=N.length;for(var q=0;q<t;q++){var u=N[q].id;if(h.pv[0]>0){var r=C(u);if(r){N[q].width=r.getAttribute("width")?r.getAttribute("width"):"0";N[q].height=r.getAttribute("height")?r.getAttribute("height"):"0";if(c(N[q].swfVersion)){if(h.webkit&&h.webkit<312){Y(r)}W(u,true)}else{if(N[q].expressInstall&&!A&&c("6.0.65")&&(h.win||h.mac)){k(N[q])}else{O(r)}}}}else{W(u,true)}}}function Y(t){var q=t.getElementsByTagName(Q)[0];if(q){var w=a("embed"),y=q.attributes;if(y){var v=y.length;for(var u=0;u<v;u++){if(y[u].nodeName=="DATA"){w.setAttribute("src",y[u].nodeValue)}else{w.setAttribute(y[u].nodeName,y[u].nodeValue)}}}var x=q.childNodes;if(x){var z=x.length;for(var r=0;r<z;r++){if(x[r].nodeType==1&&x[r].nodeName=="PARAM"){w.setAttribute(x[r].getAttribute("name"),x[r].getAttribute("value"))}}}t.parentNode.replaceChild(w,t)}}function k(w){A=true;var u=C(w.id);if(u){if(w.altContentId){var y=C(w.altContentId);if(y){M=y;l=w.altContentId}}else{M=G(u)}if(!(/%$/.test(w.width))&&parseInt(w.width,10)<310){w.width="310"}if(!(/%$/.test(w.height))&&parseInt(w.height,10)<137){w.height="137"}K.title=K.title.slice(0,47)+" - Flash Player Installation";var z=h.ie&&h.win?"ActiveX":"PlugIn",q=K.title,r="MMredirectURL="+j.location+"&MMplayerType="+z+"&MMdoctitle="+q,x=w.id;if(h.ie&&h.win&&u.readyState!=4){var t=a("div");x+="SWFObjectNew";t.setAttribute("id",x);u.parentNode.insertBefore(t,u);u.style.display="none";var v=function(){u.parentNode.removeChild(u)};I(j,"onload",v)}U({data:w.expressInstall,id:m,width:w.width,height:w.height},{flashvars:r},x)}}function O(t){if(h.ie&&h.win&&t.readyState!=4){var r=a("div");t.parentNode.insertBefore(r,t);r.parentNode.replaceChild(G(t),r);t.style.display="none";var q=function(){t.parentNode.removeChild(t)};I(j,"onload",q)}else{t.parentNode.replaceChild(G(t),t)}}function G(v){var u=a("div");if(h.win&&h.ie){u.innerHTML=v.innerHTML}else{var 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K.styleSheets!=b&&K.styleSheets.length>0){var q=K.styleSheets[K.styleSheets.length-1];if(typeof q.addRule==Q){q.addRule(v,r)}}}function W(t,q){var r=q?"visible":"hidden";if(e&&C(t)){C(t).style.visibility=r}else{V("#"+t,"visibility:"+r)}}function g(s){var r=/[\\\"<>\.;]/;var q=r.exec(s)!=null;return q?encodeURIComponent(s):s}var D=function(){if(h.ie&&h.win){window.attachEvent("onunload",function(){var w=d.length;for(var v=0;v<w;v++){d[v][0].detachEvent(d[v][1],d[v][2])}var t=i.length;for(var u=0;u<t;u++){X(i[u])}for(var r in h){h[r]=null}h=null;for(var q in swfobject){swfobject[q]=null}swfobject=null})}}();return{registerObject:function(u,q,t){if(!h.w3cdom||!u||!q){return }var r={};r.id=u;r.swfVersion=q;r.expressInstall=t?t:false;N[N.length]=r;W(u,false)},getObjectById:function(v){var q=null;if(h.w3cdom){var t=C(v);if(t){var u=t.getElementsByTagName(Q)[0];if(!u||(u&&typeof t.SetVariable!=b)){q=t}else{if(typeof u.SetVariable!=b){q=u}}}}return q},embedSWF:function(x,AE,AB,AD,q,w,r,z,AC){if(!h.w3cdom||!x||!AE||!AB||!AD||!q){return }AB+="";AD+="";if(c(q)){W(AE,false);var AA={};if(AC&&typeof AC===Q){for(var v in AC){if(AC[v]!=Object.prototype[v]){AA[v]=AC[v]}}}AA.data=x;AA.width=AB;AA.height=AD;var y={};if(z&&typeof z===Q){for(var u in z){if(z[u]!=Object.prototype[u]){y[u]=z[u]}}}if(r&&typeof r===Q){for(var t in r){if(r[t]!=Object.prototype[t]){if(typeof y.flashvars!=b){y.flashvars+="&"+t+"="+r[t]}else{y.flashvars=t+"="+r[t]}}}}f(function(){U(AA,y,AE);if(AA.id==AE){W(AE,true)}})}else{if(w&&!A&&c("6.0.65")&&(h.win||h.mac)){A=true;W(AE,false);f(function(){var AF={};AF.id=AF.altContentId=AE;AF.width=AB;AF.height=AD;AF.expressInstall=w;k(AF)})}}},getFlashPlayerVersion:function(){return{major:h.pv[0],minor:h.pv[1],release:h.pv[2]}},hasFlashPlayerVersion:c,createSWF:function(t,r,q){if(h.w3cdom){return U(t,r,q)}else{return undefined}},removeSWF:function(q){if(h.w3cdom){X(q)}},createCSS:function(r,q){if(h.w3cdom){V(r,q)}},addDomLoadEvent:f,addLoadEvent:R,getQueryParamValue:function(v){var u=K.location.search||K.location.hash;if(v==null){return g(u)}if(u){var t=u.substring(1).split("&");for(var r=0;r<t.length;r++){if(t[r].substring(0,t[r].indexOf("="))==v){return g(t[r].substring((t[r].indexOf("=")+1)))}}}return""},expressInstallCallback:function(){if(A&&M){var q=C(m);if(q){q.parentNode.replaceChild(M,q);if(l){W(l,true);if(h.ie&&h.win){M.style.display="block"}}M=null;l=null;A=false}}}}}(); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/web/js/videoplayer/tagbar.js b/web/js/videoplayer/tagbar.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..85fb0f1 --- /dev/null +++ b/web/js/videoplayer/tagbar.js @@ -0,0 +1,51 @@ +(function($) { + + $.widget("ui.tagbar", { + options: { + max: 400, + label: "", + start: 0, + end: 0 + }, + + _create: function() { + var o = this.options; + this.element + .addClass("ui-tagbar ui-widget"); + + var inputHTML = '<input class="ui-corner-all" type="text" id="start" size="3">'; + var startNode = $(inputHTML).attr('value', o.start); + var endNode = $(inputHTML).attr('value', o.end); + var sliderNode = $('<div style="width:450px; float:left" class="tag-slider"></div>') + .slider({ + range: true, + min: 0, + max: o.max, + values: [o.start, o.end], + slide: function(event, ui) { + //$('#video').videoplayer('setTime', ui.value); + startNode.val(ui.values[0]); + endNode.val(ui.values[1]); + } + }); + + this.element + .append('<div class="tag-label">'+o.label+'</div>') + .append($('<div class="tag-play"></div>') + .click(function() {})) + .append(sliderNode) + .append($('<div class="tag-times"></div>') + .append(startNode) + .append(endNode)) + }, + + destroy : function() { + } + + }); + + $.extend($.ui.tagbar, {}); + +})(jQuery); + + diff --git a/web/js/videoplayer/test.html b/web/js/videoplayer/test.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..aeb2d8d --- /dev/null +++ b/web/js/videoplayer/test.html @@ -0,0 +1,99 @@ +<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" + "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd"> + +<html lang="en"> +<head> + <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"> + <title>Video test</title> + <script type="text/javascript" src="http://yui.yahooapis.com/3.1.1/build/yui/yui-min.js"></script> + <script type="text/javascript" src="/js/videoplayer/swfobject.js"></script> +</head> + +<body> +<div id="videoplayer"></div> + +<div id="controls"> + <input type="button" id="play" value="play"> + <input type="button" id="pause" value="pause"> + <input type="button" id="stop" value="stop"> +</div> + +<div id="properties"> + get: <input type="button" id="getduration" value="duration"> + <input type="button" id="gettime" value="time"> + <div id="info"></div> +</div> + +<div id="set"> + set: <input type="button" id="settime" value="time"> + <input type="button" id="setplaytime" value="time and play"> + <input type="button" id="load" value="load"> +</div> + +<div id="listeners" style="height:300px; overflow:auto"> + listeners: <ul id="state"></ul> +</div> + +<script type="text/javascript"> +YUI({ + modules: { + "video-player": { + fullpath:"/js/videoplayer/videoplayer.js" + } + } +}).use("node","event","widget","video-player",function(Y) { + +var video = { + flash: [ + "http://content3f.omroep.nl/255fe3abbaea31fe9f92e491287ded08/4c6e44a8/nos/content/broadcast/2010/08/20/laatstejournaalflash_2010-08-20_10_00_02.flv", + "http://content1c.omroep.nl/2f359eea10d174263cc2979239f26ce7/4baa173c/nos/content/broadcast/2010/03/24/laatstejournaalflash_2010-03-24_14_00_01.flv" + ], + silverlight: [ + "http://cgi.omroep.nl/cgi-bin/streams?/tv/kro/boerzoektvrouw/bb.20061112.asf", + "http://cgi.omroep.nl/cgi-bin/streams?/tv/kro/boerzoektvrouw/bb.20061008.asf" + ] +}; + +src = video.flash; + + var videoPlayer = new Y.mazzle.VideoPlayer({ + src:src[0], + filepath:"/js/videoplayer/", + width:320, + height:240 + }); + videoPlayer.render('#videoplayer'); + + Y.one('#play').on("click", function(e) { + videoPlayer.play(); + }); + Y.one('#pause').on("click", function(e) { + videoPlayer.pause(); + }); + Y.one('#stop').on("click", function(e) { + videoPlayer.stop(); + }); + Y.one('#gettime').on("click", function(e) { + Y.one("#info").set("innerHTML", videoPlayer.getTime()); + }); + Y.one('#getduration').on("click", function(e) { + Y.one("#info").set("innerHTML", videoPlayer.getDuration()); + }); + Y.one('#settime').on("click", function(e) { + videoPlayer.setTime(10); + }); + Y.one('#setplaytime').on("click", function(e) { + videoPlayer.setTime(10, true); + }); + Y.one('#load').on("click", function(e) { + videoPlayer.loadVideo(src[1]); + }); + + + videoPlayer.on("stateChanged", function(e) { + Y.one('#state').prepend('<li>state:'+e.newstate+'</li>'); + }); +}); +</script> +</body> +</html> diff --git a/web/js/videoplayer/videoplayer.js b/web/js/videoplayer/videoplayer.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..19fffa7 --- /dev/null +++ b/web/js/videoplayer/videoplayer.js @@ -0,0 +1,436 @@ +function flashPlayerTimeListener(obj) { + var player = document.getElementById(obj.id); + player.position = obj.position; +} +function flashPlayerStateListener(obj) { + var player = document.getElementById(obj.id); + player.state = obj.newstate; +} + +YUI.add('video-player', function(Y) { + + var Lang = Y.Lang, + Widget = Y.Widget, + Node = Y.Node; + + var NS = Y.namespace('mazzle'); + NS.VideoPlayer = VideoPlayer; + + /* VideoPlayer class constructor */ + function VideoPlayer(config) { + VideoPlayer.superclass.constructor.apply(this, arguments); + } + + /* + * Required NAME static field, to identify the Widget class and + * used as an event prefix, to generate class names etc. (set to the + * class name in camel case). + */ + VideoPlayer.NAME = "videoplayer"; + + /* + * The attribute configuration for the VideoPlayer widget. Attributes can be + * defined with default values, get/set functions and validator functions + * as with any other class extending Base. + */ + VideoPlayer.ATTRS = { + src: { + value: "" + }, + height: { + value: 200 + }, + width: { + value: 300 + }, + state: { // "BUFFERING", "PAUSED", "PLAYING", "FINISHED" + value: "STOPPED" + }, + duration: { // in ms + value: null + }, + autoplay: { + value: false + }, + start: { + value: 0 + }, + controls: { + value: true + }, + playerType : { + value: null + }, + extensions : { + value: { + flv:"flash", + asf:"silverlight", + wmv:"silverlight" + } + }, + filepath : { + value: '/js/videoplayer/' + } + }; + + /* VideoPlayer extends the base Widget class */ + Y.extend(VideoPlayer, Widget, { + + initializer: function() { + if(!this.get("playerType")) { + this._setPlayerType(); + } + }, + + destructor : function() { + }, + + renderUI : function() { + this._renderContent(); + }, + + bindUI : function() { + }, + + syncUI : function() { + }, + + _renderContent : function() { + var playerType = this.get("playerType"); + if(playerType=="html") { + this._renderHTMLPlayer(); + } else if(playerType=="flash") { + this._renderFlashPlayer(); + } else if(playerType=="silverlight") { + this._renderSilverlightPlayer(); + } + }, + + _renderHTMLPlayer : function() { + var content = this.get("contentBox"), + src = this.get("src"), + height = this.get("height"), + width = this.get("width"), + id = Y.guid(); + + var video = '<video' + +' id='+id + +' src='+src + +' height='+height+'px' + +' width='+width+'px' + +' currentTime='+this.get("start") + + 'preload'; + if(this.get("autoplay")) {video += ' autoplay'} + if(this.get("controls")) {video += ' controls' } + video +='></video>'; + + content.appendChild(Node.create(video)); + this.player = document.getElementById(id);//video._node; + }, + + _renderSilverlightPlayer : function() { + // make sure we have the required scripts loaded + if(typeof jeroenwijering == "undefined") { + var filepath = this.get('filepath'), + urls = [ + filepath+'silverlight.js', + filepath+'wmvplayer.js' + ]; + + Y.Get.script(urls, { + onSuccess: this._embedSilverlightPlayer, + context: this + }); + } + else { + this._embedSilverlightPlayer(); + } + }, + + _embedSilverlightPlayer : function() { + var src = this.get("src"); + + Y.log('create silverlight player'); + + var content = this.get("contentBox"), + height = this.get("height"), + width = this.get("width"), + start = this.get("start"), + id = Y.guid(), + xaml = this.get('filepath')+'wmvplayer.xaml'; + + var video = content.appendChild(Node.create('<div id="'+id+'"></div>')); + var cfg = { + file:src, + width:width, + height:height, + //linkfromdisplay:'true', + autostart:'true' + }; + if(!this.get("controls")) {cfg.shownavigation='false'} + this.player = new jeroenwijering.Player(video._node,xaml,cfg); + this._addSilverlightListeners(); + this._silverlightJumpStart(); + }, + + _addSilverlightListeners : function() { + if(this.player.view) { + var oSelf = this, + player = this.player; + + player.addListener('TIME', function(time) { + oSelf._changeCurrentTime(time); + }); + player.addListener('STATE', function(oldState, newState) { + oSelf._changeState(newState); + }); + } else { + Y.later(100, this, this._addSilverlightListeners); + } + }, + + _renderFlashPlayer : function() { + var url = this.get('filepath')+'swfobject.js'; + if(typeof swfobject == "undefined") { + Y.Get.script(url, { + onSuccess: this._embedFlashPlayer, + context: this + }); + } + else { + this._embedFlashPlayer(); + } + }, + + _embedFlashPlayer : function() { + Y.log('create flash player'); + + var content = this.get("contentBox"), + height = this.get("height"), + width = this.get("width"), + id = Y.guid(), + playerId = id+"_player", + swf = this.get('filepath')+'player.swf'; + + var flashvars = { + file: this.get("src"), + autostart: 'true' + }; + if(!this.get("controls")) {flashvars.controlbar='none'} + var attributes = { + 'id': playerId, + 'name': playerId + }; + var params = { + 'allowscriptaccess': 'always' + }; + + content.appendChild(Node.create('<div id="'+id+'"></div>')); + swfobject.embedSWF(swf,id,width,height,'9','false',flashvars,params,attributes); + this.playerId = playerId; + this._flashJumpStart(); + this._addFlashListeners(); + }, + + _addFlashListeners : function() { + try { + var player = document.getElementById(this.playerId); + // add listeners + player.addModelListener("Time", "flashPlayerTimeListener"); + player.addModelListener("State", "flashPlayerStateListener"); + this.player = player; + this._flashTimeCheck(); + this._flashStateCheck(); + } catch(e) { + Y.later(100, this, this._addFlashListeners); + } + }, + + getDuration : function() { + var pt = this.get("playerType"), + p = this.player; + if(this.duration) { + return this.duration; + } else { + if(pt=="silverlight") { + return p.configuration.duration; + } else if(pt=="flash") { + return p.getConfig().duration; + } + } + }, + // returns current playHead in ms + getTime : function() { + var p = this.player; + if(p.currentTime) { + return p.currentTime; + } else { + return 0; + } + }, + // sets current playHead in ms + setTime : function(time, play) { + Y.log('seek to '+time); + var pt = this.get("playerType"), + p = this.player, + oldtime = this.getTime(); + + if(pt=="silverlight") { + p.sendEvent('SCRUB', time); + if(play) { this.play(); } + } else if(pt=="flash"){ + p.sendEvent('SEEK', time); + if(!play) { Y.later(100, this, this.pause); } + } else { + p.currentTime = time; + if(play) {this.play();} + } + this.fire("timeSet", {oldtime:oldtime, newtime:time}); + }, + loadVideo : function(src) { + Y.log('load '+src); + var oldPt = this.get("playerType"), + p = this.player; + + this.set("src", src); + var pt = this._setPlayerType(); + if(pt==oldPt) { + if(pt=="silverlight"||pt=="flash") { + // TBD something fails here + p.sendEvent("LOAD", src); + } + } else { + this._renderContent(); + } + this.fire("videoLoad", {src:src, playerType:pt}); + }, + play : function() { + var pt = this.get("playerType"), + p = this.player, + state = this.get("state"); + + if(!(state=='BUFFERING'||state=='PLAYING')) { + if(pt=="html") { + p.play(); + this._changeState("PLAYING"); + } else { + p.sendEvent('PLAY'); + } + } + }, + pause : function() { + var pt = this.get("playerType"), + p = this.player, + state = this.get("state"); + + if(state=='PLAYING'||state=='BUFFERING') { + if(pt=="html") { + p.pause(); + this._changeState("PAUSED"); + } else { + p.sendEvent('PLAY'); + } + } + }, + stop : function() { + var pt = this.get("playerType"), + p = this.player; + + if(pt=="html") { + p.stop(); + this._changeState("STOPPED"); + } else { + p.sendEvent('STOP'); + } + }, + + _setPlayerType : function() { + // guess required playerType based on extension + if(this.get("src")) { + var pt = null, + src = this.get("src"), + extensions = this.get("extensions"), + videoType = src.substr(src.length-3, 3); + + if(extensions[videoType]) { + pt = extensions[videoType]; + } else { + pt = "html"; + } + } + this.set("playerType", pt); + return pt; + }, + + _silverlightJumpStart : function() { + var p = this.player, + state = this.get("state"); + // we made the silverlight player autoplay by default + // (to load the file) + // and now we pause it when we did not want that. + if(p.controller&&state=='PLAYING') { + this.fire("bufferReady"); + var start = this.get("start"); + if(!this.get("autoplay")) { + p.sendEvent('PLAY'); + } + if(start) { + p.sendEvent('SCRUB', start); + } + } else { + Y.later(100, this, this._silverlightJumpStart); + } + }, + + _flashJumpStart : function() { + var p = this.player, + state = this.get("state"), + start = this.get("start"); + + // we made the player autoplay by default + // (to load the file) + // and now we pause it when we did not want that. + if(p) { + this.fire("bufferReady"); + var start = this.get("start"); + if(!this.get("autoplay")) { + p.sendEvent('PLAY'); + } + if(start) { + p.sendEvent('SEEK', start); + } + } else { + Y.later(100, this, this._flashJumpStart); + } + }, + + _flashStateCheck : function() { + this._changeState(this.player.state); + Y.later(100, this, this._flashStateCheck); + }, + _changeState : function(newState) { + newState = newState.toUpperCase(); + var oldState = this.get("state"); + + if(newState&&oldState!==newState) { + this.set("state", newState); + Y.log('state: '+newState); + this.fire("stateChanged", {oldstate:oldState, newstate:newState}); + } + }, + + _flashTimeCheck : function() { + this._changeCurrentTime(this.player.position); + Y.later(100, this, this._flashTimeCheck); + }, + _changeCurrentTime : function(time) { + var player = this.player; + + if(player.currentTime!==time) { + player.currentTime = time; + this.fire("timeChange", {time:time}); + } + } + }); + +}, 'gallery-2010.03.02-18' ,{requires:['node','event','widget']}); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/web/js/videoplayer/wmvplayer.js b/web/js/videoplayer/wmvplayer.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8b826f6 --- /dev/null +++ b/web/js/videoplayer/wmvplayer.js @@ -0,0 +1,794 @@ +/**************************************************************************** +* JW WMV Player version 1.1, created with M$ Silverlight 1.0 +* +* This file contains all logic for the JW WMV Player. For a functional setup, +* the following two files are also needed: +* - silverlight.js (for instantiating the silverlight plugin) +* - wmvplayer.xaml (or another XAML skin describing the player graphics) +* +* More info: http://www.jeroenwijering.com/?item=JW_WMV_Player +****************************************************************************/ +if(typeof jeroenwijering == "undefined") { + var jeroenwijering = new Object(); + jeroenwijering.utils = new Object(); +} + + + + + + + + + + +/**************************************************************************** +* The player wrapper; loads config variables and starts MVC cycle. +****************************************************************************/ +jeroenwijering.Player = function(cnt,src,cfg) { + this.controller; + this.model; + this.view; + this.configuration = { + backgroundcolor:'FFFFFF', + windowless:'false', + file:'', + height:'260', + image:'', + backcolor:'FFFFFF', + frontcolor:'000000', + lightcolor:'000000', + screencolor:'000000', + width:'320', + logo:'', + overstretch:'false', + shownavigation:'true', + showstop:'false', + showdigits:'true', + usefullscreen:'true', + usemute:'false', + autostart:'false', + bufferlength:'3', + duration:'0', + repeat:'false', + sender:'', + start:'0', + volume:'90', + link:'', + linkfromdisplay:'false', + linktarget:'_self' + }; + for(itm in this.configuration) { + if(cfg[itm] != undefined) { + if (itm.indexOf('color') > 0) { + this.configuration[itm] = cfg[itm].substr(cfg[itm].length-6); + } else { + this.configuration[itm] = cfg[itm]; + } + } + } + Silverlight.createObjectEx({ + source:src, + parentElement:cnt, + properties:{ + width:this.configuration['width'], + height:this.configuration['height'], + version:'1.0', + inplaceInstallPrompt:true, + isWindowless:this.configuration['windowless'], + background:'#'+this.configuration['backgroundcolor'] + }, + events:{ + onLoad:this.onLoadHandler, + onError:null + }, + context:this + }); +} + +jeroenwijering.Player.prototype = { + addListener: function(typ,fcn) { + this.view.listeners.push({type:typ,func:fcn}); + }, + + getConfig: function() { + return this.configuration; + }, + + onLoadHandler: function(pid,tgt,sdr) { + tgt.configuration['sender'] = sdr; + tgt.controller = new jeroenwijering.Controller(tgt.configuration); + tgt.view = new jeroenwijering.View(tgt.configuration,tgt.controller); + tgt.model = new jeroenwijering.Model(tgt.configuration,tgt.controller,tgt.view); + tgt.controller.startMVC(tgt.view,tgt.model); + }, + + sendEvent: function(typ,prm) { + switch(typ.toUpperCase()) { + case 'LINK': + this.controller.setLink(); + break; + case 'LOAD': + this.controller.setLoad(prm); + break; + case 'MUTE': + this.controller.setMute(); + break; + case 'PLAY': + this.controller.setPlay(); + break; + case 'SCRUB': + this.controller.setScrub(prm); + break; + case 'STOP': + this.controller.setStop(); + break; + case 'VOLUME': + this.controller.setVolume(prm); + break; + } + } +} + + + + + + + + + + +/**************************************************************************** +* The controller of the player MVC triad, which processes all user input. +****************************************************************************/ +jeroenwijering.Controller = function(cfg) { + this.configuration = cfg; +} + +jeroenwijering.Controller.prototype = { + startMVC: function(vie,mdl) { + this.view = vie; + this.model = mdl; + if(this.configuration['usemute'] == 'true') { + this.view.onVolume(0); + this.view.onMute(true); + this.model.goVolume(0); + } else { + this.view.onVolume(this.configuration['volume']); + this.model.goVolume(this.configuration['volume']); + } + if(this.configuration['autostart'] == 'true') { + this.model.goStart(); + } else { + this.model.goPause(); + } + }, + + setState: function(old,stt) { + this.state = stt; + var pos = this.configuration['start']; + if(old == 'Closed' && pos > 0) { + setTimeout(jeroenwijering.utils.delegate(this,this.setScrub),200,pos); + } + }, + + setLink: function() { + if (this.configuration['linktarget'].indexOf('javascript:') == 0) { + return Function(this.configuration['linktarget']).apply(); + } else if (this.configuration['linktarget'] == '_blank') { + window.open(this.configuration['link']); + } else if (this.configuration['linktarget'] != '') { + window.location = this.configuration['link']; + } + }, + + setLoad: function(fil) { + if(this.model.state != "Closed") { + this.model.goStop(); + } + this.configuration['file'] = fil; + if(this.configuration['autostart'] == 'true') { + setTimeout(jeroenwijering.utils.delegate(this.model,this.model.goStart),100); + } + }, + + setMute: function() { + if(this.configuration['usemute'] == 'true') { + this.configuration['usemute'] = 'false'; + this.model.goVolume(this.configuration['volume']); + this.view.onMute(false); + } else { + this.configuration['usemute'] = 'true'; + this.model.goVolume(0); + this.view.onMute(true); + } + }, + + setPlay: function() { + if(this.state == 'Buffering' || this.state == 'Playing') { + if(this.configuration['duration'] == 0) { + this.model.goStop(); + } else { + this.model.goPause(); + } + } else { + this.model.goStart(); + } + }, + + setScrub: function(sec) { + if(sec < 2) { + sec = 0; + } else if (sec > this.configuration['duration']-4) { + sec = this.configuration['duration']-4; + } + if(this.state == 'Buffering' || this.state == 'Playing') { + this.model.goStart(sec); + } else { + this.model.goPause(sec); + } + }, + + setStop: function() { + this.model.goStop(); + }, + + setVolume: function(pct) { + if(pct < 0) { pct = 0; } else if(pct > 100) { pct = 100; } + this.configuration['volume'] = Math.round(pct); + this.model.goVolume(pct); + this.view.onVolume(pct); + if(this.configuration['usemute'] == 'true') { + this.configuration['usemute'] = 'false'; + this.view.onMute(false); + } + }, + + setFullscreen: function() { + var fss = !this.configuration['sender'].getHost().content.FullScreen; + this.configuration['sender'].getHost().content.FullScreen = fss; + jeroenwijering.utils.delegate(this.view,this.view.onFullscreen); + } +} + + + + + + + + + + +/**************************************************************************** +* The view of the player MVC triad, which manages the graphics. +****************************************************************************/ +jeroenwijering.View = function(cfg,ctr) { + this.configuration = cfg; + this.listeners = Array(); + this.controller = ctr; + this.fstimeout; + this.fslistener; + this.display = this.configuration['sender'].findName("PlayerDisplay"); + this.controlbar = this.configuration['sender'].findName("PlayerControls"); + this.configuration['sender'].getHost().content.onResize = + jeroenwijering.utils.delegate(this,this.resizePlayer); + this.configuration['sender'].getHost().content.onFullScreenChange = + jeroenwijering.utils.delegate(this,this.onFullscreen); + this.assignColorsClicks(); + this.resizePlayer(); +} + +jeroenwijering.View.prototype = { + onBuffer: function(pct) { + var snd = this.configuration['sender']; + if(pct == 0) { + snd.findName("BufferText").Text = null; + } else { + pct < 10 ? pct = "0"+pct: pct = ""+pct; + snd.findName("BufferText").Text = pct; + } + this.delegate('BUFFER',[pct]); + }, + + onFullscreen: function(fss) { + var snd = this.configuration['sender']; + var fst = snd.getHost().content.FullScreen; + if(fst) { + this.fstimeout = setTimeout(jeroenwijering.utils.delegate(this, + this.hideFSControls),2000); + this.fslistener = this.display.addEventListener('MouseMove', + jeroenwijering.utils.delegate(this,this.showFSControls)); + snd.findName("FullscreenSymbol").Visibility = "Collapsed"; + snd.findName("FullscreenOffSymbol").Visibility = "Visible"; + } else { + clearTimeout(this.fstimeout); + this.display.removeEventListener("MouseMove",this.fslistener); + this.controlbar.Visibility = "Visible"; + this.display.Cursor = "Hand"; + snd.findName("FullscreenSymbol").Visibility = "Visible"; + snd.findName("FullscreenOffSymbol").Visibility = "Collapsed"; + } + this.resizePlayer(); + this.delegate('FULLSCREEN'); + }, + + showFSControls: function(sdr,arg) { + var vbt = sdr.findName('PlayerControls'); + var yps = arg.GetPosition(vbt).Y; + clearTimeout(this.fstimeout); + this.controlbar.Visibility = "Visible"; + this.display.Cursor = "Hand"; + if(yps < 0) { + this.fstimeout = setTimeout(jeroenwijering.utils.delegate(this, + this.hideFSControls),2000); + } + }, + + hideFSControls: function() { + this.controlbar.Visibility = "Collapsed"; + this.display.Cursor = "None"; + }, + + onLoad: function(pct) { + var snd = this.configuration['sender']; + var max = snd.findName("TimeSlider").Width; + snd.findName("DownloadProgress").Width = Math.round(max*pct/100); + this.delegate('LOAD',[pct]); + }, + + onMute: function(mut) { + var snd = this.configuration['sender']; + this.configuration['usemute'] = ''+mut; + if(mut) { + snd.findName("VolumeHighlight").Visibility = "Collapsed"; + snd.findName("MuteSymbol").Visibility = "Visible"; + snd.findName("MuteOffSymbol").Visibility = "Collapsed"; + if(this.state == 'Playing') { + snd.findName("MuteIcon").Visibility = "Visible"; + } + } else { + snd.findName("VolumeHighlight").Visibility = "Visible"; + snd.findName("MuteSymbol").Visibility = "Collapsed"; + snd.findName("MuteOffSymbol").Visibility = "Visible"; + snd.findName("MuteIcon").Visibility = "Collapsed"; + } + this.delegate('MUTE'); + }, + + onState: function(old,stt) { + var snd = this.configuration['sender']; + this.state = stt; + if(stt == 'Buffering' || stt == 'Playing' || stt == 'Opening') { + snd.findName("PlayIcon").Visibility = "Collapsed"; + snd.findName("PlaySymbol").Visibility = "Collapsed"; + snd.findName("PlayOffSymbol").Visibility = "Visible"; + if (stt=='Playing') { + snd.findName("BufferIcon").Visibility = "Collapsed"; + snd.findName("BufferText").Visibility = "Collapsed"; + if(this.configuration['usemute'] == 'true') { + snd.findName("MuteIcon").Visibility = "Visible"; + } + } else{ + snd.findName("BufferIcon").Visibility = "Visible"; + snd.findName("BufferText").Visibility = "Visible"; + } + } else { + snd.findName("MuteIcon").Visibility = "Collapsed"; + snd.findName("BufferIcon").Visibility = "Collapsed"; + snd.findName("BufferText").Visibility = "Collapsed"; + snd.findName("PlayOffSymbol").Visibility = "Collapsed"; + snd.findName("PlaySymbol").Visibility = "Visible"; + if(this.configuration['linkfromdisplay'] == 'true') { + snd.findName("PlayIcon").Visibility = "Collapsed"; + } else { + snd.findName("PlayIcon").Visibility = "Visible"; + } + } + try { + if(!(old == 'Completed' && stt == 'Buffering') && + !(old == 'Buffering' && stt == 'Paused')) { + playerStatusChange(old.toUpperCase(),stt.toUpperCase()); + } + } catch (err) {} + this.delegate('STATE',[old,stt]); + }, + + onTime: function(elp,dur) { + var snd = this.configuration['sender']; + var snd = this.configuration['sender']; + var max = snd.findName("TimeSlider").Width; + if(dur > 0) { + var pos = Math.round(max*elp/dur); + this.configuration['duration'] = dur; + snd.findName("ElapsedText").Text = jeroenwijering.utils.timestring(elp); + snd.findName("RemainingText").Text = jeroenwijering.utils.timestring(dur-elp); + snd.findName("TimeSymbol").Visibility = "Visible"; + snd.findName("TimeSymbol")['Canvas.Left'] = pos+4; + snd.findName("TimeHighlight").Width = pos-2; + } else { + snd.findName("TimeSymbol").Visibility = "Collapsed"; + } + this.delegate('TIME',[elp,dur]); + }, + + onVolume: function(pct) { + var snd = this.configuration['sender']; + snd.findName("VolumeHighlight").Width = Math.round(pct/5); + this.delegate('VOLUME',[pct]); + }, + + assignColorsClicks: function() { + this.display.Cursor = "Hand"; + this.display.Background = "#FF"+this.configuration['screencolor']; + if(this.configuration['linkfromdisplay'] == 'false') { + this.display.addEventListener('MouseLeftButtonUp', + jeroenwijering.utils.delegate(this.controller, + this.controller.setPlay)); + } else { + this.display.addEventListener('MouseLeftButtonUp', + jeroenwijering.utils.delegate(this.controller, + this.controller.setLink)); + this.display.findName("PlayIcon").Visibility = "Collapsed"; + } + if(this.configuration['logo'] != '') { + this.display.findName('OverlayCanvas').Visibility = "Visible"; + this.display.findName('OverlayLogo').ImageSource = + this.configuration['logo']; + } + this.controlbar.findName("ControlbarBack").Fill = + "#FF"+this.configuration['backcolor']; + this.assignButton('Play',this.controller.setPlay); + this.assignButton('Stop',this.controller.setStop); + this.configuration['sender'].findName('ElapsedText').Foreground = + "#FF"+this.configuration['frontcolor']; + this.assignSlider('Time',this.changeTime); + this.configuration['sender'].findName('DownloadProgress').Fill = + "#FF"+this.configuration['frontcolor']; + this.configuration['sender'].findName('RemainingText').Foreground = + "#FF"+this.configuration['frontcolor']; + this.assignButton('Link',this.controller.setLink); + this.assignButton('Fullscreen',this.controller.setFullscreen); + this.assignButton('Mute',this.controller.setMute); + this.assignSlider('Volume',this.changeVolume); + }, + + assignButton: function(btn,act) { + var el1 = this.configuration['sender'].findName(btn+'Button'); + el1.Cursor = "Hand"; + el1.addEventListener('MouseLeftButtonUp', + jeroenwijering.utils.delegate(this.controller,act)); + el1.addEventListener('MouseEnter', + jeroenwijering.utils.delegate(this,this.rollOver)); + el1.addEventListener('MouseLeave', + jeroenwijering.utils.delegate(this,this.rollOut)); + this.configuration['sender'].findName(btn+'Symbol').Fill = + "#FF"+this.configuration['frontcolor']; + try { + this.configuration['sender'].findName(btn+'OffSymbol').Fill = + "#FF"+this.configuration['frontcolor']; + } catch(e) {} + }, + + assignSlider: function(sld,act) { + var el1 = this.configuration['sender'].findName(sld+'Button'); + el1.Cursor = "Hand"; + el1.addEventListener('MouseLeftButtonUp', + jeroenwijering.utils.delegate(this,act)); + el1.addEventListener('MouseEnter', + jeroenwijering.utils.delegate(this,this.rollOver)); + el1.addEventListener('MouseLeave', + jeroenwijering.utils.delegate(this,this.rollOut)); + this.configuration['sender'].findName(sld+'Slider').Fill = + "#FF"+this.configuration['frontcolor']; + this.configuration['sender'].findName(sld+'Highlight').Fill = + "#FF"+this.configuration['frontcolor']; + this.configuration['sender'].findName(sld+'Symbol').Fill = + "#FF"+this.configuration['frontcolor']; + }, + + delegate: function(typ,arg) { + for(var i=0; i<this.listeners.length; i++) { + if(this.listeners[i]['type'].toUpperCase() == typ) { + this.listeners[i]['func'].apply(null,arg); + } + } + }, + + rollOver: function(sdr) { + var str = sdr.Name.substr(0,sdr.Name.length-6); + this.configuration['sender'].findName(str+'Symbol').Fill = + "#FF"+this.configuration['lightcolor']; + try { + this.configuration['sender'].findName(str+'OffSymbol').Fill = + "#FF"+this.configuration['lightcolor']; + } catch(e) {} + }, + + rollOut: function(sdr) { + var str = sdr.Name.substr(0,sdr.Name.length-6); + this.configuration['sender'].findName(str+'Symbol').Fill = + "#FF"+this.configuration['frontcolor']; + try { + this.configuration['sender'].findName(str+'OffSymbol').Fill = + "#FF"+this.configuration['frontcolor']; + } catch(e) {} + }, + + changeTime: function(sdr,arg) { + var tbt = sdr.findName('TimeSlider'); + var xps = arg.GetPosition(tbt).X; + var sec = Math.floor(xps/tbt.Width*this.configuration['duration']); + this.controller.setScrub(sec); + }, + + changeVolume: function(sdr,arg) { + var vbt = sdr.findName('VolumeButton'); + var xps = arg.GetPosition(vbt).X; + this.controller.setVolume(xps*5); + }, + + resizePlayer: function() { + var wid = this.configuration['sender'].getHost().content.actualWidth; + var hei = this.configuration['sender'].getHost().content.actualHeight; + var fss = this.configuration['sender'].getHost().content.FullScreen; + if(this.configuration['shownavigation'] == 'true') { + if(fss == true) { + this.resizeDisplay(wid,hei); + this.controlbar['Canvas.Left'] = Math.round(wid/2-250); + this.resizeControlbar(500,hei-this.controlbar.Height-16); + this.controlbar.findName('ControlbarBack')['Opacity'] = 0.5; + } else { + this.resizeDisplay(wid,hei-20); + this.controlbar['Canvas.Left'] = 0; + this.resizeControlbar(wid,hei-this.controlbar.Height); + this.controlbar.findName('ControlbarBack')['Opacity'] = 1; + } + } else { + this.resizeDisplay(wid,hei); + } + }, + + resizeDisplay: function(wid,hei) { + this.stretchElement('PlayerDisplay',wid,hei); + this.stretchElement('VideoWindow',wid,hei); + this.stretchElement('PlaceholderImage',wid,hei); + this.centerElement('PlayIcon',wid,hei); + this.centerElement('MuteIcon',wid,hei); + this.centerElement('BufferIcon',wid,hei); + this.centerElement('BufferText',wid,hei); + this.display.findName('OverlayCanvas')['Canvas.Left'] = wid - + this.display.findName('OverlayCanvas').Width - 10; + this.display.Visibility = "Visible"; + }, + + resizeControlbar: function(wid,yps,alp) { + this.controlbar['Canvas.Top'] = yps; + this.stretchElement('PlayerControls',wid); + this.stretchElement('ControlbarBack',wid); + this.placeElement('PlayButton',0); + var lft = 17; + this.placeElement('VolumeButton',wid-24); + this.placeElement('MuteButton',wid-37); + var rgt = 37; + if(this.configuration['showstop'] == 'true') { + this.placeElement('StopButton',lft); + lft += 17; + } else { + this.controlbar.findName('StopButton').Visibility="Collapsed"; + } + if(this.configuration['usefullscreen'] == 'true') { + rgt += 18; + this.placeElement('FullscreenButton',wid-rgt); + } else { + this.controlbar.findName('FullscreenButton').Visibility = + "Collapsed"; + } + if(this.configuration['link'] != '') { + rgt += 18; + this.placeElement('LinkButton',wid-rgt); + } else { + this.controlbar.findName('LinkButton').Visibility="Collapsed"; + } + if(this.configuration['showdigits'] == 'true' && wid-rgt-lft> 160) { + rgt += 35; + this.controlbar.findName('RemainingButton').Visibility="Visible"; + this.controlbar.findName('ElapsedButton').Visibility="Visible"; + this.placeElement('RemainingButton',wid-rgt); + this.placeElement('ElapsedButton',lft); + lft +=35; + } else { + this.controlbar.findName('RemainingButton').Visibility = + "Collapsed"; + this.controlbar.findName('ElapsedButton').Visibility="Collapsed"; + } + this.placeElement('TimeButton',lft); + this.stretchElement('TimeButton',wid-lft-rgt); + this.stretchElement('TimeShadow',wid-lft-rgt); + this.stretchElement('TimeStroke',wid-lft-rgt); + this.stretchElement('TimeFill',wid-lft-rgt); + this.stretchElement('TimeSlider',wid-lft-rgt-10); + this.stretchElement('DownloadProgress',wid-lft-rgt-10); + var tsb = this.configuration['sender'].findName('TimeSymbol'); + this.stretchElement('TimeHighlight',tsb['Canvas.Left']-5); + this.controlbar.Visibility = "Visible"; + }, + + centerElement: function(nam,wid,hei) { + var elm = this.configuration['sender'].findName(nam); + elm['Canvas.Left'] = Math.round(wid/2 - elm.Width/2); + elm['Canvas.Top'] = Math.round(hei/2 - elm.Height/2); + }, + + stretchElement: function(nam,wid,hei) { + var elm = this.configuration['sender'].findName(nam); + elm.Width = wid; + if (hei != undefined) { elm.Height = hei; } + }, + + placeElement: function(nam,xps,yps) { + var elm = this.configuration['sender'].findName(nam); + elm['Canvas.Left'] = xps; + if(yps) { elm['Canvas.Top'] = yps; } + } +} + + + + + + + + + + +/**************************************************************************** +* The model of the player MVC triad, which stores all playback logic. +****************************************************************************/ +jeroenwijering.Model = function(cfg,ctr,vie) { + this.configuration = cfg; + this.controller = ctr; + this.view = vie; + this.video = this.configuration['sender'].findName("VideoWindow"); + this.preview = this.configuration['sender'].findName("PlaceholderImage"); + var str = { + 'true':'UniformToFill', + 'false':'Uniform', + 'fit':'Fill', + 'none':'None' + } + this.state = this.video.CurrentState; + this.timeint; + this.video.Stretch = str[this.configuration['overstretch']]; + this.preview.Stretch = str[this.configuration['overstretch']]; + this.video.BufferingTime = + jeroenwijering.utils.spanstring(this.configuration['bufferlength']); + this.video.AutoPlay = true; + this.video.AddEventListener("CurrentStateChanged", + jeroenwijering.utils.delegate(this,this.stateChanged)); + this.video.AddEventListener("MediaEnded", + jeroenwijering.utils.delegate(this,this.mediaEnded)); + this.video.AddEventListener("BufferingProgressChanged", + jeroenwijering.utils.delegate(this,this.bufferChanged)); + this.video.AddEventListener("DownloadProgressChanged", + jeroenwijering.utils.delegate(this,this.downloadChanged)); + if(this.configuration['image'] != '') { + this.preview.Source = this.configuration['image']; + } +} + +jeroenwijering.Model.prototype = { + goPause: function(sec) { + this.video.pause(); + if(!isNaN(sec)) { + this.video.Position = jeroenwijering.utils.spanstring(sec); + } + this.timeChanged(); + }, + + goStart: function(sec) { + this.video.Visibility = 'Visible'; + this.preview.Visibility = 'Collapsed'; + if(this.state == "Closed") { + this.video.Source = this.configuration['file']; + } else { + this.video.play(); + } + if(!isNaN(sec)) { + this.video.Position = jeroenwijering.utils.spanstring(sec); + } + }, + + goStop: function() { + this.video.Visibility = 'Collapsed'; + this.preview.Visibility = 'Visible'; + this.goPause(0); + this.video.Source = 'null'; + this.view.onBuffer(0); + clearInterval(this.timeint); + }, + + goVolume: function(pct) { + this.video.Volume = pct/100; + }, + + stateChanged: function() { + var stt = this.video.CurrentState; + if(stt != this.state) { + this.controller.setState(this.state,stt); + this.view.onState(this.state,stt); + this.state = stt; + this.configuration['duration'] = + Math.round(this.video.NaturalDuration.Seconds*10)/10; + if(stt != "Playing" && stt != "Buffering" && stt != "Opening") { + clearInterval(this.timeint); + } else { + this.timeint = setInterval(jeroenwijering.utils.delegate( + this,this.timeChanged),100); + } + } + }, + + mediaEnded: function() { + if(this.configuration['repeat'] == 'true') { + this.goStart(0); + } else { + this.state = 'Completed'; + this.view.onState(this.state,'Completed'); + this.video.Visibility = 'Collapsed'; + this.preview.Visibility = 'Visible'; + this.goPause(0); + } + }, + + bufferChanged: function() { + var bfr = Math.round(this.video.BufferingProgress*100); + this.view.onBuffer(bfr); + }, + + downloadChanged: function() { + var dld = Math.round(this.video.DownloadProgress*100); + this.view.onLoad(dld); + }, + + timeChanged: function() { + var pos = Math.round(this.video.Position.Seconds*10)/10; + this.view.onTime(pos,this.configuration['duration']); + } +} + + + + + + + + + + +/**************************************************************************** +* Some utility functions. +****************************************************************************/ +jeroenwijering.utils.delegate = function(obj,fcn) { + return function() { + return fcn.apply(obj,arguments); + } +} +jeroenwijering.utils.timestring = function(stp) { + var hrs = Math.floor(stp/3600); + var min = Math.floor(stp%3600/60); + var sec = Math.round(stp%60); + var str = ""; + sec > 9 ? str += sec: str +='0'+sec; + min > 9 ? str = min+":"+str: str='0'+min+":"+str; + hrs > 0 ? str = hrs+":"+str: null; + return str; +} +jeroenwijering.utils.spanstring = function(stp) { + var hrs = Math.floor(stp/3600); + var min = Math.floor(stp%3600/60); + var sec = Math.round(stp%60*10)/10; + var str = hrs+':'+min+':'+sec; + return str; +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/web/js/videoplayer/wmvplayer.xaml b/web/js/videoplayer/wmvplayer.xaml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c53244e --- /dev/null +++ b/web/js/videoplayer/wmvplayer.xaml @@ -0,0 +1,330 @@ +<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> +<!-- +JW WMV Player version 1.1, created with M$ Silverlight 1.0. + +This file contains all logic for the JW WMV Player. For a functional setup, +the following two files are also needed: +- silverlight.js (for instantiating the silverlight plugin) +- wmvplayer.js (this file contains all the scripting logic) + +More info: http://www.jeroenwijering.com/?item=JW_WMV_Player +--> + +<Canvas xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml/presentation" xmlns:x="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml" Width="320" Height="260"> + + + + + <Canvas x:Name="PlayerDisplay" Width="320" Height="240" Background="#FF000000" Visibility="Collapsed"> + <Image x:Name="PlaceholderImage" Width="320" Height="240" /> + <MediaElement x:Name="VideoWindow" Width="320" Height="240" /> + <Canvas x:Name="PlayIcon" Width="40" Height="40" Canvas.Left="140" Canvas.Top="100"> + <Path x:Name="PlayIconBack" Width="40" Height="40" Fill="#77000000" Data="F1 M4,0 L36,0 C38,0 40,2 40,4 L40,36 C40,38 38,40 36,40 L4,40 C2,40 0,38 0,36 L0,4 C0,2 2,0 4,0 Z"/> + <Path x:Name="PlayIconFront" Width="18" Height="18" Canvas.Left="12" Canvas.Top="11" Fill="#FFFFFFFF" Data="F1 M0,0 L18,9 L0,18 L0,0 Z"/> + </Canvas> + <Canvas x:Name="MuteIcon" Width="40" Height="40" Canvas.Left="140" Canvas.Top="100" Visibility="Collapsed"> + <Path x:Name="MuteIconBack" Width="40" Height="40" Fill="#77000000" Data="F1 M4,0 L36,0 C38,0 40,2 40,4 L40,36 C40,38 38,40 36,40 L4,40 C2,40 0,38 0,36 L0,4 C0,2 2,0 4,0 Z"/> + <Path x:Name="MuteIconFront" Width="18" Height="18" Canvas.Left="13" Canvas.Top="11" Fill="#FFFFFFFF" Data="F1 M0,4 L4,4 L4,14 L0,14 L0,4 M6,4 L11,0 L11,18 L6,14 L6,4 M14,8 L18,8 L18,10 L14,10 L14,8 Z"/> + </Canvas> + <Canvas x:Name="BufferIcon" Width="32" Height="32" Canvas.Left="148" Canvas.Top="98" Visibility="Collapsed"> + <Canvas.RenderTransform> + <RotateTransform x:Name="BufferRotation" Angle="0" CenterX="16" CenterY="16" /> + </Canvas.RenderTransform> + <Canvas.Triggers> + <EventTrigger RoutedEvent="Canvas.Loaded"> + <BeginStoryboard> + <Storyboard> + <DoubleAnimationUsingKeyFrames Storyboard.TargetName="BufferRotation" Storyboard.TargetProperty="Angle" Duration="0:0:1.2" RepeatBehavior="Forever"> + <DiscreteDoubleKeyFrame Value="30" KeyTime="0:0:0.1" /> + <DiscreteDoubleKeyFrame Value="60" KeyTime="0:0:0.2" /> + <DiscreteDoubleKeyFrame Value="90" KeyTime="0:0:0.3" /> + <DiscreteDoubleKeyFrame Value="120" KeyTime="0:0:0.4" /> + <DiscreteDoubleKeyFrame Value="150" KeyTime="0:0:0.5" /> + <DiscreteDoubleKeyFrame Value="180" KeyTime="0:0:0.6" /> + <DiscreteDoubleKeyFrame Value="210" KeyTime="0:0:0.7" /> + <DiscreteDoubleKeyFrame Value="240" KeyTime="0:0:0.8" /> + <DiscreteDoubleKeyFrame Value="270" KeyTime="0:0:0.9" /> + <DiscreteDoubleKeyFrame Value="300" KeyTime="0:0:1" /> + <DiscreteDoubleKeyFrame Value="330" KeyTime="0:0:1.1" /> + <DiscreteDoubleKeyFrame Value="360" KeyTime="0:0:1.2" /> + </DoubleAnimationUsingKeyFrames> + </Storyboard> + </BeginStoryboard> + </EventTrigger> + </Canvas.Triggers> + <Path x:Name="BufferPath1" Width="2" Height="8" Canvas.Left="15" Canvas.Top="0" Stretch="Fill" Fill="#FFFFFFFF" Data="F1 M16,0 L16,0 C16.55,0 17,0.45 17,1 L17,7 C17,7.55 16.55,8 16,8 L16,8C 15.45,8 15,7.55 15,7 L15,1 C15,0.45 15.45,0 16,0 Z "/> + <Path x:Name="BufferPath2" Width="5" Height="7.2" Canvas.Left="7.5" Canvas.Top="2" Stretch="Fill" Fill="#EEFFFFFF" Data="F1 M8,2.14 L8,2.14 C8.48,1.87 9.09,2.03 9.37,2.51 L12.366,7.71 C12.64,8.18 12.48,8.80 12,9.07 L12,9.07 C11.52,9.35 10.91,9.18 10.63,8.71 L7.63,3.51 C7.36,3.03 7.52,2.42 8,2.14 Z "/> + <Path x:Name="BufferPath3" Width="7.2" Height="5" Canvas.Left="2" Canvas.Top="7.5" Stretch="Fill" Fill="#DDFFFFFF" Data="F1 M2.14,8. L2.14,8 C2.42,7.52 3.03,7.36 3.51,7.63 L8.71,10.63 C9.18,10.91 9.35,11.52 9.07,12 L9.07,12 C8.80,12.48 8.18,12.64 7.71,12.36 L2.51,9.37 C2.03,9.09 1.87,8.48 2.14,8 Z "/> + <Path x:Name="BufferPath4" Width="8" Height="2" Canvas.Left="0" Canvas.Top="15" Stretch="Fill" Fill="#BBFFFFFF" Data="F1 M0,16 L0,16 C0,15.45 0.45,15 1,15 L7,15 C7.55,15 8,15.45 8,16 L8,16 C8,16.55 7.55,17 7,17 L1,17 C0.45,17 0,16.55 0,16 Z "/> + <Path x:Name="BufferPath5" Width="7.2" Height="5" Canvas.Left="2" Canvas.Top="19.5" Stretch="Fill" Fill="#AAFFFFFF" Data="F1 M2.14,24 L2.14,24 C1.87,23.52 2.03,22.91 2.51,22.63 L7.71,19.63 C8.18,19.35 8.80,19.52 9.08,20 L9.07,20 C9.35,20.48 9.18,21.09 8.71,21.36 L3.51,24.37 C3.03,24.64 2.42,24.48 2.14,24 Z "/> + <Path x:Name="BufferPath6" Width="5" Height="7.2" Canvas.Left="7.5" Canvas.Top="22.8" Stretch="Fill" Fill="#99FFFFFF" Data="F1 M8,29.86 L8,29.86 C7.52,29.58 7.36,28.97 7.63,28.49 L10.63,23.29 C10.91,22.82 11.52,22.65 12,22.93 L12,22.93 C12.48,23.20 12.64,23.82 12.37,24.29 L9.37,29.49 C9.09,29.97 8.48,30.13 8,29.86 Z "/> + <Path x:Name="BufferPath7" Width="2" Height="8" Canvas.Left="15" Canvas.Top="24" Stretch="Fill" Fill="#77FFFFFF" Data="F1 M16,24 L16,24 C16.55,24 17,24.45 17,25 L17,31 C17,31.55 16.55,32 16,32 L16,32 C15.45,32 15,31.55 15,31 L15,25 C15,24.45 15.45,24 16,24 Z "/> + <Path x:Name="BufferPath8" Width="5" Height="7.2" Canvas.Left="19.5" Canvas.Top="22.8" Stretch="Fill" Fill="#66FFFFFF" Data="F1 M20,22.93 L20,22.93 C20.48,22.65 21.09,22.82 21.36,23.29 L24.37,28.49 C24.64,28.97 24.48,29.58 24,29.86 L24,29.86 C23.52,30.13 22.91,29.97 22.63,29.49 L19.63,24.29 C19.36,23.82 19.52,23.20 20,22.93 Z "/> + <Path x:Name="BufferPath9" Width="7.2" Height="5" Canvas.Left="22.8" Canvas.Top="19.5" Stretch="Fill" Fill="#55FFFFFF" Data="F1 M22.93,20 L22.93,20 C23.20,19.52 23.82,19.36 24.29,19.63 L29.49,22.63 C29.97,22.91 30.13,23.52 29.86,24 L29.86,24 C29.58,24.48 28.97,24.64 28.49,24.37 L23.29,21.37 C22.82,21.09 22.65,20.48 22.93,20 Z "/> + 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FontFamily="Verdana" FontSize="9" FontWeight="Bold" Foreground="#FFFFFFFF" Width="12" Height="10"/> + <Canvas x:Name="OverlayCanvas" Width="300" Height="200" Canvas.Left="220" Canvas.Top="10" Visibility="Collapsed"> + <Canvas.Background> + <ImageBrush x:Name="OverlayLogo" AlignmentX="Right" AlignmentY="Top" Stretch="None" /> + </Canvas.Background> + </Canvas> + </Canvas> + + + + + <Canvas x:Name="PlayerControls" Width="320" Height="20" Canvas.Top="240" Visibility="Collapsed"> + <Rectangle x:Name="ControlbarBack" Width="320" Height="19" Fill="#FFFFFFFF" /> + + + <Canvas x:Name="VolumeButton" Width="24" Height="20" Canvas.Left="296"> + <Rectangle x:Name="VolumeShadow" Width="24" Height="1" Canvas.Top="19" Stretch="Fill" Fill="#55000000"/> + <Path x:Name="VolumeStroke" Width="24" Height="19" Data="F1 M 0,0 L 24,0 L 24,19 L 0,19 L 0,18 L 23,18 L 23,1 L 0,1 0,0 Z "> + <Path.Fill> + <LinearGradientBrush StartPoint="0.5,1" EndPoint="0.5,0"> + <LinearGradientBrush.GradientStops> + 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Canvas.Top="2" Opacity="0.3" Fill="#FF000000"/> + <Rectangle x:Name="VolumeHighlight" Width="18" Height="15" Canvas.Top="2" Fill="#FF000000"/> + <Rectangle x:Name="VolumeSymbol" Width="1" Canvas.Top="6" Height="7" Fill="#00000000"/> + </Canvas> + </Canvas> + + + <Canvas x:Name="MuteButton" Width="13" Height="20" Canvas.Left="283"> + <Rectangle x:Name="MuteShadow" Width="13" Height="1" Canvas.Top="19" Fill="#55000000"/> + <Path x:Name="MuteStroke" Width="13" Height="19" Data="F 1 M 0,0 L 13,0 L 13,1 L 1,1 L 1,18 L 13,18 L 13,19 L 0,19 0,0 Z "> + <Path.Fill> + <LinearGradientBrush StartPoint="0.5,1" EndPoint="0.5,0"> + <LinearGradientBrush.GradientStops> + <GradientStop Color="#C0000000" Offset="0"/> + <GradientStop Color="#C0FFFFFF" Offset="1"/> + </LinearGradientBrush.GradientStops> + </LinearGradientBrush> + </Path.Fill> + </Path> + <Rectangle x:Name="MuteFill" Width="12" Height="17" Canvas.Left="1" Canvas.Top="1"> + <Rectangle.Fill> + <LinearGradientBrush StartPoint="0.5,1" EndPoint="0.5,0"> + <LinearGradientBrush.GradientStops> + <GradientStop Color="#40000000" Offset="0"/> + <GradientStop Color="#40FFFFFF" Offset="1"/> + </LinearGradientBrush.GradientStops> + </LinearGradientBrush> + </Rectangle.Fill> + </Rectangle> + <Path x:Name="MuteOffSymbol" Width="5" Height="7" Canvas.Left="6" Canvas.Top="6" Fill="#FF000000" Data="F 1 M 0,2 L2,2 L 2,5 L0,5 L0,0 M3,1 L4,1 L4,0 L5,0 L5,7 L4,7 L4,6 L3,6 L3,1 Z "/> + <Path x:Name="MuteSymbol" Width="5" Height="7" Canvas.Left="6" Canvas.Top="6" Opacity="0.3" Fill="#FF000000" Data="F 1 M 0,2 L2,2 L 2,5 L0,5 L0,0 M3,1 L4,1 L4,0 L5,0 L5,7 L4,7 L4,6 L3,6 L3,1 Z "/> + </Canvas> + + + <Canvas x:Name="FullscreenButton" Width="18" Height="20" Canvas.Left="265"> + <Rectangle x:Name="FullscreenShadow" Width="18" Height="1" Canvas.Top="19" Fill="#55000000"/> + <Path x:Name="FullscreenStroke" Width="18" Height="19" Canvas.Left="0" Canvas.Top="0" Data="F1 M0,0 L18,0 L18,1 L1,1 L1,18 L18,18 L 18,19 L0,19 L0,0 Z "> + <Path.Fill> + 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Width="9" Height="9" Canvas.Left="5" Fill="#00000000" Canvas.Top="5" Visibility="Collapsed" Data="F1 M1,0 L2,0 L2,2 L0,2 L0,1 L1,1 L1,0 M0,7 L2,7 L2,9 L1,9 L1,8 L0,8 L0,7 M7,0 L8,0 L8,1 L9,1 L9,2 L7,2 L7,0 M7,7 L9,7 L9,8 L8,8 L8,9 L7,9 L7,7 M2,2 L7,2 L7,7 L2,7 L2,2 Z" /> + </Canvas> + + + <Canvas x:Name="LinkButton" Width="18" Height="20" Canvas.Left="247"> + <Rectangle x:Name="LinkShadow" Width="18" Height="1" Canvas.Top="19" Fill="#55000000"/> + <Path x:Name="LinkStroke" Width="18" Height="19" Canvas.Left="0" Canvas.Top="0" Data="F1 M0,0 L18,0 L18,1 L1,1 L1,18 L18,18 L 18,19 L0,19 L0,0 Z "> + <Path.Fill> + <LinearGradientBrush StartPoint="0.5,1" EndPoint="0.5,0"> + <LinearGradientBrush.GradientStops> + <GradientStop Color="#C0000000" Offset="0"/> + <GradientStop Color="#C0FFFFFF" Offset="1"/> + </LinearGradientBrush.GradientStops> + </LinearGradientBrush> + </Path.Fill> + </Path> + <Rectangle x:Name="LinkFill" Width="17" Height="17" Canvas.Left="1" Canvas.Top="1"> + <Rectangle.Fill> + <LinearGradientBrush StartPoint="0.5,1" EndPoint="0.5,0"> + <LinearGradientBrush.GradientStops> + <GradientStop Color="#40000000" Offset="0"/> + <GradientStop Color="#40FFFFFF" Offset="1"/> + </LinearGradientBrush.GradientStops> + </LinearGradientBrush> + </Rectangle.Fill> + </Rectangle> + <Path x:Name="LinkSymbol" Width="9" Height="9" Canvas.Left="5" Fill="#FF000000" Canvas.Top="5" Data="F1 M2,0 L7,0 L7,4 L9,4 L5,9 L4,9 L0,4 L2,4 L2,0 Z" /> + </Canvas> + + + <Canvas x:Name="RemainingButton" Width="35" Height="20" Canvas.Left="207"> + <Rectangle x:Name="RemainingShadow" Width="35" Height="1" Canvas.Top="19" Fill="#55000000" /> + <Path x:Name="RemainingStroke" Width="35" Height="19" Stretch="Fill" Data="F1 M0,0 L35,0 L35,01 L0,1 L0,0 M 0,18 L35,18 L35,19 L0,19 L0,18 Z "> + <Path.Fill> + <LinearGradientBrush StartPoint="0.5,1" EndPoint="0.5,0"> + <LinearGradientBrush.GradientStops> + <GradientStop Color="#C0000000" Offset="0"/> + <GradientStop Color="#C0FFFFFF" Offset="1"/> + 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