
Updated examples to canonical representation

authorJan Wielemaker
Fri Oct 16 10:27:36 2015 +0200
committerJan Wielemaker
Fri Oct 16 10:27:36 2015 +0200
Diff style: patch stat
diff --git a/examples/basic_graph_examples.swinb b/examples/basic_graph_examples.swinb
index 2354c32..575d936 100644
--- a/examples/basic_graph_examples.swinb
+++ b/examples/basic_graph_examples.swinb
@@ -10,19 +10,19 @@ The core predicates of the RDF library are rdf/3 and rdf/4, using the signature
 If you run the query below by pressing the *play* button SWISH generates a table.  The solutions are _rendered_ using the RDF renderer, which renders
-  - *resources* in abbreviated form, trying to show the _prefix_, followed
+  - *Resources* in abbreviated form, trying to show the _prefix_, followed
   by a label.  The label is formed from `rdfs:label`, `skos:prefLabel`,
   etc., eventually using the _local name_.  By *hovering over the top-left
   corner* of the result, the raw Prolog form can be requested, which
   is a Prolog atom representing the full IRI.
-  - *literals* are represented in their _Turtle_ representation.  Again,
+  - *Literals* are represented in their _Turtle_ representation.  Again,
   by hovering and selecting _Prolog term_, you can view the actual
 Clicking a resource will open the ClioPatria _Local View_ on the resource.
-<div data-tabled="true" class="nb-cell query">
+<div class="nb-cell query" data-tabled="true">
 rdf(S, P, O).
@@ -31,11 +31,11 @@ The rdf/3 and rdf/4 relations are _pure_, i.e., they behave completely logically
 `rdf:type` triples, we can use the query below.  The _RDF_ prefix is defined using rdf_register_prefix/2, and therefore we can also abbreviate the query:
-<div data-tabled="true" class="nb-cell query">
+<div class="nb-cell query" data-tabled="true">
 rdf(S, 'http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#type', O).
-<div data-tabled="true" class="nb-cell query">
+<div class="nb-cell query" data-tabled="true">
 rdf(S, rdf:type, O).
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ turn it into an _atom_; identifiers that start with a capital letter are
 Prolog _variables_.
-<div data-tabled="true" class="nb-cell query">
+<div class="nb-cell query" data-tabled="true">
 rdf(S, rdf:type, C),
 rdf(C, rdfs:subClassOf, foaf:'Agent').
@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ foaf_agent_of_type(Agent, Type) :-
 	rdf(Type, rdfs:subClassOf, foaf:'Agent').
-<div data-tabled="true" class="nb-cell query">
+<div class="nb-cell query" data-tabled="true">
 foaf_agent_of_type(Agent, Type).
diff --git a/examples/c3_examples.swinb b/examples/c3_examples.swinb
index 64d8dfa..e2c6d0c 100644
--- a/examples/c3_examples.swinb
+++ b/examples/c3_examples.swinb
@@ -19,7 +19,11 @@ Below we show how the C3 renderer can be used to create a diagram on the distrib
 <div class="nb-cell query">
-findall([Graph,Count], rdf_statistics(triples_by_graph(Graph,Count)), _Pairs),
+        limit(10, 
+              order_by([desc(Count)],
+                       rdf_statistics(triples_by_graph(Graph,Count)))),
+        _Pairs),
 Chart = c3{data:_{columns:_Pairs, type:pie}}.
diff --git a/examples/literal_examples.swinb b/examples/literal_examples.swinb
index 181700c..4e1a914 100644
--- a/examples/literal_examples.swinb
+++ b/examples/literal_examples.swinb
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ In addition to a simple direct match to a literal, rdf/3 and rdf/4 accept a quer
 like below.  See rdf/3 for all possible specifications.  The _prefix_, _ge_ and _between_ searches exploit the fact that all literals are stored in a binary tree.
-<div data-tabled="true" class="nb-cell query">
+<div class="nb-cell query" data-tabled="true">
 rdf(S, P, literal(prefix('Jan'), Value)).
diff --git a/examples/prefix_examples.swinb b/examples/prefix_examples.swinb
index ec1d5b2..b121633 100644
--- a/examples/prefix_examples.swinb
+++ b/examples/prefix_examples.swinb
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ A consequence of this is that prefixes cannot be defined if SWISH operates in an
 The currently known prefixes are easily enumerated:
-<div data-chunk="100" data-tabled="true" class="nb-cell query">
+<div class="nb-cell query" data-chunk="100" data-tabled="true">
 rdf_current_prefix(Prefix, IRI).
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ Prefix abbreviations can be inserted into arguments of the RDF API that expect a
 and not a Prolog _variable_.
-<div data-tabled="true" class="nb-cell query">
+<div class="nb-cell query" data-tabled="true">
 rdf(P, rdf:type, foaf:'Person').
@@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ rdf_global_id/2, which can both be used to create an atomic resource and to spli
 one into the prefix and local name.  Note the rendering of `Resource` as an abbreviated link and the rendering of `Term` as an ordinary Prolog term.
-<div class="nb-cell query">
+<div class="nb-cell query" data-tabled="true">
 Term = foaf:'Person', rdf_global_id(Term, Resource).