
split up api for requesting a set of mappings and evaluating a single mapping into different modules

authorJacco van Ossenbruggen
Sat Aug 9 14:09:39 2014 +0200
committerJacco van Ossenbruggen
Sat Aug 9 14:09:39 2014 +0200
Diff style: patch stat
diff --git a/api/ b/api/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d7efd40
--- /dev/null
+++ b/api/
@@ -0,0 +1,185 @@
+:- module(ag_evaluate,
+	  [
+	  ]).
+:- use_module(library(lists)).
+:- use_module(library(option)).
+:- use_module(library(http/http_dispatch)).
+:- use_module(library(http/http_parameters)).
+:- use_module(library(http/http_json)).
+:- use_module(library(semweb/rdf_db)).
+:- use_module(user(user_db)).
+:- use_module(library(skos/util)).
+:- use_module(library(amalgame/caching)).
+:- use_module(library(amalgame/ag_evaluation)).
+:- use_module(library(amalgame/ag_provenance)).
+:- use_module(library(amalgame/ag_stats)).
+:- use_module(library(amalgame/edoal)).
+:- use_module(library(amalgame/map)).
+:- use_module(library(amalgame/expand_graph)).
+:- use_module(library(amalgame/util)).
+% http handlers:
+:- http_handler(amalgame(data/evaluate), http_data_evaluate, []).
+%%	http_data_evaluate(+Request)
+%	Accept/reject a mapping.
+http_data_evaluate(Request) :-
+	logged_on(User0, anonymous),
+	http_parameters(Request,
+			[  new(Values,
+				  [description('JSON object with the new source/target pair values')]),
+			   originals(Originals,
+				     [description('JSON object with original source/target pair')]),
+			   relation(Relation,
+				    [optional(true),
+				     description('Relation between source and target')]),
+			   mapping(Mapping,
+				   [description('URI of mapping being evaluated')]),
+			   strategy(Strategy,
+				    [description('Alignment strategy graph')]),
+			   comment(Comment,
+				   [default(''),
+				    description('Explanation of action')]),
+			   editmode(EditMode,
+				    [default(eval),
+				     oneof([eval,edit]),
+				     description('Save edits in the same or in the evaluation Graph')
+				    ]),
+			   remove(Remove,
+				  [ default(false),
+				    boolean,
+				    description('Remove this mapping from the manual evaluation graph')
+				  ]),
+			   applyTo(ApplyMode,
+				[default(one), oneof([all,one]),
+				description('Apply to one or all correspondences of this mapping')])
+			]),
+	(   EditMode == eval
+	->  evaluation_graph(Strategy, Mapping, Graph)
+	;   Graph = Mapping
+	),
+	process_entity(EvalProcess,  Graph),
+	flush_expand_cache(EvalProcess, Strategy),  % graph cache is now outdated
+	flush_refs_cache(Strategy),                 % to recompute all reference stats
+	flush_stats_cache(Graph, Strategy),         % to recompute G's basic stats
+	user_property(User0, url(User)),
+	my_atom_json_dict(Values,    Va, []),
+	my_atom_json_dict(Originals, Oa, []),
+	concept_labels(Va, V),
+	concept_labels(Oa, O),
+	BasicOptions = options{user:User,
+			       graph:Graph,
+			       strategy:Strategy,
+			       mapping:Mapping},
+	Options = BasicOptions.put(options{
+				       comment:Comment,
+				       relation:Relation,
+				       editmode:EditMode,
+				       remove:Remove,
+				       applyTo:ApplyMode
+				   }),
+	(   V=O
+	->  original_concepts_assessment(V, JSON, Options)
+	;   WithdrawOptions = BasicOptions.put(options{comment:WithDrawComment,
+						       relation:Unrelated}),
+	    format(atom(WithDrawComment), 'Overruled by ~p ~p ~p',
+		   [V.source.uri, Relation,]),
+	    rdf_equal(evaluator:unrelated, Unrelated),
+	    new_concepts_assessment(V, O, JSON, Options, WithdrawOptions)
+	),
+	node_stats(Strategy, Mapping, Stats, Options),
+	reply_json(JSON.put(stats, Stats)).
+concept_labels(In, Out) :-
+	skos_notation_ish(In.source, SLabel),
+	skos_notation_ish(, TLabel),
+	Out = c{source:s{uri:In.source, label:SLabel},
+		target:t{, label:TLabel}
+	       }.
+original_concepts_assessment(V, JSON, Options) :-
+	(   option(applyTo(one), Options)
+	->  assert_relation(V, JSON, Options)
+	;   option(mapping(Mapping), Options),
+	    assert_relations(Mapping, JSON, Options)
+	).
+new_concepts_assessment(V, O, JSON, Options, WithdrawOptions) :-
+	assert_relation(O, JSONwith, WithdrawOptions),
+	assert_relation(V, JSONadd, Options),
+	JSON = JSONwith.put(JSONadd).
+assert_relations(Mapping, JSON, Options) :-
+	option(strategy(Strategy), Options),
+	expand_node(Strategy, Mapping, Mappings),
+	forall(member(A, Mappings),
+	       assert_relation(A, Options)
+	      ),
+	JSON = json{status:ok}.
+assert_relation(align(S,T,E), Options) :-
+	C = correspondence{source:s{uri:S, label:undefined},
+			   target:t{uri:T, label:undefined}},
+	assert_relation(C, _, Options.put(prov,E)).
+assert_relation(C, JSON, Options) :-
+	remove_existing_correspondence(C, JSONrm, Options),
+	(   option(remove(false), Options, false)
+	->  assert_new__correspondence(C, JSONadd, Options)
+	;   JSONadd = json{}
+	),
+	JSON = JSONrm.put(JSONadd).
+remove_existing_correspondence(C, JSON, Options) :-
+	option(graph(Graph), Options, eval),
+	(   has_correspondence(   align(C.source.uri,, Prov), Graph)
+	->  remove_correspondence(align(C.source.uri,, Prov), Graph),
+	    JSON = json{ remove:C }
+	;   JSON = json{ remove:status{status:'nothing removed'}}
+	).
+assert_new__correspondence(C, JSON, Options) :-
+	option(graph(Graph), Options, eval),
+	option(relation(Relation), Options),
+	option(comment(Comment), Options, ''),
+	option(user(User), Options, ''),
+	option(prov(Prov), Options, []),
+	now_xsd(Now),
+	NewProv = [ method(manual_evaluation),
+		    user(User),
+		    date(Now),
+		    comment(Comment),
+		    relation(Relation)
+		  ],
+	AssertOptions = [
+			 evidence_graphs(enabled),
+			 graph(Graph),
+			 prov([NewProv|Prov])
+			],
+	merge_options(AssertOptions, Options, NewOptions),
+	debug(ag_expand, 'assert cell options: ~w', NewOptions),
+	assert_cell(C.source.uri,, NewOptions),
+	mapping_relation(RLabel, Relation),
+	JSON = json{add:correspondence{source:C.source,
+	,
+				       relation:r{uri:Relation, label:RLabel}
+				      }
+		   }.
diff --git a/api/ b/api/
index 1bce6f6..4822b55 100644
--- a/api/
+++ b/api/
@@ -2,6 +2,9 @@
+/** Return the correspondences and the statistics for a given mapping node
 :- use_module(library(apply)).
 :- use_module(library(lists)).
 :- use_module(library(option)).
@@ -10,17 +13,10 @@
 :- use_module(library(http/http_dispatch)).
 :- use_module(library(http/http_parameters)).
 :- use_module(library(http/http_json)).
-:- use_module(library(semweb/rdf_db)).
-:- use_module(user(user_db)).
 :- use_module(library(skos/util)).
-:- use_module(library(amalgame/caching)).
-:- use_module(library(amalgame/ag_evaluation)).
-:- use_module(library(amalgame/ag_provenance)).
 :- use_module(library(amalgame/ag_stats)).
-:- use_module(library(amalgame/edoal)).
 :- use_module(library(amalgame/map)).
 :- use_module(library(amalgame/expand_graph)).
 :- use_module(library(amalgame/util)).
@@ -31,7 +27,6 @@
 % http handlers:
 :- http_handler(amalgame(data/mapping), http_data_mapping, []).
-:- http_handler(amalgame(data/evaluate), http_data_evaluate, []).
 %%	http_data_mapping(+Request)
@@ -87,13 +82,6 @@ mapping_label(align(S, T, Prov), align(S,SLabel, T,TLabel, Relation)) :-
 	;   Relation = null
-concept_labels(In, Out) :-
-	skos_notation_ish(In.source, SLabel),
-	skos_notation_ish(, TLabel),
-	Out = c{source:s{uri:In.source, label:SLabel},
-		target:t{, label:TLabel}
-	       }.
 mapping_json([], []).
 mapping_json([Align|As], [json(Data)|Os]) :-
 	Align = align(Source, SLabel, Target, TLabel, Relation),
@@ -107,152 +95,3 @@ relation_label(R, Label) :-
 	mapping_relation(Label, R), !.
 relation_label(R, R).
-%%	http_data_evaluate(+Request)
-%	Accept/reject a mapping.
-http_data_evaluate(Request) :-
-	logged_on(User0, anonymous),
-	http_parameters(Request,
-			[  new(Values,
-				  [description('JSON object with the new source/target pair values')]),
-			   originals(Originals,
-				     [description('JSON object with original source/target pair')]),
-			   relation(Relation,
-				    [optional(true),
-				     description('Relation between source and target')]),
-			   mapping(Mapping,
-				   [description('URI of mapping being evaluated')]),
-			   strategy(Strategy,
-				    [description('Alignment strategy graph')]),
-			   comment(Comment,
-				   [default(''),
-				    description('Explanation of action')]),
-			   editmode(EditMode,
-				    [default(eval),
-				     oneof([eval,edit]),
-				     description('Save edits in the same or in the evaluation Graph')
-				    ]),
-			   remove(Remove,
-				  [ default(false),
-				    boolean,
-				    description('Remove this mapping from the manual evaluation graph')
-				  ]),
-			   applyTo(ApplyMode,
-				[default(one), oneof([all,one]),
-				description('Apply to one or all correspondences of this mapping')])
-			]),
-	(   EditMode == eval
-	->  evaluation_graph(Strategy, Mapping, Graph)
-	;   Graph = Mapping
-	),
-	process_entity(EvalProcess,  Graph),
-	flush_expand_cache(EvalProcess, Strategy),  % graph cache is now outdated
-	flush_refs_cache(Strategy),                 % to recompute all reference stats
-	flush_stats_cache(Graph, Strategy),         % to recompute G's basic stats
-	user_property(User0, url(User)),
-	my_atom_json_dict(Values,    Va, []),
-	my_atom_json_dict(Originals, Oa, []),
-	concept_labels(Va, V),
-	concept_labels(Oa, O),
-	BasicOptions = options{user:User,
-			       graph:Graph,
-			       strategy:Strategy,
-			       mapping:Mapping},
-	Options = BasicOptions.put(options{
-				       comment:Comment,
-				       relation:Relation,
-				       editmode:EditMode,
-				       remove:Remove,
-				       applyTo:ApplyMode
-				   }),
-	(   V=O
-	->  original_concepts_assessment(V, JSON, Options)
-	;   WithdrawOptions = BasicOptions.put(options{comment:WithDrawComment,
-						       relation:Unrelated}),
-	    format(atom(WithDrawComment), 'Overruled by ~p ~p ~p',
-		   [V.source.uri, Relation,]),
-	    rdf_equal(evaluator:unrelated, Unrelated),
-	    new_concepts_assessment(V, O, JSON, Options, WithdrawOptions)
-	),
-	reply_json(JSON).
-original_concepts_assessment(V, JSON, Options) :-
-	(   option(applyTo(one), Options)
-	->  assert_relation(V, JSON, Options)
-	;   option(mapping(Mapping), Options),
-	    assert_relations(Mapping, JSON, Options)
-	).
-new_concepts_assessment(V, O, JSON, Options, WithdrawOptions) :-
-	assert_relation(O, JSONwith, WithdrawOptions),
-	assert_relation(V, JSONadd, Options),
-	JSON = JSONwith.put(JSONadd).
-assert_relations(Mapping, JSON, Options) :-
-	option(strategy(Strategy), Options),
-	expand_node(Strategy, Mapping, Mappings),
-	forall(member(A, Mappings),
-	       assert_relation(A, Options)
-	      ),
-	JSON = json{status:ok}.
-assert_relation(align(S,T,E), Options) :-
-	C = correspondence{source:s{uri:S, label:undefined},
-			   target:t{uri:T, label:undefined}},
-	assert_relation(C, _, Options.put(prov,E)).
-assert_relation(C, JSON, Options) :-
-	remove_existing_correspondence(C, JSONrm, Options),
-	(   option(remove(false), Options, false)
-	->  assert_new__correspondence(C, JSONadd, Options)
-	;   JSONadd = json{}
-	),
-	JSON = JSONrm.put(JSONadd).
-remove_existing_correspondence(C, JSON, Options) :-
-	option(graph(Graph), Options, eval),
-	(   has_correspondence(   align(C.source.uri,, Prov), Graph)
-	->  remove_correspondence(align(C.source.uri,, Prov), Graph),
-	    JSON = json{ remove:C }
-	;   JSON = json{ remove:status{status:'nothing removed'}}
-	).
-assert_new__correspondence(C, JSON, Options) :-
-	option(graph(Graph), Options, eval),
-	option(relation(Relation), Options),
-	option(comment(Comment), Options, ''),
-	option(user(User), Options, ''),
-	option(prov(Prov), Options, []),
-	now_xsd(Now),
-	NewProv = [ method(manual_evaluation),
-		    user(User),
-		    date(Now),
-		    comment(Comment),
-		    relation(Relation)
-		  ],
-	AssertOptions = [
-			 evidence_graphs(enabled),
-			 graph(Graph),
-			 prov([NewProv|Prov])
-			],
-	merge_options(AssertOptions, Options, NewOptions),
-	debug(ag_expand, 'assert cell options: ~w', NewOptions),
-	assert_cell(C.source.uri,, NewOptions),
-	mapping_relation(RLabel, Relation),
-	JSON = json{add:correspondence{source:C.source,
-	,
-				       relation:r{uri:Relation, label:RLabel}
-				      }
-		   }.
diff --git a/applications/ b/applications/
index 1fed734..f264205 100644
--- a/applications/
+++ b/applications/
@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@
 % We need amalgame http handlers from these:
 :- use_module(api(node_info)).
 :- use_module(api(mapping)).
+:- use_module(api(evaluate)).
 :- use_module(api(correspondence)).
 % For autocompletion on the vocabulary terms to fix source/target