
Updated locally modified files

authorJan Wielemaker
Mon Mar 4 10:20:47 2019 +0100
committerJan Wielemaker
Mon Mar 4 10:20:47 2019 +0100
Diff style: patch stat
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index c266f86..d81f26e 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -20,9 +20,9 @@ SWISHLIB=storage.pl page.pl help.pl examples.pl config.pl gitty.pl \
 	 noble_avatar.pl chatstore.pl paths.pl messages.pl dashboard.pl \
 	 projection.pl jquery.pl rgb.txt version.pl http_version.pl \
 	 bad-words-google.txt bad-words.txt content_filter.pl \
-	 cron.pl provenance.pl
+	 cron.pl provenance.pl html_output.pl md_eval.pl
 RENDER=table.pl graphviz.pl c3.pl codes.pl swish.pl chess.pl sudoku.pl \
-       svgtree.pl wordnet.pl
+       svgtree.pl wordnet.pl mathjax.pl
 PLUGIN=email.pl profile.pl notify.pl login.pl
 PACKFILES0=profile/pack.pl profile/prolog/user_profile.pl \
@@ -54,7 +54,8 @@ EXAMPLESFILES=render_c3.swinb render_graphviz.swinb htmlcell.swinb \
 	      rendering.swinb jquery.swinb stats.swinb \
 	      swish_tutorials.swinb \
 	      Rserve.swinb Rdataframe.swinb Rdownload.swinb \
-	      iris.swinb
+	      iris.swinb Rbasics.swinb html_output.swinb md_eval.swinb \
+	      render_mathjax.swinb
 EXAMPLES=$(addprefix examples/, $(EXAMPLESFILES))
 CMFILES=mode/htmlmixed/htmlmixed.js \
 	mode/javascript/javascript.js \
diff --git a/examples/index.json b/examples/index.json
index f6beea4..e875d52 100644
--- a/examples/index.json
+++ b/examples/index.json
@@ -1,6 +1,79 @@
-{ "file":"rdf_examples.swinb",		"title":"RDF queries" },
-{ "file":"swish_tutorials.swinb",	"title":"SWISH tutorials" },
-  "--",
-{ "file":"stats.swinb",			"title":"Usage statistics" }
+{ "comment":
+  "This file populates the example menu of SWISH.  The 'menu' list
+   defines the groups inside the menu and their order.  Each group is
+   separated with a divider.  The 'files' section describes the example
+   files and their properties.  Only files that are assigned a group
+   appear in the menu.
+  ",
+  "menu":
+  [ { "group": "examples",  "rank":  10000 },
+    { "group": "tutorials", "rank":  20000 },
+    { "group": "admin",     "rank": 100000 }
+  ],
+  "files":
+  [ { "file":"examples.swinb",
+      "title":"Example programs",
+      "group":"examples"
+    },
+    { "file":"rdf_examples.swinb",
+      "title":"Accessing RDF from Prolog",
+      "group":"examples"
+    },
+    { "file":"prolog_tutorials.swinb",
+      "title":"Prolog tutorials",
+      "group":"tutorials"
+    },
+    { "file":"swish_tutorials.swinb",
+      "title":"SWISH tutorials",
+      "group":"tutorials"
+    },
+    { "file":"stats.swinb",
+      "title":"Usage statistics",
+      "group":"admin"
+    },
+    "Files that do not appear in the menu",
+    "# Tutorials",
+    { "file":"rendering.swinb",
+      "title":"Rendering answers __graphically__ (graphs, charts, mathjax, etc.)",
+      "group":"tutorial"
+    },
+    { "file":"data_source.swinb",
+      "title":"Accessing __external data__ (CSV, SPARQL, etc.)",
+      "group":"tutorial"
+    },
+    { "file":"Rserve.swinb",
+      "title":"Embedding __R__ (graphs, statistics and machine learning)",
+      "group":"tutorial",
+      "requires":"plugin(r_serve)"
+    },
+    { "file":"htmlcell.swinb",
+      "title":"Adding __HTML cells__ to notebooks",
+      "group":"tutorial"
+    },
+    { "file":"slider.swinb",
+      "title":"Adding __widgets__ to notebook HTML cells",
+      "group":"tutorial"
+    },
+    { "file":"chat80.swinb",
+      "title":"CHAT80: demo __hiding__ all SWISH UI elements",
+      "group":"tutorial"
+    },
+    { "file":"jquery.swinb",
+      "title":"Control and access the SWISH interface from Prolog",
+      "group":"tutorial"
+    },
+    "## R tutorials",
+    { "file":"Rdataframe.swinb",
+      "title":"Exchanging R data frames",
+      "group":"R",
+      "requires":"plugin(r_serve)"
+    }
+  ]