All predicatesShow

Source isearch_page(+Options, +Request)
HTTP handler for the interactive search application. Options:
Class that defines targets.
One of literal or a type for rdf_find_literals/2. Default is case.
If false, omit the header that provides the search-field.
Source facet_quality(+Total, +Facet, -Quality)[private]
Rate the facet. We use 1-Q to avoid the need to reverse the search results.
Source http:convert_parameter(+Type, +Text, -Value) is semidet[multifile]
Convert for Type = json using json_to_prolog/2.
Source make_query(+Keyword, -Query, +Options) is det[private]
Create a query for rdf_find_literals/2
Source keyword_search_graph(+Query, :Filter, -Targets, -Graph) is det[private]
Query- is either a literal(Text), or an expression passed to rdf_find_literals/2.
Filter- is called as call(Filter, Resource) to filter the results. The filter true performs no filtering.
Targets- is an ordered set of resources that match Query
Graph- is a list of rdf(S,P,O) triples that forms a justification for Targets
Source search_pattern(+Start, -Target, -Graph) is nondet[private]
True when Target is a result for the Start. Graph is an RDF graph represented as a list of rdf(S,P,O) triples that links the Target to the Start.
Source graph_terms(+Graph, -TermSet) is det[private]
TermSet is an ordered set of terms in Graph. a term is defined as a resource found through a literal using its label.
Source restrict_by_terms(+Terms, +AllResults, +Graph, -Results) is det[private]
Results is the subset of AllResults that have at least one term from Terms in their justification.
Source result_relations(+Results, +Graph, -RelationSet) is det[private]
RelationSet is the set of all predicates on the result-set that appear in Graph.
Source restrict_by_relations(+Relations, +AllResults, +Graph, -Result)[private]
Restrict the result to results that are based on one of Relations.
Relations- is a list of (predicate) URIs.
AllResults- is an ordered set of URIs
Graph- is an ordered set of rdf(S,P,O)
Result- is an ordered set of URIs
Source result_justifications(+Results, +Graph, -ResultGraphs)[private]
ResultGraphs is a pair-list Result-SubGraph, where Graph is the transitive closure of Result in Graph. ResultGraphs is in the same order as Results.
To be done
- This can be much more efficient: Results and Graph are ordered by subject, so we can do the first step as an efficient split. Then we only need to take care of the (smaller) number of triples that are not connected to a result.
Source rdf_s_po_pairs(+Graph, -S_PO_Pairs) is det[private]
Transform Graph into a list of pairs, where each key represents a unique resource in Graph and each value is a p-o pairlist.
Graph- is an ordered set of rdf(S,P,O) triples.
Source related_terms(+ResultTerms, +Class, -RelatedTerms)[private]
RelatedTerms are all resources related to ResultTerms and used as metadata for resources of type Class.
Source filter_results_by_facet(+Rs, +Filter, -Filtered)[private]
Filtered contains the resources from Rs that pass Filter.
Source html_start_page(+Class)[private]
Emit an html page with a search field
 html_result_page(+Query, +Graph, +Terms, +Relations, +Relation, +Facets, +Options)[private]
Emit an html page with a search field, a left column with query suggestions, a body with the search results and a right column with faceted filters.
Emit a logo
Source isearch_field(+Query, +Class)//
Component that provides the initial search field for the interactive search application.
 html_result_list(+Resources, +Query, +Graph:list(rdf(s,p,o)))[private]
Emit HTML list with resources.
 html_paginator(+NumberOfResults, +Offset, +Limit)[private]
Emit HTML paginator.
 html_term_list(+Terms, +Selected)[private]
Emit a list of terms matching the query.
 html_relation_list(+Relations, +Selected, +NumberOfResults)[private]
Emit html with matching relations.
Emit html with facet filters.
 html_facets(+Facets, +N)[private]
Emit html with facet filters.
 resource_rest_list(+Pairs:count-resource, +Id, +Selected)[private]
Emit HTML ul with javascript control to toggle display of body
 resource_list(+Pairs:count-resource, +Selected)[private]
Emit list items.
 toggle_link(+ToggleId, +BodyId, +ActiveLabel, +ToggleLabel)[private]
Emit an hyperlink that toggles the display of BodyId.
Source request_url_components(+Request, -URLComponents)[private]
URLComponents contains all element in Request that together create the request URL.
Source pairs_sort_by_result_count(+Pairs:key-list, -Sorted:listcount-key)[private]
Sorted is a list with the keys of Pairs sorted by the number of elements in the value list.
Source list_offset(+List, +N, -SmallerList)[private]
SmallerList starts at the nth element of List.
Source list_limit(+List, +N, -SmallerList, -Rest)[private]
SmallerList ends at the nth element of List.
Source instance_of_class(+Class, +R) is semidet[private]
True if R is of rdf:type Class.